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Ottawa Times (1865), 22 Mar 1866, p. 3

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Sale. linnitath m om and all are vo the lowest uot to incat wen CAX : Oil ; Spootk SE F A, &X CO, 1NAGMH. A sBL, as this offc® ow 06 thig N 1 4.00 ty TOWNsHIP OFP GLOUTCESTER. Lot No. 7, in the 2rd range Oitawa Front. Good House and Barn, well improved, and good Land, six miles from the city, on the O:taws and Montreal MeAdamized Road, 200 acre«s; the wood standing sells for $10 per acre. â€" _ Title indisputable of all the above property. Sale to commence at the hour of eleven o‘clock, a.m., # MR HECTOR McLEAN, Auctioneer, aAUCGTION SALt PEAL ESTATE Tuesday, the 10th day of April, 1866 @EORGE sT Pooley LITTLE BA each 33% TERN por sent. ALUCTICOIDN SA II'O".\IDé.Opp..I" the Market.) CLARENCE STRE Z'l'â€"-.\nn!A East half of Lot ToOW xsHIP OF NXEPEAX. a of Lot No. 25, 2ud Range, Ottawa front ; %W-l: well watered; good buildings; the best of land :; and within 5 mile« of the city ; a =~.\h-iud road, and adjoining the rosiâ€" of the late Captain Baker. ® ~ToWwÂ¥suIP or HULL. The West half of Lot 28, in the 5th Rangeâ€"100 seres. _ This farm is in a high state of cultivation. Good House, Barns, &@., Stables>all frame buildâ€" ings; Orchard, &c., woll watored and fenced, and sents for $160 per year. _ A good road, and within "';,T,'.;. build % > aild: ‘M.. and a " Dhanse. â€" The above BRIDGE STREET.â€"Lot No. 10, Block D, adjoinâ€" ing Mr. Mertill‘«, and nearly opposite the At the hour of 11 ¢‘clock, a.m., 2 The following very valuable property, viz. : » LOT NXO» 54 In Block J, Cathcart Street, Le Breton Flats, with tw6 very neat Coffages thereon, well finished, and separate from each other. » "at the how» « ue fillowing property Weost 4 of Lot No.: . Av<dh h : known Mr. 8 sace, known as MT. :* REXL ESTATE Terms of Sale:â€"Oneâ€"sixth Cash on the day of sale ; the balance in five years, bearing interest at :z 2"- :r uu.bp.ysblo annually, Aucâ€" i purchasers. A 1 l uin mit ho mando on fadys . = T. :. * â€" or>iy, THE #6ih mAaRos. Good House, Barn«, &c., Stablesall frame buildâ€" ings ; Orchard, &e., well wutered and fenced, and reats for $160 per year. . A good road, and within tour miles of Aylmer Village. % tbwxsutr or EarbLy. Lot No. 16, in 9th Range, 200 acres, on the leadâ€" ing readâ€"the m«ail roadâ€"from Aylmer to Portage da Fort, 10 miles from Aylmer, the best of land and well wooded and watered, convenient to Churches, Mills, and Market. Also Lots 12 and 13, inthe 11th Range ; good land, well watored and timberedâ€"400 Ottawa, March 14, 1806 In Block E. Shorwood Stroet, Lo Breton Flats, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and AUOTIO! SALE REAL ESTATE At the Russell House FRIDAY, THE 30th OF MARCH, Rl. g;hn Fromet « beautifally situated, and y is beauti situ s h-‘&om-llhu'idizgwpnrehm. Itgan be seen at any time before the sale. Posâ€" TERMS oneâ€"half Cash ; balance in two years at T per cent. Titlo undispetable. â€"ALSOâ€" P _ _At the same time and place A SECONDâ€"HAXD STEAM ENGINE, «ight horee power, suitable for a smail Grist Mill, um[ellt Itcan be seen at Mr. Power‘s Sash and Door Factory, East side of the Canal Basin. # _ TERMS oneâ€"third Cash; balance in two and Ottawa, March 9, 1866. TOBACCOS! TOBACCO®S! Tobaccos! Cigars, Cigar Cuses,. and Cigarâ€"Holders Together with a large lot of FANCY GOODS, &c J. G. IIMMER M AN, Corner of Sparks and Metcalfc Streets. $A PLEASE CALL AXD SEE. "GX, Oitaws, March 10, 1866. # Toâ€" Xt the Ivusse f * 0 wn(Â¥Neâ€"â€" Possession § West 4 of Lot N tOPNTY 4NB RAILWAYT MP BNGLAND, IRELAND, AND SCOTLAND Compiled from thwnm Surveys, Ad= miralty Charts, and Oficial Railway Burveys» « KK five feet large, on a scale of ten miles to the lnch, and cost $100,000, and four years‘ time to conâ€" stract. It shows 200,000 Citic«, Towns, Villages, Murket Places, Post Ofices, Castles and Country Seats, with all the Railway Station«, and distances between cach -uhodfhinryfi and theofficial name and tothl length éf cach Railway in actual operaâ€" tiomup to June, 1463. The Canals, Lakes, Rivers, T at proves red nhjects of nteriet wethe fouest ar and objects of interest tothe tourist are i ns e o es, to a globe. Eh-vlkh with the Book of Statistics, would be cheap at Five Dollars, is, owing to menol Electrical %"fi], afforded at the estremely low price of $2.25¢. ; Persons in this city who wish for the Map immeâ€" %.'-hmlkd in turn by "“i'fi their address through the Post Office to 8. C. HORLOW , Public Notiee .I-ll." GIVEX, that at the next Session of the Parliament of the Province of Canada apâ€" plication will be made for & SPECIAL A(il; loflin- # to explore, extract, and refine n m C.-‘:liu of Leeds, Grenville, Carieton, and Russell, to be called " THE CEXNâ€" TRAL CANADA PETROLEUM COMPANY." * W. H.â€"BROUSE, WILLLI AM ELLIS, C.J. BRYDGES, THOS. REY NOLDS, M. K. DICKINSOX, J. P. WISER, W. C. BROW N, C. 8. P. CHAPMAX, W.C. BROWN, .