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Ottawa Times (1865), 26 Apr 1866, p. 1

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yoiu ts unt to Charche®, dress. - A_ PRIXCE | » of the tone l nd sebool f the n""" m P9® .. ts have arlet nunaofifl " " “ ior ins trume ofth. .. . oprictor, and Times Stcam -_t‘-h'h W""!‘:’.. c obviates this dBeuinl of blowing 'M th.» desired IW‘_, nCreast ng qccupied, nDK of the 'i'm-da ch is the ouly ) made it Itbe -elbv.w_ Avmmame Ongay,, * _ greatest triumpl â€" i# i the age. Dusing the "FÂ¥rench and @mai# ‘Ck Â¥ 0 ',' to effect this to to a gentiemant Wuiriginle ce mc DCATALOGUEC st eminent nusic O or SUB BAS® bBe RACH ! ETIES,. witk PA and MELODEON Rosewood, Walnut * Hence of out to any address from his im ruments u tained aro & purity fli= imstrument, " e# ted upon the old st Grand nd «l hout an licacv. ind oo ppop m " in USBI!« soNn, & \Al.l;“sz' seved by any other re apon the PRINCE & act upon Be®"UUC D Tbemw-"“‘z l 2000 cmdfeds thus Organs .\ | our patro®® bridee Strunc ID CE & €0,+ NCB TOTC vikee 0 pre f ‘ MVP serving fi MU‘A mmen4 00 B ©2458. of whik. | & X. By fi $ ::; more “’MT ut of the ORTEg â€" Mess ment (estioned, 408 roughly et our . Of facilit‘¢® X‘"s r a descri P Bamics i) i. k. U8 the : which in M ty in ‘ easxed part ... "8 PATEXTp "a . w ented ‘and : of the opin Ay T of s "RiNte City n'«".i oh% Wt Kongs L acccdt ."‘h.‘.b.: Ab Tatily sitended to. ... 9. 8Rv0 now on | )ep q tt T Deeds for 1. C*l. â€" Takes TAgo thr winess wi ,"'llnc 4/ taw s "tk w a. & A Tidays of futed with a Rawe City Hawa Rossut Lexs E’! Fobruary Mwa, P I&An-mo all I y) _8 awa ANiIsqp Reaxist t® Conveyancers, &c. _ 4rmcr: Inthe Court Hou “.\ Y Troaxs® Chancery . #Wa, P R. A. BRADLE Y L‘!)"r‘l\cl: Over &&L?T’:xf:‘:: # Russell House, Ottawa, C. . w0 . 3 OR s "At*® 7 Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chan, cublic, &e., io. Rebtuary 7, 188 RJ. Bocarey, LLB Kinrs, Dec. 18, 186. COLMAXN «& wJ .!;“"-A.f." Barrister j RT e ootap en Rirdine‘\ . .AIII!‘!'I..-AT.].‘ W; Solfciter TUhancery, &o. f 4: Aumond‘s Buildings, Ridean Streot. &Ju. 12, 1868. CLEGG & NELLIS, _ ARRISTERs and Attormeys=eat=La w mitt‘umvry. Conveyancers, Notar e DV N NING & THOMPSON, Af’ou'l"-.\’l‘-l..\ W, Solicitors«in= 2k Canacery, Conveyancers, &c., &c. wnite: Court House Avenae East. 4. L Dexxixa., ___ Otawa, Jan. 16, 1966 C#s: (C.) Wrizht w Ihcr: Over Mr net, O n w i ME LEES & GEMMELL, t‘..‘_fl_’i‘gf Attorneys, Soleltors, M. McolistH» ARRISTRR, Etc«, for L pySHETHH aa Attormeys solicitor in Chancery, Convey ancer Odice at his dwellingâ€"house, Queen stre Atcaife and O‘Connor streets, in rear o «ament Pri olfice.. Mwu.'“.l.tlae 30, }806. Saq: dutge Ee."ls, |&, ue us s ie i e ie e n ARRISTER® and Attorney seat=Law, ’“ei-n-ll-chn.nry, Couveyancers, Notaries w ks V Urrices February 31 SNDNEY B. FRiPP 10 9 CO N Nx out TTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, s. )rriC® and j> °s charge o mugh the 4 every it Law now on hand and for sale ind Villa Lots, in Uppor . !l.. immense ‘J“""" c 'lll'd’ EDW ARD K. DARTNELL, RRISTER, Soliciters Attorne e iey poeen ho trtettan Attormeys TTORNE Â¥=A T=L A w tgan, | J. H. KELLY Winib a, Mit. H4. is BUCKLEY & sCOTT Anada.) CK FF 4 4 1 31 14 iJ T. G, HURD, c s c rREERISEE I t | AND Agent and Natary Pub» PYBLIS H ® o | lie, has removed his office to Nicholas Street. EVERY MORNING, a tow doors to the South of Dan Goode‘s Hetol, and Sundays Excepted.) | is prepared to transact any business connectea * | with tae Crown Lands Department, in proscouting w#" OFFICEâ€"No. 60, Sparks Streot. "W@ Land Claimg, taking out ratents, and to conduct T ns | any ageney for pacties having business with any Fraus or Scoscairrion :â€"Daily, if paid in Adâ€" . of the wovernment offices. % 'y;m.-'. #3,00 per Annum ; if not paid in | _ Ottawa, Fob.â€"7, 1866. * a% 0. _ wsat aik PROFESSIONAL CARDs _AVGUSTUS KEEFER, m raniaeiiit sn Arabnait mm ;l‘- uraey , (-.mmum-',ufun- .'M';:-”. » ('Jfll). u’m Feceive "prompt "OTTAW A TIMES, H . SPARKS IAL LAXD o JOSEPIH J. M L. ,_" O NNC Tor sale some well Villa lm.hl.'m and Lower : immense ‘Jumly of Farming nships on wen. rdi.mmm.\m W. raxs‘u.g‘. *L & l’.-.‘A-lAI.D'L.P.Ll % w dvertisement can be discontinued with written order of the advertiser. ig the ‘Court House 18 M C Oe Momen t ary Russel House Blo and Patents for Tg® of Private Ti sPEC of Christ J. F. BOULTON week W , Conveyancer, . 't:?"“t. two doors fr March 20, 1866. Â¥OL L _â€"XQ. 110 } A, Eic., for Lower Canada,. C«_nn Mouse, AyImer and Buckingâ€" r Aoventising.â€"Eight conts per line it insertion, and two ‘cents per ling subsequent insertion.‘ unless othar) Odlcet No. Mc. Boachet IOCCHETTE Poster to t reatest styl LAND T‘::'\;:\!-o., ¢.. (commiss ‘pper Otlice and residence, lfitn- Surveys of every ducriyl.h- w Ruriloucgcks â€" h #3,00 p ~,. 16,00 for the United Counties A. Macdonald, Hon. J. H. cawford, Hon. M. Cameron, . Bell, Eeq., M.P.P., W. 3. Ros#, Esq., M.P.P., and uy M 1 i at Mail MACPHE:i;SON M «yancer, &e., 8 ldings, Ottaw a y &C., Ottawas | Ofice : Idings, Motoalfc Streot. A. Campbell‘s Store, Sussex FREPLP LA L XOTMC] Q tary Agents Opâ€" #* Block, Ottawa. * for Inventions proâ€" ate Bills during &.., {,..-ad transacts all )epartments. WEEKLY THMEs. Churchs Teacher ¢, Otawa, C. W. Jous J. Gexncer W T H E _ Conveyancing. nfectionery; epposite e *, and Attor= TX G 174 8t« Poter + will always be Su Metoa®i bl Attorney=ateLaw, | W. J. Scort, Jn L‘Orignal £7, B. A.B.C. L a > atf nveyancer, &o. * Queen street, between , in rear of the Govâ€" ; Sollcitersin= n the District of ) Soleltor in ., Sussex Stroot. T. W. Tuowursos. . ~ y arly th £ Printing, from a allest (fln]’ execuâ€" 1 at Prices that wilt Ti 1 _ Bolicitarsin= Ke: ‘Offee:â€"North RPHY, lays and ES will he pubâ€" ing, and Mailed nBuM, if paid in Nt T oo L 30 us 000 Om unless oflnu'l Sparks Street, Ottawa. 