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Ottawa Times (1865), 3 Jan 1866, p. 3

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â€"This is an old Fflly true m ex* will make all fore the citizens preszed with the r which distin: itish stateman? can appreciate by the use. of ‘\They have beent twonty years, and they are. the primcd C s c h CTURERS I f"( USE landt, wi k. went t le the hore 6 im tilme .. 2.â€"A.â€" C. â€" Smith, ston, Gloucester ; Davis, Buckland, vode . F.. McNab, MAcaulic ;. W. F} Anna, Osgoode ; H, B-m one m is known b: M 1. 9 Poistead wl . Aches Spu: hy thing else ottle. 2 TEA se, that the sign@, PICEs XL . MARKETs & WOut C ‘i.l,' re l\nw‘ s P ‘ous. TegTHhalions macde 1 the cattle dia. JC <4ur sapert Te ho Myur, $3 50¢c a 8 tC m 11 35¢ for it.he. has ont ,' -’('M ‘DI L& a pure will insurs Whit ALS 45. a $3) 50c ; mess t @il do. : vlosing om laimp. . Dt ad Trunk Stati irs of theâ€"0. & 1 G. Vansit KETs will . Shoecraft. C #s. . Market dall msound, and" 95 s YHOMPSON the GRAMMAR « village of M wlary not to ¢ .l.lars per anmnn the undersi SEMENTS Â¥ ‘per: barrel h hnaulh; ruy & C€o., post}s, $6° 75 a tmeal! i Simedes ; pr i £ JANVARY, * L. w [Â¥ r erade; 67Â¥ 5; for refined #4 f & i e antcrod x tra Market d mber Jast, ue Aow .1 "‘“: Barl Gower ! M Import rs, »13f allevinting 08 ; primie 1 83¢ for hoice‘ Amâ€" Western : ‘ [4* the prsscribed wh i¢ tfor unâ€" tie wl 4 w Nofland y it had cofficers ithot on t super. nal will load liln:ll-”t. m lA th8 maitic after antine healit w at a might To all yod 13â€"b 14 1.4 All Ottaws, Jan. 3, 1466 Pencil Caser®, Perry‘s Peneils, . â€" Penmy‘s Metailic Books, Penholders, , Penmakers, * . . Penknives, . Plmg ::1,; ® e me w â€" _ Thermometers, ~ Thlm Tac s * 'l‘iT?e Tables, n B mber s Twine Boxes and Twine, ~ Tin Paper Cutters and Rulers Combined Tracing Cloths and Paper, Tourists‘ Writing Cases, Tissue Pape Tinted curl; f i & Tinsel hpv:“ Steamer‘s . Books, | * Skeleton Books, ~ f â€" . ‘ Section Paper, Stamp Act, > . Music Papers, © jx * _ Music Books, .+ Monocromatic Boards, / Mapping Pene, _ } Mncilage, C woti fpiotands, Mctallic Books, * Memorandum Books,â€" Mathematical Instruments, es & e \ s mwm 4 \,. Letter Books and Files, t Ledgers, | Rowney‘s Pencilsand Colors \ ... Quill Pen Machines, x"ES Quills and Quill»Pens, . â€" _ Patent Fingef Dampers, * Phrneplpxl‘l Frames and Albums, Promissory Notes, ® Portable Copying Presses, + Patent Scale Rulors, various sizcs, hrt Tics, { ‘ortfolion, #!+, :/ . Pocket Inmks, j Pencil Leads, "if * * _ Propelling Pencils, |. & Porcelain Slates, ; F‘rinters‘ Cards, + Perforated Boards, _ £ + Fencil Sharpeners, T‘aper Bags, ® IMPORTER OF GENERAL STATIONERY, ARTISTS MaAâ€" TERIALS, SCHOOL BOOKS, Blnkls, PRAYER BOOKS and CHURC SERVICES, + Corner of Sparks and Elgin Streets, OTTAWA. aud a noticg will beâ€"sent to the parties whose Tenders may be acceptcd, immediately after No Temders will be noticed unless made on one of the printed forms provided for the purâ€" pose and the undersigned does dot bind himâ€" self to accept the lowest or any Tender. ~ . THOMAS REYXOLDS8, . Will be snitably, rewarded Ottawa, Jan. 3, 1866. 5.000 CORDS OF FIRE W00D Tenders addressed to the undersigned must x: delivered at.the Company‘s Officp, at Ottaâ€" wa, on or before the 10th day of January, 1866, that TIIEC sALOON, No. 66, sSPARKS ST., CENTRE TOWX. N MONDAY afternoon, a BLACK NEW (C) FPOURXDLAND PUP, four -o-u’-fi answers to the name of * BootA." Any c leaving him at S For use on the Ottawa & Prescott lnfl'lin Specifications, with proper printed forms of Tonders, may be had on application at the ofâ€" fhioes and stations of the Company. CuUNTINGâ€"HOUSE STATIONERY, alw in stock â€" Walking Sticks, Wafers, .. f Woedding Stationery, . Writing Inks, (Ili makers,) Wax Tapers and Stands, Wafer Stamps, 7 Whist Counters, x. /. w Writing Pads and Cases, +/ . __ Writing Desks, Ottawa & Prescott January 3, 1866 (CORD WOOD|! Stylographic Peneils, _ Fepek 'Stl-y-. Swartwout‘s‘ asteners, Silver Pmm Penholders, x Silk Tasté, _ _ ate . Sponge Holders, °_ JAMES HOPE, s’ Stationer and Bookbinder, 'fi'i‘or ptrticul'.ln enquire onrtho “ Ivory Tablets, 3 Ivory and Boxwood Scales, Interest and Exc ‘Tables, Â¥ Ivory Knives and F Ink, (various makers), Ink Pencils, Red, Blue and Black, Ink Erasers, % Indian Rubber, [ * Inkstands> m 100 January 3. 