Oakville Express and Halton County Advertiser, 18 Jul 1879, p. 7

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= = = whist crocodile. The Emigrant. She clasped her hands on my arms, She laid her cheek on my shoulder; The tide of her tears fell warm On hands that trembled to hold her. ZT whispered a pitying word, As the ship moved slowly apart, -And the grief of the friendless poured Its choking weight on my heart. For graves in the evening shade Were green on a far-off hill, ‘Where the joys of her life were laid With love that had known no chill ; But however her heart might yearn, We were facing the freshening breeze, And the white wave lengthened astern On the rolling floor of the seax. She quenched the fire of her tears, Uplifting her meek brave head. “Or dark or bright be the years, I will take courage,” she said ; Smoothing back her loose-blowing hair, And her shawl drawing closer the while, So she drank in the strong sea air, And left the old shore with a smile. —-<. Hunting Beasts in India. << + Shooting Crocodiles in the River Jumna Snooting a Tiger witha light Rifle — A Hunter Who Seems to Have Been Very Reckless. The welt-known American exploring na- turalist, William TI. Hornaday, who recent- ly returned to Rochester after an extended tour in the eastern hemisphere, has seen and passed safely through a series of thril- ling adventures since he set sail from New York in October, 1875. The returned ex- plorer lately gave many interesting reminis- ences of his long journey. i ‘When I arrived at Allahabad,” said Mr. Hornaday, ‘‘ 1 engaged five native boatmen, each at a salary ot $2 a month, without board ; fitted up an old scow-boat, and sail- ed up the Sumna one hundred miles above Compore. Our carbin aboard was comforta- bly fitted up. and in it we had everything in convenient shape—guns hanging all over the walls, hatchets and big knives scattered about promiscuously, and in the centre a big barrel of brine for preserving the skins of the gavials, or Gangetic crocodiles, which it was our mission to secure. Those native assistants were a little backward at first, but I put them through a course of train- ing, and it wasn’t long before they were the best boatmen Lever saw. They would go anywhere for me—even to the bottom of the river—if I only furnished them an example. I remember the first CROCODILES we sawup there. They lay on a sand-bar at the water’s edge, basking in the sun. We landed opposite to them, and I improved an opportunity to fire at a fine specimen. The ball hit him in the neck, and his jaws flew open as though a spring had been suddenly pressed. I had instructed my men that whenever a ball from my rifle produced this effect they were to hasten forward and grasp the reptile by the tail, to prevent his getting into the water. But they were not accus- tomed to that sort of pastime, and azain they were backward, The crocodile made for the water, but he soon came back and shoved himself upon the sand bar. I fired again, and the rifle ball this time seemed to earry agony all through the reptile’s frame. He was very demonstrative, and thrashed his tail round forcibly enough to leave its mark wherever it struck. Again my men were afraid. Even after they had taken hold of the tail, the crocodile;anhis contoy-_ _-— sions, managéd to pall away ae and =< get, back into the water. “Thusvan's eley A fier Shootiis my nexbispe* scence TET e opposite side of the water, I took my large knife in my mouth and swam across the stream with the men in my wake. We landed near enough to be all but in the jaws of the huge reptile. While we swam we were passing over the horny forms of others of the same sort. This one we were fortunate enough to capture. I have his skin herein Rochester. After this last suc- cessful exploit tac men seemed to have got entirely over their fricht. I shot another very larze crocodile from my ‘hiding-place behind an extemporized rifle pit. The men hastened, but they only got over to the sandbar in time to see the game slide into the river. They actually rushed into the water after him, caught him by the tail and dragged him ashore, after tugging like he- roes. ‘The crocodile snapped his formidable jaws at the men, but we finally killed him with a revolver shot. He measured ten feet eight inches, and is one of the speci- mens in my collection. My little Maynard riile was not heavy enough to kill the largest of these crocodiles, but I have the satistac- tion of knowing that I have the only speci- mens of that species now in America. ENORMOUS VULTURES f{octogyps calvus) infest all the resion, and whenever we skinned a crocodile we might be sure that plenty of interested spectators would witness the scene. The greedy birds would pull and haul at the pieces of meat that I threw up iv the air tothem. Tne always fought over every morsel, and ali but went down each other’s throats in their greed. We spent about a month at that point hunting gavia's, after which for about two weeks I was hunting antelope, ra- vine deer and ordinary small game and birds, A TIGER