83â€"y #y and County of Presgott a large amouny ost Telegmph Mark'-u, and r Farmiers and 4h V 3 bâ€"ute the ally 43â€"utf itf 43â€"ut atf atd tf bished on C«ire HPHAE | D. 0. LEGGO, | Y8SICIAX Surgeon and Acco: per h'nc: l OPFICE ; No. '3. Russell House Block per limq auu: Will be found at night at Dr. J. 5 ablcced P Snasive drklls ies ill 34â€"6m rear of the premises. Wines a choicest desoription always ke Ottawa, Feb. 19, 180¢." " "*** t t anniianas, _@°____, C1CCZR00E wb sll the latest -ehuucln-hn. No exertions or expense will be spared by the Propristor in renderâ€" in;hhho-n-nudunâ€"h()u';ld partics favoring him with thoir s4 may rely on the strictost uuuhnonnu'-m M-utl:": rear of the premises. ines and Liquors sholonst AnaaninéLas aru . que 21 R R. H,, in rethraing thanks for the Olihnlmhamd-p- him in the 8 wouldâ€"inform his friends and the pubiic goner y-“hbnhuu&an\onm "'h"wh""'b .:rm'-. a md id «l i and “l the Intest avediclll o6 CCC COoernn 1 â€"y ‘ l R. R.R. HAMILLTON, LA TE OFH A M= 4 ILTON‘3 Saioon, corner of Sparks and Ifl- Stteets, has removed to the American Hotel, ( merly Mathows‘ Hotel) on York street, where he wiflLh y to see his old friends. Ottawa, Pab. 19, 1866. 83y » HAMILTON‘S HRoTEL, 1â€"y 78â€"6m The * QUEEN" camp, wm.'.: " QUEEN" comprises ail t firstâ€"clas* Restanrant. p‘l\. House wnd |refurnished !lmam Th the choicest Brands in # and 1. delicaey afthe season will be found roprietor‘s hest efforts will be dire Baortot his ghests and patrons. _ JPM" Oysters, Game, otc., daily t the main entrance t« 1 _ + "RustelPs Hotel, Pabace Street (ttawa, Dec. 18, 1868, ana | A hA dc ces ul oi & l'l'l’ ATE CaMPBELL*s HOTEL, Qttawa, L C. W. The undersigned, [nvpdoz‘ of the aboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to ac amint his nuâ€" merous friend» and the travellin "Jk. that he has reâ€" ied and no-ly-'unhbodal-‘h-c this comâ€" modious establishment, in the management of which by strict attention to business and guests, he hopes to (lesorve encouragement and anneart M . en Sub« will reâ€" mar? e C POV C Ofimenet n reaga pirtaten streets , N.Y., 8. Stosson, . Omanibuses to and from the House free of charge. December 20, 1365. tw i0â€"y n wthur Qased suaat us A ic d : 38 years \ngo, he can confidently refer to established character, as a guarantee for factory pertormance of all work entrusted Ottawa, April 2, 1866. K with Tin, Sheet Lron, Slate, ;'5;. shortest notice, and at reasonable rate been known in this place since its frst 87â€"tf JB A choice lot of Musical In kept on hand for saie. Uttawa, Dec. 18, 1865. at Â¥ ET -â€"-â€"â€"â€"-vw' Rooting Contractor, &c E+ CHLuCH ST.. OTTAWA VCO ceb mt wrai mming cagpitaivaint diridlis ons +d M-mnnmuu-ph a most recherche style, at very considegable ixpense. E. Mile« has the PATENT ROTARY IMIR BRUSH, (the only. one on this continent,) in use. For information as to the efficiency of this apparatus vide opinions of the Prose, THE $22 e3 0 o0 C 7 CeRmnenet Ees TK Dressing Saloon, Rideau Street, begy most resâ€" poctfully to invite the gentlemen of Ottawa and vi« t:u\i({ to visit his new establishment, No. 9, Angus® Bh: , which has been fitted up in a most recherche abw Un ie ww mE EE a date Whouue *6 ue ns im PIOPIIE'I‘OR of the ParHament Hair= PDressine Sabnon Rikius ols "1 0 OCSer HH uh apraeinats ies mds thua t Boo'r M AKER, Welllngton Street, op= posite Dr. Van Cortlandt‘s, !;h:: bo?c”‘.‘ had many years‘ experionce in some of estaâ€" blishmeuts in the metropolitan cities of Canada, he feels conndent that all orders entrusted to his care will be executed in the best sty le, jud guaranteed to give satisfaction. » Boo‘-.l.‘nll and Pa ner of Sparks and Metcalf City Registrar‘s Office. Accou order for any branch of business, in the best style of the art: RULING done to any pattern, Particular attention pard to M Ottawa, December 19, rr;u wa Dec. 18, 1865 One 8 PREPARED To covEnr JOHNX)H. BARBER Boox-mx Ddbn .and | Manu stationer, and Mauchine Ruler. O & Wilkinson‘s Flour Store. corner of V - T 1 NO Kooms, No. 19, Sparks Street A Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite Hope‘s Station, ory store. ; The sate of Real F«t mcn Auction or Private a:n. y attended to. Consignments reseived for pdn".-ro‘ sale. Pastics wishing to purchase Real ehtate . will recsive all information FREE OKF CHARGE by calling at the ottice. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865, % . Octawa, Jan. 4, 1366 Avc'non Rooms, Centre Town, Ottawa T EeS MAAQIIU NX ALD _&*HHU., AI.'C'I'IUNI&II. and General Commise sion Exchange and Real Estate Agents, No. 40, dulsex stroot. : Vitawa, Desember 18, 1865, % 1.% HOTELS AND SALOONS / _MORTON HOUSE 8. CH KISTIE, CO MISSION Merchant and Gen nt. . Bule agent for Roead‘s Mighwines Proof Whiskey ; aiso, Dawes‘ Lachine Ales Porter. . Pork, Floug &c., for sale. x OrRiCE: No. 5, Spbarks stroct, near the Ru House, Ottawa city, C. W. " Plreats. Entrance on Sussex Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1;;4, ou.cet. es‘ Ottawa, March 20, 1866 ECEBMLC V ATI. _ ‘vo encouragement and support, JAME® LM‘ § Lutety, and for many ueare cos THE RUSSELT HOUSE M Pn tr t int Pecoidbiols ut HOIGP.\THI(‘ Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Orrice: In Home‘s Block. Can be found over the office at night. _* References : Rev. (tmn Lawrehes frramas Ras XAVIER CHARLEBOIS, #9 § SCOUXTAXTS, No« 4 cent, Upper Town, Otawa. (ttawa, March #1, 1866, H. MeLEAN3 UCTION Rooms, No« 19, 83 DKR. O‘REILLY, [ | Y(‘).TK Street, opposite ’l-ltlnvn';!lo- tluna'u. February 7, 1866. Ahtcsed Di m mm AEerear d LLT [PENXITIST: Ofice? York Street, Lower Town, thisd House from Union Block. Ottawa, Jabpuary:27, 1866. . Sdcnif HYRICTAx Surgeon P Ottawa, C. W’ Day otf sparks Street, ‘Cuur"l"own; Residence, Maria Street, Conte Caxores Coretn, without the new, but certain, speedy, and cess. _ References given . to treatod, if required,,. The cuse Ottawa, April 14, [EXTIST+ OfMce : Sparks Street, Con»â€" tral Ottawa. Ottawa, January 27,18366. Nb nef It. H. McGREE O.VTRA("I'O.. and â€" Bu Notth side York street, second Wl:l.n.luu'ro.i'iir;;;. First of Bank Street. Ottawa, February 7, 1866. GEO. LOGAX, MXLD., LCH.B Ottawa, Dec. 18, 18# " corner of Sussox Ottawa, Dec. 18. 