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Ottawa Times (1865), 23 Mar 1866, p. 3

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anted. ah. . There it # [u-. im frout, Â¥#~ Mn Son of mht ‘The best of re""." the Laties! | | sAv8pEH without any j#t OUSE! "e altached to use, and all are dealers in Sawed w-'r‘ “‘,." .’.u.h’ Memsvevces A ra of work, chis haen ap Y&Cco ‘The lot is then be better an act to incot YEAZIE LEVLI y0U08é. r Sale â€" VtOry kW 4 made by the Fitaroy, C Â¥. sE Accox« a > mat Over 1400 a N 1 114 "Tobaccos! At the same time and place A SECONDâ€"HAND ommm‘whm,um&l smail Grist Mill, or Oil Well. Itcan be seen. at Mr. Power‘s Sash and Door Factory, East side of the Canal Basin. TERMS oneâ€"thirdâ€"Cash ; balance in two and four months. HECTOR McLEAN, Avcrioxees. | Tuesday, the 10th day of April, 1866 ottawa, March â€"17, 1866 each 33 = 99. ' . mm__o‘â€".h:.l.fcsl; balance in 8 years at 8 YICTORIA WARD. G@EORGE mn_?.-u-o Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, pear Pooley‘s BM‘O P LITTLE BAY STREET.â€"That Lot of Land known 1 12. acd inb To\ ~~~~ ut mE ts as Keefer‘s Hill, say about one acre of Iand. BRIDGE STREET.â€"Lot No. 10, Block D, adjoinâ€" ing Mr. Merrill‘s, and nearly opposite the Hon. J. Skead‘s. *Bu;emi- o‘l:.‘o. '2‘5, MMW“,’:’;":'?:M; rv' ; well watered; buildings ; the best of land ; and within 5 miles of the city ; a :*Ma-hod road, and adjoining the resiâ€" of the late Captain Baker. F semmmemegy TOW®sHIP OF HULL. The West half of Lot 28, in the 5th Rangeâ€"100 aeres. This farm is in alimm of cultivation. @ood House, Barns, &c., Stables, all frame buildâ€" ings ; Orchard, &c., well watered and fenced, and rents for $160 per year. A good road, and within four miles of Aylmer Village. s TOWNSHIP OF EARDLY. : * Lot No. 16, in 9th Range, 200 acres, on the leadâ€" ing readâ€"the mail roadâ€"fromâ€"Aylmer to. Portage du Fort, 10 miles from Aylmer, the best of land and dnfid-l'mn‘,.m to Churches, Mills, asnd Market. . Also Lots 12 and13, inthe H1th aAVToTrICAIN s ALLO REAL ESTATE woxDPAY, THE . 26th § ‘At the hour of 12 o‘clock, The following property, viz. : West 4 of Lot No. 4; South side race, known as Mr. S. Workman‘s T EADOMLL dhconmre ) 1 ts West 4 of Lot No. 4 South side of Victoria Terâ€" race, known as Mr. S. Workman‘s Homestead, with 4 good stone building thereon, containing eight rooms, kitchen, and a good cellar, good stables and phouse. . The above Lot is in Block M.. _ BYâ€"eW ARD posite the Market. * CLARENCE STREKE_â€"North East hait ')‘f‘ ALUCTION SA REAL ESTATE ::m on'.‘pyobl- annually. lAle- paid by. purchasers. A large deduction will be -flou’o-h. Jg‘. WADSWORTH. Ottaws, March 14, 1 en " â€" thke At the hour of 11 o‘clock, a.m., mmmmmmm: LOT NO« 5, Ih Block J, Cathcart Street, Le Breton Flats, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and IÂ¥ Block E, Sherwood Street,.Le Breton Flats, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and nu RECEIVED _ INSTRUCTIONS® from MR. W AGGONER, to sell by.PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Russell House *A â€"osâ€" FRIDAY, THE 30th OF MARCH, Range ; good land, well watered and timberedâ€"400 AUVCTION SALE REAL ESTATE fi.mfi; is worth the dthnvislh‘gu:rh-. n-u-â€"wumm Posâ€" session given y. Ottéwa,â€"March 9, 1866. TOBACCO®! TOBACCOS! 4 MEERSCHAUM PIPES® : Cigars, Cigar Cases, and Cigarâ€"Holders ! Tegether with a large lot of FANCY GOODS, &c. J. G. IIMMER M AN, Corner of Sparks and Metcalfe Streets. $&" PLEASE CALL AND SEE. . Ottawa, March 10, 1866. 10â€"# rll MAP IS ENXGRAVEDON *TEEL, h:hr'a.onnn.loof ten miles to the tach, and $100,000, and four years‘ time to conâ€" strict. It shows 200,000 Cities, Towns, Villages, Market Places, Post Offices, Castles and Country Seats, with all the Railway Stations, and distances between each marked plainly, and the official name tOUNTY 4ND RALWAY MAP Compiled from the Ordnance Surveys, Ad« miralty Charts, and Official Railway Surveys» | e ENGCLAND, IRELAND, AND SCOTLAND â€"â€" Mector MeLean waAs BEEX INSTRUCTED To SELL A t the lBussell House, between cach M:;:lli'll‘f. and the official name and total length of Railway in ‘actual orn- tiomup to June, 1865. The Canals, Lakes, Rivers, West j of Lot No. 3, in Block M, on Albert Stroot, wl Pcett eijeets o interest tothe iourist are 4 ob interest to tou aro shown, as also the Steamship and Submarine Teleâ€" u-c.-,w&..u’uuum.w. EI-’M-‘:&GNM Statistics, would be cheap at Five Dollars, is, owing to the process of mw,,umum.m-dy low price of $2 25¢. _ Persons in this city who wish for the Map immeâ€" “].'-h?iodil turn ig'nldl their address through Post Office to c.ut;fiww. ,fi-wuhr-.lnhxmul‘m . _ March 14, 1866. \. 13.3 per cent. Title undisputable. * _ ;s Public Notice ll HEREBY GIVEN,! hat at the next Session of the Parliament of the Province of Canada apâ€" m“vilé: made for a SPECIAL Afi ::.I: & to ufim. extract, a Petroleum, withia the Counties of Leods, Grenville, Carieton, and Russell, to be called " THE CENâ€" TRAL CANXADA PETROLEU M COMPANY.* W. H. BROUSE, WILLI AM ELLIS, . _ C J. BRYDGES, THOS. REYNOLDS, M. K. DICKINSON, J. P. WISER, w.C. n%'w:..o“ C. N. P. CHAPMAN, M;{:wy 28, 1866. 