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Ottawa Times (1865), 22 Mar 1866, p. 4

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j\ wÂ¥ r'ufi-at Cunaca apwinst an imaginary danger But, then, it mey moan work ; it may mman war. But, in that cas>, it is jist that the preâ€" cantionury . x,» #sos should by born: by thos. for whos: sut ty the prâ€"tautions ars taken Our govoram.ut will probably wuit, as th. Caunadiun gov, ramâ€"nt wait.d, till some overt act, lik« ths St. Allan‘s raid is committâ€"d . aund th n it will not stay for coâ€"crcion or in.â€" nase, but it wi.l enfurce its laws by its own voluutiry » mss of fustice." i ol for whox: sut Our govâ€"ram Canadiun gov. act, like the : it prud ntly adus :â€"* As yet we haye no cerâ€" trinty that it is not, after all, q comedy instâ€"ad ef a tragedy, which the Fonings are rchcarsing with sucl istizite buscle and preparation. Possibiy thers may b« no iuvasion at ail; posâ€" sibly :nons has ever. been intcaded. _ The whole thing may be a stuyendous practica. i-b , to set the British dominions in a Batt :. t mlay be a vast scheme of cupidity to fill tue ,ka t« and give notoricty to the numes of «nian dignitarics. Our government would out a ridi.ulous figurs if it should play the rflol the chifdupe in the Fenian comâ€"dy, y souding an array of troops to the bordâ€"r to protat Canaca apwinst an imaginary danger IXsUCRANUCE ADVEi¢_T»s. _ Crarl:t: ia on> volum:>, well bound in Amrian morosco, faraish:d (to subscribers caly, at $3,5), payabl : on delivery.â€" Orders by lott sr, ponr,)dr rsccived and â€"promptly exe eut=d by *# , FITZ WM. B. HELY A pmt for the Conntiâ€"s of Carl:ton, Russoll, an k an i Renfrsw. > Q.tawa, Dsc. 18, 1865. .lâ€"6diw Is prepared to Risks on Dwellingâ€"hquses, Hoase acld M.m.hnmn. and General Merâ€" chandise at the lowest current rates. $ * JuHX DURIE, Agent Ottawa, + No. 10, sparks Street. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866. 47â€"utf Tavera aal 8499 Licenses Aal thoroby avo Tm OLD FAVORITE COMPANY continues to insure property, AS HELETOâ€" FusE, at moderate rates. . i‘c.vate dwellings, deâ€" tached, their contents, and farm prope.ty insareu for tacee youars at groatly rediced rates. _ _ 3 ‘All compiled foun OFFICIAL SOURCES, by Paos. P. K tt:ll, authos of 8) y.ars proâ€" goss: of thr Uait:d Siat 8, lats Elitor of th: Morhia‘s Miyesa, Iat B litor and Propri:tor of tas Aray aal Yaoy Iairac‘, Banket‘s Ciccuâ€" Ia:, £:.,, &>, embâ€"llishsd with nam rous and bsaatifal st: :1 plat »eqgravings, and valuable mi»s shswing all th: immportant military points.. _ .. fLoand wlice en dor compmand‘of Colonel Gibbon, commandant of this garrison. â€" Yosterday aftcrnoun a speâ€" tial gervice was held in St. Audrew‘s Church by Rov. W. M. Inglis for the bencfit of the voluntâ€"ers, which was attemded by the entire lith Buttalion, and Captain Hamilton‘s:Comâ€" pany Sto.rington Rid s. â€"Aingston News, * The Worl{ thinks that the Fehians in the Uniicd Stat= may ‘ easily raise on« hundred thowand l|' n for the iuvasion ut.t.‘?dn, but it prud atly adds:â€"* As yet we have no cerâ€" trinty that it is not, after all, a comedy instâ€"ad I Hundred Thousand Doilars, For the special security of Policy=holders Ostawa, Marshs 3, 1833 * From its Com n:nzemâ€">nt to its Close. * IVING AN ACCOUNT OF 1Ts ORIGIN (j‘ the s cosgion of th: Southern Statss, the formation of th» Cont â€"detat: Governm â€"nt, the «o3 ntration ‘of thâ€" military and fiaancial reâ€" sour es of th : Pxdsral Governncat, thy dev]â€" oamâ€"at of its vait pow«r, th: raising, equip piasaad oc canicing of coatâ€"nling armi;s and navice; la ad, vivid, and accurats dâ€"scriptions of.battlss and bomourdm=nts, siâ€"ges and surâ€" roudr of forts, captared battorics, &¢., &c., the bamn:as: Hazgqâ€"ial rssources gnd comprcheuâ€" sivs. myasu:s of th: Govâ€"ramâ€"=nt, the enthaâ€" sizsm aa 1 patrivti : contributions of the p:opl>, to mstace with sk tches of th» Tiv.a of all the em a a§stat «m n, aa d miltury and nuval comâ€" muaa birs, with a fall and com »lit: ind cx. Tas Vourytsersâ€"A militia gencral order has en issucd from hcadquarters to concenâ€" trate the s veral Vo‘unter Companics in the respective divisions at the various railroad stations. . To this end Companies Nos. 1 and 2. Storrington Rifles, commanded by Captaitr Hamilton and Captain Syting, respectively, came into the city yostcrday morning, and have been placed on the strengih of the volunteers in this division. _ All the voluntcers west of Kingston to Port Hope have been placed unâ€" dor command‘of Colonel Gibbon, commandant of this garrison. â€" Yosterday aftgrnoun a speâ€" Inxpritx1 1313. â€" Caartar Porpetual. CAPTRPAL â€" â€" .3.230.900. AdJJMULATED Ass«I9, â€" â€" $4,037,455. To OBTAIN NH: . HFrIAL Oid Btua insurance Coy, ; :‘Or HAarTFORD. PMHCEXNXIX FIRE ASSUB}ANCE COMP‘Y â€"«OF LONDON. Eutablished in 179. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, Tflll CcoMPAXY HAVINGINXVESTED, Li in conformity with the Provineial Act, * that yourare fishing tfor compliments." . ©No, sit," exclaiimed ‘the lady, 4 I never tish in so shallow a stream." Jsl AMERICAN WAR, _ The man who stanas. upon his own sgoilâ€" who feel= tuat by the lawsuf tne land in winch he hvesâ€"by twe laws of civihzed nationsâ€"he is,tee righttul and exclusive owner oftne land winen £¢ . tuls, is by tae consutution of our n.ture under a â€" waulésume inHueuce, nut exomly ambtscd frum any ctuer source. He feels] cther things equal, more ‘strougly than uns ther, ta@ C).T.cwer of . tae man way is tue haud ct the nrammate workt, Of this great % W TT GIEV HTLV %Y, tha* the time of the Li ccasse ies re l iss 181)â€"6h ringpoxsiced, all par thes latacosts1 ase re puired L . 0; J. Â¥.& W. PEXXOCK, _ ‘ Agents for Ottawa -76"-“&- iz co intry. Â¥ a, Eob. 13, 1866. 30â€"Jmâ€"wb THE CWNER UF THE SOIL HMIsPORY OF THE RECENT AGENTS FOR CANADA 1P3 V oNA FOR 18667 DA FPEL Y. ASECUTLION. f J. B. TCRGTZON, ; Licsss: Issâ€"zcror. biâ€"tf by s5s0 GALLONS An Otncer of the Department will. be in attenâ€" dance at Chathdim and Sandwich, six days prior to the days of sale, to investigate claims to the said lands.‘ Pes in occupation of any of the lots are poti.ed to attend at the ubove places during some (ooge uP athole mhaee kB 1. 3. 2e nnidi ons s . Light Mouse Supplies Lists of the ur-u. with the conditions of sale to be seen at the RKegistry and!Post Oifices in the Counties, and to be had on application to the Deâ€" partment. | . $4 A. CAMPBELL, | CommssioxEr. _ Sealed ‘DTenders WiLL B2 RECEINVED aT THIS OPFICK V!tfl. NOON OP March 10, 1856. Friday, the Kirst of June C Next, for the supply of j DEPARTMENT uF CROWN LAXDS, Ortawa, 8th March, 1866. Vo'ncn 18 HEREBY GLVEN, that cerâ€" £ @ tain (-uptn,l) Oil and other Lands in the Counties of hKent and Lambton, U. C., embracing certain lots resamed under the notice of the 26th November, 1864, will, if not previously disposed of, be offered for swle at Auction on the TW ELFTH day of APRIL hext, and following days, at the Ranâ€" kin House, Chatham. Also, ce.tain lands in the County of Essex, U. C., will ve vilered thr sale at Auction, on the TW ENTY â€" FOUTH day of APRIL next, and following days, at Jessup‘s Hotgl, in the Town of s:__n‘nd!icg. ‘The Honourable the Minister of Agtriculture and Imungrution, baving authorized the publication, by tuis Depaitment, of an oceasional lpllnor. to be callâ€" ou the "CANADA IMAIGRATIOA GAZETTE," waich will be devoted exclusively to the encourageâ€" meont of Inmigration, and to the difusion of accurâ€" ate and, useial information concerning Canada abroad, 1 beg leave to bring under your notice the wayantuges this sheet will oder as an advestising mesiium to land owness, and others having properâ€" tieg Tor sale or lease. . As information of this kind is sought for, and much valued by every inâ€" tolagent emigiant, means will thus be aforded of placing the intonding purchaser or lessee in Great Wcitwim in direct communication with the property â€" bolies here. & The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Imimigragion has alsd authorised the opening of an lllluc'mn?»n Omice in Liverpool, under the manageâ€" ment of Mc. Win. Dixon, a geatleman well acquaintâ€" ed with tais and the mother country, who will be specially charged with the distributivn of thisâ€"paper weoughout the United Kingdom, and in bringing the same prowminently under the nctice of the emigrant. As the space it is intended to allot for advertising parposes will be limited, and in view of the large cirgulation the sheet will obtain, [for it will be disâ€" tributed gratuitously }, the prices of advertisements cannut be much lower than the following :â€" . The whole to be furnished in iron bound casks, coataining fty gailons each, in the best order, and to be deivered at the Contractor‘s risk, on such. wharf neas the Lashine Canal Basin ‘at Montreal, aud on such day on or.about the urst dayof July next us may be specized in the contract. @ss _ ‘Fenders will aiso be received on the same day for the supply of Bs ©300 °GALLONS Tae urst namber will appearin the course ut next month, the second in April, bringing down the inâ€" formation