in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 11 ,2 02 2 | 8 Notice of Public Meeting Parks Plan and Parkland Dedication By-Law Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Oakville Town Council will consider a new Parks Plan, according to section 42(4.1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and obtain public input on the municipality's proposed Parkland Dedication by- law. The new Parks Plan 2031 will be presented to Planning and Development Council on September 6, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. from the Council Chamber, at Town Hall together with the proposed Parkland Dedication by- law. Contact the Clerk's department at TownClerk@ or 905-815-6015 by no later than noon on September 6, 2022 for instructions on how to view the meeting or participate in-person, by written submission, videoconference or telephone. In order that sufficient information is made available to the public, background information is available on the town website at dedication.html. Dated at the Town of Oakville on August 11, 2022. Notice of Public Meeting Community Benefits Charge Strategy and By-Law Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Oakville Town Council will consider a community benefits charge (CBC), in accordance with section 37 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. The CBC may be levied against new high-density residential development of five or more storeys with 10 or more units, to pay for capital costs of facilities, services and matters required because of development or redevelopment in the town. The proposed CBC by-law will be considered for adoption at Planning and Development Council on September 6, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. from the Council Chamber, at Town Hall. Contact the Clerk's department at or 905-815-6015 by no later than noon on September 6, 2022 for instructions on how to view the meeting or participate in-person, by written submission, videoconference or telephone. In order that sufficient information is made available to the public, the Community Benefits Charge Strategy and proposed CBC by-law are available on the town website (type "Community Benefits Charge" in the search tool). An Alberta patrol officer, who is walking across Canada to break the stigma of post-traumat- ic stress disorder (PTSD) among first responder and military com- munities, stopped by Oakville Tuesday, Aug. 2 to let people know it's OK to not be OK. Chad Kennedy and a number of his supporters attended Halton police headquarters where he talked about his walk, Sea to Sea for PTSD. The Alberta Sheriff Highway Patrol officer said he was initially diagnosed with PTSD in 2018, but the condition worsened in 2020 af- ter he responded to a particularly horrific vehicle crash. "I was one of six law enforce- ment officers on scene at a mass casualty bus rollover at Jasper National Park ... We didn't have EMS at all, they were an hour and a half away," said Kennedy. "You see a few dead people, but you see a lot of broken people that you can't do anything for. You're helpless." After two weeks of struggling to deal with what he had experi- enced at that crash scene Kenne- dy contemplated taking his own life, but as the night went on, he instead came up with the idea of walking across Canada to raise awareness of PTSD among first responder and military/veteran communities. Despite committing to this PTSD walk and starting the training for it, Kennedy said he still did not seek help for his con- dition. This changed in February 2021 when Kennedy found he was too afraid to get in his patrol car. "I had to phone a friend to reas- sure me that it was OK for me to ask for help," said Kennedy. "People had put me on this pedestal as a mental health advo- cate, but I had no idea what the hell I was doing or what post- traumatic stress was doing to me." Kennedy is now on long-term disability and is receiving thera- py to help him with his PTSD. He says his therapy team agreed walking the country would be great therapy for him. The walk began April 4, 2022 in Cranbrook, B.C. and is scheduled to finish in October at the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border. The Alberta man also hopes the walk will help kick-start a new foundation that focuses on mental health programs for the emergency services and the mil- itary. "We see the s -- t," said Kenne- dy. "If there is anything I could ev- er leave with anybody here or those across the country it's that it is OK not to be OK and, damn it, ask for help. Don't let this demon destroy you. It will do everything in its power to separate you from your family and friends and it will get you alone and it will eat you." Those present also heard from Lisa Ellsworth who has been a member of the Halton Police Communications Department for 19 years. Ellsworth, who is also living with PTSD, says there was no sin- gle call that triggered it. "Around year 15, it was like a brick to the head," said Ells- worth. "Suddenly calls started both- ering me. I sat at my desk crying after a call because there was a daycare worker that was scream- ing for help. She couldn't remem- ber how to do CPR. She was just screaming, and I couldn't do any- thing to help her. I had to listen to the ambulance try to calm her down. Meanwhile, I'm watching the officers on the screen and I'm like 'holy s -- t' can you drive fas- ter. Let's go." Ellsworth said she pushed on and tried to deal with her condi- tion alone. She says she was a nightmare to live with, noting everything made her angry. Ellsworth says she came to think of herself as garbage and wondered if the world would be better without her. She eventually had to leave work but got help and is now par- ticipating in Kennedy's walk, which she called a healing jour- ney. Kennedy said first responders and members of the military have signed up to do things others won't do and called on them to be proud. He described PTSD as "an ho- nourable injury." For more information or to make a donation visit https:// WALK RAISING AWARENESS OF MILITARY, FIRST RESPONDER PTSD Chad Kennedy (carrying the walking stick) and supporters arrive in Oakville during their cross- Canada Sea to Sea for PTSD walk. Halton police photo DAVID LEA NEWS "If there is anything I could ever leave with anybody here or those across the country it's that it is OK not to be OK and, damn it, ask for help." - Chad Kennedy