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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Mar 1866, p. 3

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r.iu-l”- * Wheeler & has been as s been noted USE! WA, &00, D PRIME ITS ANXD Â¥ a1v£E®» ‘ERMINE® F.l do well for am aot of the La® at the houf «i2148 1814 e.!c Adamized J of the late Capt In Block J, Cathcart Street_Le Breton Flats, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and separate from each other: Tuesday, the 10th day of April, 1866 TOW Xsit1IP OF HULL The West haif of Lot 28, in the oth Rangeâ€"100 weres. This furm is in a high state of cultivation. Good Houso, Barn«, &c., Stable«, all frame buildâ€" ingo; Orchard, &c., well watered and fenced, and reats for $160 per year. .A good coad, gad within @EORGE STREET.â€"I Pooley‘s Briizo. LITTLE BAY STRLE + as Keefor‘s Hill, BRIDGE STREET.<â€"I ing Mr. MerrRL Hon. J. Skeadis. BY«W ARD (Dpposite the Market«) CLARENCE STRLET.â€"North East\half of TOWNsIIIP OF GLOUCESTER. â€" Lot No. 7, in the 2nd range.Ottawa Front. Good House asd Barn, well improved, and good Land, siz miles from the city.on the Ottawa and Montreal rfl‘ Road, 200 acres ; the wood standing lis for $10 per acre. . 3 Terms of Sale:â€"Omeâ€"sixth Cash on.the day of sale; the balance in five years, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent. payable annually. Aucâ€" tion fees ulb«: paid by purchasers. A large deduction will be mude on ca«) e JAMES W vDSWORTH. Ortawa, March 14.3866. _______:_________ 73 AUCTIOQON SALE At the hour of 11 a‘clock, a.m., The following very valuable property, viz. * LOT NXO. In Block E, Sherwood Streuk, two very neat Cottages there nwl- from each other. * above property is he: is worth the, attention of tho=« It can be seen at any time 4 session given immediately. drttawa, Mar AKLGCTICON SA ingo ; Orchard, &c., well wat rents for $160 per your. A foar miles of Aylner Village _ Title indisputable of all the above property. Sale to commence at the hour of cleven u'cluv?,- asine MR HECTOR McLEAN, Aacticneer. FRIDAY, THE 30h OF MARCH, readâ€"the mail roudâ€"from Ayimer to Portage = Fort, 10 miles from Ayimer, the best of landand s '=‘ and watored, convemient to ‘Churches, Â¥ills, and Market. â€" Also Lots 12 and13, inthe lith Range; good land, woll watered and timboredâ€"400 At the Fiussell EHTouse A&LUCTIL REAL ESTATLE TERMS oneâ€"half Cash ; bala: T per cent. . Title undispatable. THe 61 At the same time and place A SECONDâ€"HAND STEAM ENGINE, «ight horye poreer, suitable for a amail Grist Mill, or Oil W ell. â€" Itcanbe scen at Mr. Power‘s Sashâ€"and Door Factory, East #ido of the Canal Basin. fÂ¥x" worxDil _ TERMS oneâ€"third Cash; bal four months. | REAL|ESTATE Ottawa, March 9 Photographic Artists, *58) SPARKS sTREET. (18 RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Ottawa and %fl they have completed their ARKT , GA Â¥, and that their RECEPTION ROOMS are now open. _ We have the 1 â€" LARGEST and BEST atranged _ Lhighs of any Art Gallery in 2 Canada, and by our NEW P PROCESS are enaâ€" â€" * bled to take a Lifelike p Picture, alâ€" most instantanc~ ously. _ Z" In the > ¢ taking of children; which * we have made a special study, . we cannotbe excelled. Exory known description of Pictures taken. Call and examine our Rooms and specimen=; then judge of cugability. . Z*" Remember the Gallery, mnh‘l‘u Publishing Office, Sparks St, ' LifeUike Piciures of Masqueraders in Carnival Costume, ACCUR ATELY :- and Colored to suit, ~Z¢"Call and Ottawa, February 23, 1968. _ sTâ€"tf!' GTVEN, that at the next Seasion of the Parliament of the Province of Canada apâ€" mm-fl be made for a SPECIAL ACT to inâ€" a Company to explore, extract, and refine Petroleum, within the Counties of Leed#, Grenville, t tlae Carleton, and Russell, to be called =THE CEXNâ€" TRAL CANADA PETROLEU M CoOMPANY.* W. IL BROUSE, WILLEAM ELLIS, C. J. BRYDGES, THOS. REYNOLDS, M. K. DICKINSON, J. Â¥. WISER, :.'c. BROW N, C. N. P. CHAPMAN, C. BROW N. » Prescott, I‘otu‘--q 28, 1866. 