At two places, especially at the egress of the Jordan, near Tarichoea, aud at the border of the plain of Genesaretâ€"there are intokicating parterres, where the waves dic away amid elumps of grass and flowers. The broo of Ainâ€" Tabiga forms a little estuary full of shell fish. Clouds of swimming birds cover the lake. The <horizon is sparking with light. The waters, of a celestial â€"azure, deeply encased beâ€" tween frowning rocks, -eenu‘ewhen viewed from the mountains ot Safed, to be in the bottom of a cupof avld. On the north the snowy W‘Vl.l ::. ‘umon tb.m out h‘wtlt'c lil:e- ; on east, the high, undulaâ€" Ing of l‘- Gaulonitis and of Permea, comâ€" y arid, and clothed by the sn in"a species of velyety atmosphere, form a continuous The heat upon the borders is now very opâ€" w. The Jake occupics a depression of foet below the level of the Meditearancan, and thus shares the torrid condition of th« Dead Sea. An abundant vegetation formerly tempered these excessive_heats ; it is difficult to comprehend that such"an oven as the whol: basin of the lake now is, from the month <f May, was ever the scene of such activity. Josephus, morcover, considers the country very temperate.â€"Dcubtlcss there has been here, as in the Roman Campagna, some change 0t climate, Lrought about by historical cause. It i# Islamism, especially the Mosim reaction z the crusades, which has blusted, like a sirocco of death, the region favored of Jesus.â€" Pensoxarâ€"Dr. J. C. Tache, ot the Bureau of Agricalture, has been in town since Saturâ€" day, on business connected with the quarantin« . Sware Por.â€"This disease has attacked the orphan children under the care of the Grey Nuns of this city. Within the last few days, some twenty children have been removed from the Nunnary to the Marine Hospital, where they are being attended by the Nuns.â€"Quebee Renan‘s Life of Jesus mountain range, or rather a long, elevated terrace, which, from Cz®sarea ‘Phillippi, tends indefinitely toward the south. . Le Canadien states that am original Van Djck was recently discovered in Quebec, and is a beautiful portrait of the illâ€"fated Hunrietta of France. It seems to have been brought out to the colony by Lord Hamilton, a relative o# the celebrated Anthony Hamilton, author 0t Grammot‘s Memories, and was by him given to a Mr. Murrough, a Quebec merchant. Passextatios.â€"On Tuesday morning Lient. Col. Crawford, commanding the Volunteer» now on duty in this town, was presented by the officers and men of the Brockville Rifl Company with a very bandsome giftâ€"a pair of solid silver spurs and a morocco silver :):: erossâ€"belt and pouch. The spurs following engraved inscription :â€" 4# Presented to Lieut. Col. Onvï¬.ml‘,nby the officers of the Brockville Rifle Company, A pril 9, 1866." The crossâ€"belt mounting was inâ€" scribed thus:â€"*Presented to Lieut. Col. Crawford, y the nonâ€"commissioned officers and mâ€"n of the Brockville Rifle Company, GALILEE OF OLD AND IN OUR * DAYS. Hituied : An Act respecting Emigrants and Quaranâ€" Hae, it is amongst cther things enacted, that =" The @orernor in Council may from time to time make sach Rsgulacions as he tuinks proper for enforcing Compmance with all the requirements of this Act, hid sor ensuring the due pertormance of Quarantine by und in respect of Vesseis, Passengers, and Goods @oming into tue Hort of Quebes, to wnich he thinks It rigns for the preservation of the Public Health, that such iteguiations should apply, and for the taorough cleansing and disinfecting of such V essels, Wuous und Pussengers, so as to prevent as far as =ï¬. the introwuction dr dissemination of disâ€" , lnto or in tais Province, and may from time to time revoke, aiter or amend such Regulations or qdum-ï¬or’-n lath‘oir stead ;"â€" and A,ril 9th, 1866."â€"Aecorder Mis Excellency the Go W‘lIllAl. by the Forticth Chapter of the Consoliaated Statutes of Canada, inâ€" Sn C K LE k s e a2l) kegulations shall have the force of law durâ€" muwuwuauunumfom dmy during a certain tume or at certain times o1 #easons, in which cuse they shall have the force of law during the time and at the times and seasons during, or at which they nave been limited to be in force ;* and "by such regulations the Governor in Counsil may require the Muster of every Vessel soumng up tae HKuver St. uawrence from below the Wudn-o Isie, (except only such exsels as are Mh’dn'vuud «ad reserred u:hu e%depted)â€"â€"to bring his Vessel to anchor at the r-umu uch Vessel in M“ megulations, repost s osse wri bbmumm";-udnmaudfwua :.-u-mmmnnu the rnnkl- relative to tae same, and to the 'oy‘r. Passengers and Cargo thereof required by #ueh Kegulations or by any Odicer July autho« rised unser them to require the same,â€"and to allow the proper Oficer to visit and inspect such Vesse!l and evecy port thereof, and the Passengers agd Crew and tae cargo and other articles on Te 44 the places there pointed out 19 ihe at the 16 out by the Ofice thereunto autnorized by the said Regalations, or all of the Mvm-. Crew, Cargo or other arti; cle on board such Vessel, as the said Officer thinks wmpm‘ the introduction of conta+ glous or i0us disease,â€"and to allow such Pas: asugers, Crew, Cargo and other articles, and also the Vorsel itself, to remain so long at the said staâ€" tion and at such places thereat respectively, and to be so treated, and cleansed and purized as the said Ortcer smail think necessary for the purpose afores sad; And by such Regulations, the Governor in m-q-.-uu-mmonmm.. sons to be employed at the said Quarantine on, the mod dutics necessary for carrying the mn‘m Act fally into eifect, and may deciare that any such Orficer n:nou shall ’md&‘nu employ ment a Justice the Pesce or a Constable or Peace Officer for @rosseâ€"Isic and the said Quarantine Station, and for the space around the same described in such r-u.aommmnw Justice of the Poace or Peace Officer w r he be otherwise qualised or not: And by such E;;'E‘;;,ï¬t No'tnbd.