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Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Mar 1866, p. 3

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PIRsr. TY . Apâ€" & CO; made by the ROTIDERIN® AW A, (% New MTTAGE "-"QII range of work, s has been a6« at throughont. 1 the city Tciting opâ€" USE! ited. Fitzroy, Câ€" Â¥â€" May Ned nov sE 08 itdmg of an Age in frout, #*~ S1â€"ee Siâ€"d. One Ton 5 Famaâ€"yard * Oil ; Spoot. AYD LUCOCTILON worxpaiy, TAE Tueslay, the 10th .da.y of April, 1866 The fol poota® GEORGE XTREL E.â€"Lets .Â¥08, £, _, « SHU dy HEZE Pooley‘s Bridge. LITTLE BAY STREET.â€"That Lot of Land known Keefer‘« Hill, say about one nere of land. mbt& STREET.â€"Lot No. 10, Block D, adjoinâ€" _ ing Mr. Mertill, and nearly opposite the « Mop. J. Skedd‘s. two very neat Cottages thereon, woll finished, ‘and separate from each other. Frews BYâ€"+W ARD (;_!Tp'..“e the Market.) + CLARENCE STREET.â€"North East balf of Lot No. 10, with buildings thereon ; one of the fnest business stands in town. KUCTPION_ SAL â€"_ TOW NsHIP OF NXEPEAX. 22 acres of Lot No. 25, 2nd Range, Ottawa front highly i-"nmnl: well watered; good : baildings the best of land\ and within 5 mile« of the city ; . TOW XsHIP OF HULL. West half of Lot 28. in the ‘5th Rufoâ€"loo .x This farm is in a high state‘ of cultivation. Good House. Barn«, &c., Stables, all frame buildâ€" inge ; Orchard, &c., well watered and fenced, and n‘filtlfl‘rr year. _A good road, and within foar Ailes of AyImer Village. * F % â€" Abthe hour of N. @clock, mamk The following very valuable property, viz. : * ~â€" LOT NO« 3y . . In Wiek J. Cathcart Street, Le Breton Flat«, with F LOT NXO. 16y . 4 In Blogk E, Sherwood Street, Le Breton Flat«, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and separate from each other. l % x REALE ESTAXTL _‘,“ RB Possession & TOWXsHIP OF CARDLY. . Lot No.‘J6, in 9th Range, 200 acres, on the leadâ€" ing roadâ€"the mail coodâ€"from Aylmer t3 Portage da Fort, 10 miles from Aylnver, the best of land and well wooded and watered: convenient to Churgches, Mills, and Market. Alsg Lots 12 and 13, hlho"l Ith Rapge ; good land, well watered and timberedâ€"400 4 ToW NsHIP OP GLOTCEsTER. Lot No. 7. in the 2nd range Ottawa Front. .Good House and Barn, well improved, and good Land, six miles from the city. on the Ottawa and Montreal MeAdamized Road, 200 acre« ; the wood, standing %&;flfi'&: It this abo Sale - al above property. . to commenee at the hour of gleven ;n'.luer.*-’n. Terms of Salq;â€"Oneâ€"sixth Cash on the day of sale ; the.balance in five years. bearing interest at the rate ulnmrr cent, payable annually. Aucâ€" tion fees and deeds paid b;",-anrvh:\-en. A large deduction will be made on cir«A. JAMES WADsWORTH. Ottaws, March 14. 1866. T3â€"e FRIDAY, THE 30th ¢FP MARCH, The‘ above property is beautifully situated, and is worth the attention of those.wishing to q:n:huc. It can be seen at any time before the sale. Posâ€" TERMS oneâ€"half Cash ; balance in two years at per cent. Title undisputable. ood Mc Adamized road, and :-«-l the lato Captain Baker REAL EDEA TLE REAL ENXTATLE At the same time and place A SECONDâ€"HAND STEAM ENGINE, eight horse power, suitable for a «mail Grist Mill, or Oil Well. Itcanbe seen at Mr. Power‘s Sash and Door Factory, East side of the Ottawa, March 9, 1856 _ TERMS oneâ€"third Cash; batance in two and four month#. _ TOBACCO®! TOBACCON JUST EBECEIVED * t A t the Russell House Cigars, Cigar: Cases, and Cigarâ€"Holders Togetherwith a large lot of FANCY GOODS, &c f J. 6. HIMMER MAN, Corner of Sparks and. Metealfe Stroots Z@" PLEASE CALL AXD SEE, ~$%, Ottawa, March 10, 1866. TV TERMS West 4 of Lot No. 4, South id se, known as Mr. N. Workman‘s good stone building thereon, C t« _han ant a cood celtar. ENCLAND, IRELAND, AKD SCOTLAND Compti#d from the Ordnance Surveys, Ad«= miralty Charts, and Oficial Ralilway Surveys» * cOLNTV ND RVULWAY MIP r‘. MAPIS EXGRAVEDON ®TEEL, LK five fect large, on a scaule of ten miles‘to the inch, and cost $100,000, and four years«‘ time to conâ€" struet. <If shows 200,000 Citic«, Towns, Vilages, Market Places, Post Ofices, Castles and Country Seat«, with all the Railway Station«, and distances between each Inhd:h'ml . and the official name and total length effeac lhi{way in actual operaâ€" tion up to June, 1365.. The Canal«, Lakes, Rivers, and Mountains are exhibited, with the length or alâ€" h:dnch in feet. a€ %, places and objects of intere«t tothe tourist are shown, as also the Steamship and Submarine Teleâ€" fllh-.fiu- lq:h.duall urts of the globe. Map, which with the Book orflaluuy, would be cheap at Five Dollars, is, owing to the process of Electrical Photography, afforded at the extreme‘ly (Roove sefi Te tss : 2272550100000 003. 5> 3 Persons in this city who wish for the May immeâ€" I l-n,.-.brhd in turn by seniling their | address through Post Office to‘ 8. C. HORLOW, | General Agent, now in Montreal. | Maurch 14, 1366. 