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Ottawa Times (1865), 17 Apr 1866, p. 2

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P are our intentions .and prit our countrymen of every creed we assert, that we look upon & who are in favour of giving land; and consider as foes «< take up arms against us. 1 have the honor to remaing Brethern, yours fraternally, _ extend repubiioatt 177 American citizens, we« Doctrine carried _ out soil now in possession « and America, but im Mc We mean to inscri Equal Right to all me ane Liberty These, & On no oécasion will the names of Oid Advertisements be inserted here. House E4. Clut_â€"Meons Thomas Burtonâ€" Just Receired, LACE SHAWLS, LACE SA8SHES, LINEX COLLARS AND CUFFS, HALRXETS, v Ottaws, April 7 ChreOttawaCines By private telegram received yesterday from Halifax, we learn that the opinion amongst the medical men of that city differs as to the wue nature of the disease with which the passengers of the England are afflicted.. The deaths were not so numerous yesterday, and the sick were also reduced in numâ€" ber. All the symptoms had taken aturn for the better. â€" The disease is decidedly checked. Our informant does not state the number of deaths that have cceurred, bat says the sickâ€" ‘nees is entirely confined to the stecrage. pas was® FOR INTERESTING READLNG MAPTERâ€"SEE FIRST and FOURTH Pages sengers ; a fact which goes to show that the overâ€"crowded state of the vessel was, if not the primary cause, the reason of the malignâ€" ity of disease. There is we thiuk little doubt that the sicknese is shipfever in a bad form, intensified by the unwholesome atmosphere in which such a crowd must have lived, ate, drank and slept. Proper precautions, howâ€" ever, appear to have been taken, and we may fairly hope that the discase will be confined to the ship and not spread on shore ! (luffâ€"Mesoting that Confederation will bring about a very great change in the position of the Departâ€" ment of Public Instruction in Upper Canada. There will no longer be a Government to ap peal to, embarrassed by the difficulties which the connection with Lower Canada engerders, Questions will be taken up more thoroughly on their merits than ever before. . It is imâ€" posmble to doubt that this schoolâ€"book moneâ€" poly will obtain a very sharp overhauling whenever the Upper Canadian Government is formed, and it may by well for Dr. Ryerâ€" son to set his house in order before the time comes. The Chief Superintendent has done some good service to the caule of educgation, and the people are diâ€"posed to deal leniently with his many weaknesses; but . when they obtain the full control of their own | local affaire, he may rely upon it that m‘:i-m have their work honestly and fairly , or they will know the reason why .‘* We have recerved information from Wash | , ington that proposals are about to be made | | for a new Reciprocity Treaty, in which the fisheries will figure very prominently. There | 4 can be no doubt of the amount of importance | / which the United States‘ fishermen attach | | to the privileges they enjoyed under the late | , Treaty ; nor are the advantages so possessed : at all misunderstood by the authorities at | , Washington. The journals have put all the politicians of: the country into posse=sion of : the value of this scurce of national: wealth, 1 and they begin to perceive, as the World | , says,that the United States has cut offits own | | nose to spite the Canadian face." The fish | ing interest is naturally discontented with the loss it will evidently sustain, and the procie . mations by the Provincial Government reâ€" ] garding the observance of limits has given crise to a deal of controversy respecting what those limits are, and what the rights of foreign fishermen in and around British waters. It has been settled by competent authority. that such limits do exist, within which it is not competent for the stranger to ply his cecupation. . One of the most accredâ€" ited of these authorities give the Americans, as well «s all others, the right to fish to withs in cannorpshot of ro shore. This distance, , indefinite enough iit itself, has been settied to mean three miles from the shore, and all the water within that limit is open to Canadian fishermen only. As every one knows, the shore will rarely present an even lincâ€"inlen. tations, bays and gulfs, will eause promonto ries and projections of land, making it ques tionable whether the intervening . water between the headlands is covered by this exclusion. This question has given rise to much comment, and has even brought the two countrice to the verge of war.