HUNT that I had came the nearest to being a genu- ine adventure of anything connected with my last expedition. Aftera severe attack of fever at the Octacamund Sanitarium, I packed and shipped my specimens and went south to the Annimallai Hills, (the hunter’s paradise). That region abounds in elephants, tigers, bison, sambur deer, muntjac, axis deer, wild goats, wild boars, black bear, three species of large monkeys, and a great many smaller animals. A man could never o out there without seeing something to shoot at. The hills are high and rolling ; the forest open ; the air is so soft and balmy; the water is clear, and there is an agreeable lack of both underbrush and mosquitoes, The only drawback to these hunting grounds igs the fact that no white man can remain there two weeks without having an attack of intermittent fever. When I arrived I en- gaged five of the natives—great, strong, sin- ewy Mulcers, who I "knew would not hesi- tate tp handle anything, eat anything, or do anything. Taking their families along, we struck for the quarters where I knew the elephants abounded in largest numbers. At or near Tellikul we built three huts for our habitation, and made preparations to open the siege. After we had been there about two months, hunting every day, I saw a few tiger signs. They were hardly fresh enough to give me any hope of seeing a tiger, how- ever. Que day, while we wandered al ug a little stream with sand bed, shallow waters, and only about twenty-five feet in width, the Mulcers informed me that they hail dis- covered in the bed of the stream the fresh tracks ofa large tiger. They examined the tracks more closely through the few inches of water, and reiterated their former state- ment that the tracks were clearly fresh. After the Mulcers had compared notes for a few minutes, one of them asked me whether I wou!d dare with that small rifle to shoot at a tiger. I repiied that I certainly would. The Mulcer who acted as my guide was in the habit of grasping held of my arm when he discovered game. He walked close to me then, as we followed slowly down the stream in dead siltnce. We walked perbaps half a mile, obserying fresber signs «f the tiger at each stage of progress. His claw marks in the moist sandy bank were easily recognized. Wecame to a sharp bend in the stream where there was a clump of bam- boos. Just then the Shikarre (my guide) grabbed hold of my arm with a grip like that ofa vice. He pointed through the clump of bamboos, and snre enough there was the lord of the forest in all his glory! He was walking away from me, across the bed of the stream, when-I caaght the first glimpse of him, and 1 knew that it wouldn’s answer at allto fire then. Tne handsome beast turned to walk back. Just at the middle of the stream he stopped, raised his head, and looked straight at us. Those gleaming eyes were beautiful, yet terrible to look upon, at a distance of only thirty yards. As I looked, and as the tizer glared, I knew it was thenor never. Taking acareful, steady aim at his left eye, i fired, and he fell. He died without a sound—a very unusual thing for a tiger todo. He measured three feet round the’ jaws, nine feet eight and a half inches in length, and stood three feet seven inches high at the shoulders. His weight was 495 pounds. SS Se An Indian Festival in Brazil,, The grand festival begins on Saturday evening, During the day parties have been comirg in from all directions, bringing their roupa de ver a Deus—‘* clothes to see God in” —oen their heads. Hvery house is crowded with guests, and many swing their hammock to the trees ; the old women busy themselves in preparing swee'meats and mandioca beer; and the men build an arbour of boughs be- fore the chapel. Everybody attends the final prayer-meeting, and devoutly salutes the saint ; then the dancing begins in several houses at once and is continued with very little intermission until Tuesday or Wednes- day, as the refrsshments last. Many of the young people get only five or six hours of sleep during this time, The dancers are or- derly, and for the most part sober; the old- people sit around and watch them, and grow talkative, and enjoy themselves quietly ; and white clerks from town move about with a pleasing sense of ther own glory, On Sunday morning there is an interlude, during which the grand breakfast is served. An ox has been killed for the occasion, and the guests eat as much as they please, with their fingers for forks. Ceremonious toasts are proposed in bad Portugu:se and drunk bad in wine ; everybody says ‘‘ Veval” in acknowledgment of everybody’s sentiments, and there is a solemn aping of all that is ridiculous in the grand dinners of the brancos. With this the {indians feel that Sbayebptections $heir duty; and return to their sports with fresh uncjion- They dance rustic waltzes and. quadrilles not - ungvacefully, to the music of a violin and a littie wire-stringed guitar. Then therei; the favourite lundu, a kind of slow fandango, involving much snapping of fingers and shuffling of feet. The saracura dance is