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Ottawa Times (1865), 24 Mar 1866, p. 4

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i# 1 4 14 I+ #H d & §4" 14 p* 2 The following facts concerning the arrest of George Peet, an escaped ‘criminal, were suppressed yesterday by the feporters, as it was expectcd anothcr arrest would have been made. "About the 1st of February, the wife of a man namud George Pect, keeper of the Lake House, neas Aubura, New York State, took ill very suddenly, and medical men being sent for, she tecovered. â€" The medical . men were tot«llyâ€"unable to ascertain the cause of illncss. Sbortly after, the wife was again taken ill, and notwithstazrding every cffort on the part of the medical men, and the â€"careful attention of her Rusband, she dicd within twenty fout hours nfia%md illness. Before death, howâ€" evet, made over all her property, amountâ€" ing to about $5,000, ty her husband. Matâ€" ters louked suspicious, and so strong did the finger of suspicion,spoint to the husband as the cause of death, ‘that the wife‘s friends, who are wealthy, ordered a post mortem examination to ‘t- made, when it was found that the stomâ€" ach was fullPof arsewic. . Without further deâ€" lay the husband was artested, examined, and on the evidence, committed for trial by the Auburn n:vn'ln-a. He was lodged in Auâ€" burn gaol. * While incarcerated, Peet, in conâ€" junctiâ€"n with half a dozen otHer corvicts, plottâ€"d together, and late on the night of the 1st Fubruary the six convicts broke gaol by digging through a thick stone wall, and thereâ€" by effecting escape. Pect was confined in a double ccli, and, whem the gaoler went. to it in the morsing, the door was‘found locked as usual, and nothing disturbed in the cell, save that the bitd, along with the others. had taken flight. The authorities of Auburn then deputed Deputy Sheri@ U; R; Van Eten to track the convicts, and that officer proceeded to Post Byron, N. Yâ€", and tound that ‘two of the m«n answeriug the description given had jumped on board a railway train as it was <leaving. the station. He tracked them to Cunada, but at London, C. W., lost the trail, and, after avisit to Bothâ€" well, where he expected to come across them, he came to this city on Saturday night, at ten oclock. He visited different places in the city, went to St. James‘ Cathedral on Sunday, suspecting that among the crowd who followed the volunteers, something might turn up, but without avail. On Monday Mr. Van Eten strolled through the streets, and, while looking at every man who passed him, his cye caught a glimpse of a man who was sitting at the window of a‘ boardingâ€"house on Adelaide streect, and who looked extremely like the maurderer Peet. To confirm his suspicion, he enterâ€"d the next house and requested the owner to invite the boardingâ€"house keeper to step in fora moment ; and this being done, on enquiry he found that the party at the window had arâ€" rived in the city on Friday, from the West, but had given his name as Brown. Fully satisfied that he ‘had the conmvict within reach, he our police. authorities and accompanied by an officer, entered Pect‘s boarding house. The latter was list! sitâ€" ting on a sofa in the front parlor. Being Yyucsâ€" tioned, Peet‘in rather a frightened manner said that his name was Brown, and that he had come to the city in company with a friend on Friday. * You don‘t know George Peet?" enâ€" ti'd Mr. Van Eten. «No, never saw him y life," replied Poet. +, Well," said Mr. E., pulling out a handâ€"bill and reading Peet‘s desâ€" cription over, "If your name is Brown, you look very muchlike Peet, and I shall have to arrest you for breaking Auburn gaol." Withâ€" out a word, as pale as death, Brown was taken to the City Hall Station, search«d, and papers vvfin:i- identity found on him. While Mr.. an was reading a private letter taken from a.pocket book Pcct; in an excited manner, saidâ€"*Gentlemen, it‘s no use talking, I may as well adumt the corn." ‘Peet was brought upâ€"at the Police Court yesterday, but was remanded, while papers for his extradition are being AN ESCAPED MURDERER FROM 1~ _ .. â€" PHE STATES He Breaks Auburn: (N. YÂ¥.) Gaol, Flies to Canada and is Arrested in Toronto. About ten months before his wife died he tookSr fancy to a chambermaid of fair looks, who was in his employ, and without asking his wifs, went to a Bank, drew $1,000 of her oF HARTFORD. : Incorporated 1819. â€" Charterâ€" Perpetual. CAPITAL â€" â€" $2,250.000. AOOUMULATED ASSETS, â€" â€" $4,067,455. and after making up friends with his poor wif:, set up in theâ€"hotel business a short disâ€" tance from Auburn, keeping a house which was the resort of all the loafâ€"=rs of the vicinity. From letters found in Pect‘s possession, it was expected that the chambermaid would arrive in this city yesterday, and to give Mr. Van Eten time to arrest her before she could obtain knowledge of Peets‘ incarceration, the above facts were suppressed until toâ€"day. 