Abstract _ Charter by Robert Lord Maxwell Lord of the lands of Weisdale and Eskdale in favor of Ninian Armstrong in Arkilton, and his heirs, of all and whole the lands of Arkilton, extending to a ten pound land of old extent, with the pertinents, lying in the lordship of Eskdale, within the bounds of Ewisdale, and the shire of Dumfries:<br> Which lands of Arkilton belonged before in heritage to William Johnston of Gretna, and were by him resigned in due form in the hands of the said Lord Maxwell as superior; to hold to the said Ninian Armstrong of the grantor and his heirs, in fee and heritage for ever, by all their past marches, as they lie in length and breadth, in houses, biggings, woods, plains, muirs etc, mills multures, and their sequels ; fowlings, huntings and fishings : peats, divots, coals ' rabbits, rabbit warrens, pigeon cots, etc, quarries of stone and lime ; with courts and their issues, fines, etx ; with all other liberties and advantages ^ which mostly belong to the said lands - <br> Sealed and subscribed by the said Lord Maxwell at <br> Edinburgh 4th July 1537