Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 27 Sep 1951, p. 3

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Ew lest, ver An Mrs. George Douglas, Lake- field, mother, Mrs. M. oturned home on Saturday. Mr. Ray Ceoen is in New York Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wainwright and family, 106 Palmer Ave. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Barlow and family, Toronto, are living at 7 Dundas Street, North. M fam A Ortona_ Barr: Thursday, Sept. 27, 1951 THE OAKVIHLLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 x ore who has been visiting her | Mr. Jusiness. ox PE it her London, are living at Mr. and Mrs. D. Rust and fa-| afte Pr B. Peter Mrs. rnd White, Brome, Rev. York, who has been visit-| United Church. ing her sister and brother-in-law, . oe and Mrs. D. B. Garfat re- {ured home on Saturday morn-| Angela Bruce was held last night at the home of Mrs. Basil Megaffin. PERE holiday in| ang PE mixed bridge was held at| erson, s on Friday eve-|y. The prizes were won by AE Mrs. . Major and Mrs. J. D. Galloway | ys, Harold Dingman, and Mrs. George Weir. Mr. and Mrs. family, Hamilton, Colborne Street, A. Mackenzie, | attended he Mason, Congratulations to Mr, Robertson on «the birth of Karen Ann, at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- September 17, 1951, axe enw . H. Bell, Victoria, home on Monday Bell's mother and Mrs. Lyman Sunday the Bell's was christened by John's. Samuel Bian % Coulthant) Robert Bruce, son of Mr. and | daughter, \ire. Bruce G. Root, was christen- od by the Rev. H. Pawson in St. | pital, John's United Church, on Sun- visiting Mrs. gland, are living at[and father, Mr. So Dundas Seregy Not: Root. Pawson out-of-town sell-Paterson day were Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davies and | glarke Wright, Dr. returned last' Monday vy. Broom, Miss Ruth from a two months' England Kingston; , Wright, Mr. and family, Bell, Vancouve: iss Grace Rumley PEOPLE and EVENTS | (Continued from Page Two) Mrs. B. J. Mudge js visiting in Rochester D. W. Elliott and are living at 41 East. x os ow Robert Harding the Nicol-McLeod ding in Toronto last Saturday. in St. «eon The executive meeting of LODE, Chapter, PE guests at the Rus- wedding on Satur- and Mrs. George and Mrs. J. C. Robertson B. 'G. Robertson . and Mrs. and Mrs. G. ; Mr. and Mrs. Acton: Cooper, Winnipeg. wed- Mrs. H. Kent Gar- dens flew to Fort William to vis- , Mrs. King, v ew and Mrs. (nee Jean John R. M. Pat- SEE THE repre WORLD: Senles WITH A MES HRV SONG PHILLIPS 16-INCH SCREEN TELEVISION If you act quickly there is still time for you to enjoy all the thrills of the World Series right in your own $529.00 living room. L. F. CLEMENT 8 THOMAS STREET NORTH RADIO and TELEVISION PHONE 1441 REFRIGERATION and OIL BURNERS Sales and Service "What We Sell We Service" TACKLE FIRST /heart when it comes to a circus, hundreds of kids to entertain," mances, Kiwanis prexy Angus McMillan, first youngest service club, was-a mighty happy man when this picture was taken at the club's charter night banquet a few weeks ago. And Angus was still beaming cheerfully this week as he noted, in scan- ning advance ticket sales, that Oakville and district residents are enthusiastic about the Kiwanis-sponsored visit to the arena this Fri- day and Saturday of the Garden Bros. circus. "Everyone is a kid at BIG PROJECT president of the town's so it lo6Ks as though we'll have he told the Journal. There'll be a matinee each day especially for the younger fry--while the adults and kids can still obtain choice reserve seats for the evening perfor BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 130. The Bronte Community Club held an open meeting at the Com- munity Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 26. eee Mrs. E. Pickard, President of the Halton Presbyterial presided at the meeting on Tuesday after- noon, Sept. 25 in Waterdown. : Ea » The Ladies AuXiliary of the Bronte Legion will hold an execi- tive meeting at the home of their president, . Mrs. G. Bray, tais evening (Thursday.) The 'Walton Memorial Church Sunday school held their rally last Sunday in the! church. « Mrs. E. Martin, Nelson St. was hostess at a Legion W.A. sponsor- ed euchre party at her home on Tuesday evening. Proceeds are in aid ot the Legion Christmas party. Bronte's new taxi stand on Triller Street was opened this week. PE Mr. Dalby was fn charge of the services at Walton Memorial Church 'on Sunday evening. The Male Quartette rendered several selections. oer ow The Ladies Auxiliary of the Bronte Legion have been invited by the Georgetown Ladies Auxil- iary to attend a Hallowe'en party there on Oct. 30. FIFI Miss Bthel Haywood left Sat- urday to spend a week with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hay- wood of Chicago. FRA Miss Mary Dundas conducted the first dancing lesson of the new season on Tuesday evening in the Community Hall. rerun The Local Association of Girl Guides held a Home Baking Sale on Saturday afternoon at Feduck and Wright's store. vs oes This evening (Thursday) Mus. Morgan of Port Credit, will give the last of four talks on Flower arrangements in Bronte public school. yore wow Mrs. D. Russell Smith of Oak- ville, was hostess to the Church of the Epiphany evening branch of the Women's Auxiliary on Tues- day evening. - PE The Bronte Community Club would like to remind everyone that the Saturday night dances have begun. There will be old time and modern dancing to the music of Norm Gill and his or- chestra every Saturday evening. ree wn Emery Saulinier, who returned from his home in Moncton, N.B., has been spending a few