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Ottawa Times (1865), 22 Mar 1866, p. 1

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TE i emrmua h P CCCepmme bery .. SHOP j ank ". anufeonnet comvin l r(‘i;‘ nc . Ap bii~ to «N-..‘:" *4. aundp 4 jam "'u «NC work wâ€"__x__ 34â€" Taty ANTLy or havey TEXxT ‘s :=â€"â€"We h qual. . It can Te vafi,‘ Yorl rvike all ig, TREUMEXT3 "Wtifie Princi sNd Will ro. im provaments whis separy, O Stringing 2"_""."'!-: nd nt, po Aiuct â€"< \ Tae im d boards are NEW m in the andteu any "other sy» cipal artists tare} vans. LOGVUE vo® ot _ stvle, an c Oreas, ** t triumph is _ During the .“w Cy NeaRtury versed or EX~ only bellow* it impossible OW , *’.‘ truments ar€ un of * doun‘"" ured in thit iGculty (want Mh‘* ,’'"“' mn-lt’" A this -z‘.'; le man, :hx'h""'-' it" system of which great i Ararising c for the feet t hesumute NCE 4. "" mi“‘ ually a ®" . Hent on which ng with more d increase * TEg the old plan. *PP never heard sYympathetic it ldress® oy excellenct srd‘?‘.'d o4 our 0" facilitic® and others, orginal and this difficulty FIVEYan 5.â€"Uporr a Pianoâ€"Forte, a very fine th ’.‘m B 138. CE, and brillianâ€" ment of t of blowi08 00y like of ki ue l;~ ang W ss2 0 the & cCO which Clere® of BAIIIJTH.!I’ Aitogneysy Solicitors, # KB Conveyancers, &c. | _ ueme®: Inths Court House, Ottawa, C. W. ?‘yun Laxs. Jors J. GrxomLi. wa, Febroary T. 164. 43â€"utf ~.*" «. . MAA rum..t»_\: Bumsnfin. Co., Ottaira. _ Offjce? T h Baildings, Motcalfs street. (..-.‘E;fir. 19, 195. s g 10y tod in t TTORNXEYeATe«L A W, . Soliciior=in= A Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. NUffce: â€"North ade of York Street, two doors from Sussex. ¢ ditawa, March 20, 166. | T8sâ€"6m EDW ARD T. DMETNELi. aAR&ISTEHR, Selicitor, Aitorncy, and B Notary Publis, Cleck of the Peace and County @owa Attorney, for the United Countios of Prescott ekruualt L P .. . *.. . k â€" Oemicz: Over Mr.. X. Ca Street, Ottawa. k "OTTAWA TLEMES . Traus or A br the first i laxnurau- Chancery, &c. Orrice: Aumond‘> Otarwa, Jun. 12, 1866 BCCKLEYâ€" & SCOTT, . BAI.BST“! and Attorney seat«Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery , Cqavey ancers, Notarics Public, &e., &c. mrdeg : (@tawa, Dec. 18. 1865. â€" . _ | 1â€"y W, MAARNIHALL MATHESON, 'A..”T”. Attormey, Soliciior, &¢+ Orrice: Horne‘s Building«, corner of Sparks asd Elgin Streets, Ottawa. Ssd Otaws, Dec. 18, 1866. 1â€"y â€" Orsice : In the Janaary 27, 1866 Jebraary 24, 1866 ‘Ml\‘hAT-l.,\w, Mcitorseime Chancery, Conrey ancers, &¢., Ko. ewace: Coart House Avonae East. ‘ *x. L Dessase. s T. W. Touzsbx. Otewa, Jas. 16, 185. i 24y K. A. BRADLEY, LA'. Chancery, and Conveyancing» Orrice: Over Seott‘s Comfectionery, opposite the Russell House, Ottawa, C., W . » " oo February 7, 1306. s [ â€"utf MEssRs. DUCK «&‘ BUCKE;, BA“Il‘l’lls and AtiormeyseateLaw, Solicitors. in Chancery, Notaries Public, and Convey anctre. ' Orric®: Laitg‘s Builling, opposite the Post Office Coatral Ottawas & . + at the writt Wx C:.i06. "Ottawa, Feb. 7. 136« â€"CLEGG & XELLEsâ€" :. > nnlursns and Attorncys=at«Law, KB soliciwrs in Chaneery, Convcyagcers, Notarâ€" ies Public, &>.. &c. >+~"B. GOCONXNXUVURK, * TTORNEYâ€"AT=LAW, Solicitor in la-ry. Convey ancer, &c., $ussex Street, awnce: Union Buildings, Ottawa. * Omace: Telegraph 3 graph vaD COLMANX & WRIGHT, A.'Ol.'lfls, Barristers, and Attor» neysâ€"at/Law. _ :."lll l;‘;“old .\y!me;i €. K. 'r attend at Hull on Tuesdays and muy week. 3 Jas. . Mesar Wiicatt, B.A.B.C.L. Ottawa, Kebs 7, 1806. 4Sâ€"uth wuetam Duck. ttawa,. Feb. 7. 18 ‘MI"-A'I‘OI..\W.&»U«:&-:.-M- Chancory, Convey ancers, Notacie® PubMic, &¢. Ornice: Posg Ofce 1 wlding, Eigin Street, Ottawa E. B. Harcocx. R. IL. Maxcock. Febreary 7, 1968. ~ Cc 43â€"utf -‘”O“AT& Odlce: No« 17, Ni« Poeter Lk. Stroet, Quebec. Mr. Boushette will always be mw promptily to any basiness the employes, and the public. geifferally may entrast him. . Mr. B.Attiend« regulaily the cirâ€" aat in and for the district of Quobec: , December 28, 150. 0â€"y PROFESSIONAL CARDS ~JOSEPII J. MURPHY, PUNXING & THOMIPSON, L‘.lb Agent.and Broker, Natary Pub«= lie, has remgved big office to Nicholas Strect, # few doots to the South bf Dan (Goode‘s Hotel, and EVERY MORNING,. m to t HN-'.:M-; on rtic en en it ‘IC-TB("I’. Omner: W opposite St. Andrew‘s Churcl (Rtpes, February 7, [ 806. DC 20e PORETERTAT y Ll" and hr¢-nnar)' agent« 0; , FICH: No. 5, Russell House Block, Ottawa. Deeds for Lands aud Patents for Inventions p roâ€" sured. Takes charge o€, Private Bills during their m'i'w:h the A«embly, and trantacts all with the Government Departments. Reresesc#s , Hon. J. A. Macdonald, Hon« J. H. Cameron, Hon. George Crawford, Hon. M. Cameron, P. Jones, Esq.. M.P.P., &. Boll, E#q., M.P.P., W. i-‘"'\,:j' J. 8. Ros®, Esq., M.P.P., and w’- udge Co. Huson. __Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865, + + Ki OFFICSâ€"No. 60, Spar <P] Du MESSRS. THISTLE & BALDWIX, VINCIAL Land Surveyors, Canada East and West, Real Estaty Agents, &c. Parâ€" attention devoted to the sale and protection tethe Lands of Absentee«. Applications to the Crown Lands Department for Mining Land#, &¢., promptly attended to. . w.l.!l!