to the latest pericd, to be followed up monthly or quarterly, as may be required. _ _ _ S P L M OJ L L4 4B0VE LACHLELNE, Oneâ€"third of whicu wmust be from head matter which will staad limpid at 40® Fabrenbeit, and the other iwo tairds at 49 , sabject lo‘m-r.nion and test beâ€" iore acceptaace, and if required, to be moasyred _ For each advertisement, not exceeding ten lines $2 the insertion: and 8 cents for every extra line. The sndecsigned will gladly reteive communicaâ€" tions of ‘a praccical character for publication, bearâ€" ing on the sabject of Immigration, such as letters from actual settless, showing their ’rm‘mu in the country, and pointingâ€"out the pec,‘ iar advantages of their distmct in particular, It is desirable that lbo,:‘?\nld be written as adnlyu possible, and be 1 ll'ron anything like exaggeration, am,.8ir, a February 10 $ Of the best quality of fromâ€"ExpLosIV} CoAL OIL, To be furnished in: iromâ€"bound casks, containing from 20 to 50 gallons each, and to be delivered at the eu:lvm'. risk at the time above stated at Wh«reupon His Excellency in Council pleased to order, and it is hureby ordered, that fre Ooolh&‘uinq through a forcign conntry cmu%ncd rectly to lmfiflen in Canada, shall hetvafter be put on same footing as dutiable Goods. _ For a s quare of 22 lines, to stand for. a twelve month, $6. * i * ‘ _ In all cases, advertisoments must be propaid, and an early transmission is recommended. _ _ . _ Te casks, in each case, to be furnished by the mw.umuumhmpr‘-u e e e Py Eon The crow of the vessel must assist in the delivery of the stores. . + e t * GOVERNMENT HoUSE â€"OTTAW A,. Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. reewr".. .. Hius Excsucexcr taw‘AowisistRa Tor or rus Govâ€" sexxext is Couxei.. 3 18 EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay :H before the Conncil a Report from the Commissioner of Customs, dated 15th Decemâ€" ber, 1865, and approved by the s:on.thc Minisâ€" ter of Finance, stating that r authority of ~liapter 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., Scc. 24, an Ordcr in Council was passed on 23th April, 1853, directing * that Goods bone fide exported to this Province fromany connutry, but passing in transit« through another country and under Bonds shall by, until it shall be otherwise orâ€" dered, valued for duty as if such Goods were imported direct from snch first mentioned sountry into this Providce," and submitting that it would be desirable to extend said Or der in Ovuncil to free as well as dutiabl Goods. . ; 9 the oil. SEALED TENDERS will be received on the same day, for a Steam Vessel for the dolim the annual Light House Supplies, consisting of 160 casks of oul, and 40 tons of other articles, at the respective ‘Light House stations, wituated on the River St. Lawrence and inland Lakes; namely, on Lakes St. Louis, St. Francis, River 8t. Lawrence between Bsockville and Kingston, Lakes Ontario, Erie, St.,Clair and Huron, and on Georgian Bay. A Steam Vessol Wanted. tained OH Ipxl:&um u'(:w_u-w. u.z,.nn to be given for wis hrne: ; l“:d?.f“:.“ 0 sod res :vely « Tender for m ior Cm”nd « Lender :uma.u louse supplies." @iommic i dlouse supplies." Parties tendering must give their and adâ€" Jdress in full, also the signatares of two responsible persons willing to become sureties for the due fallâ€" .lment of the contract. Tae Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any Tender. , By. Order, es 'Do&s;rt'nont of Public Works, _ awa, ord March, 1856. i (ENGLISH AXD PREXCH,) 7r °BV EHST KIK D. T17E CALL THE ATTEXTION OF THE PRAYER BOOKS, FoR THE PROVINCIAL LIGHT HoUsB3 Th es _ DUVERNAY, BROTHERS. Ottawa, De= ~ : 1864, @ 3 January 1, 1866 GoYERNXMEA1 LasiiwakaAiLON OFFICE, as QuaBac, Zoth January, 1866. Of the best quality of winter pressed Ladics of Ottawa to our assortment. Signed, Your obedient servant, A. c's BUCHANAN, _ «_‘ . â€" Chief Agent Wx. H. LEE, F. BRAUN, Secretary ," " Tender ry of Light ach service, 10 a 12â€"f 62â€"if 3â€"tf . â€" December 19, 1865. Sailing between the ( N‘v York at intervals of Winter Navigation, a . LINE cunuisling1 ST. DAVID, 1650 tons, ST. GEORGE, 1468 tor ST..ANDREW, 1432 to ST. PATRICK, 1207, t« 3T. GEORGE,........... 17th January, 1866 T. I)AVID! v¥¥¥ieu‘es [ .. 3ist January, 1866 3T. ANDREW, ..... ... 14th Feb‘ry, 1866 +T. PATRICK, ..........2Ist Feb‘ry, â€" 1866 3T. GEORGE, ...... .... ith March, | 1866 3T. DAVID, ...... ...... 