da; with Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow, East Street. PEE The Bronte Girl Guide troop met on Monday evening in the Parish hall. rae Mr. and Mrs. James Godfrey spent Sunday with their son and daughter-indaw, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Godfrey and family of Hamilton, oer oro. Prize winners at the Bronte Community Club: euchre held in the Community Hall on Monday evening were: Ladies, 1st, Miss Olive Patterson, 2nd, Mrs. Ken Lewis: Men, 1st, Mrs. Hunt, 2nd, Mrs, Godfrey. Ladies Consolation, Mrs. E. Martin. Gents Consola- tion, Mr. A. Soles. Winner of the r. and Mrs. Weatherston and daughter Anne of Toronto were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobrashian. sees The Well Baby Clinic will be held in the Church of the Epiph- any Parish hall on Friday. Pr . Beryl Anne Reed is visiting her grandmother in Saskatoon. Pa - Mr. and Mrs. G. Harrington and sons Ronnie and Dougie of Brantford visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Harrington, Trafalgar Street, last weekend. + x or. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brockway of North Bay celebrated their Gol- den Wedding anniversary with a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brockway, Lakeshore High- way, on Wednesday, Sept. 19. xan Mrs. Penfield and grandson, Johnnie Love, of Toronto, spent last week with Mrs. Penfield's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Penfield. Fr Mr. and Mrs. E. Pickard and Mrs. D. Clarke and daughter Sandra visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pickard in Islington last week- end. Seaside Farmyard Because Digs, especially white ones, can get sunburned, agricul- tural authorities recommend the use of sunburn lotion on them. Last time at the beach there were several sunburn lotioned escapees from the farm there, we thought. FALL'51... the well-dressed man is wearing . ....- Whatever your type, there's a stripe to suit you in this wide range of chalk stripes, pin stripes, wide stripes and narrow stripes. See them now. et us measure you for a really smart striped suit, hand-cut and tailored to your personal measurements by Johnston. From GRAMMELL'S MEN'S SHOP (Established 1920) Colborne St., Oakville lucky draw was Mr. Bill Gill. (Opposite Loblaws) '| ville-Trafalgar TRAFALGAR MISS ADA MARSHALL Ralph Mish, who was on the staff of the Small Animals Hos- pital in Colorado for two months, and later visited Western Can- ada, going through to the Pacific Goast, returned home, on Monday. He registered for his final year in veterinary science at Guelph on Tuesday. PE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dixon, Bond Head," were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fish. Mr. Dixon was a comrade of Mr. Fish in the first world war. PEE Miss Nellie James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. James, Snider's, who has been a patient in Oak- Hospital for the past ten days suffering from pneumonia, is expected to be well enough fo leave the hospital this week. EE Mrs. Flossie Purcer was a guest on Friday evening at the banquet given by the officials of the Bank of Nova Scotia on the occasion of the opening of the new head office building in Tor- onto. Mrs. Purcer's miece, a fre- quent visitor to Trafalgar, is a member of the staff of this branch. +s ae Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Post, Mrs. E. P. Lunau and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conover all former neigh- bors of the late W. A. Albertson, motored to St. Catharines to at- tend his funeral. Many more. former Trafalgar neighbors and friends attended the interment at Dixie cemetery. Mrs. E. Slayer visited the family on Saturday. FC A meeting of the officials of Knox Church, Sixteen, (church, Sunday school, L. A, and W.M.S.) was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. King. sox or oe. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harker, Toron- to, have rented the new house recently build, on Dundas high- way, west of Mr. G. E. Hall's farm. sesawr Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conover visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Conover's brother, Mr. Harry Barber, Victoria Square. [I Keith and Deane Hopper who have been on a month's trip to the, Pacific coast arrived home in time to celebrate the birthday of the latter and his twin sister, Miss! Donna Hopper. a = = Miss Marian Coates; Reg.N. Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kin, ewer Mr, Roy Fish has been confin- ed to bed for several days suf- fering from a heavy cold border- ing on pneumonia. sor oo The anniversary of Wesley church will 'be held on Sunday. morning at eleven o'clock. Rev. George Almack of Carlisle, will be the guest minister. Church services at Munn's and Sheridan churches will be withdrawn. THIS WEEK'S Values in HITCHCOX MOTOR SALES COLBORNE AT GEORGE ST. SOUTH PHONES 345-555 buys . . . 1946 BUICK SEDANETTE 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1948 PLYMOUTH COACH 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN THE HOME OF "GOODWILL" USED CARS Remember these are all hand-| picked and exceptional so show miss seeing them. All fully reconditioned and guaranteed 1941 PONTIAC COACH 1938 CONT. COACH 1937 WILLYS SEDAN 1935 FORD SEDAN 1934 CHEV. COACH ALSO THESE FINE "PLUS VALUE" USED CARS -- USED TRUCK 1948 DODGE 3 TON CAB AND CHASSIS 1942 DODGE 3-TON CAB AND CHASSIS 1938 DODGE -1%2 TON CAB AND CHASSIS Ne -- TRADES ACCEPTED IDEAL TERMS AVAILABLE THROUGH GMAC OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9.30 P.M. DROP IN TO-DAY

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