‘f o;’rhrl-t Church, Teacher Organ, Pianoâ€"Forte, &c. s a Ottaws; Feb. 7, 195. lt Lands GEO. IL PEI MVIL EXGINEER, U * comer of Sussex and! York Oftawa, Des. 18, 165. | Â¥OL. .: xo. =C0 Ottawa, Feb HAYCOCK & HAYCOCK, #3,00 1« . 26,00. ery, Convey ancer, &¢., PQ Union .uih’lia;-. uua-i. ‘t, 1866. | NNXING & THO) KXE Y3«ATe=L A W , sery, Convey ancers, &¢., GCourt House Avonae E;:l. a. 16, 195¢. / j n gpommeger A-r.‘ + J. F. BOLLTON ISTEReâ€"ATALAW, $ cery, &c. Aumond‘>BuilUngs, Rid SIDXEY 1. FILIPP, PUBLI MKR. H TFX TYX G WEEKLY BOUCHETTH t L1WU.A, PaL A W, Solfcitor=in= H Anu oot nriating Smablest Cur N OTHR HUI pt adv FRiPP, T MI LLX Â¥.4 II‘s Store, Sussez s Stroct. Wl ty nion Buildings, urd, exer and* to oT. J# B PCXE m Street uting nduct COJI.‘IS!IU.‘ Merchant . aud l Agent. .Sole agent for Read‘s Higl | Proof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Lachin Porter. < Pork, Flous, &A 5.. for sale. en | “ KAV ANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of the | 1WB o Mcetcalfe and Wellington Streets, opposite &e., | the main entrance to the Government building«. | â€" The «QUEEN"comprises all the roquisites for a well | grstâ€"class Restaurant, The House hits been refitted wwer [ and reformished throughout. The BAR contains 28 | the choicost Brands in "IM’ and Liquors, and every _._ _ | delicacy oftheseason will be found on the table. The Di l)ll\\’l( * A N derier: No. Refereaces : Kev. Georgo Lawrenice, Orono John smith, Bowmanvilie{ Rev. Georze R Clarke ; Dancan Campbell M.D., M.R.C.S.E onta: John.H3ll, M.D.. J. Adaws, M.D.. Tore Pit. W. J. HEXHKY, “? ELLINGTON Street, First Door East of Bank Street. t Ottawa,.â€"February 7. 18306. 4Sâ€"utf itf 1 MACDONALD &)]BRO., ACC‘TIO.‘EER!. and Gexeral Commise Plk. sion Exchange and| Real Esfate ‘Agents, NXo. | 40, sussex Street. f ' Ottawa, December 18, 186). Iâ€"y | llomxv ATIHIC â€" Physician, surgcon and Accouchour. $ Sei s Oriice s the office at EXTIST. trat Othowa ery Store. a P Mn 69 The sale of Real l}&m at .}vmtion or Private Sale promptly attended to. Congizgnments received for itive sale. â€" Parties wishing to (purchase Real Eratg will | receive all «information FREE (OF €UARGE by ealling at the olfice. °> | Boou-llxnflfl and Paper«Ruler, core ner of Sparks and Metralfe Streets, over:ht City Registrar‘s Office. . Agcount bpoks makle to order for any branch of busines«, paged and bound in the best style of the art. | RULLNG done to any pattern. .. 4 Particula® attention, paid th Map Mounting, Ottawa, December 19. 1869. (2â€"y 10105 ad fiul 400 n dsc tbia dbint=mutvindl wninthatotvistaaitt % VIM PV PPUERE PVA TY CCE * | proprictor‘s best efforts will be directed to the comâ€" | [PMOTOC tho Ottawa Stationery Warchouse f.,.. of his guest« and pnmlu.‘ iss Y ork street, Ottawa, % & 3 Oysters, Game, otc., dai express. y n . ‘ 8. #y Ou-’rn &c.“'lm'» j ’, y eP Lâ€"f Ouan.l)nmbolr.o, 1865 BOO!-]IISDER and _ Manufacturing Stationer, and .\‘ach'mt Rules. _ Over Taylor & Wilkinson‘« Flour Store, eprner of York and 3J.â€"- sex Streets. . Entrance on Sussex Street. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. t [ Adetf BWI IAKBM’ Wellington Streei, op= posite Dr. Van Cortlangit‘s, Ottawa,> Having had many years‘ exporierte in some of the best estaâ€" blishments in the metropolitan cities of Canada, he feel« coniident that all orders entrusted to his ¢are will be executed in the beet style, and guaranteod to givesatisfaction, | s Ottawa, Jan. 4, 1868. | «| 14y S Sois We ad ns aadt w c E. Miles has the PATEXNT ROTARY HAIR BRUSH, (the only one on this contineut,) in use. For information as to theefficieney of this apparatus vide opinions of the Press. _ JPAY~ A choice bot of Musical Instraments always kept on hand for sale. ‘u hk Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865.. | | . M Dressing Saloon, Hidean street, begs most resâ€" pectfully to invite the gentlemen of Ottawa and vi« cinity to visit his new establishment, No. 9, Angus‘ Blue{, which has been‘htted up in a most recherche style, at yery m’i.‘*"“'.b!”_i.fil’.”.'.