43.3 MR. HECTOR McLEAN, Auctioneer, awa, Macch 3 plication will be made for a SPECIAL .u':! to nin sorporate x Company to explore, extract, and rofin Petrolouns,, -»fi. u:’. cou.':i..- of Leeds, Grenville Carleton, and Rusell, to be called =THE CEX TRAL CANADA PETROLEU M COMPANY." . â€"W.:H. BROUSE, WILLEAM ELLIS, C. J. BRYDGES, THOS. REY NOLDS, M. K. DICKINSONX, _ J. P. WISER, W.C. BROW X, ¢€. N. P. CHAPMAXN, DeWITT C. BROW N. Prescott. Februaryâ€" 28. 1866. 64â€"2v CODUXTY oPr CaRLETON, > K that m."r;.'n'.'{ OYER and. TERMINER and GENERAL GAOL DELIVERY, and of ASâ€" SIZE and XISL PRIUS, in and for the said County of Carleton, will be holden at the COURT HOUSE, in the fl? of ua.awa, on TUESDAY, the SEVENâ€" day of APRIL, A. D., 1866, at the hour «* TEN of the Clock, a.m.; of which all Coromers, Magistratix, Bailiffs, Constables, and all others conâ€" cermed, are required to TAKE NOTICE, and govâ€" erm themselves accordingly. Pt'lur NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVE®X, that the Conrts af OVER and TERMTNER By JA8. BAILIFEF, . Desory Suscawr Smuury‘s Orrics, Ortawa, ¢ vICTQRIA W A RD. RGE STREET.â€"Lots No#. 1, 2, 3 \f{Feeior MeLean _" wAs BEEXN INSTRUCCTED TO SELL : the Tu@sell Idouse. XKitchen, an t a g« se. The lhf" 1 finest } MEERSCHAUM PIPES®:! Mazch 5th, 1864 w ing DT HECTOR McLEAN LLOYD‘S TOPOGRAPHICAL obaccos! & Lot N AT THE RUSSELL HOUSE RECEIVED _ INSTRUCTION® MB. W AGGONER, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, ® Public NX oticd To Wit CHEAP BHIARâ€"ROOT AND N OTICE. & NEW SToCX «= 11.80,== HECTOR MeLEAN, Accmonk®i â€"ALSOâ€" â€"OÂ¥â€" HECTOR MeLEAS, AvcrionkER m B opâ€" £ Ma n 5 miles of the city ; aud adjoining the resi sIMOX FRA3SER, SERIPY 26ith MARCH, B M, on Aibert Street GALE]| Important Male Homestead, with containing eight good stables: sud in S vears at 5 A T6â€"td 7040 10â€"# 12â€"4d Thursday, the 1st of March, BRtus=seoll HMouâ€"e, («mnnr m orf sEVERAL DESIRâ€" / ABLE residences, gad business Aands, in dir ferent parts of the city, and a number of valuable vacant lots in the most fashionable parts of the city. The subscriber has received instructions to offer by AUCTION, on > n Real Estate‘ Postponed properties, will m?!:nnh coasi ments of 1, 2 a cent. Oitawa, Fol owIn& To THE THER, : , Or SeÂ¥ All but new, hav months, and is we or other ext snsive ®M" The whol 4& VCE For any further PREYOST, ENq MOND, Es@., Oct A Superic At 10 o‘clock in the Morning. HERRINXGS AXD LEMONS Lower Town Market Ottawa, February 21, 1866 FOUIR SMART BOYS WAXTED as dArprextTICEs®, ; AT THE YORKSTREET AUCTION ROOMS WV the twontyâ€"ninth year <of Her . Majosty‘s Reign, intituled, " An Act to ide against the inâ€" troduction and spreading of u!'uorden affecling cerâ€" tain animals," authority is given to the Governor in Council to take such measures as may appear to be necessary in order to prevent the introduction of conâ€" tagious or infectibns cFuonhrl affecting h«g. ‘entâ€" tle, horses, and other animals, and check such disâ€" orders from spreading, if introduced ; . . |__ _ ; _ And wherous a conta gious disease u‘w idemic afâ€" fecting cattle prevails in many parts ® Rurope,and is increasing and extending its ravages, &nd whereâ€" as it is expedient, in order to prevent thp introducâ€" tion of the same into this Provi':e. thist t i-p:rn- ‘h.':i.“ of certain animals and .arti¢les should be ibitedâ€" ef P t + p o s ; A. TODD, s Chief Cleck Private Bill Office J. K DOUCET, * L, Assemb Cleck of Private Bills, L. Council Ottawa, Fob. 23, 1866. _ & p7â€" February 28, 1864 _ All Petitions for Private Bills must be within the first three wreeks of the Session, Plnflll IN CANADA WEST iAt K ing to make application to the Legislatm Notices be and furnished to Collecto C to the Fate of disconnt to be allow American Invoices; which is to be in accord with the price of gold as represented by Exch at m rate equal thereto. Such motices to at every Saturday inâ€"the Canada GazerTz. * R. S. M. BOUUHET1 Ottawa, March Otawa,. March 19, 1806 cs y _a‘p s Short â€" HMand Writing. P“sfl‘l WwISHING TO OBTAIN A * knowlddge of Stcnnlrlxh% would do well to rxtehuo‘eupy.ol the SECOND EDITION df the FLASH, a small work on Shortâ€"Hand Wriiting, which has l‘:j-m been published in this â€"city by| MIt LOUIS PELTIER, xritinx-flmw. It is written in a clear concise style, and is condensed in a manner as to permit the learner,to embrace, by. a single glance, as it were, the whule easemble of Etenâ€" ography. â€" f For sale at Mesers. John Durie & son, Sparks Street; and at Mr. James Hope, do. ; also at the office of this mr. | Ottawa. Fol rv 15. 1866. 50â€"3 T 1Ss DIRECJPED BY THE HOX. THE FINANCE MFNISTER, that hereafter W dekly A MERICAN INYOICESâ€"DISCOUNT Moxtreat, 20th day of Febraary, 1800 PRESENT : | HIS EX(‘Q.LEN!