HB NEWS TEACHER'S ATTIRE SPURS DRESS CODE REVIEW KATHY YANCHUS kyanchus@metroland.com The ontroversial classroom attire transgender teacher, which has created a local and global media storm and flooded the inboxes of Halton District School Board staff and trustees, has now prompt view of the board's dress code. he past several dave as ree of the Oak- ville Trafalgar High School tech teacher wear- ing overly large prosthetic breasts went viral, the board stood by its position of recognizing "the rights of students, staff, parents/ guardians and communi- ty members to equitable treatment without dis- c mn gender identity and gen- der expression." voted to request Director of Education Curtis Ennis re- turn to the board before the end of November with a re- port addressing “the vari- ous considerations regard- ig dress codes," a motion tha it carried unanimously. "I read each and every email that I receive; some of them have been quite nasty from groups far be- yond the borders of Cana- da, described as hate groups," said Oakville trustee Tracey Ehl Harri- son, who brought the mo- tion forward. many questions from the public are hu- man resources related is- sues, trustees are restrict- ed in what they are able to say at this time, but all “courteous and respect- - PLANFOR _ CHRISTMAS NOW! ful" inquiries received by trustees on this issue are forwarded to senior staff, said board chair Margo Shuttleworth. Ennis “said the board aims to handle the "signif- icant attention" the board is receiving’ ain a way | that stays tru our vs respects the. privacy esi dignity of our students and staff and with the safe- ty and well-being of stu- dents and staff as our highest priority.” Staff is guided by legis- lation and also fundamen- tally by the privacy and confidentiality of each of 's 10,000 employees, he added. While I understand the desire for inform: by the public, we ‘vii not and cannot publicly dis- cuss any matter that iden- tifies our staff directly or indirectly. I trust the pub- lic will understand the pa rameters that guide us," said Ennis. HDSB photo A mandatory vaccination policy is not what schoo! boards have been asked to implement, said HDSB director of education Curtis Ennis. BURLINGTON THE MEDSPA GRAND Cpening THURSDAY | OCTOBER 20|5-9 PM Exctusive EVENT-ONLY OFFERS ON: %z0z‘9 seqopo ‘Aepsiny | seneeg eNIAYEO | EZ FILLERS/VNJECTABLES CHRISTMAS Lay - IPL PHOTOFACIALS DINNER IN : Se STYLE! CONTOURING PACKAGES Meet Dr. Jessica Shih . MORPHEUS 8 FACE AND NECK e FACETITE, ACCUTITE, BODYTITE Ee paand rg icclae Burlington, Dr AND MoRE! * SWAG BAGS VALUED AT $200+ ( FOR FIRST 100 ELIGIBLE GUESTS ¢ GIVEAWAY PRIZES AND MORE > \l \ burlingtonplasticsurgery.ca _895 BRANT ST, SUITE 6, BURLINGTON 905-333-9889 ORDER NOW TO ENSURE You HAVE IT ON TIME! ci e fineoakthings: com, 2 43 Main St. South, Campbellville © 905. 854. LN woo"uo}}EYyapIsUl