__ DeWITTC. BRoW . Preseott, February 28, 1866 COUXTY oF CaRLETOX y To Wir. NOTICE I8s HEREBY GIVEN, that the Courts of OYER and TERMINER and GENERAL GAOL DELIVERY, and of ASâ€" SIZE and NISL PRIUS, in and for the said County "s _0 4554 ERELUS, in and for the said C of Carleton, will Nl{oldon at the COURT not's.!’. in the gw of Ottawa, on TUESDAY, the SEVENâ€" day of APRIL, A. D., 1866,â€"at the hour «* TEX of the Clock, a.m.: of which all Coroners, Magutrates, Bailiffs, Constables; and all others conâ€" cerned, are nquin} to TAKE NXOTICE, and gorâ€" arm themselves accordingly . Smmont‘s QrECE, Orras, $ By JA8. BAILIFPEF, . LLOYDS TOPOGRAPHICAL March 14, 1866 ASs â€" RECEIVED _ INsTRUCTION® from WAGGONER, to sell by’Pl'BLIC # i AUCTION» _ victoRI wiarn. GE .â€"Lots No#. 1, 2, 3 and 5, near Pooley‘s Bridges Ts LE BAYCTREET.â€"That Lot of Land \{on as Keefer‘s Hill. say about one acre of land. Hon. J. Skead‘s No. 10, with buildings thereon ; one of the fnest business stands in town. % 3 Hector McLean w as BEEX INSTRUCTED To SELL JUST RECEIVED MWEERSCHAUM PIPES: March 17. 18 HMECTOR McLEAN S’h 'u-ilm ATTHE RUSSELL Ho! MAP IS EXGRAYVZDONX STEEL, aÂ¥esâ€"half cash ; batancé in 8 years at riten ins are exhibited, with the length or at CHKAP BRIARâ€"ROOT AND NQPrICE. JAMES WADSWORTH. now in Montreal w« A1.804«= x 3. in Block M & NHW $70CK OF Fi LOT NXO. 16, HECTOR MeLEAX, AveroNE®r “&mb'si-kj of Victoria Terâ€" orkman‘s Homestead, with Lot HECTOR MeLEAS, viz t s in Blo Mav. s1IMON FPRASER, DHERIPY 11 11 n Aibert Street AvcrioskE®. 70â€"td ouse, ng eight bles and 76â€"td w12â€"td ) % Thursday by Real Estate (‘OHPDS n OFP sEVERAL DESIR+® / ABLE residences, and business stands, in dirâ€" ferent parts of the city, and a number of valuable vaciint lots in the most fashionable parts of the city. The subscriber has received instructions to offer _ For any runw} information, apply to AMABLE PREVOST, ESQ,. Montreal, or to JOSEPH AUâ€" MOXD, ESQG.. Otfawa. . . [ c n. j 090 Postponed until further Notice. â€" I8" Tae 'fl roperties, wil :u-!‘feounh cash, ments of 1, 2 an SALE AT 12 O‘CLOCK Ottawa, Feb. 4, 186. Or Seve All but new, havi months, and is we or other extonsive OwING To THE INCLEMENCY OF.THE WEA THER, THE ABOVE SALE Is &UCTTIOIN S A Superi HERRINGS AND LEMONS At 10 oclock in the Morning. Lower Town Market Ottawa, February 21, 1806 The followi ot No. 1, Nort FOUR SMART BOYS WANTED A8 APPRENTICES, AT THE YORK STREET AUVCTION ROOMs 'n.. E. flulnxns; ’ 7 | A "Averionkkr. And wheroas seuu:‘kmd'ueuo or opideiniq afâ€" feeting cattle prevails in manÂ¥y parts ofoampe d is increasing and extending itsravhges, and whoreâ€" as it is expedient, in order to prevent the i ueâ€" tion of the same into this Province, that the importaâ€" tion by sea of certain animals and articles s 1d be prohibitedâ€" L His Excellency in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Ministbr of Agriculture, and under the authority given and conferred by the said Act, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" dered, that on, from and after the FIRST day of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thercof, by sea, of cattfe, sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat, skins, hides, horns, hapfs, or other parts of such animals, hay, straw, and fodder, be, and the same is hereby prohibited ; save and except such eargo or cargoes, ot,mf cargo, as His Excellenoy in Council ntay hereafter see ht to exempt from such prohibition. Ttus== February 28. 1866 J. E. DOUCET, Clerk of Private Bills, Ottawa, Feb. 23, 1866 All Petitions for Private Bills must be prese within the jirst three weeks of the Session, A. TODD, E5 Chief Clerk Private Bill Office, | Ottawa, March 2, 1866 Eixaxcs â€"Deraurxest, > , Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863. l'l' 1§ DIRECTED BY THE HOX. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Wookiy Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed on American Invoices, which.<is to be in accordance with the price of gold as represented by Exchange, at a rate equal thereto.. Such notices to appear every Saturday in the Canada GazerT®. _ Fixases Derartxest, Custois, Ottawa, March }46, 1866. l’ ACCORDANCE WITHTHE ABOVE | Order, notice is hereby given that the authorizâ€" ed discount is declared to be 23 per cent, which per eoat“bofmnb be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to apply to all purchases made in the {'-ihd States during that week. > Ottawa, March 19, 1866. Shortâ€" Hand Writing. Plllsgdn yiiilNa To ?d-zuxlcl is now Stei aphy, would, do well to firxgm a eogy of the R!CJ.X{) EDITION of the H, a small wotk on Shortâ€" Writini. which has just boonmlhhed in this city by M LOUIS PELTIER, Writingâ€"Master. It is written in a clear concise style, and is condensed in such a manner as to permit the learner to embrace, by m single glance, as it wore, the wholé ansemle of Stenâ€" AUCTION ography. For sale at Mossrs. John Duric & son, Sparks Street ; and at Mr. James Hope, do. ; also at the office of this paper. Ottawa, Po:ury 15, 1866, 50â€"3 ITmportirtnt Sale AMERICAN INXYVOICESâ€"DISCOUNT® L. Council 18 hou 1, Sont W est rivate Bills. Blac South wud adjc West ulje Ptya+ East East East 17. 