64â€"2m TERMS3 oneâ€"half Cash ; balance in two years at COUXTY oP CarRLETO®, ' To Wit. Â¥3 z C NOTICE 1sS HEREBY GIVEX _ ig‘re* of OYER and TERMINEK aad GENERAL GAOL DELIVERY, and of ASâ€" SIZBE and NISI HUS.iludlqlh.ui‘Cu? «f Carleton, will be holden at the COURT HOUS: in the w of wa, on TUESDAY, the SEVENâ€" a ‘Iay. A{lll.. A‘;‘I)..h ]S:O;Hu the hour !“ » t whic M Magutrates, Baili .,Co.z;ua.nd.lluhonon- :-l. are required to TAKE NOTICE, and gorâ€" By Jis. B TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER. No. 10, with buildings thereon; one of the hab-‘u-m-bi-wh." * JUST RECEIVED a XEW sT0C%K or TOWNXSHIP OF NEPEAN. HECTOR McLEAN LLOYDS TOPOGRAPHICAL sale positive ATTHE RUSSELL HOUSE, given First of May CHEAP BRIARâ€"ROOT AND NOTCTICEK. are exhibited,, with the length or alâ€" LOT NXO. 16, HECTOR MeLEAN, & Avemioner®. T888 s T6â€"td Ortawa, â€"ON%â€" SIMON FRASER, 2#6th MARCH, Rexth, 1 Coumrn or sEVERAL DESIRâ€" ABLE residences, and business , in dirâ€" ferent parts of the city, and a number valuable vacant lots in the most fashionable parts of the city. The subscriber has received instructions to offer by AUCTION, on _ ; Thursday, the 1st of M Real Estate ! Postponed until further Noggp. Or Sevestyâ€"Five Hoass Pow All but new, having only been in use f months, and is nllm for Steam t ~ The ";3.‘ of the abo w op a properties, will be pnxi." on reasonable oneâ€"fourth cash, balance in equal ye ments of 1, 2 and 3 years wi& inter _ For any further informaktion, t PREVOST, ESQ., Mont 0:'2"-"2 MONXD, KSt. Ottawe.: [ _ _ . _ SALE AT 12 O‘CLOCK, Ottawa, Fob. 4, 1866. 6 OwING To THE INCLEMENCY OF THE WEA THER, THE ABOVE SALE Is £A&ITCEPION S.AILE â€"A LSO,â€" A Superior Steam E HERRINGS AND LEMONS Lower Town Market At 10 o‘clock in the Morning. Ottawa, February 21, 1866. Moxtazac, 20th day of February, 1866° PRESEXT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL _ |\ W.c.:..“’ BY AlA(;l' :.Ali‘ll) 18 twentyâ€"ninth year r 8 mw "An Aenom in- and spreading of di rs affecting cerâ€" tain animals," authority is given to the Governor in Council to take such measures as may be necessary in order to vent the introduction of conâ€" tagious or infectious E:rd'n affecting . lhooug. catâ€" tle, horses, and other animals, and check such disâ€" orders from spreading, if introduced ; And whereas a contagious disease or,cr-dtnic afâ€" fecting cattle prevails in many parts of Europe,and is increasing and extending its ravages, and whereâ€" as it is expedient, in w"lfi the introducâ€" tion of the same into this -eo.thnhl-‘m-- tion by sea of certain animals and articles should be bitedâ€"> Excellency i Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the mrwnun. and, under the authority given and by the said Act, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" dered, that on, from and after the FIRST day of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of cattle, sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat, skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other parts of such animais, hay, straw, and fodder, be, and the same is hereby prohibited ; save and except such cargo or cargoos, or part of cargo, as His Excellency in Council may hereafter seo fit to exempt from such prohibition. W. H. LEE, 0 0 | > Russell <â€"Ho FOUR SMART BOYS WANTED â€"__| ASs APPRENTICES, AT THE YORK STREET AUC'HO;V ROOMS M. E. CHAMBERS, February 28, 1866. surveys or boundaries, or for doing anything tendâ€" h‘hflmm':fifhlwpnyolahr ;nn'n:-. are hereby notified that they are required b; the 33rd and following Rules of the Legislative Coun. PAlfiu IN CANADA WEST intend= ing to make nlrzllentlan to the Legislature for Privsu or Local B'm. cither for grantin vile or conferring rate erg for comâ€" ’-':nlnf:'@n;-w :_ grglt.v;:r__ fogulating cil and bmnnvv'o Assembly respectively, (which are Bcblh in full in the Jum«m),t(o give TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the a plie“lologelou- ly and distinctly specifying its u&n and jootz_. in the Canada Gazette, and also ina newspaper pu lished in the CflI{:l' Union of Counties affected, nldh;"oo’h- of the frst and last of such notices, to the Private Bill Office of each House. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the /irst three weeks of the Session, A. TODD, | Chief Clerk Private Bill Office, . J. E. DOUCET, L. Assembly. Clerk of Private Bills, [ . k Geana® : . Ottawa, Fob. 23, 1866. y ** Fixaxes Derartuest, Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863. l‘! 18 DIRECTED BY THE -l.lhl:l. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed on American Invoices, which is to be in sccordance with the price of gold as represented by Exchange, at a rate equal thereto. Such notices to appear every Saturday in the Canada Gazerrr. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. Ottawa, March 2, 1806. “.nf" tage of deduction is to be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to apply‘to all purchases made Fixaxcs Derartuest, Custous, Ottawa, March 16, 1866. N ACCORDANCE WwiITH ABOVE lou«.mu hereby given that the authorizâ€" ed discount is declared to be 23 per cént, which per Woofl{}l‘od«. and in the United States Ottawa, March 19, 1866. Shortâ€" Hand Writing. ERSONS :llllllfl TO O‘I:A'l.fl : hase a copy of m EDITION of the LASH, a small work on Shortâ€"Hand Writht which has r been rblhhd in this city by M LOUIS PELTIER, ritm-Mr. It is written in a clear concise style, is condensed in such a manner as to permit the learner to embrace, by & single glance, as it were, the whole ensemble of Stenâ€" _ For sale ‘at Messrs. John Durie & ""s.'a"h Street ; and at Mr. James Hope, do. ; also at the office of this s Mhm,u.llu. $0â€"3 Important Sale AMERICAN INYOICESâ€"DISCOUNT® The following valuable properties, No. 1, North side York street, 3 Blacksmith Shop thereon. « 9, South side York st.,Â¥6x155, .. aud Outâ€"Houses, &e., &c. . «* 10, North side Cathcart st., 33x9 * tage, &e. * 5, South side Bolton st., 36x9% tage, &e. , * 5, South side Bolton st., 36x99 e tage, &c. . * 21, Sonth side Bolton st., 56x79 tage, &c. T « 23, North side Cathcart st., € Cottage, &c. + , * 18, Nerth ltd; MeTagart "st., ( C , &e. | ++ > 3 Wmul‘- 66x99, with ing; now occupied as & e-q Private:. Bil car. G, \\’m side Sussex st.. 33x1 adjoining J. F. Caldwell, H, West side, Sussex st., 33x1 adjoining P. A. Eagleson, T, North side Cathcart ‘st., 33 8, North side Cathcart st., 33 9, North side Cathcart st., 33: 2, East side Metcalfo st., 66x 7, East side Metenife st., 66x 13, East side Dalhousic st., 66x 16, 17, 18, Daley st., Northeast, cant. \ 16, 17, 18, Besserer st., No vacant. & South Rideau st., 66x198, wi »storey . stone . buildings, storey stone store, all in der,â€"now giving a rental EVERY DAY AT HECTOR MeLEAN, Auctioneor. Clerk Executive Council Avcrion®®® L}'u: EPH AUâ€" ngine o valuable terms, say arly instalâ€" est at 7 per , vacant. , vacant. 99, vacant. . vacant. | , vacant. | k vu.-lnd 66x99, vaâ€" r about six Saw Mills, h two three and â€" three rate orâ€" $2200 ‘a , with Cotâ€" 6x99, with 5, vacant, |=C, 6x79, with with House , with Cot one build inct ware 5, vacant, ast, 60x9 Viz. arch, with Cot wigh Cotâ€" 63â€"tf §7â€"t.8.0« 41â€"td Wednesday, March 14th Inst, And following days, at TEN o{clock, a.m., anthe Market Square, Lower Town APPLES AND ONIONS ! In condition, comprising Greenings, Spitsen hl’:fifld'i-.jfl ll.n'::m- h -..,,P.AL_ 'fio‘ owner being about to leave the City, takes this as the quickest method in disposing of them. Dealers and others will find this an excellent o?or- tunity, and the last of the season, for securing cheap ROWE & BOYDEN LOT, situated on Albert Street, Centre Town, imâ€" mediately in rear of the Queen‘s Printing Office, second street from Sparks Street. For further particulars, apply to | ; * ROWE & BOYDEN, + *! Auctioneers. Ottawa, March 14th, 1866 IXN THE MATTER OFJ AMESS. BANGS, AN INSOLYVENT. N siATURDAY, THE lr‘h pay oFr P MAY next, the unddrsigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court, for a discharge under the PROVINCE OFâ€"CANADA;, ) In the County Court County of Carleton, of the County of To wit \ Carleton. O 1¢ PLUMBING, &c., | ovgaHT To BE LEFT AT P â€"| Esmonde Bros., PURE KEROSENE OIL ! Ottawa, March 6, 1866 SINGER â€" SEWINE MACKINE ! HAI CREATED THE GREATEST sonsation in the city. Hundreds have been to see it, and all are charmed with its performance. No fault can be pointed out in its oe-!mfiu., It is as noiseless as the most noiseless, and so nlixlxo that A CHILD CAN DO BEAUTIFUL WO WITH IT! i R The sale of this Machincis entirely unpro= cedented, and a decided success has attended its introduction. 1t will do fine work better than any machine yet madé, and can be changed to do coarse work in a second, having the straight needle with a perpenâ€" dicular action, it has nfany advantages over the crooked or curved needlie machines. IT DOES IT3 WORK EASILY ANXD SECURELY. Great Excitement! Queen of Sewing Machines! ‘The Shuttle is so constructed that the thread draws from it with much more precision than forâ€" merly, and will not vary its tension, whether going fast or slow, snd makes the stitch casier in heavy cloth than can be done by any other machine. Singer‘s Manufacturing Machines. ‘The vibrating toot presser attached to them are a decided improvement, enabling the operator to stitch patent or enamelled leather, without ‘oiling, in order to facilitate the operation of fndlnth. The vibrating mmnr (which is used in all kinds of fancy stitching) permits any curve to be turned while the machine is in motion. It is a great adâ€" vantage to the operator in QUILTING, in running up straight seams; and many other adnnt:n-. w‘ieh only can be understood and appreciated when seen in operation. Creat Reduction in our Prices One and all give us a call. Needlies, Oil, &c., for sale. Sewing Machines nrlnd. % OI‘HCEâ€"JZ. SPARKS STREET. A. C. BEACH & €O,, fl'Signo{theOodOllhntem.“a“ " SOLT SUIORe k9 4 Ottawa, Feb. J9, 1866 BBLS. N h 200 SBue OF‘ MESS AND PRIME Packed and inspected ‘by R. Kisty, Esq., of Ottawa. t d Act. Groceries & Liquors. . B@J" Country Merchants would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. f 1 D. WHELAN, Rideau street. _ 0 BBLS. PRIME MESS, AND 0 BBLS. MESS PORK. _ 0 BBLS. WU“- ‘h FEW BBLS. DRIED APPLES. f~ +BX 8. CHRISTIE. ! Commission Merchant. es JAMES 8. BANGS awa, Tenth day of March, 1866. 