‘“‘.: n Sss Otta LAfl‘l CaAMPBELI®S HQTEL, Ottawa, C. W. The undersigned, "proprigtor the uboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave io acquaint Niz nuâ€" mevous friends and the tru!:lling public, that he has re*painied and newly â€"farn hed throughout this comâ€" modious establi<hment, ir the management of which by strict attention ty business and guest«, ho hopes to deserve encouragement and support. . Ot a w Cxtawa, Dec. 13, 196( Oven Vlcuonmu reet, Court«House Avenuc, LN Ottawa, John (iraham,â€" Proprictor. This House is igntly sitaated, fnd still mainâ€" tains its charactet as & FLRSTâ€"CLAss TEL. Considerable additions haye recently been made ‘to the premises, and it has boen entifély repainted and renovated. No paips will be spared to accommodate and please. ; OMNIBUSES toland frd the ears m t« free of charge. . Therg is a LRSTâ€"CLAss LEVERY STABLE attached to the Hotel. Ottawa, Dec. 18 1860. I. 1â€"y | grues 4 Ho Hta w Ottawa, 1 t. 1. MculibhEYX\Y, 10NXTRACTOR and Euilder. O JNorth side York street. second door frein 8u ‘The above Hotel in Packenhamg b and thoroughly ov cial accommeodatio BAQ will at all t best the market a GOODSTABLL Packenham, Dee BEAVER HALL, _| J J. GARROW, Pr‘prh‘or,llleml Deep e Cut, Nepei | This House is situatod within twonty minutés‘ walk of the City, apd is fitted up in a fifi(wlnn style. The Bar is supplied with all the chdice brands of “ma. -lan: l'{.’lflhfi. GEO, LOtrAX. M.D 8. C.â€"KEIK, .. L._% CCOUNTANT, Now 34 Victoria Sixeets l‘[.pe[.'l'uu m, Urtawaso | /; . 3 PROFESsIONAL â€"CARDS 3: soN.â€"NPANNKS. | i attendar ROVINCIAL OLAND â€"SURYV !".\_'_I)R. H.â€" McLEAX‘s . s UCTICN Rooms, No. 19, Sparks Street, Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite Hope‘s Stationâ€" nada December 20, 1863 â€"E. MILES, ROPRIETOR of the Parliament Hair= HOTELS. AND SALOONS. k\ LMER, C. E., Livery and Gengral Stage Office. . Alfred MosessHolt, Jr., Prop‘tr. December 21, 1865, e s _f'y THE 4 OUEEN" RESTAURANT, Ottawa city. t JOM ATE MeAl NOR NER of Water and Diviston Streets, / U'd'l\nbul“h, NIY., 8. Slosson, Pmpric(ur. Omaibuses to and from the House free of ch:@rg:. *~~‘JrK. WOLEEF, â€" . E. of Quebec. | Residences=IRusse}! DH Wi THE RUSSELL HOUSE, Stabling nuary U pUIEXxXAXx‘S _: | RIVATE HOTEL, Sparks Street, tawa, C. W. A fow gentlomen can obtain apartaecnts; & . 4 INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, RESCOTT, C,. W., L« H, Daniels, Pro«# prietor." Second to no Hoyse in Central Caâ€" arch 6, 1868 THE ALBION HONEL, M ndueiliche dict se en 4. cnctiinn es Jn a | * of Real F"h te at Anction or Pr attended to. Q‘hn}‘_;mm- re ile. _ Parties wishing â€" to {pure M receive all information °l by ealling at the office. * ~ Doc. 18, 1865, JOHN H. BARBER, USIN] itely, and for many years commecte A. MORTIMER, TiHOs. NHLSON, mham J AS. JOHNXSTONS h HOUSE, MORTONX HOUSE, â€"â€" TDt HoOLT‘s HOTEL! X Merchant aud â€" Gehergi wgent for Read‘s Highwines a also, Dawes‘ Lachine Ales a Xar, & 5., for sale. Sparks street, near the Russell CHRISTIE, 1866 sent and support. .) “*3.«»&; E. GuvIN, 1566 ofguest«. . THE TLABMEL AAXL es be furnished with the very XG and a carefal Hostlor) always L .\11\1:1'.\1,-\.\;, L AM*!S}, Commercial | lotel, ong of theâ€"oldest and best known been Igased byâ€"the undqrsigned rhauled and restted for the speâ€" in atl 0, 1865 W Us Hotel, Palade Street | sé Communiea rid), will re CAID® E\';:rll; Gower,. Good JOHN . MALTM AN THE TABLE AxD ind dudre prou s Ard ript Idell Rev id | dity. EL. n | To Farmors and Qardeners ! th 11â€"y Ot= supâ€" °0 Oun APOTHECARIES & CHEMISTS < T H oE : Pharmadeutical Chowist and Druggist At the above address, for theâ€"sale of DEV@S, CHEBAOLLSy : DPES® OULE® ; Rideau Apothecaries 4 -. e TI Smle's Street, / Is the Place to Bay Your Medicines ! |. «_ Chomist and: Apothce Oltin‘s, Dec. 18, 1865; * | ’l assortment of Photographic . and Medical Chemical=, Canadian Hair Dyes, Bogle‘s ditto, Matthew‘s ditto, and a full assortment of Druggist‘s Sandries. sE n 4 t ce DRUG WAREHOU SE . P. 8.â€"Advice to the poor gratis Octtawa, Dec. 18, Ib6h Ta 7 MELIC AL 4 TVALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE! Fon siLB, FoUR BLOCKS WOODEN Mouses, 4 rooms each tenement.‘ One Block, 4 tenements, 5 rooms and a Kitchen to each,. Three Houses, 2 tenements, 5 rooms each ; all well plasterâ€" ed and in good condition. . Also, 12 Town Lots. The aboce Property will be sold on Reasonable MORTLIERS Apothecaries Hail! OUEAP OUlaw Wost llelt‘:lV"; »â€"A consignment of the Canadian tperâ€"Phyâ€" Bokes and Barrels. . 1 .0 GEO. MORTIMER, FARMS KOR SALE! 100 ; d V T‘ japara Dio & 6 t ® 1 Crys‘.:a!lm’? Compound "Ga > FOR PHR HALR â€" j ‘all and see it and jidze for yoursolves. > ANADIAN COUGH EMULTION, a sure cure Coughs« and eoldsâ€"Testimonials from prominâ€" citizens will be shown on applicx:‘t;'on. Wueate for alt the: PopulesPatent Medicines of the | Hardwaro!. Hardware!! 