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Ottawa Times (1865), 1 May 1866, p. 1

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ce ire hy ’co-â€" that vour hil as of r‘n’ _ Â¥e abl ith net are armd i of The orte fin ng (* m all lsn. hatâ€" JR the cti ing Â¥7 hag the 3 at ic b imâ€" ore ive ike 18ts . 2m e# to ver ity it= Ts in Hs at A Weekly Edition of the Tixes will be pub= ilshed every FRiDAY Morning, and Mailed to Subscribers for w per Anuam, /f pord in udeance ; if not paid to advance, $4,30, Ray" She Weekiy will contain a large amount ot Forcign and Home News, latest Tclegraph Despatones, Local and Forcign MarKets, and will be a most valuable paper tor .Farmers and th. : .ssiding in the country. 4 ._uwy person sending the names of Ten Subâ€" #m Cush Accompanying the Order, will teâ€" e wcopy Free for One Year, wÂ¥" OFFIOEâ€"No. 60, Sparks Street. "QTTAWA TIMES," As the first number of the Tuues is published on the 18th of December, persons Subscribing fol vither Daily or Weekiy will receive them from date of publication until January 1st, 1§p7, for One Y»ar‘s Subscription at the above n’ln' *,* Every description of Printing, from a Mammoth Poster to the Smallest Card, execuâ€" ted in the neatest style, aud at Prices that will *â€" or Aovertisixa.â€"Eight conts per line * e first insertion, and two conts per line wr every subsequent inscrtion, unless otherâ€" vise arranged.. > oak Izaws or Scascaurrtion :â€"Daily, if paid in adâ€" vance, #3,0J per Anoum ; if not paid in Am‘n'â€"AMAW. Solicitor=in= Chaneery . Conveyancer, &0. Office over Mr. Cuzner‘s Shoe Store, Rideau Stroet, Ottawa. Ottawa, eE! 21. Ni AUGUSTUS KEEFER, > BAIII‘TII and â€" Attorncy=at«Law, solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &0. Uitice at his dwollingâ€"houso, Queen street, betwoen Asted#e and O‘Connor streets, in rear of the Govâ€" scnment Pd:‘x otfice. ... Ottawa, 30, 1866. 87â€" JOsEPHL J. MURPUY, TTORNXEYâ€"AT«LA W, . Soliciior«in= A Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Ofice:â€"North thie of York Street, two duors from Sussex. > Ottawa, March 20, 1866. 194â€"6m EDWARD T. DARTNELL, BA..I! FE£R, Solicttor, Attorney, and Notary Pablic, Cierk of the Peace and County Crown Attorney, for the United Counties of Presoott and iussoll. B t â€"6';1;'â€":7‘ the Court House, L‘Orignal Janaary 27, 1866. indianee P TW ‘ TTORNEYâ€"ATeLAW, Soilcitor in Casnsory, Convreyancer, &c., Sussex Stroct. veric«: Umon Baildings, Ottawa. Febraacy 21, 1366. §5â€"7 â€"DUNNING & THOMPSON, AT TORNE YÂ¥ $â€"A T«LA W, Soilcitors=in= Cannsery, Conveyancers, &¢., «¢. vernce: Court Hoasovease Rast. A. L. Desxixa. T. W. Taowrsox. Ottawa, Jan. 16, 1866. Â¥47> Bnnna}wnr-&un. Solicitor=ln« , &e. uerice: Aumond‘s Buildings, Rideat Street. Ottaws, Jan. 12, 1306. _ sorc" / . hy W. MAsiSH ALbL MA LMESON, B Lil 41# LKM, Aitermey, Sodcitor, &¢. Qrric«: Horao‘s Baildings, corner of Spack. ans dlgin streots, Oitawa. Ostawa, Doc. 18, 1300. 1+3 No Advertisement can be discontinued withâ€" ut the written order of the advertiser. ha«s, C Otawa. Â¥ebritury 7, 1886. LEES & GEMMELL, Biuu’lll. Attorneys, Solicitors, verice: In the Court House, Ottawa, C. W. Roseeat Lexs. Jous J. GooreuL. Ottaw a, February 7, 1866. s 43â€"ut. AW, Cami and Conve .-‘-E the & 1ssoil House, Ottawa, C. W. "~~AAa~ m apaiye _ ... Messits. DUUK & BUCKE, BAumrul and Atrorncyseat«Law, solisitecs in Caansery, Notaries Public, anu Convey an3ers. a Orric«: Lang‘s Building, opposite the Post Office Coitral Ottawa. . ' Wirctas Deck. Jerivs P. Bucks. ttawa, Fob. 7, 1366. 4dâ€"ut, CLEGG & NELLIS, BAIIII LERS and Attorneysâ€"at«Law, solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Caancery, Conveyancers, Notarâ€" ies dublic, &s., &c. Orvice: Tolegraph Building, Metgalfe Street, B.\-.l"ll. t&e,â€", Ottawa. ~ Ofice : Pelegraph Baildings, Metcalio stroot. Uttawa, alarch 10, 1806. + 10â€"y AD'“A F&4, Barristers, and Attor= acysâ€"atâ€" Law. varices: Hult and .Hlnor. ¢. K. Mc. W right will at Hall on Tuesdays and Fridays of every week. _ [ _ _ 4C Shes m % Ria w a A’ PIJRXE Â¥ 8+A TeL A W , Soliciiors=im= ry, Convey ancers, Notaries Public, &e. Post Qdse Bailling, El zin street, Ottawa E. TCock. K. H. Harcoc«. February 7, 1866. 43â€"at YOLZLrNo. I14.}} qrepared to attend promptly to any basiness the worament employes, ::l the pablic generally Way eatrast him. . Mr. B.attonds regularly the cirâ€" suit in and for the district of Quebec. T Anvocxv:. OMlce! No. 17, 8t« Poter Street, Quebec. Mr. Bouchette will always be _ Wa. Curas. ttawa, Fob. 7, 1868 RCOHITECT. 0 A.”' St. Andre i"f"' February 7, | _ "ank. . oxeseos _Duawa, Feb: 7, 1966. R. SJ PlO'flCIAL Draughtsiaan, &c. "Theint ’I“ i .:‘gw:i‘?:':m'h"' xt 1“ Tifi;fiéfifiilh’ A:rsleu ll.:l ‘(‘s .m aange o ie i eshans, &'" :au.uh::c:, Motel) on York stroet, wh;n hn pesiage through the Atsembly; and temmsacts al! | willle buppy to see ble old friends. _‘ . + tawa . 19, i. &. Macdouaid, Hon. J. 11. | _ Ofta®n.Fob. 19, IBHI _ _ __.___.___"25 c.'..":?.."uf::'o.ur““ i eaintp mm h rxment, | EC A. TrTron‘s, HorEL Â¥. Joues, Esq., M.P.P., R. , Esq., M.P.P., W. romExiy yattuEw‘s HOTEL, mn.n‘iu.r J. 8. Esq., MP.P., ndl Â¥o STREET, OPPAWA. R. Cooper, Esq., Judge Co. Huron. 1â€"|x.