"- copy; black and white - parade, King Street and Fifth Street, Chatham, Ontario; shows horse drawn street cars - Book 3, No. 72, Frank H. Brown Collection"
"- copy; black and white - parade, King Street and Fifth Street, …
"- copy; black and white - horse drawn street car, at the bend of King Street, Chatham, Ontario - Book 3, No. 91, Frank H. Brown Collection - print in photo file N 668"
"- copy; black and white - horse drawn street car, at the …
"- copy; black and white - entrance to the Canadian Bank of Commerce building, 99 King Street West, Chatham, Ontario; prior to amalgamation with the Imperial Bank of Canada - Book 2, No. 60, Frank H.
"- copy; black and white - entrance to the Canadian Bank of …
"- copy; black and white - Malcolmson Grocery store, owned and operated by Hugh Malcolmson, on the north side of King Street just west of the bend; formerly the New York House - Book 1, No. 49, Frank
"- copy; black and white - Malcolmson Grocery store, owned and operated …
"- copy; black and white - Farmers' Exchange Hotel, corner of King St. and Sixth St., Chatham, Ontario; it burned down in 1850; Garner House and William Pitt Hotel were subsequently on that site - Bo
"- copy; black and white - Farmers' Exchange Hotel, corner of King …
"- copy; black and white - the Royal Exchange Hotel, opened in 1835; located at southwest corner of intersection of King St. and Fifth Street, Chatham, Ontario - Book 1, No. 76, Frank H. Brown Collec
"- copy; black and white - the Royal Exchange Hotel, opened in …