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Ottawa Times (1865), 10 Apr 1866, p. 3

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to know tha e tay, it Canade Rast ake surcienl in t of St. Albants i Good Words, at 25 conts a to the preachâ€" of GENUINE od Patent Modâ€" CELEBR A* amuM P * to whou good râ€"200%8, PuR s for March. t Hinmie e ‘0 it a trigl... S#KE Y , mlly wo will wige.. ‘n&d: ime and = class, and, aurice, M. A.; u onlens of h the emin. oLa®E, ASHE W her of the NAâ€" OK®, BLANK BINDER, &¢. moved to more _ comer of S MENTS_ CS P us him by Bit .'u 7 Go L__‘" AZINE, AR ate the bow.. 20tor of hep st Worm Des ) A GG % ues 1% TONERY several of the e, Seotch Tatâ€" riting Pencils» he has to a8~ " by sSTREET. of this city Mr oft his masseâ€" have been of it used t has digâ€" , and with of Mre. #y #y P1 city of Water Colors ; Sable and Camel Hair Poncils ; Drawing Poncils ; India.Ink ; India Ruabber ; Palâ€" In great variety ; Silver, Bronze, Lacquered, â€"Papier Mache, Ebony, Walout, White Metal, Cut Ofthe finest and heaviest description ; Creamâ€"laid ad Blueâ€"laid. R And ENVELOPES, of every tint ; also, White with GoOFFERED and COLORED BORDERS. Canada Gazette ‘“moâ€"pfld‘gl‘u similes from TURNER, EASTLAKE, HUNT, and other great masters, just opened, and offered for sale at most HAND snd MACHINE MADE ; Imperial, Super. Royal, Royal, Mediam and Demy. Paper, Purchments ; Tinted Album Papers ; Music Paper ; Tracing Vellum ; Tracing Paper. Fing Note Paper at One Dollar per Ream ! RMourning Daper ; Foolsâ€"Cap Papers, Creamâ€"laid, Blueâ€"laid, and Handâ€"made, of every weight and quality. (OMOLITHOGRAPES! Moreeco, Russia Leather, Walnat, Maple, &e. &¢ Stationery Cases, Envelope Cases, . Portfolios, and Blotters, of every style. pFDESPATCH BOXE®."%% sPARKS STREET, Mathematical Instruments. Ivory Seales, Drawing Pons, Compasses, complote Cases, Microscopes, &c., &o., &¢. _ BINDING AND STATIONERY Aromatic Elastic Bands Paperâ€"fasteners ; Sealing Wax ; Mucilage; Wax Vestas; Bryant & May‘s Patent Safety Matches ; English Note & Letter Papers, Tail Bells ; Ivory Paper Knives ; Pen Knives ; Scisâ€" was, Erasers, Pussic Locks, &¢., &¢., &¢. 4 Metallic Memorandum Books ; Used by the Bank of England, 35¢ PER QU ART, lnStone Jars; Walkden‘s, Stephens‘, Maynard & Ascount Books, Pass Books, Day Books. GOLD PENCIL AND PEN CASES ; Gutta Per tha ditte, mounted in Gold. â€"_ Famy Stationery Goois ; Paper Weights ; Candie Shados ; Dusters ; Twino Beses; Letter Clips ; Date Racks ; Letter Boxes ; Folio Posts ; Bank Posts; Bond Paper, Copying.Paper, Printing, and Wrapping Papers. Gennine Jeanâ€"Mario Farina‘s EAU DE CO= LOGNE, Exhibition Brand, in small bottles, or by Of every description, from the plainest to the tishest,promptly executed, at MODER A TE PRICES. r"- of Bpecitmens Invited. FIRST PRIZES :"-l-luuu the Exhibitions in Monâ€" "eal and London, Canada, and Honorable ; Mention Envelopes of cvery Size. Dinner, Ball, and Visiting CARDS. Of the various widths of Borders. All manner of Printing UDBCAL PrRioRS °}°me E. Desbarats erery make ; SW AN QUJLLS ; Goosd Quills +>*" WRITING DESKS! m« Target Practice Registers ; Betting Books ; Pock Books; Wallets, &c. Made to order, in every style ; PAPERâ€"RULING leaded to. FIRST PRIZES in this Department (itawa, April 9, 1866. ARTISTS‘ MKATERIALS, Drawing Papers, Antiqnarian, Fancy Freuch Note Paper. COPYING PRESSES # And ENGRAVINGS, AND ENVELOPES, BIN D I N C Bivanis® Writng Ink, Books ; Brushes and Water Cups Copying Inks. ; Wax Bougies ; Boxes and Stands for ESTABLISHMENT, Book Papers, BLANK BOOKS PRINTINXG, GOLD PENS. INKSTANDS, aphlets,. Billâ€"heads, Circulars, Cards, , done neatly and expeditionsly at the STEEL PENS OTTAWA. , Webâ€" l- MAKING THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WE WOULD ADD THE ASSURANCE THAT no pains shall be spared on our part to afford every convenience and comfort to those who -n% be md under our care, and also the most unremitting attention to forward thém in all theirstudies. With views we shall constantly keep an ample staff of Teachers, so that every student may receive that individual attention which the nature of the course Mlumfh-. In the selection of instructors, we shall, as is our habit, be guided not by competency alone, but shall seek qut such men as we can conâ€" fide in as conscientious and energetic. i xifi R i4 Gick C ies Sram t ohans press too strongly iation of your efforts to establish -1.: house cannot ox my appreciation of your & of business. ‘Your system supplies a most l-muPLlhm- in the educntion of youth. It has often mfl me that the oo-um:h?