Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Aug 1951, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL 7 Thursday, August 30, 195; he -- Allan and Peter Maccabe are spending this week with Brig. and Postal Paradox ! ENTS Mrs. C. J. Laurin at Markham Wien you're going on vaca- ) 7 RAY tion, it's nice to have all the de- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Inkster| tails ironed out in advance. ee me PHONE 601 have returned from a motor trip| Baltimore friends of C. H. Han- MRE: DOUG AHERN to Quebec cock, local postal clerk, felt P Officer Cadet J. Gordon Forth,) Mr. and Mrs, J Stothers and EA iE | that way about it, and wrote i Cn 4h year at RAM, was appoin- | daughter, Debbie, are at the High-| Mr. Blmer Bell, Hanover, i5| Mr. Hancock concerning his pro- a e tot ted Cadet Flight leader for the land Inn, Muskoka, for a few days. [visiting the C. A. Birges. jected trip to visit them. Only o { coming year. Ft. ag Treen trouble was, they addressed the i Fike ns Ar. and Mrs, Hilmer Lofauist| igs janet Grieve, Bakersfield, | letter simply: "44 Dundas st says Eis the Borden Cow. BOX Janet Grieve of Bakers-|and family have returned from &| oujifornia, has been visiting Mrs.| N., Ontario." It turned out al or in i tn s been the [holiday in Muskoka W. H. Morden. right, though. Mr. Hancock got | Visit Elsie and het little son Beau- guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. H Darin je atin he ils the letter five days after it had | regard at the CNE. They'll be in | i Morden, on her return from spens| Mrs 2Cheries Millan - nendIny Miss B. J. Ard, Toronto, is liv-| been posted! It arrived at Tor- | their unusual Cowland boudoir with I ding the summer in Europe i us ation at Blewin Int. | 5050 4 Wilson Avenue. ort HESS, and po then sent | a moo-ving Soleome 0 everyone i tes oe. Moghes Pa outsherejforia check: +. . especially the kiddies. i + sine Mrs z Russell a Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Armstrong Mr. 7 a ze Hm first and two secon S i i ~ | tertained on Sunday for fori ; ! ton 2 o.N.E. | entertained Saturday evening be: Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. John- imi | knitting competition at the C.NE. 1p 55) F000 the Oakville | members of the P.P.C.LI and new oy The Borden Company, Limited. } She slo Won eve Se eww their wives. Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bris- ¥ De Smid IE he La ; Mrs. BE. R. Brisley, Mr. and Monarchi Knitting (Co Rey. and Mrs. Harry Pawson| Mr. and Mrs. L, Wright, from EW Rhee Mand Ang entertained the Pawson-Chisholm | Quebec, are living on Normandy yr. w' 5 Nugent, all of Toronto. ¢ Miss Agnes Forster has retur-|yriga) party after the rehearsal | Drive. SE mm ! ned from a visit to her aunt in |qpurcaay evening. ii ta fe Medicine Hat, Alberta. She made LE Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wallace have| A stag party was held for Mr. u Colk the trip both ways by plane Mr. J. H. Sunley is in Montreal [announced the engagement of | Tony Grove at the home of Mr. 5 She vs 2 on business for a few days. their daughter Jean to Dr. Murray | Doug Wilkes, Jr, on Saturday i i Mr. and Mrs. Alex Guild have oo sv 0 C. Thompson, of Hamilton. The |evening. Mr. Grove is being mar-' MARIO - ANN pa { i returned from a vacation in Mus-| The engagement is announced of | marriage will take place Sept. 9 in| ried to Miss Barbara Pike, To- i LANZA - BLYTH i i koka. Minna Catherine, daughter of Mrs. [Knox church. ronto, at Rosedale United Church, | 4 LOSER I Perinchief and the late Mr. Harold = ss 0 = Friday evening. -- IN -- Mrs. Arthur Bourget who -- Edgar Perinchief to Ralph Tien Miss Mimi Melon, Toronto, was Pre " 5 | been visiting her daughter, Mrs.|Sturrup, son of Mr. and Mrs.