Oakville Beaver... THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 2022 ‘INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC’ HALTON POLICE LAUNCH ENHANCED CRIME MAP DAVID LEA dlea@metroland.com Halton police have enhanced one of their Yy community crime awareness resources. In an effort to ensure resi- dents — in Oakville, and across the region — continue to have quick and easy access to the lat- est crime information in their ar- ea, Halton Regional Police Ser- vice has launched an upgraded version of its crime mapping tool on its www.haltonpolice.ca web- Accessible to PC and mobile users under the News and Up- dates tab, the latest Crime Map- ping tool offers an at-a-glance snapshot of events by crime type across the region. Key features of the tool include: + The ability to set filters by date, incident type, and munici- palit + A table displaying all occur- rences. currently Visible | which shows a total number of tach occurrence big See UPGRADED, page 4 $2.00 | CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY | INSIDEHALTON.COM IMPACTING YOUR COMMUNITY Graham Paine/ Metroland Halton Police Chief Stephen Tanner looks over the service's enhanced crime map. Collision & Glass Service N=, www. carstaroakville.co: 916 Winston Churchill Blvd. 2212 Wyecroft Rd. Rob J Demille, Agent 4515 Dundas St. W, Unit 203 ake, ON LEM ane 905-849-3050 rob@robdemille.ca ie) Desjardins Insurance MUNICIPAL ELECTIONY FROM THE ISSUES TO THE INFORMED CHOICE ON OCT. 24. INSIDEHALTON.COM /2022MUNICIPALELECTION Metroland Media Group Ltd., 1 Yonge Street, 4th floor, Toronto, ON, MSE 1E6 Insurance tailored for you by your upper Oakville Desjardins Agents atricia Velasco, P. 905-829-1531 patriciavelasco.ca Richard Demille, Agent 905-257-0111 richarddemille.com Rob J Demille, Agent 905-849-3050 robdemille.ca Get in touch today. O Desjardins DESJARDINS®, csT-0344