led off by a Special musician, a merry old fellow, who marches about the room playing a tiny reed flute with the right hand and beating a drum with the left. One after another the couples fall in behind him, tripping along with their arms about each other very lov- ingly, and keeping time to his music with a little jingling song, which, m English, would be something like this: A Melancholy Story. The Hastern Province Herald, of Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope has the fol- lowing :—A warrant has been issued by the resident magistrate of Swellendam for the apprehension ef Robert Gray, D D., late secretary and treasurer of the Divisional Council of Sweilendam, on a charge oi theft by means of embezziement of rates collected by him fom that council. This is another instance of a life wasted. by dissipation. Robert Gray was a cultured man, and pos- sessed of considerab’e abilities. He was also, in his younger days, a great athlete, and was of the order of ‘‘ sporting parsons. ” He came to Natal several years ago as Dean for Bishop Colenso, and for some time was respected and popular. Hecould preach a fine sermon, andgpossessed a highly accom- plished wife, who was a gifted vocalist, and a valued assistant at all the fashionable con- certs. People used to rush to the Cathedral on days of high festival, not only to hear the Bishop or the Dean preach, but also to hear Mrs Gray sing. By-and-by strange stories began to leak out, and eventually it became known that the Dean was not all that he should bs. He left Natal suddenly, and was understood to have gone up the country. Later on he was heard of in the Cape Colony, and now he is an outlaw, with a grave charge against him. Explosive Harpoons. Old geographies, and some new ones, for that matter, have yery impressive pictures of whale fishing, with a man standing in the prow of the boat hurling a harpoon at the unfortunate fish. These pictures now must be ‘‘reconstructed.” The harpoon has been supplanted by a bomb, which is fired from agun and exploded in the whale. The latest is described as a lance which weighs seven and one-half pounds, and contains one and one-quarter pounds of powder, and is pro- pelled by a heavy rocket. There being no discharge of a heavy gun, the recoil is a push rather than a blow, and the bomb is ignited by the rocket when the latter has burned out. A chain toggle attached to the front end of the rocket is released by the ex- plosion, securely holding the whale, which, if not instantly killed, cannot long survive the explosion. VARIETIES. Canoeing is the latest pastime for English ladies. In May ant June of 1830 an exhibition of ecclesiastical art will be held in London. Tue British Museum has lately acquired the remainder of the tablets found at Hil- lah. Sir Perper SHELLEY is building an elegant little theatre, about the size of the Strand, in Chelsea. Tue Stafford House South African aid fund is to send six trained nurses and $1,000 to Lady Frere. WINTERHEIM, a large Icelandic co'ony in western Minnesota, expects an addition of three hundreil irom Iceland in August. A weauruy silk manufactu:er in Staf- fordshire, Hngland, has been sent to prison for refusing t0 maintain his wife and chil- dren. Tus colossal statue of Bismarck was lately unveiled at Cologne, and artists are now invited to send in models of a monument to Moltke. SunATOR GoRDON'S sheep ranch in Georgia comprises 40,000 acres. Negro convic's will enclose it with a stone wall, seven miles of which haye been completed. Mounr Hoop, Oregon, has lately been giving out volumes of smoke irom a long ex- tinct crater, where ordinarily a smell of sul- phur and a slight warmth only indicate in- ward fire. Just as the neighb urs had gathered argund the body of Mrs. Weir, in Memphis, and begun to 4aik about the good qualities of of the dead old Jady, she sat up and joined in the conversation. A FORMER -hotel manager writes to a Vienna paper that 80 per cent of the names given as of guests from America, Japan, India, &c., in German leading hotels, are false announcements, made with a view to gain custom. ; THE civil awthorities of Austria are ener- getically suppressing Protestant worship in the empire. Mission churches in Prague, Vienna and elsewhere, and bible readin.s have been suppressed under threat of fine and imprisonment. Tue Dean and Chapter of Wells, Eng- land, have made the experiment of provid- inga ‘‘chaptezlodging,” open (free of rent) to clerzymenSSneficed in the diocese, who, ° for business, study, or ret rement, may wish to spend a short time in their cathedral city. Cuicaco has a Bald Men’s Society. A requisite for membership is a bare spot on top of the head, not less than four square inches in extent. The object of the organi- zation ig to discover a cure for baldness. The President has not a hair on his head, and was elected for that reason. ‘Tur widow Berg of Hyansvillle, Ind., had a suitor in the person of Matthew Schnautz, and they had made a marriage engagement. Although she was only 31 years old, she had a daughter