‘ °K. HAMILEOX,. EROPRIEKTOR EVERY MORNING. Ottaws, Feb. 7, 1866. PIWIICIAI- Land Surveyors, Canada East and Wost, Real Estate Agents, &0. Parâ€" of the Lands of Ah.fl.:.?. .A“. Fels th + to the Crown Lands Department for m. &0., PROFESSIONAL CARDS W. J. SCOTT, Jx., MEISRS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, wpey as Cu l ol war 'hoy‘-w-.ll.‘ul for sale some well situated City and Vills Lots, in Upper and Lower Casada; and an immense quaotity of Farming taade ts ie pommanipe ce 82 Contn . : Corner of sparks and Metoaifc Streots. MDNEY B. FRIPP, RCHITECT,. Orrcr: Wellington Street, St. Andrew‘s Charch. February 7, 366. 4Gâ€"utf ganm >« """i'fiits‘ L. 8 P. A. BALDWIN, P. L. 8. Wiawe Des. 28, 1805. ARRISTEA, E.., sor Lower Canada. â€" Owric«$# : Court House, Aylinerand Backingâ€" Ottawa, February 21, 1866 ®$PECIAL NOTICE Tilz WEEKLY TIMES" RGANIST of Christ Church, Teacher of the Organ, Pianoâ€"Forte, &c. leS a HA YUOUK & HAYCOCK, AND and Parliamentary Agent. we®: No. 5, Russell House Block, Ottaw Attends to all Law Courts in the District oi J. P. MACPHE 8O N COLMAN & WRIGHT, PRINXTIN G D. UONNOR, A. F. BOCCHE CTE, J. ®. BOULTOX, R. A. BRADLEY, «Sundays Bxcepted.) ® U B Lt® H o# MHK. H. R. FRIPP, M. McLHEOQD, R. SPARKS, J. H. KELLY, W. Mcxay Wwout, B.A.B.C.L Tnos. F. NeuLIS a > #f 34â€"6m 43â€"ut 43â€"atf ut 0â€"7 §5â€"7 Or 1â€"y T. t, HUKL, _ LASD Agent and Broke», Notary Pub» lic, has reqoved his ource/to Nicholas Street, w i0w doors to the south of DJ Uvode‘s Motel, and is prepared‘ to transact any |basimess comnected wita tae Crown Lands Depastment, in prosecuting Land Claims, taking out r‘atents, and to condact any agency for pastes having) business with any of the guverninent odi¢es, Uitawa, Fob. 7, 1866. I 43â€"utf Cascere Cuakp, wiuuial::: u: of the knifo, by a new, but certain, speedy, inost painless cess. _ Reforences given to partics ":fm.ifi; treated, if required. . The cure ywaranteed. Ottawa, April 14. se en t _Alr:! by * Di. C. LEGGO, * Pll"!l(‘l.ll. Surgeon and Accoucheur, OrFicr: No. 5, Russell House Block, Sparks Stroet. Will be found at night at Dr. J. Leggo‘s, Sparks Street, Ottawa. Dll'l'll'l'- Office} York Street, Lower Town, third Howse from Union Btock. Ottawa, January 27, 1866. _ S4â€"ut! ;.-'J,dl'l-lâ€"l;l_. M.D., J. Adams, M.D., Toronto. Ottawa, February 7,1366. . 43â€"uti UEKO, LOGAN, M.D., L.0.M.B., HOIGPATIII(‘ Physician, . Surgeon and Accouchear. urric«k: In Hovne‘s Block. Can hbe found over the otfhice at night. & “-d"/-c:»:v-.l(-a-\' (eorge Lawrence, Orono ; Rev John Smith,: Bowmanvilie ; Rev. (hot(fv Riddell Clarke; Dancan Campbell, .!l.l).. *l'l‘. :'l.l.. Tor st.0et. ®. Cadrtis1ids, Couunou Merchant and Genera Ageat. . sole agent for Road‘s Highwines anu Proof Whiskey ; aiso, Dawes‘ Lachine Ales anu Jurter. â€" Pork, Flour, &0., for sale. OrFICE: No. 5, spacks street, near the Russel Qrrick : No. 3, spacks douse, Ottawa city, C. W MAUDOA ALL & BKV,, Al.’(:fluxl‘.lnl, and General Commis* sion Exchange and Keal |Estate Agents, No. w, sus#ex street. Uttawa, December 18, 1865. 174 Juy .A corner of sussex and York streets Ott iwa, Dec. 18, 1865. «_ JuHN H. BAKBER, BM&I[NDIH and _ Manuiacturing stationer, and Machine Ruler. Over Taylo. < wilkimson‘s Flour store, corner of York and susâ€" ex streets. . Entrange on sussex Stroot. 3 YHUSs. NE LBUN, 00T MAKER, Wellington Street, op»= B posite Dr. VnM‘u. Ottawa. Maving 144 many years‘ experience in some of the best ostaâ€" slishiments in the metropolitan cities of Canada, he eels con.dent that all orders entrusted to his care will be executed in the best style, and guarantood t« ,‘wuu'ul._oun: Jga â€" n bA‘l" of Quebec. Residence==Russell Mouse. uttawa, Dev. 18, 1865. l;l M. MeaLiEAN‘3S ACC‘I’IO! Rooms, No« ks Street, Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite Hope‘s stationâ€" «y ctere. , ®* . Pae ‘state at Auction or Private Sah »roum aded to. Consignments received fo. woui sale. Pastics wishing to purchase Reu istate will receive all information EKKE 01 JHARGE by calling at the omees Uitawa, Dos. 13, 130o. Iâ€" Dit. W. J. HENRY, W:u.tsu'ros Street, First Door Kast of Bank street. Uitawa, February 7, 1366. 43â€"utf YOIK Street, opposite Matthews* Ho# tol. t Uttawa, February 7, 1866. _ o on n_uu [)ll'l‘ls'l'. Office 1 Sparks Street, Con« tralOttaw a. Ottawa, Janaary 27, 1866. Mâ€"utt dic«, which has been «ttod up in a most recherch« style, at very consideaable ixpense. E. Miles has the PATEXNT ROTARY HAIb SRUSH, (the ouly one on this continent,) in use. Jor information as to the eiiciency of this apparatue side opinions of the Pross. _ _ _ 3 Gast), . PIERIY, MVIL ENGINEER, Unaion Baildings, cept on hand for sale. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 N. U. & â€"f. W. KELK, lC(‘oU.“l‘AlTO’ No. 3, Victoria Cres= cent, Upper Town, Ottawa. vitiwa, March #1, 1866. T9sy Uitawa, March 20, 1866 K D:Ovbiâ€"l;i;lio;!l;; Rideau. Street, begy most ros »ectfuily to invite the gentlemen of Ottawa and vi T afrerin hewe requdisiel o 4 °/ onl o e XAVIEK CHARLEBOIS, Rooting Contractor, &c¢ <~ CHLuUH ST., OTTAWA, ll PREPARED TO COVER ROOFS, with Tin, Sheot Lron, Slate, or shingles, on the mortest notice, aud at reasonable rates. Having »een knowna in this place since its nrst settlement, # years ago, he can consdently refer to his long «stablished character, as a guarantee for the satisâ€" .actory pertormance of all work entrusted to him. Ottaws, April 2, 1866. 