15 Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1866 TN Te smtertigned onl appl4 8 the moat samoing ors will a e session of Parliament of this ‘rwhu for an act Mn%hu admission as a Member of the Law MmrMudhhunulh’lud vgesr© H. BEXNARD. Ottawa, Fob. 17, 1866. $2â€"2m ASâ€"FITTING ! NOTICE OF APPLICATION. awa, March 17, 1856 Insolvent Act of 1864. BY PUBLIC AVCTION. AVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTION® to sell without reserve on % TOR S P OR K. ORDERS FOR SELLING OFF TERMS CASE. _ ROWE & BOYDEN, Auctioncers PRATT&Co WinterGoods FTOR SALE. ‘CENTRAL OTTAWA, _ (Opposite Bishop‘s Hotel.J ON HAND a large Stock of Caxaniax Tweens, Scorcnm Tweens, Dokskins, Broapctots, FraxszLs, &¢., &¢. Also a comâ€" plete stock of Coats, Vests, Paxts, Sumts, Sasues, Parer Comnars, For Cars, Ccoru Cars, Horse Buaxkerts, &¢. mNO. 60, Sparks Street All‘oft which will be sold at &A REpUCTION WIHCH HAS BEEX JUSTLY STYLED THE 10 to 15 per Cent. fi"_Cnll and see. T@ BARGATNS WILL BE GIVEN GREAT REDUCTION ty NO SECOND PRICE. Goods marked in plain figures. Ottawa, Feb. 4. 41â€"3m For Sale, A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN Arso, a LaRGE stock o# QN T. A LARGE QUAXTITY oF MESS Pratt & Co. Selling off. SELLING OFF AT A OF FROM 13, Sparks St. THE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 23, 1866. T5â€"td 13 y 16 2 66â€"y §3â€"tf Tlll sSUBSCRIBER HAVING BY A new and spectal .rrufio:flt been .PP'.':Q‘ by MESSRS. JACQUES & Y, of Toronto, their sole and onl{ agent in Montreal, for the Sale. by Auction, of their splendid FURNITURE, takes the earliest opportunity of announcing to the citizons of |.Montreal, and the public generally, that he will from time to time during the ensuing Spring, offer at his spacious and well established premises, the various extensive consignments direct from this eqlebrated establishment, ombuoin* all the new styles of their elegant and claborately caryed and polished * No. 267, Notre Dame Street in every variety and description necessary to meet the demands J modern un?:md oonnnl?m. In addition to the sale at his own Stores, the sale of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS at the private residence of parties docllni:{ House~ keeping, or removing from the city; will -:im' speâ€" description are respectfully solicited. Increased faâ€" cilities have been secured, with a view to the effiâ€" cient earrying out this department of the business, in W:.i”: ensure t?e greatest oe&my lm deln- n disposing of property, so that sellâ€" rl:cmg can r:n thehp M":)flll( sales tgc;npmudn immediately after each sale. d ‘A great hardship has been felt by both buyors and sellers, the former being taxed lll::llly with une per cent on the amount of purchaee, t the latter by the exorbit ant charge for commission and adverâ€" tising. . Now, the undorsigned proposes to do I'A( with thl:‘frieunce as far as Ri- own business is concerned, by undertaking the sale of Real Properâ€" ty, on conditions which it is hoped will meet the views of all parties, namely : 1st.â€" There will be no charge of one per : cent . to the | _ purchaser. iniap td 2nd.â€"When bone fide sales are effected not exceedâ€" ‘ing £5,000, the commission will be £5 ; and on amounts from £5,000 upwards only £10, exclusive of the cost of ldv.flill:f; upon which the regular trado discount 25 per cent will be allowed. iefosiimes 3rd.â€"When proporty is bought in, reserved, or withâ€" / . drawn, no charge will be made, except the |__ actual disbursements for advertising. The undersigned avails himself of this 0 ‘oflnnl- :lyl;of returning his sincere thanks to the é lic for the very liberal patronage bestowed on him during the past four years, and trusts by prompt attention to?bup:i‘l)eu. and strict adherence to "“pt foregoing proposals to meet a continuance of the same. N. B.â€"All orders loft at the office will meet with prompt attention. L DEVANY, \ Avcmoxeer as» Commssio® Mrrcnast, And Agent for the sale of Real Estate., Montreal, March 3, 1866. b5â€"y DEALERS in all securities marketable at the New York Stock Exchange. , Acâ€" counts kept in coin and in United States curâ€" rency, and interest allowed on deposits of each, uu&j(-ég to check at sight., The Magazines for the Month. _ Particular attention giyen to the accounts of Foreign and Country Banks and Bankers.: January 18 1966, § _ 26â€"3m New Chs%mnuuud Edition of Don Quixote. Blblu&lh‘ooq Society; by the Man in the Club ow. 3 The BhoB:ord and His Flock : by McDuff. Moliere Characters ; by C. Cowden Clarke. Wives and Dls‘li'hun ; by Mrs. Gaskell. FOR SA BY JOHN DURIE & SON, I No. 10, Sparks Stroot. Nttawn . March 1. 1866. «+ 62â€"y Ottawa, . March 1, 1866. > @UEBEC BANEK A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Has been opened at this Branch, and interest wil be allowed on Deposits of ge Four I;c.)fi;:{‘ds 33"&"' E;wgrds. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866. Mll. R.R. HA MIL TON, LA TE OFHAM«+ ILTON‘8 Saloon, corner of Sparks and llfin Streets, has removed to the American Hotel, (forâ€" M‘L Mathews‘ Hotel) on York street, where he will h.p;y to see his old friends. Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1866. 53â€"y KB e liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the Saloon, wouldâ€"inform his friends and the public generally, that he has leased the above premises, 'Mehhol::rn into m thorough state of nrir. repainted, decorated, and refurnished with a!! the latest sgllueu of comfort. No exertions or expense will be spared by the Proprietor in renderâ€" ing his house second to none in Ottawa, and parties favoring him with their support may rely on the ELA MILTONS HOTEL, strictest attentien to their wishes. Goodstabling in rear of the premises. Wines and Liquors of the choicest description always kept. Ottawa, Feb. 19, 1866. 53â€"y \HOWEH & SON, BOOTS, SEOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS, WE ARE NOW SELLING TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF 2 i TT EN‘LIO N. At ;;-euly reduced prices, as. y'o intend furnishâ€" ing with an entire new Stock of ABâ€"Boots, sHoES, &¢., MR fAll ANd WINTER G000S ! Now is the Time for Bargains ! G. HOWE & SON, 69 Sussex Street, and 10 Rideau u’gt.‘ Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866. orsmszoig'{ }ga,ox‘sms 1 OYSTER S | New York, CELEBRATED CAN AND SHELL OYSTERS ! k DAILY BY EXPRESS! I AT THE Ottawa, February 28, 1866. California Lunch North Gower ! North Gower ! TBE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to inform the inhabitants of the County. of Carleton and surrounding country, that he has one of the best mills in the Province, worked by horse power, and giving the meal in a pure and perfect state, and at prices that will insure satisfaction to all parties. _ _ n Oatmeal! Oatmeal! The above firm is situated about one mile from North Gower Corners, and is known by the name ot the ‘ o nelgaoe oo inlt se j in present are $5.00 the best pure D“F“,e.-‘ dmhlfl'w 14 Ibs of wA Orvice Hovas:â€"From 10 a.m. to 3 oOs Nt V. KOEL _ (PorwERLY MATTHEW‘8 HOTEL,) YORK STREET, OTTAWA. . R. HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR, Late or Haxmtox‘s Saroox. f BLACK WALNUT FURNITURE! # LOOKWOOD & 00. / B A NK E RS. No. 94, BROADWAY, |_ LONDON £OCIETY. _ _ foky CORNHILL TEMPLE BAR ENGLISHWOMAXN. BOW_ BELLS. A f FAMILY HERALD. 4 CONTEMPORARY REVIEWâ€"Edited by the Dean of C‘M.I‘b\l?. (NEW.& NEW YORK W EEKLY MAGAZINE. (NEW) EVERY SATURDAY. .}Nl'm GODEY, HARPER, and DEMOREST, ror Jannary 3, 1866. The New Books. R. H., in returning thanks for the TE EMOV AL. Marcu. O & It D . East River, Next door to Hamilton‘s Hotel, York Streot, Lower Town. North River, Fair Haven, and ROBERT THOMPSON. NEW YORK Manager. 47â€"utf 61â€"4 AWFUL S ACRIFICE! | sut BANKRUPTCY AVOIDED ! Extraordinary Announcement $2,000,000 Efizsne “, ‘® Gold and Silver W atches" Splendid Jewelry, French Clocks, Diaâ€" mond Rings, Pianos, Melodeons, Sewing Machines, Bilver Ware, &c., &c., to be disposed of at TWO DOLLARS, each article, without regard to Value! . Grand International Mecting of Manuface turers of Watches and Jewelry. The following hasbeen resolved, that in conseâ€" ‘ uence of the ruz Stagnation of Trade, and in orâ€" . aorlo rolieve from pecuniary ‘embarrassments o¢â€". casioned by a distressing War, and to avoid ‘ GOLD AXND SILVER. $2,000,000 worth of goods from their Stock, must be sold in the course of six months, AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS . As a pnlh\in:;y they would remafk that they manufacture and sell no brass or imitation of Jewelry, I & ALL ARE WARRANTED GOLD 1 » The articles to sell at,/TWO DOLLARS each, no matter how costly it may be, and consist of Splenâ€" did Hunting case Gold gnd Silver Watches, French Clocks, Rings sot with |Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls and other precious Stonds (Solitaire and in clusters) Ladies‘ Setts of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Rinr of the most fashionable and recherche style, Gold and Enamelied Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Chains of all descriptions, &e., &c. Silver Ware, (extra rlned) comprising Castors, Butter Dish, beautifyl { chased and enfnved, Table and Tea Spoou,&o lets, &o., &o., Pianos, Melodeons and Sewing Machines of the ‘hest makers. _ ‘The price of each article varies from SIX TO EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS. # How Wo Shall Proceed. We have adopted the plan of sale now so P‘Tfl“ of charging a uniinnn price, and this price will be $2 for cach article, regardless of value. The exâ€" penses of conducting our Agoncy are paid by the sale of cortificates, or coupons, representing the vaâ€" rious articles. These certificates are sold at FIFTY CENTS each or 5 for $2.00, and each certificate will show the holder the particular article he or she is entitled to on payment of an addition $2.00. The expenpfil ‘of Freight and Packing Pianos or Sewing Machines will be Paid by the Parties who are Entitled to theim» fered, and on il;{'zi{piiiéfi_".'