61â€"2m solrces of the Fod :zuo( its vast and organizin navies: bacid, vivie AMERICAN WAR, of battlos together Amertican moroc: only, at $3,30, pa letter, postâ€"paid, euted by _‘ . Lot No 16,jin Oth Ran West i TERAMS West 4 of so, known . Agent for the Counti ."k and Renfrow. Ofttawa, Dec. 18, 1865 Complet» in « «session 5 STIFTF & GREGORY, ASs _RECEIVED INXSTRUCTIONS from MR. W AGGONER, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, No. 10, with uil fnest business| st From its Com IÂ¥VING 4N Aa« ' the secession ation of the Co entration of th kitchen TOWNXsHIP OF LARDLY. HISTORY OF THEâ€" RECEXT HECTOR McLEAN Public NX Meciot MceLean > BEEX |i~ TRUCTED To SELI Arm AT THE {t M al TuE 2:e‘v MARCH, 1868 w« A 1.80,«= HECTOR McLEAN, \11=%e â€"â€"ALSOâ€" FiTZ "ounti HECTOR MeLEANX, Averiax®z® abl W aneement to its Close. * COUNT oF TTS ORIGIX of the Southern States, the afederate Government, the : military and finamcial rcâ€" al Government, the develâ€" nower. the raising, cauipâ€" DC i [ WM.B. HELY, ‘s of Carleton, Russ t and l‘:.nmm:, with in 11 I Touse. otice fully citnblod.hlnd shing to purchase. 1e the .5:. Posâ€" well fnished, and e, Ottawa front grood baildings well bound in to subscribers od staik k M«â€" in two years at { Land kn and 3, near in twouand miptiy ex 1t Street ad, with ng jeight bles and { land wdjoinâ€" ite the 1â€"6d 1 w ty 70â€"d the td 11, ,.| _ Allplaces and objects of interest tothe tourist are . | shown, as also the Sta.m-.lla’ip,ulx;l fiubm:r'::- .l: raph Lines from England to all parts of the glpbe. * hi‘-’h!up. Thich with the Book of Statiotion Rpuid be cheap at Fiye Dollars, is, owing to the 'Ptm:’", ‘ |‘Electrical Photography,.afforded at the extreshely P tulr prive of $E thes :; ~ > fecapei t ced Postponed until further OwING To THE INCLEMENCY oF T THER, THE ABOYE SALE I Thursday, the lfst of March, Russell Elouse, S4LE AT 12 O°CLO¢ Ottawa, Fob. 4. 180d. f & UCTIGON SA (‘0""’IED oFr sEÂ¥VERAL DESIR»S ABLE residences, and business stands, in dirâ€" ferent parts of the city, and 4 number of valuable vacant lots in the most fashionable parts of the city. The subscriber has receivoll instructions to offer by AUCTION, on I I \ ®®" The wh h rtie=, «will rth cash menty of 1, 2 : cent. \ Real Estate | A Supsarior Steam Or Seyentyâ€"Five Hoas: i Alil but now, having only been in v months, and is well adapted for Site or other extensiveâ€" factories. . * P Reign, intitaled =An Act to provide against the inâ€" troduction and spreading of m.lon affecting cerâ€" tain animal«," authority is given to the Governor in Council to take such measures as may appear to be necessary in order to vent the introduction of conâ€" tagious or infectious }.:mlen affecting -boe‘v. catâ€" tle, horses, and other animals, and check such disâ€" orders from spreading, if introduced ; f And whereas a contagious disease or epidemi¢ afâ€" fecting cattle prevails in many part« of Eun»pe.lnd is increasing and extending it« ravages, and whereâ€" as it is expedient, in order to prevent the introducâ€" tion of the same into this Province, lhnthoiml;:v\r tion by sea of certain animals and articles should o in neveiees i lleney in Conncil, on the recommendation Ottawa, Fobruary 21, 1866 HERRIXGS AND LE At 10 o‘clock in liiliuolkney in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture, and under the authority given and conferred by the said Act, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" dered. that on, from and after the FIRST day of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of jeattle, sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat,|skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other part« of such agimals, hay, straw, and fodder, be, and the same is hereby probibited ; save and except such cargo or cargoes, Moxtrrac, 20th day of February, 189 PRESENT ; MIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR UENERAL INX COUNCIL W"ER.AI. BY AN AcT PASSED EN _WV the twentyâ€"ninth year of Her Majesty‘s Lower Town or part of eargo, as His Excelieney in Coun hereafter see fit to exempt from such prohil P.\“llll IN CANADA EST intend= ing to make nprfieuiw to the Legislature for Private or Local Bills«, either for granting exelusive Pfi'“:ftl, or confersing corporate powers: for comâ€" mercial or other rrpnus of profit, for‘ regulating surveys or ries, or for doing anything tendâ€" ing to affect the ;;i‘fhu oi Lmnp-ny of other parties, are hereby notified that they are required |by the 53rd and following Rules of Legislative (!mn- cil and h{:‘win Assembl ru‘-ecliwl.v. {(which aro r:blis in full in the Canatla Goz«te),to give TW O MONTHS X')T;CEM the .pplienim»svlunr- ly and distinctly specifying it« nature ahd ¢hject), in the Canada Gazette,.and also ina newspaper pubâ€" lished in the County or Union of Counties affected, sending.copies of â€"the first and last of such hotices, to the gfi'Il. Bill Otfhicé of each House. | FOUR SMARTBOY3$ WAXTED AS .