8yâ€"3m Muont PX HUUSNE, Co.xlwo‘\'nummd-lu Streets, O‘bnlbzgh. N.Y., 8. slosson, Proprietor, Oninibuses to and from the House free of charge. December 20, 1863. 3y Tik, RUSSELL HOUSE, K ATE CAMPBELL!S HOTEL, Ottawa, inity to visit his new establishment, No. 9, Angus 'f:s"'i'niiii and newlyâ€"furnished throughout this comâ€" nodious establishment, in the management of which by strict atter to business and guests, he hopes to deserve C ..22"."!!‘.3‘.‘\: wdmml:“ is J.A“‘;;d E. “um.m $ 0 imalt‘s Hotc, Patace Street, Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866. _ _ woeee _2 k 440 4 40122020000 4007 ie dity cesc ttattgnt +2 l‘ C. W. e undersigned, proprietor of the ibuoveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to u‘hu:int his nuâ€" nerous f and the l.nnllln&p- that he has un matntoct now!vâ€"furnished throughout this comâ€" Ottawa, Jan. 4, 1866. Ottawa Dec. 18, 1865 PROFESSIONAL CARDS “R-lo.- HAMILTON, LATEOFHAM+ LVR TLTON‘S Saloon, corner of Sparks and Elgin Streets, has removed to the American Hotel, (for merly Mathows‘ Hotel) on York stroot, where he i. tl. MoUGIHIEEYY, ONTRACTOR and Builder. . Ofice i North size York street, second zr from Susser KL s !iberai patronage bestowed upon him in the Saloon, . would inform his friends m the public generally, that he has leased the above premises, -llehhh::rl into a thorough state of nr'lt. repainted, decorated, and refurnished with all the latest 11.--.( comfort. No exertions or expense will spared by the Proprietor in renderâ€" u\uhmmud‘:uuhouus: pm: fmvoring with their y on Amnnt, nemige o fosir whaes "Ofeduatiing in c ";;ron‘ NERLY MATTHEW $ HOTEL, ’A &C is YO STREET, OTPAWA. R. R. HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR, Late or Kuurtox‘s Sa1008®. year of the premisos. Wines and Liquors of the tholoest description always kept. aal THE V"”q_l"EEN"‘KEa"l‘Al't{A.\'T, Lar C 4P a VA N 4. Peanvictor. Corner of M Oysters, Game, otc., daily by express. i ‘| |E.| MILES, ROPRIETOR of the ParHament Hair» Ottawa, Fob. 19, 1866. IIOTELS AND SALOONS Dit. OLIVER MARTIN, A ah'l;_k:lw:lnlcsl Instruments always BUSINEsSS CARDS Dit. C. o A. MARKTIN, TE EMOV AL. Dit. 0. C. Woun, R. H., in returning thauks for the DR.OREILLY, Dit. WUOLrr, a most recherch« TDt comnecte@ with 18â€" 14â€"7 1.t 53â€"y 83y The New Drug Store THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RECEIVED a VARIED ASSORTMENT OF | _ APOTHECARIE® & CHEMISTS. Pl:nl PRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Porfumery, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Sponges, Shoulder Braces, &o., &c. « CHAS. AUSTIN. & B 2R D 4 ! ____ 41 Sussex‘Street, â€" Is the Place to Buy Your Medjicines ! FLOWER SEEDS ! F\l!:ll. :'ul"(‘)‘n:rrlozlbor ve English and French Dru and Chemic:fll; English and l‘nfl Perfumery, Toilet and Fancey Goods, Soape, Sqol:gu. #&e., nnfludkd in the city. I would also call the attention ef the public to 4 my incomparable @" Crystabiine GCompound "®« FPOR 1HE HALIR Call and se it and 3-:4%! for yourselves. % _ CANADLAN COUGH EMULTION, a sure cure for Coughs and coldsâ€"Tostimonials from prominâ€" ent citizens will be shown on m«uo-. e mommater stt Grrvts c ie Te e M.dialucs of the ;":-1},';.'.7. for all the Popular Patent Medicines of the ey. To Farmors and CGardeners ! Just Rxcrivrnâ€"A consignment of the Canadian Superâ€"Phusphate in Boxes and Barrels. .. uUEO. MORTIMER, Chemist and Apsthecary, 41 Sumex Street. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. 1â€"y MEDICAL Van Buskirk‘s Sozodont, reduced to 50¢c. VNres Aliem‘®s Hair Restorery.................1+00s ’l\Hfl SUBSCRIBER takes this method of returning his most sincere thanks to the ‘itizens of Ottawa forthe liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him during the past two years. . Pure English GUM CAMPHOR, the ::II certain nr::nin for Moths, &c., in Furs W inter lothing. ya~ ALSO, a eu.(?llb stock of GENUINE D LC()?,A?'DCHE::‘ wi;wms'::dmm Modâ€" «gines, Porfumery, f W. M. MASSEY, Medical Hall, 28 Sparks Street. Solo appointed agent in Ottawa for the highly sopular and reliable proj of Messrs. 'fl-- weth, Campbell & Co., (Medical Hall) Montreal, somprising in part : c.n,,u'fir- Quinine Wine. Campbell‘s Cocoine, for the hair. ; Campbell‘s Cherry Baisam, for Colds, Coughs,&c. Campbell‘s Worm Pastillies, the best Worim Désâ€" rosor m offered to gl‘ho &Hie. ‘am ‘s Gran. Ed. Inmn. Campbell‘s Gran. Ei. Seltzer Salt. _ _ ____ â€"*Camphor ! Camphor ! ! f MORTIMER‘S Apotl_l_c_ga_l:lgg_‘llall! To accommodate his ll:rosl:? business, be has mlarged his premises and greatly added to his faâ€" «ilities for carrying on a firstâ€"class family and disâ€" sensing business, and trusts, by strict attention to he interests of his customers, toâ€"merit & continuâ€" ince of their patronage. Pn '\Vd.‘:'. lA“fiY. i "amily an ispensing Chemis *‘ is SPARKS STREET. Ottawa, April 10, 1866 Jttawa, April 10, 1866. A LARGE STOCK OF FRESH GAR» DEN and FLELD SEED3, just arrived and on A30 Or"CAWA DRUG WAREKHOUSF, f RIDEAU STREET. e 1866. SEEDS. SEEDS. 1866. __ HAIR BRUsHES â€"__ COMBS, NAIL BRUSHES. CLOTHEs BRUSHES, juit heleg :::l’ &e., &e. up. **"*C"Pâ€"yoSEPH CARVEY, M.D. _P. $.