Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 Sep 1951, p. 2

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a Thursday, Sept. Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Perey Sparen rn = TLE DT a a N See RR A En therwax, Miss Sally Craig, Mr.|motor trip to the Gaspe, Summa PEOPLE and EVE I og . Jia : E. L. Holcombe, Jr, Mr. G. S.|side, P.EIL, and Wellesley py, dn wo 3 olmes Grace J Mr. and Mrs. J. Cawthorpe, tosis sain Holmes, all of Orillia; Mrs. Gra Tor are |i and Mrs. Mr. Peter Devenish has return- [ Harper, Mrs. Grace Shiell, Miss ewe MRS. DOUG AHERN PHONE 601 Toe He rm a Me SY ed from a holiday trip through | Muriel Shiell, all of Bima Mr. John Walton, son of y J. B. Chisholm, 4Sth| Miss Nancy Gale, Montreal, ar-|nings are at Manoir Richelieu, | the northern sections of Quebec |Mrs. a Bett I and rs, Ww. R Walton, ig has been | rived on Tuesday to spend a week | Murray Bay, Quebec. and Ontario. Yetter, Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. returned from ordon Hees ade to|with Miss Barbara Tilley +. Ea RE eit tne | CRD an VIL soon commun; ar Terese Mr. and Mrs. Drury Languedoc| The S-pound daughter of Mr. | Mr. Alan Mac ene left (is | studios atthe University of 1; Alberta Miscellaneous shower for Miss [leave today for a holiday in|and Mrs. Gordon McMurter arriv-| week on a business trip onto, / Margaret Anne Stansbury, whose |Montreal and the Laurentians. [ed at the Memorial hospital on |&ary. ! A Holsey and Mrs. N. [marriage took place on Saturday Monday. 1 a miscellaneous show- | were given by Mrs. H. W. Ed-| Mr. and Mrs, T. A. MacGilliv- Snel er last Wednesday in honor of | wardy, Mrs, Douglas Edwards, [ray and family, Toronto, are liv-| The Bvening Branch of St. --_-- Marilyn Orr, whose mar-| Guelph, and Mrs. William War-|ing in "Balsam Lawn" Colborne |Jude's Women's Auxiliary will LAST DAY! to Mr. Robert Smith, of| burton and Mrs. J. Anderson, [ St. BE. hold its first autumn meeting at @ Credit, takes place early in| who enterta ntly. Miss sxe owe the home of Miss Hilda Wool October. Margaret McGilliv Miss Bet-| Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas and | wood, Lakeshore Rd. West, Tues- LOUIS CALHERN ANN HARDING terse ty Taylor and s Mary Mar- | daughter, Toronto, are living at|day evening, Sept. 18, at 8 p.m. iN Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Lauder, | Nicoll entertained fc 216 Queen Mary Drive. : Hires with Dee Dee and Neddie, left| Stansbury at the home of Miss ew Chief of Police John Derry Saturday morning for Munrovia, | McGillivary. Stansbury's| Mr. and Mrs. George Hagey and [leaves tomorrow for Halifax, to THE MAGN EE California, where they will visit|oifice associates at the North (Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moorehouse [aitend the annual convention of Mrs Lauder brother-in-law | American Life Assurance Com- [are entertaining for Miss Norah [the Chief Constable's Association THE LIFE STORY OF and sister, Mr. and Mrs. pany had a tea and presentation | Paterson and Mr. Bill Russell |of Canada. Malmberg. Mr. Lauder will re-|and Mrs. Leonard Stansbury en-|on Saturday night sie emia : OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES turn in two weeks, at the term-|tertained at a trousseau tea in ores Westwood Friendly Circle will ination of his vacation period, honor of her daughter. Pilot Officer Donald Green re- [meet in Westwood School on while Mrs. Lauder and the child- . = ® ceived his wings at Centralia last | Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 8 pm. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14-15 ren will remain in Munrovia for Barbara Taylor left on | Friday General business and election of an extended vi: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Winchell entertained on rday in hon- or of N Kay McGillivray and Mr. Bill Bainbri who will be married on November 2nd Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilcox held a family reunion at their home on Sunday. CE Mr. Arnold Banfield has return- ed from a business trip to Cincin- nati and New York City. ER Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bar- Ton left on Sunday to spend a week in St. Marys, Pa Fr Mr. and Mrs. William G. Grier- son, Eighth Line, have returned from an extended holiday trip. FOE Miss Kate Reid, who has been playing with the theatre series summer stock company in Pet- erborough, arrived on Sunday to spend a few days with her moth- er, Mrs. W. C. Reid, before join- ing the company in Bermuda for an eight weeks engagement. Fe Mr. Douglas Hardwick left on Monday to start his training at Royal Roads. ses oes Dr. and Mrs. C. Lloyd-Jones have returned from a month's holiday in the Muskoka district. They also visited Rev. W. P. Tanner and Dr. J. U. Tanner in Montreal. Wore Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamilton and Mr. and Mis. G. M. C Wright spent' the weekend at Source Lake, Algonquin Park Ea Mrs. at a Lloyd Lunau entertained migcellaneous shower for oT y evening, Misses Sheila Wil- son and Joan Guild gave a per- sonal shower on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ware are en- tertaining the bridal party after the rehearsal to-night. Miss Cleworth is marrying Mr. Stuart Ware on Saturday Mrs. C. F. tained at a Miss Marilyn day evening. acKenzie enter- kitchen shower for Ketchum on Tues- so osx Mrs. Arthur ~~ White, Bronx- ville, New York sister and and Mrs. D. B . PE Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Whittaker and family, who have spent the summer in Oakville, have re- turned to Hamilton sox ov aoa Mr. and Mrs. John Oudhoff and daughter, Janet, returned on Saturda, from a two weeks' holiday at Killarney gonquin Park. Lodge, Al- to train at the Toronto Western Hospital / seen Mrs. E. Howard is ing at home following a fall in|at which her arm was fractured In three places oe 2 os a Mars, Mr. Robert St Winni- WATCH FOR FALL FESTIVAL OF HITS COMING SOON TO THE CENTURY peg, visited his brother and sis- ° ss row ter-in-law over the weekend. Wednesday evening a stag party was held at the home of Miss Susan New, riding "Gol-[Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Milligan for die," a Perkins entry, last Sat-| Mr. Stuart Ware. urday won top honors in the ER Junior equitation competition at| Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sturrup the C.N.E. Miss Penny Slpp, as-|are entertaining the Sturrup- tride in the Hood entry "Shiela," [ Perinchief bridal party after the catpured fifth place. rehearsal tonight. Fa Mr. Don MacRae left Saturday for Bffmonton and Fort MacMur- ray on a business trip. Mrs. Frank W. Bowman has returned to Minnipolis spending the summer at her home on King Street. Mr. Fred Hotson has from a business trip to Bngland. ee. J. Salter, returned to their home in Nassau last week. er ew Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nugent, recuperat- | urd Honduras before returning home. ed on Oakville Club supper. ss after | will be at home to their friends on the occasion of their 50th wed- ding anniversary on trzrase from three to five p.m. and from returned | seven to nine. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson [announced the arrival of their who have been visiting Mrs. Rob- - at the Oakville-Trafalgar ertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.| Memorial Hospital on Sunday night last. Doty sailed from Quebec on Fri- ss soe Mrs. B. T. C. Burke and daugh- fer Gale, returned home on Sat- ay fr two months' y the Tichfield Hotel, Port An- tonio, 'and the Courtleigh Manor, Kingston, Jamaica. Mr. Burke will spend this month in British Mr. Bremner Green entertain- Saturday night before the cen Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gibson Sept. 15 oe ox = Mr. and Mrs. Don Aikens have css Miss Sally Davis and Miss Joan officers--all welcome. x x 3 » Out-of-town guests at the Horne-Dunwoody wedding on Saturday were Dr. E. H. Coleman, Canadian ambassador to Cuba, and Mrs. Coleman; Mrs. W. R. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bell, Miss Elizabeth Bell and Mr. Wil- liam Bell, all of Winnipeg; Mrs. G. Anderson Grant, Geoffr Grant, Mrs. W. A. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Minns, Mrs. Ken- ton Lambert, all off Montreal; Mrs S. J. W. Horne, Miss Mar- jorie Horne, Mr. G. L. Hender- son, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mould, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Wood, Miss Thelma Smith, Mrs. McCready, all of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. R. BE. Hipwell, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jer- ome, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mun- dell, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. William McGill, Mrs. D. H. McNabb, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Street, Mr. and FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW! Highest Quality No Shortages Cash Prices or Budget Terms 2 ate are living at 30) gy on an extended visit to Eng- | HILLMERS FUEL & ICE CO. or eile land, and possibly continental | Dundas St. N. Phone 23 Mrs. . D'Arcy Coulson and Miss | Europe. Mary Ann Coulson, Ottawa, ited Mr. and Mrs. James C. Campbell last week. exe Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Newton and son from Toronto, are living on Balsam Drive. : sro sox Mrs. Harry BE, Foster is vis her father in Boston for two months. x indy Mrs. J. D. Galloway, Susan and Donald, spent the summer in Bar- rie with Mrs. Galloway's father, Dr. F. S. Spiers. . Oakville boys who left for Trinity College School this week were Stephen Irwin, David Rockeliffe, Peter Levedag and Tim Kennish eras Mr. and Mrs, E. J. St. Mars and son, Tony, returned last week from two months at Hubbards, Nova Scotia. BS +r CEE TY The Venerable and Mrs. G Packard, Farmington, New Mex- ico, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Elson rx ox oa a Mrs. W. J. Stone entertained at luncheon last week for Miss Shelagh Dunwoody, who was married to Mr. S. J. S. Horne, in St. Jude's Church on Saturday. * Mr, and Mrs. A. S. Auld enter- tained the Horne-Dunwoody bri- dal party on Friday evening. sewer Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pawson re- turned from their wedding trip to Chimo, Temagami, last Thurs- day and are living on Balsam Dr. ANNOUNCING SIZES 12 to 20 136 Colborne St. E. NEW FALL SUITS FROM $25.00 © $29.95 ALSO ALL-WEATHER COATS BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE 1415 to 2214 THURS. FRI., SAT. Aa 'colon! 0) PORTER By \ES ELsOn y one ah ADDED ATTRACTION: LATEST NEWS SEPT. 13-14-15 HOTTEST HAUL IN THE col PICTURES presents © © clin Kay Buckley - Sally Eilers Carl Benton Reid aseese oy HARRY JOE BROWN enced RALPH MURPHY. OF THE DAY MON., TUES., WED. 11. YAT ES WANE pot n t i starring ROBERT STACK - 10Y PAGE - GILBERT Rol with Led GREY - JOKN HUBBARD il Rs iate Produ 0 ir SD SOE A REPUBLIC PICTURE Screen Play by James Edward Grant Story by. Budd Bocuicher and Ray Nazarco, SEPT. 17-18-19 \ EST ~ wih ILARIOUS 4ND WE 05 uy cour, -- iE ered EB learo of! ---- f PX Ce Na " R AN RR AR) AN OW EAN ae SW NN Ro WW NN v W DN N ANSANY AR BAN a, SON Y, on KK XK XHKHK XK XX XK XT HOT BLOOD and COLD STEEL in the story of two born to love-- but sworn to hate! OK] KX KR KX KD) a 5 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents THE IMMORTAL BP sharing. + BARBARA HALE RICHARD GREENE x crt Benoa REID witiam BISHOP hoa ANDELL 305 vn iy de sy, i. sd card sc + toc ty EOWARD SMALL ives tr pe. te 2 DAYS ONLY! MONDAY, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17-18 | THE SPECTACULAR SUCCESS STORY of a woman A f 20s ; SUSAN HAYWARD DAN DAILEY- GEORGE SANDERS "on Som te » Hay Pills» ovis ~ roses 7 SOL C. SIE ei och setaon by Vers Casoar From he Havel by Jeoms Weidman an ing Op HAROLD LLOYD _ = JIKKY CONLIN + RAYMOND W# ARLIE JUDGE + EDGAR hoy = 2 Rust = LIONEL STAMDER AER i Phone 423 PHONE 568 po i i Gi Wd' NRE PARKER NEAT Rohan rn FRANK LOVEJOY - LEIF ERICKSON mama on MARTIN RACKIN an GINA KAUS ROBERT WISE UNITED STATES PICTURES oo. WHRER BROS AD LT ENTERTAINMENT | AiR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT OAKVILLE 1120 "The Showplace of .Halton County" FREE PARKING IN THE REAR Thu i

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