THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, August 1 1951 PEOPLE and EVENTS MRS. DOUG AHERN PHONE 601 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coote] Miss Dorothy Coleman, Seven- Smith and family of Douglas|oaks, England, is visiting Mr. Ave. have returned to town after |and Mrs Jeffery Stewart sw spending five weeks at Muldrew Lake, Muskoka Miss Carol Birge and Mr. Bill 28sss Birge entertained at a corn roast Mrs. Gerald Baerman and dau-|on Saturday evening. ghter, Barbara, of Charleston, «» South Carolina, returned home Mr. and Mrs. Donald F, Mac- on Monday after spending two [Rae are spending two weeks at Ss Mrs. Baerman's par-| Mrs. R. E. Young's summer ents, Rey. Canon R. W. Allen|home on Georgian Ba; and Mrs. Allen. 3 sis ie 9 sie s Mr. and Mrs. Albert Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mackenzie |Sr, have gone north for a holi- and family returned to Ottawa on | day. Sunday after spending two weeks masses here. Mr. and Mrs. $3399 daughter Margot, leave on Sal- Mrs. John Hamilton, Patty and |urday to spend a week with Mr. Dick, and Mrs, Hamilton's mo-[Ahern's aunt, Mrs. R. C. Magill, ther Mrs. Cates, left yesterday |New Hope, Penn. on a motor trip to Prince Edward EET Island. Mrs. Ernest Savin and family FF Ta are holidaying at Sturgeon Lake. Mrs. W. A. Scott, Leslie, Bar- bara and Mandy, London, are| Mr, ahd Mrs. G. C. Hammill vis\ing Mrs. John Home this (and son, London, Ontario, are week. Leslie and Barbara will|jjying on the Morrison Road. take part in the fashion show on PEE Friday, being held in connection | Mr. with the Gladiolus show Tor ox ose R. Kennedy are Lake Ross- and Mrs. spending a week at Mrs. M. A. Mackenzie return- sox own ed from "Langmere House" Co-| Mr. B. R! Thomson and son bourg, on Monday, accompanied David are on a two weeks' fish- by her daughter Mrs. George ing trip. Douglas of Lakefield. «sor» trae ee Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Wilson, Tor- onto, were weekend guests of the A. M. Reads. Pr Brian Pierce and daugh- ter Isabel, and Mrs. Alex Mit- chell, and' son Michael, ail of Montreal, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mudge. EY » Mrs, «oe Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hall and daughter, Dorothy, have return- . |ed from a two weeks vacation Mrs. F. N. Sparling at payentry, Algonquin Park. and fami are holidaying at - Little Mink Lake, Algonquin Park, for two weeks El Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colville - and family spent two weeks at Balsam Lake. + x Mr., and W, Allan Camp- PE H, Ahern and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Botterell,[ Entertaining for Miss Shirley Eileen and Brian returned last|Chisholm this week are Mrs. W. week from a months' holiday in [J. Stone, a barbecue luncheon on Victoria, B.C., and Washington, | Sunday; Miss Sally Davis, a per- D.C sonal shower, Mrs, Scott Car- sise vx negy, a' miscellaneous shower, Mr, and Mrs. Charles N. Am-|Mrs. F. S. Milligan Jr, a Kitchen bler spent the weekend at South |shower. Mrs. James C. Campbell Beach Hotel, Olear Lake. and Mrs. Ted Stone, a luncheon; sisi is Mrs. George P. Doty and Miss Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dun-|Joan Doty, a supper party. woody were weekend guests of GLICO Mr. and Mrs. Paige' Wadsworth, Stoney Lake Mrs. Frank Bowman enter- tained at a supper party on Sun- 2 eae day evening. ER s spending LE Mrs. J. H. Sunley this week in Montreal. Miss Sally Hallett has left to live in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Despard, LE Sandra and Judy, left yesterday| Mr. James Robertson, Nassau, on a motor trip to Ottawa and [arrived last Thursday to join Mrs. the Gatineau Hills. Robertson, who is visiting her eielisia parents, Mr. and Mrs, [E. J. Sla- Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Taylor | ter. spent the weekend with Mr. and SALA wn Mrs. Bill Meikle, Stoney Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright and CR family are holidaying in Algon- Mrs. William C. Milligan is giv. | quin Park. ing a shower for Miss Barbara . Pike on Friday evening. PE Mr. and Mrs. James C. Camp- EE bell and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Os- Jacqueline and Jimmie Barker |trom were weekend guests of are spending a vacation in Ni-|Mr_ and Mrs. R. R. Manbert at agara Falls, New York. their cottage, Neilson's Island, + aor own Lake Rosseau. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Anundson oe are in the Laurentians visiting Mrs. Anundson's mother. rosa Mr. and Mrs. John Rodger, Bridgetown, Barbados, former Oakville residents, are staying at the DeWardener Guest while visiting in Oakville. + os Mr. and Mrs. K. W. MacTag- gart, and family are holidaying this week in Algonquin Park. fos koe oe Miss Marni Ireland is spend- ing ten days with her parents in House, | Kingston. 