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Ottawa Times (1865), 25 Apr 1866, p. 3

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LAND _ ERY 13, 1006 1EAP,. kuewesenenentt i ut easurer for his past l--..........,,.-â€" hool Sece. No# 1, & . 1065......«~==> 1 »d on roads and paid 1868......._â€"_=z~"5" kn Burchil, P.LS, sccounted for in Pss by â€"law* TAWA, _ ; «i LADIES‘ and . in Auditor‘s HC~ favor of Municiâ€" xeATDN® } asdie* from K. 3. Hast _ 10 lbe Daily for the Season, $5.00. Convictions.... Hotels and Steamers supplied with larger .h Nonâ€"Resiâ€" _ a fi.u-,up-mbyth?o: 1865..... ......«. c son, or at any time the ise is wanted. _ ___ _ _ ___ sccounted for in ELS | > 29y his possal® ®, 9 â€""" > vath as satary for 1089 in 1865â€" Landing, foot or n handaot 1**" 1523 G ; axsnn® AT No. 2, PRINCE‘S TERRACE | Household Furniture, 0n Ssaturday, the 28th Instant, At 11 o‘clock, precisely, comprising Tss Parmenl i redow Cantaias, Crechary aed ';,.':.'. stoves, Kitchen Utensils, .':.:'{u.- assortment of Household Effects, a F'Im-' of which was parchased new within me HECTOR McLEAN, Acomoxe®®r. o l0R t 107 td quaw®. AUCTION & ENGLISH GOLD LEVER WATCH o,xcluh.ldihmm.lfloyhnl; smd!‘u;-ud!hmswc‘mm.h Tem Sets, Plates, Dishes, &c ; 4 dosen Saddles, 4 Rnfilul Bridles. ‘.o.'inbo:llc?dn udg:nrpdl:s.;ldw Tickings, suitable for w ‘cathors, .uu'-r..:h‘i .%:Mh. Cloéh. and e ctm-.; one London Carriage Lower Town Market. AUC on sSAL Household Furniture, Groâ€" fad.'u\odm â€" . $.â€"Persons having anything to sell by aueâ€" ton, mast have them on the market by 9 o‘clock on se morning of the above sale. By order of . E. CHAMBERS, Avcrio®®®r. (ttawa, April 19 sSUBSCRIBER® HAVE BEEX I wn.flb{ Public Auction, on WEDâ€" Â¥ESDAY, the 25th DAY OF APRIL, u-on:: ‘ued-t...n._ulh&nn.eormd:‘ilga Napoleon Streots, immediately opposite of Thurchâ€" Street, the entire Stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, EARTHENW ARE, &c. 4 _ _ ___ _ . ADOLPHE PINARD, Corner of Dalhousie and Nunnery Streets. «Ottaws, April 20. 105â€"b WAITMWO YOUKG LADIES are desirous of obtaining situations as RESIâ€" DENT GOVERNESSES, or as Txhrn of Junior Papils, cither together, or separately, in Academies. Xochoice of place, whether hcfluhmm Address, by letter, stating j â€" Likewise, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURâ€" NITURE, comprising in part of Spring Bottomed o oochen rarld with Dapack ; Chatrk to mn#ich. (Ottawa, April 2, 1866. Bureaus, Bookcase, Tables, Chairs, Wash Stands, "mfi-. Cooking and Box Stoves, Stovre Pipes, Utensils, and a A-:uity of Iron Rods for cutside Shop Windows, des, &c., &c. Also a variety of Ladies and Gentlemen‘s Fancy mstant employment will be g ven. Apply to «mstant employment will be g fen. Appl Wiir-n.-â€"A SITUATION in a GROâ€" CERY or GENERAL STORE, by a young man who is experienced in the business. Apply at PERRY: DAVIS‘ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER ! AT THE OLD PRICE. * @r BEWARE OFf COUNTERFEITS AND ____ WOoRTHLESS IMITATION®. March 5, 1866. (ttawa, April 18. PI l% A FEW BARRELS A 1 CoRN , at the Stail of Ap19â€"104â€"if SATCHEL BRO8. ;u-'-.-_-gh-i BROOCHES, RINGS, PURSE ,ml:l. GOLD and SILYVER BEADS, e TERMS OF SALE CASH ROWE & BOYDEN, (Ktawa, April 18, 1866. 'l-. SUBSCRIBER WILL FURNISH ICB daily to those requiring it for the season» fi‘* left at KAVANAGHS RESâ€" or at the Subscriber‘s, will be strictly aiteaded to. = F. STARMER, s Te k No. 126, Rideau Street. _ (itawa, April 34. EDUCATION IN ENGLAND. Three Shop Counter Show Cases ; one of them Maâ€" gany, Mounted with Brass, and a lotof Brass Gas Wm..oâ€" IMMEDILATELY, a First "Class COOK. Apply at the Truzs Office. (Otawa, April 23. 107â€"«f %-, p‘;uc hallâ€"yearly in adâ€" vance, seat at h, laundress, and all, wher necessaries, except books. Drawing, (on the: ther o usc sn d en parinag s the Qovernment dohonhs of Aroy sem extra. vacations will be fivre wooks at fi-..-l‘.mu(}ru Pifillwl:- fih‘ annum e Should bddn‘.l-.:‘cugvmhh.."y Ee tm en aen o sls _ REFERENCES are kindly permitted to the folâ€" Ottawa, April 14. ®eor, near Bazton, I ; The Reverend J. H. l-h.Ln.. mflwm-.r:- i '!'.qu ; wile nh.l. lmnz:’u -omu'-uo":aâ€"- :2.".. ® County S heames Sobag '-l-nu in the house With Mrs. Biackmen aad Miss Bermett during a recent visit to England, tan testity from personal experience to the mater. :aumw-mm‘w n theis shacge. lccem Al-lx.l-no-n.p AND ESMONXDE BRO8. have this day entered into & oo-m nership, under the style and firm of McCDONALD a, C&» as BRASS FOUNDER3, FINISHERS, PLUMBERS, GASâ€"FITTERS, &c. petiicsn" M Prim smy Beifonbs savs, ‘_‘_'!