‘ukw Sow it is ordered by His Rxcelloncy the @orecnor General in Council : irements of Thoots Grafally complied with, and ma Wls the writteh Such fine be paid, and may direct that no vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Port of Quebec or of Montreal, antil all the requirements of such Reguâ€" that auy Persoc, Vesscl or thing, who or which has fines not exceeding Five &'.-C:: M-:-,E':; en @.sous contray foride thet the adendey mail 40 fimprizoncd quillt (G¢overnment House, Ortawa, 9th April, 1866 .m«m removed from the said. a6 before all the requirements of gulations have been n;ahd with in of such Person, Vessel or thing, or e written of the Uficer omâ€" o asthorthe such passing ‘or depurturs | PE L LE ELGk J E y or wnd frieght, or freight alone, or Eo Pniincl: tiich may during the reight months next following the Fifteenth ‘day of April in each and every yeat arrive in the Port of Quebec, from any ort or ports, place or places, situated without the rnvhn. by way of that part of the River Ste Lawâ€" rence which is below Grosseâ€"l«!c, shall stop at the Quarantine Station of Gross#â€"lsle, to be there inâ€" spected, and, if necessary, detained in Quarantine until such ships or vessels have been dicharged therefrom by such license or passport, as shall be directed to be granted by the tiovernor in Council, wntil then persons, goods or merchandize, which shall be on board such ships or vesse}s, shall inot come or be brought on shore, of go or be put on board of any other ship or vessel in this Provinee, exgept on Grosseâ€"Isle aforesaid, when duly required by competent authority» * l * 2.â€"Suppltementory Inspection. °_ â€" _ 1« Vemels to make Quarantines C That all ships and u:r v:-;l:. whether Sailing essels or Steamships a ther carryin Laus: AG wesentenems E-I bi:-:n ..: fuiihl‘nm Thatâ€"all Ship«, Vessels an ing had their discharge ‘f Grosseâ€"Isle, shall be subject ther detention if necessary, Marbour of Quebec, accord hereinafter provideds The Quarantine establishment at Gross shall consist of a Medical Superintendent, w many Medical Assistants, Hospital stewards, men, Orderlies, and other employees as may 1 pointed, M«Nin& 40 cireumstances. The M superintendent shall, by virtue of his office Justice of the Peace within the limits of the rantine Station, as hereinbefore described, sb authorized to see the Quarantine duly perf and for this parpose shall have fall powor as thorityâ€"over all officers and other persons w ever in Grosseâ€"Isle, or attached to ILM \ be authorized to call upon.all persons ito ai in enforeing the law and their retulations, : ease of his death, sickness, or abs the . next in rwak employed on the island,) shall the er ‘and authority aforesaid. |Aud : o-pz;:u of the said Quaraatine Establis shail, by virtue of their office, be Pesdce: 0 and be vested with all the powers and |autho special Constables, within the, limits| of th Quarantine Station. Â¥pa ï¬ i-w‘-*"“ Island, has directly g | ar any interest or concern in any . ® rly . | of provisions, or other things to be ml;god t or furnished, bought or sold upon the said. [sland, or or ves or takes any vate 4 | directly reodi P d. mumtï¬l z.urvioo renderedto any f or Crows of V w«qho:ror- ,, | sons upon thesaid Island. And it shall be the daty of r | all persons to whose knowledge any breach of this ,. | Regulation shall come, to report the same forthwith The Medical Superintendent (or in case of his death, sickness or absence, the Gafter next in the rank employed on the Island) shall enforce the said Law ana these Regulations, and shall direct ships or vessels to go«o such fl"' or ‘places to perform Quarantine, as it may necessary to sond them tos Meshall direct all. ships or vessels, liable to ,prfor- Quarantine, to be brought to anchor within the limits of the Quarantine Anchorage, and general« iy do all that may be required to enforce rigid ubedience to the said law and those Regulations« He shall permit all passongers, or cther persons landed on the said Istand, to be reâ€"ombarked or shipped on board any Steamboat or other Vessel when the vessel is in a ht state to reseive then», and that they have been examined by him and found in & «t state for reâ€"embarkation or for leaving the «aid island : and that all such passengers amd persons, with their laggage, have been washed, cleansed anu puriaed, and taat there does not exist an who are about to proceed, or leave the « any case or symptoms of Asiatic Chol small Pox, Scarlatina or Meastes, or othe and dangerous disease. _ & Me (or such of his medical asgistants as may be so orac.ed by him) shall also go o# to ana vâ€"ara vessels bound to make their (Quarantine at tGrosseâ€" {sie as aforesaid, and pat the following questions to the Masters or persons in charge, viz: I .ll’ What is your name, and that of your ves + 2. From whence did you sail, and date? 3. ’Wln is your cargo, and whence taken on A.Al'luglmor ages did in her voyage? _ Pl. 3. Was such place or places, or any, and which of them infectea with the cholera, plague, or any pestilential fever or disease? ... â€" _ _ _ 6. How rsons were on board when the remel ueat t PC Cabin passengers Stecrage passengers * To were any perion & ve any or persoeduring the voy age been infected? or are nn' any iï¬!mod" with the oh:cu. plague, or any pestilential fever or %. Vid you or any of the ship‘s company or pasâ€" sengers, with your privity, go ...’; b\nn} any -hi’,‘:.c‘r vessel, on did any of the company of any ship or vessel come 6n bourd your thip in the voyage, and irom what port did she sail last? & 8 Did any person or persons, and how many d during the voyage, ngp;ro-_qh_u distemper? 