| -- | Loar THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL fi) WE'RE OFF TO HAVE 2 A HOLIDAY -- 0 A WE KNOW. WERE SAFE AND SOUND = J Er NEW COMFORT TOO, ANDYNO DELAYS --% Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd,, Oakville LOST YOUR PET? PHONE 515 OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY The Senior Catholic will be held in the hall on Tuesday after- noon, Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. (42ctf) If you need new slip covers or drapes contact Mrs. V. Hinton, elson Street, Bronte. Phone IW. (41-50c-tf) The Senior Catholic Women's League will hold a Euchre in St. Mary's school hall every Tues- night, commencing the 18th 15. at 8. (42ctf) Mr. D. Hamilton-Wright, Char- tered Accountant, wishes to an- nounce that he has arranged with Mr. John J. Kidd, Chartered Ac- countant, for the continuance of his practice as from October 1, 1951. (44-46) CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. T. Aitchison and family, Bronte, wish to express their sincere thanks and apprec- iation to their many kind friends and neighbors, church organiza- tions and the Bronte fire depart- ment for their acts of kindness in the recent illness of Mrs. Ait- chison. ENGAGEMENTS IN MEMORIAM ALGAR Jimmie. He is gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year In loving memory In our lonely hours of thinking of him are always near. of sadness will come o'er us think the wound is Though D: Friends may healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con- cealed. sed by Mother, Dad & Ei 1 Toying memory of Jimmie Al: gar, killed Sept. 29, 1950. To one we will never forget Hig absence to us is a sorrow. His loss we will always regret. Missed by his School Chums. HELP WANTED--MEN GARDENER for transplanting, ete. Phone 47172 (45c44) ATIONALLY known firm - quires part time man, capable of measuring and installing com- bination aluminum windows. Must haye panel truck. Top wages to right man. State qualifications in reply to Box 527 Journal. (86c4d) HELP WANTED--WOMEN GIRL or woman for general housework in pleasant Three adults, no cooking, vate room, liberal time off, moderate wage. Sleep in. Phone 47172 (65cd4) SEWING machine operators, experience preferred but not Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard Weldon of Arnprior announce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy Anne, to James Hastings Windsor, son of Mrs. Mary Wind- sor of Oakville. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Oct- ober 20th in Arnprior United Church, Arnprior. BIRTHS At Oakyille-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday, September 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cul- lingham, Trafalgar, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heath (nee Mercia Seale) wish to announce the arrival of a daughter, Jocelyn | 47 Mercia, at Oakville-Trafalgar Mem orial Hospital, Thursday, Septem- pl ary. Hourly rate with bonus. Hours 8 to 5, five-day week. Apply in person, Stor-Aid of Canada Limited, Forsyth St. S. YOUNG woman to do house- work, 5 day week. Please phone 1T75W. (45c44) WOMAN to do plain cooking and housework, five days a week from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Apply Box 529 Journal, (54p44) SITUATIONS WANTED BUILDING repairs, etc, car- pentry and masonry, tile laid, kitchen cupboards built, new roofs put on, old repaired. Phone 1W4. (1.80c44-47) PLOWING, disking, cultivating and mowing. Phone 764J ber 20th. Both doing well. (70p43- 5) HELP WANTED PIN BOYS FULL OR PART TIME OAKVILLE BOWLING LANES and den or rumpus room, heat. and we will contact you. WE HAVE $10,000 CASH TO PURCHASE A HOUSE COSTING NOT MORE THAN $25,000 Must be a family home located either in town, or Linbrook school area of