1 GEQ. HM. P VIL ExoixterRr, 2 eofnar af gncllo c s A B EC THOS. NELSON 1NDER and h.-él-br. core parks and Metcalfe Streets, ovet the wr‘s Office. Account books macy to .l Cat af Dii, OLIVER MARTIN, Maxmrox‘s Sa10o% DR,. C. A. MARTINX ROFESSIONAL CARDS NCO fo Sransact any business connectea e Crown Lands Departmeat, in proscouting laimg, taking out FPatents, and to conduct eney for pacties having business with any 77 0P Th evegn i i of Q.u;:bee. I”M-’ucouluull E. MILLES, HM. McGREEV Y Di W.J. HEXNAEY MOdtTIMER «s a guarantee for the satis DR. 0. C. woOop reasonable rates. Having Di WOLEFE daily by express . mandl I--"u-n.' hine Ruler. Over Taylor ©, corner of York and Susâ€" Street, Conter Town. _ wllh_unt the use of the k X and York Streets 1865. GoUIN Fmdin ho Todo dad _ Surgeon and Accoucheur Day office in Hunton‘s Block‘ or Shingles, on the entrusted to him. . + 80â€"3m . PERRY, Map Mounting on the table. The ted) to the comâ€" truments always and almost painless proâ€" «to parties successfully cure yuaranteed, Street amd }muhe-h tar \ + OMice:| Van Buskirk*‘s Soredont, reduced to 50c. mhv-n&-x Mrs. Allen‘s Hair RKestorcry.................100s Tll' SUBSCRIBER takes this method 1%y of returning his most sincere thanks to the errmtr==~~â€"~ | eitivens of Ottawa forthe liberal share of patronage » bestowed upon him during the past two years. and Gemeral | To accommodate his increasing business, he has Mighwines and enlarged bis premises and .rua?y gdded to his fa« whine Ales and | cilities for carrying on a firstâ€"class family and dis % pensing business, and trusts, by strict attention to ar the Russell | the interests of his customers, to merit a continuâ€" y | ance of their patronage. _ dlnieen ueh ut en it t use Block, Sparks at Dr. J. Leggo‘s, seltlement, o his long :.' nionm . .-Il.‘l_-.., ROOKFs, Night ‘Office at his 83â€"y with Lâ€"t7 Door Kast 14â€"y Lt "lu s a cale se etevaidy ATE MeADAM Commerptal Hote Lm-. > } * hm-mu-rl.-ut'mdd:u&um klwn Packenham, has eased undersigned zw{- ovu‘mdndn"’b;hr MA?!; luvflludld..:hnhhdwhmnry best the market affords. GOOD STABLING and a cureful Hostler always in attendance. Packenham, Dec. fi, 1865 1â€"tt the premises, and it has been entirely repainted and renovated. xomwmu-mum ..(‘)msuhulfmlh cars and boats free ;l‘ c‘l.‘flu. Thn..h ‘:. ‘{LE:T-CM LIYVERY Ottawa, Dec. 18. 1866. Â¥i% P o yPe en retrriata fls ces h sc ca Nl('llol.Al Street, Court=House A vennes Ottawa, John Graham, Proprietor. This House is convenient} situated, and «*‘!! mainâ€" tains its character as a Ixur-(‘l. ASs 1IOTEL. Considerable additions have recently been made to the neamleas snÂ¥ L EL E2" LPm (UBp) 3 1â€"y vemeltty. . :+« / <â€" . March 6, 1866. aife, by a BEAVER HALL, J J. GARROW, Proprictory @ Cut, Nepean. This"House is situated within twont walk of the City, and is ntted up in a first The Bar is supplied with all the choic th m-.h; 16. 1 866. 34â€"utf 1â€"y Mll. TROTTER, PROPRIZTRE®®, No. 71, Sparks Strpet, Desbarats‘ Building, urpu' ite the Pulls-o;‘h.fldm-p. Ti'O Toronto ouse comprises ever necessary in a frstâ€" c.l:: .l:utunu..“'rh house has bo;:', elegantly Lited up throughout. e con tains the cholcest sraide in W‘ihm and Liquore, mg deticacy of the season will be secured for E: Table; Xo&du or trouble will be spared the commodate the guests and patrons. R@" Mrs. Trotter is now prepared to take DAY BOARDERsS. e vegâ€" N*t of Good, Cheap PERFUMES Jjust ~ N. B.â€"â€"Prescriptions carcfully and â€" pared, _ _ * 1. canvey, a )" Uttawa, Fob. 12, 1866 » AT.uit 43â€"utt y YNEen, o. E., Livery and Genera} Stage Office. Alfrod Mases Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr. December 21, 1865. £s Cz cith Let of Biwl Ottawa, Doc. 20, 1885 4Bâ€"utf J AS. JOHNSTON‘8S Ullo. MOUSE, North Gower. Good Stabling and an attentive Hostler. January l’. 1806. <o | 20y Ottawa Drug Warehouse tDRUG WAREHOUSEF Just douse > Aimg :d being opened P. fng d ":.JOSSPII CA S.â€"â€"Advice to t gratis Oltawa, April 11. y@# A large importation of English and French PER PUstichoriy kerict wea were FLORIDA WATER. __ soZopoxt. HAIR BRUSHES NAILL BRUSHES. Ottawa, April A LARGE STOCK OF FREsH Girâ€" DEN and FIELD SEED3, jast arrived and on Sale. All Seeds warranted Fresh. * 100 BVM W dnaica o Acd Modical Hall, 28 Sparks Street. Ottawa, April 10, 1866. O 3 0‘s, PAOPEELY CoxPorxvgD se 1YD FREE FPRKOY ADULTERAPION) | UYST RECEIVED: s is smroutations or utf Pure l:nfluh and French Drugs . and Chemicals; English and French z':.rflmory. T““:t' and F-Thyd (Goods, , 8. , 8 . &e., unoqua in the **.} city. I wonld -lro e-m{:'nmmi‘::} Whok quithibfnc y es RIDEAU STREET. 1866, SEEDS. SEEDS: isse B E8SC0TT, c. prictor. Second Cammpbell‘s Cocoine, for the hair. Ca ::ll'o Cherry Balsam, for Colds, Coughs, & c Campbell‘s Worm Pastilles, the best Wormn Des lngo ever offered to the &:Ni-. ampbell‘s Gran. E. l.moh. €ampbell‘s Gran. EF. Seltzer Salt. 43â€"ut INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 1â€"y w,. M. MAssEY, Family and Dispensing Uhemist, 88 sPARKS sTREET, Camphor ! Camphor 1 1 . Pure English GUM CAMPHOR, the ont cortain . mal:in for Moths, &c., in Furs IJ W inter hing. _ HOTELS AXD sALoOOxs Chemist and Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1863 MEDICAL HALL ! THE ALBHON HOTE] 1B LARGEST AssoRTMEXT DYES in this city on sale at the radbivteiiatains CBrcishty nadiih atudshcca d 44 44â€"#3 Just Recxivenâ€"A consignument of the Canadian Superâ€"Phoâ€"phate in Boxes and Barrels. 