1 ler rt valuable properties, viz.: side York |street, 33x99, with smith Shop thereon. ide York st.,J6x155, with House tâ€"Housed, &c., &1. s ide Cathcart st., 33x99, with Cotâ€" side, Cathe ge, &e. side MeTag . &e. etcalfc 66x occupied side Bolton st side Cathcart st., 33x99, vacant side Cathcatt st., 33x99; vacant side. Cathcart st., 33x99, vacant ide Metcalfo ist., 66x99, vacant. ide Metcalfo pt., 66x99,|vacant. ide Dathousi¢ st., 66x99, vacant. Daley st., Northeast, 66x99, va side Bolton. st #e. | side Bolton st. yTyâ€"Five w Powen, ./ ig ¢nly been in «se for about six 1 adapted fi'f Stoam Saw Mills, factories. , 7 the 1st of March, \Il ~ Houxe, Rideai st.. ( or part, of the abovg valaable o mld on ’Jll:mabh terms, say balance in équal yeaily instalâ€" â€"ALSO,â€"+ r Steam Engine, EVERY DAY stone store now giving 3 years with interest at 7 per â€"AT THkâ€" â€"â€"OPâ€" UECTOR MeLEAN, . H. LEE, Clerk Exceutive Counsil R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. c $t., 33x155, vacant flfid's'!- xq * ry. with stone as a cabindt , all in firstigate orâ€" i. rental of $2200 a x L98, w .th tw Idinigs, and 36x99, with Cot 36x99, with Cot €x79, wigh Cot st L. Assembly; Anctioneer 66x79, with 66x99, with vacant build ware d3â€"tf three three 57â€"4.9.¢. Hâ€"td b5â€"y A6â€"tf APPLES AND ONIONS ! P o e Tw The owner being about to leave the City, takes this as the ‘quickest method in disposing of them. Dealers and 3hou will find this an olullen(o{zof- tunity, and the last of the season, for securing cheap ROWE & BOYDEX ll.:ovlll Imf;rl\“l-:l) INSTRUCTIONS Wednesday, March 14th Inst, And following days, at TEX o‘clock, a.m., ohthe Market Square, Lower Town A LARGE QCANTITY Or I‘n good condition, comprising Grecnings, Spit bergs, Baldwins, and Russotts. .. _ _ _ Fruit Otta wa LOT; situated an Albert‘ Street, Contre Town, imâ€" mediatoly in rear_ of the Queen‘s Printing Office, second street from Sparks Street. % For further particulars, apply to 8 ROWE & BOYDEN, Auctioneers. IN THE MATTER OFJAMESS. BANGS, AN INSOLYENT., e ‘).\' 8 \Tl'll“.‘\', THE 19th DiY OFR MAY next, the undersigned will apply to the Judze of the said Conrt, for a discharge under the said Act. + Hoee ts sns . JAMES 8. BANGS Oitawa, Tenth day of March, 1866. 15 PROVINCE OF CANADA; ) In the County Court County of Carleton, of the Connty cof To wit. Carleton. Oftawa,. March 17, 1856, oraIT To BE LEFT AT Esmonds Bros., 30 BIZLS. PRINE MESS, AND 100 BBLS. MESS PORK. > 1j0 BBLS. FLOGR. _ > 1 FEWw BBLS. DRIED APPLES. > i y 8. CHRISTIE. PURKE KEROSENE OIL ! Ottawa, March 6,.1868 £ASâ€"FHITTING ! PLUMBEBING. &o.., N. B.â€"For Sale, A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING Great Excitement! SINGER SEWING MACHINE ! Queen of Sewing Machinés! HAS CREATED THE GREATEST sonsation in the city. Hundreds have been to see it, and all are charmed with its> {nrnmmm. No fault can be pointed out in its construction. It is as noiseless as the most noiseless, and so simple i;'l;-;o;novl;;;;urt}a; most noiseless, and so l&gKh that A CHILD CAN DO BEAUTIFUL WORK WITH ITI SE # The sale of this Machineis entirely unpre= cedented, and a decided success has attended its introductions It will do fine work better than any machine yet made, and can be changed to do coarse work in ‘a second, having the straight needle with a perpenâ€" dicular action, it has many advantages over the érooked or curved needle machines. ‘The Shuttle is so constructed that the thread draws from it withâ€"much more precision than forâ€" merly, and will not varyâ€"its tension, whother going fast or slow, and makes the stitch ensiet in heavy cloth than can be done by any othermachine. ITâ€"DpOES ITS WORK EASILY AND SECURELY GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN â€" ~â€"â€"_ Singer‘s Manufacturing Machines. The vibrating toot presser attached to them are a decided improvement, chabling the operator to stitch patent or enamelled leather, without oiling," in order to facilitate the operation o"eodh){it. ‘The vibrating presser ( used in all kinds o!' One and all give us a call." Needlies, Oil, &c., for sale. * Sewli'nfi Machines n‘{miml. OFFICEâ€"62, SPARKS STREET. _ fn.;;;":t'iufi;iw ) permits any curve to be turned while the ml:hflz"'i‘l in motion. It is a great adâ€" while the machine is in motion. Tt is a great adâ€" vantage to the operator in QUILTING, in running up straight seams; and many other advantages, w{ich only ean be understood and nppmimdmn seen in operatiop. GQreat Reduction in our Prices Ottawa, Fob. 19, 1866 200 3t Packed and inspected by [R. Kixtv, Esq.; of Ottaw .‘ ge@Â¥* Country Merchants would-dcgell to examine before purchasing elsewhere. * & Qroceries & Liquors. N?hfl(;d‘ l;;ld:n“{::‘: fl‘lt;:n. THAT e undersi will apply at the next ensuin session of Parliament of this 'Phtv'meo for an u{ authorizing his admission as a Member of the Law Saciety o?