= THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thoraay Sent 0, COUNTY COMMENTARY Kore casualty to re- back in Pri March, | e John week, just to his job le at Sud- Robertson was fet- [1 an 200 Nassagaweya | oo mmed into Brook- |, to applaud as Arthur § presented Kelth with a watch. s the Acton Free dance and boun- of | neer, Ernest Has dustire years ERNEST H. JORDAN Well known as a chemical engi- tings Jordan died lis home here last Wednesday. e was in his 66th year. Formerly works manager at the opper Cliff plant of Canadian In- and with Mond Nickle Co, Sudbury, Mr. Jordan retired st November amd moved here om Northern Ontario. He was so associated with Canadian In. istries at Hamilton for some Born at Goderich, Mr. Jordan was a graduate of McGill Univer- | refreshments concluded the giv "He "wae ca member ot he tne for the Nassagaweyans,|aiconje Order. While serving with vhom honoring returned sol- fy oe tC during World Jiors iv tmoming mew After theliypn, 'y See Tn awarding the MH. last war. 108 watches ary Cross. sented to township men Surviving are his wife, the for- While Clocks Were Siven to Moth: | ver Teamel Proudfoot, and & sister, Is .of, sous who did not returnilwiis Rit: Jordan of Montreal Champion Ram Beta J. H. Willmott, _ well known breeder, - entered the pion Hampshire Downs ram the sheep at the C.N.E.| pa Willmott's flocks have long |L, SUNDAY SPARKS Fire which broke out in the sement of the residence of J. Meadows, Queen Mary Drive, b highly -- regarded, and his|was quickly extinguished Sunday Ex. success came as no surprise afternoon by town firemen un 0 Halton breeders: der Chief Fred Shaw. Damage Can't Blame Em!" was negligible. Burlington town council de-| ---- ~~ = d to utter more than a feeble last week upon being in- by the Postmaster Gen- al's dept. that it "could see no reason why the town should not have postal delivery in the near future." The dept, the letter ad vised. regretted the delay--but was ready to proceed with de- soon as staff could be ve! tha Bu Mi to > Robert Shannon impressed. Conditions, he declared, were intolerable. He produced two letters post mark- ed in Hamilton, which he said had days to arrive," to prove clu | building during session and to his point, and went on to deplore on the fact that many residents had | complained of losing discounts | 5" on water and light bills due to the fact not receiving the dunners in tim Councillor Ferguson felt the matter "was a federal one and should be dumped in the lap of for! sta Oakville teams didn't make a clean sweep of diamond honors. 3 prrexy Pete McMullen is ry pleased a rusult. Not at Peter down on Oakville t/is all makes for more inter- ng competition, he believes Capital Trip Rotary Clubs of Ottawa and lton will co-operate next May send a Milton high school c student to visit ithe Dominion four day "Canadian of Ottawa in- des visits to the parliament er places of interest. Milton tarians, who will select the dent later, will foot the bill transportation, while the Ot- tawa club will look after the tunate lad or lass during the y in that city. | OBITUARIES |HALTON HERDS MILTON NOW BOASTS LOWEST -. re, te MAKE STRONG DEBENTURE DEBT, ACTON CNE. SHOWING HAS LOWEST TAXATION Halton finished second in the county herd cla at the C.N.E. cattle show, which this year at- tracted entrie from iten countie The Wood trophy went to the Peel herd, with Halton nosing out Waterloo for the second place position, thereby repeating last success. A total of 38 head represented black and white Holstein show, with 11 of these breeders show- ing at the CN.E. for the first time. On t went to F. L. Rogister Son's son of Glenaf- ton Futurity, which won the re- serve junior championship for males. Other ribbin winners were Ross Segsworth, F. 0. Hunter, A.|other hand, would G. Hunter, A. M. Brain & Son, A. [much deeper to achieve the same |came Nas Blanshard Bros, | end. With town ledgers showing lected $80,185, or an average of a total of $453,849 in debentures, 3,030 ratepayers would have to| while Acton M. Sherwood, J. F, Trimble, Tom McGee and R. C. Alexander. Fraserdale Merry Admiral, junior herd sive of Joyce Bros, |contribute $149.79 each. And in| §2 of Milton, won the junior year- ture debt of any town in Halton, [with a $621,469 figure that ate up while Acton 727 town ta e to ing to the 1950 annual report of |well, there's no point in going in- municipal statistics recently re-| to that d nine county 1950 collected a total of $1,307, 14 different Halton herds in the [698 in taxes from an assessed population of 39,961 debt was but § ed population of 2, to forward only $13.30 each to|Wa the town