100 situate d un the banks of the Kideau River, thus having an lwun‘ehw the city either by t land or water. e land is of a superior quality, and yields excellent erops. + No. 2. p ACRES OF LAND, SITUCATED 200 in the Township of l_'-l;qeesy)r._t:wnty PROPERT Y FOMSKALE. ETL.AS. ‘AUSTIN, A 1 tet) NOxsTANXTLY ON 4* NDA SPLENDID / mssortment of Sheif and Heavy Mardware, our NEW HOUSLS to Rent on Sand Hill, 100 7 ACN TS OF LAND, STTUATED 200 in the Township of Osgoode, County of 2 1e . Lowukmlp 0f CHgonun, HPnMp ET Ottawa, December Ald Ottawa, Dec. I?.]MS. i i s o WpiHO TOG R A PHS BY KO'I'HQ.!. FOR € M ECC Aiiprcediabits~ ) lt <daretsarn A NUMBER OF LOTSs sITUCATED IN PM different parts of the gity, well adapted either for private residences or business parposes. For fu n!:rr particulars and terms« of sale, Arriy To H. J. FRIEL & C0., Or to H. McLEAN, AVE C JUST RECEIVED, A GOOD DOMESTICEHCD Y ES Sign of LOOK HERE! JUEBT RECEIVED! m‘A(‘RES orF THE PROPERTY known as the OSSIAN HALL FARM, situated in the Tow: ship of Gloucester, Counâ€" ty of Carleton, bein;; the East half of Lot No. 3. in the second ecnebssion, Rideau Front. There is an extensiveclearing on the lot of at least 50 acres, and o remainder is covered with a fine Hardwoc l Bash. The Farm is within jive milee the City, and is beaut_ifully oTs xos. 2 AND 3 OX THE ORTH | side of Wilbrod Street. _ These lots aygituated apposite St. Joseph‘s College, ,(8a» ly Hill,) and are well suited for the erection uprri\'m VCY in the Township ot uloucestor, County of Carléton, being Let No. 12, in the 7th conâ€" cosgion. . There is »nbout 20 acres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is covered with wood. . s . ied ns will be sold cheap. f + +â€"ALSOâ€" w TWO AND A«MHALE sTORY HOoUSE, situated on Lot No. 6, north side of Cathcart Street. . The building is nearly new, and finâ€" ishedâ€"30x36. _ There is also a |good Frame Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, w‘nich ronts at $100 per annum.. . It is situated in the imme~ dioto vicinity of the Railway Terminus, and is a very desirable plac)e for a private resiâ€" 39, RIDKEAE STaNET. VLP in the Jowuship of Osgoode, County of Carloto), ".i "o#z« Front,‘being Lot No, 20, in the.s4ta e« jon. . There is about 20 acres of this Farin r{oanql. the remainderiis coverâ€" ed with i good Mapdwood Bush,. This is a good Faim, and will be sold at a reasonable NY Township of O«goode, County of Carleâ€" ton. + This Farm is situated within Two ntiles of the Gloncester Church, and within Eleven wiles of Otéewa City. There is about 40 weres of this Farm cleared and under cultiâ€" vation. iob stas % D ’0 aCRES OF LAND IN TuE Township of Gloucester, County of Carleâ€" ton, being.the East half of Lot No. 21, in the Omb concession.: This is a good Farm and vsIC ; MUsICI: FRENCH AND English Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valsos, dence dwellings and vietnity, business as & 6b y vunrme;'umrumu ELE FKOM ADULTERATIQON NiLn IMPORTATIONX® oF 18, 1865 Y X LU :\ BJE Or"0A WA inform the inhabitants of Ottaw jcinity, that he has commence â€" No. 4. o acRES OF LAND IN THE BLG AUTU: On 1st May next P BBPFUMERLY, PJ.vCL a JOSEPH CARVEY, M.D 1 %0o. 1. EMPORIL 18, 1865 erms® â€"AL8Oâ€"â€" UTUL, Sussex Street. P Ax(ts MeborGaAL zlish and French Drugs is«; English and Freach oilet: and Funey Goods, «. &e., uncqualled in the ttontior ira ble THE PROPERTY SSIAN HALL FARM, J_ni]a_«:l‘ (il\uncestt'r.(‘onn- prepared with @a y, Al .\'au:yq Street pUVERNAY â€"BROS qualled in the >} the pablic to OJP 8, hopes by Land Agent OTTAWA, C. W. THURSDAY, AMARCH M 1â€"f Monday,VZOt.h November, 1865, CHANGE of TIME. Oftawa and Prescott Railway, TRAINS WILL RUN A8s FOLLOWS : MAIL TRAINX will leave Ottawa at 8 A. M MIXED TRAIN at 1:30, P. M. P MIXED TRAIN at 7.30 A.M > RETURNING FROM PRESCOTT. MAIL TRAIN will leave Prescott at 2.05 F q NLATNXS WILL LEAYVE BOXAYENTURE l Station as follows : A P CENTRAL AND WESTERNX DISTRICTS Grand Truak Railway Company 1â€"<f WDTER â€" ARRANGEMENTS. Day _ Express _ for â€" Ogdensburg, Brock ville, Kingtson, Belleville, Toronto,Guelph, London, Brantâ€" ford, Goderich, Buffallo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, at Kight | do . ic ‘dof‘..... Accommodation Train for Kingâ€" ston and <Intermediate Stations, U uds un devadneceniedriesien Pond and Intermediate Stations, Mti ue .ces e al d ek Cocrlra l k e® Mail for ditto and Portland, stopâ€" ping over night at Istand Pond, Night Express for Three Rivers, québee, Riviere du Loup, Port. land, and Boston, with sleeping tars attached, at.......;...; .; Ex press Trains to St. John‘s, conâ€" necting with Trains of Vermont Central Rait way for Boston, New York, and all places in the East. tern Statés, At ... ... .. (2+ .