{;xrr Oanada, and‘his call to the Bar of Upper Can * { H. BERNARD. Ottawa, Feb. 17, 1866. f 52â€"2m Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1866 NOTICE OF APPLICATION. Insolvent Act of 1864 BY PUBLIC AVCTION. R&Â¥" Sign of the Coal Oil Lantern, OE S.AILE. P O R K , ORDERS. FOR March 14th, 186( SELLING OKFF TERMS CASE. ROWE & BO YDEN, PRATT&Co ~ CEXTRAL OTTAWA, .. (Opposite Bishop‘s Hotel.) 0\’ HAXD a large Stock of Caxantas T wesps, Scoren T waevs, Dozskiss, Buoapctotit Fraxsets, &c., &¢.| Also & comâ€" plete â€" stock of Coats, Vasts, Paxts," Smits, SAsues, Parer Connars, For Care, Cuotu C‘ars, Hoase Buaxxers, &¢. f All of which will be sold at FTOR SALE. Solling off. WinterGoods Sparks Street A c REPUCTION 10 to. 15 per Cent. wHICH MaS BEEN JUSTLY STYLED THE GREAT REDUCTION g@5"° Call and sec. "Teg‘ BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN ‘%» NO SECOND PRICE Goods marked in plain figures. ‘Ottawa, Feb. 4: 41â€"3m on HIAMNMTD. Arso,‘ a LARGE St0ocK oF MESS Pratt & Co. SELLING OFF AT A TIHIE NXEW OF FROXM 13, =parks St. A. C. BEACH & €CO., OF MES§$ AND PRIME Commission Merchant D. WHEL ~THEK., OTTAW A .TIMES, MAXRCH 2%, 1866 Auctioncars Rideau street 41â€"3m * !IAN< T5â€"td 16 C8â€"7 §3â€"tf 20â€"tf the various extertsive conxignments direct from this celebrated establishment, hucln{ all the new styles of thdir clegunt and.etaborately carved and polished wl : No. 267, Notre Dame Street in every variety.and| description ary to moet the «len{un«hot’ n tutle and cony r’lu. In addition to the sate at his own Sto the sale of MOUSENOLD|FURNILTURE and EFFECTS at th8 private residence of partics declining INquseâ€" keeping, ‘or removing from the city, will elaim apeâ€" cial attention; and all OUTâ€"DOOR SALES of t description are rogpectfully solicited, Increastd faâ€" cilities have been secured, with a view to the effi~ cient carry ing ouz this department of the business, in order to ensure the greatest cconomy and desâ€" pateh in«lisrmin of property, #o that partics sollâ€" ing out can uwuihu{r account sales and proceeds immediatoly after cach sale. : this department of the Auction business is becoming more important with the increaso and extension of the sity, the, undersigned offers the most Liscra Trams to lu‘rficn wishing to bring their proporty into the market for public competition.. Special |;1tcnti4)n will be given to the sale of REAL ESTATE and CITY PROPERTY, andâ€"as â€" N. B.â€"All orders left at the office will meet with prompt attentio®, C d o old o1c ck Averioxeza axp Commssto® MercnaNt, And Agent for the sale of Real Estate Montreal, March 3, 1866. | 6. No. 91, BROADWAY, _‘ t i NEW YORK. Dl-‘..\l.ERS in all securities marketable at the New York Stock Exchange. Aeâ€" counts kept in coin and in United States curâ€" rency,and interest allowed on doposits of cach, subject to check at sight.. â€" The Magazines for the Month,. ' 'l:kr(ic'ulari&tf«-ntion’glwn to the accounts of Forcign and Country Banks and Bankers. â€" January 18, 1966, 27® / 26â€"3m New Cheay Tllustrated Edition of Don Quixote. Habits of Good Society; by the Man in the Club W indow. The-shetherd and His Flock : by McDuff. MolÂ¥ro ‘haracters ; by C. Cowden Clarke. Wives and Daughters ; by Mrs. Gaskeoll. Ottawa, Murch 1, 1866. ; _be allowed on Deposits of Four Dollars g.ntiAUpwna.rds. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866 Has been opened at this Branch, and interest wil be allowed on Deposits of n U EBEC B.ANE IIM.‘I'lLuluIG'l' HMolel) on 10TK. will be happy to see his old friends Ottawa, ’geb. 19, 1866. y Mn. R.R. HAMILTON, LATE OFHA M« ILTON‘S Saloon, corner of Sparks and Elgin Streets, has removed to the American Hotel, (forâ€" merly Mathews‘ Hotel) on York street, where he R R. H., in returning thanks for the @ liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the Saloon, would inform his friends and the public pn.ayt‘:u he has leased the above premises, which as put.into a thorough state ofâ€"repair. TFIA MILTONS HOTEXL, which he has put.into a thorough state ofâ€"repair, repainted, decorated, and refurnished witz all the latest limnces of comfort. No exertions or expenso will e spared by the Proprictor in rendn‘r- expenso will sparod by the FTOpFIONOF IN FONCEE~ fag his house second to none in Ottawa, and parties arabvti. 4 »tV En aiiner ~al is s 0 Dt . . Lv c Cun strictest attentien to mfir wishes. Goodstabling in rear of the premises. ‘Wines and Liquors of the choicest description always kept. i Ottawa. Feb. 19. 