10. Did 'yuuhof any oulmy‘mr ship‘s passengers, with or without your pr sent, land at any place within, tb':, 11. Mave you any pefson on board tic, idiotic, deaf and dumb, blind o are such accompani¢ed by relations al them? ; If the answers beâ€"satisfactory, he shall give a Clean Bill of Health to the Master or person in charge; and such vessels may then proceed to the narbor of Quebec. If the answers be not satisfacâ€" tory, or huhd Superintendent has any reason to suspect fi on the part of the Master or person in charge, crew or passengers, he shall immeaiately order the vessel to such piace as may be appointed ior vessels detained under Qaarantine of Ubservaâ€" tion; he shail call for the ship‘s papers, passengers‘ lists and logâ€"books, and inspect them thoroughly so as to ascertain the whole of the occurrences during tae voyage, and should he meet with any resistance, use wili make such signal as may be determined on io show that assistance is necessary. s He shall have charge of all vessels detained in Quarantine. . He shall direct, if necessary, all iuâ€" mbhl::od with their luggage. _ And shall superintend eleansing and disinfection of vessels. He shall direct the number of passengers hhu&.‘.‘mflh‘ulhon-hv n-lu'mnfobo pestilential or infectious discases, from m ao not require such treatment, and he shall have generally uc:tosq to isolate from each uther these ditferent or r elasses of persons by wividing the Island in ditterent quarters according to cireumatances. . He shall have medical chargp ot all passengers who do not disembark, and who may be iaboring under any other than pestilential or inâ€" dectious disease ; ana shall order all passengers and persons on board any such ship or vessel who shall iabor under any pestilential or infoctious disease, to be landed with their luggage acconling to the He shalil give inedical treatiment on board in all cases chu&dhum which are not by these reguâ€" lations specially required to be treated on shore, and when it shall be deemed advisable not to lana the passengers on the said Island. He shall whenâ€" ever a vessel is cleaned, ventilated and parised, direct such vr.l.lo receive on board the whole or any portion of t esengers, or whether the whole or any and which !l. the said passengers shall reâ€" maip on the said Island, to proceed up the river by some other mode of conveyance; and he shall, so soon as the passengers are reâ€"embarked on board their ship, or on boxwl auy ship or vesscl leaving the “?fl‘. give a passport or Clean Bill of Health to the Master or person having such vessel in charge, to proceed to Quebec. He shall make returns to the alinister of Agriculture of the vessel boarded by him as soon as possible after such vessels are visiled. pucat 3 f dient. Upon the recovery of persons treated for any disease he shall, after due precaution, transfor such persons to any part of the Quarantine station by him for the reeption of healthy persons and therefore considered as the healthy r-n of the said Island. He shall 701!‘04 the c Gnmin‘;h'uh- and purif all , and the unâ€" #Ih( and ’:u.uiluh‘ of !hcir baggage, and when they are in a ht state to proceed, he shall, if need be, cause nz:moc any part of it to be burned or otherw ed. 6th.â€"Traders, Suttters, Grocers and oihers. No fe the business of Suttlers, Traâ€" w:uim‘:n":' en witudr upen or allowed to res m mfl. except under the lisonse and strict ne;:-. trol of the Medical Superintendent, who will have l:nll authority wd.hhupndu:::m tlofll‘ouu;. or any such :vu- report lwct of <sue! mm reason therefor, for the intormaâ€" M:m Governor Gou‘nul. .ot P.m\n adminisâ€" gove! such persons in any wa engaged in ullmmle on lh’: said hhui -hï¬ be regulated as to prices by lists to be furnished by The Medical Superintendent shall have charge of the Hospitals. He shall receive into the Hospitals set apart for the treatment of pestilential and inâ€" iectious diseases, all persons laboring under or threatened with any such disease. . He shall have the general superintendence and direction of every thing relating to the sick. He shall visit and inâ€" spect all passengers â€"who shall be landed from any vessel, and distribuate them as be shall think expeâ€" the Medical it from time to time, asâ€" siated 0y the Chiot Ensigrant Ageot at Quebec: _ He shall strictly enquire into and decide upon all comâ€" wd-{unhuorbnuh of the regulations by persons so trading ; he shall see that no officer or persons om; by the Government, or in any phfl_‘.. muthluu hlu:i. has directly fice any person so charged until the pleasure of the Omr..l’cr Onu:l.‘:s‘bo known respecting the person so charged. < to the Meaical Superintendent, who shall ie into the facts alleged, and may suspend from his ofâ€" in the Port of uebec, from any | her or places, situated without the | gro ( that part of the River St» Lawâ€" | sha w Grosseâ€"I«lo, shall stop at the | ing of Gros#â€"lsle. to be there inâ€" anc essary, detained in Quarantine | gha r vessols have been dicharged | if ; icense ot passport, as shall be | fro ted by the Governorin Council, | has , goods or merchandize, which | or : such ships or vessels, shall |not | on un shore, or go or be put on board | wit vessel in this Province, exgept| viz resaid, when duly required by | fro lishment at Grosseâ€"I=le | h Superintendent, with as | t Hospital stewards, Boatâ€" | e employees as may be apâ€" | v amstances.