s+ IB MUNICIPAL ELECTION = DAVID LEA dlea@metroland.com Mayoral candidates spoke at an all-candidates meeti at Oakville's 2 Queen Elizabeth Park & Community and Cultural 5 Centre on Thursday, Oct. 6. Here are the top nine quotes. OPENING STATEMENTS: Rob Burton: "Together we've had many successes. We created natural heri- tage systems, local gré belts for Oakville and. for Beaver | Thursday, October 13, 2022 | Halton. Literally half of Halton is protected: anie from” ° melvena protected the len, ‘Abbey Golf Course, we stopped a power plant. “We doubled our recre- ational facilities, and we improved our roads. We strengthened our finances. Tax increases in this term of council have been half of inflatio: “None of our neigh- bours come close to us on our record of taxes. Thank: rising dive dend income from town ergy service enterprises, which I ii ited, we can now afford the new per- forming arts centre we need, the new main library we need, new parking for our three traditional main street areas and a 2,000- acre eco par] Jack Rubolie: "Let's be honest, I'm young. Your ini- tial reaction when you first heard about me might have been ...'whoa.' “On the first day of clas- ses this year, one of my pro- fessors asked me if I was running as a protest orasa joke. “The answer is no. I'm here today to bring youth- ful energy to Oakville and make it ready for the fu- ture. Wo. fer, more sustainable and support inclusivity. But how do you know I'm not a reckless ig man. You wouldn't be the first to ask. just 14 and sometimes peo- ple are doubtful of | bavinga 16-year-old shoot their wedding. But I et clients and I gave them results they could count on and I plan to do the same with our town." Julia Hanna: "I believe we are running on tired leadership and missed op: portunities. The town proposing 59-storey towers our midtown core. Please don't let anyone tell you this is the province's fault. The town had a plan for mid-density in 2008. That opportunity was Book your Personalized Smile Consultation today At Village Orthodontics in Oakville, we specialize in beautiful smiles using clear aligners and traditional braces. New Patients Welcome Schedule your complimentary missed. Despite everything we have heard, Glen Abbey has not been saved. It has been paused, “out a Gia spend $11.4 million tax money Sofoncling Gien Abbey. “As your mayor, I am committing to you that I will say 'no' to 59-storey skyscrapers, ‘yes' to build- ing communities, not sprawl. I will be collabora- tive, inclusive. I will follow through with promises. We need a mayor with passion, a mayor for change, a may- or for all." ON THE TOWN'S COMMUNITY ENERGY STRATEGY: Julia Hanna: "The big- gest concern we all have in our minds, any of us who have children or grandchil- dren, is their future. Our climate crisis, what we are seeing all over the world, we can't be naive enough to think it isn't coming into our own bacl . We already dealing with flood- ing issues and concerns in our community. “But what we have to do is help he nee be able to meet the emis- sions goal boone we have just come out of COVID. It has been a very difficult struggle. A believe) 60 per cent of small businesses are still at risk of closing. What we need to do is help king with “he federal govern- ment to give them the tools and the support to be envi- ronmentally sustainable.” surton: "I'm very proud of the Community Energy Strategy; it was cit- izen created at arms-length from the town. It dida real- ly good job of measuring 9 THINGS MAYORAL CANDIDATES SAID AT DEBATE and reporting the problem. In Oakville, 30 per cent of greenhouse gases emitted in our town come from our cars. “Thirty per cent come from our homes ... Thanks tomy {gadership of the Au- to Mayors of Ontario, which I created, we have saved the auto industry in for electric vehicle manu- cturing. “Over 20 years, there are going to be a lot more electric cars and we are go- ing to see progress on the 30 Per gent emissions from oul “That leaves the homes. If elected, I'm going to in- troduce an incentive pro- to ensure we are giving Elite Home Nursing Care CARE ~ MORE THAN just NURSING It's Experienced and all-encompassing specialized care that gives you options when you need it most. consultation today! Lisa Zablotny, RPN OWNER In-home hospice, respite palliative and senior care. SERVING HALTON HILLS, DUFFERIN COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS WITH OVER 15 YEARS OF DIVERSE NURSING CARE. 647-496-1424 2-2983 Westoak Trails Blvd. Oakville villageortho.ca + 24 hour care available + Urgent and short-term options + Highly compassionate and skilled services Reader's Choice Gold Winner 2022 © 416-833-8203 © wwwa.eliteh i me —VILLAGE— “Gb orTHODONTICs sare.ca insidehalton.com