- seems blind to the utility of such training as your valuable, or invaluable, institution have asked how it is that a man ptofessing to be a physican will not be employed, and will even bo stigmatised as a « quack," except he has gone through a regular _ We are now in a position to point to results both in regard to the gratif «us accorded to Institutions, in Toronto and Hamilton, and also by the high terms h‘:hicz%plu'yq::-flfamly .P.u:.r dm-n who have graduated at the British American College. _ Another encouraging result is found in the number of applications constantly made to us to recommend The Thriving Condition of this City, and its important Position as the New Seat of Government, must render it of the Utmost Consequence to the YOUNG MEN of the District to be supplied with the * Mcans of obtaining a Sound, Practical A.‘ct-n-ne‘ result is found in the number of applications constant‘y made to us to recommen«;:rn who v‘.-rnod through our extensive course. ‘We, therefore, have no hesitation in phd&- ing ves to carry out in this city a system which has so onplnuelllli received the stamp of pubi qwhhhlhh ‘oronto and Hamilton, and we may add throughout the Province. of the many attering letters which we have received from time to time, we may select the two fol é;n_o';im;'.fiynldo‘i. and so forth, and ha« also attended an ho#pital and clinical lectures ; and the same may be of the wy'r;My-tnymhm-wnmmiunuum.wbouy igâ€" norant of the duties he undertakes, and having everything to learn. I consider, therefore, that such a as yours is of the greatest importance both to the employer and employed, as it saves the former zu-lflhhdbufl:fonq-vh’nnd.m!beluz:’thc'mdu-hvdudhuhqny- Erk‘lp. Your admiral o-ro-dmdbfimi--mpbhnwmmw.mlm your success in this wmnh-melufly-uibuhym.idnd'mtluymm Mdh‘:-h&lrm&lmr’b:,lr!bym:;momrmy ll;:ul.bdr I-n‘l-z though . / I can tost ueo&m our system personal m&fll‘ u.“:m-ltlm, In(hcnpluyflinlo{lhefl lhln.’gw,tzrnycu-‘ men who were educated at your ishment. EsB Lok l 1 "*TIMES" ~BUILDILNCG, . SPARKS STREET, O TTA W A, $¢"° Orders Promptly Attended to. DESIGNâ€"â€"TO EDVCATE YOUNG MEN FOR BHSINES$S. ALEXR. DUFF. OTTAW A, APRIL 7, 1866 PATRICK HUGHES. LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS for the full course, entitling the holder to an unlimited time to complete or review his studies, without extra charge, will be issued at the Cullor()leo.uudnna APer. 12th. Classes will commence on the following MONDAY, APRIL 16th. TELEGRAPHING AND PHONOâ€" GRAPHY classes, being extra, will -:â€" eo-:‘om ‘until 1;(,‘1‘01!“'. except :y request. . The Students for will be to read by sound or r, nnrk-ud ohrn . Classes m num lll’()filfl()‘ STY“:{_.UF {'IIU:V' AIR.A!'H\;"LI. h‘my a prac« tical shortâ€"hand Writer. Prices of Tuition for each for an unlimited time $4.00. 8 ed in Ottawa will also be available in Toronto and Hamilton, without extra charge. HOURSâ€"From 9 to 12 a.m., from 2 to 4 p.m., and from 7 to 9 in the evening. | STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Manufacturers of Clothing, Will open on Thursday, April 12, 1866. Merasas. Musorovs & W wont, ; PROPRIETORS. N. B.â€"Specimen Sheets of Penmanship may be seen at the Reading Room of the Mechanics‘ Inâ€" :« OWn UnR y MBR 15. 34. 11â€" 11. 410 .1 Loo a ns in ci y o ons 1 P ied .. s i Bm ie i ied AUCTION SALE® l PIANO, 1 HALLHAT STAND, 1 HALL Settee, irs, Rocking Chairs, Floor Oil Cloths, Carpet: Three Clocks, 1 Hb? Show Glass, 1 Ico Cream r, 1 Counter, 2 Feather Beds, 2 Bedstoads, 2 Scales and Woights, 2 Desks, 2 Cases best Holland Gin, 6 Chests Tea,1 Shop Truck, a lot of Crockery, Knives and Forks; 3 Engâ€" lish P\&:h Saddles and Bridles, 1 Girl‘s ditto, 2 Boy‘s and a lot of room paper. JAÂ¥ Sale without reserve. c O*MRBAERA S& : 50, SPARKS STREET, $A Â¥or citeulars containing full information, and spe¢imens of writing, call at the College Office, maeeitec mt up MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, â€" Tuesday, 10th April. P. 8.â€"Persons having anything to soll by aucâ€" M-Inhnm-uth-uu by Do‘c:’nktl th-mhxdlhshnulo‘ R Ottawa, April 5, 1866. 0â€"y 1866) Spring Importations. (1866 MENS‘ YOUTHS‘ & BOYS‘ CLOTHINC Enelish, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds Lower Town Market AT THE ox.% PRICE. K@" BEWARKE OF COUNTEREEITS AND ____ WORTHLESS IMITATION®. PAIN KILLE R ! Business EFducation. (ESTABLISHED IN CONNECTION WITH THE BRITISH AMERICAN COMMERCIAL | COLLEGES IN TORONTO AND HAMILTON,) ® PERR Y RA YÂ¥ IH‘ * VEGETABLE J. G. Worts, Exg., of the firm of Gooderham & Worts, President of the Board of Trade, Toront s y o Toxoxto, December 19, 1865 ESTABLISHED 1844 From Patrick Hughes, Exy., of the Firm of Hhughes, Brothers, Toronto. I : 9.