1866. _ 53y FHHOWE & SON, B00TS, SHOES, LBATHER & FINDINGS, i9g Thenp it nans A PEENXNELO N. At ;n:flnoully reduced prices, as we intend furnishâ€" ing with an entire new Stock of Now is the Time for Burgains ! Sms1 s G. HOWE & SON, B‘LQ;{sex Street, and 10 Rideau treet. Ottawa, Feb. 12; 1866. oo on t abulf fAll AN3 WINTER 609008 ! OVSTERS | yÂ¥ &," SRg, ONSTERS ! oYsSsSTPER$Sâ€"â€" FU.BooTs, sHoES, &4., M New York, North Rivers Fair Haven, and Baltimore CELEBRATED CAN AND SHELL OYSTERS! DAILY BY EXPRESS! â€" AT THE Ottawa, Fobruary 28, 1866. North Gower ! North Gower ! _l_ the inhabitants of the wéoiniy of Carleton and surrounding country, that he has one of the best mills in the Provhoe,_wg)rked by horse Oatmeal! Oatmeal! ryNHE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to inform power, and giving the meal in a pure and pextec‘ state, and at prices that will insure satisfaction to all parties. A The above firm is situated about one mile from North Gower Corners, and is known by the name ot the " FARMER‘S$ OWN MILL!" The present prices are $5.00 per barrel for the beu&ure meal, and at exchange 14 lbs of meal to the bushel. ROBERT THOMPSON. _ _ BLACK WALNUT FURNITURE! (PoryEecy MarTtuEw‘s HoTEL,) YORK STREET, OTrAWA. Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1866 P@" Orrics Hovrs:â€"From 10 a.m. to 3 p,m H. V. N()El.l: LOGKWOOD & CO. B A N K F R 85 LONXDOX SOCLETY. % CORNHILLâ€" TEMPLE HAR. ENGLISHWOMAXN. BOW BELLS. ; & FAMILY HERALD. CONTEMPORARY REVIEWâ€"Edited by the _>* Dean. of Canterbury. (NEW.) â€"_ _ . _ Dean of Canterbury. (NEW.% % NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE. (NYEW) EVERY SATURDAY...}NE‘Q GOD\I":Y, HARPER, DEMOREST, ror Maron. FOR SALE BY SsAVINGS DEPARTMENT Jannary 3, 1866. ‘alifornia Lunch The New Books. TE EMOV AL, O .x. ky D . HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR, Lat® or Haxmrox‘s S1u0ox. East River, Next door to Hamilton‘s Hotel, York Street, Lower Town. JOIHN DURIE & s0ON. L. DEVANY, No. 10, Sparks Suog': is onl Manager. doâ€"y 62 53y 61â€"d Bilver Ware, &¢;, &e., to be disposed of at TWO DOLLARS, cach article, without regard to Value! Grand International Mcciing of Manuface turers of Waiches and Jn\"elry. The following has bccx resolved, that in conseâ€" uence of the great Stagnation of Trade, and in orâ€" 30: to rolieve from pecuniary| embarrassments o¢â€" }\aiomd by a distressing Wiaut, and to avoid GOLD AND SNILVER. BANKRUPTCY AVOIDED ! AWFEUL SACRIFICE! Extraordinary Announcement woRrTH oOrF $2’000,000 Gold and Silver M atches" Splendid Jewelry, French Clocks, Diaâ€" ;p_(_lnd R_i_l'!,'.:-. l'i‘uuo.{. Melodeons, Sewing ‘MM‘I_iP_O;!. ‘&Wom'wnnh of goods fr * wold in the course And for that AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS As a preliminary they would remark, that they manufacture and sell no brass or imitation of Jewelry, . f ALL ARGE W iRRANTED GO The articles to soll at TWO DOLLARS each, no matter how eostly. it may be, and consist of Splenâ€" did Munting case Gold and Silver Watches, French Clocks, Rings set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls and other precious Stones (Solitaire and in clusters) Ladies‘ Setts of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Ringn of the most fashionable and recherche style, Gold and Ename!l¢d Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Chains of all descriptions, &e., &e. | Silver Ware, (extra lnh\!cd) comprising Castors, Butter Dish, beautifully chased and engraved, Table and Ten. Spoons, Goblets, &e.,. &0., Pianos, Melodeons and Sewing Machines of the best makers, The'Friro of each article vari EIGHT HUNDRFD DOLLARs. We have adopted the plan of sale w so popular of charging a uniform price, and flffip';price will be $2 foreach article, valie. Tho exâ€" penses of conducting our Agensy are paid by the sale of certificates, or coupoun«, representing the vaâ€" bdicaicithdd ds Amalihue dsn 4. Btaint Anid‘s in c biadeabes ht ue sc penses of cumlm-th:;nur Ageney are paid by the sale of certificates, or coupou«, representing the vaâ€" rious articles. These cortiticates are sold at FIFTY CENTS each or 5 for$2.00, and each certificate will show the holder th6 particulAr article ‘he. or she is entitled to on pdyment of an addition $2.00, The expchases of Frcight and Packing Planos or Sewing Machines will be Paid by the Partics who are in Entitied to theme How We Shall Proceed. In every part of the United States and Provinces, and to all such very liberal inducements will be ofâ€" fered, and on application a circular of terms will be forwarded. {\'o prefer money sent in Post Office orders where they can be obtained, or by Bank Drafts, to our order. llease write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address all orders to > * March 3, 1866 SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, AGEN TS ARE WANTED + YORK STREET, oPPosITE THE MARKET : oTTAW A, BEGS TO INTIMATE TO THE IN» habitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that he has opened a SEED STORE in 3\0 above premises, whore he has on hand every variety of Gardén, Agricaltural and Flower Seeds, Al warranted Fresh apnd Genuine, | . ga&* DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, â€" conâ€" taining full"oultural directions,â€"will be reld{,in & few days, and may be had gratis on application. He has also a GREENHOUSE attached, in which will be found a great