+. Ditto â€" ditto _ and Rouse‘s Point Accommodation Train for St. *Th bus. The capital of Canada. â€" John‘s and iftermediate, places Trains leave for Lackiine at . ..... THE BRITISH HOTEL ! 1. the most central and best business part: of the city. â€" It ‘ts constructed of ‘stone, has a froutigse of 46 feet n Susgex Street, with piazza . to three storics, and a frontage on George Street of one hundred and fiftyâ€"six feet; is four storics high, has had a wing of one hunâ€" drod and sisteen‘ feet in length added to it within the last two years; has been thoroughly rewovated, and has ample accommodation for tiwo hundred guests. ‘The Hotel contains cighty rooms, comprisâ€" ing single and ( rooms, sitting. rooms, gentlemen and ladies‘ parlors, a dining room 60 feet by 33 (second to none in the Province), bath reoms, &¢., &¢. +0 It has also detached from the main building a Billiard room, ice house, larder, laundry, stables, &¢., &¢. ( The premises are covered with tin; are en« closed and secured. by: fircâ€"proof walls, and are insured under a firstâ€"class risk, They are within less than five minutes‘ walk of the Parâ€" ]Ii.-u;-nt Buildings. and, as the first session of Partiament to be: held: in Ottawa will take place at an carly day, they offer a ‘rare chance to any gvntlcmnp who thoroughly understands keeping a T ce U CORNER of SUSSEX & GEORGE Sts. rENHE LOCATION OF THIS HOTEL IS IX Firstâ€"Class Hotel ! Hotel accommodation is at present so much wanted in this city, this house, under proper nimgt-mcnt, could not fail to prove a remunâ€" erative and safe investment. 3 Suitable .partics, wishing to rent or purchase, will be dcalt with liberally on application (postâ€"paid) to the subscriber, _______. Ottawn, D Ottawa City, C. W., â€"| January 10, 1864 Ottawa Classical and Commercial School Patrazage of His Lorlship the Bishop of Ontario. Prixcimar. ... ... ... Rev. T. D. Pamuirrs, M.A/ AssistA®t...... ... . /.. .. .. Mn. H. Panaipr6. Frgxon Masten,..... ... %. ... Moxs. Domow. DeaWiNG...... ...... ... . C. "A. Newsor, Bag. Niostq : :2 iss . sis‘s 14 is oo o MA We m y Bs The work of this Institution will be resum» ed, with enlarged rooms, and increased facili~ tics, on TUESDAY next JANUARY 2d. LV O Tt The Building form Wellington Street, Jan, 1, 1866, MONTREAL HOUSE Dec. 18, 1865 J AMES THOMPSON F [NENDERS his sincere thanks to the inhabiâ€" 1. tants of Ottawa and surrounding country, ipr. the liberal patronage: received since lfil commencing business in Ottawa, and begs to call their attention to his FALL STOCK, conâ€" sisting of . ® DRYCâ€" GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Readyâ€"Made Ciothing, &c., 500 ° 1000 ‘ 300 Wool, Hides, Furs and Potash. Nt 07 o ky T The Nimble Sizpenvse preferred to the Slow Shilling. f #37" Mind,‘don‘t forget the place, Red Sign and Rod Fox, next to Johnston‘s Flour Store > JAMES THOMPSON, " Montreal House, Sussex Street. Ottawa, Jan. 1%, 1866 § 25â€"3m TUE l')'DERSldNEDfS OFFICE HAS haan removed to the Leanâ€"too of the inâ€" LA t?;-n‘r;;o:r“«rt;-il; Leanâ€"too of the inâ€" terided Library, in rear of the Parliament Buildings. inss s i eoor : THOMAS McGREEVY. Ottawa, January 23 1866. ,:.31-“ EASTERN â€" DISTRICT mmodation Train for Isl:md] nd and Intermediate Stations, . JUST RECEIVED, Old Rye&Mait Whiskies TT mTOTICIE®. _ _ SUSSEX & WELLINGION 8TS8 Ottawa, February 10, 1866. 46â€" RAILROAD NOZICES. He desires to call attention to his Stock of 500 PIECES Home Made Cloth, (Canâ€" adian Manufacture.) 100 PIECES Home| Made Flannels, fi:‘:tnmliam Manufacture.) ®AAff BUNDLES American Cott*n Yarn. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RITCHIE, FORD & CO‘8., (SIMCOE,) ve for Lackiine at ... ... _ 8.00 A M. : 9.30 A.M. : *3.00.P.M. A A 4.30 P.M. 00 P.M. Train tius through to Plattsâ€" " aAND FOR SALE AT s Jas. Buchanan‘s, O â€"CANADA. tte and Portland, stopâ€" r night at Istand Pond, ress for Three Rivers, Riviere du Loup, Port OV AND AFTER 44 Wrrouesare axo Retau 18, 187 BA AG 8 of Sa It Situated on the BARRELS Labrador Herrings C. J. BRYDGES, T. 8. DETLOR, Nupertntendent Maxaotme Dirscrton. A_ S JC ! rly known as JAMES SKEAD g. 00 A. M 8.15 P. M 9.40 A. M 9.00 A. M 2.00 P.M 8.30 A. M 3.15 10.10 P 5.00 P.M 10â€"tf B (2 o 14 i fi Di Extensive alterations and improvements M‘ Which they contemplats making in their & STOCK, and that they may be ready/‘to an fricnids and| the public in general, i7 A AND WI Ottawa, Jat OTT A THE SUBS Recei\ ORDI He hopes, b * WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE Best Quality Extra Suporfine Flour, 4 } Bost Quality No. 1 Superfine Flour, f 4 s â€"â€" Best Quality No. | Oatmeal ; Oats. Bran, Canaille, Seeds, & Meal Dust Ottawa, Janugry 27,/ 1866 ‘ The I*ighvst Prices Paid for Wheat, Oats, or Corn. | te*" OFFICE AT THE MILL "®a o BEG LEAYE TO TINFORM THEIR CUSTOMERS, AND THE PUBLIG IN GENERAL | THAT THEY HAVE | o ons Removed to the Corner Store j .OF THE UNJION BLOCK, SUSSEX STREET, Lately Occupied by J. G. ROBINSON & Co., U} PrRoPrRIEFYORS OP «THE TBA POT» »@" Where thoy will Keep Constantly on Hand a Good t SELECTION OF oi FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS! x D:« Upper Town Skating Rink, THE UPPER TOW NX SKATING RINK L* S ow OoOP ENX To SUBSCRIBERS AND THE PUBLIC. Season Tickety, Genelemen,,. ... .. .. .