“' Kss of w-,j ies Tm“lh!.hr.lfl M. K. CHAMBERS, Avcrioxe®®. â€"ax TMEâ€" l y im %W%f/{//- OMEAAA & CCOL, C‘q An endless variety of Hats, Caps, Glovess Collars, Neck=Ties, White Shirts, plain and striped half Hose, &e,, kept constantly on hand. c'omri-ing Chaudiore (Tweeds, Halifax Grass, Bedford Cords; also Plain and Fancy Doeskins, Cassimeres, in all colors and qualities ; Black and Colored Alpacas Coatings ; Fancy Flannels, and a full assortment of GENTS lYSiIBIu'l.u’l'lllNfl. They would also Jlr ;po;hl attention to their . ock < Which is, as nwnl.klho‘:rgen and best assorted in the City, being replete with every novelty of d-tr and :.,'htiul. lnu':ufiwmnd la‘.X_yPRES*lY.Y for the Ottawa Trade, under the superintendence of experâ€" ienced Cutters. | Invite an inspection of their .\hfiiflflnl@'&mk of CLOTHS, l-‘rmd expressly for this Market, comâ€" prising all the newest designs and materials in firilln‘ all the newest desizns and mAOrMU® H ROADCLOTHS, PLAIN & FANCY SILK MIX TURES, COATINGS, do., do., TROWSERLNGS. PÂ¥ one of the largest and best assorted Stock of DRY fl()ol)el:ver brought to the city. Thankful for past favots, they desire to inform their friends that their Stgek is now eum‘sku in every Departâ€" | ment And will be found n‘slfio ‘with every NOVELTY OF THE HOME AND CONTINENTAL MARâ€" KETS, imported expressly for this season. RE NGW PREPARED To OFFER YLE OF PHONOGRAPHY will be conducted by a prac« each for an unlimited time $4.00. â€" Scholarships purchasâ€" 1 remain, dear Sire, yours, &e., Stone Building and Outâ€"Offices, For Sale by Auction or Private Contract. Tlll SUBSCRIBERS HAVE BEEN favored by A. YEILDING, ESQ., with inâ€" mdouh"!r for sale his %fl Glo:; sharrold, immediately .()oi: , on t banks of the Rideau River, on the route from nce, to Soivie i prroins aoten "Bartn. sw in into lots ; a plan of which may be seen at the Aucâ€" tion Rooms of the -h-flhniud a 1 and mm:dlmwfi‘l'm:’l :rwgl..‘ll“ro HOUBE '&t present occu % together extensive and convenient un-.elld*. The Buildings and grounds may be inspected at any time previous to the day of sale, on fiuflu to Mr. {o"udilg. or to the subscribers. portions nflhexmpnyu may be unsold will be offered at Auction on. Tuesxday, May 15th, at the subscribers‘ Auction Kooms, Sussex stroot TERMS made known at the time of saie. Sale to commence at 12 o‘clock M. Q‘MEARA & CO. â€" _ ________. MACDONALD & STEVEN, Auctionce Ottawa, April 3, 1866. a~> %g Eligible Building Sites Together with a large, Modern (new) GaARDEN 1LOTS, Truly yours, &e., &c., &¢., â€"WITH== JAMES G. WORTsS oronto. #4â€"f THE OTTAWA TIMES, APRIL 10, 1866. months, and is well adapted for Stcam Saw Mills, wdhrmlnlmo. P The whole or”r:n of the above valuable properties, will be on reasonable terms, n{ oneâ€"fourth cash, balance in equal yearly instalâ€" ments of 1, 2‘and 3 years w’l‘t\ interest at 7 per The following very vallubie properyy tin. | v vie _ | LOT NO. 5, + In Block J, Cathcart Stroet, Le Breton Flats, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and separate from cach other. In Block E, Sherwood Street, Le Broton Flats, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and separate from each other. s The above property is beautifully situated, and is worth the attention of those wishing to purchase, It can be seen at any time before the sale, Posâ€" session Em l-qnod{-uly. T oneâ€"half Cash ; balance in two years at per cent. ‘Title undisputable. Cn!mflcn Or sEVERAL DESIR® ABLE residences, and business stands, in dirâ€" ferent parts of the city, and a number of valuable vacant lots in the most fashionable parts of the city. Thursday, the 1st of March, __ BALE AT 12 O‘CLOCK, Ottawa, Fob. 4, 1866. OWING To THE INCLEMENCY OF THE WEA THER, THE ABOVE SALE I8 Postponed until further Notice. Ottawa, Marche31, 1866 Real Estate‘ _â€" Or Bevextyâ€"Five Hors® Powkn, _ t All but new, having only been in use for about six _ For :;{Jinhr information, apply to AMABLE PREVOST,. ESQ., Montreal, or to JOSEPIH AUâ€" NONB;, 10 Oithiwk,"" * * scR rfine" AUCTION SA AT THE RUSSELL HOUSE, Tuesday, the 10th day of April, 1866 VICTORIA WARD. s GEORGE STREET.â€"Lots No#. 1, 2, 3 and 5, near In sit sinks LITTLE BAY STREET.