Advertisement in The Niagara Herald, June 26th, 1828 The New and Elegant Steam-Boat ALCIOPE Fitted up in a superior style, equal to any of the North River Boats, commanded by one of the most experienced officers on the Lake, Captain Mackenzie, will leave Niagara for Prescott, touching at Kingston and Brockville, on Wed¬nesday, the 2nd day of July at 8 o'clock a.m. and will continue leaving Niagara every Wednesday morning till further notice. Advertisement in The Niagara Herald, August 19th, 1828 STEAM BOAT NOTICE The Fast Sailing Steam Boat Queenston J. Whitney, Master Will leave Niagara for Kingston, Brockville and Prescott every Thursday morning at 8 o'clock through the season. Henry P. Jackson, Agent, will remain at the Falls of Niagara principally through the season, to whom application may be made for information or the transaction of a^ny busi¬ness connected with the Interests of the Boat. Arrangements have been made with Messrs. Norton & Co., Stage Proprietors, by which Passengers going down will take the Friday evenings stage for Montreal, and those com¬ing up will arrive in time to take the Boat for Niagara. Steam-Boat Queenston July IS, 1828 Government Contract Required for the Royal Navy at the Grand River, the following articles: 34 Barrels Fine Flour To be delivered on the Grand River 60 Gals, good white vinegar 20 Gals, good Port wine 416 lbs. prime salt pork To be delivered at Fort George Sealed Tenders will be received at this office until the 10th June next ensuing at Twelve o'clock, and payment will be made in British silver, the Dollar 4s, 4d. Commissaret Office Niagara 1st May 1829 W. I. Greig, D.A.C.G. 6 Welland Canal Public notice is hereby given that the Welland Canal is now open for the Passage of vessels from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. By order of the Board of Directors, J. Black, Secretary. Welland Canal Office St. Catharines, Nov. 30, 1829 Contract For carrying the Public Mail between York (Toronto) and Niagara. Sealed tenders for carrying the above mail for four years from the 6th of April next, will be received by the post masters of York, Niagara and Kingston until Wednesday the 25th of December at noon. The Tenders must express the price per trip and be accompanied by a written promise from two responsible persons that they will become securities for the due performance of the Contract. T. A. Stayner, D.P.M.G. General Post Office Quebec, 21st Nov. 1829 The Niagara Herald, April 18, 1829 THE NIAGARA Captain John Mosier, leaves Niagara for Prescott every Thursday morning at half past eight o'clock, touching at Kingston and Brockville and will arrive the following day; leaves Prescott for Niagara every Sunday morning, after the arrival of the Montreal stages, touching at Brockville, Kingston and York. Rates of Passage To and from Prescott and Niagara $10.00 From Prescott to York 10.00 To and from Kingston and Niagara 8.00 To and from Kingston and York 8.00 To and from Kingston and Prescott i 3.00 From York to Niagara 2.00 From Prescott to Montreal there is a daily line of Post Coaches (Sundays excepted) running in connection with the above Boats. Niagara, April 16, 1829