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Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Mar 1866, p. 1

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E :“'v? an k .. Coue * O Pn MH l ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, &¢c, mients an ' Orric®: Ilufl:»'o B-l'\l-linp.' corner of B';nnls hs®, o nl hag asd Elgin Streets, Ottaw a. Grand Pianeâ€"Fort Otawa, Dec. 18, 1866. k ns 1â€"y us ind M. McLEOD, '"**- Lo insin ARRISTER, Etc., for Lower Canada. i e ' Owricks : Cuu:l uu:n. Ayimorand Buckingâ€" s»ced by any 4 lum. C.E. i int. Your Pianosever Lodbow datcs t ‘Times WB wecs C984 keep on hang Shatagâ€"] ~ OoRrTEg trung Base, of whis ntor. Which Lh _ _ BY these in ve of its system !J"!":"! -m..:’ b-'bl;*‘:h. i whilacacdrif CV | urity and ‘y ustrument, not oftes red upon 12, -y-&: ut an eq'-hl..’.p Cme per wnate :ma’-'em; an ordinary cases tae ago --db""“'. occupied, no PME nee is mm two yc «dquble pean plan of 905. o sb pendage is nes® Riawa 1so i they *n-. greut :‘-': it of k. in& nt of the case. arp form of sp *0y "matee rig a>., k emincnt eminent ience of . * Made to ort.... r-n..;b‘* te musical crille of _ have examined your ALL & 543 1 nd for a TILK®, with PABST or SU B BASA p °¢ TCPOred to, do now and desparey, & ONsT q !'n.' oa f Prumbers AÂ¥ TF.MM { the tom® » orgs* ",, 7 ho. all kinds of l“ -m ALBERGC, the incd your new our invention, in work % ~mm bis imy mients un caTALdaUE O ©# mv:l“ d 3, ‘.‘.".‘“,!'!!‘E CE 4& CoJ TY Scientifie Pripr. Toaxth, and will 5o. 1 smy QM .h * lnu.“ ‘.':l‘ of 3 / Mitke tthis 0E Y fom th* is projected 1 hi act apon the axclh ___Linnce 76. MATIC enables & Ba h epe. oK 00 U JAS., Mo lin IT Ex M madl® w-\u this ( nl!“.u.,‘ we‘wood, Walntt NALD EACH { volume, and conâ€" PaATExg preserving alf q. fully , * GOTTSCHALE blow dgesir »chl IN® me M' in USE! vin on i'.‘."b Setiine: AUs es C w ing with 1 CÂ¥ a rich and we" OFFICEâ€"No. 60, Sparks Street. ~"W@ Any | @iven _ g@" Aitonds to all Law Courts in the District of Otawa. 2 A â€"'fi' The ot Forcign 3 Despatches, will be a ms _ No Advertisemenit can be discontinued withâ€" ont the written of the advertiser. BUCKLEY & sCOTT,â€"â€"â€" Bm and Attorneys=at«Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Convey ancers, Notaries Public, &e., &e. Ornce: Over Mr. A. Campbell‘s Store, Sussex Street, Ottawa. P. J. Bocuuey, L LB. W. J. Scort, Jr. (Ktawa, Dec. 18, 1865. 1â€"y "OTTAWA TIMES,", A "c.fiil_-' Edition of the Tiwes will he pubâ€" ilshed every FRIVUAY Morning, and Mailed t Subscribers for @K per Annum, if paid in Spance : if not paid in advance, .l.“:’ PREXTELXG. *.* Every description of Printing, from a Mammoth Poster to the Smallest Card, execuâ€" td in the neatest style, and at Prices that will uty Competitichs. Am‘!lg-l'l'-lul"i k):cltor;l-oh , Conveyancer, &c. Office:â€"Nort side .S\Y.::'Lni. l'o‘-lulvn- from Sussex. Ottawa, March 20, 1866. _ 78â€"6im 3 J. P; MACPHERSON, Ottawa, February 7, 1366. â€" Trays or Aovertisisc,â€"Eight cents per line bor the first insertion, and two cents per line tor every subscquent insertion, unless otherâ€" shemumagek. «L. P [ xo ~. . . ‘< |un®s ARRISTER, Solicitor, Attorney, and B Notary Public, Clerk of the Peace and Connty (rown Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott wd Russoll. ** : @rrice : In the Court House, L‘Orignal January 27, 1866. 1. Aflolll' Chancery, Co gener : Union 1 February 21, 1866. DUNNIN A’Mfl' Chansery , Co DUNNING & THOMPSON, TTORNXEY $«A T«L A W, Soliciters=in= AM,_O-ny-mn. #e., &0. urmice: Court House Avonue East. L2 A. L Dexsme. T. W. Tuowrsox. (Ottawa, Jan. 16, 1856. * 24â€"y BAIIIIT‘.DA'I’OLA". Solicitor=in= Chancery, &c. . Orrice: Aumond‘s Buildings, Rideau Street. Otawa, Jan. 12, 1366. * 2â€"y Vear‘s LA', Chancery, and Conveyancing» Orrice: Over Scott‘s Confect , opposite blâ€"lll-n.m-;..t‘. W. es g â€"Tubtolay t WoéK _______. __= â€"._#bui MESSRS. DUCK &~BUCKE, Bm and Attorneyseat=eLaw, Solicitors in, Chancery, Notaries Public, and Convey ancers. Ormice: Lang‘s Building, opposite the Post Office Cortral Qttawa. c wiutas Deex. e * Jerms P. Buckr®. tawa, Feb. 7,,1866. 43â€"utg CLEGG & NXELLIS, Bmmnns and Attorneyseat«Law, P Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancers, Notarâ€" ies Public, &e., &c. Ormc®: Tel Buitding, Metcalfe Street, a Telegraph 5 LEES & GEMMELL, rllll"ll'o“ Attorneys, Solicitors, Qrrice : ‘nh‘C-n House, Ottawa, C. W. Rosg®t Lexs. Joux J. Greere. _ A”flhfllg Barristers, and Attor= neysâ€"atâ€" Law. lr'-?h:":md” 'c'x'rue.a. d â€" ill attend at Hull on ys w y i toadak . a Jas. W. Mcxay Waicit:, B.A.B.CL. Ottawa, Feb. 7. 1866. 4â€"atf B‘Tm':l:;d M-,u 01:‘?-.. Office : w ildings, Motealfo Streot. Ottawa, March 10, 1866. . +. tiky TTORNEYâ€"AT«LAW, Solicitor in l Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Sussex Street. gericz: Union Buildings, Ottawa. sbruary 21, 1866. 35â€"y axs 0# &’-..c.]r'rln‘ :«â€"Daily, if ‘paid in adâ€" ance, §4,00 .l'" Aunum ; if not paid in Am.ll'l-A'l"-l.A W, Solicitors=in= Chancery, Convey ancers, Notaries Public; &c. Orrice : Post Office ‘tlillfll)g. Elgin Street, Ottawa _ E. B. Havcoex. K. M. Hayceck. A. F. BOUCHETTE, ‘"ocu'l. Office! No. 17, St. Poter Street, Quebec. Mr. Boughette will always be m“ promptly to any business the -flo‘u. and the public generally =’-:t:=- Mr. B. ?