â€" The Provincial fisherman is very naturally jealous of national rights; and American â€" fishermen have been found to be not very . particular in poaching upon their neighbor‘s erntory. Collisions and bloodshed have beâ€" The @lobe concludes a wellâ€"consi W anted, to Purchase NEW ADVERTISEMENTSs, at matters. some of them I wigh you ter in seeret session. ." ce ps i4 is unnecessary for me in this mesâ€" refute .the wicked slanders circulated enemics to prejudice against us the f men vbo‘p;mld :\lcrwln be with r rv-t on know, gentlomen, odtr intention or desire, in sceking h: ate to our race at home, to pillage, OTTAWA, APRIL 1%, LACE COODS. â€" WILLIAM E. ROBER President Fenian Brother XEW CLUXY LACE, In Counars, Curre, and Setts The Houry Rifle rath the LACE VEILS, (NewÂ¥ # of 0 BOW FRIZHES, FRILLINGO®S, &C., &C MNAGEE & RUSSELL _ race i t the r La C. Club { them I wish you free tss gentlemen aud r, gontlemen in sccking t« 6, to pillage of â€" property th 1866 SHaP®,) he Americans, to fish to withs This distance, been settied to Te, and all the en to Canadian MEA 1 .. ced un ditin rmen atiach _ Cmihittée | mder the late justice, fairng 80 posses8e4 | coniâ€"wood, an mthorities 44| poubifol in ve pat all 4€ | povernment 1 posse=siun of ate a recip ional: wealth, would be aco x the WorkE| s s os s u cll 94â€"3m red &l protect to lead sn they ¢ the cr minds water wl xtent malle re now taken place ; and it has alwaysâ€"been und necessary ‘to have armed vessels t« rotect. the British fishermen in~their rights nd io nrevent the encroachment of the ment. Abropoc to this question we q@oting a despatch of Mr. S Mr, Adams, in which he admits th the téerms of the treaty, as it wa which deterimined them upon its a huitlw svreness fel nowledzment of the ‘}ll-l‘ interview with Mr. Burnley, yesterâ€" day, invi by myself, 1 authorized him to i 1 Russell that, in my ment, ev fln been no disturbance our ndly with Canada or Great Hritain, the Jate teciprocity treaty could not have conâ€" i tyoud its appointed time without beâ€" ing m so essentially as to require a mg: revision, which would necessarily involve & submission of the whole subject, not nowledgment of the South as bellig Thus writes Mr. SO;"!'\I only to Senate but to the Congress of the United States. 1 observed further to Mr. y, that, in tay opinion, it would ;be utâ€" tetly ungvailing to menor to ne with Gteat Britain a treaty of reciprocal beâ€" tween the United States and Canada while this clvil war continues, with @reat Britwi@ in her nt dititude, izing the insurgepts as a igerent, Mlm the United States Sromtheir accustomed i over a§) the terâ€" ritory and all the citizens Vx Republic.| 1 gave my reagons for this, namely, that the present MHer <gulis, where mac re fishermen will folto may deceive them as t r could read the opin crown upon the subjec d« would be |denser ner e of things has proved des ive of ir n‘xul commerce, and subversive ol,‘ between our people and those of I&ll, I further stated to Mr. Burniey, t there seeme good reason to believe that this il war has already come,or is about cqming,to h a crisis that we may look for an urly 16â€" ign ot our full national authprity by tain, and that when that c shall e, this government will cheerfully enter negotiations with a view to dscertain «& just, fair,and equal reciprocity trade mu extablished between the United States ad Canada." * |\So long as the civil war eontinued) it was to be unavailing to attempt to negotiate, but vfxu w change took place "this government " will ¢heerfully enter into pegotialiqns ‘with " a view to ascertain whether a just, fur and l is government " t just and fair tre ponsibility â€"sli + equal reciprocity tr * betwgen the United 4 tain."? â€" Well. the « ind what has be the inâ€"«hote waters. By al Beward, letws have a nogotiat "fair and equal reciprocity t more sham negotiations with for its basis, and bad faith in i mio natici Tus Assizzs.â€"The Spring Tvl:hv' the Court of Assize for Ottawa opens Y Ixcexviagisw.