Thursday, August 23, 1951 THE | OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 11 EN DAILY SERVICE TO ALL CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL _HALTON INN PHONE 600 cn ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Father Kirby will celebrate Masses at 8.30 and 10.30 a.m. Sun- day, and will conduct evening de- votions at 7.30 p.m, ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. ©. Jackson 'More than twenty happy,' excit- ed boys of St. Jude's congrega- tion left for camp on Monday morning. In the party were Barry Hunt, Bob Rose, Ted and Donald Elphick, Casey Wood, Gordon Lowe, Peter Snowball, Jim Blake- lock, Peter Wright, Ralph Dowdle, Graham Bainbridge, Bryce Gallop, Grant Janeway, Don Shields, Bob Day, Michael Jackson, John My- ers, Warren Taylor, Bob and Bri- an Chambers, Michael Capelle, and Douglas Boocock. The party was in charge of the rector, Rev. E. Ringer Coming Up! Get ready for a rousing clang and a burst of cheers, as "Deadshot Dad" scores another ringer! E The neighborhood champions are gathered on the vacant lot to "do battle" in this friendly tournament, while their loyal fans toss in encouraging words from the sidelines: Horseshoe-pitching is great fun for all ages--gives you fons oF am. swingiog, body-bending exercise, too: t's another pleasant pastime that helps you to Ged g Health--1the Canadian Way. yon i na IBRADING BREWERIES LIMITED OTTAWA AND WINDSOR C. Jackson, and G. M. Evans, or- ganist, who is director of the camp. Bob McDowell is assistant director. Good progress continues to be made with construction of the new St. Aidan's church in the Forster Survey. Roof trusses are being erected this wee, and it Is expect- ed that the exterior of the build- ing should be completed some time next month, ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson A nine-year-old- girl and her baby nephew were baptized with- in a few days of each other by Rev. Harry Pawson. The girl was Bonnie Elizabeth Patten, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pat- ten, Kerr Street, and the baby was Rickey Lyle Thorne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bric Thorne. Last of the united services will be. held in St. John's Church on Sunday, Sept. 2. The following Sunday, Sept. 9, regular services will be resumed in St. John's and Knox Presbyterian churches, mor- ning and evening, 3 CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll Good-sized congregations turned out Sunday to welcome their for- mer pastor, Rev. Le Roy Sargant of Denver, Colorado, who with Mrs. Sargant is bere on a vaca- tion. Mr. Sargant, who preached both morning and evening, con- gratulated the congregation on the splendid progress made by the "= CHURCH NEWS = Miss Monica Barnard sang at both services. A bus-load of members of the congregation went to Burlington Tuesday evening to attend one of the tent meetings being held by the Christian businessmen of that town. - Monday evening's meeting of the Young People's Society was under the direction of the Bible Study Group. Tomorrow evening's cottage pra- yer meeting will be at the home of Mrs. A. Quinn, 55 Burnett St. The preacher at this coming Sunday's services will be Rev. Ted Black, missionary from Haitl, who preached here recently. The new bus service for Cal- vary Baptist Sunday School pupils is proving highly satisfactory. Be- sides bringing the children to Sun- day school, the bus is giving val- uable publicity to the church, and has already drawn several parties of tourists to the Sunday services. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Mind" is the subject of the Lesson Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, throughout the world in- cluding the Christian Science So- clety, Oakville, on Sunday, Aug. 26, 1951. The Golden Text is "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (11 Timothy: 1:7) ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith Both branches of the W.A. met at the home of Mrs. H. Proud Tuesday evening. Mr. IL. N, Worth- ington gave an address on the importance of the Sunday School. The evening branch' presented more hymn books to the choir. Choir rehearsals were resumed 'Wednesday evening. Special mus- ical numbers are being prepared for the Harvest Festival services Sept. 9th. The choir has been In- vited to Nelson for the service Sunday Sept. 23rd. Holy Baptism will be administered Sunday at 11365 am. The Flowers were in memory of Henry Norton and were pre- sented by Mr. and Mrs. C. Norton. EPIPHANY Canon D. R. Smith A large supply of mew service books was given to. the church church since he was last here. by Mrs. Aylesworth. ANNOUNCEMENT DR. J. C. WORRELL Announces the opening of an office at 100 SPRUCE ST. For the practice of Obstetrics and diseases of women OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 2150 NEED A REPAIR JOB... Drive in and let us give you an estimate the next time you need a repair job . .- ®BRAKE RELINING ®IGNITION REPAIR OMOTOR OVERHAUL ®CARBURETOR REPAIR EDDIE'S GARAGE WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION 69 Colborne St. W. Phone 1106 * Colborne St. near Century Theatre The TOWNE Coffee Shop On the days you can't dine here pick up our specialty to take home . . . 3 "FRIED BUTTER CRISP CHICKEN COLD ROAST DRESSED CHICKEN Phone 1821 OR ERE RER ERE RE RENNER | oon, "PRODUCTS LLE 3 L Now | 1%. HOLL Get Your FREE Instruction Book oe PEER Si I I - on \u hop ning methods. Books of Instruction--No Charge Our Canning Department is at your service: We carry a full line of canning equipment adaptable to modern can- OF ALL SIZES BEARING OUR LABEL DIRECT FROM THE FARM" A NEW GROWER-OWNED BUSINESS OPENS--FINEST IN ONTARIO v : omy =) § YDEAN FARM MARKET 2 MILES WEST OF OAKVILLE ON THE LAKESHORE HIGHWAY POLICY Hollydean Farms propose. to sell direct to consumers, the finest Ontario orchard-fresh fruits in season for preserving or just all round good eat- ing. There will be daily deliveries from the orchards to the Market where - baskets will be fresh packed in all standard sizes for sale. IT'S PEACHES THIS WEEK FROM HOLLYDEAN ORCHARDS in the Niagara Peninsula which have been producing fine fruits for the past fifty-five years. "LET'S TAKE A DRIVE IN THE COUNTRY" REFUNDS ON CONTAINERS coo! FOR GARDEN-FRESH VEGETABLES & FRUITS oo TOOT 'BO0RHOAKVILLE NO.2 HIGHWAY. HOLLYDEAN FARM MARKET