‘P“ESTlClflfli, ; AT THEB YORK STREET AUCTION RooMs February 28. LN ENGLAND, IRELAND, AND SCOTLA LLOYDS TOPOGRAPHICAL coUNTY 4NBD RWMUL WA | Conpited from the Ordnance Survey ®3 . miralty Charts, and O@Mclal Ratl Survey se 4 titude of each in feet Tl!‘ COâ€"PARTXERSHIP EXISTING between the undersigned as dealers in Sawed Lumber, and which was carried on under the firm of LEVTI YOUNG & CO., expired by limitation on the First day of February last. All mccounts due by the late Firm will be paid by LEVI YOUNG, who carries on the business on his own account. Dated this Ninth day of Mareh, 1866. Persons in 5“ city who wish for the Map imme diately, will pl'xd in turn bg sending thei address through l{c ost Office to 8. C. HORLOW General ‘Agent, now in Montreal. ¢ Siarch 14. LS6H. | 18. Expiration of Coâ€"Partnership. 10â€"4 IEmportint Sale Private Bills. ole or part of the above I he ufi on reasinable 1, batance in equal yea and 3 vears -i’llh lbtere EVERY â€"â€"AT THE~ ___op___ M. E. CHAMEERS, â€"=ALSO W. H. HECTOR . Met LEVI YOUNG, JONEKS P. VEAZIE. HW. LEE, . Clerk Excestive Co the Merni AY Avctionsr® Ai 1F, WE AMABLE EPM AU [ONXS lotice. gine, rket A N, 63â€"f il may de onâ€" *, ty ces m ND a= P c th tf The owner being about to leave the City, t this ag the quickest method in disposing of t! Du‘lex& and others will find this an excellent op tunity, and the last of the seasop, for securing l APPLES AND ONIGNS LOT, situated on mediately in rear secogqd street frow O In good condition, comprisin bergs, Baldwins, and Russott £ASâ€"K1TTING t:: iPLUMBING,. &o., oUuwuH? To BE LEET A‘? K6 10 BB&S. PRIME MESS, iXO 1090 BBLS. MES®s PORI. 100 BBLS. FLO® It. A PEW BBKLS. DRICZD APPLES, =‘ EY __. . 8. CimIsTtIr. Ottaw a, March BY PUVBLIC AUVCTION. ROWE t ‘BOYDEN PURE KEROSENE OIL â€" ON : FLANID. llAS CREATED THE GREATEST sonsation in the city. . Mundreds have been to see it, and all are charmed with its. performance. No fault can be |-_'inu~|l out in its construction. . It Great Excitement! @ifeen of Sewing Machines ! is as noiscless as the most noiseless, anit so pimKla that A CHILD CAN Do BEAUTIFUL WORK WITHIT! * SINGER SEWING MACHINE ! The saile of this Machincis enatively unpre= ; cedehted, and a decided saccess has * attended its introdnction. It will do fine work better than any machine yet miade, and can be changed to do course work in a second, having the straight needl¢ with a perpenâ€" dicular aetion, it has many advantafes over the erooked or curved noxle machines. The Shuttle is so constracted that the thread draws from it with much more precision than ?nr- merly, and . will not vary it« tengion, whether| going fast or slow, and makes the stitch casier in heavy eloth than can be done, by any other machine. IT DOES ITs WORKâ€"EASILY AND SECURELY ud GREAT IMPROVEMENT Singer‘s Manufacturing tme and all gize us a eall. Needics, Oil, &s°., L sale. : Sewing Machines repaired. OFFICEâ€"62, SPARKS STREET, £ 2Z A. C,. BEACIHL & CO»_ &@" Siga of the Coal Oil Lantern, "WI Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1866. 53â€" whi Shortâ€" IIand Writing. K knowled nf'Flcnugral:hy. would do well to rr«-hue a cu:;\nf the SECOND EDITION of the FLASH, a small work on Shostâ€"HMaal Writing, which has just ‘heonxlbliohec? iwthis cty by MHK. LOUIS PELTIER, Writingâ€"Master, lt is written in a clear concise style, and is condgnsed in such a manneras to permit the loarner to embrace, by a single glance, as it wore, the whole cascmble of Stonâ€" ography. _ â€" â€" . es w o te uies _For sale at : Street ; and at N office of this pay 4 be accommodated with roomy, furnished or unfurnished, at‘ the «Qrees" Restaurant. Also a number of DAY BOARDERS at reasonâ€" able charges. f y t Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1866, Ottawa, Febra Boarding. THREE OR FOURGEXTLEMT * 10 to 15 per Cont. M AY s of U AVE RECEIVED INSTRUOTiONS nsolvont Act of 1864 [LNXCE â€"OF CAXADA, )| In the Comniy ERSONXS WIsSHINXG To OBTAIN A ETOEFR SAXLE. (Â¥] SELLING OFF PRATT&Co RMAPFTER OPJANES 8. BRA ® *X LNSOLYEKT.â€" s ATUCRDAY. THH| foch nA ConnaRs, WINCH MHAS BEEXI JUSTLY STYLED Ti sX LA Nd ‘) Caxapt Sparks Street l», WinterGoods Ho BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN M ITwerps, D fioods marked in plein figures Ortawa, Fob, 4. 