‘ The Medical virtue of his office, be a I in the limits of the Quaâ€" before described, shall be arantine duly performed, | a have full powor and auâ€" | ; ad other persons whatsoâ€" f t mludblLu' jon, and nall pessons ito aid him their retulations, and in (or in case of his Uafter next in the all enforce the said | shall direct ships ‘places to perform sury to sond them t vessels, liable to ht to anchor within orage, and general« d to enforce rigid those Regulationss ®, or other persons be reâ€"embarked or al vince law, i ations, and in the Oiticer d,| shall have . |Aud all the ‘qtablishment edce: Officers, per Of company vity or c eansed anu ongst those d Island a, Feve: infoct.¢ w ol wid i f event I touch yV PI* 1.«â€"â€"Pilots. regulations, and also of the laws Emiâ€" grution, shall exhibit the same to the Master or perâ€" son in ehn{: of every vessel they may board. Wvery Pilot having charge of a vessel, ® bring her to anchor within the limits of the a ge ground at trosseâ€"Isle hereinbefore de They shall also keep the uational flag of such vessel fyâ€" ing at the lltAL until boarded by the mx‘fl,-flr!. and, in case of sickness on board, the gaid flag shall be kept at haltâ€"mast. On arriving at Queboc, if the vessel has received a clean Bill of Health from the Medical Superintendent at Grpsscâ€"Isle, has not been detained there on account J:ieknfn or suspicion thereof, and and has not any sickness 8.â€"â€"â€"Vesseis proceeding to Quebe In all cases where vessels having ngers on board, on account of sickness snol:::t such passenâ€" ger shall be detained in Quaratine Iuterumr- son in charge may, on Qqflhlflflw the Medical Superintendent at Grosseâ€"lsle, be allowed to land the said passengers with their ln?-p ; and the vessel being properly cleansed, puriced and disinâ€" fected under the superintendence and with the lisense ‘ of the Medical Superintendent, may proceed up the river without the said passengers, upou the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall be uppointed to receive@bhe same, one shilling and three pence for each passenger, to bear l:o exponse of their conveyance to Quebes, and also at the rate. of one lhiuint per diem for each of the said passenâ€" gers, to reim the expence of their maintance at Grosseâ€"Isle, for the time during which such vessels, in the judgment of the Medical superintendent, would have had to be detained in Quarantine waiting for the passengers not affected with any of the pestilâ€" ential or infectious disease aforesaid, otherwise such vessels shall be detained in Quarantine until the Lmngen not sick of the aforesaid diseases, shall : cleansed, washed, purified and disinfected. * 9. â€"Inspecting Physician at Quebec. An Insp â€"Physician at Quebec shall go off to all"::i"‘m. iu)ueboc or at the -usohhc river St» Charles, and r:m. following questions to the Masters or persons rge, viz: 1. When did you leave @rosseâ€"Isle ? 2. Exhibit to me your passâ€"port from Grosseâ€"Isle? 3. How many person have you on board ? â€" Cabin passengers t ‘ Stecrage passengers ? Crew ? :.l\lu-brbn at Grosseâ€"Iste * T een tak Tok ave person or n taken sicl sick you Ief:aymuo-lllof 9" i i 6+ Have any died? State ber, names and disâ€" case _ 7. Have any person or‘ come on board or left your vessels since you leftGrosseâ€"Isle? â€" _ persons in charge of vessel«s to exhibf to him the license or nuo-pon which they shall have received from the Medical Superindent at the Quarantine Station ; and such J:uon or rnou in charge shall forthwith exhibit the same for examination, to the said Inspectingâ€"Pbysician at Quebec, who, if he shall find, as well from the answers he may receive as from the tenor of the passâ€"port and the actual state of the health of the ts and crew, that siokness does not exist umo shall then grant to the Master, or person in charge of such vessel, a Certificate in writing setting forth the healthy state of the passengersâ€" and crew, to the end that such vessel may obtain a unal discharge from Quaranâ€" tine. . But, if on the contrary, such Inspecting P:f-ieiu at Quebec shall ind any case of pestilenâ€" tial or infectious dlnuo':: :oc::. or -hl‘I‘h.n just cause to nrpnw re out any such malady, it shall then be lht! to hoist a yellow flag at the mainâ€"topâ€"gallantâ€" head and shall cause the vessel to return to or remain and be detained at the month of the River Saint Charles for further observation and inspection; and having acquainted the Mastor or rn- in charge with the penalties to be incurred if he should permit any communication with his vessel until released from Quarantine, be shall all the circumstances to the linu«olA'm for the information of the Governor General; and if it shall appear to the said Inspecting P\ylfoiu at any time that such vessel shall have passed the Quarantine Station at Grosseâ€"Isle without lw?h‘. and should therefore be sent down to Grosseâ€"Isle, or that such vessel hay â€" 8» Have you any persan on rd who is lunatic, idiotie, dufdn:d afll-s."ï¬a ?: intrm, n:. IN?lllt‘h accompamied by relations a support them AJ::nqvor, he shall require all Masters, or ing already cleared from Grosseâ€"Isle, should return thereto, there to land the passengers, he shall order the Master or person in charge to proceed or return with such vessel to Qfl-l'z. and such Master or person in charge shall obl:‘-eh order. . And the proper Officers at Grosseâ€"Isle shall observe, in resâ€" pest of such vessels, the same rules and regulations as are provided for vessels arriving at Grosseâ€"Isle with sick. Should the l-pculnf.hylmu at u/ ths Shtp requirst of hi b7 this regoiction, bs of the dat m e -mlmnodhhl’ wym the same by all lawfal means at his dispocal. _ onl Mn 10. Any Steamboat or other vessel that shall have towed or otherwise communicated with a vessel, not having the discharge from Quarantine of the Medâ€" ieal Superiatendent at Grosseâ€"Isle, shall be subject to :ho same 15'.5.'““ and l-tnhdn-:‘:o:cnh- before vessels not arged from Qup:‘r" .