‘\' THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ; LTHUEREAS, BY AN ACT PASSED LN Ottawa, February 15, 1866 The following valual [o, 1, North | sidee Y + Blackemith S «* 9, South sgide Yor ~_ aud Optâ€"Hous «* 10, North gide Cat) tage, Ke. Private Bills. l MLE Fix axos Devarrsext, | Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1 EVERY: DAY sidee York street, 33x99, â€" lI"llh Shul» thereon. de Nork st., $6x150, with H itâ€"Houses, we., K0. â€":* de Cathcart st., 33x99, with [wl 1itil further Notice. ".'__\s;,c.n,.7 team Engine 9 Wmm.’ apply to AMABL Montreal, . or to JOSEPIL Al rveB alai NCLEMENCY oF THE WEA HE ABOVE SARE Is ; .«‘ LON SALE â€"â€"aAT THKâ€" ~â€"aâ€"â€"OF 1806 M. E. CHAMBERS, Auchonkze AT .12 @CLOCK â€"OPâ€" nZCTOR MeLEANX, ivk Mogss Power, been | in for about pted foi St::i“.\":\w M rn of ithe above x on réasonalle ter ce i.n}e\\:nl «yearly inst cars with interest at 7 ; No t * M. BOUCHET Notthenst. 66x the vacant 390. + 83â€"tf esanted with orizâ€" t per next N. B.â€"For Sale, A BEAUTIPULL BP LLDMLAL LeT. situated on Albert Street, Centre Town, imâ€" Anediately in rear of the Queen‘s I‘rimingffllficn second street from Sparks Street. | For further pacticulars, apply to k APPLES AND ONIONS ! !-J good condition, comprising Greenings, Spitson« bergs, Batdwing, and I(I::flm A f The owner being about to loave the City, takes this as the quickest method in disposing of them. Dealers and others will find this an uxeolhunl‘-!mh tunity, and the last of the season, for securing cheap Wodnosday, March i4th Inst, Market Fruit RUWE & BOYDEN LX TUERMATTER OP J AM ESS BA NCG:3, AY INSOLYVENT. ‘: ().‘.’ sATURDAY, THE 19in biy Or Xl AY next, the undersigned will apply to the Judce f the said Court, for a. dischirge under| the PROVINCH PLUMBING: & ora@nt To S LEFT AT 50 BELS. PRINE MESS, AND 4 iod unrs. unrss Ponx k. : | 100 #B1ns. PLOUEI. 5 t i rEWw RBLS. DPRIED APPEES. _ | my 8. CHRISTIE. PURE KEROSENE OIL ! Ottawn, March 6. 18861 CGASâ€"FHITTING 1 a CLERK FOR A GENERAL STORE. Must be a good writer, and nequainted with hoth I;n;:n:-,u. Address, giving references, to Y. 7. Ottawa P. 0. r Ottawa, March 19, 1806. I TTâ€"% .Dll Y |HARDWOOD.««In quantities to suit purchasers. _ Apply to J. W. McGuire, at the office of D. M. Grant, Esq,, Sparks Street, over Reott‘s Confectionery. + : * I | v o en n rersn in B and a Sittingâ€"room, with a private family, livâ€" ing a mild or so out of town. . _ .‘ _ | CP the Russell House and the Railroad Depot, a GOLD RING, with the initials «G. E. A.,"engray, ed there t:, Parties leaving the same at this office will be s«Atably rewarded. | Ottawa, March 8, 1866. I 63â€"tf And follow ‘llw!.. as T\Vfl GENXTLEMEN CAX BE ACCOM+ MODATED with comfortable lodging and good board, on reasonable terms. For further partion» larwâ€"apply at this office, > ) | Ottawa, March 21, 1866. hi 7‘)~5fl1 \'urlrt 18 MEREBY GIVRN, 'l'l(A'I"t; 1@ an application will be made to the Provincial I‘;crliuncfl. at its noxt session, forâ€"an net to incor= porate the st. Patrick‘« Asylum of Ottawa. | Ottawa, February 21, 1866. * §5â€"2m Expiration of Coâ€"Partnorship. THE ('OGP.\II'I'.\'E_ICSI"P E!IlTl!Gl between the undersigned as dealors in Sawed Lumber, gud which was carried on under the firm of LEVI KOUNG & C€0., expired by limitation on the First llay of February last. All accounts due by the ln"".l'irm will be paid by LEVLI YOUNG, who carries on the busines« on his own account. Dated this Nikth day of March, 1866. 200 8 Ottawa Td Packed and iénpccl:d by R. Kisiyv, Esq., of w@»* Country Merchants would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. t D. WHELAN,â€" > Groceries & Liquors. Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1866 P years.of age, well educated in the both lan u‘gu. as Clerk or Collector. . The best of refer: & ;-‘iven. if rm&niml. For more particulars, ad~ u«s Mr. R.. @t fhis office. [ 4 Ottawa, March9, 1866. . Oâ€"th BY PUBLIC AVCTION. Txsolvent Actof 1864 avE REQCEIVED INsTRUCTIONS to sell without reserve on c Fire Wood for Sale. DBoard Wanted, | wo CoMFORTABLE Anl';l’_“(_)‘o.‘_l‘fl.k N SUNDAY EVENING 1AST, between Y A yOUNG MAN; TWENXTYâ€"TWO TOTE SA LE P O HRIK, ORDEIiS FOR i3E TEBRMS CASHH. PRATT&Co «>‘ CENTRAL OTIAYW A, . (Opposite Rishop‘s Hotel.) Sparks Street ().\' HAN D a large Stock of Caxapray Twamos, Scoreit T werps, %«}), Broapcrorit, Fnaxszis, &¢,, &¢,. ~ Also a comâ€" plute ‘stock: of Goatsg, Vssts, Paxts, Sumts, Sasies,, Pares Connars, For Care, Cyorm Cars; Honse Buaxkers, &¢. â€"All of which will be acld st A REpUCTIOHN . _ Pratt & Co. W interGoods 1C to 15 per Cent. g25* Call umliscv.‘“ * BARGAIXS WILL BE GVEX GREAT REDUCTION e n oi rivate HBoarding. FPOR SAL E: Esameonde Bros., 1 NO LLLC .k Situation Wanted. ELLING OFF Ma Otta J AMH ith dday of March, 1866. W AN‘EEID, Square, Lower Town On ELAND. ALsO, a LARGE STOCK oF ds BBLS. OF MESS AND PRIME MESS h 2, 1866, # â€"-.‘vA‘l‘-‘ NO SECONXND PRICH rarked in pluin‘fi;[ur‘u. a. Feb. 4. 41â€"3m ELILANG C ROWE & BOYDEN, LOST, Â¥ BVENING J ROW E & BOYDEN, 18 x qUantITy 0 at TEN oF FI ti$,. Ssmarks st. BEAUTIFUL BULILDING AD LEVLI YOUNG, JONES P. VEAZIE. J. W. McGUIRE. ntaission‘ Merchant. 