THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 2 Mr. and Mrs Robert K Avm-| Mr and | Mrs Harold Finn, strong are holidaying for thres| Scarsdale, N.Y. are spending two PEOPLE and EVENTS weeks at Georgian Bay. Weeks with the Herb Merrys at a. HB Victoria Harbour. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crashiey 3 £ 7 a as eeke pt ake 0S- Mrs. . Kindersley, accom = MRS. DOUG AHERN PHONE 601 spent last weekend at Lake Ros i B Li a a \kie Column star Patsy cel-( Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferris . . od the opening night of Roberta brated her 13th birthday last|and family are enjoying a holiday | ny J. Mudge returned on|at the Melody Fair in Toronto week it Owl's Croft, home of|in Nova Scotia Saturd: from a week's trip to Lhd E52 id author Herby Merry, with & LAL Ottawa and Montreal. Miss Irene Smart, Collingwood, birthday pudding of dog food Mr. and Mrs nsley Jacobs » spent the weekend with the Fred 3 ith candles. This age In|and daughter Blla of Kingston| ar and Mrs. William Gal- | Tilleys > is the equivalent of 91 in| were recent guests of Arthur | praith Senios re vacationing | i ed a human Heaven and Mr, and Mrs. Irven | ith friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hanley LEE Fell FRC Toronto, were weekend guests of Heather Myrans celebrated her NT David Parker celebrated hig{Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Ostrom. "th birthday with a party on| Mr, and Mrs. Dan Chisholm | gleventh birth on. Tussin reese and family ave spending the sum- | ith a party. Y| Mrs. W. C. Reid spent the sree mer at near Almonte, Pa a weekend in Peterborough with and Mrs. W. R. Walton Jr. [in the Ottawa district. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Windeler|her daughter Miss Kate Reid. entertained with an _out-door Ed and son, Peter, spent the week- BARRERA Ty hamburg party on Sunday ® Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Hos-| ona with Mr, ana' Mrs. John W.| Mrs. R. E. G. Kindersley has ning. sack sailed on Friday on the|Maxwell, at Orchard Beach, Lake | returned from _ Port Carling rere rr Bmpre: of Canada for a two | Simcoe. where she visited "Mrs. Alex Til- Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Whalen and | months' visit to England and the eer ew ley. have returned from |coutinent. Mrs. Lydia Ferguson has been waislin oe in Jasper Natlonal Park Hay spending @ week with Mrs. E. V.| Mr. and Mis. T. Graham Tor and Winnipe Mr. and Mrs, Bert Nnwin and | Brown at Victoria Harbour. onto, visited Mrs. Graham's ss- se Mrs. Lester Boocock and family AT ter, Mrs. E. Howard, over the B. wilcox Is away for |are holidaying at Whitefish Lake| ns. John W. Maxwell and | weekend. fishing holiday. in the Parry Sound district children, Jane amd John, are + oxox sess ERC spending the month of July at| Mr. Bill Carswell, Collingwood, The monthly bridge club | Afr and J. B. MacFarlane | Orchard Beach, Lake Simcoe. [spent the weekend with the Har- wound up its third season with a|and son Mark, left on Saturday |Mr. Maxwell joined them last|L¥ Howards. given by the losers for the [for a three weeks' holiday in| weekend for two weeks' holiday. nas y Mr. and Mrs. D. Boston. + 8 03 ono E Mr. Shermer Kuehn and Mr. 2 and Mr. and Mrs. Allan PE Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Robinson | William ilbragh, Milwaukee, Read, to the winners. The dinner| Mrs. Eyre Davis has returned |and family, Winnipeg, are living | Wisconsin, "visited Mr. and Mrs. party was held at the residence | from Lake Simcoe where she|at 52 Inglehart. "| Harold Black last week. of Mr. and Mrs. Dewar at Ap-|yisited Mrs. George Watts. + = . PEE pleby college. Mr. and Mrs. Ter- inn we Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haring, | Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Armstrong ence Bayly shared the winnel's| i ong Mrs. B. Forsythe and|New Jersey, spent last week with entertained at supper on Sunday laurels with the acknowledged | poniiv ""noronto, are living on| Mr. and Mrs J. K. Kennish. Mr. |evening. superior team, which had been qegqrGrove Blvd and Mrs. Kennish entertained trrsee i for igacht oftithe | SaAsONS toro oe for their guests on Saturday eve.| Last week it was reported that play hn ith and | ning. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Despard en- Frain. J a ey wisi tertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs Leslie Fo has returned | children of New Jersey, are liv- 0 i Bos a : : 1 5 fn on Cedar Grove Eivd. Mr. and M J. Carmichael | Grierson, prior to their departure from a business trip to Vancou- EN and children, Toronto, are living|for England. The party was for ver wn ju.