‘tuda regularly the cirâ€" district bec. December 28, 1865. we #â€"y ts the first mumber of the Tiwns is published on 18 of December, persans Subscribing for ier Daily or l'nk!_.’vanll receive them from daite | publscatiom uatil January 1st, 186%,â€"for One ur‘s Subscription at the above rates. l W. MARSHALL MATHESON, Lma.-uu Broker, Natary Pub» lis, has removed his office to Nicholas Street, a few doors to the South of Dan Goode‘s Hotel, and W to transact any business connected Crown Lands Department, in prosccuting l:c‘fl-.hlllh‘ul ;:nw. and to conduct ‘SWM?mnng busine«« with any AND â€"and '.vl-o-!ar; agent. Orâ€" l" MCE: No. 5, Russell House Blml..:m.'l. Deeds for Lands and Patents for Invontionsp toâ€" eured. Takes charge of Private Bills during their m"‘t&o Assembly, and transacts all Rerertscrs , Hon. J. A. Macdonald, Hon. J. H. %""“' Hon. Mr Crawford, Hon. M. Cameron, Â¥. Jones, Esq., M.P.P., R. Bell, Esq., M.P.P., W. Powell, Esq., M.P.P., J. S. Ross, I R. Cooper, Esq., Judge Co. Huron "Came bay Juig oo MESSRS. THISTLE & BALDWIX;, PO'I!CIAI. Land Surveyors, Canada Rast and Wost, Real Estate Agents, &c. Parâ€" tiealar attention devoted to the sale and protection Af the Lands of Absentecs. Applications to the c"‘um for Mining Lands, &c., They ha hand ant for sale ell ve on 13 some w titaated City and Villa Lots, in Upper and. Lower PROFESSIONAL _ CARDS JOSEPIL J. MURPHY, y.54.0° 8nd an immense quantity of Farming Lands in the Townshi ..u!on.u Ormics : Corner d%rhudlmallom. * 42. k ‘rlls‘l‘l.%?.l..!. hi +. 44 Bs t RABEAWEN, 1t K. 8. "L opposite St. Andrew‘ h Whine Petreary 1. ts6g, _‘ EVERY MORNING, EDW ARD T. DARTNELL, €1000e MRs NVs SP PRRL 2 y w.l.m‘l' of cu;n Church, Teacher Orgat, Pinnoâ€"Forte, &c. Ottaws, Feb. 7, 1866. * 43â€"at, L"t ENGINEER, Union Buildings, comer of Sussex and York Streets. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. 1.# Wx. Curoo. Ottawa, Fob. 7, 1866. YÂ¥C SPECIALâ€"XOTICKE SIDNEY B. FRIPP, -Cll'!!c‘!.‘()n_r:_: Wellington Street The We« kly will contain a lurge amount ign and Home News, latest Telegraph ches, Local and Foreign Markets, and a most valuable paper for Farmers and esiding in the country. . person sending the names of Ten Subâ€" , Cash Accompanying the Order, will reâ€" coox Free for On= Yeat. HAYCOCK & HAYCOCK, COLMAX & WRIGHT, J. F. BOULTON, D. Â¥CONNOR, R. A. BRADLEY, Dec. 28, 1885 MR. H. R. FRIPP GEO. IL PERRY, Sundays Excepted.) WEEKLY TIMEs." T. G. HURD, J.H. KELLY, BLISHED Tnos. F. Neruss. Esq., M.P.P., and 34â€"6m â€"ut 43â€"atl 43â€"utf 4Sâ€"utf 9â€"y 1â€"y 9 y_;| PHO"IK('L\L LANXD _ sURVEYOR, . Draughtsman, &c., (commisgioned for .Upper and Lower Canada.) Ouice and residence, Glouâ€" cester, near Ottawa. Surveys of every -h-cr.\‘ptmn executed with accuracy, ~Communications addressâ€" ed Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), will receive prompt attention. w> Ottawa, February 21, 1866. >, 85â€"y W 8. Clll(lh"l‘ll':i Cox!lunox Merchant Agent. | Sole agent for Read‘ Proof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Porter. â€" Pork, Flour, &c., for sale. Orrice: No. 5, Sparks Street, n House, Ottawa city, C. W. Al‘(“l‘lo.‘llns,‘.-d Ger sion Exchange and Real 40, Sussexâ€"Street. ; Ottawa, December 18, 1863. 1 , UCTION Roomsy No« 19, . Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite ‘The sale of Real Fatate at Auctic prom: attended to. Consi flfi?:y sale. Partics wishing 2 will: receive all inform CHARGE bg.:dha_' g at the office. Ottawa, . IS, 1865. ; MB Stationer, and Machine Rule & Wilkinson‘s Flour Store, corner sex Streets. Entrance on Sussex 4 Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. | A, MORTIME B_OOK.II.‘ DER and Pap ner of Sparks and Metcalfo : City Registrar‘s Office. Account order for any branch of business, p in the best style of the art. RU LLNG done to any pattorp. Particular attention pard to Map Oltawa, December 19, IM.‘». 7 THOS. NELS8SO Boo'r MAKER, posite Dr. Van Cortlandt‘s, had many years‘ experience in some blishments in the metropolitan citie« feels confident that all orders entru will be executed in the best style, ar givesatisfaction. ____ JK Dressing Saloon, Ridean pectfully to invite the gentiemen of vhi&{ to visit his new establishme Block, which has been fitted up in style, at very considegable ixpense. E. Miles has the PATENT R BRUSH, (the only one on this co For information as to the efficiency vide opinions of the Press. pat~ A choice lot of Musical Ins kept on hand for sale. : Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. _ <_ THE RUSSELL HOUSE, LA'I'I CAMPBELL®S HOTEL, Ottawa, C. W. The undetsignedy ietor of, the aboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to uaint his nuâ€" merous friends and the u-uell‘m& ic, that ho has reâ€"painted and newly furnished ighout this comâ€" -u::o-u establishment, in the m ement of which by strict attention to business and guests, he hopes to desorve encouragement and su JAMES JIN, Letely, and for man connected with 3 Russell‘s ’“tlz Pabdee Street, Queber, Offawa This House is conveniently situa tains its character as a FI Considerable additions have rece the premises, and it has been enti renovated. No pains will be spa and J‘Iaue. OMNIBUSES to and from the of charge. There is a FIRS STABLE attached to the Hotel. LATE of Quebecs Residences=Russell Mouse. . Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1863. ‘ 1â€"y b‘ TELLINGTON Street, Fir of Bank Street. > Ottawa, February 7. 1866. YORK Street, opposite ] tel. : Ottawa, February 7, 1866. [)l:s'ru'r. Odice 1 Sparks Street, Cene tral Ottawa. hss || Ottawa, January 27, 1806. [ q Bâ€"uth Dl:s'rls'r. Office} York Street, Lower Town, third House from Unign| Block. Ottawa, January 27, 1866. K Mâ€"utf Ottawa, March 20, 1866 lrcotxr\s'r. No. 34 V*!nfl- Street, Upper Town, Ottawa. Oitawa, March 21, 1866. l They LA'I'I'. McADAM*S, Con Packonham. . t is _ The above Hotel, one of the oldést and best known un tonloughit brermenied nos APbrict for the oare a over for the speâ€" cial lcconno-fdion of guest«. . NHETABLE A.Q.D BAR will at all times be d with the very best the market affords. . ninaiainise GOOD STABLING and a c Hostler always in attendance. | P . JO MALTMAN. Yhnkmmham Ieo io imas T 1 i'! Packenham, Doc. 20, 1865 J J,. GARROW, Pro @ Cut, Nepean. } This House is situated withi walk of the City, and is fitted up The Bar is supplied with all liquore. Ottawa, Jan. 16, 1866. Ottawa, Jun. 4, 1866 Pll\'.\'l‘l MHOTEL, Spartks Street, Ot= tawa, C. W. _ A fow gontlemén can. obtain supâ€" criot apartments. * Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1805. ‘ *--.V * /. TAS. JOHXSTOXN‘S | 'Tllol HOUSE, â€" North (Gower. Good } Stabling and an attentive HostlorA January 11, 1866. & 20â€"y nada. | . March 6. 1866 PRII('O‘I"I'; C. W., L+ H. Dantels, l’?o- prictor. Secomtto no Honso in Central Caâ€" Omnibuses to and from the House free of cha December 20, 1865. 5 Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866. . i M KAV ANAGH, Proptictor, Corne ®@ Metcalfo and Wellinkton Streets, opp the main ontrance to the Government buildings. GEO. LOGANX, M.D., L.CO.JLB., JOMCEPATHIC | Physiclan, Surgeon R. H. McGREE ONXTRACTOR and Bui North side York street, sscond The " QU EEN" comprises llll.horot:iuo L4 firstâ€"class Rostaurant. â€" The House has been rofitted and ra-nu":‘:hm‘m ‘‘The BAR ins the choicest in W incs and Liquore, and ¢very: delicacy of the saason will be found on the table, The W‘“ o“g«vfllhdlm to the|comâ€" guests and patrons. â€" »80° Game, etc., daily by express. oa.w.m'o'.lm. * J! 1â€"t€ PROFESSIONAL â€"CARDS. ; R. SPARKS, JQUN HM. BARE OOKeBINDER and M THE ©QUEEXN" RESTAURAN k"“"‘.’ C. Es unrÂ¥ and cmut-l '."vq‘c'i)flce. Alfred Moses Holt,: Jr., Prop‘tr. Pecember #t. 18#8.. _ _:__‘_[(__.__ _ . itY ICHOLAS Street, CourtsHouse A venue, HOTELS AND SA ORNER of Water and Division Streets» Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 8. Slosson, Proprietor. | MACDONALD & OPRIETOR of the Par DR. OLIVER .\l.\J{“‘l.\', IPTSTO OiMice t Cnnvie Rtreet INTERNATIONAL HOTEL BUSIXESS CARDS, DK.. C.A. MARMIN, DR. W. J. HENH JOHNX MALT 1 D. O°REILLY 18, BEAVER I1A MORTOX HOUSE, H. MecLEAX® D. WOLEFEF, HOLT"S HOTEL, E. MILES, DUIGNXAN®® C. KEIR 13 Head Deep i| twenty . mi f n a firstâ€"class style. d choice br of and General Lfli‘hwiun and chine Ales and BIO., der« _ Office : loom from Sussex wr the â€"Russell Ruler, core reets, over the books ‘made to ged and bound or Private Sale nts received for purchase Real ER, anufacturing ral (’o;u-h- te Agents, No. parks Street, Hope‘s Stationâ€" *y n Street, op= tawa. Having of the best estaâ€" of Canada, he to his care guaranteed to . _ Over Taylor f York and Susâ€" nt Haire« begs most resâ€" Ottawa. and viâ€" No. 9, Angus‘ most recherche on . FREE OF DTARY HAIR tinent,) in use. f this apparatus y been made to y repainted and to accommodate r- and boats free LASS LLVERY thews* Ho# t Door East OONXS. uments always AN, rercial Hotel, LASS HOTEL nting Th 43â€"ntf iNâ€"y 14â€"y 24â€"(m ut 1â€"y 1â€"f 1â€"y 2â€"y d6idm 1.f 11â€"y 1y |CHAsSs,. AUSTILN, [ +\ Sevgpcdt ifi n onA ce 3y of ite APOTHECARNES & CHEMISTS \â€" _ At the above address, for the sale of DRUGC®, CHEHLCAL®, DVESSITUPE®, 5 And all asticles for the Toilet, &c., and hopes by strict attention to al} the duties connected with it to merit a share of their patronage, C. Austin begs also to observe that he trusts the fact of his having had| upwards of fourteen years‘ experience in every branch of the business, both in England, Iveland, and Canada, combined with:unâ€" remitting assiduity afd personal®attendance, will not fail to cbtain confdence, and insurg satisfacâ€" tion. " § Ride ‘The stricte=t attention will be paid to the Dispens. ing Department, which will be conducted entirely bfi the 'l'rin.-ipul. who|guarantees that every article shall be carefully examined before use, and all prescriptions will be prepared in strict accordance with the formula of the several 'l’hlmnvaeiu. sPECIAL NOTICE. * For the conycnienee of hi« patrons and friends he purposes OPENING his establishment ON SUNâ€" i).