0 Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bailey are TREN visiting their son and daughter- Mr. and Mrs, George Hagey|, Cpl. E _ B. Bailey, R.C.M. were weekend guests of Mr. and |p, ana Mrs. Bailey, Winnipeg. Mrs. D. Serson, Stoney Lake. FRC iis) eile Lawrence H. Allworth, of Tor- Miss Bllen Gairdner and Miss |onto, brother of Mrs, E. Mannell, Natalie Rodmar are on a motor died last Wednesday at Calgary, trip to the Bastern States and |Alta. Funeral services were held New_York. Tuesday. bell and family spent the weekend with Mrs. Campbells mother, Mrs. W. S. Campbell, Picton. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. A. Cumber- land and family leave on Satur- day to spend two weeks at Vic- toria Harbour. Fi Mrs. Frank Pullen is visiting her son and daughter-inclaw, Commander T. C. Pullen and Mrs. Pullen, Halifax. . Reg Holman, formerly of town last Mr. and Mrs Summerside, P.EIL, Oakville, ted in week. «x . HJ. Bowen and Mrs. Harold Black were at "Winder mere," last week. «ose oat, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rickart Hep- burn and family spent a few days with Mrs. R. i Me. 20d Mrs WT. Bayly jana) SED Min iRG Keith Hep Pe 4 burn in Picton. family are living in the Hamil- ton-Smitlys house until - their new home is finished in Septem- ber. nara ) Terry Murison celebrated his birthday on Saturday. Re seesaw Mr. and Mrs, C. Armstrong| Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Holman and spent the weekend with Mr. and | [amily spent a short time in Oak- Mrs. Geoffery Sayers at their (Ville before holidaying at Ron- cottage, Honey Harbour. deau Beach, * * * = a +s 00s Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Wilcox Mr and Mrs. John Willis, St. 8 : have returned after spending a THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16-17-18 See Frankie in his first q acling-singing role! with eee JEROME COURTLAND - FRANKIE LAINE Lola Albright « Jerome Cavan + Margo Wood @Z:DBOB CROSBY - MILLS BROTHERS - THE MODERNAIRES i KAY STARR and intosucing BILLY DANIELS 'A COLUMBIA PICTURE Weta by Karee Deo sad Join R. Roberts + Produced by JONIE TAPS 2ND. HIT: GENE AND THE COLUMBIA PICTURES Catharines, are in Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Pullen's house while they are on their holidays. few days in Montreal. ass vos Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Smith Mrs. Alan Duguid of Penzance, |and family leave this weekend for England is arriving Saturday to|a motor trip to the Gaspe and stay two weeks with Mr. and |the Maritimes and home through Mrs. Leslie Forster. the Eastern States. IS NO BULL WHEN WE SAID IT, ' WE MEANT IT! RIVIER'S BRING RESULTS RIVIER'S "Those Careful Cleaners" Forsyth at the Lake Phone 1123 MOUNTIES _UGENE AUTRY....... o J World's Wonder Horse ] UTRY ano : WIEN GONTES na Verdogo Carleton Young Richard Emory. LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20-21-22 15 ANY GIRL SAFE THESE DAYS? PF ies Blasting Drama of 'a _ Victim of Attack! PRODUCTION intragucing MALA POWERS -and TOD ANDREWS Presented THE FILMAKERS Distributed RKO RADIO PICTURES, HC. rE They -; slashed y © WARNER BROS. PACES iH pill Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fraser and| Mr, and Mrs. Patrick ®, q, family are visiting Mrs. Fraser's |anagh and family are holidy,.. parents in Yorkton, Sask. tn Algononin Park ng Fa : Wendy ° Lauder, daughter of wilaiy eo Mr. and Mrs. B, R: Lauder, un- derwent an appendectomy at the Memorial hospital on Monday. Fs i Mr, ands Mrs. G. R. McConyy spent the weekend at Big gp, Point, Lake Simcoe. The engagement has been an- nounced of Barbara Gordon, dau- ghter of Mr. George F. Pike and Mrs. the late Mrs. Pike, to Anthony 2 A. Grove, The marriage will take | Tuesday place on Saturday, August 31, at|Ridgetown. 7.30 o'clock in Rosedale United --_-- for PE Will Richardson left to visit relatives on in Church, Toronto. ERE Mr, and Mrs. John S. Emery leave this week on the Empress of Scotland, for England. ER Miss Sandy ~~ McCardy, Nor- 0 wich, spent a week with Miss Bu BROILING, Ann Thompson INDLING oe 84 nose oe Mr. and Mrs. H. Hendershot,| HILLMERS FUEL & ICE co. Terry and Janet spent a week at Eagle Lodge, Haliburton. Phone 23 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AUGUST 16-17-18 Ey J og £3 o 33 3% AE | RS oy GRE N 2 DAYS ONLY: MONDAY, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20-21 es Many we? 00 = te! wer ol presents with 8% UND The J. ARTHUR RANK CLIVE COMING MON., AUGUST 27 FOR 4 SONG-FILLED DAYS MARIO LANZA "THE GREAT CARUSO" IN' TECHNICOLOR AIR CONDITIONED FOR PHONE 568 YOUR COMFORT AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT hurs E30 TE CE CES CE ES CES CE CES CS TER CER TE CER TER TER TENE Tien