$3 00 « # | LAMICS1 144. .+. sw «+ 4A 50 Single Ticket|for Skating..,....... .. 12%¢ A BRASS BANXD will be in attendance every Monday and Thursday, ; | ‘w. CARTNEY. _ January 11 PART!ES ESTROUS OF ESTBLISHING a Corxtry. Newsrarg® can purchase an fMce quite complete with material for every Dep.flmept,TVEfiY CHEAP; YorCash, or on approved credit. _ > Apply for.l ormation, (post paid) to t | T e W. B. HEALEY, Or to EGAR YIELDING. T. Ottawa Feb. 6, 1866. a2â€"tf they Important to Printers. l 'i OMEARA‘s EMPIRE R]f]STAURAl\"T c OYSTERS 'Qg:" A,%R,y,ox”swsas 1 ALWATS ON HAND AT OMEARA‘S RESTAURAXNT. Oftawa, Dec. 18, 1865. *""% Severs KEARNS & RYAN, Ottawa, Degember 18, 1865 ESTABLISHED 1844. . CIT A.IE:;â€" NO CLCIL. O‘MEARA & CO., re now Gffering for sale at oSX RPERXCE ! J CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO, THE FACT THAT L CONTINTE TO DO S0 UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY ENSUING vA THIH POLLOWING fiu‘ks Street, â€" M near S‘;otz Street, Ottawa. dozen LIGIWTiâ€"COATS suitable for Spring wear will be offered remarkably ch 1‘t forget O‘Meara & Co., for Great Bargaings. 4 DUFF. 4 O‘MEARA & C0., h | SPARKS STREET, CENTRAL TOWN, OTTAWA WA FLOUR AND OATMEAL MILLS. EV RIBER BEGS TO INTIMATE THAT THE ABOVE MILLS ARE NoW TN , FULL OPERATION, WHERE HE IS PREPARED TO C 1 c P m c# PO : and Atiend_to , Custom Grinding, RS FOR FLOUR AND OATMEAL, &C. strict attention 1866 KEREAIVMLZLOUS dAAa kx I AS LOW A FIGURE AS CAN BE HAD IN THE MARKET 18 C. SPARROW, Jr., Groceri¢s, Liquors, AND PROV ISIONS, Wholesale and Retail. . SPARROW‘S BUILLOING, Corner of Sussox and Murray Streets, February 21, 1 $H EL L, â€"MADE CLOTHIN@, O T.PX W A. to m\fit d share of the Patronage bestowed on the late IMPORTER AND DEALER IN PI}I‘I\"I()I'S TO IACKAY & CO., and ) it th 20â€"tf in order to prepare for their new g&Z*SPRING ie growing demands made upon them by their ~J Ottaws Feb. 1, 1866 1866. I)LANS, Specifications, and Estimates of Buildings prepared; disputed accounts of Artificers‘ work measured and valued, + AUGUSTUS LAVER, . .. Late Stent & Laver, Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, January 26, 1866. TlfO)IAS )IAC](A\'§4 _LV + plication will be made to the Provincial Parliament at its next Session foran Act to incorporate the Ottawa Water Works Company, for the supply of the City of Ottawa with water. . $ Oysters «& &"*= Oysters, OYSTERS ! New York Bay, East River, and RECEIV ED DAILY ‘"‘"QuEEN*‘" RESTAURANT, (Opposite mair. entranice to Government . o o nX â€". s 1 Sovied +4 Ottawa, Jan. 30th, 1866. OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that an apâ€" N OTICOH. v /as. â€" Central Town, mNOTILCE. COhirts _ Architects, &c., â€" Departmental Buildings AT firom »utf 33â€"ut FIRE AND LIFE! THE ROYAL InsuranceCompany (GGPiTtiL. £2.000.000 STE In 100,080 Whares of, £20 Steriing LEach. Capital, Joux Suaw Lt ie FETHE GREATEST â€"BONTs EVER C ]:)l\'lsl&).\' oF PROFITS EVERY FIVE ] J Years, to Policics then in existence Tw« VF HE UX DE RSALG N EDâ€"Agon the Royal Insurance Company, for wa and ncighborhoodâ€"contiuues . to arc proposals for Fire and Life Assuranc the Lowest Rates charged by other Ros; bleé Companies. P All Losses Fromptly Settled! LIFE DEPARTMENT : | VI‘AIII‘. LARGE LLFE BONI‘s DECLARED | at the last Mocting for Division of Profits | to Participating Policiesâ€"being. tw6 per cent. | per annum on the amounts assuredâ€"the larg» | est Bonus ever continuously declared by any | Companyâ€"cannot fail to place the Royal as | the most eligible Office for intending Assyrers | to seloct. | Orrice :â€"Union Buildings, corner of Sussex and York Streets, Ottawn.. D=c 18, 1865. 1â€"y GUARANTEE ASSURANCE ! Medi ASSURANCE SCCIETY ntr HEAJ 69 Great & Henry Tluux‘u, Esq., (Mcssrs,â€"Thomas, This . baudcau &{Co.,) Director, Bank of Montreal Chairman. *s * The Hon, Charles Alleyn, Q.C., M.P.P., Quebec Charles John Brydges, Esq., Managing Directo of the Grand Trunk Rainway, Montrcal, Angus Cameron, Esq., President of the Bank of Torento, Toronto. Robort Cassels, Esq., Cashicr Bank of Upper Canada, Toronto, _ Thomas Cramp, Esq., President of the Board of 'l‘lpdv, Montreal, % E. HHI. King, Esq., Gencral Manager Bank of Montreal, Montreal. _‘ The Hon. William MeMaster, M.L.C., Director of the Ontario Bank, Toronto, _â€" g@y®A!1 the Directors are fully qualified Shareâ€" holders in the Society. P e * INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACTOL PARLLAMENT,for IAFE ASSUR ANCR, AYNUUTIES AND FIDELIIY UARAXNTEES. Medical Adviserâ€"William Fraser, Esq., M. D Secretary for Canadaâ€"FAward Rawlins, Esq., In addition to transacting every description of Life Assurance, this Society Graxts Boxps or Sectrity for persons holdiri, or about to hold responsible situations: : The Society‘s rates for Life Assurance are very moderate;and when effected in combination with Guarantee, the premiums are considerably reâ€" duced. 