2 & a g g 8 o 3 g = g 3 2 i $ 2 5 zZ = i 2 zh rd cj insidehalton.com W's" Lolo) »s—3)B) = 65+ Enjoy Lifestyle Freedom at MEws A PROJECT OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF OAKVILLE OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, November 9**, 2022 from 10 am - 2 pm 290 Woodside Drive Multiple units available with varying features. Ki Library ce Coronation Park 905-842-5095 info@woodsidemews.ca www.woodsidemews.ca IBNEWS OAKVILLEGREEN GETS $49,000 FOR RAIN GARDEN PROJECT The tae is invest- ing in an Oakville- green svoject that will see water absorbing rain gar- lens built throughout the community by local youths. In a news release is- sued, Monday, Oct. 17, Oakville North—Burling- ton MPP Effie Triantafilo- poulos discussed the local conservation association's s "Oakville Ready for Maingardens project. ‘in garden is a land- scaping feature that re- es an area of lawn in order to collect stormwa- The shallow depression has loose, deep soil that ab- sorbs and naturally filters runoff, preventing it from entering the storm drain system and ultimately wa- terways. "I am pleased to an- nounce that Oakvillegreen has received $49,000 for the akville Ready for Rain, Ranvandene project. The project will give youth in our community hands-on training in building 10 rain gardens that will help soak up heavy rains, and plant 220 native plants for polli- nators in the Lake Ontario watershed," said Trianta- is builds on the funding received by Oak- villegreen for three rain gardens planted in 2019. We ail. have a role in pro- tecting, conserving and re- storing the Great Lakes and it's great to see Oakvil- (GLLAF), which seeks to help build healthier com- unities while protecting and i improving the health of the Great Lakes and their Comectine waters. Oakvillegreen _Presi- dent Karen Brock said her group was grateful for the Effie Triantafilopoulos/Twitter photo Oakville North-Burlington MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos (centre) joins Oakvillegreen President Karen Brock in announcing. $49,000 for a rain garden project. “The project will give youth in our community hands-on training in building 10 rain gardens that will help soak up heavy rains, and plant 220 native plants for pollinators in the Lake Ontario watershed.” Oakville North-Burlington MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos grant, noting it would pro- vide funding for a online educational work- shops coupled with hands- on outdoor Opportunities ident willlearn hear ween infra- structure features, such as simple rain gardens and bioswales, can provide a solution to protecting wa- ter quality, aquatic habi- tats and controlling storm- water runoff," said Brock. “At the same time, na- tive plant choices will en- hance the features and add climate resilience and bio- diversity in neighbour- series of hood t yards." Oakvillegreen president said the project will be launched in late Oc- tober. She noted the rain gar- den course is free, and training is suitable for res- idents, and volunteers and ject with innovative envi- ronmental impact. igh school students will be eligible for volun- teer hours. For more information on how to get involved email maryann@oakville- green.org.