'l“!l_ oLD FAvORITE COMPANXY continues to irsure property, AS HERETOâ€" PURE, at moderate rates. Private dwellings, deâ€" tached, their contents, rnd farm property l-.,ud for three years at greatly reduced rates. _ _ s Ottawa, Fob. 12, 1866. Boarding. TB“B OR FOUR GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated with rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at the "Qours" Restaurint, Also a number of DAY BOARDERS at reasonâ€" money, and left for Oil Springs, in Pennsylâ€" vanie, ‘and. other places. Tired of a n-.n{ng life, be returned, lcaving the girl behind him, Ottawa, Feb. 15, 1866. chandise at the lowest current rates. & JOHN DURIE, â€" * § . Agent Otawa, No. 10, sparks Streot. Ottawa. Fob. 12. 1866. _ 4Tâ€"utf INSURANXUE ADVER Old Atna Insurance Co‘y, Is to accept Risks on Dwellingâ€"houses, lwm .J' Furniture, and mu'ul Morâ€" GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, T'll CcoOMPANY HAVINGINXVESTED, in conformity with the Provincial Act, I HMHundred Thousand Doillars, For the special security of PoHeyâ€"holders Suawn, Feb. 1. 1866. Anpacuale" NOrice OF APPLICATiION. Ottaws, Fob. 17, 1606. Â¥ _ J. T. & W. PEXNOCK, Agents for Ottawa and surrounding country RE ASSURANCE COMP‘Y OF LONDON. Established in 1782. A Leaf in His Former Life. AGENTS FOR CANADA 1s HEREBY GIVEX, THAT will apply at the next epsuing it of this Province for an act as a Member of the Law r’ and his call to the Bar of F 6N 17, 1006. u. BERXARP _ PHCENIX M. EKAVANAGH 50â€"3mâ€"wh / ‘ITS The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration, having authorized the publication, by this Department, of &n occasional paper, to be caliâ€" ed the ©CANADA mcmunl'o.\ uaAZEITE," which will be dev exclusively to the encourageâ€" | ment of Immigratio®, and to the diffusion of gcourâ€" | até and useful i ation concerning Canada | abroad, 1 beg leave}to bring under your notice the | advantages this shogt will offer as an advertising ] medium to land ownlers, and others having 'flrr-\ | ties for sale or le: As information of th.s Kind | is eagerly sought for} and much valued by every inâ€" | tolligent emigrant, eans will thus be afforded nl] nhcm. the intending purchaser or lessee in Great | ritain in direct c imication with the propertyâ€" holdor hore. | The Honourable the Minister of Agricultire and Immigration. has algo authorised the cpening of an duformation Office is Liverpool, under the manageâ€" mont of Mr. W m. Dizon, a gentioman weil acquaint» ed with thisâ€"and the| mother country, who will be spetialiy charged with the distribution of this paper throughout the Unit in bringing the same prominently uhder the notice of the bmigrant. ; The tirst number will appear in the course of next month, the second i A;m'. bringing down the inâ€" formation to the latest poried, to be fullowod up monthly or quarterly, as may be required. As the space it is ntended to allot tor advertising purposes will be limited, and in view of the large circulation the s will obtain, [for it wilb be disâ€" tributed grataitously}, the prices of advertisements eannot be much low¢r than the following iâ€" _ For eacl advertis¢ment, not exceeding ton lines, $2 the insertion : 8 cents for every extra line. For a square of 24 lines, to stand for a twelyoâ€" SIR,â€" \ The tirst number month, the second i formation to the l1 monthly or quarterl As the space it is purposcs will be lim circulation the shee tributed grataitous! eannot be much low The undersigned will gla tions of a prictical characte ing on/the sabject of| Immai from actual settlers, how i n country, and poi out t of their district in particul that they should be written and he free from anything For eack adverti $2 the insertion : For a square of 2 month, $6. 7 February 10 In all cases, advoftisements mirst be an carly transmissiqn is II‘Otll.DOIll'NI Also, certain lands in th County of Essex, U. C., will be offered for sale at Auction, on the TV EN EV â€" FOURTH dtz of APRIL next, and following days, at Ju:;;'n 1, in the Town of Sandwich. 4n Othcer of the Dcputwm be in attonâ€" dance at Chatham m%..‘n,.-i ; #ix days prior to the days o‘ sale, stigate claims to the said lands, | Persons in ocoupation of any of the lots are notisied to attend at the above places during some one of such six days. 1 Lists of the lands, with the conditions of sale to bo seen at the Registry and Post Offices in the Counties, and to be had on application to the Deâ€" Light House Supplies DEPARTMENT 6F CROWN LAND®, ‘Ortawa, 8th March, 1866. No‘l’l(l 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that cerâ€" tain (sapposed) Oil and other Lands in the Counties of Kent and‘ Lambton, U. C., embracing cortain lots resumed under the notico of the 26th November, 1864, will, if not previously di‘vm.