-E-:::n moM’b execute all kinds of Siverplating, Lockâ€"smitaing, F euith _M boccdct uU l4 McDONALD & CO. feel assured that their BRASS WOREK, T ue tod To Rogieen ntoim W oo mane Pumpe, fl-:’d In(hn..:pnht manaâ€" fastared in Cansda, and for this reason we chalâ€" ie mnben 18 the recing Uitgiihes in Fhomk, hn Non oA d raes Aqrpnione Sate c Ottawa, April 16 aarepiiname ininiay Th damanyt bee." Notice of Coâ€"Partnership. ceries, Provisions, Earâ€" thenware, &c. â€" * Ottaws, April 16. Iee.. Ice. Ice. OR $ALE.==â€"â€"SOFT and HARDW OOD,LAD» DERS, SCANTLLINGS, and SHINGLES. TORQUAY, DEVONSHIRE ANTED.â€"â€"â€"I MMEDIATELY, two Firstâ€" Class TAILORS, to whom good wages, and April 23. April 27, at 10 o‘clock, A.M, MeDONALD & CO. The Reverend the Lord Bishop of Iz‘l‘t‘l y ; The Right Reveâ€" f Speneer, late Binkoy of Madrac, Edge sALE BY AUCTION, J. or J. E.. THREE RIVERS, No. 60, Spacks St, Centeal Ous » » w & 8. 4 103â€"f PLUMBING, G1§â€"FTTTING, UPPER TowS, wWAXTsS. â€"â€"ON go t & â€" ‘They will also manufacture, and l'ol’o.é & COâ€", P 101â€"1st Co. Canada East. Auctioneers 104â€"td 101â€"f Canada Gazette CROMOLITEOGRAPES! BINDING AND STATIONBRY SPARKS STREET, Mz. G..E. DESBARATS) COLUMN A selected Assortment, comprising fac similes from TURNER, EASTLAKE, HUNT, and other great masters, just opened, and ofered for sale at most easonable prices Morocco, Russia Leather, Wainut, Maple, &¢. &¢. Stationery Cases, Envelope Cases, Portfolios, And ENVELOPES, of every tint ; also, White with GOFFERED and COLORED BORDERS. Of the finest and heaviest description ; Creamâ€"laid and Bluoâ€"laid Fing Note Paper at One Dollar per Rean! Kourning Dapcer Foolsâ€"Cap Papers, Creamâ€"laid, Blueâ€"laid, and Handâ€"made, of every weight and quality. English Note & Letter Papers, Book Papers, HAND and MACHINE MADE ; Imperial, Superâ€" Royal, Royal, Medium and Demy. Double Elephant ; Elephant; Cartridge, Webâ€" Paper, Parchments ; Tinted Album Papers ; Music Paper; Tracing Vollum ; Tracing Paper. Water Colors; Sable and Camel! Hair Pencils ; Drawing Pencils ; India Ink ; India Rubber ; Palâ€" Ivory Seales, Drawing Pons, Compasses, complete Cases, Microscopes, &¢., &c., &e. Mathematical Instruments. Pupier Mache, Ebony, Walnut, White Metal, Cut GOLD PENCIL AND PEN CASES ; Gutta Perâ€" cha ditto, mounted in Gold. * Of every make ; SW AN QUILLS ; Goose Quills; Nibe. Paper Weights ; Candle Shades; Dusters ; Twine Boxes ; Letter Clips ; Date Racks ; Letter Boxes ; Call Bells ; Ivory Paper Knives ; Pen Knives ; Scisâ€" sors, Erasers, Puzsic Looks, &c., &c., &o. Paperâ€"fasteners ; Sealing Wax ; Mucilage; War Vestas; Bryant & May‘s Patent Safety Matches ; Wax Tapers ; Wax Bougies ; Boxes and Stands for Metallic Memorandum â€"Target Practice Registers ; Betting Books ; Pookâ€" et Books ; Wallets, &c. iw" WRITING DESES ! m Used by the Bank of England, 356 PER QUART, in Stone® Jars ; Walkden‘s, Stephens‘, Maynard & Noyes‘ Inks ; Carmine Ink. Of the various widths of Borders. Folio Posts ; Bank Posts; Bond Paper, Account Books, Pass Books, Day Books. Copying Papor, Printing, and Wrapping Papers. Genuine Jeanâ€"Marie Farina‘s EAV DE CO=« LOGNE, Exhibition Brand, in small bottles, or by Of every description, from the |plainest to the Wpflyumud.ulob TE PRICES. Inspection of Specimens Invited. FIRST PRIZES in this branch obtained at the bitions in Monâ€" treal and London, Canads, and ble Mention at Dublin. Made to order, in every style ; P aitended to. FIRST PRIZES in COPYING PRESSES ! Copying Books; Brushes and Water Cups ; Copying Inks. All manner of Placards, &e., done neatly and u*u-ly at the USUAL PRICES. Dinner, Ball, and Visiting CARDS. Ceorge E. De and Blotters, of every style. aZB°D ES P A T C H B OXE 8. G2, Ottaws, Apri 9, 1866. Fancy Freach Nots Paper. And â€" ENGRAVINGS, ARTISTS‘ Drawing Papers: Antiqnarian, AND ENVELOPES, Fancy Stationery Goods ; Envelopes of every Size. Aromati¢ Elastic Bands B iN D iN C Eiwards Writng Ink, ESTABLISHMENT, PRINTING, OTTAWA. BLANK BOO] INKSTAXNDS, GOLD PENXS. .PERâ€"RULING barats PARISIAN MILLINERY BONNETS NOVELTIES IN HATS. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. CHEAP FANCr SILKS AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAYV‘S. FRENCH AND GLASGOW MUSLINS. Tâ€"4 & 8â€"4 WHITE AND COLORED LLAMA Ottawa, April 21, 1866 + OPflNEé\IT C DAYX TUESDAY, 10th OF APRIL QUR SHOW ROOMS WILL OPEX FOR THE SEASON WITH A GRAND DISPLAY OF THE Ti IN BONNETS, M A.JI HKATS, S FLOWERS, | FEATHERS, | \_ ORNAMENTS, | C@‘MEARA & CO., 50, SPARKS STREET, 1866) Spring Importations. (1866 STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Manufacturers C Ottawn, April 9, 1866. English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds MENS‘ YOUTHS‘ & BOYS‘ CLOTHINCG, . Which is, as usual, the 'T&':':.