16 In the County € of the County Carleton. â€" Auctionecrs Auet Rideau stroet ERW THIE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 24, 1866 m the A6â€"y 63â€"6 td 29â€"( 'l\lll"‘. SUBSCRIBER HAVING BY A new and spocral artangement been appointed hy MESSRS. JACQUES & HAY, of Toronto, their sole and only agent in Montreal, for the Sale by Auction, of their splendid FURNITURE, takes the earliost uHmfl'lllill;' of announcing to the citizens of Montresl, and the public generally, that he will from time to time during the ensuing Spring, offer at his «pacious and well established premises, No. 26‘7, Notre Dame Street the various extensive consignments direct from this celebrated eâ€"tablishment, embracing all the new styles of their elegant and elaborately carved and polished | / in every varicty and description necessary to meet the demands of modern taste and convenience. In addition to the sale at his own Stores, the sale of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS at the private residence of parties declining House: keeping, or removing from the city, will claim speâ€" cial attention; and all OUTâ€"DOOR SALES of this description are respectfully solicited. Increased faâ€" cilities have been secured, with a yview to the effiâ€" cient carrying out this department ot the business, in order to ensure the greatest economy: and desâ€" patech in nlisv..(ing of property, so that partics sellâ€" ing out can have their mccount sales and proceeds immediately after each sale. Special attention will be given to the sale of REAL ESTATE and CITY PROPERTY, and as this department of the Avction business is becoming more important with the increase and extonsion of (the city, the andersigned offers the most . Liskrat Trnus‘to partics wishing to bring their property into the market for pablic competition, + f A great hardship has been felt by both ‘buyers and seller«, the former being taxed illegally with RBEAL E~TATL an this department of th more iun]mr(nnl with the city, the andersi 2nd The undersigned avails himeelf of this op{ortnnl- ty of roturning his sincere thanks to the lie for the very liberal patronage bestowed .on hm during the past four years, »\ntfirnrts by prompt attention to business, and strict aitherence ‘to the foregoing proposals tgmiest aâ€"continuance of the same. PÂ¥ Montreal, March % ; NEW YORK. I)I-I.\I.X-ZX:S in all securitics marketable at the New : York .\'tm'kfl"‘xuhnngo. Acâ€" counts kept in coin and in United States curâ€" reney, and interest allowed on deposits of cach, subject to check at sight.. .lm;mny 18 lritm" in n en ho The Magazines for the Month, Particular attentiont given to the accounts of Foreign and Conntry Banks and Bankers. Jannary 18 1966, ©26â€"3m New Cheap Tllustrated Edition of Don Quixote. _ .. Mabits of Good Society; by the Man in the Club NY infilogg, :s (s ce 000n2 e The Shepherd and His Flock : by McDuff. _ Moliere Characters; by C. Cowden Clarke. Wives.and Daughters ; by Mrs. Gaskell. FOR SALE BY * JOHN bl’flll& soON, ‘ No. 10, Sparks Street Ottawa, March 1, 1866 % _be allowed on Deposits of Four Dollars and Upwards. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1868 U EBEC BANK A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IIas been opened at this Branch, and intorest wil be allowed on Deposits of Dll'l- .R. HA MIL TON, LATE OFHAM»= ILTON‘$ Saloon, corner of Sparks and Elgin Streets, has removed to the American, Hotel, (forâ€" merly Mathews‘ Hotel) on York street, where he will L happy to seo his old friends. Ottawa, *cb. 19, 1866. 53â€"y f ELAMILTONS HOTEL, R R. H,, in returning thanks for the @ liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the Saloon, would inform his friends and . the public generally, that ho has leased the above premises, which he has put into a thorough state of repair, which he hu;rlt into & llorw'&‘h state of repair, ropainted, and docornted, and refurhished with ail EIOW EH & SON, BOO7s, SHOHS, LEATEER & FINDINGS, tem PHousaNp bortars xT FEEN TIO N. Now is the Time for Bargnins ! G. HOWE & SON, s 69 Sussex Streot, and 10 Rideau : treet. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866. Tas A; jfy. OYSTERS !oigg' Bftg ovstERs | OoYSBTEEREES | FWBoots, SHOES, &¢., PA fAll ANQ WINTER GOODS ! New York, At enormously reduced prices, as we intend furnishâ€" ing’with an entire new Stock of we North River, . Fair Haven, and Baltimore CELEBRATED CANX AND SHELL OYSTERS ! ' DAILY BY EXPRESS! > AT THE | ~ * * # * California Lunch Ottawa, February 28, 1866 Oatmeal! Oatmeal! North Gower! North Gower ! THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to inform the inhabitants of the County of Carleton and surrounding country, that he has one of the best mills in the Brovince, worked by horse power, and giving the meal in a pure and perfoct state, and at prices that will insure satisfaction toall parties. .. . _ .. _ .. â€".'i"i;v:}:;‘-:flâ€"r;nr;;“mmd about one mile from North Gower Corners, and is known by the name ot the R L0 C PARMER‘S OWN MILL!" The present prices are $5.00 per barrel for the best pure meal, and at exchange 14 1b« of mcal to the bushel. ROBERT THOMPSON. > (z&" Orvic« Hovrs:â€"From 10 a.m. to 3 p,m. s 11. V. XOEL, YORK STREET, OTTAWA. . B.