21st March, 1866 ‘ + «o Rates of THROUGH PASSAGE from Monâ€" treal to Londonderry or Liverpool : CABIN, ...... ..... ... . $1? and $35 &Acmvdiug to accommodution) STERKAGE, ... «¢.. \xas cmor« c$I4 Jttawa, Jan. 5, 1866 \â€" Capt. (Sailing from LIV E1 DA Y, and ‘fromâ€" PORT DAY, calling at Loel board and land Mails from Ireland and Scotli PERUVIAN,.. ... .. BELGIAN,...... «... MORAYVIAN,....... .. NOoVA sCoTIAN,.... NORTH AMERICAN, HIBERNIAXN,........ B@"An experienced Surgeon carried on each sbrigh i. * R@"Berths not secured until paid for. For further particulars apply io HEUBACH &« COWARD, â€" c Aumond‘s Building, Rideay Street, Ottawa, Or Graxop Trcs« Ramnway Statos, PortLaxp. ___MONTREAL _ OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. B@~RETURYN THh REDUCKE _L pufl'd cif the foll powered Clydeâ€"built d Steamships ; | s ACADIAN, PERUYVIAN,........ + * Capt. Bar MORAVIAN, ........ Capt. . HIBERNIAN, .... ... Capt. 1 NOYAâ€"8SCOTIAN,. ... BELGIAN, ....... .: 4 Capt. NORTHâ€"A MERICA N The first FIVE splendid Vesse18 intended to be put upon this favourite route for the Continâ€" ent are the following :â€" WASHINGTON ..3,204 tons. .900 horse power. LAFAYETTE...3,204 tons.. 900 horse power. EUROPE.... .. .. 3,204¢ tons.. 900 horse power. NAPOLEON I11..(ncarly ready)..1100 h. p. ST. LAURENT .. .%Building). . .Great power. PERIERE...... . (Building) ... .Great power. VILLE DE PARIS (Building). . .Gregt power. PR n m o e P 207 #@J" Parcels for different consignees colâ€" lectwd and made up in single packages adâ€" dressed to one party for delivery, for the purâ€" pose of evading freight, will upon the examinâ€" ation by the customs be charged with proper The owners of these ships will not be acâ€" countable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewellery, Precious Stones, or Mctals, unless bills of lading are sigued therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. Note.â€"All Letters and Newspapers ucst rass through the Post Office. _l":ohnndln and Specie &mepfi for personal expenses) shipped under name of Luccoac®, will be charged as freight, and liable to Custom House regulaâ€" tions. mh taken as freight For t or passage, apply to E. C. & 1. 6. BATES, ' Agents, No. 103 State Street Boston rrAHIS COMPAXNY‘8 Chief Cabin Passage, Sccond 4@ â€" 4« Chief Cabin Passage,....... .....!... . 20 00 Second * KE occandina se s aeie s a‘a‘a aieâ€" l $ Payable im Gold or its equivalent in United States currency. The Ships carry experionced Surgeons. No Berth will be secured until paid for. No freight will be received after 3 o‘clock P.M., on the day before sailing. freight DAMASCUS, Chief Cabin Passage...... ...... ... . $132 50 Under Contract with the GOVERNMENT of CANADA, for the Conveyance of the CaNaDIAX AaND UNITED STaTES MALLS. Passenyers Booked to hiverpool & Londonaery #@»* Departures from New York to Havre stopping at Brest to land mails and passengers, therby shortening the sea voyage about one day. . fl:lt Cabin, including table wine ... . .. $135. umm&:,mmu. table wine . $70 o'r‘SBO. Quebec to Paris. ... .. ... ... $83, $93 or $148. Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in United States currency. BeÂ¥" Medical atu-mlancf free of charge. For Freight or Passage, t%{!y to 3 DONALD R. MacLEOD, % Commercial Chambers, t 19} Peter Street, Quebec. Second " THE GENERAL Tl&.\NSATLAXTlC COMâ€" PANY‘S NEW LNE OF FIRSTCLASS SIDEâ€"WHEEEL STEAMERS BEâ€" TWEEN NEW YORK & > HAVRE. Until the completion ‘of the entire list, the service will be performed by the j " EU ROPE," ; On Friday, the 5th day of January. Ottawa, Jan. 5, 1866 ROVAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS ! The Boston Ships only calling at HALIFAX to land and receive Passengers and Her Majâ€"sty‘s Malls, _ Mail Steamers to France Direct. FROM NEW YORK TO HAVRE Yia CORK HARBOR, and between LIVERPOOL AND BOSTON, Via CORK HARBOR. LIVERPOOL & NEW YORK GL ASG O Dates of calling are fi FROM PO 1865â€"6â€"Winter Arrangementâ€"1865â€"6. FaÂ¥Byerkccr i+.s CUBKy++! +s ++1s SGOTHKy : ¢1 1+« + .1 PERSt®, : x+ ClitNkyxc«rsx €ix1 AUSTRALASIAN,. . . ABblky ce ce re s r ++ AFMCA; en v+ 004+0 CASAURKEH+<«¢«‘+ . EtroP4,;....... THE FARES WILL BE , From New York to Liverpool : " LAPAYETTE," HE STEAMERS Appointed by the Admiralty to sail between _ . OCEAN â€"STEAMSHIPS. From Boston to Lrevipoo! : British and North American From Boston to Halifaz : And every suce« WINTER 1865â€"6. " GBU ROP E," A. Bocaups, as follows Capt. 1 Capt A. Deoness®, Capt Buil« W atr. POOL every THURS. AND pvery SATURâ€" Foyle to receive on d Passengers to and d.) i« & + ++‘ «Onpty ind , ... +. Capt, Smith, ; .. .. . Capt, Scott, s, ... [. Capt, Trotks. lyde and Portland and hroughout the season follows :â€" ... 