variety of Hotâ€"house plants. BOUQUETS SUPPLIED. Ottawa. March 5, 1866, _ FINEST WORKMANSHIP ! _ Buchanan‘s | Unrivalled Mixture EXTRAORDINARY â€" MERIT Must belong to that which pleases every one and such is the case with MOCHA â€"JAVA, AND JAMAICA COPEFEEHS | Roasted and ground daily, on the uremises, b: stcam power. : | #@J* Conscquently, always to be had in the highest state of perfection. sds Ottawn, Jan. 20, 1866 ) Sold by alil Drazgirt«. Depot 198 & 200 Green:wich St. N. Y. Sold by George Mortimer, John Roberts W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinne in LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s World‘s Hair Restorérâ€"and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen andilengthen the hairs>They act directly «wpon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spotis are covâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delightâ€" ful fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the sikin, scalp, or most elegant heud»>dress. Ottawa Dec. 29, 1865 A N It I? U ANY SA Just Received ALMERIA GRAPES, ST. MICHAEL ORANGES, LEMONS, ENGLISH FILBERTS, TorkEy rics, _ TOMATOES, in ThÂ¥s, GREEX CcoRrN, GREEN PEAS, MUSHROOMS, 64 PEACHES, 66 BEANS, 66 Jas. Buchanan, Sussor & Wellingtomn Streets. Sussex & “'t'lllngton Streets» Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. 46â€"tf _ A SUPPLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE. JAMES VON LAER, SELTER‘S WATER! Jas. Buchanan, \'kr\miulwl‘:? have uj:nnimounly Tfi&y & Co., Sussex aud Wellington Streets J4, LLBKRTY STREET, pz TREY & €0., Agzents for Manufacturers, OP TE JAS. BUCHAN 1 Liberty St., New York. . *,/ 64â€"6m th their Stock, must be £ six months, RIFPILCE! from SIX TO AN 65â€"3m 28 10â€"7 800 STRAW HATS, Ottawa, March 10, 1866. WI ARE NOW MANUFACTURING IN THE ABOVE PREMISES A DUR ABLE ‘ and CHOICE VARIETY of the following Goods, which for beauty of design, style of finish, and Superior Workmanship, CANNOT BE SURPASSED 1 sparkling. . For Saloons, Public Pitings, , Hoiolt M AEREDEAE hastth and avnfort of thobelves useful and ornamental. â€" Railway Companies, and others who have the health and comfort of theinselves and people under their care in view, are solicited to CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, whether they purâ€" chase or not WE ARE MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. They will keep the water deliciously cool Toilet and Bedâ€"Room Setts of Japanne Cooking Stoves ! Cookrtmg IRON BEDSTEADS. IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES CHEAP! BIRD CAGES CHEAP ! s LAMPS ! â€" CHINMNBYS® :!~ WICKS!!:! pas" We give ;soeisl attention to all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT WORK ; and every description of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware on hand, and made to order. COATL OIL! COATL OILT COATL OIL 1N ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR IT WE PUKF)SE SELLING OUR PRESENT STOCK OF | STOVES AT REDUCED RATEsS. & 66 j ; THE CAPITAL‘‘ STOVE DEPOT. t } | 35, SUSSEX STREE1. | II. MEA DOWS & Co. Ottawa, March 1, 1866, property is within seven miles of the City ofOttawa. A good living stream runs through the middle of the lot. The whole will be sold onreasonable terms Al EXCELLENT FARM, THE SOUTHe ERLY half of Lot L, in Coneession A, Rideau Front, Nepean, containing 100 acres, for £1,000, currency, three miles from the City of Ottawa. m Hovn'. AND FARM iN the TOWNSHIP OF HULL. A good new comfortable dwellingâ€" house, a storey and a half high, two good Barns built of Cedar, and 200 feet of sheds, all of Cedar, oneâ€"half floored. ‘The Farm has one bunâ€" dred acres cleared, and is well fenced with Cedar. l;adum is covered with good. hard: wood. The on application to the gwpriohr, on Lot No. 3, in th Tom Range Townsh lx;‘l Hull. | RIC BURKE, Proprigor. Or to the Trxes office. s wa, March 6, 1866. . 66â€"11 T m â€" APPLY TO €o# . March 12, 1866. _ Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being gm«msmnnro( the front part of Lot 20, unction Gore, Township of Gloucester, as laid Lo'n 1% AND 13;8'001'“ CaATHCART [ 2 ‘Stroct; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Streetâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. * Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 "and 13, being 5:.;&;«:_';635;"1‘""»‘; g( Gldcut;r,An laid down on*l::nd an Geor, . Austinâ€" and other City udpi's[-\'n‘_hl‘s.dn and other City Lots and Farming Lands. y Imy’ to Lend on Bulm. Apply to f ‘LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottawa. February 10, 1866. ~ _ dhâ€"u February 10, 1866. 