Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 2 Aug 1951, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, August 9 15 PEOPLE and EVENTS PHONE 601 H. Byers is in her son and Mr. and Mrs MRS. DOUG AHERN Man, | and R. Mrs. © Wi peg visiting ter-in-law Byers | Brandon, her brother and Mrs. Bagles, with o and Mr: Holland, Colonel Art had and their Mac- nephew Nills hol- Griffith, have been and Mrs, Dr. Hague, iting Keene, Butler the Mrs nue and Ave M son Bell i. Miss Miss Mi Mi returned | week with Saturday, | Georgian Bay. spent month at Venture, and Bruce as at Sherwood Forest Both camps are in the Haliburton ct pendin Reid on the Bruce camp Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cr | :y sailed on the Bmpress France yesterday for | England and the continent - and Mrs. C. last weekend d Mrs. Lorne Warwood, Drive, have left on motor trip to New P. Her at Mr. spent a two week Lake. York City = Mrs «oe ee E. Barbara and month of rose Mr. and Harry R; Mrs. R daughters d the Grove, G. Kindersley and Ann will August at Lake Huron. They s their guests, Miss Poulin, St. George, and Miss Joan Hotson Terese from Montreal fo England and Swit: vesterday holiday in land. They Dr. and Mrs. Geneva Brock Quet c, - Egerton . Mr. and Mrs Bai and Mrs. Fred Davies and) Toronto, are spending leave for Montreal on|two weeks of August They will sail next| cottage on Dundas Street, Quebec on the ce seven weeks' Chav Mr. family 'Wednesd hia," ot, 2 visited holiday in England edd L. G. Ostrom are weekend with Mr. Paige Wadsworth, > weekend. Mr . spend and Stoney nd Mrs. the Irs. Lake. CRE Miss Barbara Kindersley the month of July as the gues| Miss Huguette Poulin, in George, Quebec. nee Mr, and Mrs. C. H ke and Peter leave on Satur - . and Mrs, Jack Humphrey 1ily returned on Friday month's holiday at Port > . Mn. and from Elgin * 2 | to and Mrs. B. G. Pullen are| of Bays. two week's at Georgian | Mr. spend CE There - will be a dance at Oakville Club Friday evening the music of Bert Niosi and Singing Strings. ae Mr. and Mrs, and family a holiday GO Madge Niven, St. An- Scotland, 'was a week-end f the Ted Morgans. * Harland Merry on Friday to in Algonquin 3 se iW. G. leave on Saturda in Algonquin Park. fxn sun Verge, Mrs. left weeks Gordon al senior sree and Peter Maccabe last week in Toronto with andparents Mr. and Mrs. Maccabe summer with his grandparents Sydney, Nova Scotia. Gordon wi the Junior Singles Tennis Ti for Cape Breton Island. xr rsan Mr. and Mrs. leave on Monday for a holiday Stoney Lake. * 2 0s a and M: B. E. T. Ellis on Saturday for a month's holiday at Dorset Lake of Bays. daugh- John Louis Smith, a holiday in Stoney will be the guests of Chisholm in the first at their K. Slater, Lakefield, spent Windeler, end a month at Dorset, Lake Armstrong W. H. Edwards Leslie Bott, Mr. Arnott Peter Schlesinger and Bunting have returned motor trip to Ottawa, the Laurentians, Que- bec, Gaspe and the Maritimes, returning home by way of the New England States. Cr Mr. Wilson, Ralph from a Montreal, G nni- Cantelon evening Oakville Jack Friday the Mr. and Mrs. are entertaining before the dance at The | Club. and Mrs. Roy on Saturday aoa ow oa 2 se Irwin enter- evening, . Mr. tained 8 a| Mrs. Allan Day a shower for Mrs les on Wednesday entertained at Harry Lascel- evening. Mr. more Bmpre: weeks' and Mrs. Gordon T. Beard- returned Monday on the of France a six holiday in ash- of om England, Mr. Ernest Hinton of Kitch- [ in-law, ener visited Mr. and Mrs. Vic craft. Hinton, Nelson Street, last week. end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper ME andi es. pr, will be weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Eyre Davis, at Geors- ian Bay. rien, Mrs, Dan MacLeod at a Tupperware leg s. Fred Newport of [of last week. pent last week with sister and brother- © etraem WwW. to live in A. Scott| Mr. and M Lon- | Burlington Mr. Newport's Mr. and leave this don, Ont. weelk (Continued on Page 3 Mr. Harry E. Foster arrived in Quebec Monday on the Empr of France from a six weeks' hol- iday in England and on the con- BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 130. four-leaf clover, tradition- al symbol of luck, is generally ac- counted a rare phenomenon. But to Miss Ithel Haywood it has be- the merest commonplace. THURS., FRI., SAT. The come. Miss Janet Inkster celebrated her eleventh birthday on Satur- day with a swimming party. Er Mrs. rick yrie| Mr. and br Thompson | © sailed on the Empress of France |and family have returned from a a|month's vacation at Point. T Turkey zer- sor Mr. and Mrs. T. Ww. family are holid: gor Bay. nes, + x Bayly and ying at McGre- [re Diana and Lanny Eastwood entertained last Thursday. = x os 2 oa Dr. and Mrs. on a motor Gaspe' F. M. Deans are Mr. trip, through the and the Maritimes. se oxo. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kinnear, Michael and Rosemary, Saska- toon, Sask: are visiting Mrs, Kin- near's Lon, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rea t of St. . Mr. and Mrs. George Beddoe and family, Kentucky, tomers Of Oakville, visited here over the weekend. day EIT Col. R. O. Bull and Mr. the | Gairdner left last Friday for the to | Lorraine Club, Georgian Bay, for DiS | ten days' fishing. J. A s. D. G. Davis a yesterday to spend a month at Shaw's Ho- for | tel, Brackley Beach, Prince Rd- ward Islnd . Miss. Pa i Mansell, at Ottawa, Appleby College, is spending the arrives on Saturday = visit her in [uncle Mr. on tle D. G. Davi =» Mr. Fred Ll returned on Monday from a trip to Edmonton and Vancouver. + ow Mr. John Oudhoff left on Fri- day to spend two weeks in Van- couver and Victoria. - = oe a at * Mrs. Charles Bedford and Miss THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUG. 2-3-4 N- JANIS PAIGE Tove "ROBERT AL Produced and Directed by JOSEPH LERNER ALAUREL FILMS, INC. Presentations, 200 J Suayi Hr EXTRA: LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY Helen Power, Guelph, visited Mrs. Harold Black last week. Fara Allan Maceabe leaves tomorrow to spend two weeks with Col. M. Jolley and Mrs. Jolley, at their summer home near Ottawa. ex or ow Mr. K. W. MacTaggart and son Roddy are spending a week in Algonquin Park. Trae Mr. Alex MacKay left on Thursday to spend a week in Chicago. tren Harry Howard and child- Ten are spending a week in Brockville with Mr. and Mrs. William Pickard. Mrs. Lt. Col. C. T. Sh Sharpe are. holidaying cottage at Gull Lake. rpe and Mrs. at their Bill Russell passed with honours in the examinations conducted by the Board of Examiners of the MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 6-7-8 COLUMBIA THE BOMB THAT STALKS ITS PREY df FO ech LINDFORS 8 Sy O'all Carl Beaton Raid Jos Sawyer Richard English and James Gann ibe ) FIRST TIME ON THE SCREEN Province of Ontario. He headed Miss Haywood, an employee of Kolmar-Wilckens Ltd. Oakville, found one of the lucky clovers on the lawn of the firm's Rebec- ca Street premises one day last eek. Then she found another, fen a third, a fourth. In two ays she had gathered no less or 53 of the tiny plants, each with four leaves instead of the regular three. If there's any in that luck tradition, Miss Ha wood should have a wonderful future. Can anyone beat this, we wonder? SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Sos MON., TUES., M-G-M's LAUGH AND THRILL Win STEWART GRANGER, is sensational in this new romantic adventure! . + = Mrs. C. Carpenter and Mr. and Irs. Cliff Craigie and family are visiting in Tobermory. 2 2 ox 20s . is vacationing with her son Mrs, E. Pickard Sauble Beach and family. Pr at Aubrey - Mr. Charles Smith and famil Niagara, spent the weekend with Mr. Smith's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Godfrey, while enroute to the north. Gordon Jamieson, a former resident of Bronte, now of Ham- ilton, was hospitalized last week after receiving severe burns from a high geasion wire. starring STEWART GRANGER WALTER PIDGEON DAVID NIVEN ROBERT NEWTON Mr. and J. B. Brockway and daughter Cheryl Lynn were weekend guests at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Tur- key Point John and Carol Gilliam of Wel- land visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. William, Sover- i RS eign Street last. week. THRILLS! rx x ox a A desperate night raid on the Guru camp! Indian rebels howling into battl 2 DAYS ONLY... WED., a Mr. gnd Mrs. Harry Bishop and children Roger and Ann, with Mrs. Cy Burcutt and daugh- ter Frances, are visiting friends in Westport. + Pa Mrs. H. B. Reid of Hamilton, known to Bronte residents as Li- la James, died at the home of her sister Mrs. Manning in Tor- onto, Saturday morning. Funer- al services were held from Mar- latt's Funeral Parlour, Hamil- ton, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was in Mer ton cemetery, where her father was buried some years ago. x Lloyd Stafford, Sovereign Street became the parents of a son, a brother for Frankie, on Monday, July 30, at the Oakville-Trafalgar Hospital. rasan Mr. and Mrs. Watt Martin flew to Stayner last weekend. x Miss E al Marsan was host- ess at a wiener roast on Wed- esday evening for several of her friends. 2 srw Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt be- came the parents of a som, a bro- ther for Kennie, on Sunday, July 29. at the OakvilleTrafalgar Hos- pital. Odette landed secretly on the coast of France . ready for one of the most reckless gambles a woman ever faced! (HERBERT WiLcox presents nessa the class of 39, and now will re- i rtificate as a quali- fied Funeral Director, a TT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce and son Ben spent the weekend at Rice Lake. AGAIN MAY WE REMIND YOU OF en LAEFWOVTE AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT elie ETN BGA TS TREY starring ANNA NEAGLE TREVOR (3rd man) HOWARD WATCH FOR THE SCREEN VERSION OF BILL MAULDIN'S HILARIOUS 'UP FRONT RIVIER'S "Those Careful Cleaners" PHONE 1123

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