17th January, 1866 ... 31st January, 1866 ... l4th Feb‘ry, â€" 1866 ... 2Ist Feb‘ry, 1866 MAIL lé_l.\'l-) 1s COMâ€" owing Firstâ€"class tull oubled engined Iron LANTINE UTTONX NK RR s follows :â€" F THE GLASGOW f the R OW NX RTLAND: .. 6th January, ... 13th January, ..\ 20th January, . .2ith January, .. 3rd February, . 10th February, ling Saturday. ng Y LIxX L. s GRANTED AT RATES. * ITON YLy: .. .. E. R. Moodie + 1+ sse.d. SIOnG C. H. E. Judkins Â¥ix‘¥«dB U. LOt .B. M. Hockley 2650 Tons 2400 Tons 2650 Tons 2434 Tons 1800 Tons 2300 Tons 600 Tons THEOTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 22, i1s66. .112 00 . 65 00 80 00 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 ns FyHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT ATTENTION PARTICULARLY TO HIS â€"Lâ€"/ Large and varied Stock of WINES and LIQUORS, whi* for CHEAPNESS and QUALITY he warrants to give satisfaction equal to any House :nQaua a. _ His Stock now on hand comprises :â€" » CHRISTM i WINES No 500 Lobsters, Sardines, Digby Herring:; Christmas and New Year‘s! No 1x7" Intending Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THE GOODS and PRICES, and an Inspection of our Wine Vaults is specially solicited. GINâ€"DEKUYPER‘Ss AND OLD TOM. Jamaica Rum, Morton‘s and Molson‘s High . Wines, Old Rye, Proof and Toddy * Ales and Porter:â€"â€"â€"Dawe‘s Canadian & Imported ! COFFEES MOCHA, JAVA‘DI_.AGUIRA and RIO, FRESH ROASTED | and GROUND‘DAILY BY STEAM on the Premises SPICES BEACK and WHITE PEPPER, CINNAMON, ALLSPICE, GI&JGEB, â€" &c., &¢., FRRSH GROUND BY STEAM on the Premises. I‘OBACCOS DIAMOND, MONTREAL, NIGGER HEAD, SOLACE, "~~ FIG, GOLDEN LEAF, E,DORADO, CUT SMOKING, CUT HONEY DEW and â€"CANADIAN TWIST. v ARIETIES BsAUCES, PICKLES, ESSENCES, SOAPS, GLQNDLES, â€" TALLOW and SPERM ; STARCH, BLUE, BROOMS, | â€", WASHâ€"BOARDS, MATCHES, PIPES, OILS, &e. FISH and SALTâ€"‘ "Red Sign and Mammoth Paintings," No WHISKEY S * ¢ Scotch & Irish Whiskey, in Wood & Bottle, TEASâ€" Tooke sSUGARSâ€"* COFFEESâ€" SPICESâ€"®*** Ottawna December 18 1865 Near thq FRENCH CATHEDRAL. B@" Goo DELIVERED in alt parts 0, the City FREE of CBRARGE. 300 Half Boxes do. thatâ€" 1 ‘ 300 Quarter do do. 200 Hali _ do Figs. f . f 200 Quarter doâ€" do. f 3y Currants, CandiedLemon, Orange and Citron Peel ! & Co.)s, Otard Da Pay & Co.‘s, and Julss Robin & Co.‘s. Old Cognac, 4, Cognac Ordinatre, (RocHeHNq,). ....... . «......rr1rcrstrkvril%4 131 + + +4 Tean Remony:crirs nds ver es s sns vo n kh s davrs rrgaraÂ¥r 4 is in nay 1Â¥ rs Â¥a us 1, Sazerac Def Forge & Son‘s Old COGNAC). . . . . .222 22e k04 »k +k 02w e e e + es 2, Bazernc De Forge & S0HS,, ... ...««.«ssesssirsas asrirs asssresss4 i8535 3, J. & F. Martel‘s, Jas. Hennesey & Co.‘s, De Guernon & Co.‘s, Chas, Coran 1, Macon Ordinaire, (1861,) 1.90 2, Grand ~ do. _ (1858) 1:50 3, Macon, Vieux, (1844) .. 1.75 4, B.aujolais Chenas, ((51,) 1.75 5, St. Emilion, No, 1,((‘51,) 1.25 6, St. Emilion, No. 2, (48,) 1.75 7, St. Julien, (1858,) ..... 1.75 8, Chatcau Margaux, (51,) 2.00 9, Romance Comti, (1851,) 3.75 10, CortoN, (1861,) ... a« y 1.75 11, ChatehnAaut Brion (‘58), 3.75 12, Clos Vougeot, (1858,).. 3.15 13, Pomard, (1858), . ...... 200 14, Chablis, (White Wine,) , chabiis, ‘(White Wint,) #Z Chb".'z h 1858,) % N‘l,i. ,(xVhitu * ,'mg-,) 16 Chh‘r)o.:i, (1868). ... .& 1, Sherry, (Old, 2. â€" Do. ‘do. C. SPARROW‘S COLUMHN. NEW FRUIXC GROCERIES. COGNXAC BRANDY Boxes Layer Raisins. JAPAN, COLORED AND UNCOLORED; IMPERIAL, TWANEKAY, ‘ ~YOUNG HYSON, SOUCHONG and CONGOU, all NEW CROP. | IC 42 IC"T CcoNsSTaANTLY ONHANMD. RE';EIBER THE STORE WITH THE Goon AND»D CHEAP FOR sALE CHEAP BARBADOES BRIGHT MUSCOVADO, REFINED YELLOW, DRY CRUSHED, GR&NULATED, CRUSHED A, &c. _ ATTPTENTION ! CHEAP AT C. sPARROW, Jr. Per Gal. _ of _ 12 Botl‘s, ..85.s0 C SPARROW, Jr., \A.* _ sPARROWS BUILDINGS, Corner of Susser and Murray Streets. $5.50 3.50 i.50 1.00 W I N E ®st NCH W TITINXISS® 1.00 1.15 8 & NEW YEARS & LIQUORS Per Case _â€"â€"â€"F 0 Râ€"â€" 3.50 5.90 6.00 6.00 ©4.00 6.00 6.00 8:00 11.10 11.10 11.10 7.00 3.00 6.00 1000 SAGS OF SALT. | ‘ 200 BARRELS Iflo. 1 SP}'JT HERRINGS 100 HALF BARRELS No. 1 do. 100 _ Do do do. LABRADOR. 100 QUINTALS DRY COD FISH. 100 KITS PRIME MACKEREL. 15 No No 17, 8auternes, \(White % Wine,) No, l,$861,) 1,00 18, Sa u te rnes, (W hite Wine,) No. zwlsss,) 1.15 19, Sauternes, White Wine,) No. 3, (1851,) â€" 20, Graves, (1858,).... ... . â€"=â€"â€" 21, Frontignan, No. 1, (‘61,) : __. (Muscat of Lunel,)..