â€"â€"All ord mpt attention. BLACI WALNUT FURNITURE! Ottawa, Feb.â€"19, 1866 LOXDON soCIETY. § % CORNHILL : TEMPLE BAR. y ENGLISHWOMAX. BOW BELLS. _ â€" J FAMILY HERALD: â€" CONTEMPORARY REVIEWâ€"Edited by the Dean of Canterbury, _ (NEW.) E NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE. (NEW) EVEIY sATURDAY. é‘\'L‘WQ GODEY, HARPER, and DEMOREST, ror _LOCKWOOD & CO, B A NK E BR Ss. Jannary 3, 1866. There will be us charge of on« per crut to the, uo thuser, « â€"When hows« jid« sales are effected not exceedâ€" ing |£3,000, the commission will be £) ; and on amounts from £5,000 upwards only £10, exclusive of the cost of advertising ; upon _ which the n-);ulnrn-.ulv discount of 25 per «ent will be atlowed. es * When property is bonght in, reserved, or withâ€" draws, ue charge will be made, except.the actual disbursements fot advertizing. . â€" Avermoxses as» Comsisgion Mercnaxt, _ And Agent for tho sale of Real Estate ‘The New Books. R. TSEM OV .A L. Mazon (romiceLy Marmikw‘s HOTEL,) HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR, Lark or Hawimrox‘s Sarook. « East River, No.%M;,, BROADWAY, Next door to Hamilton‘s Hotel, York Street, Lower Town. 1860 vft at the office will meet with L. DEVANY, felt by both ‘buyers taxed illegally: with wseha«c, and the latter ominission and adverâ€" I proposes to do away f Lis wn business is c sale of Real Properâ€" 1 will meet the Manager b5â€"y the 53â€"y 6lâ€"d 13â€"4 BANKRUPTCY AVOIDED GOLD AND SILVER. Extraordinary Announcement AWFUL SsSACRIFICE j woRrTH or $2,000,000 Gold and Silver W atchex Splendid Jewelry, French Clocks, Diaâ€" mond Ring«, !'iuuofl. Melodeons, Sewing ‘Machines, Silver Ware, &c., &c., to be disposed of at TWO DOLLARS, chich article, without regard to Value! Grand l-ui_mnlh-.l Meeting of Manuface P lurerq’of Watches and Jewelry. The following has been resolved, that in conseâ€" Tnmo of the great Stagnation of Trade, and in orâ€" erto rolicye from pecuniary embarrassments ocâ€" casibned by a distressing W ar, and to avoid . $2,000,000 worth of goods from their Stock, must be f old in the course of #six months; And for that AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS |As a prelim‘nhfy lfxey would remark that they manufacture, @nd sell no brass or â€" imitation of Jewelry, | « ALL ,\R¢ WARRANTED GOLD The articles‘to stll at TWO DOLLARS each, no maitter #w costly it may be, and consist of Splenâ€" did Hunting egse Gold ‘and Silver Watches, French Clocks, Rings get with Diamonds, Rubics, Pearls and othér precious Stones (Solitaire and in clusters) Ladies‘ Setts of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Rings of the njost fashionable and rechercheo«style, Gold and EndmeNed Bracelets, Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Chains of all descriptions, &e., &c. Silver Ware, (estraiplated) comprising Castors, Butter Dish, hewlifufi{ chased and engraved, Table and Tea Spoons, Goblets, &¢., &#., Pianos, Melodeons ‘and Sewing Muchines of the best makers. + EIGHT HUXNBRFED bonnARs. 000000 > Iow \"é shall Proceed. We have adopted the plan of salo now so lar of charging a qniform |-ri«-e. and this price P:m' be &2 for each article, regardless of value. The exâ€" penses of conducting our Agency are paid by the sale of certificates, or coupons, representing the vaâ€" rious articles. These certisicates are sold at FIFTY CENTS each of 5 for $2.00, and each certificate will show the holder the particular article he or sho is entitled to on payment of an addition $2.00. The expensecs of Freight and Packing Pianos of Sewing Machines will be Paid lI:y the Parties who are |\â€"_ Entitled to them. In every prr'. %‘ the United States and Provinces, and to all giich e? liberal inducements will be ofâ€" fered, and on li‘{\l cation a cireular of terms will be forwarded. | We prefer money sent in Post Office orders whore ‘hoy can be obtained, or by Bank Drafts, to our |order. _ Please write your Name, 'l'(:iwn. County: and State plainly, and address all s to F (1! ors to _ | na> ummary & PMLl SEEDSMANâ€" AND _FLORIST, March 3, 1866 + ‘YORK STREET, oPPosITE THE MARKET : | OTTaAW A,. BEGI TO INTIMATE TO THE IN»â€" habitants of Ottawa and surrnundini country that he has opened a SEED STORE in the above promises, where he has on hand every variety of AGEN TS ARE WANTED Garden, Agricultural and Flower â€" Sgeds, All warranted Fresh and Genuine. _ g_e&* DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, â€" donâ€" taining full cultural directions,â€"will be ready in a fow days, and may be had gratis on application. He has also a GREENHOUSE attached, in which will be found a great variety of Motâ€"house plants. BOUQUETS