|, week-end guest of the J. H. : a jf i A. A. McDermott, Navy St. S., for | Willis B. Sturrup. The marriage | pisdalls. NEE B EE some months, returned to Ottawa |will take place on Saturday, Sep- sor ox ox 5 Ha ie fe : on Sunday preparatory to visiting | tember 15th, at 4.30 o'clock, ns Mr. and Mrs. Irven Fell and [MS leave In Oakville. In Technicolor i 'Western Canada, including Regina | Jude's Anglican Church, Oakville. | jaughter Miss Margaret Fell spent Sia leis a and Winnipeg. She travelled with Err a Tow dave ot Victoria Harbor. While! preaching mi Davenport FRIDAY - SATURDAY AUG. 31 - SEPT i Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrot and iss Mr. and Mis. Ralph Osborne SR Pir Il Ti hu i Margaret Tougel wie mole 2 iCievortn Sa the Marsaeer| Out-of-town guests at the Paw- [where his son Norman is acting Sl * | f Oakville over the week-end as ment of their daughter, Margaret| = oy:ichoim wedding on Satur-|as supply minister, Rev. W. nx guests of Mr. and Mrs. McDermott. | Ann, to Stuart Bruce Ware, son | oir Cn 0M FECA Fl Sg bn on Sl aed his young. 7% 5 DEE of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W.|por rs mn TE i ; 4 ohjre. I Pawson, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. |est granddaughter, Ruth Elizabeth | 1 Mr and Mrs. R. W. Graham and Ware The marriage will take place | youth Stone, Mr. and Mrs, R. A.| Caswell. The Rev. Caswenl, onli IS ONE FOR THE a 6 i n ay, 5th, iy ; ; } daughters Marion and Darlene rian I Jude's Anglican | Stone: Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. | july 1st of this year, celebrated | P i ay (Jnte SAUBUSER yon mikes, Tomdomy | Neel ama [C20 JRE 5 STR eR § Sal York: Cite ¥ akvil 5, 3 ee Vi y fi i week in New York City Churel, Oakville, ~~ Mrs. Robert Hilliard, Miss Janet |i diamo oo niv 3 y ho ! Bom Ewe 42nd Mr. Peter Hilliard, Mrs. Frank | service in the ministry, having fl Cadet Derels Aylen who has just | Mr. and Mrs David Burros and oyiqey, Cleveland; Mrs. Gordon|gone to his first charge in 1891. | P ; finished summer training at Camp [SOR are on a motor trip throug] Borden is visiting his parents Mr. [the USA. = = Justice Avion ana Mrs. Avlen wml LS 8 SS SL 1 il he ret to McGill universi-| Mr. 5 le ar ey 12 Medill nent in tain wali tor ova THURS. - FRI. - SAT. -- Aug. 30 - 31 - Sept. 1 I | 2 FR tion in Montreal. 0 | itl ; Miss ages Roster bes Fema PRAT cas ee mare Shaan FOR THE BEST IN ENTERTAINMENT | Ly Tr She made the |2t the S. S. Russell & Son funeral __ SEE -- il | LT home on Saturday last for A. J. i Tip hot $1 Toe 2 cn Morrison Rd, who Ge (1) z ied Thursday in the Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Alex Guild have i I i returned from a vacation in sis aloe IN | IN -- Hi 1 Muskoka. Cig Mr. and Mrs. H. A. "Larry" Wil- Ili {iit 2 son announce the arrival of their I John Foster is back after spend- | son on Tuesday morning at the . ing a few days in Dundalk and St. | vemorfal hospital. seedy nae a Catharines. os ox oss = | Sek? Mr. and Mrs. R. C. A. Cumber- CR va 4 Mrs. G. H. Parker gave a|jang ang family will be returning . a shower for Miss Minna Perinchief | iq week-end from a vacation at i last Tuesday evens. Victoria Harbour, -- ns Exes * 32 re | Bill Jenney, Denville, New Jer-| Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ogilvie enter- 5) sey, is a guest of Tommy Graydon. | tained on Sunday afternoon. ROY ROGERS i aA sisis sis King of the Cowboys i Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. Thomas E. Patterson, of The Smartest Horse ic Hubert (Toby) Haughton (nee|winnipes, has announced the en- \ TRIGGE| piri Marion Ford) on the birth of a|gagement of his youngest daughter son, at the Oakville Trafalgar | Norah to Mr. William G. Russell, if Memorial Hospital, Tuesday, Aug. |of = Oakville. The marriage will MONDAY - TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3 - hE ust 21, 1951. take place September 22nd at St G | 0 I REGORY Peck Eh Mr. and Mrs. W. Davison