| 2.00 22,\Frontignan, No. 2, (58,) 1.50 23, Champague A. Blanchet, jeune, wine grower of the Brand Mesnilâ€" surâ€"Oger, (Epernay,) (Reins,) \.......... â€"â€" 24, Moet & Chandon, Green Seal;) . ..;... .1.. .. s 25, Moet & Chandon, Sup‘r, â€"â€"â€" 26, Roussillon, . .:.....,.... 1.00 27, Bagyi®,: +.« :.1..}4}... 1.50 1, Port, (Old,)».. 2, Do. (Superioi 4 90. .« /irea s 4, Do. At C. SPARROW, Jr At C. SPARROW Jr andon, Green randon, Sup‘t, â€"â€" farnmaazaktirs 1200 irxiiiris}s+, 1.00 D Y ! § 1 ++ +. .1 @BB0 h arse+x .90 rirrrrs 498 { 1.00 Las ;... 8.25 â€" 10 00 nisdOD 8.00 .. ... 150 5,00 iaÂ¥a 1BB 4.00 l ar C 12 Bot!‘s $11.15 8.15 . 6.50 13.00 16.00 18.00 1.15 "OTTaAwWA TIMES" STEA M Printing Works! 60, Sparks St., Contro Town. WILL AFF ADVERTISING IT HAS BEEX TRULY SAID THAT «4 JUDICIOUS APPLICATION OF TRE PRINTERS INK IS ONE OB THLE LEADING AVENUES TO WEALTH"® Dry Goods, It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by rcâ€" moving from the airâ€"cells the coagulable lymph, or that secretion which in Heaves clogs them, causing a difficulty in breathing, and by its action on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood, and restoring the distended vessels to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘s apâ€" petite is improved, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining apâ€" pearance. 4 D. W. HURD, Successor to Hcrp & Co. Maiden Lane, NEW York, SOLE PROPRIETOR FOR THE CXITED STATES. NORTHROP & LYMAN, This is the Motto of every Real DARLEY‘S Arabian Heave Remedv AND CONDITION MEDICINE 18 POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY OR all other preparations for ‘the Cure of Heaves, Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all diseases which affect the Wind of Horses ; also, as a Condition Medicine, surpassing every thing of the kind ; is casy to give, sure toâ€"cure, and safe in all cases and at all times, and does not prevent the horse from being. worked while using it. esns s a Through Which it Will Reach Or Hardware ADVERTISE | Let the World Know It. PROPETY to SELL Do You want to Buy ? No Matter what your Business The ‘OTTAWA TIMES$ Newcastus, C.W. Proprietors for the Canadas. ~PRICE TWEXTYâ€"PIVE 2EXT8. Sold bfi Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W . M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J Skinner, in Ottawa, â€" Ottawa, Dec. 18th 1865 1â€"6fkw NOW is the TIMTIT TO BUSINESS MEN IN THE A DV ERTISl. AXADVERTISE! Groceries, IS THE MEDIUM BUSINESS MAXN. ADVERTISE!! ADVERTISE ! IF YOU HAVE E "TIMES" IF YOU HAVE RD A SUPERIOR MEDIUM oFFICE : Crockery, susenione k N P}scmrteee ADVERTISE! LINE OF TO SELL, Glassware, PUBLIC. 1N QUaRT BO TTLE® 1 i The Great Purifiercf the Blood, : BRINT O LS §A RSAPARILLA | J By all who are sick, or who wigh to prevent kick ness. â€" It is the only gefluine xugl original prepara tion for l.h: permanent case ‘of the mort dangerou & and confirmed cages of % Scrofula, Old Sores, Boils, Tumor®, Ab» ‘seesses, Ulcers, GExUINE HONDUR is sA RSiPARILE As n lDic SALT _RHEUM, R1) SCALD HEAD It is guaranteed to be th e ful prep It is the very best medi« discases arising from a vi the blood, and particalarly nection with: .. * _ BRISTOL‘S (Vegetable) Nugarâ€"Coatod Liver. Stomach and Bowels, ln* elimate, hese Pills are prepased expres=ly to operate in harmony with that greatest of all blood puriGers, BRISTOL‘S SARSAPAKILLA, in enses arising from depraved humore, or imypure btotal, â€" The most helpless sufferers noed not dulmir. Under the inâ€" fluence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies that have heretofore been considered uttelly incurâ€" able, diul:rou\qulckly and permanently, Jn the following diseases, these Pill= are the safest, the J now been before the Public for a longth ot | time, and wherever used is well liked, never | failing in a single instance to give permament | relief when timely used, and> we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where ’ the directions are properly followed, but on the | contrary, all are delizhted with its operations, | and speak in the highest terms of its virtnes | and magical effects. i | And is the only Put ur in Glass Phials; and W any climate. 