SUPPLIED. Ottawa. March 5, 1866, 65â€"3m EXTRAORDINARKY MERIT Must belong to that which pleases every one ‘ â€"â€" â€" and guchjis the case with ! Buchanan‘s Unrivalled Mixture FINEST WORKMANSHIP ! MOCHA JAVA, AND JAMAICA Roasted and ground daily, on the uremises, by | steam Yowcr. yas" Couch@n:lfv, always to be had in the highest state of perfection. ____ ‘. ; |"_ JAS, BUCHANAXN, _ _‘ Sugsex and Wellington Streets Ottawa, Jan. 20, 1866 > : 28 The price ofl, each article yaric«s from SIX TO Sold by Gearge Mortimer, Jolin Roberts W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinne in BANKRUPTCY! LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY, Mrs. 8. A, Allen‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate| strengthen and lengthen the hair. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and naturalt color and beauty returns. Grey hair disapâ€" pears, batd spots are covâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the detightâ€" fult fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the skin, scalp, or most elegant headâ€"dress. Sold by all Druzgists. Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. Ottawa Dec. 29, 1865 Just Received ALMERIA GRAPES, 8T. MICIIA‘E’L ORANGES, LEMON®, a ENGLI!I! FILBERTS, TURK#" FIGS, 4 TOMATOES, in Tins, GREEN PEAS, 4@ GREEX CORN, MUSHROOM®, PEACHES, BEANS, Sussex & Wellington Streets.} A SUPPLY ON HAXND AXD FOR |. .. ~BALE, Sussex & Wellington Streets» Ottawa; Feb. 10, 1866. _ 46â€"tf COFFEES ! JA MJ SELTER‘S WATER! Jas. Buchanan, . Jas. Buchanan, TREY & Co., 34, LIUERTY STREET, YÂ¥ o SACRIFPICEI purpose they have unanimously elected f DE TREY & €0., Agents for Manufacturers, 34 Liberty St., New York. 64â€"6m ES YON LAER, OF THE 66 46 300 TRA W ELAUT‘® Ottawa, March 10, 1866 & Ca%pital” Stove Depoti,tl.'), Sussex St., Ottawa, o H. MEADOWS & CO. Ba2p WE ARE MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. They will kee(n the waterâ€"deliciously cool and sparkling. For Saloons, Public Buildings, Household or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, being both useful and ornamental. Railway Companies, and others who have the bealth and comfort of themselves and people under their care ‘in view, are solicited to CALL AND EXAMINE ‘l‘lql, whether they purâ€" chase or not. , Toilet and Bedâ€"Room Setts of Japannedl Tinware. Cooking Stoves IRON BEDSTEADS. IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES CHEAP ! BIRD CAGES CHEAP! y LAMPS !â€" CHIMNEYS ‘! _ WICKS !!! za W;&In special attention to all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT , _ WORK ; and every description of Tin, Sheet Lron and Copper Ware on band, and made to order. COXL: OITL1 COAXTL C OILLI~â€" â€"COAL®: OLL Milk Pans, Milk Strainers, Pails and Strainers, Maple Sugar Kettles, Agricuitural Furnaces, Farmers Btoves,‘Cistern Pumps, and all kinds of Dairy Utensils iuade to order. 7M° CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS will find it to their advantage to deal at the = CAPITAL BTOVE DEPOT. A Liberal Discount is always allowed on all articles purchased. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM «FOR IT WE PURrOSE SELLING OUR PRESENT sTOCK OF STOVES AT REDUCED RATES. * 6 ‘"‘THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT. * â€" + 35, SUSSEX STREE1. f II. NMIIEADOWSK & Co. Ottawa, March 1, 1866 PLUNG ES BATEHIS, TWO.SL sPONGE BATIHS®, THI sSITZ f BATIIS, + ooT BATH®, CHILDRENSs IGATIIS, SIHHOW IEIi BATIS, ; > HOUIE AND _ FARM 1N i the TOWNSHIP OF HULL. A good new comfortabie dwellingâ€" * house, a storey and a half high, two good Barns bzflt of Cedar, and 200 feet of sheds, all of Cedar, oneâ€"half foored. The Farm has one hunâ€" dred acres cleared, and is well fenced with Cedar. 100 acres is covered with good hard wood. The property is within seven miles of the City of Ottawa. A ‘ood living stream runs through the middle of the lot. . ‘The whole will be sold onreasonable terms on l?pliouion'w &heLProg_rilolmll;. on Lot No. 3, in ‘the on ieation to the propriiot, To:&fllhop Township of Hull. RICHD. BUI _ 7A~ Or to the 'l"r‘ar‘.a office. Ottawa, March 6, 1866. A! EXCELLENT FARM, THE $OUTH» ERLY half of Lot L, in Coneegsion A, Ridean Front, Nepean, containing 100 meres, for £1,000, currency, three miles from the City of Ottawa. Jn ~> * ABPPLY TO March 12, 1866. WIIARI NOwW MANUFAC'I‘URIFG IN THE ABOVE PREMISES A DURAELE and CHOICE VARIETY of the following (Go~, which for beauty of design, style of finish, and uperior Workmanship, CANNO TBE SURPASSED / , I t % 4 Lo’l‘l 12 AND IC;GIOU'I‘H caTHCART Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Streetâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being gutdtln&mhhlfo( the front part of Lot 20, Ml:wflm, ‘l'o;:ohip ‘l:‘f glouom;r. as laid down 0 roj an eorge F. Austinâ€" and Olym udp'l'trnhg Lands. s Money o Lend on Real Estate, Apply to LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottawa. February 10. 1866. 