1 Subscribed Capital,â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+>>â€"£ 30 000 Stg Accumulated Assetts overâ€"â€"â€"â€" 500,000 " Annual Revenue(1863), over: 100,000. " Prospectuses and all information may be obtaincd from * â€" _ D. OCONNOR, Agent.. . Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. Aâ€"y FIRE, LIFE and ARGE BONTS 4 per Annum on Insurance Company! %, CHIEF ulv‘;_‘lCE: QUEEN.... INSURANCE .... BUILDINGS, â€"__ CANADA BRANCH OFFICE: UXIONX BUILDINGS, ... MONXTREAL PIRE AXD LIFE INSURANCE! * B 0 AR D: . Wiuiax Morsos, Es2., Chairman, Tnomas Kay, Esq,, Hesxat. Teowas, Hox. Joux Yorxe. Davin Torraxcs, BANKERS,.. SPECIAL FEATURES: XONâ€"FORFEITURE or POLICIES®S 69 Great St. James Street,Montreal LIFE POLICIES CONSIDERED UNCHALâ€" LENGABLE EXCEPT IN CASES / _ OF PALPABLE FRAUD. Policies Payable During Lifeâ€" ‘ time of Assured ! | lmt: POLICIES GRAN1ED ON A SPEâ€" ‘CIAL REDUCED SYSTEM. _ | All of whiqhmfix!lyexyldmdinhupwfu tinuously declared by any Company and long established C«?ngm! § g_ms‘lrofi‘ P IIFE PROFITS | very Five R râ€"fifths Mnrmq" to ~ m.i yicy-aowm | Risks on Fire and Life i1 the above well known try and without Roference to the Directors |\ _ >â€" in England. Of LONDON and EDINBURGH.â€" The undersigned is sow prepared to tike ~LITF E :A N D ~< _ Agent for Ottawa, Aylmer, and wicinity . Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 â€". _ w 3 sB AIS DIR THE EUROPEAN â€"»~ £2,000,000 Sterli PROMPT AND |LIBERAL LEMENT of CLAIMS! Manay @UEIEN TRUST E &8 un. Exo .. and Jo oFFICE INX CANADA: rt. James Street, Montreal CTOKSs IN CANADA : â€" jas, Esq., (Mcssrs.â€"Thomas, Thi Co.,) Director, Bank of Montreal LIVERPOOL DECLARED £ H. J. FRIEL, Agent F0 R I‘g M C\ EsuH .. MOLSON‘S BANKE: . E. OCONNOR, | Naxl ht Dove, Es i PRICEâ€" 3 CENTS. 4 NEW REMEDV FOR THE CaTILE a PLaGUE. t Buneruit,‘ it Buckingnanisuire. (Nt tug . dightest trace Gould 4e obsaimed as to huw it ; rad atrizen ut was brougut twere. Jithe ; ourre «1 a femy day, however, in epte <f very eHort, elgven cows cut «4 twenty perishâ€" d; that is to say, six hed and were bured, vinle five were k.iled on the : dirst symptoms § in :1-lm-m-uu‘, and were dressed ana seut 10 t Londonâ€" maiket as foud. The retwain ng mine cows uf the berd and iwo calves vere â€" aflecied also, and then Mr,. Worme‘ ‘emedy was tried, under the advice: and, s0 o sj i_k, the superintendence <f Mr. Worins! mm« _ The â€" gentlemaun‘s _ prescription, .. both us to the ingrements and time of «cuanâ€" strativ®, ‘ which he hus detmled in our columns, was carefully â€"tullowed, and, up to veâ€"terday the result was that, «f the number roated, tive haa quite recovered, and (were iveding as well as eror they: did; two had neariyâ€" recovered ; ape .wis shll_all, though improying every day, unly was datlâ€" gerously all," ‘The last named animal, thuugh suflering from the plague in what is its must severe Lrm, was het, Lae herdsman declared, neariy so i as one «f Ane recovered auimals nad Loen, wiuch was twen well and eating its Laider Of tne two calves usth caught toe distemper, and une waica was mmuer a fortmgut wid «hed; the otwer is sull ill, tnouga iecovering. . In every une cf taese cases M.. Kingsiey actributes ue ree very of the animals lme mas saved, enlugly Lo Lat wnly remedy he has uséaâ€"to¢ prescaption f Mr, Worims." Tae tate «f une of mis cutlie, a$ we have said, is sull uscertain, uf ratuer, to judge froip appearances, it is much imulé ceruun to de Laan reé¢aver; but «f ane mue ueated, tive nave, beyond a doult, roopvered, «hnd taree are dasy angroÂ¥ing, dua ure con stuered out uf all aangur. 