â€"On Sunday morhing, at an early hour, an attempt was made to set fire to « vacant house on Rideau strect, owned by ‘Mr. Forgic. It appéars that a Huantity of straw and other conbustible material was placed under the stair case and set fire to ; but, fortunately it was discovered by some of the neighbore, who quickly extinguished the flames l-hh.kvplhdm,m any damage was done. ~â€" prevent LOCAL NEWS. | T) in OUr. mit and grindst ligect value to & lion«, and the i ivil war contin o was P _ _ > attempt to negotiate, but woul )k place "this government furtl nter into pegotiatigns ‘with {':‘N' tain whether a just, fair and len‘s y trade can be established | ) ,_, ited States and G B5 | nag he change has place, | p, . n the disposition of "this | p;,, enlertain negul y * Why, itsh LFM il proper ‘ . Wass reciprocal beâ€" | & nd Canada while this whic , Great Britwin in her | tha® g the insurgents as a | for ing the United States M i over the ter ‘ d ‘.,.o'm. I gave | 2A mely, that the present | 00¢ roved des ive of | Tenm and subversive Of:| oog; people and those of Ten‘ itated to Mr. Burniey, ' on to believe that this | inak , or is about ng,t0 | to ® Jook for an dutly 6+ | oi. ty were comptist i theâ€" United Stat wh along ofir coast it all â€" mpane, Mr tiation thr a "just ty traude;" but n erenits Moge the ack rked all re Li relor Ruxaway.â€"On Sunday, while Mr. Thomas, Contractor, was driving acro«s the Suspension Bridgo, his horses took fright and made off, the vehicle betng smashed before they were stopâ€" ped. Fortunatoly th* drivor escaned seriout to be Mcaperous Orrexce.â€"On Friday last, a man named Cullen attempted to take the life of ons Gco. Giles, in the Township of East Templeton, under the tollowing circumstanâ€" cen:â€"â€"A party who had a mortgage upon Culâ€" len‘s farm was about cjecting him from it for inability to pay. â€" The mertgagee being anzious to sell a lot of the land to Government for a site for a light house, sent Giles to select the best locality. _ Cullen regarded this as an invasion of his rights, and was by no meags pleas»d with the proceeding on Mr. Giles‘ part. Shortly after, meeting Giles, he presented a gun at his hourt and fired it, but fortunately the ball struck a metal button on Giles‘ coat and glanced off, knocking him down without further injury. Giles, who was at first both frightened and somewhat stunned, soon sprung to his feet, and wrested the gun out of Culâ€" lon‘s hands, upon which he endeavored to stab him with a dirk, Cullen was thereupon seized and has since beon conducted to Aylmer Jail. It is said the prisoner was suffering from dolirium tremens at the time. _ Lavsen.â€"The new steamboat built for the: Ottawa River Navigation Company was sucâ€" cesstfully â€" launched yesterday morning. No dilliculty was expericnced in the operation, the vossel gliding into the water like a thing of lif, She was christened the. Comor; by Capt. H. X. Shepherd. It is understood that this new vessel is to be employed on the night line. She has been constracted much on the same principle as the Queen Victoric, ‘M_-il} be fitted up for both freight and pasâ€" senger trailic. Mr. A. Cantin, of Montreal, is weil known proprietor of nc LARZAN SFREIRE I Works. â€" The veesd is of beautiful model, and well adupted for river navigation, She will be fitted up and finished in a style ensuring the comfort of the travelling community, and cvedituble in an artistic point of view. We understand the Consort will be placed in charge of Capt. Bowie, so well and favorably known‘ on this lin« of navigation. Pouics Fonce.â€"Every . few days we have to chronicle an attempt made by some miscreants to burn down house property in various parts of the city, and it would not be unsafe to asâ€" sort that threeâ€"fourths of the fires occurring in Ottawa are the result of criminal design. In many cases, fortunately, the firs is discovered before it has attained dangerous proportions, when it is extinguished with a few buckets of water ; but atother times the flames are not observed till they have obtained a headway defying mastery by water. While such is the case, however, unfortunately the incendiarics enjoy perfect immunity, as regards the authorâ€" itics, who at present do not possess the means requisite to bring them to justice. The conâ€" vr. . The construction of the steamer ed on the 3rd of November last. nslons are 166 fect in length ; breadth 25 feet, or 43 extreme brewith, with t depth of hold. She will be fitted alking beam engine, with a cylinder four inches diameter, We underâ€" is is the 127th steamer built by the wn nrovrietor of the Canada Marine ixcs,â€"Our citizens will bear renowned Mr. Vandenhof s sorics of intellectual enâ€" e above character toâ€"mortow ‘v no doubt that all who go vAurn weli katisfied. KTING.