2 SAW MILLS, 1 FLOUR MILL, EX« o egine Apoginnadian ailys ; acres 5 Stores ; Whu'_v!l:_' &o., &e. f o > * CPPLY TO . Ottawa, March 20, 1866. ETITLTERING COPFPPFPEE ] Japital" Stove Depot,35, Sussex St., Ottawa, LUMBER ME N ! ¢ WILL BE DEALT LIBERALLY WITH FOR SHANTY SUPPLIES : " CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS will find it to their Id'v#hgo to deal at the « CAPITAL" BTOVE DEPOT. A Liberal Discount is always allowed on all articles purchased. CA L ANDDâ€" SHBH PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS INYITED TO A JOB 107 0+ Go to the " CAPITAL! FTOR SA New Spring Goods. PT‘OR SA GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & C0,, Ottawa, March13, 1866 For Sale at a Bargain,. FOR SALE, [AKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. They will keep the water deliciously cool and For Saloons, Public Buj}din‘s..umlnc!‘t)!«_i or D_om_e-tlc use, it ntndn :mrivdlod.'being both CUNNINGHAM & IANDSAY‘$ NXEW SPRING IHATsS, CUNXINGHANM & LINDSAY‘S NXEW SPRING BONNETsS, (UNNINGHANM & LINDSAYBNEW DRESs Goops, | _ CUNNIXGHAN & LINDsAY® NBMy BLACK SILKS, CUNNINGHAN & LINDSAYS NEW FANCY SILKs, CUNNINGHAN & LINDSAY$ New FEATHERS, _ CUNXXINGHAM & LINDSAYS NXEW BONNET ORNAMENTs CUNXNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘s NXEW PRINTs. NEW BLACK COBOURGS. ‘ â€" . _NEW BLACK LUSTREsS. : ‘ NEW CRAPE CLOTHS. â€" § XEW MOTTLED ALPACAS. f xE STRIPE MOHAIRS. s § | nEw CENET MOHAIR AXD LUSTRES i .. NEW DRABJEANS: h F ] xEW STRIPE SHIRTINGS. . > xEW COTTOX AND LINEX Tioks: > xEW COTTON DRILLS. & XEW FREXCH PRIXTS. S : XEW WATER PROOF MANTLE CLOTHs NEW MELTONX MANTLE CLOTHS. For Making a Good Cup of Coffec, retaining all the A FROM 25 TO 75 CENTS EACH. W ATEFR COOLERS! Inspection Invited. Our Sprinag Stock 1 FPARMERS, ATTENTION I THE BEST AND MOST RELLABLE IN THE CITY! DUNCAN SINCLAIR. H; MEADOWS & CO. 10th March, 186G6. WHOLESALE & RETAIL, / _~â€"â€" N o. 20, Sparks St. PIFFEREXT PATTERN®. , on Lot No. 3, in the H. MeLEAN. E_ AL _ mm wos e e 66â€"1m 11â€" \CITY â€"PROPERTY! IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN LOTS AND HOUSES. Wl'l‘l'lll TWOâ€"AND«A«HALF MILES of the City Limits, with A DWELLING HOUSE erected thereon. One half of the land is clecred and well fenced. Thise progmflu are worthy the attention of intending purchasers, and will be sold CHEAP. t lNDllisPUTABLE TITII..ES WILL BE GIVEN. or further particalars apply to â€" W M. J‘LSGG. ESQ., Ottawa, Feb. 22, 1 TRA'I‘ ELIGIBLE PROPERTY known as WOODROOFFS, owned by the late Captain Baker, beautifully situated on Richmond Road, within five miles from Ottawa, containing 300 acres or thereabouts, being composed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st Concession Ottawa, Front on Ne For terms and » to Cnarues Forezest, mh"ekvfllo..w LEWIS & PINHEY, For W_p_ufinlm&y to February 20, 1866. e Iso Pew Noâ€"62, in Christ Church, Ottawa. FOR SALE OR TO LET. ET‘OR SA XLE. FOR SALE, coxsitse or 25 ACRES OF LAND Tel Bui l('.’m.- “C‘i Telopraph Building, Ottewa Cily iculars apply to > aAREES now ay, Oltaws. Stoves | 12y Tinware. "’ ta-’ax A y i%, a stru Q l dene Boarding House, or a O on Ntoreâ€"congists "« , | apartments, (Fivisib O 314 37 feet, and 3 ste years ago, but Pain Year‘s Day. 1t is f + U by recent unish. Fr ALSO, TC & m A commodious STO: y2g> | .. ____ . anents, Ac., m to the Rev. 82â€"y * L :) o 1 1 Street, now vccuy Z at this office. s Ottawa, March g TO LET.==A and Chandiere, Ottawa, Mazch 6. 1866. TO LET.=â€"Scvéral Flats of 5 and 6 Apartments, respective}y.. .. â€"â€"â€" To LE.,Klnge Stone Building of 15, and a TO LET.»â€"=â€"Premiscs suitable for a Grocer, Driig gist, or Motel. __â€"â€"â€" ols / __ . J@~ REXTS MODERATE. eX All in fineStonc Buildings, well situated, and within ten minutes‘ walk of the Government Buildâ€" ings, Ottawa. ____ _ , e ~~ & T AYLMEI,=â€"«The comâ€" § C o A modious houke :nu _premises forming the Northâ€"éast corner of the Court House Square and "Maip Street, now occupied by M. Chepmeil, Eq. Apply at this office. # ) Ottawa, March 15, ]il‘ifi. f ”75.’:- ies ~ TO LET.=â€"A Photographic Gallery, & 4 7 ALARGE STONE BUILD» ix & ing, eligibly situated, and conâ€" a structed either tor a Private Resiâ€" Ats dence, Rc-r‘mbh Hotel, &c., Boarding House, or a General Grocery and Provisâ€" ion Storeâ€"consists "of Two Cellars and other 15 apartments, (‘ivisible into two temement); area 3.# 37 feet, and 3 stories ‘highâ€"built neatly . three years ago, but Painted, &., ouly since last New YÂ¥ear‘s Day. 1t is free from damp, whilst clegant by recent puish. â€" Frame Stable, and Sheds in rear. + ALSO, TO SELL OR LET, A commodious STONE COTTAGE of Ten Apartâ€" ments, Ac., adjoining the toregoing. Should these valuable Mouses remain unsold at May next, they will be let for 4 or 5 years, at modeâ€" rate rentsâ€"or let in meantime, subject to sile. The proprictor intending to leaye Ottawa, prefers to adll even at lae prices, on easy terms of paymont. For further particulars, apply, to JOHN MACAULAY, Duke Street, Chaudiere. ol To MESSRS. SCOTT & ROSS, * Barristers, &c, «o., Ottawa Ottawa, Feb. "~ ACRES OF LAND Cl 100 for sale, Lot No. 3, 6th Concession of Marlborough, about 15 acres of which are cleared, A small Log Mouse on the premises. _ The Lot is well watered, and is gituated on the Main Road from Marlborough to North Gower, For further partion lars, apply to " North Gower, March 19, 1866 * * x TFarm for Sale. S on ACRES GF L.A ND “f;',‘ ’_;\ 100 in the Township of Os _ 3 , gooide, County of |Carleton, West half of Lot No. 34, 6th Comcession, 50 Acres cleared. O the Lot is a good Log House and Barn. . For further particulars, as to price and terms, upply to css Osgyode, March 17, 1866 Farm to Let for a Term of Years. ~ t% Tul‘: NOR TH »â€"W E8 T "‘.. heact c{utnerd‘ Lot No. 16, in the 11th Concession of Pakenham, will l be let on the most reasonable terms. There are on the Farm a comfortable Dwellingâ€" House, good Barn, and Stable, &¢. There are about 40 acres clearedâ€"of a quiflity not excelled within 50 miles of its situation.