«l of, be offered for sale at Aaction on the TW ELETH day of APRIL next, and following‘days, at the Ranâ€" kin House, Chatham. _ _ L ns partmont March 10, 1856 Friday, the First of June Next, for the supply of . , .".l‘o:::{v;l.rhw "v?dnhunhfm the supply of i i 6,500 C J LLON S 1 # 50 GALLONS The whole to be furnis in iron bound casks, containing lifty gallons each, in the best order, ‘and to be delivered at the Contractor‘s risk, on such wharf near the Lachine Basin at Montreal, and on such day on or the first day of July next as may be speciied in the contract. _ ‘ _ FOR THE PROVINCIAL LIGHT HOUSEs | ABOVE LACHINE, Oneâ€"third of which mus: be from head matter which willufil'unpi-l at 30® rahrenhoit, and the other two thirds at 54* , wb}.fiw i;\.srction and test beâ€" fore acceptance, and if required, to be moasured NONâ€" SPEERM COILIL ! To be furuished in iron,bound casks, containing from 20 to 50 gallons each, and to be delivered at the contractors risk at the time abové stated at Montreal. 8 B3 e ratincn Arng cmmcine . ‘The casks, in each case, to be furnished by the contractor, and their cost included in the price of the oil. ‘The crow of the vessol must assist in the dolivery of the stores." Accommodation will also be required on board for the persons from this Dorn-nt in charge of the Stores, and the vessel will also bo required to recoive and transport from one station to another any such Stores as the Suporintendent in charge may direct. feavecus f Seabere â€" â€"ALSOâ€" A Steam Vosse! Wanted. EEALED TENDERS will be received on the same day, for a. Steam Vessel for the \hlivuzo:f the annual ui‘l@nhppllu. consisting of about 160 casks of oil, and 40â€"tops of other articles, at the respective Light House stations, situated on the River St. Lawrence and inland Luxkes; namely, on ery of the Stores. _ % A buik sum to be named for the performance of this service. Any further information can be obâ€" tained on sqliufiu at this office. Sanarata ‘Panders to be given for each service. Lakes St. Louis, St.: Francis, River Stâ€"Lawrence between Brockvilie and Kingston, Lakes Ontario, Erie, St. Clair,and Huron, and on Georgian Bay. ~ _ The vessel will be allowed to carry other freight, provided it does not intertere with the proper d:lv. De nt of Public Works, m, 3rd March, 1866. GOYVERNMENT HOUSE â€"OTTAV‘ A, House Supplies." > * Partios uduh&‘uut give their names ‘adâ€" dress in full, also signatures of two ble persons willing to become sureties for the fullâ€" hy Deptrtiient woll not be: bound t : the will not 0 acco tswent or bay Foodes. ; tC By Order, e o tiels His Exoriuryey tusx Aoanxistra tor or tus Govâ€" Eryxext is Corxcu. Hls EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay before the Council a Report from the Commissi of Customs, dated 15th Decemâ€" ber, 1865, and approved by the Hon. the Minisâ€" ter of Ifinnn?e. stating that under authority of chapter 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., See. 24, an Ordcr in Council was passed on‘ 28th April, 1853, directing * that Goods bona fide exported to this Provingce from any country, but passing in (ransitu through another country and under Bonds blnll}:, until it shall be otherwise orâ€" dered, valued for duty as if such Goods were imported direct from such first: mentioned country into ithis Province," and: submitting that it would be desirable to extend said Or der in Ooungil to free as well as dutiabl sod respectively * Tender for Sperm Oil," * Tender for c..m-.ia "Teader Tor the umquu‘n House Supplies." > e d * E. _ Separatée Tenders to be given for each sorvice, and to be addressed to the undersigned, and endorâ€" W onw&ell'u Excellency in Council 1 to order, and it is hercby ordered, that fi..-e m::g through a foreign country consigned ly to Importers in Canada, shall hereaftér be put on the same footing as dutiable Goods. PRAYER BOOKS, $ (Exousn AXD rREXCH,) oOP BVERY "XKIN D. nesapecas a 'Wt CALL THE ATTEXNTION OF THE Ladios of Ottawa to our assortment. _ DUVERNAY, BROTHERS. _ GovERNMENT ImatoaaALON OFFICE, 4 Quenke, 2jth January, 1 866. Sealed Tenders WiILL BE RECEIYVED aT THIS OFFICE UNTIL Xo08 OP JanuAry 1, 1866 Ottewa, De 1865. Of the best quality‘of â€"winter prossed Saturday, 16th day of December, 18§5 I am, Sir, Of the best| quality of Signed, Your obedient servant. . A. C. BUCHANAN, ts Chief Agent ill gladly receive communicaâ€" aracter for publication, bearâ€" lm-i‘nlio{ such as letters lhovin{:hoir &n‘m- in the out the peculiar .dnulro rticular, «o. _ 1t is desirable titten as concisely as possible, thing like exaggeration. isements micst be prepaid, and A. CAMPBELL, Commiss1ONER AUX, F. nn%“ : Wx. H. LEE, COAL OlL, 62â€"if 10 a 12â€"tf K: L _ No. 103 State Street Boston 34« _ December 19, 1805. MONTREAL OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. B@â€"RETURN TICKETS GRANTED AT REDUCED RATES. rrMIIS COMPANY‘S MAIL LINE 18 COMâ€" _l_ po.wd of the following Firstâ€"cl full powered Ulydeâ€"built doubled enginad Iron Stcamships : smep 3 AC PERUVIAN, MORAVIAN, Nov Aâ€"sCOTIA N rrHE STEAMERS OF THE GL+SGOW 4. LINE consisting of the > | 8ST. DAVID, 1650 tons, .. ... .. . Capt. Aird, ST. GEORGE, 1168 tons, ... ..Capthmilh. 