“d.:":fcm in * . .. . in Mieriat makotectared EXPRESSLY for the Ottawa Trade, under the superintendence of experâ€" ALEXR. DUPF. OTTAW A, APRIL 7, 1866. Gents‘ Fumishri;gxislablishmem 25 SPARKS STREET, Centre T4 n Ottawa City Thomas Beament B-Gl RESPECTFULLY TO INFORM o the inhabitants ad. 2:::- and ‘:l:. vieilityMuuC e on Saturday,‘:!fl th a large assortment of Goods suitable for men, consisting of TIES, SCARFS, _ _ _ __ _ C_ W V t Ottawa, March 27, 1866. PEG TOP DEPOT. TAILORING ESTABLISHKMENT, And Bedford Cords. Also, a well selected stock of English and Seotch Tweeds, Bannockburns, Auburns, &c., &c., all of which will h-.b-&.h the latest fashion to order. M. HOLBROOK, _ Late of the Peg Top Depot, Quebec. Oitawa, March 28, 1866. Patent Portable Fire Engine, On Elgin St., opposite the Post Office, . I. WHICH THERE IS A LARGE AS« §ORTMENT of West of England Broadcloths, _ _ _ _ PRICEâ€"$18 TOâ€" $80. .@ LATEST FASHIONS 1 ZA W anted a smart Boy. â€"107â€"a PUTS OUT FIRE IX8TANTLY, AND IS ALWAYS READY FOR USE Every person should have one. French & English Meitons, " L‘EXTINCTEVUVR," to~ An endless varicty of Hats, Caps, | . ug c o g o t on &e., Lkept constantly on hand. Orders Promptly Attended to. # Ee O‘MEARA & CO. COLLARS, GLOVES, HOSE, SHIRTS, ke., &e. KEARNS & RYAN In all its Departments | Union Block, cor. of Sussex .& York STREETS, LOWER TOW N. Ottawa, April 5, 1866 New Spring Goods. ESTABLISHED 1844. SPRING STOCK TAILORING. Sole Agent for the Canadas, 8, UNION BUILDINGS, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THEIR CUSTOMERS AXND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL THAT THEIR .. AND INVITE INSPECTION OF THE SAME AT EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. No. 14, Rideau Street. A NEW All NOW PREPARED TO OFFER anofi.holn?nudbnt assorted Stock of DRY GOODS ever m*lu to the city.. Thankful for past favors, they desire to inform their friends that their Stock is now m}ltu in every Departâ€" ment And will be found Hlouvidl ng NoVELTY OF THE HOME D CONTINENTAL MARâ€" KETS, imported expressly for this season. Invite an inspection of their Magnificent Stock of io Tt faintes reproens for this Muckct) comâ€" sridn all the newest d.l?l and mater ROADCLOTHS, PLAIN & FANCY SILK TURES, COATINGS, do., do., TROWSERILN bealny als D + IPh Acumrerscientâ€"" Birctabshne & : smm ; 1 N}udco«h; also Plain and Fancy Doukh Cassimeres, in all colors and qualities ; Black Colored Alpacas con.hs l‘msrlu-h. and a full assortment of GENTS‘ UNDERCLOTHING. They would also dh;am :p:‘d&l attention to their Comprising Chaudiere Tweeds, Halifar Grass, MAGEE & RUSSELL. Is NOW COMPLETE THE OTTAWA TIMES, APRIL 25° 1866. MANTLES. SHAWLS, | _ pPARASOLS, | SILKS, rg. | RTBBONS. 847 BONNET ORNAMENTS. FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. SILK AND CLOTH MANTLES. PLAINX AND FANCY RIBBONS. 6â€"4 STRIPED AND FANCY GRENADINE, 6x WHITE AND @OLORED ALPACA. Consisting in part of YMPORTED LA ESPERANZA, + EL SOL, FIGUROS, IMPERADORAS, _ PRINCIPES, DOMESTIC BAGDADS, BARD OF AVON, (New Brand,) IMPERADORAS, LA ROSAS, OPERA QUEEXS, MANILLA CIG & CHEROOTS, â€" * Â¥CIGARETTOS, £C.. £C. ~‘~ BT &. ROOK 62; SPAREKS ST., AND BY EXPRES8 ! ‘The finest selection of MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, ever seen in Ottawal . ________ ______, e o EtE Also, a gâ€"dfl assortment of choice brands of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, and SNUFFS. * LA Call and see. Oftawa, April 4, 1866. 91â€"3m At the;New Cigar Store, Ottawa, April 13. T OB A CCOS I The Largest Assortment in Ottawa. Meerschaum & Brier Pipes. CANES, PURSES, &c., &¢. CIGARS, 50 BBLS. PRIMXE MESS, AND 100 BBLS. MESS PORK. _ 100 BBLS. FLOUR. A FEW BEBLS. DRIED APPLES. Ottawa, March 17, 1856. 25, SPARKS ST., Will be found a large and choice assortment of & CCO., of Cl« TOBACOCOS. WHEN AND HOW t 92â€" 106â€"3m 2,000,000 ®*z‘5S2 .? & J’ Gold and Silver atches Splendid Jewelry, French Clocks, Diaâ€" mond Rings, Pianos, Molo:l’oom, Sewing Machines, Silver Ware, &0., &c., to be disposed of at TW O DOLLARS, each article, without regard to Value! AWFUL SACRIFICE! BUT BANKRUPTCY AVOIDED ! GOLD AND SILVER. Extraordinary Announcement Grand International Meeting of Manuface turers of Watches and Jewelry. The following has been resolved, that in conseâ€" T»noo of the ’rrut Etagnation of Trade, and in orâ€" er to rolieve from pecuniary embarrassments ocâ€" casioned by a distressing War, and to avoid $2,000,000 worth of goods from their Stock, must be sold in the course of six months, AT ANY SACRIFICE! And for that pnryoni they have unanimous! S oltetod’ t AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS As a preliminary they would remark that they j‘“:lt-,m and sell no brass or imitation of ewelry, ALL ARE WARRANTED GOLD The articles to