ei 16, and when Schnautz saw the girl, on her return from boarding school, he transferred his love to her. The mother then committed swicide. Prior to 1872 Ghe Erie Railway paid an- nually for neW rails, and repairs for rails, $2,639 a mile. Since then the road has been laid with steel rails, and the repairs thereby so reduced that the annual expense on that account amounts sow to but $253 per mile, On the eae Og this affords a saving of Oe : yoke, Mass. still® maintains that he had a moral right to do as he pleased with their lives, Heis an educated German, and the author in that language of a devotional book, containing a prayer and a hymn for cue day inthe year. His sanity is doubt- e Last years conscripts of the German ar- my, taken from all ranks and classes of the community, furnish interesting evidence of the spread of education in the German em- pire. The conscripts numbered 440,107, amd it was found that of this whole body 130,989 had received elementary education, and that 6,252 had gone beyond the elemen- tary staze into the higher branches, THE Methodis: suggests an easy solution of the controversy about communion wine by introducing water instead of wine. It says that Jesus used a beverage which was the ordinary drink of the country in which he lived, and that water is, or ought to be, the ordinary drink of this country. Thus it comes to the conclusion that water should displace wine at the communion. A Memenis physician advocates the theory that perspiration will cure nearly every disease by expelling it through the pores. He advertises a resort for invalids where “‘the sun pours down with unrestrict- ed fierceness,” a cooling breeze is unknown, and the thermometer indicates over 90° day after day. He admits that life there would be unendurable, but for the consciousness that the suffering is incidental to cure. A STRANGE occurrence is reported from Wetzikon, canton Zurich, in Switzerland. On June 7 the commune was invaded by an immense swarm of butterflies, two-thirds of a mile wide, and so long that the procession took two hours to past. They were princi- pally of the kind known in Switzerland as Distelfalier, which feeds on nettles and this- tles. They flew from ten to thirty feet above the ground, and went off ina north- westerly direction. Aw English physician relates that on the llth of February his wife, after mixing some corn meal for feeding his fowls, missed her wedding ring from her finger, and after a fruitless search gave it up for lost. On the 8th of April, while engaged eating an egg for breakfast, she felt the eggspoon grate against something hard at the bottom of the egg below the yolk, and on further investigation found the lost rig firmly fixed by membraneous adhesions to the bottom of the egg. The egg was of extra large size, and was laid the day before. A company of Russian soldiers, while re- cently on their way to Hlizabethpol, were beset with clouds of grasshoppers, that frightened them more than the Turks ever did. At night they could not sleep; their guns, their uniforms, and they themselves were covered with masses of these insects, that crept into their mouths, noses, and ears. The officers fled into the houses, but the plague of grasshoppers had previous possession. A region of fifteen miles was thickly covered with them, and all the grain and grass were instantly destroyed. The New Milkman. He was a milkman, working up new cus- tomers. He removed his hat at the door, asked the lady if she was Mrs, Blank, and stated thas he had often been struck with the artistic taste displayed around her home. He never drove by the house without think- ing of how happy its inmatesmust be. He had observed that the children were always dressed with due regard to harmony of col- ours, the curtains had the hang of an artist’s hand, and there was nothing gaudy about the colour of the front steps. “‘ We do not care for any more pictures or statuary,,’ replied the lady. Piciures? He would as soon think of trying to sell her coffins as pictures. No. He had called to sce if the family was pleased with their milkman. Ii so, he would say farewell atouce. If nos——” ‘“sWe have no particular fault to find,” interrupted the lady. But he asked her to stop and consider. Hr milkman was a fair sort.of a man, but no credit to a house like that. He had never been known to say an outside word in favour of the parlour curtains or the kit- chen range, and he drove a horse sixteen years old and a waggon unpainted since the panic, His old horse crawled up, the driver shufiled around tothe back door with his can, and that was the end of it. He never went home and wished to his wife that they could have a lavender-coloured veranda or blue Jambrequins, an‘l he never hailed other drivers to say that Mrs, Blank was going to Saratoga for six weeks. The lady wavered. His waggon was new, hadja landscapejfon the cover and his horse cost him three acres of land out in Brownstown. When he drove up children stood in awe, and if there were any people passing, he took care to say to the boy on