1868 s RALILLROAD. TENXDERS FOR HE UNDERSIGNED invites Scaled Tonâ€" ders for the supply of POHK SALE I diate FULL AND YVARIED ‘sTOCK OF . the following MISCELLANEOUS and NTINGâ€"HOUSE STATIONERY, always * Surfaceâ€"Colored Paper Shanty Ledgers, | _‘ Stutionery (Cabinets and Cases « Sketch Books and Blocks, Slates and Slate Pencils, A Somp Books. Photographic Albums, Programme Cards and Pencils, Portable Writing M.i’ w Paper Cloth for Working Plans, Pocket Books, Ledgers and Dinries, Pene, Gold and Stcel, (various makers) Pasteboards, Papers, (all kinds), JAMES HOPE, Corner Sparks and Elyin Streets., LQOS T ! ON REASONABLE Order Books, * Oil Colonin'l';c\ y * ‘Oiled Paper, x Gstk,. * . ...‘ *:* Newspaper Fyles, . Notarial Seals and Wafers, Between George and York, A. R. McDOUGAL‘8, © =â€" _ , . William Street, Legal Cap, Playing Cards, Reeves‘ Colors. &¢., Visiting Cards, Invoice Books and Files Rodger‘s Knives, Ready Reference Files, Writing Parchments. Lip Glue, _ :i'lo Colors, Juve India Ink, Ink Powders, _ Recei per Weights, Parallel Rulers Parchments,* en Racks, 13â€"tdâ€"w 1â€"4 PAR‘!’I!B HAVING BUSINESS TO * transaet, will save time and trouble by consulting Mr. Grist. > Orrice:â€"3 doors below York, on Sussex the same building with Messrs: Buckâ€" I Solicitors. e o Ottaws, Dec, 19, 1865. s aâ€"tf Fl“ AND LIFE POLICIES ISSUED, and Losses paid by the Head Office in Canadsa (Messrs. Scott & DeGrassi, Toronto), without reference to England. g Agent for Ottawa and vicinity, HENRY GRIST ADrrice :â€"Sussex Street, 3 doors below ?orl._ Departmental, Parliamentary, and EN EY GRIST, CAPITAL, â€" â€".* â€" £5,000,000. Westem “NS_I_I_BHI[ZE Company, be executed with the greatest care and punctuality, Bhristmas%New Year‘s Sale COMMENi ING THIS DAY, , Of FIRST GLéPE DRY GOODSI Jas. BROUGH «Co.‘s Several EXTRAORDINARY CHEAP LOTS, at and UNDER HALF PRICE! THE ARRANGEMENTS IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ARE 80 COMPLETE, j under the Superintendence of a FIRST CLASS MILLINER, that orders to any extent can RESPEC’I‘PUI'.LY INVITE ATTENTION To THEIR GREAT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS SALE of FANCY GOOD8. At no form‘er time has there been offered such inducements to CASH BUYERS as at the present, nor a more favorable opportunity for WHOLE STOCK will be OFFERED CHE AP such inducements to CASI‘IJUYIRS as at the prese purchasing CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS PRES HOUSE â€"FUR ISHINGS. ‘They dovote special attention toâ€"this branch business, having received by late Btcamers, Shawls, Selling Goods of Fir ‘They have, i1 the selyction; "':L’L"%:’.i?&‘é“:fi: GARLAND, MUTCHMO] .XD THEIR STOCK HAVING BEEX REPLENISHED BY A. 8. 8. BELGIAN, NORTH AMERICAN and NOVA SCOTIA Largest Stock and most Complete Assortment of every description of G@loves, Hosiery, â€" .Hats, Mantles, Nubias, J;f WILL BE PLACED ON THE COUNTERS OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. Warrant the Entire Importations ‘by Succeeding Ste Now Glasgow Wincies, New P. incles, _ .( . .;ovmr}mn Wincies, New Chambery Wincies, W ELTLL ASSORT MACEE & RUSSELL Ottawa , Dec. 19 ,1865. SALES for,CASH. s All GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES and ONE PRICE, Ottawa, December 18, 1865. i [ T e To make Room for Spring Importations, . : @°INSPECTION . INVITED..