Group Portrait
Can you help identify the other people in this picture?
Memorial Park, Huntsville, Ontario. Swimming and camping facilities at the mouth of the Muskoka River and Fairy Lake at the base of Lookout Mountain.
Can anyone date this picture?
Sam Allemano and Attillo Grosso display swimming attire, Huntsville, Ontario.
Can anyone date this picture?
Huntsville Fire Brigade in front of the Huntsville Public School at the corner of Centre and Caroline Streets, Huntsville, Ontario.
Can anyone identify the people in this picture and a date?
Calderwood Bros. Grocers, Main Street, Huntsville, Ontario.
Does anyone have more information about this business?
The Top of the World Ski Hill, Limberlost Lodge, Huntsville, Ontario.
When did the Top of the Hill ski hill close?
View of Huntsville, Ontario, from Lookout Mountain, looking north.
Can anyone date this image?
Main Street, Huntsville, Ontario, looking west, before 1907.
The sidewalks in this picture appear to be concrete. Granolithic sidewalks were not laid in Huntsville until 1908 after Mayor J.E. Fisher took ...
Anglo Canadian Leather Company, Huntsville, Ontario 1905-1960. Susan Street Bandstand in foreground.
When was the Susan Street Bandstand built?
Italian Band, Huntsville, Ontario, c. 1914.
Can anyone identify the members of the band?
Anglo Canadian Leather Company Band (1915-1926) at the Susan Street band stand, Huntsville, Ontario.
Can anyone identify the unidentified band members?
View of Huntsville, Ontario taken from the Lookout Mountain, looking north. Fairy Avenue on the right. Church Street on the left.
Can anyone date this picture?
Unknown dam on Big East River system, Muskoka, Ontario,1949.
Can anyone name this dam?
Distress Dam on the Big East River system, Muskoka, Ontario, 1949.
Can anyone varify that this is the Distress Dam?
Huntsville Public School Staff 1966-1967, Huntsville, Ontario.
Can anyone identify the "?" people?
Huntsville Public School 1965-1966, Huntsville,Ontario.
Can anyone identify the "?" people?
Huntsville High School, 1927, Huntsville, Ontario.
Can anyone identify more of these students?
Dancing Pavilion, Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays, Ontario.
Can anyone date this photograph? Is the Pavillion going up or coming down?
Wardell's Store, 77 Main Street, East, Huntsville, Ontario. (1895-1911)
Who are the women in the picture?
Wardell family, Huntsville, Ontario before 1911.
Who is the littel girl in the centre of the picture?
Wardell family on porch of 12 West Road, Huntsville, Ontario.
Who are the unidentified people?
Water Filtration Plant, 7 Burrow Pit Lane, Huntsville, Ontario, 1980-1990.
Great Things and ?, 8 Main Street East, Huntsville, Ontario, 1980-1990.
What is the store beside Great Things?
Fairyport Inn sign, Fairyport, Fairy Lake, Huntsville, Ontario, viewed from the water.
Can anyone date this sign more specifically?
Off to war 1914, a friend of Clare Monkhouse.
Can anyone identify the soldier and the location?
Group portrait taken at Fairyport, Fairy Lake, Huntsville, Ontario.
Can anyone identify the third and fourth persons from the left?
Farmhouse at Fairyport, Fairy Lake, Huntsville, Ontario. Northwest side looking toward the lake in the 1930's. Guests seated in front.
Who are the guests?
View across Muskoka River at the swing bridge, Huntsville, Ontario. Dr. Howland's General Hospital on left.
Can anyone identify the women in the photograph?