6EO. MORTIMER, '(“‘Auu'd and Apothecary, 41 Susmsex Strect. Pivic s m 1 news dRBL Agents fir all + day. DOMESTIC p»yEs * FOR T1HE HALR Call and see it and J-dr for yourselves CANADLAX COUGH EMULTION, a | for Coughs and coldsâ€"Testimonials from ent citizeng will he shown on anniication. To Farmorn and Gardenors ! my incumparable i #@" Crystailine GCompound @2 % 41 Sussex Street, Is the Place to Buy Your Modicines ! JOMHMX MALTMAX Pl'l(l DRUG® Axn CHE Mb lfvrfumery, Toilet Articles, Noaps, 8 Shoulder Braces, &c., &c. FLOWER SEEDS MORTIMER‘S Apothecaries Hall! & KR O 4& ! THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE(‘fl\'lD A VARIED ASSORTMEXNT or OUt m w TORONTO HoUSE HOLTs HOTEL, a1 UIHECARIE & CHEMISTsS. The New Drug Store, APOTHECARIEA . and Chemicals; English and French dn Sffhem t ie on on * » , &e., ual n would na um{:.lmnflm the public to _ __ my incomparable. DUIGNAN‘s 28, Sparks Streot. FIELD AND carocn C» W»; L« H. Danicts, Pro« ud to no House in Central Caâ€" wL80, ACHOICE OA*CA WA April 10, 186¢ JO8EPH CARVEY, M.D soldsâ€"Testimonials from promin he shown on application. _ the Popular Patent Medicines of th 39, RIDLAU STREET JOHN MALTMAX roprictors Head Deep within twenty minut m{ll& CLOTHES BRIT « M. MASSEY, &e rstâ€"clase style. rice \ru.‘nl VARIETY or HAS. AUBSTIN 68â€"6m CHEMICAL®, 11â€"y SHES 47â€"utf tâ€"y sure cure nes of the #ln Pow l:-.l‘x. in Christ Church, 0&2 Jt or terms nnhnhn, apply to . Cuaries Ponnest, Merrickville, or to + February 10, 1866. Ur ue e m «hund & T han . Focuannres cmorn nR LX as ow Captam Baker, beautifully situated on ihl-c.‘ Road, within five miles from Ottawa, containing 300 acres or thereabouts, being composed of the broken I‘Afiull‘ 25 in 1st Concession Ottawa, Front on Nepean. Ottawa, December 18, 1865 100 100 ; 200 , t ty inPcali . td â€"P'" quality, and yields excellent erops. im No. :. o ACRES OrF AND, STTUA D 200 in the Township of Gloucester, Cmy of Carleton, being Lot No. 12, in the 7th conâ€" cession. There is about20 acresof this Farm cleared, the remainder is covered with wood. 1â€"y 4 side of Wilbrod Street. FARMS FOR SALE! 100 To partics commencing to build, village 1 and park lots of several acres will be loldo‘:t’ moderate rates, and the whole of the purchase money, if desired, can remain ten years on the profterty, at six per cent interest, Apply at the office of the OTTA W A And three or four detached cottages, on the banks of the Rideau River, Outside the City Limits Will be sold, subject to Leases, all of which will expire this year. 7 oTs NOs. 3 aAxD 3 on THE xorntu sb s# wour i as . LC T NUNMBER OF LOTSs sITUCATED is di‘m;t parts ?Slbo eil,v.;:ll adapted cither vate re« enees or l* t m particulars and terms dozl.:.”. _ Arrer To H. J. FRIEL & C0., Or to H. McLEAN, Village of New FEdinburgh EBWer mess is 0001 0m s NORE BV AECE 43 EL EY f wl’rulu TW O=â€"A ND« A«HALF MILES ‘ of the City Limits, with A DWELLING MOUSE erected thereon. One half of the land is cleared and well fenced. These prolrorun are worthy the attention of intending purchasers, and will be sold CHEAP, INDISPUTABLE TITLEs WILL BB GIVEN. For farther particatars lpgly to WAM. CLEGG, E8Q., Baraistre, Tolegraph Building, Ottawa Ciiy, Ottawa, Fob.22, 1866, R 56â€"4f DESIRABLE ‘ Â¥Y m vÂ¥we. 9n HOMES FOR SALE ew Edinburgh, January 23, 1866 TWO AND A«HALFR sTory nous®, situated a;l:.:&: Iol‘h side of Muth- Ntreet. @ is ne new, and ishedâ€"30x36. There is ub.ofl: hmd Frame Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, which rents at $100 per annum. It is situated in the immeâ€" diote vicinity of the Railway Terminus, and is a very desirable place for a private resi. denes. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN dwellings LOTS AND Houses, upposite St. Joseph‘s College, (Sandy Hill,) nl"-n well nui'?d'ruc the one&o- J’rlv:a dwellines. CITY PROPERTY! No, 5. * ’0 ACRES OP LisDp x THE Townshipof Gloucester, County of Carleâ€" :un: being the East half of Lot No. 21, in the will be sold cheap, EOE SATLE * The 3.00 P.M.T burg. No. 4, * '0 TAcnhI‘udor I.Alcl:. l!‘.g‘lll ow ne Osgoode, arleâ€" ton. This l"uP- is situated \vm-i‘n"l‘-o-uu of the Gloucester Church, anc within Eleven miles of Oitawa City. There is about 40 wcres of this Farm cleared and under cultiâ€" vation. No. 3. '0 ACRES OF LAND, SITUATEp io ince n in Carleton, Rideau Front, No. 20, in the 4th concession, There 3‘ about 25 acres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a good Hardwood Bush, ‘This is & good Farm, and will be sold at a reasonable rate Ditto ditto and Rouse Accommodation T ra in . John‘s and intermediate Irains leave for Lachine at No. 1. '0 AacRES OP THE PROPERTY known as the OSSIAN HALL FA situated in the Township of Gloucester, Counâ€" ty of Carteton, being the East half of Lot No. 3, in the second concession, Rideau Front. ‘There is an extensive clearing on the lot of at least 50 actes, and the remainder is covered with a tine Hardwood Bush. The Farm is withinjive miles the City, and is beautifully situated on the banks of the Rideau River, thus having an a ch toâ€"the city either by land or water, W- land is of a superior analite and wlsb acllul c S ) P ies Jeadraithacscc on de d uio Night Express for Three Riu‘n: Quebec, Riviere du Loup, Port. land, and Boston, with sleeping onre attiched, 8t ..,... . ...., . . Express Trains to St. John‘s, con. necting with Trains of Vermont Central Ruilway for Boston, New York, and all places in the East. tern Stutesat....;.. j _ _4 EASTERX DisTtRICT. Accommodation Train for Island Pond and Intermediate Sutiom,} 9.00 A. M Mail for ditto and Portland stop, ping over night at Island Pond, }_2.00 PM. Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, Riviere du Loup, Port. 10.10 7 land, and Boston, with sleeping } 1919 P Jnmlels sn ids it ct4 ies MECiNeAE Ei hP Nad Auicasuiiith, t ack A 2304 5> Day ~ Express for Ogdensburg, Brock vilte, Kingtson, B«'lle\'illc, Toronto,Gnelph, London, Brant â€" $ 8.00 A, M ford, Goderich, Buffallo, Detroit,‘ * Chicago, and all points West, at * Tight : do : do‘: : do. >,,, «_ 8.15 P. x Accommodation Train for King. ston and Intermediate Stations, } 9.40 A. M W is ioi) FENMR TeR â€" ARRiXCRARNTE: lianaersy _ Grand Trunk Railway Company ces sls s 0 CCOVE! TLE CEA WE : MAIL TRAIN will Jeave Ottawa at 8 A. M., MIXED TRAINX at 1.30, P. M. RETURNING FRoM PRESCOTT. MAIL TRAIN will leave Proscott at 2.05 P.M., MIXED TRAIN at 7.30 A.M. + 1 T. 8. DETLOR, Monday, 20th November, 1865, 27°5.