“MP'“T" e & rrokts tote forvee perpore of tnking on Soard pas: (Groase~ ing on â€" sengers direct from that island, w".ugont pmy.l'y obtaining from the Collector of Customs of the Port of Quebee, a written Permit to that effect; subject nevertheless to the regulations hereinbefore _ 12. All vessels trading between s or flnw within the I;Mino-wuhhm .;,o mf&. wrence, and not having toue! at or places 'ithabl?l.h Pnfl:’&"mmm& any other vessel which shall have arrived from any port without the Province, shall be exempt from the fnfl‘:ll. rules and so far as reâ€" spects the necessity of . _to or stopping at -rea the necessity of to or stopping at m-o-hlo;uahsu&'ï¬d rules and regulaâ€" tions appl® to any Vessel of War, or to Transports or Vessels having Queen‘s ‘I‘m.o-bouduu- panied .by_llxic_ul Officer, and in a healthy state, waless sickness or death may have occurred during the passage. 15. No Vessel shall be entered or cleared at the Mdr:o -ummmrnu:‘q;m- monts t I.wi- nce to l;ueh Vessel shall In- fully complied with. , 14. Any person who shall contravene, either by omission or commission, n{o{m foregoing Reguâ€" lations, shall, for every such offence, incur and pay a Fine not exceeding Fous Huxparp Doucars, to be recovered in the manner pmeflbodk:( the said Act, and every person who, upon conviction of any such offence, shall fail to pay the amount of fine which he shall have been e.‘o-d to pay, shall be imprisoned until such Fine be paid. Axp & © All previous orders making ations relating to Qn':":mim are hereby l'vvo:J.l WM. H. LEE, x# the undonlgod. will be received at this office until WEDNESDAY, the 25th instant, for the conâ€" struction ofSTX SMALL WOODEN LLGHT HOUSE TOW ERS, and one Lr Keepers DW ELLING, in Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, and Lake Superior. Notice to Coatractors Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, and Lake Superior Plans and Specidcations -.zhnn'n the ofâ€" fices of the Department of Public Works, at Ottawa, and also at the office of John Dewe, Esq., Post Ofâ€" fiee Inspector, at Toronto. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘Tenders must be endorsed, " Tenders for the con struction of Light Houses." _ _ * . The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any Tender. i# By Order, F, BRAUN, E s t n t Secretary. Department of Public W orks, &uwu, 5th April, 1866. GOVERNMENT â€" HOUSE â€"OTTAWA, Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. Pressx~ His Excnunywey ru® Apatniarza ro: or rus Govâ€" ERNMEXT in Councu. J IS EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay H before the Conncil :h::ron from the Commissioner of Customs, 15th Decemâ€" ber, 1865, and approved by the Hon. the Minisâ€" ter of Finance, stating that under authority of chapterâ€"17 of the Con. Stat., Can,, Sec. 24, an Orderin Council was passed on 28th April, 1853, «tirecting * that Goods kuï¬:upothd to this Province fromany country, but ng in transitu through another oouzz'y umr Bonds shall be, until it shall be otherwise orâ€" dered, valued for duty as if such Goods were imported direct from such».frst mentioned country into this Province,"‘and submitting that it would be desirable to extend said Or der in Oouncil to /ree as well as dutiabl Goods. Whereupon His Excellency in Council pleased loonkr.nnd“hhcbz:dnvd, that free Goods F-h‘ through a ign country cousigned directly to Inrter- in Canada, shall hereafter be put on same footing as dutiable Goods. 102â€"tf January 1, 1066 EALED TENXDER®, ADDRESSED TO Signed Wx. H. LEE, THEH. OTTAW A /TDIMBBER,.TAPRIL 21, 1866 FINANCE DEPARTMEXNT, CustoM® > ® O##awa, 19th March, 1866. 8ir,â€"â€"I have itâ€"in command to call your special attention to the annexed copy of a Despatch from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Governor General of this Province, conveying Mer Majesty‘s Orders that no Chi/ian or Spanish armed Vessels be allowed towbring their Prizcainto British Waters. I am, «ir, * Your obedient servant, . Commitssioner o The Collector u:‘? .~ At Sea Ports in Canada The Earl of Clarendon to Mr, Cardwel!. Fokkax Orrics, 2nd February, 1866. 8ir,â€"Her Majesty‘s Government being desirous of observing the strictest noutrality in the contest between Spain and the Republic of Chili, they proâ€" pose, with the view of more efectually carry ing into effect this princiyle. to interdict the Armed Ships, and also the Privateers of both partics, f om carrying Prizes made by them into the Poits, Harâ€" bours, Koadsteads or Waters of the United Kingâ€" dow, or any of Mer Majesty‘s Colonies or Possesâ€" sions abroad. fea dn on I have accordingly to acquaint iw that the Queen has been pleased to direct that orders in conformity with the principles abovedstated, should forthwith be addressed to all proper authorities in the United Kingdom, and to her Majesty‘s Naval or other authorities in all quarters beyond the United Kingdom, for their guidance in the cireuine stances, + Ihave, &e.. _ CU u_: Dpow NXING STREET, ® February 26th, 1806. Sir,â€"Her Majesty being fully determined to obâ€" serve the dutics of N\mnliti during the existing hostilities between Her Catholie Majesty and the Republics of Chili and Peru, and being m.:tm\‘or resolvred to prevent, as far as possible, the use of Her Hlju:z * Harbor«, Ports, and Coasts, and the Waters within Her Majesty‘s Territorial jurisdicâ€" tion, in aid of the warlike purposes of either Belâ€" ligerent, has commanded me to communicate to you, for your guidance, the following Rules, which are to be treated and enforced as Her Majesty‘s Orders and Directions:â€" _ [Signed. The Right l;lunuubllc Edward Cardwell, M. I &e., &e., &o. Her Majesty has been pleased to command that these rules shall be put in force in the United King» dom, and in the