the seat, ‘*Give me the very richest cream now, for Mrs. Blank is a born lady and rich enough to haye the best of everything.” That was his way of doing business, and if his patrons numbered all the leading Governors, Judges and Colonels in the city he couldn’t be blamed. She must see She saw. She said he could begin the very next day, and that she had been think- ing of a change for the last six weeks. $< > <4 0 “ Sarsaparilla,” Yesterday afternoon a red-faced young man belonging to an exeursion party called ata King street drug-store and softly asked the soda-fountain boy if he was out of any particular kind offsyrup. The boy made an investigation and replied : “We are out of sarsaparilla, but—” “That's all right—all right—you wait a minute,” interrupted the young man, and away he went. The boy took the empty reservoir from the fountain and*replaced it, and in about two minutes the young man returned in company with his girl and four other people, evidently all friends. Walking up to the fountain he said: “ “Tm going to take sarsaparilla in mine, ‘for the doctors all recommend it, and if he hasn’t any sarsaparilla I won't take nothing. What do you say?” ; ‘Oh, we'll take the same,” they replied. The ycung man began to smile, and his left eye began to draw down, but what was his horror to see the boy draw off six glasses in succession and push them to the front, where they were eagerly drained of_theix wotepis.! [eo tricsi 355 <aduok of mingled hate a: the lad was too busy to see it. He felt in all his pockets, brought up watch-keys, pen- nies and peanuts, and finally laid down twenty-seven cents and whispered to the boy: “That takes my pile, and if I ever catch you outside of town I'll lick you to death !” A Smart Money Collector. The Hartford correspondent of the Spring- field Republican gays: ‘‘ That was a pretby bright thought of one of the Battersons, who, when employed some years since as a Jad in an office in New York, was sent to present a bill to a shaky concern, with orders to collect it at all hazards. After much urging the head of the debtor house gave him a cheque for $100, the amount of tae bill. Hurrying to the bank at which it was pay- able, the lad presented the cheque only to be told, ‘ Not enough funds to meet it.’ ‘How much is the account short?’ was the boy’s quick retort. ‘Seven dollars,’ said the teller. It lacked but one or two minutes to 3 o'clock, and the teller was about to close the door on the boy when the latter suadiden- ly pulled seven dollars from his own pock- et,and pushing it over with a deposit cheqne said : ‘Put that to the credit of & Co.,’ the parties who had given the cheque. The teller did so, when the lad at once present- ed the cheque for $100, and drawing the full amount thereof, went back to his employers in triumph. But, as he puts it, ‘_—& Co., who failed the very next day, were hopping mad when they found they had no funds in their bank.’ ” ° Another Golden Wedding. Fifty-four years ago the lady who is now Empress of Germany was present at a cere- mony exactly like that in which she herself was recently one of the principal parties. It was the celebration of the golden wedding of Karl August, Grand Duke of Weimar, her grandfather, whose name has been made famous by his friendship with Goethe. She and her elder sister, the Princess Marie, had been living with their mother for about a year at the Russian court; but they return- ed in time for the great event, and it was they who crowned their grandparents with myrtle. In the same year, 1825, the Weimar court celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the day on which Goethe entered the little town; and on this occasion also the young princesses were among he most prominent of those who offered their congratulations. The aged poet, deeply moved by their kind- ness, could not utter a word, but taking the hand of each placed it on hisheart. He had a considerable share in their education, and the empress still recalls with pleasure the days when she associated with him. 2-6-4. 90 Two of the best journalistic positions in New York city are filled by women, the editorship of a weekly and monthly publica- tion ; each is said to receive $5,000 a year. murderous intent, but Isit Really Hot ? A citizen doing business on Griswold street has given this weather question a great deal of thought, and yesterday he began a series of experiments to ascertain whether imag- ination hasen’t as much to do with a hot day as thethermometer, At nine o’clock in the morning he entered his office, built a brisk fire in the stove, closed the door, and sat down to his newspaper, having his chair close to the stove. In a few minutes one of his castomers opened the door, and before he could express his surprise the official call- ed out: “Comein! What a change in the weather since last vight! I hated to build a fire, but it was positively like November in here, Come over by the stove.” “‘Has—has the weather changed?” hesi- tatingly enquired the caller. “Changed ! Why there’s a difference of thirty-one