°° C.M, Eun runs through to Plattsâ€" lno" .,!DST!ADS' %, ![‘R' C.J. BRYDGES, . BIRI) CJ\.(‘} I‘:S (/‘IIE‘XI) ! BI Masaoiso Diezcron. LAMPS ! _ CHIMNBY$Y} ; smm mmemmâ€"2 |CO A 1, OIL . COAL :43 PROPERTY FOR SATLE P e CHANGE of TIME. Vitawa and Prescott Railray, Ottawa TRATNS WILL LEAYE BONAVENXTURE _ Station as foltows : i NTRAL AND w ESTERN DiSTRICTS uen iie ain ae ho miak . T PRAINS WILL RUXN A8s FOLLOws V ALUVABLE 25 LEWIS & PINHEY, . 7 Barristers, Ottawa. roOmr sAaALIE, Cusll‘l’l!o “’ =~AL80â€"â€" RAILROAD NOTICES â€"AL8Oâ€" ACRES OF Lixp "] EY ERAL ~STONK® 5 DWELLINGS, in the corâ€" ner Block, C OF CANADA. Dec. 18, 1865 This is a lid R«}liu:'; l’olnt oN AND AFTER MACKAY ESTATE id Rouse‘s Point _ 3.15 P.M. [‘ra in for St. mediate place } 5.00 P.M. chine at .. , ; , 8.00 A . M. 9.30 A.M. *3.00 P.M. ‘4.30 P.M. in runs through to Plattsâ€" These lots are situated good Farm and Supertntendent 30â€"3m 8.30 A .M W . J Ottawa, Fob. 12, 1886. OYSTERS ! yÂ¥ 8 * &6 oÂ¥ &*5,0rsteRs 1 IN SH EL L, - ALWAYS ON HAND AP We i 0’¥EARA‘S RESTAURANT . O@MEARKA‘® ho EMPIRE RESTAURANT ! Ottawa Feb. 1. 1866 64 %Ut!" *‘ RESTAUVRANT,| (Opposite mair. entrance to Government â€"| Now Â¥ork Ray, _ . ~‘* | East River, and j f saddle BHocok Oysters, RECEIVED DAILY Ottawa, January 27, 1806 Ojstes, 0*8"&#= Oysters | Jus . & 5%= Inslks JUST RECEIVED, | Ooâ€"pnanapnitepiprclcs : Pookh:= D’ ORDERS FOR FLOUR AND OADIEAL &C. Oats, Bran, Canaille, Seeds, & Meal Dust Ottawn, Dec. 18, 1865 P ‘â€"â€""‘HA-“’ CB 128 Hie hopes, by strict attention, to merit a share of the Patronage bestowed on the lnte firom % MACKAY & CO., and WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE Beost Quality Extra Suporfine Fiour, Best Quality No. 1 Superfine Flour, Bost. Quality No. 1 Oatmeal * Y s p ns w 1N +3 s & w us Receive ‘and Attend to Custom Grinding, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INTIMATE THAT THE ABOVE MILLS FULL OPERATION, WHERE HE Is PREPARED To OTTAWA FLOUR AND OATHMEAL MILELS 0; te mair. entrance to Government * o o anliiings ) Ottawa, March 1, 1866 The Highest Prices 1’nl(l Lor Wl;o;xt, .()‘;tu, & #@" OFFIOE AT THE MILL "Wu *« THOMAS MAC tawa. Jannuare 9% reas Mantleâ€"Pieces ! 1N ORDER TO MAKE ROOM For JIT $ FARMERS, ATT ENT Milk Pans, Milk Strainers, Pails and Strainers, Maple Sugar Kettlos Btoves, Cistern Pumps, and all kinus of Dairy Utensi JD"~ We give special &ttontion to all kinds of JOBBING WORE 3 nr:nry description of Tin, Sheet Iron.and Cooking Stove?! Toilet and Bed [ t o n aie senielee We + WE ARE MAKING a NEW anp IMPROYED KIX p. They will keep the water deliciously cool and sparkling. For Saloons, Public Buildings, Household or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, being both useful and ornamental, Railway Companies, ind others who have the heaith and comfort of themselves and people under their care in view, are solicited to CALL ANXD EXAMINE THEM, whether they parâ€" chase or not. George near Sussex Street, Ottara PLUNGE sSPONGIE: ~â€"_â€" _ _SITzZ 8uy J U MB ER M EN I WILL BE DEALT LIBERALLY WITH FoRr & $ Capital" Stove oOoYxYXsSsStTERs 1 CHARITABLE IN8TITUTION® will find BSTOYE DEROT. A Liberal Disoount is aiv FILTERING CcoPpPEpp FPooT CHILDREN‘S E ARE Now Gro to the EAQIBfT_A*L*"‘ 5) AT TE For Making a Good Cy TME Our Spring Stoci | WATER COOLERS ! THE BEST AND Most RELILABLE IX sSHOWEI SsParRow‘s surLoING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets, B :X °P AND PROVISIOX$S Wholesale and Re Groceries, Lignors H. MEADOWS & CO C. SPARROW, Jr., 444. 0 410N8 will find it to their advantage to deal at the « ( A Liberal Discount is always allowed on all articles purchased. irimvnscaneaseintcs us e Ne N ie A. lâ€"Room Setts of Japanned Tinware.,f DIPFERENX T PATTERN®. â€" l"\TllN, TWO 81 BATHS, TH BATHS, BATH®S, N'S L,‘A'I‘HS, t WE BATIHS, cCcoAL |OLIL! .COAL OIL 39â€"tf IMPORTER AND DEALER IN " . 4 36 1 8D‘e Dugar Kettles, Agricuitural Farnaces and all kinas of Dairy Utensils nade to order, «ol JOBBING, ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT Sheet Ironâ€"and Copper Ware on hand, and inade to order. o T TA w J be l M- --iuhnnuv'-'b.‘ CA DN accomm with rooms) furnished or unfurnished, at the "QuUEEX" Restaurant, Also a number of DAY BOARDERS at reason. able charges, ° > M. KAVANAGH Ottawn, Fob. 1, 1866 38â€"4, Crepus t it e At 1BDG > P hoppnidiys Anapdantimnciesnies . L. THREE OR EOL'R GCENTLEYMENX Cax ht Wnediiabe W Ben lt sns approved credit, _ _ Apply for information Or to EGAR YIELDING Ottawa Fcb. 6, 1866. ATDPBHBNTrON : pot,39,Sussex St Importantto Printers. OF EV ERY EKEIND PRAYER BOOKS w BUSSEX & WELLINGTON 8Ts Ottawa, February 10, 1866. d4bâ€"rf Old Rye&Malt Whiskies 2( 'VE CALL THE ATTEXTION or THE l’ Ladies of Ottawa to our assortment, DUVERNAY, BROTHERS, Ottaw®a, Ne~ +eak (ous Milit&rx VP‘OImS Jas. Buchanan‘s, RITCHIE, LLABLE IN TE CITY: IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES CHEAP ! Cooking Stoves ! it ee, retaining all the Aroma D. They will keep the water deliciously coot and | or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, being both ) ts who have the hanith and anmfus apug _8 TUZ Boarding 1866 (ExousH axp rrexon,) AND FOR SALE ar FoR SHANTY SUPPLIES : ABO‘V“E_A‘KHLLAS ARE NOW IN WICKS 1 1 1 FORD & CO‘8., (SIMCOER,) TWO sIZES. THREE sizEs TWO ~IZES, THREE sIZES, X=, | THREE SIZES CH®S, ONE SIZE, Retail. , (post paid) to *T W HEALEY, a , OL* POTPS ! 