@ ; ‘No. 20 Sparks Street, Central Ottawa. Ottawa, December 18, 1865. [ 14f |_â€" New French Twilled Cobourgs, | New French 4 _ New Allâ€"Wool : T * : New Fancy Dr New Balmoral Skirtings, New Paisley Shawls, ; New Tasmanian Shaw!s ; #. New Reversable Shawls, & New Woolien Shawls, . .. New ClothJackets, y . New Whitney Jackets, New Astrachan Jackots, New Snowâ€"Elake Jackets, New Cloth Circular Mantles, New Trimmed Hate, : New Trimmed Bonnets, Ottaws, December 28th, 1865 [§C8t STOCK ABC most LOmpioi AssOrIMCNE Of every GoscriptIon n hmayed uioh " Established in 1850D. ARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co.‘s IMPORTATIONS _ . Having been the LARGEST ! Cloths and Twoeeds, 12 Bales New Carpetings, | . 2 Cases English Eg)loor Cloths 1, do Hearth Rugs. ; HAYE MUCH PLEASURE IN SUBMITTING THE FOLLOWINXG in the selyction; scrupulously avoide can, therefore, wi (Lirs or Quzsec,) JAS. BROUGH & Co., Millinery Department! * n 1848 Their Buyer being about to leave for Europe, th (LIMITED,) AND WILL BE KEPT SO BY French Merinoes, Cobourgs, _ | â€" u_ 3 Wingeys, Flannels, Blankets w 0 & i1 SVS8SEX STREET."m IN THE CITY, COMPRISING G BR HEA T MAGEE & RUSSE THEIR STOCK) IS AGAIN and:.NEW YEARS PRESENTS could : TOâ€"JD XY FOR INSPECTION : is 6 ‘New Astrachan ‘O:r and Sotte, " ‘x. | â€"New m'“ Prints, 10%, :; 1.‘ j 'Ne'_' Flannels and Blankets, 2â€"tf #@y" Solo Agents for this place : ’ , COAR OIL DEPOT 84, SUSSEX STREET, , SOLIS & LEAVEN Ottawa, Deg. 29, 1865. * Property in the City of Hamilton, C. W., for pmper:y-sin Otta: R â€" , Orrics ussex Street, nearly opposite Bolis & Co,‘s Oil and IAII;'SODN. & Ottawa, Dec. 19, 1865. f __3â€"f Received this day 1 Carâ€"isad Hartford ‘Oll. fi.&s FOR SALE BANK, STEAMBOAT Oil, Copper, and Gas Stocks ; Debonâ€" tures, Mortgages, &¢.) _ â€" © _ Te "'van;; E:B’.i’éi.’.‘u Street, 3 doors below York, over Caimpbell & Co.‘s Grocery Store. _ .Stocks purchased and sold, g@J" Money for investment. | Regulating Flame Burné HENRY GRIST _i HENRY GRIST, ; LAND AGENT, &c Câ€"ELLERS AND BUYEKRS OF REAL irstâ€"Rate Quality Ottawa, Dec. 19, 1865. Bonnets, . ckets, Scarfs, &c., &c. _ New Overcoatings, ; f, }»â€" a:“ Fancy Flanncl Shirts | New Plush Muffs, | & | Now Hosiery and l()Iovvea, % New Scarfs, Ties, Collars,&c, . _â€"»+_| New Clouds, in plain and fancy New Wool Hoods for Ladics, New Woollen Jackets, ; New Lambs‘Wool Underclothing, New Chest Wrappers, . New Infantees s&plloowul, New Gaiters, &c., &¢. f Breaks no Chimntes ! Does not Smo! COAL OIL. Neow FOR EXCHANGE, Now English Tweeds, New Mantlo Cloths, Stock ! IMP d exceoding cheapncss erior description, Thoy TE PRICES affixed to Mr. RTATIONS8 ZF y now offer the amers § ] THE OTTAWA TIMES, JANUARY 8, ar ! Lo ! 0â€"a of Monday, the 8th of January, Monday, the 8th of January near Mutchmor‘s Cut, Nepean. Plans and specifications of the Bridges may be seen at this office, and at theâ€" office of the Superintendent of the Rideau Canal, where forms of tender can also be had. Parties tendcring must give the names and address in full, and also the: signatures of two responsible persons willing to become sureties for the due performance of the work. Tenders to be â€"endorsed " Tendérs for Bridges near Beckett‘s Landing and Mutchâ€" mor‘s Cut." oc f? [ a7 The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest, or any Tender. , c By order, 5o Chleat PIERS AND FLAT DAMS ! of the work Cobourg street, west Cobourg mtleut Wirâ€" temburgh strect, south Party® street, Franklin street, north and south, south Ottews streot, south Park street, and: Rideau street, will be offered for sale on WEDNESDAY, the FIRST day of FEBBlll)‘A;Y, m&,:l the houriof ll:’oog at the Russe ouse Ottewa, McLean, Auc#oneor, § Lists of the lots and terms of payment may be had on application at the office of the un dersigned, in Ottawa. _ By Order of © + ‘The Honorable the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wherenpon His Excellency in Countil was pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that free Goods sl-dng through a foreign country consgigned directly to Importers in Canada, shall hercafter be put on the same footing as dutiable Goods. ~ Saturday, 18th of January, Next, at neon; for the construction of RIDEAU CANAL, Addressed to the undersigned, _ WILL BE RECEIVED t At this Office, until For the improvement of the Opeongo Creek, a s tributary of the Madawaska. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS mI be seen at this office, or at the offive of the Buporintendent of the Ottawa River Works, where printed forms of tender can also be had. Parties tendering must give their namoes, trades or professions, and lds’reu in full ; also the signatures of two responsible persons, willâ€" ing to become surctios for the due performance Tenders to be endorsed * Tender for‘jmâ€" provemments on the ‘I'Jmm Madawaska River," The Department not: be bound to acâ€" copt the lowest or fl tender. A Dyrorder, 11 o 0.1 C Notice to Contractors Addresscd to the undersigned, will be received by the undersigned, at this oftfice, until PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS may be seen at this office, or at the ‘office of the Supcrintendent of the Ottawa River, Works, where printed forms of Tender can also be had. Parties tendering must give their names and addresses in full; also the signatures of two responsible persons, willing to become suretios for the due performance of the work. > Tenders to be endorsed, " Tenders for the Construction of ‘Bridge over the Potite Naâ€" tion River." . j 10 The Department will not be bound to acâ€" north â€" 8t. Andrew suee%mq‘: Bolton ‘streot, east Nelson stroot, cast Gloucester stroet, cast :A 1 before the Council a Report from .the Commissioner of Customs, dated 15th Decemâ€" ber, 1865, and approved by the Hon‘the Minisâ€" ter.of Finance, stating that under authority of chapter 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., Boc. 24, an Order in Council was md on 28th April 1853, directing "that s bona fide exponod to this Province from any country, b::r-\lng in transitu through another country under Bonds shall be, until it shall be otherwise orâ€" dered, valued for duty as if such Goods were imported direct from such first mentioned country into this Province," and submitting that it would be desirable to extond said Orâ€" der l_n Oouncil to free as. well as dutiable Sealed Tenders, WILL BE RECEIVED At this Office, until + TWO BRIDCGES One! near Beckett‘s Landing, and the other Department of Public Works, Ottawa, 27th Dec., 1865. . Sealed Tenders Petite Nation River. cept the lowest, or any tender By order, : Pvn'uc NOTICE is hereby given that a ¢, large number of building lots, situated in north Ridéau street, north Patrick street, A B R TD G B Do ent Public W Thave #G bea, 1906" } _1.~Finance Minister that hereafter Woekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectâ€" ors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed on American Invoices, which is to be in accordance with the price of gold as repreâ€" sented by Exchange, at‘a rate equal thereto. Such notices to appear every Saturday in the Canada Gazette, * & E. S. M. BOUCHETTE. .L. Order, notice is hereby given that the auâ€" thorized discount is declared to be.31 por cent, which per centage of deduction is to bo conâ€" tinued until next Weekly Notice, and to appl to all purchases made in the United States dur ing that week. P , R. 8. M. BOUCKHET I‘8, Ottawa, Jahuary 1, 1866. 