â€"Advice to the poor gratis. ks @LORIDA W ATER. _ s0Z%0ODONT MEst. â€" Om S U A large importation of English and Fre h PER ru.n:,‘:vm,ufig,mt -:i“-... i saie. All Sceds warranted Frosh. TO GuNHV MuUsH. Mnl- TROTTER, PROPRIETRESS, No. TL sparks Streot, Desbarats‘ Building, oppos te the Pasliament Baildings. The Toronto J’.m. comprises everything necessary in a frstâ€" slass Restaurant. The house has been thoroughly and elegantly itted up throughout. The BAR con tains the chuicest brands in W ines and m.:d Mtawa, April 11 ~ DUOMESTIU U YES. ’l‘lll lfAl_Gll‘l‘ ASSORTMENT OF DYES in this city on sale at the Jttawa Drug Warehouse. A fresh Lot of Cheap PEREUMES just ‘eceived. PaOPERLY C0MPOUNDED 1NN PRKEE FLOY ADULTERATION! ared. m Jtawa, Feb. 12, 1866 1 1NORL 44 2 cho e 4A demntaateadhs dieâ€"~r@agn tufenat.. o +4 »very delicaey of the season will be secured for the Eable. No T‘imwuwbhwm be spared the ac commodate the guests and patrons. RW* Mrs. Trottor is now prepared to take DAY BOARDERS, Ottawa, April 5, 1866 eP e Cut, Nepoan. E ‘This House is situated within twenty minutes‘ walk of the City, and is vtted up in a lnt-oluutzlo. The Bar is supplied with all the choice bi of t “‘&'.‘-.. Jan. 16, 1866. PRIVAT‘ HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot= tawn, C. W. . A few gentloemen can obtain sup~ crior apartmonts. Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1885. n a Nl(‘flfllo&l Street, Court=House A venue; 18W oOttawa, John Graham, Proprietor, This House is Mvnnloul{ situated, and still mainâ€" tains its character as # IRSTâ€"CLASS Wâ€" Considerable additions have recently been to thopn-hu.ndhlu‘ru-nnbnpnwlfl r::;uh‘- No pains w be spared to accommedate OI'HBUIEwndtnnfi'omu‘ boats free of dl.l'r There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY STA attached to nlb‘om § P n GErTUl N. B.â€"Prescriptions carefully and mpfly id q yo J.’GAK y I_K.-_ en SW us JOHN MALTMAN Ln-: MceADAM*S, Commercial Hetel, Packooham. ‘I\OMM*J&QM&:‘N‘M’I and verkanled 90 hive TABLE AND tind macomodetion of guonts i TP th hey BAR will at all times be furnished the best the market affords. . ooon.fnulfinlt-afl Hostlor always in attendsnge. JOHN MALTMAN. e nc tw hk 117 Packenham, Desâ€" January 11, 1866 FIELD AND CARDEN TINTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Mantch §, 1868 _ _ _____i 1 ________ _ THE ALBION HOTEL, Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866. HOTELS AND SALOONS. _.__JAS~JOHNSTON‘S NION HOUSE, North Gower, Stabling and an attentive Hostler. ALSO, ACHOICE VARIETY OFP YLMER, C. E,., Livery and Genera Stagze Office. . Alfrod Moses Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr JUST RECEIVED! RESCOTT, C. W., L. H. Daniels, Pro« prictor. Second to no House in Contral Caâ€" =â€"â€" BEAVER HALL, J. GARROW, Proprictor, Head Deep 28, Sparks Street. 39 RIDLAU STREET. HOLT‘s HOTEL, Dec. 30, 1865. â€"___. W. M. MASSEY, Medical Hall, 28 Sparks Streot. DUIGN AN3 #6â€"7y OTTAWA, C, W., TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1866 47â€"utf 97â€" #2â€"tf 20â€"y 4y ON AaAND AFTER Monday, 20th November, 1865, TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS : MAIL TRAIN will lcave Ottawa at 8 A, M MIXED TRAIN at 1.30, P. M. . _ _ CHANGE of TIME. Oftawa and Prescott Railway; â€"â€" RETURKNING FROM PRESCOTT. MAIL TRAIN will leave Prescott at 2.05 P.M MIXED TRAIN at 7.30 A.M. Grand Truak Railway Company 1. Stntion as follows : CENTRAL AND WESTERNX DiSTRICTS Day llrfll for â€" Ogdensburg, Brockville, Kingtson, Belleville, Toronto,Guelph, London, Brant â€" } 8.00 A. M ford, Goderich, Buffallo, Detroit, _ Chicago, and all points West, at g WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Night _ do â€" do ~ do .... 8.15P. M Accommodation Train for Kingâ€" ston and Intermediate Stations, 1 9.40 A,. M EASTERN DISTRICT. Accommodation Train for Island Pond and Intermediate Stations, } Mail for ditto and Portland, stopâ€" | ping over night at Island Pond, ; Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, Riviere du Loup, Port, land, and Boston, with sleeping cars attached, At . . .... ...... . Express Trains to 8t. John‘s, conâ€" necting with Trains of Vermont Central Railway for Boston, New York, and all places in the, Eastâ€" seen Stntes,ht. ;. .......}1..¢. Ditto ditto _ and Rouse‘s Point Accommodation Train. for 8t. ) Ditto ditto _ and Rouse‘s Point 3.15 P.M. Accommodation Train. for 8t.) , Go P.M John‘s and intermediate places | § "*"°***** Trains leave for Lachine at ...... _ 8.00 A M 9.30 A .M. *3.00 FM. * 4,30 PM * The 3.00 P.M. Train runs through to Plattaâ€" LOTS AND HOUSES. CITY PROPERTY ! IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN Wl'l'ml TWO=â€"A ND« A«HALF MILES of the City Limits, with A DWELLING HUUSE erected thereon. One half of the land is cleared and well fenced. These properties are worthy the attention of intending pnu{mn. and will be sold CHEAP. INDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEN. For further particulars apgly to WM. CLEGG, ESQ., Banaiste®, 5 di% “‘;'olnognph Bailding, Ottawa Ciiy. Ottawa. Fob. 22. 1 866. LO‘I‘I 18 AND 13, SOUTH CATHCART Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapol Streetâ€" all in the City of Ottawa.. _ _â€"â€"_â€"____ _ |â€"; Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 artd 15, boing smumsâ€" the front part of Lot 20, unction Gore, Township of Gloucester, as laid down in the nmn:’plu by George F. Austinâ€" and other City and Farming Lands. paÂ¥~ Money o Lond on Real Estate, Apply to LEWIS & PLN + Barristers, &c., Ottawa. February 10, 1866. | dhâ€"1 ty Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 For Sale at a Barg\ n. 9 SAW MILLS, 1 FLOUR ».