\\'.\‘ from 8 to 9 a.nt., and 3 to 5 p.m. tal » E*\ mronrtariotks or Purg English and l'nnchlyrup T and Chemicalst English and French Perfumery, Toilet and Pum-ydlhm'dn. Soaps«, Sponges, &c., uncqualled (in the city, I would nl'w «‘u'rllzg: attention l:} lh§ public to my incomparable C t®"Crystailine Compound "Ww« FOR THB HAilR E. 41 Sussex Street, Is the Place to Buy Your Medicines ! for Coughs and coldsâ€"Testimonials from ent citizens will be shown on application. . Ju€rt Reertyznâ€"A consignment of the Canadian Superâ€"Phosphate in Boxes and Barrels. { GEO. MORTIMER, Ch mist and Apothecary, 41 Nussex Strect Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. * 1â€"y T% Farmers and Cardeners ! Inér Rreviven_A soneionmant of the Canadian “A\’I JUST RECEIVED, A GOOD assortment of Photographic and Medical Chemicals, Canadian Mair. Dyes, Bogle‘s ditto, Matthew‘s ditto, and a full assortment of Druggist‘s Sundries. 3 R Pharmaceutical UOhemist and Druggist. DRUG WiAREHOUSE: P. 8.â€"Advico to the poor in Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. poot & A fresh Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES jus received. = > : C N. B.â€"Prescriptions carefully and promptly pre THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF DYES in this city on sale at the Ottawa â€" Drug Warehouse. A fresh Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just reds Q';‘unu, Fob. dary MEDICAL EMPORIUM ! ¢® THE CHTY VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE! FOR sALE, FOUR BLOCKS WOODEN Houses, 4 rooms each tonement. One Block, 4 tenements, 5 rooms and a Kitchen to each. Three Mouses, 2 tenements, 5 rooms each ; all well plasterâ€" ed and in good condition. . Also, 12 Town Lots. The above Property will be sold on Reasonable Terms. _ / fst" Family Prescriptions prepared with ac acy. : * - JOSBPH CARVEY, M.D. 4/ ‘assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, CHEAP. . Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 Apothecaries Hall! FARMS FOR SALE! 100 Ottawa, Jan. 1, 1866 Call and seo it niddnflfo for yourselvés. CANADIAN COUGH EMULTION, a sute cure Four NEW HOUSES to Rent on Sand Hill, 200 ;. aat D XZ in the Township of Gloucester, County of Carleton, being No. 12, in the 7th conâ€" cession. . There is about20 acresof this Farm cleared, the remainder is covered fth wood. _ No. 3. 200 ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED in the Township of Osgoode, County of Carfbton, Rideau Front, being Lot No. 20, in the 4th concession. ‘There is about 25 acres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is cover> ed with a good Hardwood l?unh. This is a ‘ good Farm, and will be sold at a reasomable rate. * 1 PROPERTY. FOR SRA LE + PROPERLY COMPOUXDED Ly» FREE FROYX Anpenrerarior 100 No. 5. 100 ACRES OF LAND IN THE ‘Townshipof Gloucester, County of Carleâ€" ton, being the East half of Lot No. 21, in the 2nd concession. This is a good Farm and will be sold cheap. Agents for all the Popular Puteat Medicines of the NONSTANTLY ON HAND A SPLENDID Ottawa, December 18, 1865 &e., &e. Ottawa, Doc. 19, 1865. l’HO‘I‘OOBAPIll BY NOTMAN, FOR Sale at the Ottawa Stationery Warechouse, York street, Ottawa. Ottawa, December 20, 1865, _ * *4 A NUMBER OF LOTS SITUATED IN PM diferent parts of the city, well adapted cither % 'o:ttfl'm residénces or business purposes. For further particulars and terms of sale, Aeriy to H. J. FRIEL & CO., Orto H. McLEAN, HardwaTSf Hardware ! ! DnOMNrEsTIC DPYES. Sign of the BIG LOOK HERE! ots Kos. 2 AND 3 OX THE YORTH side of Wilbrod Street. ~These lot« ar» situated opposite St. Joseph‘s College, (San &v Hill,) and are well suited for the erection of private dwelling«. 4 au Apothecaites‘ Hall, 39, ARIDEAU STRKEET. * ho. 1. '0 ACRES OF THE PROPERTY known as the OSSIAN HALL FARM, situated in the Township of Gloucestet, Counâ€" ty of Carleton, being the East half of Lot No. 3, in theâ€" second concession, Rideau Front. ‘There is an extensiveclearing on the lat of at least 50 acres, and tlie remainder is covered with a fine Hardwood Bush.â€" The Farm is withinjive miler the City, and is beautifully situated on the/banks of the Rideau River, thus having an awueh to the city either by land or water. e land is of a superior quality, and yields excellent erops. £ *+â€"ALBOâ€" t h TW O AND A«HALF STORY HOUSE, sitnated on Lot No. 6, north side of" Street. . The building is nearly new, and finâ€" ishedâ€"30x36. There im‘also a T:d Frame Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, which rents at $100 per annum. It is‘situated in the imineâ€" diote vicinity of the Railway Terminus, and :: a very dosirable place for a private resi ence. PA " JUST RECEIVED! § No,. 4. . ’0 ACRES OF LAND IN THE Township of Osgoode, County of Carleâ€" ton. â€" This Farm is situated within Two miles of the Gloucester Church, and within Eleven miles of Oitawa City. There is about 40 acres of this Farm cleared and under cultiâ€" vation UsICI MUSIC I!