Channel Islands, on and after Friâ€" day, the 2ud of March next, and in Mer Majesty‘s Territories and Possessions beyond reas six days after the day when the Governor or other Chief Authority of each of such Territories or Possessions respectively shall have notined and, published the same, stating in such notitication that l&u'uw Rules are to bnol:‘yod by all persons within the same territories and possessions. <a ie times hereby limited for lbodcrlnnt'u of guch Ships of War and Privateers respectively, shall always in case of necessity be extonded, so far as mu{ be reâ€" &uhlte fuuiv'w‘ effect to this proviso, but not rther or otherwise. ces ibuns III. NoShip of War or Privateer of either Belliâ€" gerent shall hereafter be permitted while in any Port, Roadstead or Waters, subject to the Territo. rial jurisdiction of Her Majesty, to take in any supâ€" plies except g.rovitlon and such other things as may be requisite for subsistence of her Crew, and except so much coal only as m{’ be sufficent to carry such Vessel to the nearest Port of her own Country, or to some nearer destination ; and no coal shall be sï¬ln supplied to any such Ship of W ar or Privateer in the same or any other Port, Roadstead, or Waters, subject to the Territorial jurisdiction of Her M ::L..'M special permission until after the of Three months from the, time when. such coal na{‘ have been last su to her within British Waters as aforésaid. I have the honor to be, Sir, e Your most humble Servant, (Signed) EDW ARD CARDWELL The Oficer Administering the Government of Canada. i Ottawa, April 3, 1865. 90â€"tf. Inmrigration Aftiagmatborized the peutisatine, by mm m e lication, this mn.dnmuh-dro?r. to boe-lz ed the ©CANADA IMMIGRATIONGAZETTE," which will be devoted exclusively to the encourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the diffusion of accurâ€" ate and uule information concerning Canada abroad, I h&luvo to bring under your notice the advantages this sheet will oifer as an advertising mediam to land owners, and others hlvlna râ€" ties for sale or lease. As information of Kum is eagerly sought for, and much valued by every inâ€" telligent emigrant, means will thus be afforded of :nfl.flo intending parchaser or lesgee in Great n in direct communication with the property â€" holder here. SIR.â€" ‘The. Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorised the umln‘ of an Information Office in Liverpool, under the manageâ€" ment of Mr. Win. Dixon, a gentoman woll acquaintâ€" with this and the mother country, who will be specially with the distribution of this paper throughout the United lhï¬ï¬‚u.nd in bringing the same prominently under the notice of the emigrant. The first number will a in the course of next imonth, the second in Aplgr.. nging down the inâ€" formation to the latest peridd, to be followed up monthly or quarterly, as may be required. : _ fpsees s be limied and Invriew of the hrgs , & sview e riruluhl the sheet will n, [for 3t will h‘:ï¬ tributed gratuitously}, the Yru-u of advertisements eannot be much lower than the following :â€" _ \ For each advortisement, not exceeding ten linc# $2 the insertion: and 8 cents for every extra line. _ For a square of 22 lines, to stand for a twelveâ€" month, $6. r In all cases, advertisements must be prepaid, and an early transmission is recommended. 4 from actual that !h{ should be written as concisely as possible, and be mxhn- sniqthlu like exaggeration. am, Sir, 5 February 10 200 El'l"k‘ifl OF MESS AND PRIME Packed and u q rhobmng inspected by R. Kixiy, Esq., of . WaJ" Country Merchants would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. &# D. WHELAN, |_ CGroceries & Liquors. Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1866 GovERNMENT IMMIGRATION OFFICE t Quesec, 25th January, 1866. P O k . FOR SA LE Arso, a Lamak stock or Your bedient servant, A. 0. BUCHANAN, Chief Agent R. ner Customs and Excise bedient servant, M. BOUCHETTE CLARENDON 62â€"t MONTREAL OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO Under Contract with the GOVERNMENXT o CANADA, for the Conveyanuce of the CaNADPIAN AND UNITPD STATES . 1 ~MALLS. s1 g@~RETURN TICKETS GRANTED AT REDUCED RATES. Passengers B rriHIS COMPANY‘S MAIL LTINE Is CoM l posed of the following Firstâ€"class {ul powered Ulydeâ€"built doubled engined | Troi Bteamships : s ACADILAN, . . . s 4244 5. ss .ce ci++., 2630 Ton PERUVIAN MORAVIAN, HIBERNIAN ary â€" Capt. Dor NOYA.COWIAN,...... BELGIAN; * Capt. Bs NORTHâ€"AMERICAN, . Capt, Warr. $ (Sailing from LIV ERPOOL every TH DAY, and from PORTLAND evory SA‘ DAY,"calling at Loch Foyle to recciv board and land Mails and Passenszors t« from Ireland and Scotland.) Dates of calling are as follows:â€" FROM PORTLAND: PERUYVIAN,. .. ... .. ... . 6th January, BELGIAN,...... .. .... .. 13th January MORAVIAN,.. ... .... . .. , 20th January NoVA SCOTIAN,..,.., . 2ith January, NORTH AMERICAN,.. . 3rd February, HIBERNIAXN,... . ... .. . 10th Febraary: F And every succeeding Saturday. DAMASCUS PERUYIAN,. .+:.« ... BELCIAN;:...:.::.; MORAYIANX,......... NOVA sCOTIAN,.... NORTH AMERICAN, HIBERNIAX,....... FTNHE STEAMERS OJP ST ST ST 81 J LINE consisting of the 8T. DAVID, 1650 tons, .. .... . 8T. GEORGE, 1468 tous, ... .. 8T. ANDREW, 1432 tons, ..... ST. PATRICK, 120%, tons, ..... Sailing between the Clyde ang New York at intervals throughci of Winter Navigation, as follows 8ST ST 8ST 8T 8ST ST treal to Londonderry or Liverpos 1865â€"6â€"Winter Arrangemontâ€"18C35â€"C R@*An experionced Surgeon carried ship. 10 + Aumond‘s Building, Rideau Street, O{ Or Graxo Tacs® Ramnway Statios, Port Ottawa, Jan. 5, 1866. ons British and North American ROVAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS ! LIVERPOOL â€" & NEW YORK Via CORK HARBOR, The Boston Ships only calling at HALTFAX * _ to land and receive Passengers and Her Majosty‘s Malls. .