12 tf GOVERNMENT ~HOUSEâ€"OTTAWA, â€" _ Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865; § * Pressxt: His Exoscu®xoy tuis Apatmistakror or tes Govâ€" R BRNMENT In CoUNOIL. â€" "~TIS EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay Ottawa, 27th Dec., 1865 Dec. 27, 1865. January 1, 1866 & NEXT, AT NOON, For the Construction f or > Dec, 14th, 1865 f Fixaxcs Derartuent, Cusroxs, Ottawg 29th December, 1865 N ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE Ordnance Landsâ€"â€"Ottawa artment Public Works, tawa, Dec. 20th, 1865. Sealed Tenders, Next, at noon, for the construction of Addrcessed to the undersigned, Bigned, Ordinance Lands Branch, __ 4. Crown Lands, Ottawa, WILLIAM F. COF OVER THB OVER THE Â¥ F. COFFIN Ordn. Imga Agent. F. BRAUN, * F. BRAUN, F. BRAUN Wu. H. LEE, 11413 12â€"f Bâ€"J6 9â€"j8 LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing inwigorate, strengthen act. directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" gquired nourishment, and natural color and beauty ; returns. | Grey hair disapâ€" pears, baid spots are covâ€" ered, hair storfs falling, and , Duccurtiant g: h is the reâ€" sult.: Ladies jand Children > awill apprec the delightâ€" . fut fragrance and rich, ~glossy appearance: impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the skin, scaip, or most elegant headâ€"dress. Bold by all Druggists. | DUBLIN . EXHIBITION, © 1865. THE BATTLEâ€"FIELDS of Napoleon .I. were scarcely more numerous than the contests of the Wheelerâ€"& Wilson‘s Sewing Machines. â€" Paris, 1861, London, 1862, Linzs gd Koningsberg, 1863, Dantzic, Agram and reins, 1864, _ DUBLIN, Stettin, Cologne and Wilm.r, +1865, bear testimony to the suâ€" periority of this Machine, and its :;:frechtion abroad. At all these Internatio: Exhibi« tions the best fruits of foreign genius were arrayed against it, backed by national amour propre, but there, as hore, the star of its desâ€" tiny is always in the ascendant. (Indeéd, no human testimony could be stronger than that which has been accorded this Machine for syâ€" perfority over all others for family use, and general manufacturing purposes. Testimonâ€" ials similar to those below could be given from all quarters would space permit : Mr. G. A. Walion: Dear Sit: I have great pleasure in stating that I never regtret giving you my Singer letter A machine, and $36 in cash fora Wheeler & Wilson, as it runs so easily and rapidly, and gives such entire satisâ€" faction. Mrs. Jas. Trowrson, Bussex street. I have pleasure in stating to the public that having had a Singer letter A machine,sent to me the noise and hard working of which discourâ€" lgedmclomnehth.tllemnbwklndéptn Wheeler & Wilson, which L would recomniend to all in search of the best sewing maceine. Mrs. Stovu018, $ * ohut f (0 05 ~1 Nork strget Whecler & Wilson‘s Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. Bold by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in FPOR 5 A LE BELCOURT &Co.‘s To which they desire to call thoe stteltion of their friends ofthe Civil Service, and the pubâ€" lic in general. _ . _ _ s * mittoe of Management beg leave ‘to inform the public that they will hold a mocting at the House of the Institute, Bank street, on MONâ€" DAY next, 8th instant, for the purpose of re. celving nnnus‘l subgcriptions for the ensuing ear. | * A full attendance is carnestly requestod. P‘ The annual ‘subscription to the Instiâ€" tution is $4, payable in adyance, By order, * owb f Ottawa, Jan. 1, 1866 Sewing Machines! Having used sewing machines for the pas fifteen years, I can recormmend the Whocler & Wilson as being the simplest in constructio n and â€"having less machinery than any other machine. : Quality and range of work not equalled by any otHer, h Ausxaxosr Mowar, . . Bussex Street. The following are a few of the many ladies and gentlemen, that I have sold to, and others using the machines, resident in the city and vicinity, that would be references to intending purchaéers +~ Mre. H. )éerrfll, Mrs. F. G. Crosby, Mrs. Dr. Grant, Mr. Charles Wright, Mrs. ‘I‘. Patterson, J. Tufilor; Mrs. George Hay, Mrs. Wm. Hay, Dr., Hill, GARLANLD, MUTCHMOR & CO., and hosts of others that space will not permit To Hoodi. for | sal i 1@"° es, Oil, etc., for e. Sewing machines repaired, stitching done, etc.._ / G. A, WALTON, 4 Acext. OFFICE :37, Sparks street, Centro Town. Ottawa, Dec, 23; 1865. : > + 6y NEW ESTABLISHMENT, 66, sSUBSEX STREET. Coo‘ NACB, Chal Jardien, Martel lennm‘y‘n Brm Gin, Dcinpa and Hautman, Gin, in flasks and in wood ; Wines, oi u rne o¢, su%n;mmm , . Medoc, St. J‘ymlng ine, Hockhcimer, Champagne. 