41â€"3 TERMS CASIZ. ROWE & BOY DEX, GREAT REDUCTION Ssmondc Bros., & ~A41K mnarlis #t Opposite & o REPUCTIOKN NO SRCOND PRICH «Li No SECOND PRICE LA NNBLS ANTS I1 without reserve Lep DuAXKETS, &C. All of which will be sold a CEXTRAL OTTAWA h Pratt & Co. DH.I Soiling ocff. th Al of ‘the .Queen‘s Printing Sparks Street. culars, apply to RowE & Boy PrEx, THE NE W Call and s ossrs. John Durie & son, Sparks . James Hope, do. ; also at the ry 13, 1868 A BEAUTTFUL BUILDIN« K QUA /. JAMT Mautch. 1866 M KAVANAGH 8 IN ig« P1 THE â€"OTTAWA TIMES, MARCIH 21. 18606 acoints. t N CaAN rant P1 ! 38â€"t 50â€"3 | K now and spesi by MESSRS, JACQ I sule and ouly agent | Auction, of their ®pl ‘earlic=t opportunity | AMs ;mrnl.' and the | from time to time d: at h spacious and No. 267, N | the various extensiv | cclebrated establish | 1X II?uu': sUBSCRINEIR HAVING BÂ¥ A now and «pecial arrangement been appointed by MHESSRS.JACQUES & HAY, of Toronto, their syle and only agent in Montreal, for the Sale by Auction, of their splendid FURNITURE, takes the carlie«t opportunity of announcing to the citizens of Mosireal, and the public generally, that he will from time to time diuring the ensuing Spring, offer at his spacious and well established premises, ll“’ll Ar be allowed on Deposits of Tour Dollars and Upwards. ®0" Orizes Hours:â€"From 10 aAmn. to 3 p,m. Ottawa, March I, 1866 Ottawa. Feb. 12, 1866 The Magazines for the Month,. Has been New Cheap Maustrated Edition of Don Quixote, HMabits of tiood Society; by the Man in the Club 2 W indow. The Shepherd/and His Flock : by McDaff. 9 Molicre l‘hunwu-u; by C. Cowden Clarke. Wives and Daughtors ; by Mrs. Gaskell, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT l{ It. H,, in returning thanks for the e liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the Saloom, would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has loased the above premises, which he has ,-ut into a thorough state of repai., n-p?im-wl. and decorated, and refarnished vilg'ulh thoilagest appliances of comfurt, No exertions or expense will Ne spared by the Proprictor in renderâ€" ing his house to none in Ottawa, and parties favoring him with their support may. rely on the strictest"hitentién to their wishes. Goodstabling in rear of the premises. Wines and Liquors of the cholcest description always kept. Oitawa, Feb. 19, 1866. 53â€"y f 1A nia h. 1 6 s A‘PZLENPEO N. EIOW BR & SON, BQ078, §KOE3, LEATHER & FINDINGS, ETAMILTONS HOTEL, R. K. |.. _ WE ARE NOW SELLING : TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS 4 woORrTH OR _ Now is the Time for Bargains! G. HOWE & SON, ‘m Suasez Street, and 10 Rideau treet. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866. 47â€"utf QYsSTERS :Q-cgf gn‘.y_ OYsSTERS ! orsSTEEs | FW20018. sHORS, &t., C fAll 1 : the inhabitants of the County of Carleton | and «urrounding country, that he has one of | the best mills in the Province, worked by horse l power, and giving the moal in a ‘pnm and || perfect state, and at prices that will insure| satisfaction to all partics, bril } New Yorks ~Budsk ARTYCTY | > North River, > I LIFE, GROWTH AND GEAYTY. . _ > , Fair, Haven, and _ | _ Ip3, S, 4. Aflen‘s Fortd‘s f Baltimert ,| Hair Restorer and~Dressâ€" CELEBRATED CAXK AXD SHELL OYSTERS ! er AeS10F7AL CHSiC C DAILY BY EXPRESS! S ing invigorate, streongthen at s | | andlengthen the Rair. They ¢ _ 3 5 ape % s s Califormia Luflch-; act directly upon the roots +Next door to Hamilton‘s Hotel, i3> rapy t w & i apravaaeee ol of the hair, :{Jp,)lymg re Ortawa, Febrgary 28, 1866. s.a| quired > nourishment, and \ t maturalt color and beauty iimen oanei era t bdtln(/dl . a mea 1| returns. Grey I:u » disap . || pears, bald spois are cov» o : . cred, hair stops fatling, and _,.1 v."' 'H t ". f $ °9+ North Gower 1 North Gower *| luguriant growth is the reâ€" IJ‘IIH'.\'I;RS(‘IH[‘-EI: begs leave to inlfi;rm‘; sult. Ladies and Clildren 1 . the inhabitants of the County of Carleton | neamot ve t n CD n 7AnTé and surrounding country; that he has one. of|| awilt appreociate {‘i¢ deltg.hlj- the best mi(:!u in the Province, worked b)'h‘)""â€"i‘l ful fragranmce anrnd rich, power, and giving the meal in a pure an H p Pro im orickk " i riect fals, n ag at prices that will insure)| glossy appearance dn partâ€" satisfaction to all partics, f a | ed to .