â€"A temperance moet this evening in the Lecture hanics‘ Institute, â€" Addresscs desiring a commerâ€" 1, and will be carried rto afford satisfaction nsclves of its advanâ€" nt M rphy, Esq., of andâ€" Rov. Jos taken at balf prove Missour ° 10â€" of | briarâ€"root s of the bes THE OTTAWA ‘IIMES, APRIL 17, 1866. elusion from t stands in urzon! abl The New Wharf damaged by THE RICHELIEU coNXPANXY‘s STEA? ERS EXPECTED UP FROM WIN« TER qQUaRTERS, ity Boats may be. ters by Saturday Tatest from J YONTREAR SPECIAL DESPATCH The Qucen Preéesents her Miniature to George Peabody. SE ACKOWLEDGE® HER THANKS TOIIM POR HIS MUNIPICENCE & TO THE PDOOR OF LONDON. War Anticlpated between Austria Prussia. The Imperial Troops Gain a Great Victory FiPTY THOUSAND CHWINESE REBELS CAPTURED. Xew York, 16th.â€"â€"Th Hambury via Southamp The Times city articl haye advanced in conse« ening character of accou ening character of accounts [srom Getmany, The Queen hcearing that George Peabody was about to leave for America, has written him a letter, assuring him that she appreciates the more than princely, munificenee by which he has sought to relieve itlie London poor. ‘A. Laronctey would have been conferred upon him, but he felt debarred from accepting such a distinction. The Queen presented him her miniature, as an assurauce of her friendly feelings. The anticipation of a war between Austria and Prussia made a most unfavorable impresâ€" sion on commercial affairs through@ut France. A Prussian note to the minor German States says, Austria, without any provocation on the part of Prussia, has ordcred armaments of a threatening character, which conipel Prussia to arm also, * C Prussia now secks guarantee for security, having vainly endcavord to obtain them in alliance with Austria, * Rismarck asks the support of the minor States, in the event of beink compelled to make war. * lough. Several minor German remain neutral, is The ‘ Austrian Amba«« presented a despatch dee signs of An:iuh were pc tary ons were ini rASA\â€"ommmsnenients Mope was expre eitnment would f; lar assurances to . ARRIVAL OF THUE 8. 8. SAXONIA. A Florence telegram annou: of a camp of 70,000 men at B the pri::l-{gcnerah of the 1 suimmoj toâ€"meet there on t the Italian squadron is formin Adriatic, and that the milits were going on in Vienna. Shanghai advices, March th the Imperial troops gained a « ever the Rebels in the North, ter said to have been captured + than it at present posscsses or will b to boast of after the contemplated increas s place. The additionshortly to be mad ie force will raiso: it to only eight men, weth miterly inadcauate to the pro New Yorxâ€"The 8.8 City of New YVork brings one day‘s later news, via Queenstown. The Prussian question remains unchanged. Nothing to contirm Pacific news, The French troops to be withdrawn from Mexico in three detachments, first in «Novemâ€" ber next, second in March, and third in Noâ€" vember 18617. 8 _ It is officially denied at the American Government war port at 8t. Thomas. . Sovruawrrox, 4th.â€"The Brazilian mail bas arrived. . The French lhlL Pauline, with 70,000 lbs. of copper, from Rio Janciro, was wrecked on mhl on the 23rd of February, ‘The crew saved and landed at Balus. It is exâ€" pected that the ship and cargo would be a total loss. The Brazilian Admiral, with his flect of ironâ€" clads and monitors, bad arrived at Corrithies, At last accounts the allics had not attempted to cross the Parana river, for the invasion of Paraguay. 4 mlintacineis i The Paragnayans aro. determined to hold out ; and their daring courage in hsvh1 twice crossed the river in canoes, and attacking the main bedy of the Argentines, show the resoâ€" lute resistance the allied army may expect t« encounter. © The inactivity of the Brazilian during those engagements had cau: complaints, \ ‘It is understood that the passa Parana will be undertaken immedi in all probability, will only be efl great loss to the Allics. * Paws, April 4.