sy MUNICIPAL ELECTION “WHO'S RUNNING FOR WARD 5 TOWN/REGIONAL COUNCILLOR? 5 8 3 JEFF KNOLL CONTACT INFO: jeff@jeff-, jeff: = OCCUPATION: Ward 5 town knoll. ca, @councillorknoll, 3 i illor, and PREVIOUS POLITICAL EXPERI- = CEO of Film.Ca Cinemas @councillorknoll, ENCE: Regional Councillor — ADDRESS/WARD: Ward 5in _ tube. com/councillorknoll, Oakville Ward 5 Oak Park https://www.linke- 2000; Chair of Halton Police a 2 j BRICK he secsopnens Friday, October 7, OURS ONLY - a1 AFFORE SAVING YOU MORE For more details shop instore or online at Board — (Chair since 2021, Board Member since 2012) chair of Oakville Library —current; eo eair of Halton Heath and Social Services years during time on coun. cil; President of Halton Housing Corporation — 14 ars during time on coun- WHY HAVE YOU DECIDED TO SEEK RE-ELECTION? I have de- cided to run for re-election skill, I can continue to get things done for my constit- provide solid lene. for our commu- HAT AREYOUR TOP THREE Is- SUES? 1. We must work close- MUNICIPAL ELECTIONY 2. Oakville must ensure new development respects existing neighbourhoods and our official plan. 3. Budgets Inust be set that balance need t cost of living or less. ELECTED, WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH IN YOUR FIRST 100 DAYS? My first 100 days will be busy working on budgets of the town, re- gion, police and library. I will also be focusing on challenging two incompati- ble developments that are proposed for Sixth Line (at River Oaks) and within Up- town Core (Smart Centre) and continuing governance reform project for the Hal- ton Police Board. HOW WILL YOU EMBRACE AND CHAMPION DIVERSITY IN THIS ROLE? Through my work on Jeff Knoll photo JEFF KNOLL both councils, police and li- brary boards, I will contin- ue to advocate for, and in- sist on, equity, diversity and inclusion policies and prac- tices that yield the tangible result of a greater under- standing, nuine in- clusion and respect for the growing diversity ofour our: er low citizens and co! ‘y- EDITOR'S NOTE: Candidate Alicia Bedford did aot re- spond to our questionnaire by press time. see more municipal election coverage, vis- it halton-news/municipal- election. akville Pentecostal Apostolic Centre OAKVILLE PENTECOSTAL APOSTOLIC CENTRE 12:30 - 3PM Worship Service Sunday Evening: 7:30-9PM (Via Zoom Virtual Platform) “Covid-19 Safety Protocols Strictly followed.* ‘Tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Bishop M. Brissett Email: JESUS IS LORD PW: worship ‘Tel: 289-830-671: Pastor Carl Cunni OAKVILLE ADVENTIST COMPANY Virtual Worship Services on Zoom: Zoom ID : 867 6764 2331 Saturdays 10 AM - 1:00 PM ‘Wednesdays 7:00 PM ‘Thursdays 6:30 PM Pastoral Services Available for Community In-person worship resumes July 9th, 2022. {As of July 9°, 2022 - choose between In-person (1250 McCraney Street East) and virtual 200m services. Services may be accessed virtually and in person “We Press On” kc Ewen (Senlor Pastor) (Aasociate Pastor) Pastor Dean Lashington (Lead Ede ‘Twitter: @Oakvillesda Email: oakvillechurchsda@gmailcom [FJ GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV. TED VANCE THANKS! To help your Church survive the pandemic, please send e-transfers to: donations@ Thank you and God Bless yout 1469 Nottin E