{.’I(’ hairz, cnd 0 f('ar ‘The above firm is situated about one mile} (Baune the sbin. â€"oal L from North Gower Corners, and is known by | Offlf):h nd "N, f" in 8+ 0:' the nan@ of the * | mmost elegant hoea«uâ€"urcss. | b6 FARMERNS owWN mLp! PM S Meld by nil RBiwscic:n. 0| || The present prices are $5.00 per barrel for|| â€" Depo" 188 & 204 Crconwich St N. fl' the best pure meal, and at exchange 14 Ibs of | _ Sold by Goorge Mortimer, John R« »borts W mwal to the bushel. C || M. Mussey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinne: in ROBERT THOMPSON. :_‘._Ott}n. * * &7 vle _~The above firm is situated about one mile from North Gower Corners, and is known by the nante of the * : " TARMER‘S OWN MILL!" At enor . (PopurERLy mMatrikw‘s HoTEL,) YORKXK STREKT, â€"OPFAW A. Jannary 3, 1866 LONDON SoOCIETY., CORNHALI . / TEMPLE BAR. ENGLISHWOMAXN. + BoW BELLS. FAMILY HERALD. CONTEMPORARY REVIEWâ€"Edited by the Dean of Canterbury. . (NEW:) NEW YoRk WEEKLY MAGAZINE. (NEW) EVERY s.\Tl'nu.\\'.J.vmi;? GODEY,. MARPER, and DEMOREST, ror Fol SALE BY .__â€" LOOKWOOD & CO. 6 A NK E. NR S . pt aftent mt four years, and trusts by prompt attention inc«s, and strict adherence to the foregoing sals to meet a continuance of ot same. _ < B.â€"â€"All orders loft 2t the office wiil meet with North River, f Fair, Haven, and m Baltimore ~ EBRATED CA AXND SHELL OYSTERS ! PAILY BY EXPRESS! 5 AT THE® | The New Bgoks. ious extensive consignments direct from this tod ectablishment, emlnncin* all the: now {their clegant and elaborately earyed and U Te EP IMOV AL. Marou G67, NotreDameStreet wsly reducéed prices, as we intend furnishâ€" ing with an entive new Stock of pened at this Branch, and interest wil be allowed on Deposits of HAMINTON, PROPRIETOR, Late or Hamrsox‘s San008. fi NEW YORK, S in all securities marketable at New York Stock. Exchange, Acâ€" t in coln and in United States curâ€" nterest allowed on deposits of each, check at sight.. p raltehtion giten to the accounts of d Conntry Banks and Bankers. East River, JOHN DURIE & sON, No. 10, Fparks Street ‘Tuk U L. DEYVANY, Iy usston Merciayt, o sale of Real Estate ‘OA DWA wl BANEKE II. V. NOE1 e of Real Pr ped will mes Managor. 49â€"u p.m 26â€"3m w W it Â¥ reedâ€" and £10, upon ) per t the : of | _ _Sold by George Mortimer, John Roberts W || M. Mussey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinne: in .;:l.Othn. * 4 | 13â€"‘ Ottawa Dec. 29, 1865 10â€"y Grand Inters W atches" Splendid Jo mond Rings, Pianos, M Silver Ware, &c., &c., DOLLARS, each articl The following h «quehce of the grea Jer to rolieve fron casioned by a dist $2,000,000 wor * gold manufa Jewelry A8 THEIR EXCLUSIVTE AGENTS The article matter how e« did Hunting c £Clocks, Rings BANKRUPTCY AVOIl * e Extraordinary Annrouncement @OLD AND SILY EL. $2,000,000 TheFriec of. each article : EIGHT HUNDRED DOLL AJ We have adopt of charging a uhi 82 for each articl penses of eonduct sale of certificates rioys articles. Th AWEUL SAGCAIiFA IMHow WWe CENTs c show. the entitled t And for that. pur; The experses of Prcight and JF Planos or Sewihg Machines wh j Paid by tire Pasties who aze . Entitled to \litm, i In every |u|rl of the United Statés and Provinces and to all such very liberal induepments will be of. fered, and on u|v{-|iv:|llv-n a cirenlar of terms wil be forwarded. _ We profer money sent in Bost Office orders where they can hbe obtgined, or by Bank Drafts, to our order.. Please write your Name Town, County anil State plainly, and address al crders to SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, ALL AB; * AU awparranted Fr®h and Genuine, c ‘.747‘ DESCRIPTIV lt «CATALOGUES, â€" conâ€" taining full cultural directions,â€"will be ready in a few days, and thay bo had gratis on application. < He has also a GREENHOUSE attached, in which will be found a great variety of Hotâ€"house plants, , BOUQUETS SUPPLIED. ; | orTTAW A, * EGS TO INXTIMATE TO THE IN» habitant« of Ottgwa and svrrounding country hat he has opened n L‘lllil) STORE in the above promises, where hethas on hand everyâ€" variety of Garden, Agricaltural and Flowor Seels, AGENTS ARE WANT ED March 3, 1866 Ottawa. March EXTRAORDIN A Must belong to that which > and such is tho‘ ' Buc-’.rganan’s_ i# Unrivalleda Mixture MOCHA . JAYVA,, AND JAMAICA Roasted and ground daily, on the uremizcs, by 5> steam power., is geg" Consequently, always to be had in the highest state of perfectiqn, | . JAS. BCCHAXAX, _ Sussox and Wellinaton Streets. â€" Ottawa, Jan. 2P, 1866 , _ YORK STREET, oPPOSITE THE MAREKEET ! 