â€"That Lot of Land known CLARENCE hl&ily'i'-' roved ; well 'wuerod;-‘oo-l’ buildings ; the bost of fand: and within 5 miles of the ‘city ; a HA. RECEIVED INSTRUCTION® from MR. W AGGONER, to sell by PUBLLC AUCTION, At the Russell House â€"G%â€" FRIDAY, THE 30th OF MARCH, Ottawa, March 9, 1366 Andwillthen be sold positively by AUCTION, on A Superior Steam Engine, â€" Or Bevextyâ€"Five Horas® Powkn, as Keefer‘s Hill, say about one acre of land. BRIDGE STREET.â€"Lot No. 10, Block D, adjoinâ€" fog Mr. Merrill‘s, and nearly opposite the Hon. J. Skead‘s. TOWNsHIP OF HULL. The West half of Lot 28, in the 5th Rangeâ€"100 aeres. This farm is in a high state of cultivation. Good House, Barns, &c., Stables, all frame buildâ€" ings ; Orchard, &¢., well watered and fenced, and rents for $160 per year. A good road, and within four miles of Aylmer Village. AUCTION SALE RBATL ENTATH STEAM ENGINE, ri‘t]hl-burn power, suitable { small Grist Mill, or Oil Well. â€" Itcan be seen at Power‘s Sash and Door Factory, East side of Canal Basin. ‘TERMS oncâ€"third Cash; balance in tw four months. REAL ESFEATE TOWNSHIP OF EARDLY. Lot No. 16, in 9th Range, 200 acres, on the leadâ€" ing roadâ€"the masl roadâ€"from Aylmer to , Portage dugat. 10 miles lron"AJlnor, the best of land and well wooded and watered, convenient to Churches, Mills, and Market. Also Lots 12 and 13, inthe 11th Range ; good land, well watered and timberedâ€"400 POSTPO N JS 1J Lot No. 7, in the 2nd range Ottawa Front. Good House and Barn, well improved, and gm:nd. six miles from the city, on the Ottawa and real McAdamized Road, 200 acres; the wood standing sells for $10 per mere. _ __ _ | Title indisputable of all the above prorfly Sale to commence at the hour of eleven o‘clock, a.m. MR HECTOR McLEAN, Auctioneer. * Terms of Sale:â€"Oneâ€"sixth Cash on the day of sale ; the balance in five years, bearing interest at the rate of lo?.l.:r cent, payable annually. Aucâ€" tion fees and deeds paid by purchasers. A large deduction will be made on cash JAMES WADSWORTH. Ottawa, March 14, 1866. 73 f NEW YORK. DEALEBS in all securities marketable at the New York Stock Exchange. Acâ€" counts kept in coin and in United States curâ€" rency, and interest allowed on deposits of cach, subject to check at sight.. _+ SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, Particular attention given to the accounts of Foreign and Country Banks and Bankers. January 18 1866, 26â€"3m YORK STREET, oPPosITE THE MARKET : C oTTAW A, B“l To INXTIMATE TO THE INâ€" habitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that he has opened a SEED STORE in tio above premises, where he has on hand every variety of UUL “III‘ Agiivmid d unu LGVMOL WUURE All warranted Fresh and Gennine. ufi DESCRIPTIVE: CATALOGUES, â€" conâ€" rmeg‘s. M.:lurd:hmhu.â€"will be md‘f in a w days, ma; atis on application. 'ill}.b:" also a &mu&s!.&.fi.hl'hieh P a great 'IPK{ of Hotâ€" e plants. %QU-TI SUPPLIED. ® Ottawa. March 5, 1866, Garden, Agricultural and Flower Seeds, ot No. 1, Nortl Blac «* 9, South i aud «* * 10, North tago, 1. + . 8. South tago * * 8, South tage, « «« 21; Sonth __ ~ tage BRussell <FHouse, The subscribor has received instructions to offer Ottawa, March 2, 1866 TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN. 22 acres of Lot No. 25, 2nd Range, Ottawn front d McAdamized road, and adjoining the resi nce of the late Captain Baker. _ â€" * â€"ALSOâ€" At the same time and_place A SECONDâ€"HAND BY«eW ARD te the Markets RENCE BTRmmh East half -} Lot No. 10, with buildings thereon; one of the finest business stands in town. #f The following valuable rties, viz, : No. 1, North side \'uf{m:mfi, 33x99, with Blacksmith Shop thereon. * 9, South side York st., 56x155, with House aud Outâ€"Houses, &e., &c.â€" * *# 10, North side Cathcart st., 33x99, with Cotâ€" tago, &e. f «* 8, South side Bolton st., 36x99, with Cotâ€" oi i: * 58, South side Bolton st., 36x99, with Cotâ€" tage, &c. « 21, Sonth side Bolton st., 56x79, wigh Cotâ€" LOOKWOOD & CO. B :A N K E. t s. IEmportiimnt S&ale TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCCESTER. Until Tuesday, the 10th of April. « 23, @, West side Sussex st., 33x155, vacant adjoining J. F. Caldwell, Esq. H, West side, Sussex st., 33x155, vacant cant. 7 16, 17, 18, Besserer st., Northeast, 66x99 vacant. } adjoining P. A. Eagleson, Esq. 7, North side Cathcart st., -'l-"xw.q vacant. 8, North side Cathcart st., 33x99, vacant. 9, North side Cathcart st., 33x99, vacant. 2, East side Metcalfo st., 66x99, vacant. 7, Kast side Metcalfc st., 60x99, vacant. 13, East side Dalhousic st., 66x99, vacant. 