8T. ANDREW, 1432 tons, . ... .Capt. Scott. ST. PATRICK, 1207, tons, . . .. . Capt. Trocks. ST. PATRICK, 1207, tons, .. .. . Capt. Trocks. Sailing between the Clyde and Port and New York at intervals throughout th¢: season of Winter Navigation, as follows :â€" ST| GEORGE,..... ...... 17th January, 1866 $F,; DAYID, ...... ...... 31st Jani , 1866 S$TP. ANDREW, .........l4th Feb‘ry, ‘ 1866 ST. PATRICK, ..........21st Feb‘ry, 1866 ®TP. GEORGE, .......... Ith March, 1866 $Tâ€"â€"DAYID,â€".........J.. 21st Mln:lf,‘ 1866 Rates of THROUGH PASSAGE from Monâ€" treal to Londonderry or Liverpool : _ | CABIN, ... i+« 0+« ....S'I'.!lndql't t\wotding to accommodation) | STEERAGE,‘....:........+7.. 00# Under Contract with the GOVERNMENT of CANADA, for the Conveyance of the . CaNADIAXN A4XD UNITED STATES‘ u MAILS. «> HIBERNIAN, BELGIAN, NORTHâ€"AMERICAN, Passengers * Capt. Watr. | (Sailing from LIV ERPOOL eycry THURSâ€" DAY, and from PORTLAND every SATUR, DAY, calling at Loch Foyle to-.n:}!ivv on béard and land Mails and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland.) yq PERUVIAN,::.........! 6th January, 1866 BELGIAN,...... ...... ..13th January, 1866 MORAVIAN,....... .. ... . 20th Janugry, 1866 NOVA SCOTIAN,...,.. . 27th Januaty, 1866 NORTH AMERICAN,.. . 3rd February, 1866 HIBERNIAN,.......,, ,10th February, 1866 DAMASCUS, bfi'An experienced Surgeon carrimj on thip. /. _ e t Ottawa, Jan. 5, 1866 Mail Steamers to France Direct. z_ MHEUBACH & COWARD, Aumond‘s Building, Rideau Street, Ottawa, Or Glxp Teavikx Ramway Statos, l:inu_n. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMâ€" PANY‘S XEW LIXE OF FIRSTCLAS$ > SIDEâ€"WHEEL STEAMERS B * TWEEN NEW YORK & |/~ * HAVRE. 1| P The first FIVE splendid Vessels in ?la:d to be put upon this favourite route for t}¢ Continâ€" ent are &: following :; 11 | WASHINGTON ..3,204 tons. .900 horge power. LAFAYETTE...3,204 tons..900 horge power. EUROPE.:.... .. 3,204 tons.. 900 power. NAPOLEON I11..(nearly ready): .1 h. p. 8T. LAURENT.. .gmilding). .0 power. PERIERE...... .(Building)....G power. VILLE DE PARIS (Building). . .G wer. Until the completion of the entire ;lir: the service will be performed by the| "TUROPE,"| || A. Deouesx®, B CEVROFPm,"/| On Friday, the 5th day of Jaqury. R@J" Departures from New York to re stopping at Brest to land mails andâ€"pagsengers, thereby shortening the sea voyage ulqm one day. i First Cabin, including table wine . ... ;. $135. Second Cabin, including table wine .$70 or $80. Quebec to Paris ... ... ... ... $83, $93 or $148. Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in ]United States currency. â€"_ B@J" Medical attendance free of charge. ~For Freight or Passage, apply to | FROM NEW YORK "‘fb"'ixAYm-: omm t ( TD Y 96 Ottawa, Jan. 5,.1866 British and North American: ROVAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS! LIVERPOOL & NEW YORK The Boston Ships only calling at HALIFAX to land and receive Passengers and Her Majusty‘s Malls. n GLASG OW LINE | _ Vis CORK HARBOR, and between LIVERPOOL AND BOSTON, Via CORK HARBOR. Chief Cabin Passage ...... ...... .;..$ Sccond * # ...{ â€" From Boston to Lrevipool Cblefgubin?uugo,............'... Second * .. 5 ....xk.rrkrrrsns * From Boston to Halifax ChicfCabin Passage,....... / ...., ... .| 20 00 Sccond * M U viare i+ ++ sofusin} M OO Payable in Gold or its equivalent‘in United * e Ships sat d Shigeots * . The Ships carry experienc urgeons, * No Berth will be secured until pfisofpr. No freight will be received after 3 o‘clock P.M., on the day before sailing. L §@J" Parcels for different consignees colâ€" lected and made up in single ad. dressed to one party for delivery, for the purâ€" pose of evading freight, will upon the examinâ€" lfit‘mbhy the customs be charged with proper freight. 4 * The owners of these ships will not be acâ€" countable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewellery, Precious Stoncs, or Metals, unless bills of lading are sigued therefot, and the value thereof therein expressed. | through the Post | Office. )ie:%hndi‘: and Bpecie (except for_]{enolul expenses) shipped under the‘name of Lcosac®, will be charged as freight, and liable to Custom House regulaâ€" tions. Specie taken as freight . For mm‘n or , apply to | E, C. & 1. G. BATES, 1865â€"6â€"Winter Arrangementâ€"1865â€"6. Dates of calling are as follows : FROM PORTLAND ‘ADIAN, #@~Borths not secured until paid for For further particulars apply to | TaFhyrerri+gs CUBK . !/+« ++ SCOTAp«+++++ FHHSIKy« «11x . CHINK, c «c uz+ + AcsTRALASIAS,. ABUAye «+ 6+k ++ APRIGA;â€" ++ ++ CAXAD4:...+. EcROPAy. .. . .. __ THE FARES WILL BE From New York to Liverpool : ine thereo! therein e:sreued. 1 Notz.