éi‘réii.’r'af terms will be forwarded. \We prefer money sent in Post Office orders where they can be obtained, or by Bank In every part of the United States and Provinces, and to all such vlr{ liberal inducements will be ofâ€" fered, and on application a circular of terms will Drafte, to our }f""' Please write your Name, Town, Copnty and State plainly, and address all orders to. . | | _ | 5 ‘DE TREY & CO., | | _ Agents for Manufacturers, ds sect ied fca mt ul 34 Liberty St., New York. . AGENTS ARE WANT ED March 3, 1866. SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, Blol TO INTIMATE TO THE IN» habitants of Ottawa and nrmmdin& country that he has opened n%EED STORE in the above premises, where he has on hand every variety of taining full cultural directions,â€"will be 'r;.:‘{ in a few days, and may be had gratis on application. . Garden, Agricultural and Flower Seeds, He has also a GREENHOUSE attached, in which will be found a great variety of Hothouse plants. BOUQUETS SUPPLIED. > Ottawa. March 5, 1866, 4 65â€"3m FINEST WORKMANSHIP ! EXTRAORDINARY MERIT Must belong to that which pleases every and such is the case with y"° Buchanan‘s Unrivalled Mixtu MOCHA JAVA, AND JAMAl Roasted and ground daily, on the uremises, steam power. R@J" Consequently, always to be had in highest state of perfection. l Sussex and Wellington Streets. Ottawn, Jan. 20, 1866 esy: > 98 | _ YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE ‘MABKET ! | oTTAW A, BANKRUPTCY:! Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. Bold by George Mortimer, John Roberts W M Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinne in LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthmi and lengthen the hair. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spots are covâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luzxzuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delightâ€" ful fragrance and rich, glossy appearance inpartâ€" ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the skin, scuulp, or most elegant headâ€"dress. Sold by all Druggists, I Ottawa Dec. 29, 1865 All warranted Fresh and Genuine. " .DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, â€"â€" conâ€" ANY SaACRIFPICE! Just Received ALMERIA GRAPES, 8T. MICHAEL ORANGES, LENMONS, ENGLISH FILBERTS, TURKEY FIGS, _ TOMATOES, in Tins, GREEN PEAS, %@ GREEXN CORXN, 4 MUSHROOMS, | « _ c PEACHES, s / BEANS, * 66 Jas. Buchanan, Susser & Wellington Streets. A SUPPLY ON HAND AND FOR BALE. Susser & Wellington Streets. Ottawa, Fob. 10, 1866. 46â€"tf COFFEES ! JAMES VON LAER, SELTER‘S WATER! Jas. Buchanan, 34, LIBERTY STREET, OF JAS. BUCHANAN, 10â€"7 Ottawa, March 10, 1866. 800 STRAW HATS, ** Oapital" Wl ARE NOW MASUFACTURING IN THE and CHOICE VARILETY of the following 0(:;;1:, whic V AREIRLT M TR "inn®n Booirn t WI mmE POV AOETTTCE OMIA TT RCGRLLIEALL Auchnaube af and CHOICE VARILETY of th fdlofly Goods, which for beauty of design, style Superior Workmanship, CANNOT E; SURPASSED 1 PLUNGE 143AÂ¥ sPONGE J SITZ FOOT CHILDREN‘S WE ARE MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. They will keep the water deliciously cool and sparkling. For Saloons, Public Buildings, Household or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, being both useful and ornamental. Railway Companies, and others who have the health and comfort of themselves and people under their care in view, are solicited to CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, whether they purâ€" chase or not. Toilet and Bedâ€"Room Setts of Japanned Tinware. Cooking Stoves !â€" Cooking Stoves ! ' IRON BEDSTEADS. ‘IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES CHEAP! BIRD CAGES CHEAP ! & LAMPS : CHILMNEYS !!â€" WICKS ! !! . COATL, OILTâ€"COATL, OILLEâ€"COAL. OLL y '.RE“ :sul.l attention to all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT WORK ; and every description of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware on hand, and made to order. Milk Pans, Milk Strainers, Pails and Strainers, K_Aâ€"pl:S;lgfi Kettles, Agricuitural Furnaces, Farmetrs‘ Btoves, Cistern Pumps, and all kinds of Dairy Utensils made to order. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR IT WE PURPOSE SELLING OUR PRESENT £TOCK OF STOVES AT REDUCED RATES. i¢ *3 THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT. â€" 6 35, SUSSEX STREE1. / H. MEADOWS & Co. Ottawa, March 1, 1866. Al EXCELLENT FARM, THE SOUTHe« ERLY half of Lot L, in Concession A, Rideau Ti o en ane foiat ale toy o Piane." .. _‘ ree mi rom ity wa. ‘ APPLY TO DUNCAN SINCLAIR. March 19, 1866. eEErLipez2sâ€" house, & m.;{ and a hall high, iwo gad Barns built of Cedar, 200 feet of sheds, all Cedar, oneâ€"half floored. The Farm has one bunâ€" dred acres cleared, and is well femced with Cedar. 100 acres is covered with good‘hard wood.. The property is within seven miles of the City of Ottawa. A good living stream runs through the middle of the lot. The whole will be sold onreasonable terms TL MRE NE adete No Ridese Ramt, 41 M 4 Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Streetâ€" T ts mo oity of Oftewar _ â€"_â€" . _ _ __ o0 _ _ Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being s.nmumw« the front part of Lot 20, Junction Gore, Township of Gloucester, as laid on application to the ietor, on Lot No. 3, in thi Temh Rangse rw-h'sra' * pncatigans RICHD. BURIZE, Proprietor. . ga" Or to the Trurs office. MTCF Ottawa, March 6, 1866. i;-"fia'p'nw & a PaÂ¥~ Money to Lend on Real » February 10, 1866. 