8 Hock, &c., &¢. . ALL KINDS OF CUT TOBACCO AND CIGARS Mrs. I. B. Taylor, Mrs. W.P. Lett, Mrs. 1. Traversey, Mrs. J, Cunningham, Mrs. Christy, Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Mills, Mrs, Grimes, Mrs. Dowler, Mrs. Wager, Mrs. P. A. Bagleâ€" u’ua' Mrs. C. H. Pinhey, Mrs. O‘Neil, Miss J. & C. Leblanc, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Geak, Mrs Hetherington, Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. Lees, Mrs. Lauder, Mr. T; C. Clark, Mra. Williams, Mrs. Bell, l_f_n. Monroc, Mrs. Bronston, Mrs. da Ottawa Orphan‘s : Home. TflE OFFICERS and Ladies of the Com. mittha af Mananamant Law Tanua wa Log _ WILL, BB OPENED ON TUESDAY EV‘G,, The 26th Inst., at 7 O‘Ulock. + W. Wape, Treasurer. B. Barsox, Manager of Riz\}n. Rosgrt Lyox ; Aurrgn Pataiox. â€"_C. H. Carmrerz, Secretary. Fatmily Tickets, to admit four.., ... ..... Each additional member................ ons or brothers over 18 years of ago shall not be admitted as members of s family. + 4 UGentlemen‘s Tickets for the feason....... Ladies 4 C o cr a L ies Children, under 15 years of age, ... ... .... Nonâ€"Skater‘s Scason Ticket, admitting a PABTIES DESIROWS OF OBTAINING Tickets are requested to make applicaâ€" tion at the Rink.. . gKATING AND CORLING sL0B Ottawa, Dec. 29, 1865. Ottaws, Dec, 23, 1865 TE M LN K DIRECTORS : J. M. Corrise, M.P.P., President C. T. Bare, Viceâ€"President. AGAIN SUCCRSSPCL AT THE OREAT HIGHEST PREMIUM MARIA GRIFFIN, § Becrctary pro tem .. . $10 124* 10â€"y _ OPPOSITE ONTARIO BANK Ottawa, Dec. 27, 1865. T. H. KIRBY, ESQ, Bm,â€" > + + *“]'n THE UNDERSIGNED, Ratéfayers and residents of By-wud,'vould most respectfully. request that you will allow yourâ€" self to be put in nomination for the office of Bchool Trustee for theâ€"years 1866â€"67, and we pledge you our vote and influence to secure your return, should you, comply with our wishes ; | « John P. Fe.t.hentoh, George Mortimer, James Balmon, Goorgy May, E. Solis, Henry Dunn, Robert Graham, Wm. Fingland, J. â€" Robinson, B. J. Draper, L. N. Nye, James Thompson, 8. Gauldthrut, William O‘Conâ€" nor, Thos. 8 D. R. L. Eavens, W. A. Garlick, G. McEdward, James Harris, H. Porter, Wm. (Grahams, Robert Elliott, R. Lille, B. Huckell, H. McLean, J. Smith, R. Easton, W. Sfiollwel!!:lgneojlyh, Jonas ESMONDE BROS., TRE CLASSES of this school will reassemâ€" *1 â€" ble after the ‘Christmas recess, on WEDâ€" NESDAY, January 4. H. J. BORTHWICK, A. M., Principal. | Ottowa, Dec. 23, 1865. _ 6 Accommodation Train for Island Pond and Intermediate Stations, } 9.00 A. M REL:irskirks iritas ie kebs areg Mail for ditto and Po stopâ€" dng over night ut?m Pond, } 2.00 P.M. Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, Riviere du Loup, Portâ€" {,jp 1p9 p y land, and Boston, with sleeping lt riice cars attached; At... ..« .+.... .1 J 4 Express Trains to St. John‘s, conâ€" \ necting with Trains of Vermont | ; . Central Railway for Boston, New é(so A.M. York, and all places in the East. 4 . tern States,at..........+...+. Ditto ditto. _ and Rouse‘s I'oigt 3.15 P.M. Accommodation Train for St. John‘s and intermediate places } 5.00 P.M. Trains leave for Lachine at ...... _ 8.00 A.M. John 8ymons, John Geake, L. Winters; G. Coffe, A. m George Geake, E. Geake, Robeft ng, Wm. AWn. Merifield, 8. Bnd:& J. Bmith, G. Brown, â€"â€" â€" / Henty Ioou&)a Moore, J. G. Howe, F. Prodrick, Wm. Cardwell, T. Beatty. Inreols t youn bly eigued foguld «â€" In reply to your respectably = tion, requesting miz to allow myself to be nomâ€" tion, requesting m¢ to allow myself to be nomâ€" inated as a School [Trustee for mud, I acâ€" cede to it, and if clected will e vor to dis. charge the duties pertaining to the officeâ€"to your satisfaction‘ || h As8ISTANT .. ... ... .. . . . . . . «. Mz. H. Priuiprs. Frzxou Master...... ...... ...Moxs. Doriox. DrawnG...... ...... ....C. A. Newnsut, Eng. MuBIC...... ...... a+...