sell at TWO DOLLARS each, no matter how costly it may be, and consist of Splenâ€" did Hunting case Gold and Silver Watches, French Cloemlngl set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls and r precious Stones (Solitaire and in clusters) Ladies‘ Setts of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Ladies‘ Setts of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear MT of the mgst fashionable and rocherche style, Gold and Enamellied Bracelots, Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Chains of all descriptions, &c., &c. Silver Ware, (extra d;h.ud) comprising Castors, Butter Dish, benutifu 00{ chased and ongnvod, Table and Tem Spoons, lets, &o., &0., Pianos, : Melodeons and Sewing Machines of the hest makers. . __â€" _ _ _ The ri;'-'o? each |article varies from SIX TO EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS. We have adopted the plan of sale now so whr of charging a uniform price, and this price will be $2 for o:‘eh mi:g, regardless of value. 'I‘:o ::; penses of conducting our Agency are paid by sale of certificates, c;‘r oourod‘:; Jpnm'ifng the vaâ€" vious articles. These certificates are FLFTY CENTS each or 5 for $2.00, and each certificate will show the holder the particular article he or she is entitled to on payment of an addition $2.00. The expenses of Freight and Packing Pianos or Sewing Machines will be Paid by the Parties who are Entitled to theme How Wo Shall Proceed. In every |pul of the United States and Provinces, and to all such vor{ liberal inducements will be ofâ€" fered, and on .pall cation a circular of terms will be forwarded. â€" We prefer money sent in Post Office orders where they can be obtained, or by Bank Drafts, to our order. Please‘ write your Name, o‘l"zu,aaonn.ty and State plainly, and address all Ts March 3, 1866. More Interesting News for the Ladies ! GREAT THREE STITCH AGEN TS ARE WANTED lamgchl‘ee different distinct Stitches ! The K STITCH, as.already made by the Whoeler & Wilson ; The Elastic Double Loop EMBROIDERING STITCH, as made by the Grover & Baker ; _ BEIIRUIL EB MMO® 1J SOR MINILR ECCC The THREE THREAD STITCH, a combination of the above Stitches. ol t Em C â€"â€"ANXDâ€" Embroidering Attachment Wheeler and Wilson‘s Stitch yet invented ! Tllll I§$ ALSO THE STRONGEST STITCH in the world, whether made by hand or machine. This attachment can be attached to any Wheeler & Wilson Machine in use, and all are invited to call and see it in operation. Wheeler & Tos poriormtngs Eromer veviety antannge of nore. or % ater variety range of work, lulpl.nthr than s‘n‘; other Machipe, ashas been acâ€" corded them again and again at all t.hofio“u Exhiâ€" bitions, wherever exhibited; but this limglo and ingenious deviceenables them to perform double the l'.l:f. of even their former great capacity. The demand for these Machines are so great throughout the world that nearly oneâ€"third more are made and sold than that of nnly other make. Over 1400 a week are turned out of their fncww 50( they are far in arrear of their orders. utions aro now passed by the company for the building of anâ€" other factory nearly “KT as their present largâ€" est factory in the world. They will then be better able to supply the great and growing demand of FINEST WORKMANSHIP ! â€""fl" â€"i':iimf to the Numbers stam our luhfim, it will be seen that we nom;’:ldy In advance in sale of any other. It is scarcely necessary to allude to this fact, as nearly everyâ€" body admits, as well as the different Sewing Maâ€" oo e e o. chine Ooll.gunlu themselves, that WHEELER & WILSON‘B has a greater sale than any other ; not 20 year‘s -“dml;:&‘ either, no not over 15. Ottawa, March 19, 1 Office:â€"â€"37, Sparks Btreet, Ottawa. ‘rlb‘dlh for all Machines in use ; Oil ; Spool Sifk, all shades, for families. Sewing Machines reâ€" CROWN LANDS .DEPARTMENT, + * Orrawa, 20th April, 1866. NO'I'ICI Is HEREBY GIVEN, THAT certain Public Lands on ml’oht. Lake Erie, will be offered for sale, at Auction, at the Court House, Toronto, on the FOURTH DAY OF MAY next, at NOON. f A Plan of the Lands and conditions of Sale wil be seen at the office of John R. Nash, Esquire? Crown Timber Agent, No. 53, Duke itreet, Toronto. ANDREW RUSSELL, Ap23â€"107â€"td Assist. Commissioner. BA NKRUPTCY : 107â€"14 Notice to Contractors SILLID TENDERS, ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, will be received at this office, until THURSDAY, the 26th INSTANT, at Noon, m.:mh‘bm sureties for the due perâ€" mmmn be bound to accept the mca?m. Y ORDER, i ol Ne o6 i5 Construction of a Wooden Fence EIDEAU HEALUTL, ‘P.l:- and Specifications may be seen at this To;?u to be endorsed, Tender for " Wooden mh.d.d’-ut ve their names and adâ€" dress in full, also llgl‘.lhmof two m‘roniblo persons willing to become sureties for the due perâ€" Department of Public W Thank apa n iash "{ Tufilflifi:‘:fidfi: , formerly used in the Union Printing Establishment. It is ar 18â€"inch Cylinder, and will be sold cheap. Ottawa, March 27. 