2 SAW MILLS, 1 FLOUR MILL, EX« other Machines ’1‘7.‘." .oéam%f-‘c?‘ 000 acres 6 Seores; Wharres : #o., 40. pomidann < . .‘ s .. & Ottaws, &l".m £ T U M BE R M EN. ! . WILL BE DEALT LIBERALLY WITH FOR SHANTY SUPPLIES ! &®" CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS will find it to their advantage to deal at the CAPITAL" BTOVE DEPOT. A Liberal Discount is always allowed on all articles burchased. BPITLTERING COFFPEH POTPS! CA LI 4 Apply to PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS INVITED TO A JOB 1.01 Go to the " CAPITAL! New Spnng f GdOdS. P‘OERFR SA GAI Ottawa, For Sale at a Bargain. FTFOR SALE, CUKNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S NEW SPRIXG HaATsS, _ _ CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S NEW SPRING BONXNETs, CUNNINGHANM & LINDSAY‘s NEW DRESS GOOD§, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S NEW BLACK SILKS, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S NEW FANCY SILKS, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAYS NEW FEA'rm:ns," CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S NEW BONNET ORNAMENTsS, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S NEW PRINTS. _ KEW BLACK COBOURGS. * KEW BLACK LUSTRES. XEW CRAPE CLOTHS®. _ _‘ KEW MOTTLED ALPACAS. | XEW STRIPE MOHAIRS. o | e NEW CHEXEL MOHANEANXD LUSTRES P XEW DRAB JEANS. t § XEW STRIPE SHIRTINGS. _\ XEW COTTON ANXD LINEN TICKS, + XEW COTTON DRILLS. y XEW FRENCH PRINTS. ; KEW WATER PROOF MAXTLE CLOTHS. _ | XEW MELTONX MANTLE CLOTHs. [is‘ HOUII AND _ FARM IN the TOWNSHIP OF HULL. A good new comfortable dwellingâ€" house, a storey and a half high, two B .A T H S ! FROM 25 TO 75 CENTS EACH. LAND, MUTCHMOR & C€0, farch 13, 1866 Inspection InviteC WMATEFEF COOLERS ! Making a Good Cup of Coffee, retaining all the SHOW EL BATHS, Stove Depot,35, Sussex St., Ottawa, FPARMERS, ATTENTION ! LEWIS & PINHEY, THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE IN THE CITY! 10th Marc WHOLESALE & RETAIL, . MEADOWS & CO.. DPIFFERENT PATTERN®. , on Lot No. 3, in the â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"aup 6 «m Spring Stock ., Ottawn. P . 66â€"1m T1â€" 20, Sparks St. h, 1®=66. LOTS AND HOUSES. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN 'Wl‘l‘llll TWOâ€"ANDeA«HALF MILES of the City Limits, with A DWELLING HOUSE erected thereon. One ‘half of the land is eleared and well fenced. These pr?ruu are worthy the attention of intending jpurchasers, and will be sold CHEAP. s INXDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEX. For further particulars .pd;ly to W M. CLEGG, E8Q., Ottawa, Feb. 22, 1866. CITY PROPERTY ! THA‘I‘ ELIGIBLE PROPERTY known as WOODROOFFS, owned b{ the late Captain Baker, beautifally situated on ichmond Oe C ies ce o Wudsins "Annbstatew SBn Road, within five miles from Ottawa, containing 300 acres or thereabouts, being composed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st Concession Ottawa, Front on Nepean, *‘Aiso P r ’:L“:&*W.“ o ociece Toply oo the or tei i to Cnarues Foreest, M 1'_"_"_‘:‘!":‘;3;" ln-wâ€"l-:-h;â€".""‘".â€"“'m" m ALSO, several vacant lots in various parts of the »4y« TERMES REASONABLE * February 10, 1866. ie NE Renemeo e 90 ACRES OF LANXD oN THE PRESâ€" COTT road, in the Township of Gloucester, and adioining Charles Smith‘s f t.g-nâ€"cbut 2 miles For furthet w.‘z »bruary 20, 1866. FOR SALE OR TO LET. F‘or Sale or to ABOVE PREMISES A l)_l'.lAlLE‘ TWO SIZES8. CA â€" THREE SIZES. TWO SIZES. > |â€"â€"~THREE SIZES. ; #&, . ‘, > THREE SIZES TIIS. ONE SIZE PT‘OFR SALE. FOR SALE, GoxsITING OP _ _ _ 25 ACRES*OF LANXD XF Bamuster, Telegraph Building, Ottawa Ciiy iculars apply to Cm ROW AN, Ottaws. Merrickville, or to _ LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, Ottawa. " Q+ '?7 ca A 4 stru den Boarding Mouse, or a O ion Storeâ€"consists « apartment®, (dnn-ib O â€"| 37# 37 feet, and 3 sto years ago, but Pain Â¥Year‘s Day. 1t is fi U by recent unish. Fri ALSO, TC m A commodious STO! ments, &c., a w snn L0AE Li 52:’ 70â€"3m 56â€"f â€"~ T AYLMER,«=The comâ€" s ’\\ A modious house ‘and premises forming the Northâ€"east corner of + the Court House Square and Main Street, now vccupied by H. Chepmell, Esq. *Apply at this office. Ottawa, March 15, 1866. * T5â€"0 Kakes â€" T10 LET, .‘ , PespeotiWely, , suese TO LE T.=â€"=â€"A large Stone Building of 15, TO LET.=â€"=â€"A Photographic Gallery, & TO LET.==Sevcral Flats of 5 and 6 Apartments, 1‘6 LET.