â€"The Bourse is f 67 a 43¢,, or 28¢, lower than yester Regiments have been ordered 1 BREAKING UP 0P THE 10CK. actiy TWE UNITED sTATES® sSENXDING A UGUNâ€"BoOoaAT TO THE COA8ST OF MALXE, LATEST AMERICAN DESPATCIHES. THE FENIANX® CAPTURE THE REV» ENUE FLAG AT EA#TPORT. Jhew Yorx, 16thâ€"There is no truth in the reports that cholere or other epidemic exists at Java, West Wlorida. Werald‘s Portland despatch states: All quiet last evening; â€" The bundred cases of guns reâ€" fused curriage by the Stcamship Conp.néuo: Thursday were shipped in a schoomer to Ea 1MPORTANT FROM CHLNA. Hoxe xports Sat an port last evening. Preparationy were being inade for the reception of 450 Fenians who left Boston yesterday p. m. 6. M o s Pmuapgurma, 14thâ€"A lad named David King, employce ‘of Brown and Morrison, bankers, was arrested here_toâ€"day. He had stolen a gold check for $50,000. Four thousand dollars inâ€"gold and nearly $600 h-mnhch were recovered. | "Wasmxcrtox, 15th.â€"It is the President will mr:{ this wm.i:#‘: colâ€" lector for New York. â€" The House Committe on )flwt:en- gaged upon the subject of the w reâ€" cently referred to them involving the question as to whether any additional Legislation is necessary to procure the trial of Jeff Davis. No judicial procecdings will be instituted penâ€" din;th-couiden.mnonhh matter by Conâ€" gress. _ 1O nonk s# ba , C. €. CLAY TO BE RELEASED ON PAROLE. The Nenutrality Laws to be preserved. ult New Yorx, 16th.â€"The Tribune‘s Washington issia, has ord g character, w o. now seeks gt inly endcavor ith Austria. k asks the # the event of » leave for America, has written assuring him that she appreciates n princely, munificenee by which t to relieve lie London poor. ‘A ould have been conferred. upon telt debarred from accepting â€"such . The Queen presented him her s an assurauce of her friendly nation of a\ war between Austria Koxé, March 15.â€"T 114,000,000 pounds. More Fenian Canards. pressed that the ] 1 feel at liberty / to Austria, telegram announc 0;000 men at Bolo generals of the 1ta meet there on the adron is forming t that the military above facts is; that the ci vd of a much larger poli 1tb March 9.â€"Te weted up ts No news h al Amba atch + were were made with n od that the passage of the undertaken immediately, and, v, will only be effected with qual L O tay he Brazilian squadron uts had caused scrious ador, at Borlin, has laring that the de aceful. and its mili ti t determined to hold Surope ! Copenhagen; that is in treaty for a im winter quat» rso is flat; rentes | the throatâ€" Getmany. wge Poabody i, has written Prus«lan to ahiet. Silks in gna, and Thiat lian army are sixth, and that o cruise in the + preparations W th, state that upicfa{ wictory st ty the forma 10 from 1 toâ€"day. h tunds â€"throatâ€" pro« f the latâ€" ly h ty and that telegram says : AURUCAYA . CA ';’Y the Federal troops stationed a., to arrest the notorious exâ€"G for appearing in the stroots dros derate uniform, Mosby took to t at last accounts, several parties nfter ky . _ . The United States gunboat Augustd is sent to Maine to prevent any violation nentrality laws by the Fenians, _ Wasmisorox, 16th.â€"There is officia dence that Louis Napoleon is withdraw Fronch troops, and that Maximillian is tuting Fzench, Austrian and Belgian r« The Heratds Eastport telegram, dat voluntec arms in r prisoned. The L duct, in voluntarily: giving hi titled him‘to this much consic release is expected within a few Wasinxcrox, 16th.â€"The Pre nominated to the Sendte for a Mr. Sythe President of the Centr R. for Colledtor of the port of N Samucl G. Co ‘rt nay to be U, 8. the Southern district of New Y« San the Dic Dickinson dé‘cmwd. Loxpos, C. W.â€"T in the seven fold ‘|] been arrested here. Charles McCutchcon, pale and nearly faint between the descript the appearance of th of having lost a thun otherwise there is th ther examination is Pmicapzurnta, April 16â€"A Cape May tcleâ€" gram says, a boutle drifted ashore thore on the 1%th containing, containg a paper with the following writtern on it: «Schooner J. L. Driess, of New York, lost March 16th, 1886 ; all on board lost, but Ned Conkling and Silas Hogers, â€" Please report, if found. _ Nzw York, Aj LEastport, announc Particulars hot ve On Thursday last an inquest was held at the F village of Mawkesbury, cv.‘hnty of Prescott, beâ€" |, *** fore John Ramsay, Esq., coroper, and !‘. 