1866. DE TREY & Co., ork street, Ottawa. 2 Ottawa, December 20, 1865. 10TOGRAPHS BY NOTMAS, FOR Bale at the Ottawa Stationery Warchouse, Bewing Machaines, Engine tor Sale. the most. beautiful Embroidering AROUND THE PROPERTY KXOWN A8 60,000 34, LIBERTY STREET, DE TREY & CO., Afim for Manufacturers, Liberty St., New York G A. WALTON, Agent. NEAR THIS,CITY. OP H. J. FRIEL, Or R. E. O‘CONKOR. F. BRAUN, SECRETARY. 64â€"6m 107â€"td "TIMES" BUILDINC, SPARKS STREETL, OTPA W A. Will open on Thursday, April 12, 1866. DESIGN~TO EDVCATE YOUNG MEX FOR BUSLNESS. l' MAKING THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WE WOULD ADD THE AssURANCE TH AT no pains shall be spared on our part to afford evbry convenience and comfurt to those who may be placed under our care, and also the most unremitting attention to forward thein in ali theirstudies. With these views we shall constantly keep an ample staff of Teachers, so that every student may receive that individual attention which the nature of the course necessarily requires. . In the selection of instructors, we shall, as is our habit, be guided not by competency alone, but :lhnll seek out such men as we can cunâ€" fide in as conscientious and energetic. ccg Cc lec® | . wÂ¥ c d l uio aldAndsnmesmt vemaaretadâ€"»rrtrl We are now in a position to ,,:m to results both in â€"regard to the gratifying support accorded to our Institutions, in Toronto and Hamilton, and also by the high terms in which employers uniformly «peak of young men who have graduated at the British American College. 6 e 8 . . 1Js Ssn P o o e ELNEA SLLLLX tve Â¥n cnnntotiem d Andtais Brsdindiadschitsonddilh ut ver ui Nt t winh uts niame rtrgnd "yrbare * uttes 4. 200 Another u;oungln‘ result is found in the number of applications constantly made to us to recomuend Book-koerou who have passed through our extensive course., We, therefore, have no hesitation in pledgâ€" ing ourselves to carry out in this city a system which has so emphatically received the stamp of public uy&obm, both in Toronto and Hamilton, and we may add throughout the Province. * wint of the many flattering letters which we have received from time to time, we may select the two folâ€" o t f ["fl‘lfl J. G. Worts, Erq., of the firm of Gooderham & Worts, President of the Board of Trade, Toronto.) Tomoxto, December 19, 1865. ARIBBWD, PRUBWRUTE OR MCY Draz Sirs,â€"I cannot express too strongly my appreciation of your efforts to establish a model house of business. Your system supplies a most important fruidorwm in the education of youth. It has often l::rriud me that the community at lufe seems blind to the.utility of such training as your valuable, or eathar invaluahla institntion affords. T have asked how it is that a mhn professing to be a physican Messas. Muscrove & Waicut, course of EEu o Un Oy V m en e e e e P e t P :Lcten as yours is of the greatest importance both to the employer and employed, as it saves the former time and labor of uuhl:f every new hand, and the latter the waste of time involved in a long apâ€" prenticeship. Your admiral ux:tun of real business is a complete remedy for this defect, and I consider that your great success in this department is made clearly manifest by the air of reality that your stu dents dhfi;y in their model transactions, and by their downheartedness when they fail to meet their engagements, imaginary though they be. 1 can testify to the excellence of your system from personal oxp:som, having at the “u-ut time, in the employment of the firm I belong to, three young men who were educated at your establishment. j I remain, dear Sirs, yours, &¢., JAMES G. WORTS. Messas. Musorovs & Waront, B. A. C. College. GrxmruE®,â€"I have much pleasure in bepdn? testimony to the excellent system pursued in your College, from a ienot‘:l.iupoeuofi of the working of the establishment, and having in my employment young men who have been educated by you. I have to e?nu my entire. satisfaction with the method and arrangements you have adopted, and the zeal and assiduity with which you carry them out. I was certainly amazed in visiting your Bank, Merchants‘ E'mporim:n and }‘.xchmfi :)floe, and witnessing the e k. wo o o o on in in e n o nreie s y sE it g e Wl are frants Lud s amith b id intnei M sn tertntty wiichinte u.