«+. . H. K. FaiPp, Kaq. 'rwh‘e‘:ork of this Imfit::l:n will be .g&m‘: enllrgedroo increased &.i on TUESDAY n:;"; JANUARY 24. Wellington Street, f _Jan. 1, 1866. } * 4. 12â€"tf W ILL COMMENCHE of the GRAMMAR SCHOOL have decided â€"to commence & preparatory form for beginners, and such as may not be qualified to join the classes in the Junior Department. TE R MS : Preparatory form, per quarter, . Junjor Department; _« _ , Benior, _ * # » Ottawa, Dec. 26, 1865 ROYAL VICTORIA BLOOK, y O‘CONNKOR 3T., CENTRE TOWKN. have engaged to take Moc?cm pi it at AND MA &hi:'OIloem of M. K. DICK NBO!J, Canal Ba. . Expen ced W # Wa. ' g cCn 4 " C in s A, M.. WOOLLEY, : Dep;rtment. + 145 Manager, * c.c.0,.C. f v . Ottawa, Dec. 30, 1865. â€" 11â€"4f| Ottawa, December 18, 1865, Prarwormar... . .. .. .. Rev. T. D. Pumumes, M.A. _ Jan.1, 1866. _ f «. 124| _ Outâ€"Door Job Work ded to with Punctuality and Despatch. Ottawa Grammar School|coATL OIL! COAL.OIL! COAL OIL THE WINTER TERM]|_ . @Pennsylvania and Canadian."®@t _ > _ Ottawa Classical and Commercial School, Paironage of His Lordship the Bishop of Oniaric. ON . Monday, January §th, 1866, TO MEET A WANT long felt, and at the supgestion of many pérents, the Trustces Ottawa Collegiate School 1 Tm\ms WILL LEAYVE BONAVEXNTURE Station as follows : CENTRAL AND WESTERN DISTRICTS. Day Express for Ogdensburg, Brockville, Kingtson, Belleville, Toronto,Guelph, London, Brantâ€" } 8.00 A. M. ford, Goderich, Buffallo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, at > Night _ do ?fli do.." ... A 18 P. M. Accommodation n for Kingâ€" ston and Intermediate Bhuom,}9.40 A, M. Grand Trunk Railway CumpanleHE OF CANADA f WINTER ARRANEEMENTS. 1866. © TEACHER S : J. Thorburn, M. A., Principal, J. McMillan, B. A., 1sb Assistant A. McLaren, English Tutor. Mons. Dorion, French master, Mr. Newell,/‘Drawing master, itto ditto . _ and Rouse‘s Point. 3.15 P.M. ccommodation Train for St. John‘s and intermediate places } .00 P.M. rains leave for Lachine at ... ... _ 8.00 A.M. : 9.30 A.M. : ©*3.00 P.M. i :. 4.30 P.M. * The 3.00 P.M. Train runs through to Plattsâ€" irg. * ésT C. J. BRYDGES, * * + Maxacme Dmeoror. Dec. 18, 1865 Ottawa, Dec.‘ 28, 1865 Central Canada Oil Company. ERSONS wishing to purchase Scrip of the above Company, and also parties who Meadow, A. Bg.rrm, J. H. Barber, Alex. Campbell, J..G. Johnston, W. Letherland, Bairy, W.‘O‘Connor, W. B. AMcIntosh, G. amen 6. A. Paimen, Aics. Aoval B REQUISITION modation Train for Island d and Intermediate Stations, } 9. r ditto and Portland, stop. ; over night at hm Polfti, }2" Express for Three Rivers, bec, Riviere du Loup, Portâ€" +1 , and Boston, with sleeping [ attached; &6. 4. .11 1+1++« J 4 is Trains to St. John‘s, conâ€" ) \ OF THB ABOYE IN8TITUTIOX EASTERN DISTRICT I am, gentlemen, Yvourobadt'.lcrnnt, ; | JE TA . KS M ND V AEMM THO8. H. KIRBY. f PARLOUR COOK Stoves Than any in the f City. LAMPSIi d k l HURRAH !| 1 OHEAPER AT 9â€"tf Oâ€"y ; Ortawa Cahinet Warchouse! ‘This Wine is strongly recommended. [A sample bottle 28. 64.) * Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. « â€"d %. : ® _ |JU8TP Akrivixg 1@" Mind now !â€"Don‘t Forget . dozen in cach case.) CookKING sToVv » BOX STOVES, ALSO :â€"Every description of HQUSE FURNISHING GOOD8,. Stovepipes, Klbows, Gallows > 7 Pipes, and everythirlg in the Tin, Shoct Iron,.and Copperâ€"ware linc. * Rideau St., and 81 RB@Dclivored, Free of Charge, by waggons, to any part of the city. [ . ‘Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. Ftiur. oLD PORT wmfi;:.o CA inak arrived from Franc . ner d COAL SCUTTLES1.. N) Pennsylvania and Canadian."