13 A N a preliniin:v turers of W arEEY cCOR N) ‘.’mrsm;mnxs, | preacues, |BEAXS, Just Received ALMERIA GRAPE®, 8T. MICHARL OA XGES, LEMON®, ' ENGLISH TOMATOZS®, in Tins, GREEN PEAS, Sussex & Welll TUREE Y Sussex & Wellington Streets, Oitawa, Feb. 10, 1866. 46â€"f A SUPPLY ( COFFEES ! holder the pa o on pflymrm JAMES YON LAI SELTEN‘S L ka No .l E4 G8 (% Jas. Buchanan, 31, pi TR »welry, French Clocks, Diaâ€" Mclodeons, Sewing Machines, . to be disposed of at TW O le, without resard to Value! PILOERT®, FiGS, SAL1 BUT hall Progsced. L4 b1 ICRTY STREET cight and Packing Machiues wHil be. / cireular of terms will money sent in Bost Office o obtgined, or by Bank onse write your Name, lainly, and address all WATER! EY «& CO., for Manofacturers, iberty St., New York, Â¥ ~~ grâ€"im gton Streets, nanan. 1ND AND Fol i |‘nLa.'.L“x' ‘ ease with VEELL) GOLD i d Jewelrys Â¥ . MERIT LLA each, no consist |of Splenâ€" W atchés, French , Rubi¢s, Pearls camnd in clusters) ng Pins and Ear recherche‘ style, tuds and Sleeve , Kc., Kc, â€" Silyer Castor«, Butter aved, Table and of Manuface frm SIX TO k that they imitation . of li, every on Me opilar l“ llllWk be The exâ€" ate will r sho is FLFTY the va= Ds WE ARE NOW MAXUFACTURING IN THE ABOVE PREM and CHOICE VARIETY of the following Good#, which for beauty of des Superior Workmanship, CANNOT BE SURPANNEL / Ottawa,. March 10, 1866 WE ARE M sparkling. .E useful and or and ln:opl(! w chase or not. 300 SRA W HA‘TTS,! 3 LonmM o5 To 74 CTNyTs 7Aac~r | i Toilet Cooking Stoves ! ~Cooking Stoves ! Jas~ We give special attention t WORK ; unsoevery descripti COAXLTL OrLlL;1 J3~ CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS will find it to their advantage to deal at the " CAPIT AL STOVE DEPOT. â€" A Liberal Discount is always allowed on 1i articles purchased. Milk Pans, Milk Strginors, Pails and Strainers, Maple Sagar Kettles, Agricuitural Farnaces, Farmers . Btoves, Cistern Fumps, and all kinds of Dairy Utgusils made to order. * â€" aihe nigecl i Yeeritidilgy 2l it cuncunes resa i wl | * ‘ NEXCELLENT FARM,THE SOUTH» ERLY half of Lot L, in Concession A, Rideas Front, Nepean, containing 100 acres, for £1,000, currency, three miles from the City of Gttawa. March 12, 1866 TOBACCOS!TOBACCOS! IRON BED BIRD CAGES « LAMP. ic OUSE AND FARM i~x A Jua when H the TOW NSHIP OF HULA.. h” (oraSit_ A good new comfortable dwellingâ€" PCEESESCLE house, a storey and a half"high, two good Barns built of Cedar, and 200 feet of sheds, al} of Cedar, oneâ€"haif floored. â€" The Farm has one haunâ€" dred acres cleared, and is well fenced with Cedar. 100 acres is covered with good hard wood. The property is within seven miles of the City of Octawa. A good living stream runs through the middle of the lot. ~ The whole will be sold onreasonable terms on .qlplieltion to the proprietor, on Lot No. 3, in the Tenth Range Township of Hull. RICHD,. BURKE, Proprictor. J2@" Or to the Times office. Ottawa, March 6, 1866 IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM l-"gl!‘l’l’ WI STOVHS A1 Ottawa, March 1, 1866 7 PLEASE CALL AND SEE. "GA Ottawa, March 10, 1866. BY (A YOoUNG MAN, TPWENTYâ€"TWO years of nie. well educated in the both lanâ€" guages, as Clerk or Collector. The best of referâ€" ences firm. if ntind. For more particulars, adâ€" dress Mr. R.. at this office. MEERSCHAUM PIPES: Ngegs, Cigar Cases, and Cigarâ€"Holders Together with a large lot of FANCY GOODS, &e J. G. ZLMMERM AN, Ottawa, March 9, 1866. L U M BMR MIERI 1/ k WILL BE DEALT LIBERALLY WITiL FOR SHANTY SUPPLIES ! lapital" Htove :D'op( rt,:i-'),Sussq_\' St., Ottawa, CA L114 .. JUST REC PARTICULAR ATTENTION|IS INYITED ~TO) a~ JoB LOT Oof FTOR SA Go to the " CAPITAL! Situation Wanted. FOR SALE, Corner of Sparks and Metcalfe Streets New Spring Goods. APPLY TO Ottawa, March 13, 180« GARNLAXD. M KING A NFW s CO TMPRC, D NIND. ‘They will lioep_the water deliciouslyâ€"cool and or Saloom , U 0000# ilinzs, Ho«schold or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, geing both raiment d. .. alway Com smc-. aad others who have the health and eomfort of themselves dor vhoir care in view, ade solicited to CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, whether they purâ€" Cl Cl CUNNTNGHANM CUXNINXGIANM CUXXINGHANM CUTXXINGHAM CUNNINC and Bedâ€"Room Setts of Japanned Tinware. QJP‘HEECINCGT â€" COF CUNNINGIANM CHEAP BRIARâ€"ROOT AXD For Making a Good Cup of Cof NEW BLACK COBOU O3 A NEW 8T0CK P NNINGHAM NMNGHAM EW MELTON MAXTI FROM 25 TO) 75 CENTS EACH. WA TL NEW.BLACK LUSTI Ous Spriag Stoclk PARMERS, A i1is])}¢ THE DUNCAN SiNCLAIR. H. ME ADOWS &:CO, 10( *I NEW CR NEW FREXCH WHOLESALE & ARETAL, wATER PROG BE DPIFFEREXT PATTERNS. NEW w coTTC §s'r‘sADs. IROR BEpPSTEADS. MIEAP!