â€"â€"Premiscs suitable for a Grocer, Drug Ch;udiere. Orttawa, arch 6, 1866. gist, or Hotel, _ _ _re> REXTsS MODERATE: "®L All in fine Stone Buildings, well situated, and within ten minutes‘ walk of the Government Buildâ€" ings, Uttawa. R EeE m PEPiTHPHS~ dence, Respectable Motel, Ac« Boarding HMouse, or a General Grocery and Provisâ€" ion Storeâ€"consists of Two Cellars and other 15 apartments, (divisible into two tenctaents); area 31# 37 feet, and 3 stories highâ€"built nearly three years ago, but Painted, &c., only since last New Â¥Year‘s Day. 1t is free from damp, whilst elegant y recent tnish. â€" Frame Stable, and Shods in rear. ALSO, TO SELL OR LET, A commodious STONE COUTTAGE of Ten Apartâ€" ments, &c., adjoining the foregoing. Should these valuable Hofies remain unsold at Muy next; they will be let for 4 or $ years,.at modeâ€" rate rentsâ€"or let in meantime, subject to sale, The '.n-pricmr intending to leave Ottawa, prefers to sell even at lar prices, on easy terms of pay ment. The proprictor intending to leave Ottawa, prof to sell even at lar prices, on easy terms of payme For further particulars, npfily to * JOHN MACAULAY, Duke Street, Chaudiere OR TO MESSRS. SCOTT & ROSS, P Barristers, &¢., &c., Ottawa Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1866 ""%~ .> â€" RTCP in the Township of 0s goode, County of Carleton, West half of Lot No. 34, 6th Concession, 50 Acres cleared. On the Lot is a good Log Hyuse and Barn. For further particulars, as to price wnd terms, upply to HENRY ROBERTSON, Osgoode Post Office. Osgyode, March 17, 1866 Farm to Let for a Term of Years. $ }~ THE NO R T H â€" WE 8 T ‘ 2 (gn-r(ernf Lot No. 16, in the, 11th Concession of Pakenham, will " be let on the most reasonable terne«. There are on the Farm a comfortable Dwelling House, good Barn, and Stable, &¢. There are about 40 acres clearedâ€"of a quality not excelled within 50 miles of its situation. ‘bimn from R. R. station at Packenbam 1} miles. Immediate possession will be given. â€" Engquire of ROBERT HARRIS, EsQ., . a M L m amamnn c 4 paremb xt Antrim P. 0., Fitrroy ; ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Kinburn P. °0.; or NOBLE WALLACE, North Gower P. 0. e uc Shop and Dwellin=â€"House for Sale n â€" ll THE VILLAGE OF im 12 RICHMOND, 18 milés from the Clty of Ottawa. An ex¢ellentopen Ceet"~~ ing for a General Merchant. For particulars upply to thé Proprietor on the premises. GEORGE BROW N. Richmond, February 10, 1866. 46â€"ut? School House, will be sold for _ One HMundred Pounds Cash Each. _ Also THREE WOODEX HOUSES IX LETTER 0. Ottawa. â€" Also desirable Building Lots! In Lower Town and in Upper Town, (near Kew Edinburgh, . January 31, 1866 In Lower Town and in Upper Mr. Gilmour‘s.) Apply at the office of the «= Lo'rl 9 AND 10, ON ~ Bouth Bide Snrh Etreet, nearly ofipuiu the on which the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Street in rear of the above. > ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND hth‘l‘o'nlhigdom,m about halt a mile from Billings Bridge, This land gan be sold en blee or in lots of 5 acres. For fartber particulars, apply to . _" _ â€" =~ TIIA‘I' VALUABLE PRO» k PERTY known asâ€"T. M. BLASDELL‘S HOMESTE A D, con â€" taining about WO ACRES, beauâ€" tifully situ on the Ottawa River, being Lot One, Nofi{ side Wellington Street, City of Ottawn, with the Dwelling and outhouses th¢reon. _ | â€"~ l 2x_>2 T BLA taini tifully situ on the Nurt{ side Wellingto the Dwelting and out! Apply to smaller of 10 apartments. Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866 Cheap Homes for Sale. A large Two storey W Building, on the corâ€" md!mm. This House is lined with Brick, furné with and windows and Venetign Blinds. There is\ a large Kitchen and Shed attached, with l'--lr. and other Buildâ€" ings in lhe(nd. This is well adapted for a swre*.‘nm , Boarding , or private residence. or further papticulare y to * J. . JHANLY, a. AM es Bandy Hill Ottawa, February 10, 1866 a good aweliing and sh ing is covered with tin, to rear, 74 feet, lt is a Terms reasonable, Apply to To Sell or Let in Ottawa. Fitzroy, March 10, 1866. Ottawa, Feb. £, 1866 EOR SALE OR TO LET To parties commenciny to build, village lots, mdmouof-ev m'lll'teooldg moderate rates, and the| whole of th¢ purchase money, if desired, can ten y on the property, at six per cf h(art. â€" New Edinburgh, â€" January 23, 1866 Village of New Edinburgh, HOMES FOR SALE. And three -o;fo‘" dt*‘!u!’ cottages, on the \ _____ banks of the Rideau River, . Outside the ity Limits Will be sold, subject t Leases, all of which will expire this year. [> °_ _ â€"|_ Farm tor Sale. é‘...‘:..;“t.'.“ffm"."."u?, Lot ;‘o‘_'_ 22. _'fi:_ -'-1: ell. Terms will be 1i} I Ottawa, March 1, 1866. For particulars, APPLY To TLand for Saleâ€" TOR SA LE POFE SA LE. Apply at the office of the O LET, JTTCor Sale, ON soOUTH BIDE RIDEAU 8 (nearly opposite Work & Griffin‘s,) a good & three ty Stone House, with ALARGE STONE BUILD» ing, eligibly situated, and con structed either for. a Private Resi DESIRA BLE ?méik% FaQ» g ROW OF SIX XEAT COTTAGES, painted, in New Edinburgh, opposite the ner Blogk, N EYVERAL STONXE " DWELLINGS, in the corâ€" LEWIS & PINHEY, Burhuu. &e., Otawa JOHN MACAULY. ho us of Tien are straneg. MACKAY ESTATE ACRES GF LAND oHN MULCAHEY. ACKAY ESTATE GAR YIELDING below. The buildâ€" |‘extends from front )d business stand. The 70 66â€"1m and a 37â€"3m 14â€" 46â€"utf 13â€"¢ 46â€"ntf 42â€"4f

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