‘_L, EX« TENSLVE Timber Limits ; Wood Planing and vther Machines ; 1,000 acres good Land, Dwellings dtores; Wharves,; &e,, &c. Abruy To H. MeLBAN Ottawa, March 20, 1866. 18â€"3m at FARMS FOR SALE! 100 Dec. 18, 1865 100 RAINS WILLLEAYVE BONAVENTURE LO"‘ NOS. 2 AND 3 ON THE NORTH “o"m‘ wu&. Jose! C:»ll.lh Cge mg::l' Hill,) ‘s ege, and are well nia for th‘o:.esion oI private dwellings. ‘ A NUMBER OF LOTS SITUATED IN different parts of the city, well adapted cither . for mm residences or business purposes. For particulars and terms of sale, Arrur To H. J. FRIEL & CO., « Or to H. McLEAN, Jitawa, December 18. L“{ TIA'I' ELIGIBLE PROPERTY known as WOODROOFFS, owned by the late Captain Baker, beantifully situated on {ioll‘fl‘ Road, withis five miles from Ottawa, containing 300 aores or thereabouts, being composed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in lst Concession Ottawa, Front 38 February 10, 1804 RAILROAD NOTICES. PROBRERTY FOR SA LE. PUP known as the OSSIAN HALL FARM, situated in the Township of Gloucester, Counâ€" Yolcm being the East half of Lot No. ‘ , in the second concession, Rideau Front. ‘There is an extensive clearing on the lot of mt least 50 acres, and the remainder is covered with a tne Hardwood Busb. The Farm is within five miles the City, and is beautifully situated on the banks of the Rideau River, thus having an lq&rouh to the city either by land or water. e land is of a superior quality, and yields excellent erops. No: 2. ’0 ACRES OF LAND, STTUATED in the Township of Gloucester, County of Carleton, being Lot No. 12, in the 7th conâ€" se winn. There is about20 neresof this Farm cleare 1, the remainder is covered with wood. No. 3. )0 ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED in the Township of Osgoode, County of Carleon, Rideau Front, being Lot No. 20, in the 4t 1 concession. There is about 25 neres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a good Hardwood Bush. This is a P‘OEF SA XLE. No. 4. '0 ACRES OF LAND IX THE Township of (hla-ode, County of Carleâ€" ton. â€" This Farm is situated within Two miles of the Gloucester Church, and within Eleven miles of Ottawa City.~ There is about 40 acres of this Farm cleared and under cultiâ€" OF CANADA. . FrOER SA LE. â€"ALSOâ€" 25 ACRES OF LAND .__No. 1. s ACRES OF THE PROPERTY V A LVA B«.E CoNSITING OF and will be sold at a reasonable T. 8, DETLOR, .____ Supertntendent (*J. BRYDGES. Maxacix@ Dirsoro®. Merrickville, or to L s wis & PixNHEY, 9.00 A. M 2.00 P.M 8.30 A.M 10.10 P.a 56â€" L’ 1â€"if WI ARE NOW KAKUFAPTURING IN THE ABOVE PREMISES A DURABLE and CHOTCE VARIETY of the Tollowing Good#, which for beauty of design, style of finish, and Superior Workmanship, CANNOT BE SURPASSED 1 6# PLUNGE BATHS, TWO S1 spPoOoNGE BATHS, THI SITZ BATHS, FooTr BATIIS, CHILDREN‘s BATHS, SHOW EN BATHS, WE ARE MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. . They will kuz the water deliciously cool and sparkling. For Saloons, Public Baildings, Household or Domestic use, stands unrivalled, being both useful and ornamental. Railway Companies, and others who have the health and comfort of themselves and people under their care in view, aro solicited to CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, whether they purâ€" chase or not Toilet and Bedâ€"Room Setts of J a?a.n.ned Tinware. DIFEFERENT PATTERNS. Cooking Stoves yar Vulv::relnl attention to all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT WORK ; every description of Tin, Sheet Lron and Copper Ware on hand, and inade to ordor. ©COAL OIL!®COAL OILIL! COXAL OIL IRON BEDSTEADS. IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES (:uEAla}’ BIRD CAGES CI Milk Pans, Milk Strainers, Pails 1N ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR IT WE Pl!i‘:"t)sE SELLING OUR PRESENT STOCK oF pTOVEs AT REDUCED RATES, > sys "THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT. A | 35, SUSSEX STREE1. f II. MEADONWS & po. uass as. k ‘a <saes 1 2.’ Ottawa, March 1, 1866. OTTAWA FLOUR AND OATMEAL MILLS. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INTIMATE THAT THE ABOVE â€"MILLS ARE NOW IN FULL OPERATION, WHERE HE IS PREPARED TO Receive and Attend to Custom Grinding, ORDERS FOR FLOUR AND OATMEAL, & He hopes, by strict attention, to merit a share of the Patronage bestowed on the late firom MACKAY & CO., and WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY.ON HAND AND FOR SALE Beost Quality Extra Suporfine Flour, * RBost Quality No. 1 Suporfine Flour, â€"~ _ Boest Quality No. * o_at'moal; Oats, Bran, Canaille, Seeds, « Meal Dust Ottawa, January 27, 1866 Oysters. New York Buay, _ _ _ & East River, and Saddle BRock Oysters, RECEIVED DAILY ds %Ullfl " ~RESTAVRANT, a@innosgite mair. entrance to Government Ottawa Feb. 1, 1866 OYSTERS ! qÂ¥ ET E# .4 OYSTERS ! _â€"_P, OMEARA‘s EMPIRE RESTAU:R-\.