_ FRENXCH AND English Song«, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valses, Fun, 1, 1800 _ } __ â€" MoRTélER?: BEGI RESPECTFULLY TO inform the inhabitants of Ottawa and vicinity,.that he has commenced business as & No. 2, ACRES OFILANXD, SITUATED V ALU ABLE OI1"PAwWA On 1st May next 1866 T H E P BE RPFPUMERY, sSPINCY 8041P 8, 1UGUR, Sussex Street. FRANCIS McDOUG AL J. GARVEY, M DUVERNAY BROS. OTT:A accur 47â€"u 12 1â€"y 1â€"tf Monday, 20th November, 1865, CHANGE of TIME Oftawa and Prescott Railway. Grand Trunk Railway Company TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS : |__ MAIL TRAIN, will leave Ottawa at 8 A. M., MIXED TRAIN at 1.30, P. M. _ .l _ RETURNING FROM.PRESCOTT. _| MAIL TRAIN will leave Prescott at 2.05 P.M MIXED TRAIN at 7.30 A.M. | J. Station as follows : s | CEXTRAL AND WESTERX ‘DISTRICTS Day â€" Express _ for . Ogdensburg, * Brockville, Kingtson, Beleville, | . Toronto,Guelph, London, Brantâ€" 4 8.00 A. M. ford, Goderich, Buffallo, Detroit, Bm | Chicago, and all points West, at | Night do de do â€"!.... 8.15 P. M Accommodation Train for Kingâ€" | ston and Intermediate Stations, } 9.40 A. M U in is esn eA + 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. FLNRAINS WILL LEAYVE BOXAVENTURE Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, Riviere du Loup,. Portâ€" land, and Boston, with sleeping cars atinched, 8t ;.;... .+.... .+ Express Trains to 8t. John‘s, conâ€" necting with Trains of Vermont Central Rail way for Boston, New York, and all placés in the Eastâ€" tcrn SHies, At. . 1. ....+.+l644r! Ditto â€" ditto and Rouse‘s Point Accommodation Tra in ‘for 8t. John‘s and intermediate places â€" Trains leave for Lachine at ... ... Accommodation Train for Island Pond and Intermediate Stations, } K. kllla kn ere s rale as lcb un id n njele o Mail for ditto and Portland, stopâ€" _ ping over night M_!uluud_l_‘nnd, } burg The capital of Canada. ry + r m l 'l‘(h?Bnil;lIinJg;Eva:finob\HI:uE ! THE BRITISH HOTEL ! 1. the most central and best business part of the city, It is constructed of stone, has a frontage of 66 feet on Sussex Street, with piazza to three stories, and aâ€" frontage om George Street of one hundred and fiftyâ€"six feet; is four stories high, has had a wing of one hunâ€" dred and sisteen feet in length added to it within the last two years; has been thoroughly renovated, and has ample accommodation {for two hundred guests, f‘~ CORNER of sv.s}wx d GEORGE Sts. ry1HE LOCATION OF THIS HOTEL IS INX It has also detached from the main building a Billiard room, ice house, larder, lnum*ry, stables, &¢., &c. ie ahores | The. Hotel contains eighty rooms, comprisâ€" ing single and doubleâ€"bedded rooms, sitting rooms, gentlemen and ladies‘ parlors, a dining room 60 feet by 33 (second to none in the Province), bath rooms, &e¢., &c. .â€" JP The premises are covered with tin; are enâ€" closed and secured by fireâ€"proof walls, and are insured under a firstâ€"class risk. . They are within less than five minutes‘ walk of the Parâ€" linment Buildings. and, as the first session of Parliament to be held in Ottawa will take place at an early day, they offer a rare: chance to any gentleman who thoroughly understands keeping a [# Firstâ€"Class Hotel ! ; Hotel accommodation is at present so much wanted in this city, this house, under mfl- management, could not fail to prove a remunâ€" crative and safe investment. Sn Suitable parties, wishing to rent or purchase, will be dealt with liberally on application (postâ€"paid) to the subscriber. | JAMES SKEAD. _ Ottawa City, C. W., January 10, 1866 Ottawa Classical and Commercial School Patronage of Ns Lordship the Bishop of Ontgris. Prixcirar. ... ... . .. Rev. TD. Puimurers, M.A. ASSISTANT...... /. .. ... . . .. Mr. H. Pamuiprs. Frexon Master...... ........ .. Moxs. Domon, DHAWING . :1.., ...\ .. >..+C. A. NEWELL a MUSIG ..« x+ ++++++ <<++++++» MR FRIPR, The work of this Institution will be resumâ€" ed, with enlarged rooms, and increased facili. ties, on TUESDAY next JANUARY 2d. | Wehington Street, Jan. 1, 1866. Ottawa, D MONTREAL HOUSE J AMES THOMPSON L. tants of Ottawa and surrounding connry, for the liberal patronage received #ince his commencing business in Ottawa, and begs to call their attention to his FALL STOCK, conâ€" y sisting. of | F JNENDERShis sincere thanks to the inhabiâ€" Molo® n ooo Cc n e eC PE Y tto ditto and Rouse‘s Point 3 3.15 P.F. ‘commodation Tra in for 8t 5.00 P.M John‘s and intermediate places : } T 4* ains leave for Lachine at ... ... _ 8.00 Ah : 9.30 A.M. > *3.00 P::. s & 4.30 P.M. * The 3.00 P.M. Train.runs through to Plattsâ€" DR Y G@0O00 . D5, | GROCERIES, CROCKERY, |_ | _ Readyâ€"Made Ciothing, &c¢., Dec. 18, 1865 ' Mlllu' EOOE C POTBCC S "I.lil' 4VCC "B" and Red Fox, next to Johnston‘s Flour Store THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR | Wool, Hides, Furs and Potash. The Nimble Sizpenve preferred to the Slow ___ JAMES THOMPSON, | © Montreal House, Sussex Street. Ottawa, Jan. 17, 1866 | lsgm No'I'Ic? 7 phs v&nsnswxnn's FFICE HAS been removed to the Leanâ€"too of the inâ€" te Library, in rear of the Parliament Buildings. . | THOMAS MoGREEYVY. January 23 1866. % o The Nimble Sizpenve preferred to th JI 01 wWA, B W., SATURDAY,, MARCH 24, 1s66. He desires to call attention to his Stock of 500 PIECES Home Made Cloth, (Can: O ndian Manufacture.) . _ _ _ â€",| | 300 R@Z" Mind, don‘t forget the place, Red Sign NAILROAD NOTICES JST RECEIVED, i Rye&Mait Whiskies RITCHIE, FORD & CO‘8., (SIMCOE,) BUSSEX & WELLINGTON ra, February 10, 1866. 