During the invasions of Edward 1st of England and Balliol of Scotland from 1300 to 1346 Liddisdale the home of the Armstrong Clan was overrun by fire and sword see Fordum ed. shene. vol. 2(?) page 358 also Ayseus page 181<br> On March 4th 1363 Gilbert Armstrong provost of St. Andrews was one of three commissioners dispatched by the Parliament of Scotland to arrange for a ransom to England for ^ King David 2nd of Scotland then a prisoner in England - <br> Also the above Gilbert Armstrong on July 20th 1366 was with ^ three others instructed by the Scotch Parliament then assembled at Scone to arrange a treaty of peace between England and Scotland see National M. S. S. of Scotland Vol. 2 No. 42 }<br> On the 16th March 1397 a most important meeting was held on the Scottish borders at the Lochmaben Stone by the Earls of Rothsay and Lancaster where a number of Knights and Squires pledged themselves security for the Earl of Douglas (then in trouble) among whom appear the names of Alexander Armstrong Geffrey Armstrong and David Armstrong -<br> In 1374 Adam Armstrong a Knight was traveling in company with the Earl of March on the continent<br> A large cross monument ^ at Minholm still marks the Grave of Adam Armstrong a chief of the clan erected in the 13th centuary - <br><br>