‘ GLASGOW L LIVERPOOL AND BOSTON, Chief Cabin Passage . . Second 4 +« .. Chief Cabin Passage, Second _« & , Chief Cabin Passage, Second >« Rhiseas Payable in Gold or its equivalent in United States currency. ;he Ships carry experienced Surgeons. o Berth will be secured until paid for. . No freight will be received after 3 o‘clock P.M., on the day before sailing. j R@" Parcels for different consignees colâ€" lected and made up in. single packages adâ€" dressed to one party for delivery, for the purâ€" pose of evading freight, will upon the examinâ€" ation by the customs be charged with proper freight. The owners of these ships will not be acâ€" countable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewellery, Precious Stoncs, or Metals, unless bills of lading are #igued therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed, Notk.â€"All Letters and Newspapers most bass through the Post Office. Merchandise and Specie fexcept for personal expenses) shipped under the name of Luscass, will be charged as freight, and liable to Custom House regulaâ€" tionk. Srccic taken as freight For freight or pasgage, apply to _ j FTOW E & SON, BO0T8, SKOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS, WE ARE NOW SELLING TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS °â€"â€" wORTH OF FLBO0TS, SHOES, &0., 78 At enormously reduced prices, as we intend furnish ing with an entire new Stock of AEPEPENDPLCO N. fAll AKNd WINIER GOODS ! Now is the Time tor Bargains! G. HOWE & SsOX, 69 Sussex Street, and 10 Ridean trect. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866. 47â€"utf @ U EBEC BANEK A SAaAVINGS DEPARTMENT Four Dollars and Upwards. Has been opened at this Branch, and interest will be allowed on Deposits of Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866 Ottawa Classical and Commercial Schodl Patranage of is Lordship the Bishop of Ontaric. Pruxcoiear.... . ... .. Rev. T. D. Puiruipps, M.A. MEMREANE ... . «+ «)s sixk i+ ../)h.B.Pm‘.um. Frexon Master...........‘,..Moxs. Dortos. Drawi1xg...... ...... ....C.|A. NewEeLL, Eaq. Ntbsit: +. 1. <. . .+. > +Â¥. . + L i Fxibs, Kay. The work of this Institution will be resumâ€" ed, with enlarged rooms, and increased facili. on TUESDAY next JANUARY 2¢. %’:luuhnSuug | Jan. 1, 1866. } 12â€" R@#~Borths not sceured until paid for For further particulars apply to MEUBACH & COWARD, OCEAN â€" STEAMSIHIP$ dAVRY 3x 334 8‘s COBRy is o ss d SCONA, /.. ... PEAKAy+ «++ CHINA;+ 1 4 4 +s 1 AvstraDLA8IAXN AStA,...... 1. AKRINA: s ci. 2. CANADA, Evrora, THE FARES WILL B From New York to Liv December 19, 1865 0301)5‘,. ... Â¥ig4 . .+. 17th January DAVID, ... ... .. . ... 3lst |January ANDREW, .........14th Febiry, PATRICK, ... ...... . .218t |Feéb‘ry, GEORGE, .......... 7th:March, DAYID, ...... .;.... 21st Matéh, ates of THROUGEH PASSAGE from :â€" 10 a.m. to 3 p,m. * Orrice Hovks:â€"From ll..\". OR l!. 4 CABIN, ......‘.... ... . $72 and $ (According to accommodation) $TREERACH: . 222222 sls wl d Appointed by the Admiralty to between . Yia CORK HARBOR, and between From Boston to Liverpool : WINTER 1865â€"6. From Boston‘ to Halifax : Capt. BarrAXTINT Capt. Arros Capt Capt. Ken Buil +.: Agents, No. 103 State Stroet 1« E. C. & 1. G. BATES;, ivery 17th 3lst 14th 21st Tth «x . 5 K. Moodic sÂ¥ tev+s wougl . Stone C. H. E. Judkins & . .+A G, Lott TIH} .A /A Thon in M. N TN E T. Cook R. Inglis Anderson s Small G. Leitch rpool : fman| 09 1/ 49â€" 1A en PHUI Manager, $132 50 80 00 11 18 20 18 18 ind 4Sâ€"utf ND 1C!| fedting cattle prevails in many 1 ecting cattle prevails in many / is increasing and extending itsr ~*~ | as it is expedient, in order to p Y tion of the same into this Provin C & | tion by sea of certain animals : be prohibitedâ€" dislleuelleucy in Gonneil, on t of the Honorable the Ministér Gs under the authority given and c } | Act, has been pleased to order, dered, that on, from and after 00 (M) 00 00 DICKINSOAXN‘5 Rideau Passage & Freight Ling, BEWTWEEN 4 mihat 1t + w# oTrawa oY «& kinestox:| 27 tf O TT A W A A\‘I.‘ID RIDEAU, 1866 «es 1866, LAKE CHAMPLAIN ROUTE FORWARIDING ARRANGEMENTS,1866 OTF‘AWA ANDHKXI The will al and K Th bet w dn addition to the above, BOAT3, in connection with FREIGHT LLNE between ut bee, and all ports on Lakeâ€"Ch: sport of Sawn Lamber, and oth For particnTars, apply to C1 nal Basin, Montre Lawrence . Whart Smith‘s Falle ; W. Buildings, Petor i Ottawa, April 11 INSURA NCE ADVERTs.|s Old EKtna Insuranck Co‘+.| Incorgorated 1819. â€" Charter Perpetual. 'l‘l"ï¬ oLD . FAvoRITE COMPANY continues to insure property, AS MERETOâ€" FORE, at moderate rates. Private dwellings, deâ€" tached, their contents, and farm. property insured for three years at greatly reduced rates. MHE o owill AOCUMULATED ASSE Ottawa, Fel PHCQENIX 2 FIRE ASSURANEE coMP‘Y GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO 2oo AGEXTS FOR CANADA. ht For the special security of Policy=holders & in Canada, I# prepared to nccos-t. Risks on Dwellingâ€"houses, HoumEuld Goods and Furniture, and General Merâ€" chandize at the lowest enrrent rates. ° JOHN DURIE,. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1886 HIS EXCELLEXNCY THUE GOYÂ¥ERNOR GEXERAL IN COUNCIL : “TIIEREA*I, BY AN ACT PASSED IN the twentyâ€"ninth year. of Her XniLeuty'l Reign, intituled "An Act to provide against the inâ€" troduction and apreading of J'um ders affecting corâ€" tain animals," authority is given to the Governor in Conncil to take such measures as may appear to be necessary in order to J-renm. the introduction of conâ€" tagious or infectious disorders affecting nhee‘;, catâ€" tle, horses, and other animals, and chock such disâ€" orders from sproading, if introduced ; And whereas a contagious disease or epidemic afâ€" fecting cattle prevails in many ‘parts d"glll:lip(.