® Lamps. _ Burners. Lamp Chimneys. Chimney Cleaners. Wicks, &o., &e Mahogany, 1Z° Experienced Workmen on the Premises Department. S g Hnarip eic‘ts 10,000 English ELDER Wine! *{Ottawa, Doc. 18, 1865 FOR CHRISTM AS: On sale at Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 $ Establishmen Ottawa, December 18, 1865. Ottawn, Doc. 18, 1865 Ottawa, December 18, 1865 BIRD CA Ottawa, Decoember 18, 1865 Domestic At "THE CAPITAL! IT HAS JUST ARRIVED! Goods delivered by our 'or!l w.ggnq.- to any part of the City.Daily, Free of Char YVYory Superior| JARPAN TEA, #s. 10d. per h. YVery . Choico FAMILY COFFEE, Is. per lb. tZ#Â¥" WINTER STOCK of STOVES JUST ARRIVED BARRELS ARBPLESâ€"A LL CHOIPK Belocted for Family u 4 B CASES FRENCH PICKLES, d. per bottle, or 68. 6d, per case. .(One pOZ%XEN LONDON IC per Dozen. _ ____ The ONLY PU}E EI%EB WINE in this Country. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE BÂ¥ OUR oWX wagcgoxs DOUBLE STOV BOTTLES GENKVA, 1s.{9d and 28. 6d. por ljottle, 5 f THE BEA Po# COAL STOV ALSO: A ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF stic Furpiture Constantly on Hand! AND MADE TO ORDER WITH DESPATCH Some dealers in Tea, , Coffee, and Spices, 7 From various yauscs > vicing in prices, > Till rivalry info fierce |quarrel was veering, Which timely was chedked by some stranger appearing * Fie! fie!" he gxclaime}l, " let this quarrelling ccase, Yours passiong restrain, and disturb not the peace ; > "Tis Qcaury, dnly, s worth finding outâ€" . Let‘s frirly and calmly jput that to test, z.3 _And we shall find out The cheapest.and bost; And when ‘tis Hecided, proclaimed let it be, .. â€" _ "Who sells the best Coffpo and who the best Toa." The plan was fpproved of, and judges elected, . Whose honest ppinions had nc‘er been suspected ; When this Tea, and Tea, they tasted in turri, And then tried the C from out a new urnâ€" And in a few spconds rdturned td decide ; " Unbiased, void 1 prejudice, we Unite in assorting th&t ROBINSON‘S TEA ‘ We‘ve put‘in each lé way to the tost, e k. And find it to be reallyjthe omparest and nesr ; And as for theit COFFEES, we also declare, Buch Coffee is hot to bo, met with elsewhere." / ‘Thus calmly ended a noisy affray, & And Robinson‘} Teas arp the theime of the day, k At "THE CAPITAL‘" Stove Depot, t ol ]\LCAI)()WN & :Co. & SPLENDID ASSORTMENXT OF FIRSTâ€"CLASs h w.gnn and Oak, Parlor, Chamber AND DININGâ€"ROOM SETTS. t#" 35 SUSSEX STREET, OTTAW A. ROBINSO OUIT USUAL STOCK OF THB REA PO THE BEA 10 A; nl!MmrUL] â€"AT THEâ€" Tea I’t. Sussex 8t TER, 108 OAL SCUTTLES!! CT IN FAVOR OF Union\ Dlock, Sussez Strect and Ridean Stree our ewh "THE CAPITAL‘" STOVE DEPOT. t Tea, they tasted in turni, es from out a new urnâ€" turned td decide ; 1 prejudice, we LOBLNSON‘S TEA lé way to the tost, the onsarest and nesr ; s To any part of the Cily _ Dally, Proclo!l Charge. ag OBIEON & Co., The TEA POT, OTTAWA. 1â€"d 1â€"d GEO. SEALE, Agent THE TEA PoT. SUSSEX STREET and RIDPEAU STREEP ROBINSON & CO,, ASSORTMENT OF "BITRD CAGES!! Oysters! Oysters!! SUFFOLK SAUCE! COLD MEATS and MADE DISHES THIN CELEBRATED SAUCE, PATRON IZED BY TYE % Queen and Royal Familyof England It gained First Prize at late Exhibition, and has extensive sales in MONTREAL, and other CITIES of CAXNADA f : _ Bold by * J. G. ROBINSON & Co, _ # Wholesale Grocers, v ERMOUTH WINE Bottle Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 *â€"____JIs, 9d. pér Can."Â¥@g Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. } â€" OYsTER:s®:!: At the PR A: POT. ALKEI‘S GREEX GINGERâ€" WIN® 28. per bottle. At "THE CAPITAL® °) â€" At 'mz CAPTTAL,*. ® At «THE CAPPTAL, > At ©THE CAPITAL, At "THE CAPITAL» | _At «THE CAPTITAL®* Is one of the best relishes out for attend to the Jobbing POT ! .. COAL 8SCUTTLES!!! 35, SUSSEX STREKET. THE TEA PoTP SHILAANGS per '7, 14{ 141 14 1â€"d 1 «l

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