Thursday, July 26, 1961 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hopkins People and Events| Mrs. Arch Grant. + " and sons Bob and Jack are vis- Lhe iting in Peterborough this week. COUNTY W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 63 Colborne St. E., Oakville Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 1371-M (Continued from Page Two) Mr. and Mrs. Irven Fell are on a motor trip through Maine. nor oaoa oe Mrs. Cameron C. Hillmer and daughter Alix, and Mrs. John Home, left on Tuesday for a two Weeks' boat trip to Port Arthur. . oe Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott are holidaying at Lumina, Lake of Bays. Tra an Miss Annabelle Hotson is vis- iting her grandmother, Mrs. Hugh DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN? | WANT TO SAVE MONEY ? JUST LOOK AT THIS OUTSTANDING OFFER AT LESS THAN COST HAND TERRY TOWELS Serviceable quality white cotton terry striped in rose, NG GHT rom | blue, green and gold. Hemmed ends. DE! WHOLESALE PRICE IN DOZEN LOTS ONLY ----0 18 presents | 81.95 Don't delay--this remarkable offer to the first 75 customers. You'd better HURRY as they won't last long. SIE" MAXIE NBLOOM KELLY INN . Of (ER LINEN HALL a UCTION : Les Colborne St. East Oakville SON Hotson in Tavistock. . «x Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Springer, Toronto, spent last week with Mrs. Harry E. Foster. ren Mr. Doug Wilkes Jr, left on Wednesday to spend two weeks with his family, who are holiday- ing at Georglan Bay. x . Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Bowen, Lon- don, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bowen over the weekend. ena ona Mrs. J. Robertson and son, Nassau, are visiting Mrs. Robert- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Salter. as aoa x Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Elder, entertained at dinner last Mon- day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Hopps, who return- ed to Winnipeg on Tuesday. ns 2 os a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rodman Merritt were guests at the Mof- fatt-Danby wedding in Ottawa last week. esses Miss Jean Price, 88 Lyall Ave., Toronto, won the black cocker spaniel at the Legion Carnival. Mrs. P. Tyrell, Oakville, the quilt and Mrs. Tom Gilroy, Oakville, 1st. prize, basket of groceries and Mrs. Hook, Normandy Drive, the second prize basket of groc- eries. a eel Mr. and Mrs. A. Weatherstone and family are holidaying at Stoney Lake. trees a J. Danson of Mulgrave, Scotia, is visiting her Mrs. Nova the wekend of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hales. Fa * Burcutt, Miss Elizabeth Thursday in Niagara Falls. Fr Lawlor and Mr. and Mrs. Kilgour, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carnegy. + a . * Miss Gail ~ weeks in Acton mother, Mrs. H. Masales. > . Mrs. D. H. Dixon, who placed 5th in the qualifying round out of 128 entries in the Ontario La- dies Open, last weekend won the Club Championship at the Ham- ilton Golf and Country club, An- caster. no» os 8s James 'Wilson, 'Worshipful Master of Oakville. Masonic Lodge, W. R. Edwards and C. M. Kent attended the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Ontario in Toronto last BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 1304 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carpenter and family and Lorrie Legere are vacationing at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Landry spent in Hamilton, guests Mrs. Trudy Burcutt, Miss Fran Mrs. Irene Rogers and Langtee spent The Walton Memorial United Valley on sees Lyle Fluke and Harold Mac- Lean spent the weekend at Was- aga Beach. - + so» Mrs. E. Martin and Mrs. C. daughters Shirley nd Sheila returned home on Tuesday from Sprucedale. Mr. and Mrs. F. Newport, Burlington were weekend guests t the home of Mr. Newport's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beecraft. 1ING CLEANERS TURE ) ® COLBORNE STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE | Phone 311 AKESHOR 'Mood For Thio! R 24-HOUR SERVICE ASSURES YOU OF PROMPT DE- LIVERY OF YOUR GARMENTS WHEN YOU NEED THEM... AND THEY'RE RETURNED TO YOU CRISP AND FRESH... OAKVILLE MAAMAAMAAMAAAAAANY p y $ S | $ 2 p¢ S$ 4 p¢ > S S S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ 3 ® $ S$ S$ S$ b $ S$ S$ S$ S 4 4 p¢ $ 4 » S$ ® 2 pd 4 < 2 4 ) ) ) ) ) 4 y ) y 4 ) ) ) ) 4 <4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 <4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Brown spent two with her grand- we ME PR AP ITIIO FICKETING. Pr om AZ he) c 4 > JT ) 4 > 4 Ottawa, = ss 3 v Bobbie Landry entered the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto on Sunday for an operation. den, spent the home in Bronte. oh oxox ox A birthday party was held of Saturday at the home of For Rogers in Burcutt of Coronado, Cal, whi is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. TRAFALGAR MISS ADA MARSHALL Mrs. from several days' visit spent a Mrs. Dewart Hawk Lake, Haliburton County. FOR Lester Tilbury, Wyandotte, Mich, made former friends last week. While here, the guest of Mrs. G. Gilliard. ER Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, Mil- ton, were guésts on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McLean. Fa Fr Mr. and Mrs. Davis Johnstone, Ronald, Irwin and Kathleen John- stone were weekend visitors at the homes of Mr. Johnstone's sisters, Mrs. Russell Smith and Mrs. Flossie Purcer. On Monday, Irwin and Kathleen Johnstone will leave for Omagh to spend a Church Mr. and Mrs. Club held | week at the Omagh Bible School a plenic at Hidden 2 Saturday. fourth line. rie win Mr. and Mrs. J. Beamish and son Raymond, motored to Exeter on Saturday to visit their daugh- ter, Mrs. George Jackson and Mr. Jackson. They returned on Sunday. rrraas Mr. Keith Hopper and Miss Donna Hopper were weekend vis- itors with friends in Aurora. 