‘.lnd bodm-lliloitedâ€" isExcellency in Gonneil, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Ministér of Agricultsre, and under the authority given and conferred by the shid Act, has been pleased to order, and it is herebyjorâ€" dered, that on, from and after the FIRSTâ€" day of MARCH next, the hmportation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of cattle, sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, ment, #kins, hides, horns, hoof«, or other part« of such animals, hay, straw, and fodder, be, and the same is Lereby probibited ; save and except such cargo or cargdes, or part of cargo, a« His Excelleney in Council may hereafter see 1t to exempt from such prohibition, s w. HJ. LEE, & ~_ Clerk‘ Execative C«n.enk Fobmary 98. 1860.â€" I HMundred Thousand Dollars, February J6â€" ing to make -“plienlion to the h‘hlntllre‘{nr Private or Local Bill«, eithor for granting exclusive privilefu. or conferring c:r([mnte powers for camâ€" mercial or other }rurpous profit, for regulating surveys or boun 1aries, or for doing anything tendâ€" ing to affect the r'ijhn or I:Mperty of other parties, are bere!?' notified that they are required by the 53rd and following Rules n;'yfln Legislative Counâ€" cil and Legislative : Assom mrauul , (which are blizgied in Tall in the Ca alha‘t’c).l(o give 'I‘WI;‘l MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the applieation xleu- 1y and distinetly specifying its mgue and jee(‘l. in the Canada Gazetfe, and also in a newspaper pu lished,in the Couna or Union of Counties afected, mdlugï¬eopkoo( e first and last of such notiges, to the Private Bill flce of eachHouse. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first three weeks of the Session, _ Clerk of Private Bills, L. Council Ottawn, Feb. 23, 1866 M &e., & Ottawit; Dee. 19, 1865 VUIIS COMPANYHAVING INXVESTED, L _in conformity with the Provincial‘ Act, CAPIi h Established in 178. L d ve carmage ol Freight to and ngston, and all way ports, pu\rol'ful tug stegmer Englond n OTTAW A and GRENVILLE Square Timber Rafts, Saw Log: hi da td % A. TODD, ® _ Chief Clork Private Bill Ofice, J. E. DOUCET, L. Assembly ARTIESIN CANADA WEST intead= ABOVEâ€"NXAMED STEAMERS®S run as follows between Ottawa and Kingâ€" 7Â¥ ow oTA WA DIC K IX O N USIC I MUSIC IG:â€" FREXNCH BYâ€"TOW N," 'E;-gfhi fliï¬?ï¬i«é«l Music, Polkas, Valses rivate Bills. 28, 1860 11 Moxterat, 20th day of February, 18 PREFESKNT: "g ol OF LONDONX Lt OF HARTFORD W. D. W ADDELI «»thEt e Ports on the 1 18 M. Is, DCKINSON, Canal Basin. Ott: atly reduced rates, J. T. & W. PENNOCK J A th DH Bageky 11 ng its ravages, and whereâ€" r to prevent the introducâ€" Province, that lheim[;-q.n- mals and articles «holild EAME KIXsON, DUVERNAY BROS. . ZBOPLEABE CALL AND SEE. "OZ : 24 | Ottawa, March 10, 1866. S, â€" â€" $4,007,455 Agent Ottawa, 10, Sparks Street indin NGiNTON with Barg ‘angl, for l frxm Ofta nd Ottaw 0.0060 L $7â€"4.8.0 Tâ€"4.8.0 | Cigars, Cigar Cases, and Cigarâ€" Holder axDp ] "Together with a large lot of FANCY GOODS, & IN QUART BOTTLES ! The Great Purifier of the Blood, Is xn:miv-ul.n".\' reconmepded for use during THESPRLNXG AND SUMMER SARSAPAREILLL ""lll’:‘ THF urru‘.._:t.-»n? (\'«':_'jvl:}M should be at ouce rosorted to : y Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Come plainis, Consiipa Gomg Headaches and Piles» |\' rendered unbeaithy by t Romodi coming the com fying a; The ( J _ blished in 1837, kind ever introduced moné¢ Wafers," in this other Pulmonic Waf genuine can be know being stamped on ea« «Bryan‘s 1 PULMONIC â€"WAFERS ! FINHE ORIGINAL â€" MEI LT RHEUM, RIN SCALb HEAD . M uEN THE BLOOD 18 THICK, THE rOBACCOSTOBACCO®! MacCarthy, rge Mortim ‘ebruary 13, Atawa. Ottawa DcP. 1 BRIS TOL 1 Oitawa by John R JUST RECEIVED MEERSCHAUK PIPES t in from M itry for fu to the un anadian F J. G. ZIMMER M AN, Corner of Sparks and Metealfe Street® XORTIROP & LYMAXNX H HDDicot LDriznk. CiEAP BRIARâ€"KOO7 A83D ,\lil H AS,.S ARt S A P ARIHAE LN TEX M INI lean A NEW $TOCK OF + Newcastix. Mortimer, John Roborts, W. McCarthy, â€"and J. Skinner d 1 1LCCoOs . BHoils, Tamos Vicerss and #ir imnder t wisa To F‘GVI‘HI and original pre e remedy for woRa. TETTL ) ~CURVEY. D out a s ICINE t articl ename every whe oated s, Ab= ti ti t any it Di im in uter n=il ntiy r 1 lders t] The Y AN PIANO FORTE3 70.# Arabian Heave ;ANXD GOxDITIONX â€" T S POSITINELY sÂ¥ pppr M M wltih Every Instrument Warranted for FIVEY #52 to #552 RACH! THIRTY NINE V ARIETIES, with PA > BA8SO TEANXTTO or SUB BAK Tus Orfawa Tixgs â€"LO"°C" every â€" moruing, (Sundays . Grorce Corros, Propi4e D‘““ miw' at the Times & Works, No. 60, Sparks Street * Ottawn, County of Carleton ( toortaxe in the volume of the tone., Tie Mclodeon and Rchool € T ce dn achocan atamene Hite Koi SCHOOL ORGAXS ont NELODYE tt Auteomatic Organ our M r two y 11 to the superior exechcnce 0 9H ntsâ€"will be sont free to an* widress The Automatic Organ. In prexenting the Acmaant Ore Ottawa, 1 GEO A. PRINCE & C0 € D XARPLEY" WYH. HALL & £OX E AGENTE EO. A. PRIX L. X. GoOT recmiL ME V * MEDICIN: ,_.%' +. Gott» Thaiberg, YA 36 it J 4 » Qaronghont «sou H radel, s Steal rk TFX are & Yen 11 INF mmilitande, a ~|‘ t ont, mot n the ald Jing hiy «m uted and L3 XEW Ki Broadw» § dewa® ans N1 s &hd pt U pee mt â€"Offce at his d Avesife and O “OTTJ B d to Wb“‘ it ie W e » W o ,.ï¬;un and COs a will be 8 the _.’: first i Tear‘s Subscriy tor every ®4 @ i. Adverti®« it the written â€" y ie cribers, Cash ‘«.“fl" "DUNNA ya006, C wira0CC) 4 * Every T‘raws or Av A_'}l‘:’: sPEC As the first * . 18 of P vVOL A BR L8 To i\ â€" k TTORNE J. Bocar®y, wa, Doc. 18. EDW A T#u PROFE AUGI 1 T. Daily 0" JO8E hes ind Over