4 Jas. Buchanan‘s O TLA W A., OF CANADA. EASTERN DISTRICT oN AND AFTER uenc ude m Wuorssace axo Retai PIECES Home Made Flannels, (Canadian Manufacture.) | BUNDLES Aimerican Cotton Yarn. BAGS of Salt AND FOR SALE AT 18, 1865 Situated on the BARRELS Labrador Herrings UNDER THE C. J. BRYDGES T. 8. DETLOR, ; Supertntendent Maxacixe Dirsctom, 9.00 A. M 2.00 P.M 8.30 A.M 10.10 PM 19â€"tf 50, Sparks Street, â€" P ECEA Câ€"1â€"NOTPLCH. 1 TZ WEZ ult _i & ‘-L’ R BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTJON OF THE PUBLIC TO THE FACT Tll;\T' they are now offering for sale at F . Extensive Which they contemplate STOCK, and that they n friends and) the public in Plain and Colored Fancy Flannel Shirts, .__‘ Canadian Tweed and Doeskin Pants, and Vests, RE A Great Variety of Undercoats, 2k |\ _ An Endless Assortment of Overcoats, Smocks and Ggribaldi‘s in every Variety. R@§" Several dozen L[Gl”l’ COATS suitable for Spring wear will be offered remarkably cheap Ottawa, January 25, OTTAWA FLOUR AND OATMEAL MILLS THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INTIMATE THAT THE ABOVE MILLS ARE NOW IN % FULL OPERATION, WHEREâ€" HE IS PREPARED TO Receive and Attend to Custom Grinding, ORDERS FOR FLOUR AND OATMEAL, &C. He hopes, by strict attention, to merit a share of the Patronage bestowed on the late firom | MACKAY |& CO., and _ ‘| > j WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE Bost Quality Extra Superfine Flour, « Best Quality No. | Superfine Flour, T es e _ Best Quality No. | Oatmeal ; Ottawa, January 27, 1866 Oats, Bran, Canaille, Seeds, & Meal Dust BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR CUSTéHERB', AND THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL * THAT THEY HAVE « Removed to the Gorner Store Lately Occupied by J. G. ROBINSON & Co., PROPRIETORS OF «THE TEA POT,; P i@"Wheore they will Keep Constantly on Hand a Cood ®1 | _ SELECTION OF . FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS! Upper Town Skating Rink. Season 'l'ick“eu'& Genelemen, wo ena me. /" _ smy Single Ticket for Skating . . ... Janugry 11, 1866 Single Ticket for Skating.... ...... .. 12i¢ A BRASS BAND will be in attendance every Monday and Thursday. fwnihbigs W.CARTNXEY. IS NoOW O P EDX TO SUBSCRIBERS AND THE PUBLIC. PARTIES DESIROUS OF ESTBLISHING a Corxtay Newsrarsr, can purchase an fhice quite oomi)leu with material for every Department, VERY CHEAP, for Cash, or on approved credit. _ SS Important to Printers. Or to EGAR YIELDING â€"Ottawa Feb. 6, 1866. _ P. OMEARA‘ EMPIRE RESTAU 1@"Don‘t forg?t O‘Meara & Co., for Great Bargains."® A. DUFF. ~| " O‘MEARA & CO., \ SPARKS STREET, CEXTRAL TOWN, OTTA wa The Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Oats, or Corn, oo ib R@" OFFICE AT THE MILL "a $ THOMAS MACKAY. OYSTERS ;@(%' yg.m': IN SHELL, ALWAYS ON HAND AT 4 O‘MEARA‘S RESTAI they are now offering for sale AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS CAN BE HAD IN THE MARKET Ottawa, December 18, 1865. § 9 s KEARNS & RYAN, Apply for information, (post 1 THE UPPER TOWXNX SKATING RINK Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 ESTABLISHED 1844. CCX PRLKLCE ! O‘MEARA & CO., George near Sussex Street, Ottan 1 Colored Canadian Variet*y 0 ind Gzrib ozen LIGHT CC "& forg?t 0 UrF. =| RREMMLOYV A ks I 186 ANDPROVISIONS, Wholesgale and Retail. SPARROW‘S BUILOING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets, Groceries, Ligquors, Fobruary 21, 1806. OF THE UNION BLOCK, SUSSEX STREET, ilterations and improvements making in theirâ€"store, in order to prepare for their new g@=SPRING ay be ready to meet the growing demands made upon them by their general, A SPARROW, Ir OTELA W A. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN O TT .& W A. . rid) HE PREVIOUS TO TERS ! LEY, 1 50 NT 20â€"tf 42â€"tf ~%>+~ ~.>.* GCGentral Pown, *J Ottawa Feb. 1, 1866. PLAN 8, Specifications, and Estimates of Buildings prepared ; disputed accounts of Artificers‘ work measured and valued. . AUGUSTUS LAVER, Late Stent & Laver, | Architects, &c., sefi wl on â€"Departmental Buildings, Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, , _ January 26, 1866. incorporate the Ottawa Water Works Company, for supply of the City of Ottawa with water. | f Ottawa, Jan. 30th, 1866. 