HB NEWS PROTESTER INTERRUPTS DEFENCE MINISTER'S SPEECH DAVID LEA Canada was killing people _ diers since 2015. dlea@metroland.com in Donbas and risking a nu- “We weren't just at the ta- clear war. ble in 2022 or the end of 2021, A protester called on "We are defending the in- sian in- ternational rules-based or- der that has kept you, every- one in this room and our country safe since the end of vasion seemed imminent," said Anand. "We've been there since of National Defence Anita the Second World War,"said continue to be there for Anand on Friday (Sept. 16). and to the applause of Ukraine, forits stability and Anand, who was speak- _ the audience. its sovereignty.” ing before an audience of "That's what we are do- During her speech around 170 people at an ing.” Anand also talked about in- Oakville Chamber of Com- The Defence Minister flation and affordability. merce event, was discuss- continued her speech fol- he pointed out that in- ing Canada's contributions _ lowing the interruption. flation is a global phenome- to Ukraine when a woman She noted that Since Rus- non that has various approached from the _ sia's invasion of Ukraine causes, includii ie dis- crowd. Feb. 24 Canada has commit. ruption of global sup ted more than $600 million yy the war front, of Anand a na fet up worth of military aid to Ghaaine and pent-up de. a banner reading, "STOP Ukraine, mand for goods caused by THE WAR" and "STOP She also said that in both _ the pandemic and the war. SENDING WEAPONS" and NATOandUkrainethereisa The minister said the Ca- “PEACE WITHRUSSIA"be- __ recognition that Canadahas _nadian government has in- fore quickly being removed been a leader i in the fightfor vestedin Canadians and Ca- from the building by “As she was taken away the protester yelled that Forces have trained more than 33,000 Ukrainian sol- nadian businesses to en. sure Canada and its most vulnerable citizens weather Some of the measures old age security for seniors over 75, cutting childcare fees by an average of 50 per cent by the end of this year and increasing the Canada Workers Benefit by up to $2,400 for low-income fami- S. More recently the gov- ernment announced the doubling of the GST tax credit for six months, the provision of a Canada Den- tal Benefit to children un- der 12 who don't have access to dental insurance and a one-time top up to the Cana- da Housing Benefit to deliv- er $500 to $1.8 million Cana- dian renters who are strug- gling with the cost of hous- id also discussed some things the federal gov- ernment has recently done for Oakville. She said this summer the ENahapriaat invested more 4 million in 90 local businesses and organiza- tions to create more than David Lea/Metroland Oakville MP and Minister of National Defence Anita Anand speaks during an Oakville Chamber of Commerce event. Anand said Oakville will alsot be. getting 21 electric ve- g Stations asa res sult funding nounced He build 6,000 the Canada Summer Jobs Program. “These jobs help young Canadians gain the skills work experience need- ed to successfully transition into the labour market where we know there are la- bour shortages," said. Anand. Another major recent in- vestment will see $295 mil- lion in federal funding pro- vided to the Oakville Ford country. Anand and Oakville North-Burlington MP Pam Damoff also recently nounced $2 million for Vocal Oakville © projects. ey will fund im- provements ‘ the Wallace Park facility, a3.7-kilometre multi-use trail along Upper Middle Road and the con- struction of a cricket field near Sixteen Mile Creek arena. AIRE HEATING & COOLING eae TOA HIGH Et EFFICIENCY SYSTEM = ye icira =? é (oY < for Details 1 . Year pacton) (— TIL SUMMER 2023* details, o.a.c UPGRADE TO A HIGH EFFICIENCY CENTRAL AIR WAS-§3695 * y \ E ip ) a Gc C GY — = Starting I for Details 10 Year Factory Warranty ! Watson Investments “Our clients enjoy talking about their retirement dreams and we enjoy helping them get there.” Peter & Jennifer Accepting new clients. Please visit com to book a free consultation. Offering safe virtual meetings and new client onboarding. CENTRAL AIR ; /Biagnostic SPECIA al. OAKVI LLE info@watsoninvestments.com ®& (905) 842-2100 02 Zz Jequieydes ‘Aepsinyy | seneeg eAyeo | ¢ 1-888-827-2665 Jennifer Watson MBA, CFP®, CIM® Peter Watson MBA, CFP*, R.F.P., CIM®, FCS! kad i 3 3