55â€"y KAY. ., Ottawa, or:n, "CAPIT AL 42â€"6m 34â€"ntf4 , Farmers‘ 62 Bâ€"up in LIt§ *is0re lour, Sunday at Home, Banday , FOR SALE BY Magazine * JOHN DURIE & sox, No. 10, Sparks Street. _ Ottawa, April 10, 1868. +â€" e The Buagle Note has Soundedâ€"s patrictic song, dog(uhd tnu the Vo:mozl. :y Jrlll‘i;w l5 vening asic ©v. T. Bedtord Jones, 1. L. D. «Pablabed 4w the beneSt of St. Alban‘s Cburch 'lu‘flt Fund,â€"124 cents, . Bousp vofuates for 1803 ‘ofâ€"Good Words, re r, at Home, Sunda azine. FOR SALE BY y Mag p. _" °* Larest Minds," by Norman McLeod, D ‘8O00D WORDS, SUNDAY MAGAZINE, ar. GOBY, and all the English Magazines for March, JUI‘I’ RECEIVED, < An Eirenicon," b! Dr. Pusey ; « Ci&oévom Juguelliu." by Sarah E’n‘” «How to Study the New Testament," by epry Alford, D. D. ;« On the Representation and Education of the People," by F. D. Manrice, M. A.; ««DeProfundis, {A Tale of the Social Dop»-inz. by Wm, Gilbert; = Maxwell Drewett," b{ Trafiord ; "The Vicarious Sacrifice," by Busbnell : «Simple Truths for Earnest Minds," by Norman MeLeod D. NEW BOOKS dence of Clement Rradley, E Ottawa, March 24, 1866 7 Ts c l y 229 * Smd out in the newest style of land â€"keepâ€" ln . together with Grafting, Bodding, and Planting, wifl be fionrl{v attended to. . Healso will have add sorts of Plants in season for sale, at the late resiâ€" V RARRET 9% pamiactt s uP ofics th ET PV PRHR LZrees, Oramental and Lawn Tnu.'i’lo'mg Bhrube, with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"ovt Plants for Borders; also Herbecious Plants and Exonlent Roots. He hasalzo on hand a large stock of Greenâ€" house Plants, a wantity of Garden, Field, and Flow. er Seeds of mLot description. â€" Parties wanting grounds laid out in the newest style of land us‘ County of Carleton, calls the attention of habitants of the Cit{ of Ottawa,â€"#@nd surr country. . He will ful }) orders for fi) sorts Troes, Oramental and Lawn Treex, o starting a To t ons n e e sds In Gloucester, Green Field Ciarden & Nursery| Ottawa. March 5‘,7;6- â€"â€" 0s ‘onl editural directions, â€"will be ready in a few days, and may be had gratis on application. He has also a (lRE!NH(fUSBqud. in which will be found a great variety of Hotâ€"house plants. ' fas uloygq!?- SUPPLIED. taining full cultural directions re@® wiet vinerk weltcilriaaca ib t. 122 lurmuin& that he iras opened a SEED STORE in th PI'GII!I”. where he has on hand evere vari D enc en rel on 2uemeve uP Garden, Agnicaltarei and Plower seets y AL worranted Fresh and Genuine. _ Z@~ DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, â€" con. SEEDSMAN AND FLORIS I» DEVANY, Avcrionrer axp Commtssio Mercnaxt, And Afent for the sale of Real Estate Montreal, March 3, 1866. P # 2nd.â€"W hen bona fide sales are efected not exceedâ€" ing £5,000, the commission will be £5 ; and â€"__ on amounts from £5,000 upwards only £10, \ exelasive of the cost of advertisin ; npon which the dfscount d’ 20 per sent will be allowed. 6 3rd.~â€"When property is bought in, reserved, or with ; drawn, no charge will be made, except the Actual disbursements for advertising. _ . The undersigned avails himself of this optmunt ty of returning his sincere thanks to theâ€"public for do very liberal patronage bestowed on him during the past four years, and trusts by prompt attention to businées, and strict adherence to the foregoing proposals to meet a continuance of the same. !r;.â€"All orders left at the office will meet with prompt attention. ho e mR EU A great hud-hip'hu heen 'l":lt by both buyers and sellers, the former being taxed illegally with One per cent on the amount of purchaee, -mfuu latte, by theexorbitant charge forâ€"commission and adverâ€" tising. Now, the undersigned L»ropn-n to do awa with this grievance as far as his own business f: oonc.rnmf by andertaking the sale of Real Properâ€" ty, on conditions which it is hoped will moet the views of all partics, namely : ll.â€"flrre‘un'll be no charye of one per cent to the YORK STREET oPPosITE TBE As more important with the increase an the city, the undersigned offers. the TERYS to parties wishing to Lel.. 10 o0 V Darties wishing to bring their l:"':'-l: into the murket for public competition. A wanes kecB un n . c‘k PRT: * NEW MUSIGC, Nv ons ‘uliviplint u0 balis tw irtisectint d 14 L1 in every nzjiw and description necessary to meet the demands of modern taste and convenience. In ldditign to the saie at his own Stores, the sale of HOUSEHOLD FURNITU tE and EFFECIS an the private residence of parties declining Houseâ€" keeping, or removing from the city, will claim #peâ€" ‘ cial attention; and all OUTâ€"DOOx SALES of tnais description are rekpectfully solicited. Increased faâ€" cilities have been secared, with a view to the ethâ€" cient carrying out this department of the business, in order to énsure the greatest economy and desâ€" ! patch in dinrin; of property, zo that parties seliâ€" Ing out can have their account sales and proceeds immediuely after cact sale. Epocial attention will be given to the #ale of REAL ESTATE and CITY PROPERTY, and as this dopartment of the Auction business is becoming 100F6 dumnortant with Ha beasasll L030 00 UEm the various extensive consigniments celebrated establishment, embraci atyles of their elegant and elabora polished. . [ C3 C OPRCDITT 2CE MCT CBIDUsNed premizes, J No. 267, Notre Vame street | Sho ardugs e uid cgis & uy i uo s t 1 in ie id o us ML new and special arrangemept been appointed , 5th by MESSRS. JACQqUES & HA Â¥, of Toronio, their | Mr] sole and only agent in Montreal, for the pale by | had Auction, of their splendid FURNITURE, takes the | sing earliest opportunity of announcing to the citizens of Â¥cs Montreal, and the public generally, that he wili d from time to time during the ensuing Spring, otfe, | *V at his spacious and well established" nromise. his DT TAW k .: :: > . ... . EGS To INTIMATE To THE h-‘l:iunu of Ottawa and surroupding ec Li CE :s PC CS | Fixarce Deranturxt, ts ‘ Customs, Qnebee, 6th March, 1863. | l'l' 18 DIRECTED BÂ¥ tur uas. PAE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter W eekly ‘ Notices be published and furnished to Collector® of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed on American Invoices, which is to be in accordance i with the price of gold as represented by Exchanze. We Te ue nccon Raiciiis _ Oltawa, April 