\'T | â€"_IN SHKELL, ALWAYS ON HAND AT O‘MEARA‘S RESTAURANT TTILTERING COPPEH POTS ! ‘apital" Stove Depot,35, Sussex St., Ottawa, Oitawa, Feb. 12, 1860. LU M BER MEX 1 WILL BE DRALT LiBERLILLY WILit FoOR SHANTY SUPPLIES ! The Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 Go to the " CAPITAL! CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS will ind it to their advantage to deal at the « CAPITAL‘ SIOVE DEPOT. A Liberal Discount is aiways allowed on alt articies parchased. Bppod' ogite mair. entrance to Government C Buildings.) t Mantleâ€"Pieces ! G:;* near &ma 8"?"1 Ottawa 1 tZ *z U oOYXCsSsSTERS ! Highest Prices Paid for Whoeat, Oats, or Corn. s@" OFFICE AT THE MILL ~"a THOMAS MACKAY. For Making a Good Cup Btrainors, Pails and Strainers, Maple Sugar Kettles, Agricaitural Farnaces, Farmers Stoves, Cistern Pumps, and all kinus of Dairy Utonsils made to order, W ATEEF COOLERS ! C. SPARROW, Jr., SGroceries, Ligquors, AND PROVISIOXNS, Wholesale and Retail. SPARRQW‘S BUILOING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets, February 21, 1866 FPFARMERS, ATPENTION ! ?I.‘HE BESTAND MOST RELIABLE IN THE CITY! a&) &h». Oysters: H. MEADOWS & CO. LAMPS tC CHILMNEYS ! ! _ WICKS ! ! ! B A~ T H S ! AT IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Spring Stock | oT TA W A. â€"â€"A N D â€" of Coffee, retaining all the Aroma 1 Cooking Stoves | 38â€"tf JUST RECEIVED, Old Rye& Malt Whiskies (BUSSEX & WELLINGTON STS Ottawa, Fobruary 10, 1866. 46â€"f PRAYER BOOKS, (EXGLISH AXD FRENCH,) or BsY EERCYC® KTX D. 'WE CALL THE ATTENXTION OF THE Ladics of Ottawa to our assortment,. PAB‘!‘IES DESIROUS OF ESTBLISHINXG a Couxter Newsrarer, can purchase an fhire quits complet» with matcrial for every Dâ€"partment, VERY CHEAP, for Cash, or on approved credit. 4 39 Apply for information, (post paid) to W. B. HEALEY, Or to EGAR YIELDING. « Ottawa Feb. 6, 1866. 42â€"6m Important to Printers. able charges. L be accommodated with rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at the "Quzex" Restaurant. Also a number of DAY BOARDERS at reasonâ€" Boarding. npHREs or FOUR GENTLENEN CAX he accommodated with rooms: furnished Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1866 Ottawen, Dr Ottawa, March 29, 1866, TWO SIZES. THREE SIZES (1 UARD BEPORTS, AND MORNING KPARADE STATEMENTS, as approved by the Commsnding Oficer, for sale at the Tmuxs RITCHIE, FORD & 00‘S., (8IMCOE,) Jas. Buchanan‘s, Military Forms. AND FOR SALE AT TWO S17r® DUVERNAY, BROTHERS Cmnitts §5â€" +©A® iLE |STZLS. THREE SIZES ONE SIZE. on the late firom CHIEAP ! M. KAVANAGH "? 34â€"ntf 4A bcen remuved to the Leanâ€"too of the inâ€" tepded. Library, iu rear of the Pariliament Buildings + THOMAS MeGREEVY. Ottawa, January 23 1866. 21â€"4f wlÂ¥ Nt SLo S Ne wlecal m TBE UNDERSIGNED‘s uFFICE HAS heen removed to the Leanâ€"too of the inâ€" 344 PLANS, Specifications, and Estimates of Buildings preparcd ; dispatod acoounts ol Astificers‘ work measur d and valued. AUGUSTUS LAVER, Luie Sient & Lacer, Architects, &¢ , _ Departmental Builaings. Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, ) s .L‘ plication will be mille to the Provinuial Parliminent at its next Scssion for an Act to incorporate the Ottawa Water Work»sCompany, for the supply of the City of Ottawa wiw water. j ols ts Acasliices us Mn on P SEECC" P s P F every Satu da in Oppada G ag@imk. ns | uot been for his own crew, Now, lst any man R v OUCHETTE. | whose =«soul fair science has not wught to | stmay," look through a microscope that «szcniâ€" F\ xT, Cratoms, | thes a (hnl.l‘ll(‘ tin-,f, iuto the open air only, April 27, 1806. | and he will see lcgions of spiralis, Prof »sor N AaccoRpDancE WITW TiE ABOVE | Owen, however, looked ata pig‘s leg, and alâ€" l- Order, nfffice is heroby. given Wiat the authorizâ€" ! though I have ho doubt it had been well dressâ€" :‘:fl?:'c:' d(sd::filo‘l:": z t!,):.lo':l‘in ent, :n‘:.:fl!u‘;:‘t | «d, and, thoroughly cleaned, there would ourâ€" o c Td | ; + Un acth i n eoniffforics, and to apply to ail paitgases magy | thinly be «ome shaving of a bristle whout the in theff nited States during that week. b l shank. _ Projessors uften jump to conclusions, A K. 8. M. BOUCHWJTE. _ | sod Owen, with his microscop: , jumped from ’l‘lll sUBSCRIBLR HAVINXG BY A new and special arranzement been appointed by MEssRS. JACq@UES & HAXY, of Toroms, ther sole and ouly agont in Moutreal, fur tae sale by Auction, of thei splendid FURNITULE, takes the earliest opportunity of announcing to the citizens of Mon real, and the public generally, that he will from time to time during the ensaing Spring, oxor at his spacious and weli established premises, the various extensive cons‘gnments direct from this selebrated establishment, embracing all the new styles of their clegant and cluborateiy carved and poltghill ; :1 10. c l n eranale us . °_ BLACK WALNUT FPURNITUORE: _ in every variety and description neceszary to imeet the demands of modern taste and convenience. ~ _ No. 267, Notre Daime astreel In addition to the saie at his own Stures, the sale of HOUsSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFEUCTS ag the private residence of parties deslining Mouse: xee'ping. or removing from the city, will claim apeâ€" cial attention; and all OV Iâ€"DOO®R SALEs of tais desoription are respectfully solicited. Inc.easeu fuâ€" cilities have boeen secured, with a view to the emâ€" cient carrying out this departmont of the basiness, in order to ensure the greatest economy and de»â€" patch in dhg«ing of property, so that parties sellâ€" ing out can have their account sales and proceeds immediately after each sale. _ g 6 Special attention will be given to the sale of | worm is in the shank they sAy, AoOSShON ©F REAL ESTATE and CITÂ¥ P@OPERT», and a» | boiled «hank mmust be overâ€"cookud, and conse» this departmenit of the Auction businvess is becoming | qu_ntly the wormn, unless it be a salnmander Z:w' imy&runln::th lh:‘:ucrum‘;ud extension O | u; q yl:wlux, mu;( dic. Ifhe bevither of e city, the undersigned wjers the most L.nrzaL f NeeX | l l‘r:nuvw partios wishing to bring theit prope.ty these wonderful unm:l‘:', u'; ".