are Fa | } { holidaying for two weeks at Vie-| Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Fearman on yuo sug Pont InvNCIsLe Ts Nave i fle toria Harbor. Tuesday announced the birth of } i H FP ow te their son at the Memorial hospital. HH TE Miss Betty Meyers had a per- ™ = t sonal shower for Miss Alice Brown | Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Forster en- LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY i last week. tertained on Saturday evening in i | Geen honor of Mrs. Alan Duguid, Penz- MON. - TUES. - WEDNES. -- Sept. 3 - 4 - 5 ! Lady Baillie, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. | ance, England. Mrs. Duguid re- Baillie, Mr. and F. W. Baillle, | turned to England on Tuesday Mrs B. Green, Bremner | after a two weeks' visit. : Green, and Mr. and Mrs. George cree Hagey left on Thursday to spend | Mr. and Mrs. L. Akerman enter- | a week on a houseboat on Lake | tained on Saturday evening. ik Nippissing | a! I Mrs. J. F. Graydon took Amn | Mrs, Peter Hanley, Toronto, ar-| qyompson, Debby Graydon, Bill rived on Friday to visit Mrs. I G.| jonney and Tommy Graydon to Ostrom for a week. view the Vienna art treasures at Te ave xem 8 wan {4 the Art Gallery of Toronto on i Mr. J. A. Roberts, son, Alfie;|yronday, 1 and nephew, Michael Roberts, To- CI SY WARNER| ! zonto, left on Sunday for a week's| Mr. and Mrs. G. Melbourne Frit i ffachson vn Now von Evans have returned from Hart % Lodge, Horeshoe Lake. { Mrs. A. P. Tilley and family| "5 HOJSLoS fale, NLY THE JALIEN have returned from Port Carling, | ar ana Mrs, Allan Day have re- i Iwhere they spent the summer. : 3 ae BARBARA PAYTON-WARD BOND turned from a holiday at Balm Marta TOREN i . | Beach. @ 5 it Miss Freda Spear, Toronto, is i WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY .5-6 i 1 holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. D.| ies Dopothy Rimes nad a oe Robert DOUGLAS SEPT R Watt. and saucer shower for Miss Alice DENNIS PRICE JACK HAWKINS | ) , Brown on Wednesday evening. i Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Slater, Lake. --- » we ai = IN field, spent the week-end with Mr.| Tot TS Oo oe } i 3 fio ERdMs AW, | BH) Pawards. family leave to-day for Dand, Ld Cp) tk] } I Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Dale at-| Manitoba. ] tended the marriage of Miss Mar- x tama Bd | a jorie Irene Covey to Mr. Edward | On Friday evening, August 31st, | Gladstone Tufts, in Toronto. Cy McLean and his Rhythm I A Rompers will play at the Oakville AND FOR YOUR ADDED PLEASURE Cadet Bill Hall, Royal Roads Na. [ Clb: i val College, Esquimalt, is spending Ce a month's leave with his parents,| Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gibson re- KATHERINE DUNHAM | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall turned on Sunday from a month's [ en Ly = Stanhope Beach Inn, == WITH I Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Howard | Prince Edward Island. i and daughter, Ann, have returned aa, THE BALLET RUSSE DE MONTE CARLO from a motor trip to the Maritimes | Mr. A. T. Weldon has returned [11 V}) : J and the Hastern States. from a holiday in Muskoka. DANCE MAGIC in ° i i Origin | Fat Mar I i i ---- AIR CONDITI - The Kelly Kirby Kindergarten and inroducing EMMETT KELLY .n suLlE LoNDON + cLINTON SuNDBERG ONED FOR YOUR COMFORT bi git Pi The World Famous Clown ; | iano Method = i A simple and attractive approach to the study of mus- ai & f ic for children 3 to 8 years of age, under' specially i qualified Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Piano Method |! Teachers. Phot 5 oA 4 ne KVILLE ~~ 1120 Ha FOR PARTICULARS APPLY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT "The Showplace of Halton County! a A . PHONE 568 FREE 4 Miss Susan Cuttell Phone 1139-J EATING IN A i

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