23, 1866. { Pss cce PeC #9% FOuts lN ACCORDANCE wiry TAE ABOVE Order, notice is hereby given that the authorizâ€" ed discount is declared to be 21 per cent, which per oen(uio of deduction is to be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to apply to all purchases made in the {Yniwd Etates during that woek. | 1 UDILC _N otice | ll HEREBY Gi V EN, hat at the next Session # of the Parliament of the Province of Canada apâ€" plication will be made for A SPECIAL ACT to inâ€" ’ vorporate a Company to explore, extract, and | Petroleum, within the Counties of Leeds, Grenville, [ Carleton, and Russell, to ‘be ealled * THE CEX TRAL CANApaA PETROLEU M COMP A A y ." | W. IL BROUSE, WILLLAMEELI®, C. J. BRYDGES, THO~ REYNOLDS, f M. K. DICKINSON®, | 3. p, w INER, * | W.C. BROW N, C. N. P. CHAPMAX, | DeWITP C, BRow x. % | l‘mu\uu.l'"ebrulry 28,1860. Ri®.. Wipy 3y 50) (0VOIO®®, wHICH is to be in accordance with the price of gold as represented by Exchange, at a rate equal thereto. [Nuch notices to appear every Saturday in the Canada Gazerte, C R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, LOOK â€" HERE. IB HEREEY GLVEN, hat of the Parliament of the Prov plication will be made for a SPJ vorporate a Company to ox plore, Petroleum, within the Counties of Carleton, and Russell, to be ca TRAL CANADA BEWDGaX paril tral _ ~~____ 4 | NOTPiIGOI®. . _ 11)]4;\.\‘5. B hk 9 E003 002 T s 0 IILA(‘I_( WALN(Y'!‘ PrUORNIHITCORE: UNDERSIGNED @AaVING PrRâ€" SED 12 acres of land, on which hbe intends Victoria Terrace January 26, AMERICAN 1x von ME sUBSCRIBER Havixg War kaip es c cd. . ~ been removed to the I tended Library, in rear a Buildings Ottawa, January P]‘Axfi‘ Spec Buildmp pro Artificers‘ work m JAMES VON LAER & nnanad a @ropr, cou" TRHDGINS country # opened a SERD STORE in .&o above where be has on hand every variety of J oi t idE n sgad Within twnin?lu:o_f&h; :'l;y‘ Utum‘n, Jan chase. M ATHE Public NOTICEHE UNDERKSIGNEDS orf INANCE Derartwext, Cretoms, Oitawa, April 21, 1866. RDANCE WITH am®E ABovE ills the attention of the In of Ottawa,â€"#ind surrounding it «lly solicited. Increased faâ€" | Mr. Roe.â€"Lo red, with a view to the emmâ€" p 7 departinent of the business, ELLING T greatest economy and des.| i9 down a tr onsignments direct from this nt, embracing .all the new and elaborately carved anu th, 186« NOTICES Hhaltions, and Estimates ‘epared ; disputed accounts icasured and valued, AUGUSTUS LAVER, Lute Sient & Laver, Arrhlhfl!;tr., Departmental Builaings. Ottawa. 3. THOMAS McGREEYY 23 1866 CSR C CC i. T. DeRINZY. »ARKET : ) the Leanâ€"too of the inâ€" f rear of the © Parliament | t 8â€"DISCOUX‘P‘s® M PCb n Puid is in agdc | "MLE A\lnm Al i & SPECIAL ACT to inâ€" | on Ated no little plore, extract,and recne | rous visitgits we ties of Leeds, l.'n-m:lh'. imng. â€" It is the p be ealled «©THE CEX | de. per and shu EuM comraxy.» / | dt: Cler "'id’i' t WILLLAMPEELI®S, ill hind .l nll-_k THO~ REYNOLDS, ‘V.l inder wor J. P. WINER, _* | Press i C NP euanuis i M BOUCHETTE and extension or he most Liskrai f Fruit #ong 96â€"3 urFICE HaS 65â€"3m 1X« tg man on deck, without with the engin:, uc‘ so 0. CCE CUF THTTCE, Dot stopped dead in less than 10 seconds, and in about a quarter of her length,. Hor Maj .:‘r'l ironâ€"ciad gunboat Waterwitch, now b«ing built, is to be fitt=d with the new propeller, which is nothing more nor less than water tak n in under her bottom, and set in motion by "?sl: machinery worked by a stcam engine. water is discharged in a heavy streame on both sides of the vesscl; consâ€"quently there is nothing outside the vessl to be injured by any accident. ‘Anotber important novelty is that the verse! in quite Andependent of her rudder, and is worked under the complete control of the m=st r, off t of the watch, or unkin sam Asualls i . aatalh cesg nc 29 " eE t on minutes 26 seconds, and against in 8 minutey 22 acconds, being mt @ rate of 13.2 and 12 miles per hour respectively, or at an Average apeed of 10.35 miles per hourâ€"say 10j. She then «t amed down the river, and whin off the Tunnel Pict, with both stroug wind and tide in her favor, going at fall speed, was made to stop suddenly by reverding the valvez . Khas ty way. Shtbiabd retPra in hsusthc sls & . »pecd. The Nautilus started ft m Vanxball bridge Picr at 11 in the murning, and ran up and down the Thames in company with the Sn e n it id " 7 Onr goâ€"akteadative nAxhbors actous n.?u»- ders. The agents for Montreal are Messrs, LeBlane . & Uu, Toupin‘s Bailding, Place d Armes.â€"Montreal Transcript, Nurtuer Papous won Somew â€"A fow days since a private trial was mude of a new prinâ€" viple of motion, as applied to vessels, entitlâ€"d the Hydraatic Propellet. The Nautdus, to which the power has veen applied, was built expres=ly to show that it can with less borseâ€" power than ordinary river boats ~qual them in Kooud. The KÂ¥oastihs sheut .t ple en ooA To tmol CUPCCT oroer, of any house fire alarm yet in. vented ; and that in future, all the inventive genius of the continent reod not be ussignâ€"d to our goâ€"aheadative nAghbors Across the borâ€" ders. The agents for Montreal are Messrs, LeBlane . & Uu, Toupin‘s Bailding, Place d Atmcs.â€"Montred! Tranmmwine Drox‘s Fire Ararx.â€"We had the pleasure yesterday afterngon of witnessing the trial of this new and v.ry ingenious Cunadian invonâ€" tion, The represcutatives of the Royal, North British, Mercantile, Commer. ia} Union, Lon« don, Imperial and Home & ColBnia) Fire Insurance Companies were prescot. ‘The inâ€" vention, which was exhibited and «xplained by Messrs, Dion & Desaulles, consists of an apparitus somewbat on the principle of &n alarm clock and thermemeter w-.?.'d' with wires extending through the roomi« and atâ€" tushing to a aignal bell, which may be placed in any part of the house. _ When the room was 7 WeG PP uidiliacvtat: wast raca s Snss ... 