8. M. Kersey, associate coroner, on the body of a man nanied Louis Bruncau, who died that morning from, it was said, injuries inflicted on | Wit im by a young man named Dupuis, barâ€"keeper in the tavern of Mr, John Bergeron, on the | || previous évening. The County Attorney Edâ€" ward Taylor Dartnill, Esq., attended to watch | j,, the proceedings on behalf of the Crown. Bai A jury having been sworn, they proceeded | Bui to view the body of the deceased, then lying in his own house, after which the following As: witnesses were examincd : & Michel Dupuis, a brother bf the accused, stated that be was in the barâ€"room at Mr. John Bergeron‘s tavern, the previous evening, about 5 ovclock; Mr. Alonzo Bangs, his wife, and Mary Jane Bangs, Mrs. Bergeron, Alex. Dl:ruiu and decease were present. .Mr. Bangs and his family were going up stairs to have a 1LLEGED MURDER BURY. few tunes on the fiddle, played by witness and his brother. Alex. Dupuis left the bar and went up stairs to make ready, Deceased went behind the bar in his absence and helped himâ€" self to a tumbler of gin, and Alex. Dupuis coming down stairs saw him do so, and on coming into the bar accused him of the fact. Deceased denicd he had done so, and witness‘ brother repeated the charge, when deceased gave him the lic; on which, Alex. Dupuis struck twice on the face, and the deceased fell, sitting, on the sofa. Witness caugbht his: brother and asked him to put him out quictly, when he took him and mput him out. In doing so there was some scufflc, and witncss aw his brother give the deceased a kick behind, as he was going out. Witness saw but one kick ulvvn, but more might have been given withâ€" out his sâ€"eing it, as there were several persons about at the time. Marion Morris deposed, that she is a servant at Bergeron‘s and saw deceased there before dinner, the previous day.. . He seemed to be suffering from pain, and had his hand to his stomach ; asked him what ailed him but he did not answer. . Saw him again about 5 p. m. Witness saw them coming from Mr. Laroche‘s store, and uhw deceased walking . away .from Borgcron‘s, towards his home. Was not preâ€" sent when the struggle, vious withess, took place Edward Thomas Ioberts, Bsq., M.D., sworn : Was called in to see deceased about 7.30 the previous evening ; he complained. of great pain in the lower" part of the abdomen; preâ€" scribed for him.‘ He said it was caused by a kick he had received shortly before, ~Saw him again about halfâ€"past two in the morning, when his pulse was weaker,â€" Deceased then told witness that the kick was given him by one Dupuis, but . deceased was not aware he was then in daoger, but witness thouglhit he was. _ Did not see him alive afterwards, Had this day made a post mortem examination of the body of deceased,. The liver was very much discased ; was what is called a drunkard‘s liver ; the other organs were healthy. _ There was®a rupture of the duodenum, a part of the intwstines, and conmsiderable discoloration of the poritonenum and other parts surrounding the rupture, which was quite sufficient to canse death. _ The injfury could not have been of any long duration. . The violence by which it was caused must have been in front of deâ€" ceased, and could not haye beén received beâ€" fore noon yesterday, It might be caused by a kick and leave no external mark, owing to the clasticity of the abdominal walls, particularly if the man .toored to avoid the blow.. It ’ might be caused by a fall, | William Ewing, E«q., M.D., corroborated the testimony of Dr, Roberts, so far as the post mortem examination. . ‘The deceased .mt,;ht have got a fall after leaving ron‘s, but if #o he must have fallen upon spme unevensubâ€" stance. M The inquest was then adjon the next day, for the purpose eviience of the other partics j fracas took place ; the young 1 being held in custody unds EECOXD DAY Â¥. The proceedings this day. woerg resumed the drill shed before John Ramsey|Esq. core and L. 8: M. Kersey Esq., assotiate coroner, County Attorney (being also nt, and names of the jurors having n called o the following further evidence/was adduced Hon, J, Hamilton, J. P., bef formation had been lpdged the coroner. { Marion Morris a servant at Bergeron‘s Hotel deposed that about noon on Wednesday she aw the deceased in the barâ€"room, and at the time he was mganing m;ppuently in great pain rubbing the upper ofhis stomach. She spoke to him but be did not answer. : She was not present in the afternoon when the scuffle took place, and heard nothing of it. _ Eliza Bangs, wife of Alonzo Bangs, had just came in the tavern on the evening of the scuftle They. belonged to the rivateer, from which th proceeded avith mull tually under the guns €f , Pylades, d&nd witlin , of hor guns, The flag thout a shot being fired. 