7 uickest, and the best remedy ever prepared, and :Amuld be at once resorted to : » Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Come __plaints, Constipation, Headache, _ and Piles, Bristol‘s Sarsaparilla, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Coatâ€" ed Pills are for sald by all Druggists everywhere. Sold in Ottawa by John Roberts, Dr. Garvey, H. F. MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W, M. Massey, and George Mortimer, TKE ORIGINAL MEDICINE ESTA _ bl in 1837, and first article of the Kind ever introduced under the name of " Pu/ monic We " in this or any other country ; all other Pu Wafers are counterfcits, The genuine be known by the name BRYAN being stampied on each WAFBL& e ryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Cough, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wajers Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difticult Breathing Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers > Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest Bryan‘s Pulmonie Wafers Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Discases. Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Irritation of Uvula ayd Tonsils, ~â€" j Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Relieve the above complaints in ten minutes, * Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wofers Are a blessing to all Classes and Constitutions k Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are adapted for V ocalists aud Public Speakers‘ ‘_ Bryan‘s Putmonic Wajfers _ a Are in simple form and pleasant to the taste Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve but effect rapid and lasting cures. * Bryan‘s Pulmonie Woters Are warranted to give satisfaction to every 1 one. No family should be without a box of . Bryan‘s Pulmonic Woafers in the house. No traveller should be without a supply o Bryan‘s Pulmonic Warers in his pocket. | ho person will ever objectito give for * Bryan‘s Pulmonie Wafers * Twentyâ€"fve Cents. And every kind of tions. It i We ‘speak from experitnce in this mattor having tested it thoroughly, and thercfor those who are suffcring from any of the com plaints for which it is recommended may de pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishingâ€"flicacy of the Canadain Pain Destroyer, in curing the Discases for which it is recommended, and its wonderiul suecess in subduing the tortwring pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Afiecâ€" tions, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these complaints. < Orders are coming in from Medicine De@lers inall parts of the country for further supplies, and each testiâ€" fying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. JOB MOSES, Sole I‘rc Ranging from $18 Upwards, Table and Counter Tops, * 3 ennnnerrminn ainennntieeconteriremmey Wub;n-d-. Pier Slabs, &¢», â€"_â€"-â€"â€"“ mervmmme mss â€" â€" w ;; | onuments, Head«Stoncs, &c. * % es rs respectfully solicited arfd promptly exeocuted. ‘T"E OrtaAvA Tm l'r::' sx0 ills‘ Marble Works, Sparks St., every morning, (Sun' ys cnwfl& -row% o‘}‘u&',‘, 1 | Resert Davis, at the Times St08 ~__w.J. & A. K. Mi)t«. |. Works, No. 60, Sparks Street, l; wa, Feb. 12, 1866. > ks 48â€"uw | _ Ottawa, County of Carleton C. W. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, _ All Medicine Dealers keep it Physicians orderand use it ; and no family will be without it after once trying it. Price twontyâ€"five cents per Bottle, NORTHROP & LYMANX, Newcastle, C. W ,, Gencral Agents for Canada, Sold by Geo. Mortimer, John Roborts, W. M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J . Skinner, in Ottawa. s * RELIEF INX TEX MIN€C TD Amovng the most important of modern Medical discoveries stands the * CANADIANX PAIN DE Side, Back and Head, Coug} Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cr * Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Bowt] Complaints, Burn C Frost Bites. PULMONIC ~WAFERS! .___ Newcasruz. Sold by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in Ottawa. BA iz w £: i w " \i\"{ ’(u wg P T L. 713 /m !}:# yuss $ j February 13, 1806 Ottawa, Dec.1 8, 1865 Ottawa Dec. 18 1865 N MARBLIZED SLATE, AMERICAN, Italian and Arnprior Markig, at prices «CCoy «CC.y ©C,, + . cC, NHE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has particulatly Mantleâ€"Pieces ! a m : ) Theggroat cure for all 1/ y true and reli even in is wot 8, Sule Proprietor, New Yorx, XORTHROP & LYMAX, BRYAN‘S RJXNG _ WOnM, TL t AND ,SCURVEY e the Purest and moâ€"t 1 EDrvini. rauted 40 keep in is, Colds, imps in t Dysentry, s, Sealds, STROYEL by for { the 1â€"6â€"fiw 1.6f P THI 18â€"ut ALEX:" McDONALD, // Brass Founder & Finisher LOCKSMITH, ssIL. V IS1¢ l’L‘\'l‘l'Jl& : & Having purchased the ihterest of J AS Mean« HAS REMOVED HIS srop Corner of Sparks & Bank l&. Having purchased th the N. Y. Tribune says :1 h\'l‘l’l‘.i.dv. |m-\\'ly invented Fianoâ€"Fortes, PThey morit | all the praise given to them by Messrs. Thatherg ‘(iuth« halk, Strackosch, Mason and: othes. As‘ regards structure, they are uFi-j and ‘philufin]ihiu’&l: in purity, volume, ‘and conâ€" | tinuity ‘of tonc ; in vocal versimilitude, that | crowing excelence which enables the pianists | to " sing" on the instrument. â€" Your Pianosever ‘dou«:r\':- the highest rank; \'m::‘ilflllfiu,\ ; my opinion, is destined to work radical changes | in the mmanufacture of Pianos throughou, the | world, ie |\ _ From the N. Y. Herald,Sipt. 5.