1 I at a given tamperaturc, the hecdle of the apâ€" paratus was placed at the same fiynre, and after ‘ 1 ghting a little alcobol at about ten aud sub. ~ quontly fifteen fest from the main wire, the alurm was sounded in ton and | twentyâ€"tive seconds respectiv«I#,although the thermometer hbad only gone up one quart + of a degtee un buth occasions. Un the alarm yoing uff, the #iznal boll, which can be made to sound as lond as a clitrch bell, according to the sige of w. ight attached, rang about five minutes with a sound that could not fuil to be board all over any ordinary awellinig house., Other interâ€"st. ing experiments were perform d, and . the mecting broke np, belicving thut this was perâ€" haps the best, 1 ast intricate and most asily kept in ordecr, of anÂ¥ house fir. alu... _ T4U 1 hy 0 e n ol necessary to foed this fie with some frosh fu«l from time to time. But one man can keep a lurge number, of trees thus burning, and wil} ket twenty or A hundred down thus . much quitker and caxher thun he cnmLé as .i tf TELLING Terss ay Figz.â€"The idea of burnâ€" ing down a tree gix or vigut feet in dinmewr, «und solid and green, wouid have secm«d to me simply absurd un ridiculous. But the thing is done in Uregon ev.ry day at a vast saving of time and labor.. The operation is done in this wise; A hole is bored fato the trce, boorl uds Au d mds ht ET e o e e videst twoive yoars of agy , in bad asloe third girl, ugod 7 yoars, APosc at geven and wobt into the burn, a few yards f; wouse, and there bebe!d the inanimute ( of father suspendcd from a buam by t I‘ue decensed was very much reduced vuunstances, and was involved in ps difficulties. â€" The facts d veloped at quest served to show that the act h in «ditated for some length of thme, ‘ easod, J seph D d, formerly kept th ou Richmoud street, at preseat occu, Mr. Roe.â€"London Free #‘ress, Fruliso TerEs BY Fikâ€"The idas . Ni ol lt e Pn eanls â€" Hnet alnve Christmas he has been more temporate, Yesterday morning, at five o‘clock, he rose and dressed hitmself, and went out, leaving his‘ family, consisting of four litte girls, the videst twoive yoars of ago , in bed aslcep. ‘Phne third girl, ugod 7 yoars, aruse at seven o‘clock ind wobt into the burn, a few yards from the a0use, and there bebe!d the Inanimute form ber f futher suspended from a boam by the neck. ; PVVp ; MERRAHIE Mediedstnatiani I 8 tf A Max Haxos Hiowseur ix kive this morning the particul talle case of suivide, which t township of London yesterday name of the unfortunute doc« Dodd, who has for some years 5th Concession of London, bal MeMartin‘s tuewen B uc of gloves, the manu fa towns having depots an former. The use of Jeat introduced into France aud the dressing of skins gress during the last 25 1 Whoves called gans 4 refuse of leather: dr wrong side turned out, wheteyÂ¥er glazed Plov. G1 18 facture of Fj nil'('flhl)’ for 1838 Athe gl ing up in imimessurable strong sulphurous lante, ed with any sort of satist «c that the flow is over : At all ezents, the brook 1 rate Ningara ata breach croated no little puise in rous Visitgts were preser ing, . It is the purpose of de. per and shut of the w smaller piping. â€" This en T 1 270C Ons T0r some years resided : on the Concession of London, balf a mile uast uf Martin‘s tavern. _ For some time pust he | been a tery immod.rite drinker but ©Ol0 PRD] cS tor the 1t squabl le to and a Yaonk dotachiment tnglish an Dit no h. â€" Tumes Tn A heavy ven 01, in 1849 still incre ed for l4 i PRICEâ€" 3 CENTS Tar Mascracrone ‘ TT" the river, and whin off the with buth stroug wind and tide going at full speed, was made to Y by reversing the vaives, She in less than 30 seconds, and in h;:::l =’et length,. Hor Majâ€"sty‘s Whnas qpr _ CHNH â€" KE ite of French gloves has increased conâ€" rably for the last few yours. In the year Ahe gloves exported were estimatud at 6,60(f, . There value incteased to 25,000,â€" , in 1819, and to 30,900,0001, in 1853 and i1 incroasing. The kid and lamb wkins for glazed gloves are dressed at Pauris, oble, Annonay, Romains and Clarmont, Paris mnufuac turers, whose gloves are must ly esteemed, employ workmen from Venâ€" ‘, Montagne, Verncuil, Mittry ‘and Trumâ€" ind other towns in the departments of the and Suine et Oise. Kid gloves of secondâ€" guality are manufactured at Grenobl¢. Us called gans de suede are made of the ¢ _ of loathcr: dressers skins, with the side turned out, and are manuiactured Wemies Bc a § "Wellinig house. ~Other interâ€"st. nts were perform d, and the ‘ np, lk;":vin‘ thut this Was pef» 1 ast intricate and most cagily of any house fire alarm yet inâ€" glazed gloves are made. are the only two markets % .lh«- _manufacturers in MISCELLAXNXEOT s ‘Be facts d veloped at the inâ€" to show that !llf: act had been unfortunute doceased is . Jo-:-|.b e e 7i ome length of time. ‘The deâ€" D «id, formerly kept the botl notsarxp Bartet Fiowisc in of water was struck at Will on Friday night, at Kike «lour â€"»rvutulinnc .4 L0 UProts taste, uâ€"nd sort of sitisfwctic nanuifacturers in ch:.Lm pots and agents in : two 0f leather gloves hus bwen rance since the revolution, 1 skins has made great proâ€" pug k o2 es "® laste, and cannot be imbib. of satisfaction. Jt is estimat. it over 3,000 harrcls por day. e brook tormed a tuther mode. breach in the river bauk, and huise in the descent. Numeâ€" te present all Suturday mornâ€" itpuse of the operators to drill ufl the water by putting down This enormons ow of watter most mater inll y . London #ree that the Hon. F rancis Hincks n to Canada, and that his old dy moving to bring him out as the Hon. Geo, ‘Alâ€"xander in fater was struck at the < n Friday night, at the de #r, oryistalihie ehement 6. 23 years sELP in is Banx.â€"We particulars of & lamenâ€" which place in the ('hll)xt prescat occupied by ¥® Groves.â€"The some time pust he od â€"rate drinker, but en more l«‘m, five o‘cvlock, he rose maurkets for the sule taline clument flow» quan®tics. Jt bas a morning. ‘The yet inâ€" cd jin wirâ€" pecuniary Werr.â€" Aaty depth

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