36â€"f LN plication will be made to the Provincial Parlh&ent at its next Session foran Act to Oysters, ov&F &R Oysters: New York Bay, f East River, and a SHaddic Rock Oysters, RECEIVED DAILY "QuUEEN‘ RESTAURANT, (Opposite main entrance to Government OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that an apâ€" NT O PICOC E: oOYSTERS ! NO EPICE. CTimtos 55â€" AT s4â€"utf 33â€"utf FIRE. AND LIFE! THE ROYAL Insurance Company CAPITAL, £2.000.000 ST°CG! In 100,000 Shares of £20 Stcrling * Each. Capital, â€" â€" £2,000,000 Sterling 1| j mss _ PRUSTEES: Joux Sitaw Laion, Esq., and Jons N ayrorm, Esq M ies Stock Insur good. Aceumulated Funds in hand exc Annual Revenue exegeds.,. ... FWXNIE GREATEST BONUS EYVER.COXâ€" 1 / Yoars, to Policies then in existence Tw« entire yoars. _ the Royal Insurance Cot wa and nâ€"ighborhoodâ€"â€"contit proposals for Fire andâ€" Life the Lowest ,Rates charged by ble Companics, £ y 1)} FINHE UXDERSIGN E All Losses Promptl LIFE DEPARTMENT: * 'l‘HE LARGE LIFE BONUS DECLARED at the last Mecting for Division of Profits to Pi\rlixiputim: Policiesâ€"being two per cent. per annum on the amounts assuredâ€"the largâ€" est Bonus ever continuously declared by any Companyâ€"cannot fail to place the l‘so)'in as the most cligible Oflice forintending Assurers to selict. n GUARANTEE ASSURANCE ! ASSURANCE SOCIETY ‘ . s H. J. FRIEL, Agent, Orrice :â€"Union Buildings, corner of Sussex _‘ and York Streets. 4 Ottawa, Dec. 18. 1865. . j »1â€"y DIRECTORS IN CANADA : Henry Thomas, Esq., (Messrs, Thomas, Thi< baudcau & Co.,) Virector, Bank of Montreal, Chairman. * | The Hon. Charles Alleyn, Q.C., M.P.P., Quebec. Charles John Brydges, Esq., Managing Director 69 Great St, James Street, Montreal. of the Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal. Angus Cameron, Esq., President of the Bank of Toronto, Toronto. Robert Cassels, Esq., Cashier Bank of Upper Canada, Toronto. . j Thomas Cramp, Esq., President of the Board of Trade, Montreal, i E. H. King, Esq., General Manager Bank of Montreal, Montreal, _ . ; The Hont William McMaster, M:L.C., Director of the Ontario Bank, Toronto. * B@" A\1 the Directors are fully qualified Shareâ€" holders in the Society. 4 INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACTOF PARLLAMENT, for LIFE ASSURANCE, ANNUITIES AND FIDEIITY & GUARANTEES. Medical Examin Medical Adviserâ€"William Frasor, Esq., M. D Secretary for. Canadaâ€"Â¥Award Rawlins, Esq., 69 Great St.‘James Street, Montreal. In addition to transacting every description of Life, Assufance, this: Society Graxts Box»s or Srcumity for persons holding, or about to hold responsible situations. The Society‘s rates for Life Assuranceare very moderate, and when effected in combination with Guarantee, the premiums are considerably reâ€" duced. 4 +. s Aetuary and Managerâ€"Vimcs M. Dove, Esq Subscribed Gapital, â€" â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"£ 80 000 Stg. Accumulated Assetts over, â€"â€"â€" 500,000 ~ " Annual Revenue(1863), over 100,000 " _ Prospectuses and all information may be obtaincd from 4 FIRE, LIFE and ANNUITIES,. Insurance Company! CHIEF flf"”"’ % QUEEN... . INSURANCE .. .. BUILDINGS M l iIFE: * â€"ARGE BONTS DECLARED £2 Rer cent 4 perAunum on sums Assured. CANADA BRANCH OFFICE ; | UXIOX BL'ILD].\'GS;‘-..---)lOXTREAL‘ HOME amo!tnlcm ' FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE! B O ARD: . Wirrtax Morsos, Esq., Chairman. Tnowmas Kay, Esg., Hexry Trowas, Hox. Joux Yorsxe. Davin Tonraxes, BAXKERS, SPECIAL FEATURES: NONâ€"FORFEITURE or POLICIES LIFE POLICIES COXSIDERED UNXCHALâ€" LEXGABLE EXCEPT IN CaSES OF PALPABLE FRAUD. Policies Payable During Lifeâ€" time of Assured ! LIFE POLICIES GRAN1ED OX A SPEâ€" CIAL REDUCED SYSTEN. All of which are fully explained in Prospectus. DIVISION OF LIFE PROFITS Every Five Years. Fourâ€"fifths returned to _.‘ _ Participating Policyâ€"holders. The undersigned is now prepared to take Risks on Fire and Life in the above well known and long established Company. & D. OCONNOR, Agent Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. f tinuously declared by any Company IVISION OF PROFITS EVERY FIVE FA RE: ODERATE RATES OF I‘REMHY'M and i 9 LA E400 nc Fonute 1P oX nlncih Paym without Reference to the Directors 5 in England: Of LONDON and EDINBURGEH Ottawa, Aylmer, omw‘:,'g:e/.';a, 1865: simer HEAD OFFICE INX CANADA LIPE A N D THE EUROPEAXN! PROMPT AND LIBERAL LEMENT of CLAIMS! QUEEN~ Rottlement of Losses. . Losges by Lightnin LIVERPOOL A. Graxt, Esq F 0 it R. E. OCONNOR, . MOLSON‘$ BAXK Dâ€"Agent for pany, for Ottaâ€" Assurance, at | )ther. Responsiâ€" | r Settled! d £5,000,000 _ £2.500,000 M. D Farm made { PRICEâ€"3 CENTS. CRA dmt c ngclas sadnt n e maals s owe the duty to another, and I will not conâ€" sent to it," or words to that effect. Then she took a candle from the hall table, lighted it, and went up stairs. Mr. Durham turned to his eervant and said, *J rang tor you to show this gentleman out ;â€" but I‘ll see bhim out my self ; you.cau go." V itnes went back to his pantry, while bis master «ind the stranger, conversing, in whisâ€" pete, moved towards! the hall door. â€" Witness also fancied he caaght the words uftered by th¢ stranger, in whut seemed to taunting tone, " Your wite stands in the way !" and then Mr. Durhatn said, *Hush*! go away now, â€"and we \ull make it right yet !" _ Witness then beard the front door closeâ€"not more than a minute dater, â€"heard his master push open the swingâ€" ing baize door that sepurated the hall from the vestibule, and rapmdly arcend the stairs just as the bell rang for the servant‘s supper. _ Witnessheard his mistress address her husâ€" Lband on the landing above. She asked, "Is he gone?" Mr. Dunham answered, . * \'ea