â€" IBIRD CAGES CHE ';' 1 cuxNRYys |‘| WICK®S T11 Tâ€" ANDâ€"+MOST RELLABLE IN THE CPrY! all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFLNG, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMD i of Tin, Fbect Iron aud Copper Wiire on hand; and made to order & COxXT." OIIL LINXDS LINXDS LINDS, LTINDS LINDS LINDS LIND® N o. 20, 8Jp>p SAYS XEW SPHINXCG H shys NEW SPRING B sKYsâ€" NXEW DRESS GO SKY‘3 XEW BLACK 8i shyws xEew raxeoy s1 shoes x emw eE aATICCT siys xEw BONXXLT « sAy‘s Ew pPaurxts. . t\ w e onewicnnaduaie act M4 1 i bi a1r*c h &\ N\ D sHIF] T1 70â€"# 1 11. â€"ATiivited. COOLEFRS ! TCWMUOR & C0. OTH NEW FAXNCY 81 NEW â€"FEATHLH XEW SPRIXG HATs® IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN WYVÂ¥ of the City Limits, with A DWELLING HOUXE erected thereon. One half of the land i« cleared and well fenced.â€" These properties are worthy the attention of intending purchasers, and will be sold CHEAP, LNDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEX. LOTS AND HOUSES. “TITHIN TW Oâ€"A ND«A «HALF MILLES of the City Limits, with A DWELLING Ottawa, Feb. 22, 1866 '1‘" AT ELIGIELE PROPERTY known as WOODROOFFS, owned by the late Captain Baker, beaitifully situated on Richmond Road, within five miles from Ottawa, containing 300 acres or thereabouts, being composed qf the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st Concession Ottawa, Front on .\'er-nn. 1 ~Also Pew No+62, in Christ Church, Ottawa. _ PVIEC PCM PNC OMR MA e For terms and R‘ iculars, apply to the Rev Cnazrurs Forezst, Mérrickville, or to * WIs & PINHEY, . Barristers, Oitawa. CITY PROPERTY! 90 ACRES OF LAXD ON THE PRESâ€" COTT road, in the Township of Gloucester, and adjoining Charles Smith‘s farmâ€"about 2 miles from Cunningham‘s Stationâ€"80 acres under good caltivation, with a hmue‘nn«l .h-rn thereon. TPENTION I February 20, 1806. February 10, 1866 For further particalar« lp‘“y to WAM. CLEGG, E8Q., Barmsrer, â€"=___â€" Telegraph Building, Ottawa Ciiy FOR SALE OR TO LET SPRINXG BONN BLACK NILKS, FAXNCY SILK® D ctaining all the ‘or Hale or to Let. MNT TOF SA XLE. TWO SIZES. _ THREE S TWO IFOlIl s oo GI8 o meriidaiOee _ > > 25 ACRES OF LAND ss GOqDS AJR AND LUSTRI T I~â€"~COAL OLL NX TICKRS fiiis â€"S¢. EAVETROTGHS, STEAMBOAT 3C%. 1i s A L JS, CoXSITING OP POTS ! 18ES A DURABLE gn, style of finish, and Aromea '97 CA P 62 46â€"utf 56â€"f CCA mAÂ¥ )iz K 0 ®© ‘ ‘"'.10.‘ 12 T ;’usm- .:fi.sw_ 11th Conces 4 3. be let on th There are on the Farm a by:| Mouse, good Barn, and Stab 40 weres clearedâ€"of a qualit * | miles of it« situation, ‘Lidflw Packenham 1} iniles. Lwr * | be given." Enquire of ROB Antrim P. 0., "'J'tuu_v: Ro/ Kinburn 1. 0.; or NOB Gower 1. 0. Fitzroy, March 10, 1866. on To MEssR®S,. SCOTT «& ROSS, Barristers, &e., &c., Marlborougl 1&rs, apply t wrg > ACRES GF LANXD /"' '_‘m“"» h ;\‘ 100 in the Township of 0s @:‘tfi-b} goode, County: of Carldton, West se 2~~ * half of Lot No, 34, 6th rashon, 50 Acres cleared. . On the Lot is a good Log House and Barn. _ For further particalars, as to price and terms, upply to | wENXRY ROBERTSON, Osgoode Podt Office. | Q( ta Bhop Farm to Let for a Term of Years, &4 4 C rBYH®E NoRTHâ€"W E®T w â€" > ROW OF SIX NEAT ‘;}' & A. COTTAGES, paintod, in te, ~â€" New Edinburgh, opposite the School Mouse, will be sold for s One Iundred Pounds Cash Each.. _ Also THREE WOODEN HOUSES IN ~LETTER 0. Ottawa. _ Also desirable premisos In Lower Town and in Upper Town, (near Mr. Gilmour‘s.) _ > _ + | * ag.¢ _ 4 South Side Sparks Stroet, a nearly o‘?-wiu- the Ll on which the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. â€" Lots 9 and 10 on north side of QueenStreot in rear of the whove. t!i l BLASDELI/S HOMESTE AD, conâ€" 10.COeR _ taining about TWO ACRES, beauâ€" tifully situated on "the Ottawa River, being Lot One, North side Wellington Street, City of Ottawn, with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. Apply to n New Edinburgh, January 31, 1866 ALLSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND i In the Township of Gloucester, situated about halt a mile from l'!illing- Bridge» This land can be sold en bloc or in lots of 5 acres. For further particular«, apply to _ . â€" Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866 February 10, 1866 A large I‘wo storey Wooden Building, on the eorâ€" ner of Murray Streets, This House is lined with Brick, fumi-ged with donble doors and windows and Venetiun Blinds.. There is a large Kitchen and Shod attached, with Pump, Stable ‘and other Buildâ€" ings in the yard. â€" This I,:un is well adupted for n Store, Hotel, Boarding House, or private residence. For further particulars ."