â€"All Letters and Newspapers uost rass "TARA YX ELW‘ B ;" OCE Appointed by the Admiralty to sail > between - And every succeeding Saturda WINTER 1865â€"6. SAXNX Booked to Liverpool & Londonaery A. Bocavpe, as follows dhisr scrrxe +. Oc KK B k§LKNy. : x1 4s 1 5s s 6+ c8 6h e rearrtssry rra i es Capt. Barras tin® Capt. Ditrax Capt, Brows Capt. Aitos Capt. Wyir Capt. Kers Building DONALD R. MacLE STEAMSIIIPS. Commercial Chambers, \_19} Peter Street, Quebec ... E. R. Moodic ... ;. . $132 50 c aseees" LB0â€" 00 2650 Tons 24 18 6 vlh THE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 24, 1s66. 10 Tons 0 Tons 0 Tons 0 Tons 4 Tons 0 Tons 4 Tons 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 12 00 65 00 500 Christmas and New Year‘s! CHRISTMAS WINES & rrBE BsUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRE â€" Large and varied Stock of WINE QUALITY he warrants to give satisfactior on hand comprises :â€" No No - GINâ€"DEKUYPER’S AND OLD Jamaica Rum, Morton‘s and Mo Wines, Old Rye, Proof and W HISKEY S. Scotch & Irish Whiskey, in Woc CcomNsTANTLY ON EAMN Ales and Porterâ€"â€"â€"Dawe‘s Canadian TBEASâ€" Taoka ut SUGARSâ€"*®> COFFEESâ€""""A SPICES BLACK and WHITE PEPPER,CINNAMON, ALLSPICE, GINGER, ‘ &c., &c., FRESH GROUND BYâ€"STEAM on the Premiscs. TOBACCOS DIAMOND,. MONTREAL, NIGGER HEAD, SOLACE, FIG,,GOLDEN LEAF, ELDORADO, CUT SMOKING, CUT HONEY DEW and CANADIAN U TWIST. V A.RIETIES SAUCES, PICKLES, ESSENCES, SOAPS, CANDLES, TALLOW and SPERM; STARCH, BLUE, BROOMS, WASHâ€"BOARDS, MATCHES, PIPES, OILS, &c. FISH and SALTâ€" Lobsters, Sardines, Digby Herring, tÂ¥ Intending Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THE GOODS and PRICES, and an Inspection of our Wine Vaults is specially solicited. "Red Sign and Mammoth Painting ; Near the FRENCH CA&‘HE?RAL. ® K" Goo DELIVERED in all parts 0, the City FREE of C. 430!'. 300 Half Boxes do. 300 Quarter do do. 200 Halt _ do Figs. 200 Quarter do do. Currants, Candied Lemon, Orat Ottawa December 18 1866 1, Sazerac De Forge & Son‘s Old COGNAC)2. . . .. .eÂ¥ e ks k e« ++ +0 ++ en 6e ++ ?, Bascrac De Forge & SONK,. .:;\ ... /.. ceÂ¥rixasiirs rsrirsÂ¥rsreesv4+ssss 3. J. & P: Martel‘s, Jas. Hennesey & Co.‘s, De Guernon & Co.‘s, Chas, Coran & Co.s, Otard Da Pay & Co.‘s, and Jules Robin & Co.‘s. Old Cognac. 4, Cognas Ondinaires (ROCHEIIG;]: ... ;« :.: }> 100 > ar1gs 52s a xslz E6 Â¥a) noiar sn‘ Jorn Femionys s u«i0 s 5 s uulk ae me on ‘n on on 4 ie on on s aale was‘e paiena m n athe in o0 m u8 a C. SPARROWS COLUMN. #herry, (Old, GROG ©OGT Boxes Layer Raisins. JNRENCH WINES! JAPAN, COLORE] ‘ YOUNG HYSON GOon A FOY REMEMBER THE STORE WITH THE & JT"LTEH CHBAP AT NAC BRANDY! C.~ SPA RRCO mx 8 BRIGHT MUSCOYVADO, REFINED YELLOW, RYâ€"CRUSHED, GRANULATED, CRUSHED A, &c. ocn-’A,'] JAVA, LAGUIRA and RIO, FRESH ROASTED and GROUND.DAILY BY STEAM on the Premises Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel! SALE CHEAP â€"â€"â€"â€"F 0 Râ€"â€" C.â€" SPARROW, Jr. SPARROW S RUILDINGS, Cornor of Bussex and Murray Streets, 11.10 11.10 7.00 11.10 AND UNCOLORED; IMPERIAL, TWANKAY, SOUCHONG and CONGOU, all NEW CROP. otl‘s. 15 8.15 :.75 15 3.50 5.00 6.00 3.00 115 & NEW YEARS LIQUORS ND CHEAP N PION ! T ATTENTION PABT‘QCULARLY TO HIS ) and LIQUORS, which for CHEAPNESS and h M DF, 14 1000 BAGS OF SALT. 200 BARRELS No. 1 SPLIT HERRINGS, 100 HALF BARRELS No. 1 do. 100 _ Do do do LABRADOR. 100 QUINTALS DRY COD FISH. 100 KITS PRIME MACKEREL, equal to any House in ‘..ada. _ His Stock now ERIE.S . &c., &e. No No. 17, Sauternes, (W hite Wine,) No. l,&iscl,) 1.00 18, Ssauternes, (W hite Wine,) No. 2,“9358,) 1.15 19, Sauternes, W hite Wine,) No. 3, (1851,) â€"â€" 20, Graves, (1858,)........ â€"â€"â€" 21, Frontignan, No. 1, (‘61,) __ (Muscat of Lunel,).. 2.00 22, Frontignan, No. 2, (‘58,) 1.50 23, Champagne A. Blanchet, jeune, wine grower of the Brand Mesnilâ€" surâ€"Oger, (Epernay,) (Reims,) .......... â€" 24, Moet & Chandon, Green 25, Moet & Chandon, Sup‘r, #6, Roussillon, ......,...«; 27, Benylty..:...:i4l...; 1, Port, (Old,). .. ... . ... . §$5:50 2, Do. (Superior,)....... 3.50 9,D0. :. i+«l.ir1‘xs «s‘ LB 1,00 4; D0&atire‘s { 1 2s tiit: t <Â¥+xaÂ¥sa%« 308 _ 10 00 lnshTrarsares ss«s ABD 8.00 At C. SPARROW, Jr. At C. SPARROW Jr d & Bottle, & Imported ! TQM. o son‘s High Poddy mvamers ABD T AA00 1.50 {Por Case 12 Botl‘s. $11.75 8.15 6.50 16.00 18.00 4.00 6.00 13.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 115 €.00 1â€"f 99 <OTTAwWA TIIES" T S TICA M Printing Works! 