clerk in order to wipe | rai out the debt. Actonians, on tlie | taxes, while at the bottom of the fhursd: SHORT CASHED, 1, Too often, winded. Milton has the lowest deben- Oakville, rated highest in Halton boasts the lowest | $20, in interest during 1950, tion per person, accord-| the individual would have to-- Hon. G. H. Dunbar, r of municipal affairs. The municipalities in Only four of Halton's muni- cipalities issued new debentures in 1950--Acton, Nelson, George- town and Bsquesing. By far the lowest debenture debt, of course, is that of Nassagaweya, owing In Milton, where the debenture [only $583 or 31 cents per person t's little things thay turn men gn to " Greatest total taxation in 1950 Like "flats on Week-g vas also in Oakville, the town - ; holidy) ng $282,425 in municipal have to dig|ladder, with but $57,7 agaweya. asain || Our safe new tires Sau Iton col- you this wy $33.34 from each person in town; 21, or raised $7. Best get them now per taxpayer. ling Guernsey class and went on before yoy g to capture the reserve junior championship. STARTING POINT begins at homé--at, knee. Education or over the parents CHAS. F. boty AND SON Dundas Street North -- Phone 76 Oakville Motor Opposite Century They, Phone 2220-1- Chev. & Olds Sales & Service CORN PICKED DAILY 45¢ DOZEN, TOMATOES BY THE BASKET 49¢ 6 qt. BASKET See Us Today 1,000 BASKETS NEW POTATOES AT 2 é JUBILEE PEACHES and LOCAL MELONS All seasonal vegtables GCUDMORE'S FRUIT MARKET SRONTE /PHONE 61 Hughes Cleaver, Halton sitting member." Eventually, after hear- letter from Cleaver ad- he was working on council withdrew the 2 on and left the matter of ostal delivery and improved ser- vice in abeyance as it hopefully waited for action. The Burling- on Gazette, reporting the meet- failed to mention in it's story just how many members of town council also belong to the town's Optimist Club. Jos Wowed Them An abliity to click the bones while tap dancing last week paid off handsomely for Georgetown's Jo tin, © who was awarded irst prize at an amateur Streetsville And Mr. didn't stop to rest on his laurels He also claimed first prize for the oldest pers ent at the performance, giving him a clen sweep for the evening. Mr. Mart- County Hits Back When Milton Co-Ops shunted Oakville Oaks off the top rung in the Halton county baseball ass. intermediate ladder, and Campbellville downed Milton juy- eniles ight to claim the that division. it marked time in two years that NOT A WORRY IN THE WORLD He knows that his cloth- | es and those of his family will get the care they should have when left for cleaning at Oakville Cleaners. Why don't you us too? We'll return them like new. -- For Pick-up & Delivery Phone 1557 Oakville Cleaners ENQUIRE ABOUT SUMMER STORAGE In the low-price field smooth, dependabl Take the wheel of a n and you'll say, this is it in an automatic transm driving at lowest cos Here's velvet velocil engine speeds! Here Aud, best of all, here's Come in and let us turn low in C anad. Chevrolet alone offers this complete Power Team! Chevrolet with ting ! For PowerGlide is all Here's complete freedom from eluteh pedal and ge ity, a smooth, unbroken floky of pow the only automatic transmission in the low-p been fully proved in more than a billion owner-dr Put a PowerGlide Chevrolet through its pac ost motoring a s largest and finest low-price PowerGlide was the first automatic transmission . . . and PowerGlide is the finest . . . giving you le no-shift dri g at lowest cost! proved PowerGl you've wanted ission . . . bringing you finest no-shift ock out" of mud or sand! ndable no-shift driving, with field that has con miles! tra-casy truly dep over thekey to you for a demonstrati and Lits smooth and «Take Your "DISCOVERY DRIVE" POWER Fld yIME - PROVED *omblnation of Powe Gide Auta Transmisin and 105. Vave.in-Head Eni optons on Ds ues made extra cost. First... finest... and only fully even a hint of gear cha forward driving! Extra-Powerful 105-h.p. EconoMiser Oil Does Val H Engine Rear Axle It AllY PowerGlide is coupled with the most Still another feature of this automatic ~~ Oilreplac gearsin the Power Glide Automatic « pla isk tres ical Ihren Transmission. There's no direct mecha Rear wheels tra connection between engine and rear axle: Th the igh develop. farther at each engine Result: A smooth, unbroken flow of Power iT vrolet's 39 years of con- e revolutions and le amb, ; and -- centration on Valye-in-Hlead de So sevolutions and loss + - - velvet velocity at all engine speeds . - - = are required at highway speeds. finest no-shift driving at lowest cost! C1218 Soa) ~ Oakville Motors COLBORNE AND REYNOLDS STREETS PHONES 2220-1-2