‘:‘3‘ "“: into the market for public competitiun. »â€"Laok, where ‘h“{ are to dwell, is just A great hurdship has been foit by both buyers part. that is parcdy if ever eaten by usin. L and sellers, the former being taxed illegally with | ucud not itempt to «num Tubs the many me per cent on the amount of purchace, and the latte. | othor mote [probable sources of insect lifs. Take ""‘b‘"whu“"."l. for commission and adverâ€" | une, a doop of wuter. â€" Look at it through & tising. , Now, the ""‘“““"KQ“F‘“‘ to do @W4) | wowertul misroswbpe, and you may fini, not with th‘s gricvance as far as his own business i ul t f eoncerned, by unde.taking the sale of iteal Properâ€" only woring, but «1 ““‘““‘. 'mh";u;"‘ 27 on ‘conditions which i is hoped will meetthe | Ntli‘s Ackâ€"â€"male: or, fomado=â€"itn rc» v{on of ali parties, namely : fes=or Owen‘s extiuct beasts and Lirds. Ist.â€"There will be no charge of one per cent to the The truth is, if we are to foud by the light of purchase. sci. noe, we had bette; give it up at onos. We Ind.â€"When hone fide sales are eTected not exceedâ€" | nad Inttcr dic than ‘live in «etcroul terror, I A great hurdship has been foit by both buyers and sellers, the former being Laxed illegally with me per cent on the amount of purchace, and the latte. bi: Lbeumbk.::t.ehwp ifof:;-uhslu u.c‘l adverâ€" tising. Now, unders roposes to do awa with th‘s grievance as fuf-u Ki- own business u)' eoncerned, by unde.taking the sale of iteal Properâ€" ty, on conditions which it is hoped will meet the views of ali parties, namely : l Ist.â€"There will be no charge of one per cent to the purchase, 2nd.â€"W hen hone fide sales are eTectod not exceodâ€" ing £3,000, the commission will be £5; and on amounts from £5,000 upwards only £10, ucluliz of the cost of Advnfini‘?; upon which nauhrtndc discount of 25 pe. cent will be allowod. C 3rd.â€"When property is M{U in, reserved, or withâ€" drawn, no charge will be made, except the actual disbursements for advertising. The undersigned avails himself of this oprmunl- ty of ‘teturning his sincere thanks to the public fou iX . T Rion renoemadp oaides Ottawa, Jan. 30th, 1866. m m ene n s en the very liberal prtron ?- bestowed on him during the past four years, and trusts by prompt attention to business, and strict adberence to the foregoing uls to meet a continuance of the same. fl. B‘m;mlon left at the office will meet with «prom on. E L» DEVANY, Avomoxere® axp Commssion Mercna®t, And Agent for the sale of Real Estate. Montreal, March 3, 1866 PROVINCE OF CANADA, ) In the County Court County of Carleton, of the County of To wit. Carleton. IXN THEMAT‘ER OFJ A MEs®. BANG®S, AN LNSOLVENT. 0. sATURDAY, THE 19th Diy OF MAY next, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court, for £ dilchu‘o under the said Act. # . JAMES 8. BANGS. Ottawa. Tenth day of March. 1866. 15â€"+4 SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST YORK STREET, ComTvPosITs TE MARKET : + oT T AW A, BI- s TO INATIMATE TO THE IN» h« »itants of Ottawa and surrounding country that he has opened a EEED STORE in the @Bove premises, where he has on hand every variety of L . t Aeaiome dgregr dn o PPARBp TY T January POREn? s oae ie e 4 T 7 +( y darden, Agricuitural and Hiower asoeds, A’/ in rPranted Fresh and Genwine. w;" DESCRIPTIYVE CATALOGUES, â€" conâ€" ning full evitural directions, â€"will be ready in a few days, and n? be had giatis on .zvplielflm\. He has also a GREENHOUSE attached, in which will be found a great variety of Hotâ€"house plants. BoUqUETs sUPPLIED. Mikawa Marsh 5 IRAA hi5â€"%m Ottawa. March 5, 1866, Tun USDERSIGNED HAVING PUR» CHASED 12 acres of Jand, on which he intends starting a Garden & Nursery County of Carleton, calls the attention of the Inâ€" habitants of the cn{ of Ottawa, and surrounding country, . Me will ful 11 orders for ali sorts of Fruit Â¥rees, Oramental and Lawn Troes, Flowing Shrubs, with a choice lot of B Jbs, and Beddingâ€"out Plants for Borders; also Herbocions Plants and Exculent Roots. _ He ‘has also on hand a large «tock of Greenâ€" house Plants, a wityd Garden, Pield, and Flow â€" er Scods of the description. ‘Parties wanting grounds laid out in the newest style of landâ€"keepâ€" ing, togother with Grafting, Bodding, and Planting, :i?l he W‘pfly attended to. â€" Meniso will have Jl sorts of Plants in season for sale, at the late rosiâ€" dence of Clement Bradley, P‘a. * M A THE T. DeRINZYV. In Gloucester. Green Field | Ottawa, March 24, 1866 OTICEIS HiREBY G1iViA that an apâ€" NBW BOOKS: ! JI RECEIVED, : An Firenicon," by Dr. «ftwr him, but it was held fust, plosed by the Pusey; * Gtm' Jacquelline," by fow who bad a«seâ€"mbled. Hso mai: into ;fl“i «"How to Study the New Testament," by | & back room, and went out a window bory Alford, D. D. ; «On $he Representation 424 | in the roar of the house with him a Edncation oflh People," by F.‘D. Maurice, M. A.; largs peir of tailors‘ ' thag y diows ue a be m breeg ut | im e in en ademnaedamnntineg «The Vicarions Sacri®ce," by Boshnell { «Simple | with frightfal forceâ€"the sc into his abâ€" ‘Truths for Earnest Minds," by Norman McLeod, D.