$ Ariviclivas on :s drcsnte w au ie / ons nudinn diwmink en val 2 1 eeene t C ufl.nru and businessâ€"like manner of your clerks, tellers, and merchants, and lrave no doubt but a youth tra in your College, on entering a countingâ€"house or store, will be very competent to discharge the duties allotted to him by his employer. Your exertions are lllkh’ a great ln{ronment in the capabilities of the rhing meration of our nalacman and aaamnntants. and from being obliged. as in former vears, to put up wit syu from school, SEVVICE ENPAE NC PE e C NE CCC Your exertions are lllkll’r.l great ln“onment in the capabilities of the "'i"fi Eumm of our salesmen and accountants, and from being obliged, as in former years, to put mwit ys from school, we can now procure young men thoroughly prepared and ready to enter on their duty in a manner to command our confidence in their ability and accuracy. I beg to congratulate you upon the manner in which your labors have been .ppnc{nhd by the public, as evidenced by the fact of your having to enlarge your promises for the accommodation of the great increase in your pupils. Wishing you every success, * Trely yourns . :â€";:â€"._=~: LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS for the full course, entitling the holder to an unlimited time to complete or review his studies, without extra charge, will be issued at the Collage Office, on and after APR!)L 12th. Classes will commence on the following MONDAY, APRIL 16th. TELEGRAPHING AND PHONOâ€" gRAPHY elmelil. ::in‘ extra, wi:ldn:c eom:lqm nmil?CTOBEk. except ;‘yl“q’“mo The Students for ‘cle; wi taught to re sound or paper, by an experienced Telegr rator. Classes in Gfl“’s BTAN DA?::) BEPOB*!NG STt{rO’F ‘llON(ERAPHY will b:":;.-lfm by a pracâ€" tical shortâ€"hand Writer. Prices of Tuition for each for an unlimited time $4.00. Scholarships purchasâ€" ed in Ottawa will also be available in Toronto and Hamilton, without extra charge. HOURSâ€"From 9 to 12 a.m., from 2 to 4 p.m., and from 7 to 9 in the evening. _PeM~For circulars containing full information, and specimens of writing, call at the College Office, address, enclosing stamps, * MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, stitute. T Ottawa. April 6, 1866 BIACH & €CO,, 62 SPARKS STREET, will be prepared to deliver Goods, move Furâ€" niture, &c., on and after the 16th inst. Charges Kerosene & Pennsylvania EHROCEK OIL, Tlll MOST SIMPLE AND USEFPUL article ever invent 4, for bedroom lamps or night lamps ; burn benzole, and the cost is merely nominal. _ Beware of counterfeits. * BEACH & CO., Sole Agents, 62, Bp.&'l. stroot. Clearing off Sale. Stoves, Lamps, AT COST PRICE ! Ottawa, April 13. City Parcel Express. MNEW LAMP®S. To Burn Without a Chimney. EXTRAORDINARY MERIT Must belong to that which pleases every and such is the case with Buchanan‘s Unrivalled Mixture Roasted and ground daily, on the u«emises, by _ steam power. R@GJ* Consequently, always to be had in the highest state of perfection. | JAS. BUCHANAN, Sussex and Wellington 84eeu. Ottawa, Jan. 20, 1866 HURRAH! THE HENRY RIFLE. MOCHA JAVA, AND JAMAICA TIII USDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND, for sale here, a aw‘-nt of the famous in en oioten ame dn » to at . Ceir i Ante t P n Pirnment on t an imj on e yors ud hy be 1hin te t pirigel . it le h aser. n-.&u serviceable firearm, capable of standâ€" ing the roughest usage, with the works or machinâ€" ery of a character so simple and efficient as to preâ€" clude the danger of accident and derangement, with the observance of the slightest amount of chre. Orders may be left at the Truzs office, or at the Union Hotel, where the Rifle may be examined. Ottaws, April 17 CUCrEVC) Ottawa, April 16. Ottawa, April 5, 1866. Ottawa, April 5, 1866. FOR ONE WEEK, SPRING PURCHASES ! Esmonde Bros., 43, Sparks St., _._| _ (OPPOSITE ONTARIO Bflg Business Education. Ottawa, April 5, 1866. (ESTABLISHED IN CONNECTIONâ€"WITH THE BRITISH AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGES IN TORONTO AXD HAMILTOXN,) Thriving Condition of this City, and its important Position as the New Seat Government, must render it of the Utmost Consequence to the YOUNG MEN of the District to be supplied with the Means of obtaining a Sound, Practical ~ " PROPRIETORS. N. B.â€"Specimen Sheots of Penmanship may be seen at tho eading Room of the Mechanics‘ In NONâ€"EXPLOSITVE. " Goods deiiverea. on it on aoone ks ons RRIVED AND FOR SALE TO THE . Trade low. Articleguaranteed No.1 z'nsllty. BEACH & CO., TL wike da 62, Sparks street. Buy the Sixteen Shooter. 20 Barrels Benzole. COFFEES ! From Patrick Hu ., of the Firm of Hughes, Brothers, Toronto. | From P« ghes, Eng., of * AoRonta, 290 Pessuber, 18905 1O( BEACH & CO., 62, Sparks street. THOS. BURTON. 