16, 17, 18, Daley st., Northeast, 66x99, vaâ€" 18, HECTOR McLEAN JAMES VON LAER, tage, &c. j North side Cathcart st., 66x79, with Cottage, &c. North side McTagart st., 60x99, with W‘fi" , &e. 8 West Metcaifo 66x99, with stone buildâ€" ing; now occupied as a cabinct wareâ€" house. South Rideau st., 66x198, with two three storey stone buildings, and three storey stone store, Alm first rate orâ€" der,â€"now giving a rental of $2200 a THE ABOVE SALE No. 94, BROADWAY, LOT NO. 16, HECTOR McLEAN, Averioxr®n â€"ALSO,â€" UECTOR MeLFEAN, HECTOR McLEAN, Avernionts AT THE â€"OFâ€" Auctioneer. 65â€"3m 41â€"td T0â€"td td 13â€"0 Mr the td #ommeneing at 11 o‘clock A.M., the entire stock, of goods atthe OLD HARDW ARE STORE, corner of ,Church and Dalhousie streets, consisting of new and old ‘stoves, iron furniture, ltun-pigu. seales and weights, nails, tacks and #pikes, old tools, bolts, locks, latches, keys, brass and mineral knobs, ropes, chains, tinâ€"ware, blacksmiths‘ iron, old files, hooks, I;llfll, m;u;u n{:ll #izes, one sott of mill irons; one jack for raisin ggys or wa #, 20 gross of vialsâ€"of all sizes IL!"N-I of ink m.-, jars, ale bottles, rings p\m logs, and doors for stoves, hcm--rhuu, Ax08, dA"fll muhlnl:,du'd bitts, 1 aplendid lathe for turning iron or w ng w s handâ€"cart, handâ€"sleigh, and an hnq:elmo ME of every conccivable article, from n needie to an Anchor. . . 4 The Publishers of this mm:‘{do not hesitate to say, that no book on the war will be found fuller, more reliable, or more beautifully illustrated. Itis in fact a necessary desideratum for every ane who l desires to make himself familiar with the operation of one of the most gigantic wars that has ever 0câ€" | curred in the world o&ilwry._ no n 3 We have adopted the plan of sale now so poqulu of charging a uniform price, and this price will be $2 for each article, regardless of value. The exâ€" penses of conducting our . Agenty are paid by the sale of certificates, or coupons, representing the va riows articles. These cortificates are sold at FIFTY UENTS cach or 5 for $2.00, and each certificate wil show the holder the particular article â€"he or she is entitled towon payment of an addition $2.00. | The expenses of Freight and Pnkan Pinnos or Sewing Machines will be _ | Paid by the Parties who are 1 Entitled to them. AUVCTION NOTICE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITI Weumxarox Sreet, © A quantity of HOUSEHOLD, FURNITURE, comâ€" rrinlng Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Lookhw-glluel. lair Mattrasses, Cnrrm. Bookâ€"case, Wardrobe, Stoves, Crockery, Kitchen Utensils, &e., &c. > JJP®~ sSale at 11 o‘clock, a. m. y * TERMS CASH. _ MACDONALD & STEPHEN, Averionkers. County of Carleton, calls the attention of the Inâ€" habitants of the Cn{ of Ottawa, and surrounding country. . Me will fulfill orders for all sorts of Fruit Treos, Oramental and Lawn Trees, Flowing Shrubs, with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"out Plants for Borders; also Herbecious Plants and Esculent Roots.. He has also on hand a large stock of Greonâ€" house Plants, a quantity of Garden, Field, and Flowâ€" er Seods of tbclut description. â€" Parties wanting grounds laid out in the newest n{.l’o of landâ€"keepâ€" ing, togother with Grafting, Budd f:-o“d PlnntinT will be H»,r‘unptly attended to. Healso will have all sorts of Plants in season for sale, at the late resiâ€" dence of Clement Bradley, E‘v. MATHE T. DeRINZY. Extraordinary Announcement t woRTH OF $2,000,000 "3*~%05 Watches‘ Splendid Jowelry, French Clocks, Diaâ€" mond Rings, Pianos, Melo?uoun. Sewing Machines, Silver Ware, &c.,‘%c., to be disposed of at TWO DOLLARS, each article, without regard to Value! Grand International Meeting of Manuface turers of Watches and Jewelry. The following has been resolved, that in conseâ€" quence of the great Stagnation of Trade, and in orâ€" ll('l‘lu rolieve from pecuniary embarrassments o¢â€" casioned by a distressing Waar, and to avoid In every part of the United States and Provinces, and to all such very liberal inducements will be ofâ€" fered, and on nlv{rllcflion a circular of terms will be forwarded. _ We profer money sent in PostOffice Ottawa, April 7 Important Announcemeat. ’l‘HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR» CHASED 12 acres of land, on which he intends starting a _‘ i Gardeon & Nursery Within two miles of the city, Ottawa, March 24, 1866 BANKRUPTCY AVOIDED ! and other procious Stones (Solitaire and in clusters) Ladies‘ Setts of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Rings of the most fashionable and recherche style, Gold and Enamelled Bracglets, Studs and £leeve Buttons, Chain« of all descriptions, &e., &c. } Silver Ware, (extra plated) comprising Castors, Butter Dish, lmuulil‘nl‘ y chased and engraved, Table and Tea S]nmn.