8 muca L.r Mr. Kingsley‘s farm. Boars, tacugn distant at ieast miles in & durect hnedrom Baron Meyer de R Aaâ€"ch.da‘s immouel Liim ut" Mentmu.e, sever.beless conâ€" wived to »pread eitaer its snlecuon f ClA gion to th.: unst_nce, and auvut a week ago e cattie pluzgne appeaed on pari «f tn@ n ave Fom at Memmae, where o0 very valuâ€". able anmals were.nuuâ€"ed. . Bunce taen ng iess taan 20 utuinals nave been ‘ att.cked, and out «ftais numuer only one nas awed. F.ere were two fresh ces on Baturaay, one Audnca yesteriay &ppemed to ue in Lug Jast slage «4 the d.eease. _ VUut of the 20 bea &s atâ€" L.cked, therellse, two cusus were duuutiul yeâ€"twouay, une nad aed, ind 13 had eituer enâ€" Lrely recoveres, or were Fust recovering. _ In ali toeâ€"e in>thnces,, no «ther rsemedy ul tiat af Mr, Worms was usâ€"ed. it has Leen laled, on Lae autaurty of Mr. Symonds, tuat tae firâ€"t instunces ol anreast Loat appeared buth at Menumiste and Buarservit were n A c# ses of true r.naer, ¢â€"t or Catile plague, Un Satâ€" urday, however, Mr. Spvoner aud #ressur Symonds visted buta Lag € larms, and aACFr sb ecxamimation f the animals secently atâ€" wmcked, adnatted, it as staed, that tuey were e Loue caâ€"es of rinaerjeâ€"l, baciign the eypâ€" tons ex artared by tie ammatls pesiuâ€"4y ade ackes were n t aulivently maiked to e14 /¢ | tném to suy Loat it wats Lie true disease. . Mr. Paylor, Barcn Rotoscanld‘s tarm tbaildf, howâ€" ever, expreses is frm conviction tnal ta® animuds whea previously ®.ckened inad cirely the sume diâ€"@ase as Lavee Whica n Spouner noW adunts to be sutlering unser the rimnderpest. â€" In all cases, however, tne treat meat nas been precisely tne Mr. *\ rm= préâ€"cribes, wita only the amport=nt iWerenuce that tne strength uf toe duâ€"es has mni sume urgent Caâ€"es Leen much incremsed veyond the quanutes wuich Mr. Worms ut tirâ€"t preâ€"crived. _ At anutuer farm, occupied oy Mr. Dauncey, of Prcueste, and distant avout eignt or ten miles from Mentmore, ta¢ disease has ulso broken out, and 24 «n mals have ded. Yet, since tne remedy of Mr. Worms hus been used by Mr. Lepper, a veterâ€" mary eurgeun, the murtality uaus been en« trely arrested, und the animals that have been sickened with the disefse are Jast recoyâ€" t‘l'l:l.& Noune of those concerned in treating the inâ€" feeted herds we ‘have muntoned lock upon Mr. Worms‘ method as wn absolute cure of wpecific, nor does Mr. Worms hunselt. In their ouiniun, bowever, it is a singuler}y valuâ€" able remedy waen admini=tered m time, and hkely, taey constiention«ly beheve, to save some 75 per cent, ut least of the ammuale at tacked. In the abease of uany utaer rgâ€" medy propéred Lut taat f whuleâ€"ale ufi‘; able remedy when adininiâ€"lere0 #n GIns, mmS hkely, taey Constiention«ly beheve, to save some 75 per cent, ut least uf the aummale at tacked. In the abease of uany utaer rgâ€" medy propdred but taat of whuleâ€"ule -M% divcr.minate «laughter, the cure which Mr. Worm« sugzests «eems mwo‘th a pasest .n1 most earetul tmal,. It mauy, perhaps, Lbe n t altogether w add toat Mr. Worindis a gentiema«n of ample fortune, who nas come forward from the must honourable motives to try â€" and avert by the fruits of his experience what threatens to le a natinal calamity. _ It would ve searcely worth winle tounention this if it were nout LFr tae facl that in,suine parts of the e.:unL? un idea prevaile that Mr. Worms is a cattle ductur and derives uin from the adoption <f his prescription, The plain {,¢t is tuat he bas given mueh uf im« time, and nt a litte uf his muney, to estallisn waat the beleves is a remedy far tuis dre.wdful dite nfer. According to the journals of Lisbon, Ocn. Prim intends paying England an ear.y visit. A lady was asked :the other 4ay why she those to livea single life. She naively re =" Bâ€"cause I‘m not «ble to support a busband." Shatp * «. | A L&pr Kiues.â€"A contemporary Md-fl a porstmaxter, iys, " Ifhe attund« to the as he do.s to the f.males, be will thake a very «fhiâ€"nt ofticer." , Lixety.â€"An Irish musical author being ask» +d if he had composed avything lately, replicd, " My last work was a composition with my creditors." | «Jobn " says a doating paront foul« Tather insatiable boy: *Can you eat that puddiog with impunity ?* ©J don‘t know ma," r':fll the young hopsful, " but I guess I can & spoon," A Setricr. â€"A little girl showing ber consin, about four years old, a star, said :â€"â€"* That star up there is bigzer than the world" «* No, it min‘t," said he. "Yes, it is" * Phen why don‘t it keep the rain off ?" _ _ * The Loncet says it is now an established fact thatin England males are cut ul in the higher proportion than f:males, aod that the futiv of that higher geathâ€"mte in the maulcsis nearly constant from year to year, At an evening party, Jerrold was looking at the dancers. bscing a Yery tall geutleman waltzing with a very wbort lady, he said to a friend:â€""Humph! thers‘s a mile dabsing with a mileâ€"stone." IntIligence from C penhagen states that the marriage betwe: n the Princ«s Dagmar and the Hereditary Grand Duake of Russiis d.tâ€"râ€" mined upon, an‘l that the cerâ€"mony will tike place in April, on the anniversary of the birth of King Christian IX, i Mr. k

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