46â€"u February 10, 1866 2 SAW MILLS, 1 FLOUR MILL, EX« ds) TENSIVE Timber Limits ; Wood Planing and other Machines ; 1,000 ncres good Land, Dwellings ; Stores; Wharves : &o., &c. [_| +. APPLY TO Ottawa, March 20, 1866. PTILTERING COPPFPEH POTPS ! L U M BE R ME N_!/ WILL BE, DEALT LIBERALLY WITH FOR SHANTY SUPPLIES! CAXALLE A ND mPPFH: PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS INYITED To a JOB LOT O%£ Go to the " CAPITAL! FOR SALE, P‘OEFR SA New Spring Goods. For Sale at a Bargain, GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & C0., FOR SALE, Ottawa, March 15, 1866 CUXXINGHAM &‘ LIXDSAY‘® XEW sSPRINXG HATS, CUNXNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S NEW SPRINXG BOXNXNETs, CUxXxIXGHANYN & Lixpsay‘s xEw ‘piEEss coops, CUNXNINGHAM & LINXDSAY‘s NXEW BLACK SILKS, CUONNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘$ XEW FANCY SILKS, CUNXNINGHAM & LINXDsSAY‘S XEW FEATHERS, $ CUNXXINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S XEW BONNET oRXAmEXT3 CUNXXINGHAM & LINDSAY‘$ XEW PRINTs. a NXEW BLACK COBOURGS, R s o NXEW BLACK LUSTREsS. & xEWw CRAPE CLOTHS®. 1 + XEW MOTTLED ALPACAS At xew sTRPE MoHALIRE i |xEW CHENEL MOHAIR AND LUSTREsS ; XEW DRHAB JEAXNS.â€", .:; xEWSTRIPE SHMIRTINGS.| | _NEW FRENCHPEIXTS. XEW WATER PROOF MANTLE CLOTHS XEW MELTONX MAXNTLE CLOTHS f For Making a Good Cup RICHD. BURKE, Proprictor FTROM 25 TO 75 CENTS EACH. W ATEEF COOLERS ! Our Spring. Stock 1 Inspection Invited. PARMERS, ATTENTION) 1 THE BEST AND MOST RELLABLE IN THE CITY! DUXCAN $SINCLAIR. BA T HIS I 10th MIarch, 18®6G6. WHOLCSALE & RETAIL, XEW COTTQN DEILLS PIFFERENT PATTERN®. H. MeLEAN. NEW COTTON AND LINEN TICKS â€"â€"ags o e o. 20, Sparks St. 66â€"1m of Coffee, retaining all the Aroma IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN LOTS AND HOUSES. MUUSE erected thereon. One half of the land is cle.ndu‘nd well (neod.or nIben m nr: worthy the attention of intendi , an will l;g sold CHEAP. Te PW INDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEX, For further particulars :p‘ry to WM. CLEGG, E8SQ., WITllll T WO=â€"A ND» A«HALF MILE® WVÂ¥ ‘Af the City Limits, with A DWELLING Ottawa, Feb. 22, 1866 CITY PROPERTY! THA’I‘ ELIGIBLE PROPERTY known as WOODROOFFS, owned by the late Captaim Baker, beguti{nlly !\immd on fi'ichnt’).nd Road, within five miles from Ottawa, containing 300 acres or thereabouts, being composed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st Concession Ottawa, Front on For terms and . ilars, to the Rr Cuarurs Forerst, mvuk,% LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, Ottawa. Nepean 90 ACRESOF LAND O8 THE PRESâ€" COTT road, in the Township of Gloucester, and adjoining Charles Smith‘s farmâ€"about 2 miles from Cunningbam‘s Stationâ€"80 acres under good cultivation, with a house and barn thereon. ALSO, several vacant lots in various parts of the Cooking Stoves city aeagen ... cbruary 10, 1866 1so Pew Noâ€"62, in Christ Charch, Ottawa F‘or Sale or to FOR SALE OR TOâ€" LET. FTOEF SA LE TWO.SIZES. THREE SIZES. + TWO sIZES. THREE SIZES. I*S, â€" THREE SIZES 7 IIS. ONE SIZE rOR sSALE, 25 ACRES OF LANXD TERMS REASONABLE. . Baraistrer, Telegraph Building, Ottawa Ciiy. CONBITIXG OF :"" E2 "0 To cnnm‘g’nowu. Ottaws. â€"ALsOâ€" '7? to the Rev. 62â€"y Btrect, now vccap z at this office. Oitawa, March s TO LET.==A | "F'I'I"I‘U * ie ) | wo uasueâ€"=A targe St smaller of 10 aparta '.d _ | TO LET.==Premisos s gist, or Motel. â€" J*" RENT® M All in ‘tine Stone Buil within ten minutes‘ walk H ings, OGawa. & f APPLY TO % Chandiere, Ottawa, z _March 6. 1866. "~ 4 L. O M | _ To Sell or L 0â€"3m 46â€"utf 56â€"tf ~% A'l' A YLMERK,««The comâ€" m modious house und premisc® # i forming the Northâ€"east corner of â€" the Court House Square*and Main Street, now uv;.q-ic-l by H. Chepmell, Esq. Apply at this office. Oitawas, March 15, 1866. 75â€"d Ks T0 LET. All in ‘tne Stone Buildings, well situated, and within ten minutes‘ walk of the Goverament Buildâ€" ings, OGawa. ___" _ (y" TO LET.==â€"A Photographic Gallery, &c. TO LET.==Several Flats of 5 and 6 Apartments, TO LaT.==A largo Stone Building of 15, and a TO LET.â€"â€"Premis¢s suitable for a Grocer, Drug A commodious STONE COTTAGE of Ten Apartâ€" ments, &c., ml{uin"\ng the turegcing. ‘ â€"‘Should these valuable Houses remain‘unsold at May next, they will be let for 4 or 5 years, at modeâ€" rate rentsâ€"or let in meantime, subject to sale, The proprietor intending to leave Ottawa, prefers to sell even at Imc pricés, on easy terms of payment. For further particulars, apply to ~ + JOMHN AACAULAY, > Duke Street, Chaudiere. OR TO MESSRS. SCOTT & ROsS, Barristers, &e., &c., Ottawa. Mitawn Veh 9 1866. 4 !