«,(hsllcti, «ec., &e., Pianos, Mefodcons and Sewing Machines of the best makers. . March 3, 1866 Upper Town Skating Rink. AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS matte did H BIGHT HU urders where they can be obtained, or by Bank Drafts, to our order. _ Please write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address all orders to j ROWE & BOYDEN, In (éloucester, Green Field, Beason Tickets, Genelemen, « iC "" TLadies,. ... . Single Ticket for Skating .. J&nuary 11, 1866 AT ANY SACRIFICE! IIVow THE MILITARY AND NAVAL BISTORY BY W. J. TENNEY, i «# EDITOR OP AMERICAN ANNUAL CYCLOPADIA, Sixth Edition, {NOMPLETE IN OXE ROYAL 8vo. OF GOLD AND SILVER, AWFUL SACRIFICE! Single Ticket for Skating.......... .. _ 12%¢ A BRASS BAND will bein attendance every Monday and Thursday. mds e ols REBELLION IN THE UNITED STATES, AGENTS ARE WANT ED ISâ€" N oW OP BN TO SUBSCRIBERS AND THE PUBLIC, %W over 800 doubleâ€"column pages, illustrated wit] Steel Plate Portraits of _\ peges mug,‘m wth The late President Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, President of U. 8. General Grant, General Sherman, Admiral Farragut, And Superb Chromoâ€"Lithographs, printed in six solors, of ‘Battle Sounel; togetber With ons hundred Maps dnnd Charts, indispensably requisite for such a work. Â¥ _It contains an ELABORATE INDEX, enabling the reader to refer to any battle, skirmish, or other incident of the war. es The work also contains nearly one hundred pages of Biography of Deceased Officers, commencing withâ€"the lamented Col. Ellsworth. nanufactur pool ult tpe, clodunlly, andnintaminlly prond c , ol » SU in gix diffe .:’J‘ nylaE, .m{ furnished wmb{cflhn at the following rates : TN EXH® C1Othy.....»,esesreesrrreeferseeee++$0 00 ,IN IAbrOFY LEAtROT,...ccccrrssszssrcrcms. 6 00 In Half Turkey Moroeco, dark,........ 6 50 }a g.lll‘n.“‘" SKLPD lltyssrrrysessrsees ; z n Fu oroeco, antique, gilt edgos.. F In Rull Rnum.q‘“ 9 00 4" . Paynble on delivery. > | : â€"=. : _.â€"â€" «* will be given, some of the best localities o siof yet IIOO:pTflI. Good â€"Agents aro clearing $100 per wee ALL ARE WARRANTED GOLD D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, i 443 and 445 Bmw-y, New York Aptil 2, 1866. ‘ 88 BAXNK OF UPPER CANADA, FiINEST WORKMANSHIP ! Otawa, April 6, 1866. AGENTS W ANTED, to whom exclusive territory THE UPPER TOWN SKATING RINK BAN KRUPTCY : 10,000 worth, of goods from their Stock, must be sold in the course of six months, QN FRIDAY, THE 13m INSTANT, Aunctioncers, AVE BEEN FAVORED WITH IN» structions to sell by auction, on Wodnesday, the 18th day April, DF TRhEYXY‘& Co., how LOOK HERE. r_ that purpose lh:(y have unanimously elocte TERMS OF SALE CABH ROWE & BOYDEN, Auctioncers. Maat, Will he sold by Public Auction, of each article varies from .SIX TO NDRED DOLLARS. L We shall Proceed. to sell at TWO DOLLARS each, no tly it may 'IvY and consist of Splenâ€" ise Gold and .-}ilvcr W atches, French set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls DE TREY & €O., * Agents for Manufacturers, 34 Liberty St., New York. 64â€"6m 14, LIBERTY STREET OP THR OP TWE AT THE ey would remark that they mo brass or imitation of BUT W.CARTNEY $3 00 . 1 50 904â€"td 93â€"4d 20â€"tf 83â€"tf ?UR SHOW ROOMS WILL OPEN FOR THE gEASON WITH A GRAND I + °_ DISPLAY OF THE Black and Colored Silks, OPEN _I(!.\IT\T C DAYX TUESDAY, 10th OF APRIL Carland,Mutchmor&Co : ABRE NOW SHEWINCG French Deolaines, JDlowers, â€" JPlumes Ks id Gloves, IHHair Netts, Htibbons, Ete., Ete., ALL THEIR OWN IMPORTATIONS | Ottawa, April 4, 1860 TIIE UNDERSIGNED, WHILST TEN» DERING their sincere thanks to their friends and the public generally, for their steady and inâ€" creasing patronage and ll'.g)port. would beg to draw their attention to the fact that, having now supplied the city for eighteen months, their experience has enabled them to select such a stock of ALES as shall please the most fastidious taste, while their inâ€" creased facilities for Ml:!g and delivering will ensure the promptest attention to all orders they may be favored with. _ _ a yar w llll- l:. IRADI?G & CO. ns wi _sont regularly, twice a week to Ayfnor, Richmond, and cfil.u..’ Ottawa, March 27, 1866. B4â€"f Victoria â€" V aults Wellington Street. Pianoâ€" Forte Ottawna, April 4, 1866 . Z8" Orders left at the & Son, will be attended to. Bold by George Mortimer, John Roberts W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinne in S article ever invented, for bedroom lamps or night lamps ; burn benzole, and the cost is merely nominal. _ Beware of counterfeits. BEACH & CO., Sole Agents, . Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s World&‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen and lengthen the hair. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spots are covâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and lusuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delightâ€" fult fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no fear of saoiling the skin, scalp, or most elegant headâ€"dress. Sold by all Druggists. Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. Ottawa, AApril 9, 1866 NEW â€" LA MP®S®. Ottawa, April 4, 1866 Ottawa, April 5, 1866 Ottawa Dec. 29, 1865 ALES & PORTER, CUNNINGHAM & L BRITISH GOODS Kâ€"«> INSPECTION INVITED. TT To Burn Without a Chimney. LATEST FASHIONS 1. HE MOST SIMPLE AND USEFUL °â€" BoONNETS, M 4 ELATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ‘ ORNAMENTS, L.â€"D.:BARLOW , LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. TABLE NAPKINS, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINXDSAY‘S LOOM TABLE CLOTHS, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDsaY$s. es BLEACHED LINEN DAMASK CLOTHS, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY$ BLEACHED LINEN DIAPER, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY®S, BLEACHED IRISH LINEN, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY®. § HACK AND FRINGE TOWELLING, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY$. BROWN HOLLAND, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘$S. ROUGH LINEXN, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S, IRISH CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, AT OUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘$, TURKISH BATH FowELs, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S, New Linen QGoods ! In all its Departments | Union Block, cor. of Sussex & York Ottawa, April KEARNS & RY AN ark or Loxpox, Exorax»,) New Spring Goods. SPRINCG _ STOCRHK ! FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR CUSTOMERS AND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL THAT THEIR AND INVITE INSPECTION OF THE SAME L AT EARLIEST CONVENIENCE, THEY ARE ALSO OPENING UP A LARGE LOT OF yg}gf and Direct from Paris, FPrance. Spring,. 1566 INGHAM & LIN No. 14, Rideau Street. STREEKTS, LOW ER TOWX. 1866 Is NOW COMPLETE MAGIEEL 4 RUSSIS1â€"T;: ofJohn Duric Tuner | DDress C= 92â€"y Q1â€"a â€"â€"@+â€" 10â€"y MANTLES, % SECA WLS, o PARASOLS, y SILKS, s rs, RTFBBONS Kerosene & Pennsylvania ROCKâ€"OLL, NONâ€"EXPLOSIVE. JA Goods delivered. o ies e oo PIIOTOGII.APHI BY NOTMAN, FOR | Sale at the Ottawa Stationery Warchouse, York street, Ottawa. Ottawa, December 20, 1865. Sf s bs (i}oods. shawls, Nluslins, Ottawa, April 5, 1866. Ottawa, April 5, 1866 RRIVED AND FOR SALE TO THE \Trade low. Articleguaranteed No.1 quality. BEAOH & (&.. , F 4 62, Sparks street. . | 20 Barrels Benzole. CENTRALOTTAWA, (Opposite Bishop‘s Hotel.) ON HAND a large Stock of Caxapiax Tweens, Scores Tweeps, Dokskms, Broavctots, Fiaxxg18, &¢., &0. Also a comâ€" plete stock of Coars, Vzsrs, Paxts, Soumrs, Sasnes, Parer Corcars, Fur Cars, Cuorn Cars, Horse Buaxxkers, &0, » SELLING OFF PRATT&Co All of which will be sold at A â€" REPUCTION 10 to 15 per Cent. BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN Sparks Street t# NO SECOND PRICE. Goods marked in plain figures. Ottawa, Feb. 4. 41â€"3m WinterGoods GREAT REDUCTION B@" Call and see. uq Pratt & Co. Selling off. SELLING OFF AT A Plumes, OP PROM BEACH & CO., 62, Sparks street. 92â€"y 92â€"y C' oR To MEsSsRS. : * _ | Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1866 C 18 ~ â€"| Bhop and Dwe it i y N y 3 cssc OA U Clty : ing f 7 .!II' C 'l.’ 1 T8 4 ‘;’: ..ruminlc;‘.l e 95 â€"tf O1â€"y 91â€" ~‘iMOCHA JAYVA, AND JAMAICA OR TO MESSRS. SCOTT & ROSS, Barristers, &c., «c., Ottgwa Shop and,; Dwellin»â€"House fordGnle hn R wX THE VILLAG O F Chandiere, Ottawa March 6, 1866. A large Two storey Wooden Building, on the corâ€" ner of lfirnwrm . This House is limed with Brick, furni®t with donble doors and windows and Venetian Blinds. There is a large Kitchen and Bhed attached, with Pump, Stable and other Buildâ€" ings in the yard. This lf..... is well adapted for a Me‘,' 3;“!, Boarding House, or private residence. fasth (oul o * J. J : U HANLY, _ t n l:\' THE VILLLAGE OF Hraatn. > c RICHMOND, 18 miles f the Clty of Ottawa. An excellentapenâ€" ing for a General Merchant. > For particulars apply to the Proprietor the premises. CE rmrnaiect ids School House, will be sold for _ One Hundred Pounds C Each, â€" Also THLLE WOODENX HOUS LETTER 0. uttawa. â€" Also desirab â€" ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND In the Township of Gloucestet, situated al hals a mile from &illin‘n Bridge. ‘This land pan be old en bloc or in lots of 5 mcres. For further particulars, y to f ruuus‘&‘uoh’. E8Q Ottawa, Fob. 10, 1866 POSSESSION GlVeA IMMbDIATELY, All&'.