township. Minimum 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room No agents need apply. We live in town, so write BOX 8000 THE JOURNAL modern kitchen and oil R.SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE--{Hot air furnace, good condition, $60; child's pedal fire truch, $14. Phone 1924, 35pdd FOR SALE--1 baby buggy, good condition; also 1 mattress, full size. 222 Queen Mary Drive. Please call between 7.and 8 p.m. Phone 1637-W. 59pd4 FOR SALE--Wahite table top four burner gas range, excellent con- dition; also bed (blonde shade) and spring mattress. 30 Normandy Road, phone 2140. + blcd4 FOR SALE -- Coleman heater, large size. Telephone 546-W. 35p44 FOR SALE -- Three-quarter blue enamel bed, complete with spring and two-layer felt mattress, $20. Phone 924.J. 4bcdd FOR SALE -- Pedigreed English Bulldog, female, 16 mos. old, won- derful pet for children. Comes in season in approximately 3 weeks. $75.00, fully registered. Reason for selling moving to Alberta. May be seen at Apt. 4, Ortona Barracks, Oakville. 98c44 FOR SALE Frigidaire in excel- lent condition, sacrifice $150. Tele- FOR SALE--Two display tables, phone 1507. sturdily built, exact in size, three shelves on top, shelves in back. Apply Closs Drug Co., phone 248. 50c42 FOR SALE--Beatty electric wash- er, 25 cycle, also maple double bed. Both in good condition. Phone 457-W. 90c44-46 FOR SALE--Mahogany Duncan Phyfe drop leaf extension table and matching chairs. Kroehler davenport, bed, marshall spring mattress and dresser. Sacrifice. Phone 877 after 6 p.m. (62p4d4) FOR SALE--Antique secretary book case, excellent condition, $95. Phone 263W Clarkson. FOR SALE Icebox, white, all me- tal, phone 1466W. (35p44) FOR SALE--Bathtub with fixtures, good condition. Phone 926R eve- ning, TOR SALE--Tield corn, 13 acres. Apply V. A. Wilson, R.R.1, Oak- ville. Phone Clarkson 24R13. FOR SALE--Twin carrriage, good condition, phone 1547W. FOR SALE--Happy, happy pup- Dies, suitable for children's pets. Phone 664. (45c44) ee fe) FOR SALE {Picture window, 24 light, overall size 60"x5'0" good as mew. Phone Bronte 44R22 TE AA FOR SALE--1950 Morris Minor, excellent condition. Phone 1425M FOR SAT FT oo Fim -------- FOR SATE--1 Oak China Cab: inet; 1 jacket heater. Phone 56R. Inet; I Jacket heater. Phone 56R. FOR SALE--1936 model Packard, excellent motor, tires and body, best offer. Phone 17837 (45c44; FOR SALE--$6,000--0n acre, white clapboard, 2 years old, 2 miles from Oakville, Living room 22x14, 2 bedrooms 12x14, nice kit- chen, unfinished bath room, drilled well. Terms. L. H, Cornwall, Real- tor, Phone 930W, Oakville. Ross M. Gibson, 883W. We have many others. L.H.CORNWALL Realtor PHONE 930-w ROSS M. GIBSON PHONE 883-w We Have Many Others 1, BIG MARKET OPEN Should be a ready sale for a new gadget that keeps the inside of a car quiet. It fits over her mouth. WE'LL SEE YOU AT THE KIWANIS CLUB CIRCUS FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28-29 Stirling-Dynes Ltd. LARGE crib phone 954M. WANTED all kinds of live poultry; also old feather ticks and feed bags. Absolutely high- est prices paid. We call--Phone Oakville 796-J-3 or Bronte 25-R-2 or write Moses Zener, 402 Dover- court Rd, Toronto. (pjun24-52) PART TIME WORK--two or three persons of neat appearance required in Oakville and district to earn at least $20.00 per week in good condition, (35p44) doing congenial sales work in their spare time. Kindy phone Bronte 207-J. (92p44) __ TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, properly lden- tified as to contents, will be re- ceived by the Secretary of the Trafalgar Township School Area Board, Mrs. Gladys Speers, Queen Elizabeth Highway, Bronte, R. R. 1 Ontario, up to 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, October 10th, 1951, for the General Contract - and separate contracts for plumbing, heating and ventilating and elec- tric wiring for a new 'school to be erected North of the Queen Elizabeth Highway in Trafalgar Township, Ont. Blueprints, Spec- ifications and Tender Forms may be secured from the office of the Architects upon deposit of Twen- ty-Five Dollars, which will be returned upon return of the plans in good condition. Tenders for a stipulated sum only will be con- sidered. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. MURTON & EVANS Architects 28 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario Sealed tenders marked "Ten- der" will be received by the un- dersigned up to 12 o'clock noon Thursday, Oct. 11, 1951, for the construction of a Park House to be erected in Lakeside Park, Oak. ville; Ont. Blueprints and specifi- cations may be secured at the office of the secretary and must be returned with tender. The low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. H. Cornwall, Secre- tary, Board of Parks Management, WANTED--TORENT HOUSE wanted for winter by veteran and English family. In stone business, will make paths, steps, etc. Anywhere from Tra- falgar to Bronte. Apply Box 523 Journal. (1.36p42-44) LAKESHORE East, well furn- ished 7 room house, air condit- ioned with oil, garage, Nov. 16 to April 15. Phone 151R (47p44) FURNISHED room, private home, board or light housekeep- ing optional. Business people pre- ferred. Phone 173W (35p44) FURNISHED two room apart- ment for adults. Apply after 5 or weekend. 315 Dundas St. N UNFURNISHED flat, 4 rooms and bathroom, Phone 2072. (45c44) CLEAN, comfortable room to rent with use of kitchen. Phone between 12 and 3 pm. Bronte 2147. (45¢44) BEAUTIFUL large room, furn: ished or unfurnished in Bronte. Phone 164-R. (35c44) Important Auction Sale, official opening of Milton Livestock Market, Thursday, Sept. 6th, at 1 pm. and continuing thereafter every Thursday at same time, 3% mile south of Milton, 25 High- way--horses, fat cows, springer cows, fresh cows, canmers, cut- ters, feeders, stockers, fat cat- tle, baby beeves, veal calves, bobs, sheep, lambs, brood sows, fat sows, boars, suckers, fat hogs. Poultry of all Parmers and livestock dealers are cordially invited to consign their livestock to this market. Highest prices assured, excellent inside, sanitary accommodation, plenty of parking space, fast ac- counting system. This sale is staffed by men of efficient and long experience in this type of sale. No sale--no commission. Special low rates to dealers and large consigners. Plan now to bring a load of livestock to Milton on Thursdays. Watch for the sign. Will be seeing: you. 114 Colborne Street E., Oakville, Ont. Linn and Dance, Livestock Auctioneers. GRAMMELL'S MEN'S SHOP (Established 1920) Colborne St., (OPPOSITE LOBLAWS) Hand-cut gry Tailored fy, Johnston p. T You select the fabrig and colour, the style that's right fo you. Its tailored fo nad ete pur | ike more you alony to assure perfect, flat: tering fit part he s ito hs spent we to he 1 hurr; Fo 'Beg Wrote was | hour: Of cc want don't ly Oakville 7 Imissi and | CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE A SPECIAL BY KROEHLER!J A SMART MODERN LIVING ROOM SUITE IN THE WORLD FAMOUS CUSH- IONIZED CONSTRUCTION IN TWO CUSHION SOFA AND DEEP-SEATED LUXURIOUS MATCHING CHAIR. THIS SUITE IS AVAILABLE IN A WIDE RANGE OF COVERS AND COLOURS AT/ AN AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE. TWO PIECES ONLY $169.00 DOMINION FURNITURE PHONE 957 STORES of Oa readin 7] same at wh The y ly ex find a in the lity sh D hand] certaj much shoul ities 1 'There recres and tl ing ti t's a to da shoul E litt] lace | of chi ville rayel his 1 Oaky] Who i young Would OPEN SATURDAY OAKVILLE | EVENINGS