‘ *i-unt from K. K. station at Packenham®1} miles. Immediate possession will be given. Enguire of ROBERT HARRIS, ESQ., Antrim P. 0., “-‘iumy ; ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Kinburn P. 0.; or NOBLE WALLACE, North Gower P. 0. Fitzroy, March 10, 1866. 10â€"213â€"e Shop and Dwellin=â€"House for Sale y ll THE VILLAGE OF &' RICHMOND, 18 miles from the h City of Ottawa. An excellentopenâ€" 4710â€" â€" ing tor a General Merchant. For paiticulars apply to the Proprictor on the ises. f P GEORGE BROW,. Richmand . February 10. 1806. 46â€"ut; Richmond, February 10, 1806 School House, will be sold for _ _ One Hundred Pounds Cash Each. Also THREE WOODEN HOUSES IN LETTER 0. Ottawa. Also desirable Building *Lots! In Lower Town and in (Upper Town, (near In Lower Town and in Upper Mr. Gilmour‘s.) * Apply at the office of the New Edinburgh, ‘ January 31, 1866 nearly OW“ the lot on which the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, and arithin five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Streot in rear of the above. l f5 banks of the Rideau River, _ Outside the City Limits | Will be sold, subject to Leases, all of which l 'i"ll‘ e:zl;ie this year. rie i ow 0 és commencing to , wil lots, | and park lots of n eporal nores Nsill l.ehfzm at moderate rate«, and the whole of the purchase ‘ money, if desired, can remain ten years on the | property, at six per cent interest. ] Apply at the office of the ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND In the Township of Gloucester, situated about ‘halt a mile from gilungl Bridge. This land can be sold en bloe or in lots of 5 meres. _ y ~ Tllll' VALUABLE PRO» h PERTY known as T. M BLASDELL‘S HOMESTEA D, con â€" ulnm&:.bou TWO ACRES, beauâ€" d{ull{ situated on the wa River, Lot ‘One, North side Wellington Street, City of wa, with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. Apply to i LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottewa. For further particulare, to * P.l’ wcmmow. ESQ., City of Ottawa. Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. 46u February 10, 1866 A x _ AIIW BRICK BULLDING / ie heductt on Besserer Street, Saundy @ Mill, near the residence of Ho., MarcormCaxzrox. This buiui: contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with y 1 oo Wmd‘n Ba the A ‘Fvo store ilding, on corâ€" ner ql.;:ltqy Suut{ This House is lined with ® ‘E Mill, near the residence of Hox., MarcormCaxzrox. This b\nu:' i contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with modern im ments. AI.T ‘Fvomny,\vmdu Building, on the corâ€" ~. ner of unl{.?n-u. This House is lined with °* Brick, furnix with donble doors and windows and Venetian Blinds. There is a large Kitchen and Shed attached, with Pump, Stable and othér Buildâ€" ings in the yard. nm&-x.-.uu.puu‘ Mfi Hc:cl{ Boarding Ilk-g or private residence. or unhorpcrdeum. to f J. L'g.’O'IlANLY. JCor Sale, . bed ~yX soOUTH SIDE RIDEAU k â€" ~\ () Street, (nearly opposite _ Workman & Griffin‘s,) a good : three storey Stone House, with a goou dweliing and shop below, The buildâ€" ing is covered with tin, and extends from front to rear, 74 feet. â€" It is a good businees stand. Terms reasonable. vog Ottawa, fqbljlglrylo? IBM Cheap Homes for Nale. Ottawa, Feb. 6, 1868 Village of New Edinburgh, New Edinburgh, January 23, 1866 HOMES FOR SALE. And three or four detached cottages, on the FOI SALE, 97 ACRES OF GooOP Agricultural Land, 70 of which are. cleared. It is situated in the T yd(n‘oodc,‘bfl mwg ..:‘n 22. ‘f:n is a 'l‘- Mll.‘, arn, shod. l‘“ Gdl. Terms will be lib>ral. For particulars, apply to the undersigned, on the smallef of 10 apartments Ottawa, March 1, 1866. T arm for Sale. To Sell or Let in Ottawa. POSSESSION GIVeX IMMEDIATELY, bo se ~_â€"â€" & NEW BRICK BULLDING EOR SALE OR 10 LET. Land for Sale. ET‘OER SALE. APPLY TO Dwellings to Let. To LICT, HENRY ROBERTSON, â€" f Osgoode Post Office 1866 DESIRABLE Apply to 3AMES JOHNSTON, ROW OF $IX NEAT Z& COTTAGES, painted, in New Edinburgh, opposite the ner Block, SEVERAL sTON E DWELLINGS, in the corâ€" OTs 9 AND 10, ON | South Side Sparks Street, JOUN MACAULY. MACKAY ESTATE North Gower Corpers JOHNX MULCAHEY. 14 MACKAY ESTATE EGAR YIELDINXG pper Town, (near 66â€"]1m 14wâ€"d 36 â€"3m 37â€"3m 14.4 30â€"3m 42â€"4f ¢1

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