101â€"+f on* ALES & PORTER YVictoria â€" Vaults ! Wellington Street. TIIE UNDERSIGNED, WHILST TEX» DERING their sincere thanks to their friends and the public m“bl«li" for their steady and inâ€" creasing patronage and support, would beg to draw their attention to the fact that, having now supplied the city for eighteen months, their experience has enabled them to select such a stock of ALES as shall please the most fastidious taste, while their inâ€" creased facilities for Bottling and delivering will ensure the promptest attention to all orders they may be favored with. e German Leather Work BF+ ;' nolE -fxlf 1J on . co. yas~ i sent y, twice a week to A Imr. Richmond, Andrmhu. Olu‘u.&nuh!'l. 1866. . . ... B4â€"f A FRAME MADE OF LEATHER, BY MRS. J. CLIFFORD, in the latest style of German Work, can now be seen at Mr. Durie‘s BDook Store.. :. .: :â€" ©. L eC MRS, CLIFFORD has always on hand for Baâ€" zars, &e., a variety of Wax Flowers, Baskets for Cards, &c. suvmmmn-.ud.&.:m of GERMAN WORK, manufactured on her, and WAX WORKS, to ladies who may feel disposâ€" ed to favor her with a visit. s is _ Resinexc® :â€"Dalbousie Street, Lower Town, next door to that of Mr. Gauthier, Cabinet Maker. ‘Ottawa, April 4, 1866. miok iz Nif ply to 0. 0*CONNOR STREET, TWO SEW BRICK HOUSES, and a small COTTAGKE. Bold to suit purchasers. Apply at the Cottage, on rliili LA W FIRM OF 4 BUCKLEY AND SCOTT" has been dissolved by efluxion of time on the Sixteentn instant. . yc All debts due by the late firm will be paid by Mr. Buckley, and all debts due to the late firm must be l&?idbbi- alone. MR. BUCKLEY may be consulted after the First of April next, at his residence, on Dalhousie Street Dated Ottawa, 28th March, 1866. _ BTâ€"t WAX FLOWERS ! LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. padh umds fhages io« »Bract deniows time gen t8 Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s World‘s T": oo n s n n oL Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" %fizfihy%?: up'cifi&uuu% ing invigorate, Strengthen | \ams «ie lidess River, and on the rvate from a"dwmmmr. my the Rideau Bridge to the Governor General‘® rosiâ€" act directly upon the roots l;::‘.'.'u‘:a '.".':er".'nd'.::::'::: Garden 1:'::4.'»"41 .".4_.5 e ie Hitint Mes | Gnasie aoe pricgier Roue (n Toncee sn on meat (Reriress aheke, ie rct:rns. ogrery ?mlr dia:g{ i?'@“}.":‘:'m““w the day ::::E:: mfle-‘.:':d ‘m‘:;,c;.:‘ald ap(}ta are 60':"-z iqxl't.'h.::y‘:‘r’:y::ny: unsold will be ofered e air stops fallting, and | * 4t ® _ a_ . luzxuriant growth is the reâ€" ““mn:u;x'z::um. Afi:’i’?‘;safl :'w..g Ti piia on se dacitany. | * *** "REHiaTY a aves awill appreciatie th * m vex, ful fragrance a*d rich, i Ottawa, April 3, 1866. C t ts glossy appearance impartâ€" 1 Act ed to the hair, and no fear : cglvent'__ Of:s:‘c“ of soiling the skin, scalp, or | P“&, of durtopyin 1 o the comniy _ most elegant headâ€"=dress. _ | /y npl7iren orJiMESS BANGS Sold by all Druggists. ! # i e â€" C ? Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. | 0’! -ivru:‘é{gw#ég &cflh "l';AL c:: m o t 4 pronnes uind 2 Shiime io | 9e Hrmilean‘te C Thngeaade in Ottawa. " _ * l" ht JAMES 6. BAXGES. Ottawa Dec. 29, 1865 10â€"y | Ottaws, Tenth day of March, 1866. _ . T5â€"ra &4 Ottawa, 23rd March, 1866, Dissolution of Fartnership. T MODERATE RATES ON FIRSTâ€" _CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Apâ€" o J. PENNINGTON MACPHERSON, Barmsrer, &c. Montreal Telegraph Buildings, Ottawa. tawa, March 24, 1866 T‘OF, SATLE Money to Lend OF A NEW DESIGN, AXD PATRICK HUGHES 93â€"17wâ€"tf 81L of 82 ror saLEâ€" (f@key on to ust. A TWOâ€"STORY sic1CK HOUSE, In the rear of Rov. Mr. Lauder‘s, Richmond Road For particulars, enquire on the premises. .‘ wenh EP peagi Ap w 108. . = HO[’IE W A N TE D.«= on 2i â€" Wanted to rent a Dwelling» House, within ten minutes‘ walk of the Tigs office. . Address, for one week, J. 1. A., at the office of this paper. Ottawa, April 24. 108â€"t(% Ottawa, Aprrilyz_* Or to M. B. MULLIN, Sparks Street. hApnl 1 webb s ameien‘s. She M c | I To Sell or Let in Ottawa. ~A ALA.GI‘- STONE BUILD« * C + ing, eligibly situated, and conâ€" structed either for a Private Kesiâ€" dence, kKespestable Motel, &c., Boarding tiouse, or a Generai wrocery and Provisâ€" ion Btoroâ€"consists of Two Cellars and ‘other 15 apartments, (d.visible into two tenements); area $1 * 37 feet, and 3 stories highâ€"built nearly three years ago, but Painted, a«c., only since last New Year‘s Day. It is free from damp, whilst elegant by recent unish. â€" Frame Stable, and Sheds in rear, Ottawa, Fob. 2, 1866 _ The proprietor intending to leave Ottawa, prefe to sell r:::l: low pnola. on easy terifis of payment. For fi r particulars, apply to JOHN EA(:AL‘I_.A“. Duke Street, Chaudiere. OR TO MESSRS. SCOTT & gt’... } Barristers, &¢., &¢., Ottawa. Aitaws Kiah 9 1886 36â€"3m A commodious STONE COTTAGE of Tén Apartâ€" ments, ke..tdrnm‘ the foregoing. Should these valuable Houses remuin unsold at May next, they will be let for 4 or 5 years, at modeâ€" rate rentsâ€"or let in meantime, subject to sale. _ Shop and Dwellin=â€"House for Sale 60 w ll THE VILLAGE OF im is RICHMOND, 18 miles from the City of Ottawa. Au excellentopenâ€" ing for a General Merchant. For particulars apply to the Proprictor on the premises. * " GEORGE BROWN. Richmond, February 19,1868.