1 anch Calais al i1 16.â€" s furthé received detailed by the pr A despatch from r Fenian troubles. AT HAWKES s $24,65,305, | Hawkoesbury, on 1 : stock market is | April11th, 1866. steady. _ In the The Coroner th active. â€" Gold in.l committal of the e _ price has xchange more sterling bills. erg resumed at sey Esq. coroner rlatg coroner, the nt, and the n called over, ‘ned untilsnoon | r of" obtainin;; the | _ & resent when the | _ _P nan Alec Dapuis | 114 r warrant by the i > 'A::‘m the in | be action of | _ _ Alex. Dupuis NDwI Te doing | _ Wheatâ€"Reccipts none, The market very firm w his | and 1 a 2 cents 'beiur. at $1 65¢ for old Milwaukie as he Club ; $1 70 a 1 74jc for new No. 1 Milwaukie ; &2 | Kick 50 a 2 700 for white Canada; $2 for inferior new ‘ K!CK |â€"white Michigan; $2 20¢ for good new Amber Michi+ withâ€" | gan ; and 81 68¢ fur good Chicago Spring. | orsons | _ Rye quiet. | Barley dull. ervant Receipts Cornâ€"hone. Market opened dall, and before | prices nominally unchanged. Sales trifing at /78 to use |. * 80c for unsound ; and 87 a 85¢ for sound nié«:d to hi Western both in store and delivered. | MS8 |_ Onts firm and 1t botter, at 42¢ a 49e fi”j' but h¢ | IFestern; 58 a 59¢ for sound do; 59 for Canada; 5 p. m. | and 61e for State ; 56¢ for Jerscy. | roche‘s Porkâ€"Sales 1030 bbis at $26 00 m 26 37e for + from | new Mess, closing at 25 00 cash ; and 25 50 for d at Grax» Tess Ramway or C& trafic for week ending April Tth, PRESQDGOT®) cccccecccn en Express Freight, Mail Freight and Live Stoci M Frovmâ€"Super Extra.... EXUB.crrevcecbe+ " Faney........s... Welland Canal Oarsâ€"Per 32 lbe.... Baxiayâ€"Per 48 Ibe Burtetâ€"Dairy...... ASHESAâ€"POUK ... en seeetmeenenrenen mm en m n o Flourâ€"Arrivals heavy ; holders firm Flourâ€"Arrivals heavy ; holders tiring. Grainâ€"Wheat nominal. Poase fair request. f Provisions generally unchanged. Ashesâ€"Pots in less competition. Gold opened at 125], and closed at 125]. 1 Cotton dull at 37¢ for middling. Receiru of Flour 7,724 bbis. Market 10 a T5¢ better for sound grades. _ Sales 11,800 barrels at $6 95 a 7 40¢ for sound n:gerflne Etate ; $7 43 a a 7 80c for extra State ; $7 a 8 30c for chojce State ; $6 95 a 7:40¢ for super Western; $7 590 a lasmats B 08 6 iA P is im ihine sneaiid acanr c* Bs adica 8 300 for oomm('vnvlo medium extra Western 50 a 8 650 for eo%mon to good -h}rpln‘ br extra round h(;? hio. Canada Flour 10 a better, Sales 300 tum;la at $7 60 a 8 35c common; and $8 40 a 12 25¢ for good to cl extra. | old d de Corn u?et; mixed, 28« 6d a 28s 9d. | Boof Jull and casier. ‘a Pork tends downwarsd. Lardquict and steady at 72s for Americ Bacon quiet and tending downâ€" wards. 'l‘sllo:fiqll and unchanged. | Butter vor{ dull. | Eugar dall. Coffee steady. | Rice quiet and steady. ~ 1 Reosin quict at 7s. * | Spirits turpentine inaetive. | _‘Petroleum quict and steady. ‘Refined, 2s a 2 a 814 ml’nc'm'u. StaTesmaxs@tr.â€"None can redd Mr. adstone‘s speeches, especially such speeches as he delivered a short time r:n bo'for:h\mi'iuf* of (Glasgow, without feeling impressed with the eminâ€" ently practical charheter I:Kieh distinguishes the higher order of British statesmanship; but every one knows and can appreciate the great benefts\deâ€" rived by the use of «Bryan‘s Pulmonic W.f:t;" They have been (h:rblieurudlon â€" ty years, and it is mitted by all that gey are the best ion ever offered for alleviating and curing coughs, colds, irritation or soreness of e ff en rine n e ie o j cine ers at 20 cts. per box. April 230“. | Q‘&y Flour elosed 10 i 150 better, wit mand. Wheat closed 1 a % better, and Corn closed dall aad nominal. Pork closed hn.:{ at $26 for ca Lard closed steady mt 16} a 18; Tur Lateer sxoursn mafikeTs. T Liverpool, Wednesday, April Cotton had declined } to 14. Sales Monday gnd uesday 9,000 bales, including 2,000 to ntecul Manchester market heavy and nominal 1 Flour du!l and steady. Wheat quict and steady. _ % | Yesterday‘s Montreal Markets. ef dull adin e e § s .ny The ‘ “T"O'AR sSHAKESPEARIAN INTER® London Markets» | PRETATION® and Delineations of Chara«â€" London, April 5, p. m. er and Humor have atiracted large audiences in nsols, 86} a 86? ; Erie, 50; Illinois Central, 81 | MONTREAL, NEW YORK, BOSTON, W ASHINGâ€" 4. |.