60, Sparks St., Contre,Town. WILL AFFORD A SUPERIOR MEDIUM ADVERTISING IT HAB BEEX TRULY SAID TBAT «*A JUDICIOUS APPLICATION OF PTHE ~PRINTERS INK!IS orr or THE LEADING AVENUES TO WEALTH® Dry Goods, Or Hardware ADVERTISE ! Let the World Know It. PROPETY to SELL. Do You want to Buy ? No Matter what your Business This is the Motto of every Real The ‘OTTAWA TIMES‘ NOW is the UTIME Through Which it Will Reach Arabian Heave Remedv AND CONDITION~MEDICINE "T S POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY OR It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by reâ€" moving from the airâ€"cells the coagulable lymph, or that secretion which .in Heaves clogs them, mmln% a difficulty in breathing, and by its action on the diseased part, causing the mucous resume ‘its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood, and restoring the distended vessels to their natural ui:z ; by its use the horse‘s apâ€" seuu is improved, all derangements of the igestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining apâ€" pearance. D. W. HURD, Successor to Rl,'lb & Co. Maiden Lane, NEW York, #OLE PROPRIETOR FOR THE UXITED STATES, â€" NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastus, C.W. J'}:roprimm for the Canadas. : PRICE TWEXTYâ€"FIVE 2EXT8. SBold by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J Skinner, in LA all other preparations for the. Cure of Heaves, Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind,and all discases which affect the Wind of Horses ; also, as a Condition Medicine, surpassing every thing of the kind ; is casy to give, sure to cure, and safe in all cases and at all times, and does not prevent the horse from being worked while using it. B CLAEWE, Ottawa, Dee. 18th 1805t 1â€"6f&w TO BUSINESS, MEX IN THE A DV ERTISK. THE ~TIME ADVERTISH! Groceries, BUSINESS MAX Is THE MEDILIUM ADVERTISE!! THE PUBLIC. ADVERTISE ! IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAVE OoFFICE : DARLEY‘S Crockery, ADVERTISE! nntnic t M TJs LINE OÂ¥ TO SELL, prla.ssware, 99 The Great Purifier of the THESPRING AND®UMMER SARSAPARILLA! & LLEVOL KXILINXE 1% PÂ¥ 27 R0 0C AVEATZ EECC “TIIE.\' THE BLOOD 18 THICK, THE | eirculation clogged, and the humors of the y rendered unbealthy by the heary and greasy eretions of the winter months. | Thix safe, though, werful detergent, cleanses every portion of the , system, and should be used daily ‘ all who are sick, or who wish to prevent sick | ess, _ It is the only. genuine and original prepara fot for.the permanent cure of the most dangerou | 7 and contirmed cases of | {rofula, Old Sores, Boils, Tamors, Ab= seesses, Ulcers, ; And every kind of Scrofulous and Seabious erupâ€" tions. â€" It is also a sure remedy for SALT RHEUM, RING _ WORM, TETTER, / SCALD MEAD AND SCURYVEY, . It is guaranteed to be the Purest and most Powerâ€" ; < ful preparation of GENUINE HONDUR AS8 SARSAPARILL A And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, | even in it« worst forms. | It is the very best medicine for the cure of all | digeases arising from a vitiated or impure state of | the blood, and particularly o when used in conâ€" | nection with J 9 BRISTOL‘S _ (\"c@tail-)lâ€"c)' Sugarâ€"Coated Liver, Stomach and Bowels, Put n'r?-â€" Glass Phiais, and Warranted to keep in any climate. i: > Rias t 4 c\\:lckect, and the best : should be at once resor __l_ now been before the Public for a length of time, and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give permament relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are properly followed, but on the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects. f â€" Among the most important of modern.M«dical discoveries stands the CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER. Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruiscs, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentry, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, 4 Frost Bites. do., ite., ito.,‘ ‘ o. FyNHE CANADIAN PAIN,DESTROYER has We speak from experience in this mattes, having tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the, comâ€" plaints for which it is recommended may deâ€" pend upon its being a Sovercign Remedy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadain Pain Destroyer, in curing the Discases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful success in subduing the torturing pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affecâ€" tions, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these complaints, . Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each testiâ€" fying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never. fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keep it. Physicians orderand useit; and no family will be without it after once trying it. Price twentyâ€"five cents per Bottle, * NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, C. W., wlz General Agents for Canada. Sold by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Magssey, H; F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in Ottawa. RELIEEF IN TEN MINUTES â€" _BrRrYAN‘S PULMONIC WAFERS! THE ORIGINAL MEDICINXE ESTAâ€" blished in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under thename of * P‘u/ monic Wafers," in this or any other country ; all other Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. ‘The gepuine can be known by the name BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER. 3 -Bryau'o Pulmonic Wafers .. Relieve Cough, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness Bryan‘s Pulmonic Woafers Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing Bryan‘s Pulmonie Wafers Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Discases, Bryan‘s Pulmonie Waters Relieve Irritation of Uvula and Tonsils. Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wofers Relieve the above complaints in ten minutes, Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are a blessing to all Classes and Constitutions s ‘ Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers â€"â€" Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers Are in simple form and pleasant to the taste Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers ‘ Not only relieve but effect rapid and lasting cures. Bryah‘s Pulmonic Woafers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No family should be without a box otf Bryan‘s Pulmenic Wafers in the house, No traveller should be without a supply o Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wofers * in hisâ€"pocket. ; _ No person will ever Object to give for . Bryan‘s Pulmonie Wafers § 5 Twenty.â€"five Cents. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprictor, f § New Yorx. P I L I.S i Ranging from $18 Upwords. Mills‘ Marble Works, Sparks St., CENTRE towX, OfTAtA. W. J. & A. K. "'.'!- : Is: |;:n‘{|£uinrl; recommended for use during in Ottawa. Ottawa Dec. 18 1865, Table and Counter Tops, Wash«Stands, Pler Slabs, &¢,, Monuments, Head«Stones, &c« Orders respectfully solicited and promptly executed. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866 Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 Bold by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W. ; . Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, | . All of our Ottawa. |\ board, in fu N MARBLIZED SLATE, AMERICAN, Italian and Arnprior Marble, at prices The }::t ';r; fof all Diseases of the I® C & & 0 IX QUaART BOTTLES ! Mantleâ€"Pieces ! BiISTO L‘S a . l1Diect 1DDrink, NORTHROP & LYMAX, NewcastL® 1â€"6â€"fkw 1â€"6faw ALEX. MePOXALp _ Brass Found ini T.hnwge{rgmer LOCKSMITH, SILVER PLATHEIz HMaving purchased the |;;e: :(J AsS, ;‘, & €O., late of Ottawa, HAS REMOVED HIg f‘ R E/TE _ ONI.Y IN8STRUNMEXT$ L ofhstructed on a |I1||_\' Soiettific "fihz’. |ulc‘, !u-.\' have gr atyr streugth, and Will io. | main Tonger in Tospthan any other Piano | The copstruction is shuple and naturd, all g,. | extrancous Iumber in the hody of the in8tmy,, | mont is despensed with ; the sourd boards an |ancrely two arched planks of thin Â¥006, like ' the front and back of a viotin ; the Stringsâ€"an attached to a strong Tron frame, which is sepam l ted and entirely independent of the case, thendy dispensing with the old harp finn(.“-.&_ by substituting straight bridges, preserving at the same time the Over Strung Bass, of whigh Mr. Discses is the Inventor. By these ip. provements we gain .ll“llil more q-ih‘.’ power, at the same time preserving al} its l purity and richness of tone, * Corner of Sparks & Bank $ts, Where he will be at all times preparedity do al . * Steanifitters‘ Brasswork; and all ; Brass Furniture, . Me willâ€"also 4 manufacture all kinds of Chande} gas or coal oil. HMe will also kedp ufacture to order Brass Force P Pumps, and Beer Hngur-,vul,fli. this country, and challenge any Canada to compete with him at t tion. _ Beer Bottling Machines on | yBuge» tion, . Beer Buttling Machines on hand, of Bottling and Racking Cock» made to on PA All orders respectfully solicited, a the shortest notice, with the best material manship guaranteed 1 Ottawa, Februar 16, 1866. PIANO FORTES They have received the highest tostimihigl from the Pross, and all the principal Artigs in the country, among which are : > % MHarry Sanderson., L. M, Goltschalk, Max Marelsek, K. Thalberg, Theodore Eisheld, H*m, «Mason, 4 Herman Wollnhaupt, 4. Rarili, Francts H, Brown, _ M,. Atrackoach, W‘m, Heury FPry. Chas, Fragel, MR. SEGESMUND TH ALBERG, the wvoa MK. NLGLNMUND THALBERG, the groat pianist, says;â€"] have examined your new Piaps. Fortes, and 1 cordiatly approve of its Systom of construction. . 1t« prin ipal, by which gres increase of vibratory. power is obtained, hb very simple and perfectly plfikmq-hu, : tome is.rand and noble ; it has groat for sustaining the sound for «ingipg and is volume of tome or power I haye never ber excelled in depth, purity, whd #ympathete sweetness. . 