Thursday, August 2, 195 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 16 DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN? WANT T0 SAVE MONEY? "0 200.% JUST LOOK AT THIS OUTSTANDING OFFER AT LESS THAN COST | Serviceable quality white cotton terry striped in rose, | blue, green and gold. Hemmed ends. WHOLESALE PRICE IN DOZEN LOTS ONLY $1.99 wo AAAAAAAALAL SAAD AARAAARAS, VN NWN WPI PINGING 4 4 4 4 Don't delay--this remarkable offer to the first 75 $ customers. You'd better HURRY as they won't last 4 long. 4 < : \ h & 3 3] PHONE | $ |! LINEN HALL es | ) ih 2 Colborne St. East Oakville | $ | 4 4 2 4 oe 24 . | 4 > area THAT'S WHAT THIS ADVERTISEMENT DID FOR = trike ers 0 i 4 bathi Phedt [clear . bay t LINEN HALL & | MR. JAMES H. WALKER HAD THIS TO SAY: | "l was always sure my JOURNAL advertising was producing ever | # increasing sales for this new business. But with the results that my last week's advertisement produced, | was astounded. By Saturday closing time | had to sell more than the 75 customers, for a dollar value of $200, i and nearly all of them bought something else once they came in for the i towels. It pays to advertise . . . that's for sure. And it Pays to use the : Journal, where you get big results for the minimum number of dollars. s bin t nade nicip sch Beil s | know | made the right decision when | decided some mpnths ago to | concentrate all my advertising in the Journal." bere | S for | 5 any ! K 3 ) G8 cq (Con it} Buy YOUR Advertising {i in the Paper with the : pd READERS who BUY = y | | LEH JOURNAL READERS BUY LOCALLY... it B | .... TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE To SELL if