\h' B LCK BUILDING un . Bexsorer Streot, Bandy & i%j _ Mill, near the residence of Hom. â€" Marooum Cammnuon. . Phis Nitd.i:fl contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with modern improvements. Richmond, February 10, 1866 In Lower Town and in TUpp« Mr. Gilmour‘s.) Apply at the office of th "w LO'I'I 9 AND i N M Routh Side Sparks |Street, + nearly opposite the r: on | which the new lhnk of Montreal is to be erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. â€" Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Quee® Street in rear of the above. | All in fine within ten mir ings, Ottawa. 90 ACRES OF LAND ON THE PRES»â€" COTT road, in the Township of Gloucester, and adjoining Charles Smith‘s farmâ€"about 2 miles from Cunningham‘s Stationâ€"80 meres under good cultivation, with a house and barn thereon. respectively. e . TO LET ==A large Stone Building of 15, and a q taining about TWO ACRES, beauâ€" tifilrl‘lg #ituited on the Ottawa River, being Lot One, North side Wellington Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. Apply to e THI BRICK DWELLINGâ€"HOUSE AD« JOINLNG the Residence of AUGUSTUS KEEâ€" FER, ESQ., Barrister, Queen Street, containing Kitchen, Kitchen Pantry, and Cellar, three rooms on the ground floor, and seven bedâ€"rooms, with large 5"11. &e. Apply to ALEXANDER DUFF, ‘at ‘Menra & Co.‘s, or to‘AUGUSTUS KEKEFER, Quee Stroet. #Ottawa, March 30, 1866. 87â€"f ALSO ‘several vacant lots in various parts of the city. ; £ ~TERMS REASONABLE . or further particulars to CHAIM’BO'AI. Ottawa.' half of the front part of Lot 20, d ‘mth it "WI"A:'.::‘- own in . Mofiermuflumb’ Lands. par/Money 0o Lend on Real Estate, _‘ Apply to + LEWIS & PIXHEY, February 10, 1866. TO LET.=»â€"Premisos suitable for a Grocer, Drug gist, or Hotele . â€"â€"â€"â€" New Edinburgh, Jaunuary 31, 186( Lo‘l‘l 12 AND 13, SOUTH CATHCOART Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Streetâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being TO LET.â€"=Scveral Flats of 5 and 6 Apartments, Building 101 February 10, 1866 Ottawa, February 10, 1866 February 20, 1866 Ottawa, March 20, 1866. TO LET =« Photographic Gallery, &¢ o".ict‘;lhlm; 1,000 ;cm‘oulhn‘.l"dlr“! * AbpHMf 10â€" T“‘ CALORIC ENGINE, formerly used in the Union Printing Establishment. It is an 18â€"inch Cylinder, and will be sold cheap. the pl‘-h‘-. = Ottawn, March 24, 1866. Ottawa, March 27. 1866. 0! 0CONNOR sTREET, TWO NEW BRICK HOUSES, and a email COTTAGE Sold to suit purchasers. Apply at the Cottage, on Must belong to that which pleases every one and such is the case with * Buchanan‘s a Unrivalled Mixture n T AYLMER,=«The com * C is A modious bouse and premise forming the Northâ€"east corner o the Court House Square and Mai Street, now occupied by H Che;uncll*jaq. Appl at this office EXTRAORDINARY MERIT Roasted and ground daily, on the ««« mises, by steam power, had K@Z" Consequently, always to be in the highest state of perfection, _ ___ . . _JAS. BUCHANAXN, Sussex and Wellington Streets. Ottawa, Jan. 20, 1866 Cheap Homes for (;li‘wl, March 15, 1866 To Sell or Let in Ottaw For SHale or to Let. maller of 10 apartments SAW MILLE, 1 FLOUR MILL, EX« TENSIVE Timber Limits ; Wood Planing and further particulars, apply to T JOHN MACAULAY, Duke Street, Chaudiere EOR SALE .OR To Engine for Sale. FTOR S T OR S FTOER S PTOFR SALE Dwellings to Let. For Sale at a Bargain. APPLY To APPLY To OFPFEES RENTS MODERATE. * Vbh;li»ui BA;;Id;nL';.d, well situated, and utes walk of the Government Buildâ€" TOâ€"LEF, "T‘o Let, 'l‘llA'l' VALUABLE PRO« PERTY known as T. M. BLASDELI/S HOME®TE AD, conâ€" LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottawa. H. J. FRIEL, Or R. E. O*CONNOR. RoW OF SIX COTTAGES;, pain Edinburgh, oppos T0 LET. ite of the _ ;, MACKAY ESTA JOHN MACAULY. GEORGE BRO ,OSl‘:.D 4 i Bi St:rb B site the on | nk of Montreal tes walk of th side of i ROW AN, Ottawa. 54â€"2m H. MeLEAN. 78â€"3m City of « Bandy Hill , Otawn }7â€"3m (B 46u 4f amla ® 1N E.A 46â€"utf 46â€"utf th 28 ut } 18 1j id

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