7 WM: HENRY FRY Aate mmusical critie ol the N. Y. Tribune sayk :â€"1 have examined you newly invented Fignoâ€"Fortes. ‘They makt all the praise given to them by lfl-!.'l* Gottschalk; Strackosch, Masonâ€" and othes newly â€" invented Fignoâ€"Fortes. ‘They makt all the praise given to them by Messrs. Thalbay Gottschalk, Strackosch, Mason. and othes As regards structure, Athey are orginal ant philosophical; in purity, volume, apd co tinuity of tone ; in vocal versimilitude, t crowing excelence which enables the pianigs to " sing" on the instrument, _ Your Pianosere deserve the highest rank. Your invention is my opinion, is destined to work radical changh in the manufacture of Pianos throughout th world. te | _ For seventéen years the supenior L _4 | of our Mecloddons has not been | for two years |past the W‘d | made it impogsible for us to meet out | promptly. â€" With our increased :t’ Before purchasing, sond for a . descriptin catalogue, with price. + Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865, ‘ 39 X ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE O z\ taining fall dewcription of «tyle, testimonials of the most 13‘!!:-.( as to the supcrior excellente of our mentsâ€"will be sent free taâ€"uny address. . Every Instrument Warranted for FIVEYen In presenting the Avmaanc (hfi: boldly announce the groatest ' musical instruments of the age. During ;-‘A)nll’ century, the French have manufactured reed i double belfows, and two pedits for the fet operate, but the want of the reversed of naUstE» seuvows, (which is the usod in our i ments,) made it for them to |produce the mellow, musical tone | for which our instrumentt celebrated. ; s Anothcer objection to this method of was, that both fect being occupied, no PP® s #52 to #55% EACH! THIIRTY NINE VARIETIES, with P APRM BASSO T1ENUTO or SUB BASS. Anothcr objection to this -d’::" was, that both fect being occu no : tunity was offered for the mapagement w swell. â€" Within the past two years, o C copstructed of this European blowers," hate been â€"ln&!‘ in country, and to counteract this difficulty t of a swell) a Â¥ever has been projected fro® centre of the Instrument, to act upon the AND OPERATED BÂ¥ THEENEE ‘The inconvenieh® and contortioh necessary to effect this O# are disagrecaljle enough to l‘rflk-l; a lady the usd of such an appendage i# ® entirely, the # or less force decrease in th The Mcb impossible. J‘r ; Our arrowAtic device obviates this feel warrant their orders a ‘contintianc When a dealef represents as "the as ours," it attempt to scl} an inferior it he can make & large profit. men Tas Orrawa Tncs. â€"Printed and every morhing, (Sundays excopted) Resert Days, at the Times $te80 " _ / Works, Xo]$0, Sparks Street, in h# Ottawa, Coynty of Carleton C. * sCHOOL ORGANS and MELODBE Automatic Orgam. 85,000 NOW in re he will be at all times prc» entrusted to him with noutmom E WILL KEEP COx DRIGGS NXNEW PATEXqp Ottawa, De inished in Elegant Rosewood, Wain# or Ouk cases. GEO. A. PRINCE 4 €0) No Charge for Boxing or Shipping The Automatic Organ., KEEP (‘Ol.f_l NTLY Yours respectfully WM. HALL & sON, hallenges with him z Machine FFC qrev PER Ei C mple act of blowing with moft giving the desired incres®* ® : volume of the tone. } . Aucedunl : volume of the tone. con and School “’_1 i in nng «490 j ill uhr-*"“"‘l of their: nage. ; *6E0. A~ o Sther insts represchts any as ours," it is usvally ® an inferior instrument 08 strumenits have upon the 18, 1865 BOLE AGENTS C -~nd--muqu.-..h| A.I'.ld h'lq! fiu‘nf‘,fi right bridges, preserving at Over Strung Bass, of whigh + Inventor. By these ip. P ATENT ut of Plupbers and all dands 1 IFalso keep on Ths L. M ~GOTTSCHALK aU kinds of Bys ndeliers, ““""M- edp on hand ang 1uky. e Pumps, Hang Beer perior to any made ip any -Ml&r.. at the coming exhib;. x on hand, All king, ® made to order. * !ssTlxruu-“ l'\‘ Scicutific lm reugth, and wil es ) any other Pians wiad naturd, al) g, have "P""" h4 A. PRINCE 4 O 543 Texpatch XEW and flled op ll.'“% SHOP Te i®tre, boards an wood like hak suunen ARTHTY vas 51 1ay (he w4 Nammot ted in the wid 1 & Chancory, uipi0® : Cour A. L Dewyxixe Ottawa, Jan. 14 -Blllll!i'l' Chancery, Orric® : Aum Ottawa, Jan. 12 Tenws 0# . tor the dhnst poryyery is wise @nany n Notary Pul Crown Attorney, and R llM'l!. < Orricx : in 15 January 27, 18@ BA.II.T‘ Solicitor®â€"i Public, &c., &c. Qpricn : Over Street, Ottawa. p"° Amewd Otawa. + Fobraary 7, MB | Onpustesl and Elgin Stroot Ottawa, Doe. 4 urnex : Lal Febraary 21, 1 L% Conveyan« Qrric® : Int Romuer 1 Ottawa, Februa {sh MESSIH BAIIII‘I ) BdWeitons Convey ancdre. Qrricn: Lan Certral Ottowa winuiam Do Hawa. Fob. 7 P. J. Booses Htawa, Dec. 1 bes Pablic, & Orvi Otthwa Ouawe t B A N8 8 40 0 Telegragh artawa, Mare Jam CO€t w t COL, A.V.(‘ A ney s â€"mt~I 4 c. Wns Fridays J‘:- February 7, 1 Xa Ads prepured to Government -Q‘m cult in and f o TJ wW, M Adi p A 0t 08 08 9n QreAx RA lic, lin. # few doors of the Gov, Ottawa, TVPOR NE DUNXNI TDrOR NE ®. Coratax, Ottawa, Fo R. Chancer Orrice : Po E. 8. Have JOSE TPOR NXE A 38 38 38 ud > Oanpronst Ottawa EV :+ PRUObP+ MEssSpq EDW A A MR 48 t Desomber LEL A Ht 1t 18 Ottawa, F, Of a avas Ottawa A 8t Ht 48 J PXA «tÂ¥Tr DvVOotC MHAY AKD of the ANI Wore M gm a 2

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