| domen. A second «tub was by & ~GO0D WORDS, SUNXDAY MAGAZINE, AR GOSY, and all the English Magazines for March. The Bugle Note h1s Sounded,â€"a patrictie song dedicated to the Volunteers, by J. R. Brrage. Evening Hym,â€"Music zr’.v. T. Bedtord Jones, L. L. D. _ Published for benetâ€"of St. Alban‘s Church n-.udt&g«u,-m cents. BOUND V: '.“u:s.fu 1865 of Good Words, Leisore Hour, ay at Home, Sunday Magazine. FOREALE BY JOHN DURIE & so% No. 10, fparks Stroet. Ottawa, April 10, 1866. #6â€"7 Insolvent Act of 1864. NN O‘rPÂ¥ Lo L. épril 20, 1866 NEW MUSIC ening Hym,â€"Music ik'cv. T. Bedtord Jones, N. "Prblisned for the bene tof St. Alban‘s NOTLCE NCO T LC EG. LOOK HERE. JAMIOB VUOA 1LAldi, Within two miles of the city, NOTICES. | 86 36â€"4f 33â€"ut i PRICEâ€" 3 CENTS. We reproduce it that our readers may eS chear raâ€"her of ham for Lreakfiasâ€"t withocut ap p. chen iun of Leing eaten of wortms Leiqne the ppeinted tume : + * A clear, and as we suâ€"pect, for we think we can muke a shrewd gue=, a scenuific curâ€" sespondent writes tue leter to the Sim,â€"I am going to write about trichina spirulis, the worm that (they say) killed the poople, thut ate the pff, that lay in the sty, thut Juck built, _ I might wdopt the sbort «nd asy method of donyinp the existence of tri« hina spiralis, and a good deal might be said Lo the Editor of the Leader in Vnnrl.q;»rl(iofilil;' denial, Wbol;l_ seen “: oneâ€"twenticth part of an fuch inlfl':‘h, and thin in proportion. . Elegant in fact, if it had stick to flitch. 1 have never m«: it, The yammon of bacon is a good in apite of Prof.ssors. â€" Cobbctt says it is worth â€" Afty thousand MctioLst sermos, but that would of vourse depend on their respective weights. JAMBON. Tus QuaRaxria®k 3¢aF#.â€"â€"4w«, You Iffiind, Quarantine Supcrintndeut, Dr. C, J, Tach ,, 1).puty Minister of Emigration, Mr. Ganvreau, ageut ut Qu Dbec for the Public Works D partâ€" ment, and a working party, nurscs, eto., 1 ft «of the Quarantine Station, Grunse Isl#, in the St. Lawrcnce Towâ€"uat Company‘s «t«am t GQueen, from the St. Andrew‘s wharf, Q 1 Du¢, on Friday morning. Dr. Yon Iflini took lown his family. â€" Dr. Tache and Mr.Gaureeau Jown his family. â€" Dr. Tache and Mr.Gaurcau râ€"turned by the saum« stoam=r, aftor inspecting the quarantine buildings. Countrary to previous reports, the mould«rs diMwuity is not settied. Tae Troy Pm, of Monday evening, say«: * We understand that the difficulty existing between the moulders and the bosases is not entirely engaorâ€"st loast .-.[uunnuulmolthnho:: are concern 4. The disagreemâ€"nt now is tregard to the «quilizution and addition of twontyâ€"five pet cut, to the medium rates. The bossus refuse to accoude to thes: demunds, and in conssâ€" quence of this refusal another *«trike‘ was instituted." a â€" Tus VoucnTesss â€"The whole volunteer force now stitioncd ut Proacott wers out for vattal on drill on Monday last, under th: come mand of Col. Atchery, The grounds around Fort Wellington and the adjacent fiâ€"lde formâ€" «4 the thoatre of their varivus manceuves. To my that thâ€"y then prozente! an ex wedingly mnodsoms and soldicrdike bearing would be only repeating one of the wsdh‘rufl that their appoarance never fails to «licit from spectators. â€" It is almost equally supsrfzous to say that they acquitâ€"d thoms Aves on the »wasion in a most craditable manner, Soms Athe movemâ€"nts in which fi.e‘y w ste ex «n Ame d wore not only dificult of execution but wore unfamilar to th> 10 n, and yt;“b stunding . those . disadvaotago w eut through thom in a manuur which showe d at moe thâ€"ir smartass and aptitude, mai the arcful training thâ€"y huve roceived st rao nands of their ut sera.â€" Pelegraph, Axomusr O:mxor Mcrose atr Karesntos, Co. Dows. " A correspoudcut of the listss Wbsercer writes :=â€"On last Thursday, 29th Il? a most respectuble young man, nam 4 Dani McCuardl«, of Ballyroonâ€"y, accompanied the ’ur‘-:.: of a neighbor to its last restingâ€"place, Aftct the intâ€"rment, a dispute louth-:c- beâ€" iween him and an Grangeman, called Gainn. â€"I‘wo of the brâ€"thren rao to Guina‘s assistence, and beat Mâ€"Onurdle severely. _ H» escap»d, however, from them, and run to a man‘s house uam~d Potts, who protectâ€"d bim by dosing thâ€" door against his pursuers, Waen all nad Toronta, 26th Ap~i‘, 1864, returncd to their nom«*, «62 passion subsided, McCurdle, to maintain his charactur for p ace and quietn wished to make it up with Gainn :‘*or that purpose, went to his house in the evening: it appears he got an unwelcome rwr‘p(iq.. Sl:‘rp '::h. mu::‘ by blows, were niaciut . A fow m« inu'rfcr;,lfll McCardle lett for ®, nh-. after a short interval, made t6 Uis door to gâ€"t person named Morgan, who was panving McCardle home, and who ved a salight wound in the efort, Mor with praise» worthy valour, succeeded in ni the scisâ€" sor« from Guinn, and aft gay« thein to the police, â€" McCarile was hork :. «o4 imm â€"distcly received. m=dical gasistance, bat to no purposeâ€"the wound : mortal ; and the bravest, the qdfi the popriar young: men in the J Ballyrooa«y, cxpired on Saturday, in the prig « of 1i( ;, anoâ€" ther victinm imm»lat d on the «jtar of Qrangeâ€" ism. He lear s a young -fl.!.l‘;-'i'l’“" fneme»nt, and a child two yours old, to mourn TRICHINA SPIRALIS.

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