Associated Image(s) - Soldiers of the First World War - CEF - Library and Archives Cana... Page 2 of 3 4 Y 5 4 WX | KNuphreatt nt 39541 ape 4 ATTESTATION - PAPER. V14th-O-8-Bettalion, C. E. CANADIAN OVER-SEAS EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. Folio. 3 @ QUESTIONS TO BE PUT BEFORE ATTESTATION. (ANS WHERS) i. What te 9our sername? on. ee Ja, What are your Christian names ?........ ib, What is your present addreaa ?.... ee 9, In what Town, Township or Parish, and in what Country were you BOM? eee 3. What is the name of your next-of kin? 4. What is the address of your next-of-kin ?........ 4a. What is the relationship of your next-of-kin ?, o 5. Whadt is the date of your birth ?........0.......... 6. What is your Trade or Calling 7... T dye you muted §. a a5 8 Are you willing to be vaccinated or re- yaceinated and inoculated Poole 9. Do you now belong to the Active Militia?....... 10. Have you ever served in any Military Foree?., oe Ifso, atate particulars of former Servica, 11. Do you understand the natare and terms of wie SUN ee ee ie a 12. Are you willing to be attested to serve in the cannmmmnnmnonsnn fle GR Danese Cananran Over-Sras Expepirionary Foros? i Se DECLARATION TO BE MADE BY MAN ON ATTESTATION. 1 FAR Lisi ite Tin do selemnly declare that the above ara answers made by me to the above questions and that they are true, and that I am willing to fulfil the engagementa by me now made, and I hereby enguge and agree to serve in the Canadian Over-Seas Expeditionary Force, and to be attached to any arm of the service therein, for the term of one year, or during the war now existing between Great Britain and Germany should that war last longer than one year, and for six months after the termination of that war provided His Majesty should so long require my services, or until legally discharged. : J be Theat JM aera ork.....<Siguntare of Recruit) pate. 0... BL dee as 191 Ss te ee Ce. Gee of Witness) a OATH TO BE TAKEN BY MAN ON ATTESTATION, , © 1, Jaca. ads! tee lS ABM APM Ms oy do make Oath, that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to His Majesty King George the Fifth, His Heirs and Snecessors, and that I will as i 2 . oe f i A se fF LF fF Dato. Bak fn Prec toe ae tO tal Cer ee ee (Signature of Witness) The Recruit above-named was cautioned by me that if he made any false answer to any of the above questions he would be liable to be punished as provided in the Army Act. ‘The above questions were hen read to the Recruit in my presence. > J have taken care that he understands each question, and that his anawer to each question has been : duly entered aa replied to, and the said Recruit has made and signed the declaration and taken the oath before me, at LAMA. Re Lon AY Ee ARLE LAN ore BAG, / 10/05/2013