COMMUNITY FALL FAIR FUN Oakville Beaver | Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 32 Graham Paine/Metroland Above, Corrie-Lynn Smith navigates a paddle boat as hundreds took in the return of the annual Oak Park Fall Fair. At right, Diane Olefir, who arrived from Ukraine a few months ago with her mother and sister, scales a climbing wall for the first time. TORONTO STAR GET UP TO $50" METRO GIFT CARD WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE. STARTING AT *“A WEEK FOR 12 MONTHS ees co Ly) SERS Pid \ ~ pam SUNDAY STAY ee re RG anes SUBSCRIBE NOW: OR CALL: 416-367-4500 and quote code CTAMGIFT *Plus HST. Save 54% off available to current it it ‘The New York