but 1 want to speak o you." Wiiness di _not remain to listen, but wept at once to supper in the kitchen. â€"About five minutes latter, he and his fellowâ€"servants was startled by the reâ€" | port of a pistol fired (as it appeared) in the | hall. _ Before they could as much asexchange l a word, another report succeeded to the first. | The dreadful contusion and alarm rendered ’ wituess utterly uncongcious how many seconds ' might have elapâ€"ed, but at the secund. report he hurried out of the kitchen into the ball. ‘ HMe found his master and mistress lyingâ€"the | former hbalf way dowp the lowest flight of stairs, the latter at the 1oot of the staircase. Mrs. I_ Durham wes already: dead; hber hbhusband mortally wounded, tat sull alive. |â€" g‘;r,]ulruwly in the hall. That there was some dispute going on between Mr. Durham and his wife a glance made clear to him. Toall appegrance, her husband was trying to petâ€" »uade Mrs. Durham to something which she firnily, almost angrily, retused. . As the witâ€" :.esi entered the hali he han! hc:-r say, "I (Foxrlxntn.) s He thought it could not be more than five mPnutes after that ere the bell summoned him into|the iibrary. _ Meanswered it at once, but fowid his master and mistrese, with the stranâ€" It appeared as it and then himself, He survived until early the follwing mornâ€" ing,â€"remaining to the last unable or unwil Iing ‘to explain his motive for the frightfal deed. No cunclusive seemed, the evidence against him, that none save the sister, who succeeded to his estate, felt any doubt as to his guiit. _ The fact that the door had closed upon the unknown visitor (who could not pos: #ibly reopen it from the‘ outside) betore. the murder was donescemed entirely to exculpate him‘; though it did not appear as if is visit had somehow caused the unaccountable trenz; which must have inspired the n'nu:hj murderer. se All search after the stranger (for diligent inquiry was made) proved fruitless. No une in Stilbury, the nearest town, nor anywhere else in the neighborhood, could testify to having scen anyone answering to the manâ€" servant‘s description of him. The most plaus able and popular conjecture was, thut his visit had brought to Mrs. Durham‘s ear some byâ€"goue fault or folly of her husband‘s, which she could not be persuaded to view with forâ€" bearance; and the aszer at her firmmess, and dread of disgrace, had prompted Nicholas to the fearful revenge aguinst her, and subseâ€" quent outrage on himself, Of course, every possible conjecture was exhausted, Was there ground for believing the mur derer insane?> As far as could be gathered, none. The closest scrutiny into Ins earlier days revealed nuthing eccentric, nothing which was other than taur, and of good report. His father, who was sull living, and who passed most of his time at Baden, had never borne a very good name; but neither in youth nor in mannood had he been much in c:::;plny with his father. And the mystery any mystery there wereâ€"obstinately retused to be aispelled. _ 5 Miss Durham, from a senseas much of duty as of inclination, intended one day 40 asâ€" sume. the position which, by her brother‘s terrible fate (selfinfiicted or not), had devoly. ed upon herself.. At present the thought o living at Garrow was tooâ€"painful for ber. Tt wuufl make it far less repulsive could she give it an interval of peaceful occupation, and not feel, when she came, that the very last act performed it had been the most terrible of erimes. She was for the present in Germanpy, in company (as was supposed) with her father. Mindful of the lawyer‘s warning, Mr. Langâ€" worth arrived longâ€"ere the sun descended, and saw everything comfuortably arranged ere the old eouple who * minded the house" by day retired, driven by superstitous fear to a cottage just outside the gates. â€" He might have urged the sun to stay above the hurizon an hour beyond his setungâ€"time with as much chance of success asâ€"have asked his attendants to reâ€" main during the hours of darkness, * _ And long ere the latest glimmer of twilight they had goneshuddering away, promising to reappear with the morning. _ + $ He sit up till about nudnight, alternately reading in the library and taking a walking tour of the house. Perhaps he felt that the prejudice against living in a house of crime was not quite a folly, atter all. * % sUPPOSED TO BE HATUNTED sON Ail this while the person outside, uncon scious or deflant of his presence within, con tinued his attempt on the window. tinued his m::rontbewiodow. Thatiosi): like a whisper methh::r‘, was, to Mr. Langworth, a strong evidence i m o mnems oot sns e to is work silentlyâ€"preâ€" sently breaking nzpeof;lggndcemil‘ its fragments on the gravelâ€"seemed to show that he believed the ‘house to be yet untenâ€" anted. He did the work quickly, not caring to do it quietly. A.":d.’in not many ininutes, the bold burglar entered the room. No one was with him. He carried a " bull‘s eye" lantern; and, when first its light fell on his face and figure, it displayed a tall man, he had first shot his wife,

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