â€"Upon a | careful *examination of Dirce‘s Pianoâ€"Fare, L we find the results obtained are a very fine singing tone, preat purity and ILy l(bl'ulx.;."llm-ll. the intive infl_mm«m‘, n:t‘cfn th PIANO FORTES$ punty and McLncoas of tone. l They have received the highest lrsw. from the .Press, and all the principal artists in the country, atmong Which are ; Harry Sanderson, L, N. Gottschalk, «Marx Mared sck., K. Thaiterg, Theodore Eisheld, U ‘m, «Meson, Merman § ‘o"«nhaupg. «5. RarlHH, Francis H, Brown, «W. Strackouch, W‘m, Henry Fry, Cher, Pradel, An 8W In presenting the Avmamane Ozeas, ** boldly &Announce the grcatest triwoph it musical instruments of the age, During t« past half century, the French and Gamab have manufactured, reed instrument« «with double bellows, shd two pedi4s for the feet io operate, but the waht of the reversed or £* naCÂ¥#te» rervows, (which is the only bellos* uu:fi.n our instruments,) made it impossiblé for them to produce the mellow, rich and musical tone. for which ‘our instrumonts 4C cclebrated. s Another objection to this me:::‘df':‘ was, that both feet being eccu no * tunity was offered for the management of the swell. Within the past two years, instrument* constructed on this European plan of «double blowers," have been manufactured in this vountry, and to noununlth‘l“td‘"': of a swell) a lever has becn W‘“ centre of the instrument, m-fllr.""'“' AND OPERATED BY THE KXEE. 1“5“"2‘."?‘.:' All of ourinstruments have upO béard, in full, ©GEO. A. PRIN When a dealer represents any ws "the same as ours," it s attempt to sell an inferior he can make a large profit. P. 8.â€"A libreal discount to men and Schools. Address. GEO; A. PRIN WM. HMALL & #08, 54% Broadway, XEW YORE . Before purchasing, semd for a desoriptive catalogue, with price, Ottawa, Dec#18, 1865, * Ja T or Oak (‘OI.K‘!‘ * Every Instrument Warranted for FIVE Yean The Mclodeon and School Ofga®â€" § 852 to 8552 EACH! PHIRTY NINE V ARIETIES with PATENT â€" â€"BAX8SO TEXNUTG or SUB BASS ‘m possi SCHEOOL ORGAKS and MELODEON Autematic Crgans. 35,000 NOW in USE! TR Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 nstruction., Its pr vease of vibmton i ry simple and porse uc is rand and nold sustaining the sou lume of tomc or. peo celled in depth, p oetness, . WW: HENRY FRY rt Finisbed in Elegant i DRIGGS® _\ EW l'.\TL.\.T GEO, A, PRINCE 4 0o t, says;=â€"] have examined yourn , and T cordially approve of its votion., Its principal, by wh WILL J EEP ThÂ¥ ALLAKEEP CONST ARDIPLY ) 1 SEGESMUND THALBERG No Char Caution to th 1i furethi VRV FRV, late musical critic ot Turme SAY® :1 h\'l'flfiifi your nted Fianoâ€"Fortes. They merit given to them by Messrs. Thatherg Strackosch, Mason and: others. structure, they are sorginal and Y ours respoctfully ults 0 wroat, entin constr late of Ottawa SOLE AGENTS 18 As Ovier Sumung Bane, â€" Anventor. ‘By rin . much more â€" ie time | preservin c of tone. PATEXT Boxing or Shipping L M. GOTTSCHALEK rest of J As ald Sipt. 5.â€"Upon a { Diace‘s Piznoâ€"Fore, ained sre a vory fine purity and lLy instrument, not often (tod upon the old plan. seA ocd, Walnut materint F P5008, Of Whiq . By u..I im. OP® | NilifStop MeART&T» 1 Phsarshom of which groat mz edrib They ed Hang faety All Bing. d ipe ® Prano. Sfey O% Ogawa, February 7, and Elgin Stre Ottawna., Des. _ ormer : Un t_.bfluq 21, 1 DUN N A. L Domxin Ottawa, Jan. 1 Opric®: Am Otawa, Jan. 1 A'I" TORN Chancory Public, &¢., &¢ Orricr : Ove Etreel, Ottawa. P. J. Buosas Oftawa, Dec. 1 Romuet 14 Oitawa, Fobru January 27, 1 Crown Attorne; and Russell. Orzice : In t to Subscribes adcaner ; if n# pa The W ot Forcign adh p‘.,‘p.khu, 1 will be a most athors n-fli‘il{ Auy per®a8 scribers, (',ullJ‘ As the, the 184 vither l"" Mammoth Pos ged in the n-d‘ . Tesus or A tor the first i tor every sul l‘h @ra lt cou No Advorti put the wiutt VM‘ TroR N I Chancery. side of Vork t Cextral Ottaw W nifaam Do Oitawa, Fob. 7 les Pablic, do. _ Ormice: Te Vear‘s "OTT Prums w adhC ANKD , L&,h ?h‘-u. ttawa, Fob, MEsSSI Otawa, 1 W. MAE TPOR N , Chancery, PRA JONI A ot it i w â€" Orriqe in and for BUC A t 1t 18 Solicitors â€" A B ItLS DVOC A EDW P Notary P A RR 48 IÂ¥ik EVE W a copy Orric® dFrIC Orriors VCO Mas In

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