__] TON, ST. LOUIS, &c., &c., will give his mnmeneteraninaeneemeneenmaeancconreenceemesneratizem | 1711 f n=m=***~(Tirst ReAWINEG At t0 LRCAtTC; Canada Wh W ostern Storeâ€"Packed F1 New York Maikets. r No. 1 Canada Westerm......... sPECIAL NOTICES®. Jur LATEST MARK ETS JOHN H[ChSON, ___ Eeeretary and Treasu it erline Canada Flour 10 a 15¢ at $7 60 a 8 35e 2 25¢ for good to cholco indiic New York, April 16 M with a pretty wante Poarl bramds BHMssfal Ignor OTTAWA LA CROSSE CLUB ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HURB!;AH! THE HENRY RIFLE, Buy the Sixteen Shcoter.. the Ottawa, April 1 "QuEEN"" RESTAUVRANT, L%. BROS. h |}or-l_\il~, unde: PLUMBEI Ottawa, . BRA SS W OR EK, ]lA\'ING LEASED premises now occup ed 43 Eparks Street, are 1 |. After which Mr. Vandenhoff will give, from ‘ LEVER, (the TrishNovelist‘s), MAURICE TIERâ€" NEY, and sketches, fall of humor and interest, of KET, all Notice of Coâ€"Partnership. ‘VILL BE SOLD ON TUCESDAY, THE _V V Vl?'(hA.\_pr:,l. on the ,l'f'“.l'“ 'f(_lW!\' MAR BU e observance of the slightost amount of care. Orders may be left at the Times office, or at t] nion Hotel, where the Rifl¢e may be examined. t THOS. BURTONX. CLASSICAL & COMUMBRCIAL Ottawa, April 1 OX MR. GEORGE VTAMXBDEMIOFEF The Shakesperian characters del FALSTAFE, : â€"} PRINCE OF W ALES, &e., From Shakespeare‘s Hoeonry IV ‘IRELAND IN ‘9s : |Â¥ .«A Â¥ TICKETE » CENXTS. #O" Mr. V. will also read on THUREDAY and | g@»" DFW FRIDAY. _A new programme each evening. wo Attawa, April 13 , 99â€"44 | March 5, 18 On WEDNXESDAY Ev‘g., 1 8th APREL, Ox W t LEX. MeDONXALD AND ESMONDE ate Who is Mrs. Winslow McDONALD & CO IE SUMMEKR MONDAY NEX I A MEETING OF THE pr r th BB MARE, HAL HOTSPUR OTT.A W .A MER TERM wili begi NEXT, APRIL16im. < _ T. D. PHILIJPS, M. A., le and firm of MeDONALD POUXDERS, FINISHERS, LTTERS, &e. f D. CLCFF, for the present year M. E. CHAMEBER®. 1 t IN PART Ti v ESMONDE BRoS ctary v. Dr. Horap ry Revd. Mr T; is a neat _of standâ€" r machinâ€" ne therou begin on SCHOOL. H A ND, famous (patent 1 at the kind dral EDUCATION IN ENGLAKD Â¥a Toue PWAee 0_ l woRrTHLESS 99â€"44 | March 5, 1866 1 SHEFFIELD ..o0sp td POoratri: DL *R en o e o o Clearing off Sale., AT COST PRICE! FOR OXE WEEK, Stoves, Lamps Ottawa, Ap important Announcemest The follow ROWE & BOYDEN, sPRINXG PURCHASES! Esmonde Bros,, j ts VEGET ABLE pPAIN KILLER! _0 aodt Undecrwriter‘s Sale. awa, April 13 YVictoria W elling eerschaum & Brier Pipes se CANES, PURSES, &c., &c. LC UXDER®SIGNED I8s 1NETRUCR i) TW ENEA REDINHT yase Wazeon cek to Ayimer Ottawa, March ir PxpFERsIGAED . DERING their «i « I the public pner.l.l?' for asing patronago ir attention to the fact that, aity for elehteen k 1 Bal D A LF PERR ) TERMS OF £ALE CASH. ROWE & BOYDE®E, Auctioneent Store of E. McGILLIVRAY, TV3 Mor sez X 28 & 30 16 4 R AT 43 & Ia NE€ EOO d [i'i;l F "““l“ ! [ellington Streot 5 | SDAY, THE 1714 LNST r 10 ©‘CL00K, A. M., _ hy in in m TIE OLD PRCE L or CpUNTERH 433, =parks Sty )PPOSITE ONXTARIO BAE hom on Â¥9e MR CCC e abovesale. Br order af M» (‘IIM Avome® '.lll '.‘.â€"“'w “ r yY | DA VI VEGET ABLE YOXMsSHiRp HECPOR MeLEA®, Avomesi® 4 Wraas MX ETT TA fwm“‘ l.l les and bridles ” i1 be offered at anctitn 9# 1 bp «ont J,. N. RANKIK, es, 1 clook. paper kery, in cups and #80008 ; poft shell almonds. eass hat K006 . o4 t puch a 995 "A "uble imM-'“'“s ling .“W tention to all * | , . sn‘apme 4 ©0 L Aw *. El SS Te R BR C PCO 1.,-'..::;:1 mineral knobe acksmiths‘ irom, !,E ' _ iged by nl. wadet, :n Liverpool : anything to e market by rp, wilLsT :z e thanks to thei L% Aâ€"-.’ for theit 1;’ I{m.'“'*’ h«, their ©5P h a stock "of ‘..‘f: D PM wvag 4NP N PERFEITS |'l‘l‘!’-" «4s 7 th AI’“l' inc and bitte, 1 ape® wood, spring m 1 an immenst from a noedet®® t of the mned, ORTER Z ludies i to the f4 1 be I meet un ied «1d tools, D4b t ablich ‘lln Cxperi and al per un rch of extra, happy sell by #** 9 0 «Octaw® SV man this NESSLE® L uit 621 Te i n’fi,ofi' Also. a «pl C1GAR® saitable for « wHLsEe oo Rath of A otews. Ap" hents‘ TAILOR fow A[‘i ouawa, * yi" Wan Ottewa, Mar PEG Spri ©OSY, and which will i The Bagl Gedicated t« West of E Ottawa, M Mer Which he most fash l w WOWHkC SORTME Ottewa, A Church l-n‘ BOUND NE Ottewa, Asmeranyr Frexon M Drawixe . Up Oltawa. Evening 1 UST R wo %" abta inin wh A a*# T aNT )o iuame the inb 7 a NT ) ~CBW FOR 8 Alfc Apt «O whe leti wh ‘all

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