________ _ {S6â€"ull Cheap Homes for Sale. School House, will be sold for a One Hundred Pounds Cash Each. glw THREE WOODEN HOUSEs INX LETTER 0. Ottawa. Alsodesirable _ > In Lower Town and in Upper Town, (near Mr. Gilmour‘s.) _ hy wo Building Lots! Kew Edinburgh, . Junuary 31, 1866 *POSSESSION GIVe® IMMEDIATELY, » &A NEW BRICK BUILDING Ottawa, April 24. = oTs 9 AND 10, ON zn K,°Smasin Sparks Btreet; nearly o{-‘pome the lot on which the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, uou within fiveâ€"minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of QueenStreet in rear of the above. Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866 t xt ~~ ’l\llA'l‘ VALUAELE PRO« oo _4 ~ PERTY known as T. M. BLASDELLS HOMESTE AD, conâ€" taining about TWO ACRES, beauâ€" um situated on the Ottawi#w River, being Lot One, N side Wellington Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. * Apply to LEWITS & PINHEY; Barristers, &o., Ottawa. February 10. 1866. * 46â€"ut Wams Cep@geF~ MarcoraCancuo®. This bdl‘m eontains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with modern i-‘Fm-. ; AI.T wo storey Wooden Building, on the corâ€" ner of Murray Streets. This House is lined with Bficbfmh‘.‘wflh donble doors and windows and Venetian Blinds. There is a large Kitchen and Shed attached, with I’-J;-.m and other Buildâ€" ings in the yard. This is well adapted for a mure.lkhlhudin( House, or private residence. 3 For further particulars apply to _ _____ } February 10, 1866 Ottawa, February 10, 1866 o e ON soUTH SIDE RIDEAU of. Ge k Street, (nearly opposite Workman & Griffin‘s,) a good three storey Stone Hause, . with a good dwelling and shop below. ‘The buildâ€" ing is covered with tin, and extends from front to rear, 74 feet," It is a good businees stand. Terms reasonable. Apply to EGAR YIELDING. Ottawa, Feb. 6, 1866. 42â€"0m Tlll BRICK DW ELLING«HOUSE AD= JOINLNG the Residence of AUGUSTUS KEEâ€" FER, ESQ., Barrister, Queen Street, containing Kitchen, Kitchen Pantry, and Cellar, three rooms on the ground floor, and seven bedâ€"rooms, with large 8""(. &c. Apply to ALEXANDER DUFF, at ‘Meara & Co.‘s, or to AUGUSTUS KEEFER, Quéen Street. Ottawa, March 30. 1866 2 SAW MILLS, 1 FLOUR MILL, EX« TENSIVE Timber Limits ; Wood and other Machines ; 1,000 acres good Land, Stores; Wharves ; &o., &e. APPLY TO H. MeLEAX. Ottawa, March 20, 1866. 18â€"3m Lor? 12 AND uéivfl CATHCART West A ;’g,.:t“lnd'!-:ucnplhnd;l est Augusta ; ke all in the City d()a,-'n. Also, VILLA LOT® 10, 11, 12 and u.u:.g gm«msanwdmmupnaw € o on the registered "’:'«....n‘.'»“f down in the registe s -d«,h-_r_cniw.-fi::{-.cfle-_‘-- February 10, 1866 Stone Bmldxtrtxgtafid Outâ€"Uffices, For Sale by Auction or Private Contract. â€" Tuesday, May 15th, at the subscribers‘ Auction Rooms, Sussex street. TERMS made known at the time of sale. Sale to commence at 12 o‘clock M. * MACDONALD & ETEVEN, Jk. favored y A. YEILDING, ESQ,, with IN= structions to offer for sale his pmd Glenâ€" sharrold, immediately ujoi: y, on the banks of the Rideau River, on the route from ?: in lots ulmpnd-l- The M‘ l eay nce, to su consists of several acres of Garden Land, divided into lots ; a plan of which may be seen at the Aucâ€" fimloo-dth-hndhm.dlhxnd commodious STO:IIDIW?.LUG HOU: &n: occupi » Â¥ together w extensive and convenient . outâ€"buildings. The Buildings and grounds may be inspected at any ti_rvdcuunhdnydnl-.- flufi-h Mr. Yeilding, or to the subscribers. portions,unybo-d‘villbm at Auction on _ y Sss it FOR SALE OR ZAt Money o Lend on Real Estate, . Apply to LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottawa Eligible Building Sites Together with a Targe, Modern (new) Apply at the office of the ALSO, TO SELL OR LET ETOF SALE. PT‘OFR SALE. Te =â€"WEnl ++ LOTS,. GARDEN _ LoOTS. Dwellings to Let. POFR SA XLCLE. For Sale at a 20, JI%40 a* i C Nnm® T'o LET.===«A few comfortâ€" able HOUSES by the underâ€" signed, at a MODERATE RENT. ifion SALE, IN OTTAW A f CITY, a mu&-l firnu: in Parry Street, to isposed CHEAP. < Apply to f JusEPHM PMELAN, . Montreal. "To N.6Ct, 9 rROW OF SIX NEAT COTTAGES, painted, in New Edinburgh, opposite the Hill, near the residence of Hox. &e., &¢,, H. ADOLPHE PINARD MACKAY ESTATE J. L. P. OHANLY, 10 LET City of Ottawa. 108â€"tf 103â€"4 105â€"b Ahâ€"uth

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