THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, Sept. 13 'Phone us for... ® BRICK SIDING ROOFING INSULATION ERBY, START Some 20 new members were on hand for the September meeting of the Oakville and District Rod and Gun Club, bringing the total membership of this rapidly ex- panding new organization up to the 90-mark. Wild life movies featured the program, taking members from Pelee Island and its pheasants all the way out to Jasper national park. It was reported that a special draw raised $123.50 for the junior With FRANK R. WALKER The trout fishermen can say goodbye to 1951 as far as the long weekends are concerned. Labour Day weekend wound up any long extended trips in the good speckled trout country but I think all in all this year that speckled trout fishing has been remarkably good. For the muskie and bass fis! ermen they still have the long weekend at Thanksgiving in which fishing should be excep- tionally good as the fish will be MATERIALS CEMENT PLASTER WALL BOARD PLYWOOD You can pay more, but you cannot buy better millwork anywhere . . . a trial order will con- vince you. - back in shallow water. Fishing We are proud of our many kitchens . . . call us over the Thanksgiving week-end for prices and suggestions. It is not how little I would suggest keeping your with a small red and white plug b) renewing a lot of acquaintances with Department of Lands and a couple of copies of their offic- Lands and Forests for $1.50 per of giving you your estimate . . . Ontario Department of Lands and ders should be made payable to we have all hoped some time or BUILDERS -- CONTRACTORS enough or had time enough to de- THE RAILWAYS ARE BEHIND DELIVERIES t PROTECT YOUR WINTER HEAT NOW! "ONLY COAL GIVES EVEN HEAT" you pay--but how much you get for your money boat about fifty feet from the Last week we were interested Forests officials We had known PLANNING ial organ called Sylva. This book year for the six issues. Order your [||| Forests, Parliament Buildings, Blakeloc k the Provincial Treasurer. tion in this little booklet and it another we could take ourselves RANDALL STREET - - OAKVILLE vote to just straight photography. AND THERE WILL BE A Spy. that counts. rocky shore line and casting in in going to the Exhibition and for some years and we picked up is a w valuable addition to TO BUILD flo om hia ses" secured from the Department of - . . We would appreciate the opportunity Subs by writing to the Toronto, cheques or money or- There is a wealth of informa- is beautifully prepared. Some of Tro ers the illustrations are pictures that but we/have never been fortunate The issues I have in front of OWING TO AN ACUTE SHORTAGE OF COAL CARS COAL SHORTAGE : FILLING YOUR BIN TODAY WITH THE FAMOUS READING COAL DUNDAS ST. NORTH PHONE 85 fT, | READING Nas le fish derby, to be held under club sponsorship on Sunday, Sept. 16. fine y of prizes has been put up for top catches of the day, which will see boys and' girls 14 and under starting at sunrise to fish until noon in both Sixteen Mile and Twelve Mile creeks. Derby headquarters will be at the Riverside Lodge fla vl entiies are being accepted at Bud Corbett's Sporting ~ Goods, Com- munity Hardware and Bddie's Garage. Contest judges will be Journal angling columnist Frank R. Wal- ker and game warden Dudley Hitchcox, while motor boat pa- trols to keep a watchful eye on Oakville, Trafalgar and Bronte youngsters will be operated by. club members Bill Burrell, Spud Bird, Gord Howard and Roy Green. There will be hot dogs and pop in abundance for the kids when the competitions close at noon, following which prizes will be presented and the young Izaak Waltons will hear conservation talks. The committee in charge includes Bill Burrell, Spud Bird, Iddie Rowe, Roy Green, Ken Brown, Albert Roy, Gord Howard, Bill Calhoun, Ken Johnson and Ed. Adamson. me are May-June 1949 and Sept.- Oct. 1949. In the one issue, the May-June issue, there is a very comprehensive article in our Inland Waters" by I. Fry, whom I understand, is a consultant for fisheries research for the Department and is ri ponsible for the detailed organ- ization and supervision of all Departmental fisheries research. He is also Director of the Uni- versity of Toronto Fisheries Re- search Laboratory and I think anyone would find this article well worth reading and an ar- ticle of this type generally gives you sufficient ideas on fishing that you very seldom come home without" your limits. Last week I explained the fact that in Algonquin Park only two pounds of fish per acre per year came into maturity. Dr. Fry ex- plains this in this article par- ticularly on lake trout and men- tions that lake trout adapts it- self in growth to the living con- ditions of the particular jake. The trout are mot likely to grow faster however if their numbers are reduced for they are not pressed for food, it is merely that each individual food organ- ism is small and the fish are kept busy picking them up, I would most sincerely' rec- ommend that the Oakville Rod and Gun Club subscribe to this publication and make it available for all members because I am sure after reading some of these articles a large number of mem- bers will want to subscribe themselves. In the Sept-Oct.' issue of 1949 there is an article by M. D. Kirk on they "Ganaraska River Con- servation Authority." If you re- member earlier in the year I mentioned the Ganaraska Water- shed as being an example of what can be done in eroded and washed out, fished out, territory. These issues I have on hand now are available to anybody wishing to borrow them. If you want to borrow them please give me a call and I shall be only too pleased to let you have them. Shortly after this column ap- pears the hunting season will start and there is a little parg- graph that 1 wish we would all take pasted in the rim of our hats when out hunting and that is "Let me shoot clean, kill clean, and if I can't Kill clean, please Lord, let me miss clean," With that thought 1 will leave you un- til next week, AT SUNRISE LOSE BRANT | ENCOUNTER Oakville Cricket Club los match last Saturday to py, ford, the league leading, 26 run margin, "8 Batting first, Brantrorq full advantage of several Op] fielding lapses to put up q of 93. John Dix came throy, a notable performance, unchanged and taking § ig for 46. Brian other 4 for 30. Oakville batting' was undistip guished against & weak at) Magee hit up a lusty 23, Hal Wiffen a subtle 13 and Pete] Court an imperturbable 11 fy | total of 67. gh iy WATCH FOR FALL FESTIVAL OF HITS COMING SOON TO THE CENTURY WM. C. MILLIGAN, R.. OPTOMETRIST 69A COLBORNE ST. E. (Over Bank of Commerce) Telephone 1507 FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Highest Quality No Shortages Cash Prices or Budget Term{ HILLMERS FUEL & ICE COf N Dundas St. Phone 2 SERVICE BUT ... Our fast service is com- bined with efficient work- manship. Your garments are given individual in- spection before they are returned to you to make sure they're just right! = For Pick-up &. Delivery Phone 1557 Oakville Cleaners --_-- Attention! AUSTIN Owners.. Hot summer driving, blown dust, and pollen have all played hob with your car. The air cleaner needs washing, the oil filter a 'new cartridge, the crankcase' a good cleanout. Cooler weather means a new set of adjustments are needed on carburetor, ignition and valve clearances. Proper care can add years of life to your car. WE CARRY A GOOD STOCK OF AUSTIN REPLACEMENT PARTS C LA R K'S SERVICE _ CENTRE JUST WEST OF THE BRIDGE ON COLBORNE STREET. PHONE 1031-W