| on Cedar Grove Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. William Grierson, % Cw 2 Lan A ay me Er 8th Line South, and not for Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks- aphraes L "| Mr. A. H. Ahern, Misses Carol|and Mrs. Harry W. Grierson as and family are spending their RI Lr a Robertson and Margot Ahern and | Was TI SRE summer vacation at their cottage sy Island, Stoney Lake. ex 3 ots Mrs. W. Farr is holidaying for two months in Brantford and Buffalo. Mrs, C. J. Hawke is spending two months with her children at their Stopey Lake cottage. Lorre Mr. and Mrs. M. A holidaying at Georgian Elson are Bay for a month. PEE Mrs. James Robertson and small son John arrived from Nassau, Bahamas, for a two month visit to Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Salter, Bighth Line. Mr. Robertson will join them in August. ols le Tuck, daughter-in- and Mrs. A. J. Tuck, and daughter Valerie sailed for England on the Asconia this week. Capt. Tuck has been as- signed to the 27th Brigade and is at present stationed at King: ston. oxox ros Mr. Charles N. Ambler return- ed Monday night, by air, from a month's vacation in England and on the continent FEE E. H. Smith and family weeks at Vie- Mrs. are spending two toria Harbour. Pa Cr Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sunley and Sandra Ellinthorpe are spending the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith at Bob- caygeon. PEE Col. and Mrs. R. O. Bull re- turned Monday evening from a two weeks' fishing trip to Mani- toulin Island, » x won Mrs. G. B. Dalton and her daughter Connie are spending a week on Georgian Shore, Geor- gian Bay. tae wos Katie Rankin, and Miss have just returned in Brockville and Mrs. Grace Merry, from a week district. Niki Ahern left on Saturday for a two weeks vacation at Mani tou, Georgian Bay. reser Miss Alvena Secord gave a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Alice Brown at the home of Mrs. Rose Lawrence. Fra Peter Gage, who was ten years old Monday, gave a party for a number of young friends at his parents' home on Dundas Street. Another First! One of the first communities to take advantage of the ser- vices of "the newly created Mrs. Kelly New and daughters Susan and Babble, returned from Bermuda Sunday night. They have been visiting Mrs. New's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould. - +x ox a Thursday, July 26, 195 J. A. Roberts was in Montreal last week on business. + x ox oe x Among the Oakville girls going to Glen Bernard Camp at Sund- ridge on Saturday are Robin Marshall, Wendy Smith, Debbie Graydon, Judy MacArthur, Fran- cie Fearman and Molly Cooper. EEE Among the Oakville boys going p! orp, was Oakville, who sold $480,000 worth of debentures to, the pro- vincial sponsored company. The rate was 4.19 percent, a consid- erable intrease over the: form- er rates by the municipality. However, the rate is lower than was secured on the open mark- et for $300,000 additional de- bentures also disposed of. to Sher Forest * Camp on: Saturday are Tommy Graydon, Tommy Marshall, David Parker and Alex Cooper. reer Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Howard and daughter Ann leave Saturday for a three weeks' trip to Nova Scotia and the Eastern States. i starring PHILIP FRIEND * ROBERT DOUGLAS PHILIP DORN + WALTER SLEZAK KURT KREUGER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 26-27-28 Howard DUFF - Marta TOREN ADDED ATTRACTION: NEWS OF THE DRY JOHNNY'S JUNGLE WAR FOR AMERICA'S STOCKPILE! by Cael eng Bust cn fuels on MON., TUES., WED. "THIS PICTURE WAS EMoD Jone OBRIEN - DRU Adult Entertainment JULY 30-31-AUG. 1 EXPOSING RACKET from the LAFF SIDE!! Favorite Films pre aK ¥ "SLAPSIE® MAXIE ROSENBLOOM warsy KELLY | GUINN "81G BOY" WILLIAMS HAROLD HUBER BILLY GILBERT Div The Horizontal Phantom! Something New in Belly-Laffsl A HAL ROAGH PRODUCTION the PRIZE FIGHT | WATCH FOR: IN "MR. UNIV T0 THIS _AUGUS JACK GARSON ERSE" COMING THEATRE T1234 AIR CONDITIONED Continued on page three FOR YOUR COMFORT FRIDAY 2 DAYS ONLY.... SATURDAY JULY 27-28 and, © MEET THE INVISIBLE MAN [38 aM Hl 1 ADELE JERGENS.- HNTHUR, FRARE « WLLI FRANLEY« SHELDON LEONARD COSTELLO RAWHIDE Starring Tyrone Power SOLDIERS THREE With Walter Stewert Adgeon Granger ®e © © UP FRONT David Tom Wayne Ewell © © © THE OUTLAW for the millions 0 love ADULT "Father of the Bride" Starring Jane Russell CE PHONE ENJOY THE FINEST IN MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT NTU OAKVILLE 1120 The Showplace of Halton County PARKING FOR OUR PATRONS in the rear of Theatre LULLABY OF BROADWAY IN Technicolor With Doris Day OAKVILLE is waiting for THE GREAT CARUSO AUGUST PARADE OF HITS Susan Hayward Gene Nelson Plus the Picture All COMING MONDAY THRU WEDNESDAY JULY 30 - 31ST. AUGUST 1ST. The BLESSED EVENT of 1951! SPENCER ELIZABETH TRACY © BENNETT. TE "Fathers Tittle Dividend~ ; : i | NOTE: FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR PATRONS FOR THIS PICTURE ONLY, WE PRESENT 3 SHOWS NIGHTLY AT 6-8-10 P.M. Thu! Dor cus