~ 3¢â€"3m Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1866 m Concession of Mariborough, about 15 neres of which are cleared, A small Log trouse on the premises. _ The Lot is well watered, and is situated on the Mainâ€" Road from Mariborough to North Gower. For further partion lars, apply to "' * _‘\ .lw in theâ€"Tewnship ot 0s % ' goode, County ef Casleton, West half of Lot No. 34, 6th Concession, 50 Acres cleared. ~On the Lot is a good Log House and Barn. For further particulars, as to price and terms, upply to * HENRY ROBERTSON, l Dsgoode Post Office. North Gower, MarcB19, 1866 Osgyode, Mar Farm to Let for a Term of Years. â€"Â¥hxpoy, March 10, 1600 _ _ _________ 20 21x Shop and Dwellin=â€"House for Bale 4 8y 29y l. T BE _Vllalc'A“- 0 ® Lk. . > RICHMOND, 18 miles from the m@_@: be let on the most reasonableterms. There are on the Farm a vnns:lcku ble: Dwellingâ€" House, good Burn, and Stable, &e. There are about 40 acres clearedâ€"of a quality no# excelled within 50 miles of its situation, bnl.slt from R. }. station at Packenham 1} miles. Immediate possession will be given. â€" Enquire of ROBERT llAl(Il%lBiQ., Antrim P. 0., 1â€""ium_] ; ROBEKT ARMSTRONG, Kinburn P. 0.; or NOBLE WALLACE, North Gower P. 0. m Clty of Ottawa. An excellentopenâ€" Cl~~â€"*_ ing for a General Merchant. For particulars ©;ply to the Proprietor on the milses. » e â€" GEORGE BROW K. One Hundred Pounds Cash Each. Also THREE WOODEX HOUSES IN ’ g ze Tlll!: N O t T H â€" W E8 T ‘.'.'. > quarter of 1,ot No. 16, in the i! ; ‘hir 1ith Concession of Pakenham, will o Ai=z 5> be let on the most reasonableterms. £ *L ROW OF SIX XEAT A COTTAGES, painted, in New Edinburgh, opposite the School House, will be sold for erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other In Lower Town and‘ in Upper ‘Town, (near Nr. Gilmours.) : | 0 ~ *> / Gaort .LÂ¥ u.... t Te NS w uC And three four detached cottages, on the batfks of the Mideau River, Outside the City Limits ‘ Will be sold, subject to Leases,‘all of which will expire this year. & Â¥ To partiescommencing to build, village lots, | and park lots of several acres will Â¥e sold at } moderate , and the whole of the purchase | money, if degired, can remain ten years on the | property, at gix per cent interest. |\___â€"__ Apply at the offite of the Kew Edinburgh, January 31, 1866 ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND In the Township of Gloucester, situated about halt a mile from Killlnp Bridge. This land can be uolg e-;_blne'or in luu'of 5 acres. ‘ot further particulars, a to P FRANCIS H:guow, EsQ., ukh y 'l‘lll’l‘ VALUABLE PRO« rexstinâ€" PEIRTY known as T. M. BLASDELL‘S HOMESTEAD, conâ€" taining abont TWO ACREs, beauâ€" tifully wituated on the Ottawa River, being Lot One, Nong‘-we Wellington Street, City of Ottawa, ‘with the Dwelling artd outhouses thereon. Apply to Mfi C Sen t ar Building Lots! in rear of the above Whnks. â€" Lots 9 and 10 on north side of QueenStroot Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866 February ‘10, 1866 POSSESSION GIVsX®) IMMEDIATELY. 0R mt ASEW BRICK BUILDING asts* 12 on‘ Besserer Street, Sandy Hill, near the residence of Hox. MarcormCaxErox. . This b-llfi contains Sevon Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with modern impmoveinents. A large Two storey Wooden Building, on the corâ€" ner of)lumzdfiuua. This Mouse is lined with Brick, furnished with donble doors and windows and Venetian Blinds, There is a Jarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with Pump, Stable and other Buildâ€" ings in the yard. m?wnhwdluhp-‘hn Store, Hotel, Boarding House, or private residense, For further particulars npgy ud A j J. L. P. OHANLY, Ottawa, February 10, 1866. _ RFor Sale, t N sOUTH SIDE RIDEAU * () Street, (nearly opposite Workman & Griffin‘s,) a good three storey Ston¢ House, with a good awening and shop below. ‘The buildâ€" ing is covered with tin, and extendsfrom front to rear, 74 feet, 1t is a good businees stand, _ Terms reasonable. . + _ Apply to w ks Ottawa, Fcb:; 6, 1866 HOMES FOR SALE. Village of New Edinburgh, New Bdiuhivh' 4 ‘January 23, 1866 respect ive Ottawa, March 1, smaller of 10 apartments gist, or Hotel, _ â€"â€"â€" [pÂ¥#" RENTS® MODERATE. &2 To Sell or Let in Ottawa. EOR SALE OR 18 LET Farm tor Sale. Mn e #€ AlbGh ACKRES GF LAND LETTER 0 â€"Ottawa.â€" Also desirable TLand for Saleâ€" arm for Sale. ALSO, TO SELL OR LET, Apply at the office of the PFTOER SA LE ~~ 100 NsmmAE POFEF APPLY TO Dwellings to Let. R ,Al.umlr. s TONE BUILD« x ing, eligibly situated, and conâ€" Q: structed either for a Private Mesiâ€" dence, â€" Respectable Motel, &¢., wuse, or a General Grocery and Provisâ€" onsists of Two Cellars and other 15 (Jivisible into two tenements); area and 3 stories highâ€"built nearly throe but Poiated, &e., only since last New It is free from damp; whilst elegant It is free from damp; whilst elegant h. Frame bubh:m Sheds in rear h DESIR A BLE Lo‘rl 9 AND 10, ON Fouth Side SEM&:“O. nearly opposite the lot on which the new Bank of Montreal is to be m EYVERAL STONE b DWELLINGS®, in the corâ€" ner Block, y LEWIS & PINXHEY, Bwimn.x’ Ottawa. JOUN MACAULY. MACKAY ESTATE MACKAY ESTATE EGARâ€"YIELDINXG City of Ottaws. 37â€"3m Hill 46â€"ut! 30â€"3m 14â€"d 42â€"

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