‘:.Iy to J. L. P. OHANLY, Ottawa, February 10, 1866 Dwellings to Let. POSSESSION GIÂ¥Vex IMMEDIATELY. A a , AI‘W:‘“K“.UMIIG t ~ q.2 on Besserer Street, Sundy && Mill, near the residence of Hox. tS 3 MancotarCaxtron. . This buildi:fi contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with modern imprn\'vu‘wun. 4222 h c B Irr 1t in nc c d e ing to : To partics commencing to build, village lots, and purk lots of several acres will be sold at modcrate rates, and the whiole of the purchase money, if desired, can remain ‘ten years on the property, at six per cent interest, * Apply at the office of the â€"~ «_ â€" + Building LotsI And three or‘ four detached cottages, an the banks of the Rideau River, Outsicde the City Limits Will be sold, «ubject to Leases, all of which will expire this year. R To partics commencing to build, village lots, and park lots of several acres will be sold at modcrate rates, and the whiole of the purchase XNew Edinburgh, . January 23, 1866.} Village of New Edinburgh, FOLB SALE, 97 ACRES OF GOOD Agricultural Land, 70 of which are cleared. It is situated in the Township of Osgoode, Tenth Consession, South half of Lot No. 22. There is a 1 Frame Dwelling. Barn, and Shed, also a good G’K:II. Terms will be lib ral. mss â€" Ottawa, March 1, 1866, Cheap Homes for â€" Nale. IHOMES FOR SALE. For particulars, apply to the undersigned, on the [;lelnil-u. hn JOHN MULCAHEY. Ottawa. March 1. 1866. 114 TÂ¥ T arm for Sale. ork hm 34 To Sell or Let in Ottawa. ~ 100 ACRES OF LAND ';'.. t for sale, Lot No. 3, 6th Concession of Marlborough, about it â€" 15 apres of which are cleared, _A I Log House on the premisos. _ The Lot is well od, nnd is situated on thr Main Road from borough to North Gower. \For further partica Carm for Sale. 4 > l.\' THG VILLAGEK OF es 2 RICHMOND, 18 miles from the ? it> OCP) of Ottawa, An excellentopenâ€" -£ fi%‘:; ing for a G ni‘l Merchant. r particular®. apply to the Proprictor on the be LE T.==Scveral Flats of 5 I.1 spectively. w EO SALE OR 1+ ~_y~ )\ _ \_J _ Street, â€" (nearly opposite n !&_ W orkman t((h'ifin‘l,),l good xC three storcy Stone uullm‘, with »od dweling and shop below. â€" The buildâ€" is covered with tig, and extends from front @r, 74 foot. _ It is a good businers stand, oerms reasonable. f : â€" Apply to 1 .. q o â€" M quarter of. Lot No. 16, in the P‘;"" 11th (“mlre-;iu'n of Pakenham, will fi-'_-!. be let on the mpst reasonableterms, ire un the Farm a comfortable Dwelling good Barn, and Stable, &e. There ave m s« clearedâ€"of a quality not excelled within 5 f its situaticn. T-i-um from R. K. station ham 1} imiles. Immediate possession wil n.‘ Enquire of ROBERT HARKIS, Esq P. 0., ‘juru_\'; ROBEKT ARMSTRON n P. 0.; or NOBLE WALLACE, Nort Apply at the office of the and Dwellin©â€"House for Sale TOE SALE. FTOFPR SA Sand for Sale ««=Pron r Motel. Otta w APPLY To Teb. €, 186 ICor Sale,. 2 ( )N SOUTH SIDE RIDEAU .A N_Z Street, (nearly opposite PCO LIC‘XT & ToA YVLMEI Ma ruary 10, lld“' DESIR ABLE 186( irticulars, apply to a l"BANClS‘é’LEHUW, ES8Q JAMLS JOnNSTON. North Gower Corne ~ EV ERAL sSTONE b DWELLINGS, in the corâ€" ner Block, o ulars, uH-l:v to e 2 JOMN MACAULAY, [‘lll'l‘ VALUABLE PRO»~ â€"~PERTY known as T. M. LARGHE STONE BUILD» ing, eligibly sit@ated, and con tod either for al Private Resi €, Kthp(‘dl l Hotel, &¢., tGeneral Grocety and Provisâ€" ( Two Cellars |and other 15 © into two tenéments); arca ies highâ€"built neariy three ol, +., only since last New ce from damp, whilst elegant LEWIS% PLNXHEY, â€"â€" Barristers, &c., Ottawa OTS .09 AND ~10,. oN Duke Street, Chapdier JOHN MACAULY. MACKAY ESTATHE MACKAY ESTATE easy terms of j EGAR YIELDING GEORGE BROW N City of Ottawa. 46u â€"f Otlawla whilst clegai Sheds in rea &c.. Qttat L.-hu.u_d. and ument Baildâ€" t,==The comâ€" and premises ast copper of lnm and Main I, Eeq. Apply ET. Grocer, Drug 6 Apartments t Tt;l Apart r, &e df°15, and a Eandy Hill LET ale 70â€"2â€"1 1 4w »d 1d 46â€"uth 46â€"utf 46â€"ntf 14â€"4 424f

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