degreessince ten o'clock last night! Hear what the weather report says: North- erly winds, great change in temperature, With indications of a severe frost at night! IT wish I had brought down my spring over- coat,” ““ Well, I felt the change, but I aidn’t realize the full power of it,” said the other as he edged over to the stove and rubbed his hands, * “You should watch these things and dress accordingly. I wouldn’t dare to come outin that thin coat. First you know you'll have a chill.” ““J—-J know I’m rather careless, bat I must look out for myself in future. This fire feels rather good.” “Yes, it does ; you'd better get thorough- ly warmed up before you go out in the raw air. The caller remained there for at least ten minutes, all the time standing beside the hot stove, and yet when the thermometer marked 100 degrees he made no complaints, and went out saying that hewould go home and get on a thicker coat. : > Deadly Jewels. In all ages jewels of price have been a, ready incentive to crime, but not a few cases are on record in which they have been the agent of the crime, instead of its cause. Cesar Borgia possessed a ring, with a sharp- edged setting, which would occasionally scratch the hand of some guest whom he was greeting with special cordiality ; and no one who received this compliment was ever known to survive it more than a day or two. A similar fatabty attended a celebrated de- coration much used by two or three of the Russian czars. When clasped around the recipient’s neck, its point was apt to punc- ture the skin, if awkwardly handled, and death speedily followed. One of the native princes of India, when about to fall into the hands of his enemies, swallowed a sharp- pointed diamond, which caused instant death by cutting a vein in his throat. A diamond in the possession of a noble French family, which is said to have caused the death of all its owners in turn, put the climax to its malign influence by ultimately forming part of the famous necklace which played so fata a part in the history of Marie Antoinette. Homage to Talent Rewarded. In all the cities of Russia where Rachel acted she had tremendous success, but it was at Moscow, in the role of Adrienne Le- wild over her. One night, aftershe had recited the cele- brated speech in this play which ends with the command, ‘*‘ Leave me!” the applause seemed likely never to cease, and when, the performance over, Rachel entered her carti- age, a gentleman quite unknown to the fa- mous artiste leaped into the very carriage and seated himself beside her. “What does this mean?” surprise. ‘, 1 beg you to forgive me, mademoiselle ; you uttered those words, ‘Leave me! so divinely to-night that I wish to hear you pronounce them once more.” Rachel then, in the same tone that she had used in the scene on the stage, turned to him and said ‘‘ Remaia 1” a a A Resolution Well Kept. she asked in Tue Hon. J. M. Smith, in Oglethorpe county, Ga., has a farm of 10,000 acres, 4,000 of which are in cultivation, and does not own a field that isnot richer than when he bought it. On 100 acres he will make 1,500 to 2,000 bushels of wheat. Directly after.the war he had a good education but no money, and to secure the necessary funds was forced to resort to a travelling traffic. It was during one of his rounds that he was taunted bya large and wealthy planter with his menial occupation. Choking down his indignation, he simply replied : ‘*@ol. . you will yet live tosee me use as large a farm as you own for a calf pasture.” And within five short years his prediction was verified. He threw into a calf pasture more acres than the old gentleman who insulted him could number in his entire possessions. a An Odd Pair. January and May are registered at the Clarendon, Saratoga, The bridegroom is four-score, and has been married seven times ; the bride is not yet twenty. Theold gentleman is put to bed at eight o’clock every night, as he can’tsleep after fiveo’clock, he is set on his legs and enabled to take a short walk before breakfast. The bride is devoted to her aged spouse, studies his digestion and comfort, and displays knowledge of hygiene - in the selection of articles of food that will be congenial to the stomach of one advanced in years. All the marriages of the old gen- tleman-have been happy save une. The ex- ception wasa blonde. He says that if he ever marries again he’ll not have a blonde. [oe Crickets Stop a Train. One cricket would stand a poor chance try- ing to stop a railroad train, but millions of them can doit. The western bound train met an army of crickets at Clarke’s Station, about fifteen miles west of Keno, and was detained two hours and a half trying to: get through. To make the passage the train men were finally forced to take brooms and sweep the insects off the rails. The crickets noverer the track for about three miles, and when the driving wheels of the engine would strike them they would whirl around withs out going forward an inch. reur hex bhe- populace achaallysywert sates Oe

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