2s x oa Office associates in the Can- ada Packers Ltd. of the former Miss Eva Pickering (Mrs. Allan Keene) made her a presentation on the occasion of her marriage. Fa Mrs. T. W. Jackson is recover ng from an infection in her i ankle following an injury which he suffered several days ago. +» Gary Cullingham is attending he day Boy Scout Camp in akville. PO Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fish, ewmarket, were guests at the ene-Pickering wedding on Sat- rday and spent the weekend with oe xoxox Miss Roma Page, Toronto, who uring the years has visited fre- uently at the home of her aunt, Irs. W. R. Royle, Snider's, is the ubject of a short article by Mar- aret Aitken in a recent issue of "Liberty." = This young organist nd choir leader, who is on leave rom St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Leaside, Toronto, is act- ing as organist and choir leader at the British Embassy Church in Parls which is attended by most Protestant diplomats In Paris. She was fortunate enough to be accepted as a student of Marcel Dupre, one of the great organists of Europe. p * a ma =e Mrs. companied of Oakville Buffalo on Monday, 'Wednesday. Howard Cullingham ac- Mrs, Marsh Martin on a motor trip to returning on FACT AND FICTION The real difference between the movies and real life is that, in the movies, their difficulties arise before they are married. Pte. W. P. Landry, Camp Bor- weekend at his honour of Mrs. Cy Lorne Fish, -Miss Norma and Grant Fish returned on Friday the summer cottage of Mr. and Carson, at Little a short visit to and neighbors he was JL RELINQLURat COMMENTARY The "Glorious 12th" parade in Georgetown has never been miss- ed by George Bell of Nelson vil- lage since he joined the lodge. The Canadian Champion carried n|a front page picture of Mr. Bell, 4 complete with umbrella and rain- coat, just prior to the parade, last Thursday. What makes the part of Mr. Bell in the parades So news worthy is that he boasts the age of 91 years--and many a man of fewer years would have be- come a bystander even on par- ade days when the weatherman failed to co-operate as he did on the 12th. None the less a success- ful parade was held with the t | annual enthusiastic crowds look- ing on. 0 Stay-at-Home Camp Initial enrolment of 213 jumped. to 262 in the second session of the Stay-at-Home camp which is in its third year, The Georgetown Herald reports. The project is a feature of the Georgetown Rec- reation Commission. At the close of the camps certificates of merit. are presented to campers consist- ing of red, blue and white ribbons and a display of the handiwork of campers will be held. Remove The Risks The Acton Free Press editor- ially takes a dim view of adver tisements which offer "Some wonderful cars at $200." The ed- itor tontends that while " there may have been a day mot long ago when it was justified to keep some of these cars in service," present day production has caught up with demand to a point where what he calls "accident risks" should be barred from our high- ways. "When cattle are found diseased it is made compulsory to destroy them so that human health may not be endangered. Would it not seem reasonable to scrap machines which are a men- ace to the lives of citizens un- less they meet standard require- ments of safety?" The editor sug- gests that possibly the Provin- ce's unsatisfied creditor's fund might be used to make some pay- ment to help remove these cars from the road. "At least with each one sold a proof of financial liability should be enforced," the editorial ends. SUMMER SADNESS Accidents will happen. That's why there are so many kinds of salad. OIL BURNERS Installed in your present Mr. Fish's parents, Mr. and Mrs.| furnace. Fully Guaranteed. Roy Fish. Year Round Burner Service. FUEL OIL CONTRACTS HILLMER'S FUEL AND ICE CO. Dundas St. N. * Phone 23 WooD FOR SALE HARDWOOD BLOCKS HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD EDGINGS Oakville Wood Specialties LTD. OAKVILLE PHONE 31 3; Wma ond money -- ore beautiful and lustrous. OUR LOW COST RENTAL LAN FURNISHES EVERYTHING YOU NIID Fomous Clarke Bibs tain: CL i Inglehart Ave. WE to-use equipment and refinish dull, wom Boors with beni a If yourself with our easy-to-use Rental those dull, pment and worn info floors COMMUNITY HARDWARE DELIVER Phone 1288 TWYVVVVVVYVYVY VV VV