UROSPOT is changing people’s lives. “Two coffees before a long car ride and | didn't have to go to the bathroom for hours!” — Sophie, 52 (after 2 sessions) NiVom comer atelale][ale ol-te]e) kM INicoH- Vale mom comour-lale|iae mcm (olmolmeal-laan As Canada’s #1 brand for pelvic health, no one has treated more fel-Xo)e)(-Melamital-m C-te\-1i Nal colal-teamt-Manl-teller-Rolal-lifa-le)e)cei-lem o\ a mlcrliaa Canada to restore the pelvic floor, than we have. 2202 ‘OL Jequienon ‘Aepsunyy | senzeg aA | £9 woo"uoy}EYyapIsUt