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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 May 1866, p. 1

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the ol erg y ind ‘OT. the ect, t to arly ith that dicit ©O.® ment alty the ell nce and hich lere ) by aremr iting ty of "OTTAWA TIMES," gÂ¥" OFTIOEâ€"No. 60, Sparks Street. Izaws or Scusomuertios :â€"Daily, if paid in adâ€" vance, #3,00 per Annum ; if not paid in As the first mumber of the Tuus is published on the 19th of Decembes, persons Subscribing Sor vither Daily or Weekiy will receive them from date of publication until Lur; 1t, 1867,,/or One Yzar‘s Subscreptton at the abovt rates. h *.* Every description of from a la'-moth’gwer to the sflm exeouâ€" ted in the neatest style, and at Priges that will Defy Competition. ons * s Ee mm CC 'l"n- or Apveatisixa.â€"Eight conts per line tor the first insertion, and twoâ€"cents per line tor every subsequent insertion, unless otherâ€" wise arranged. No Advertisement can be discontinued withâ€" »at the written order of the advertiser. *Â¥ . 4. SCOOTT, Jx., TTORNXE Yâ€"AT«LA W, â€" Solicitor=in= A Chaneery, Conveyancer, &0. Office over Mr. Cuzner‘s Shoe Store, Ride@u Street, Ottawa. . â€" . Ottaws, April 27. l1lâ€"tf erve & â€" Offfce at his dwellingâ€"house, Queen street; between A «caife and ‘Gonnor streets, in rear of the Govâ€" “““‘SP.E‘!.. wame 748 D. (O‘CONNOR, ! m-!li’iA'!-l.Am Solicitor . in C rvies : Usion Baildings, Ottawa. February 21, 1866. s §5â€"7 Ottawa, Jan. 16, 1866. YOLI. XQ. ~12320. t Km OReem ds 0 : Aumond‘s Buildings, Ridean Streot. Te UE NE 1 .. Cl . ... cce t ¥¥ ‘i‘lwllmuau AER ETT T Bu 1$TER, Attorney, Solicitor, &¢« Orri®w: Horne‘s Buildings, corner of Sparks and Elgin Streets, Ottawa. Ottawa, Doc. 18, 1866. * do us 12 Ottaw® Otawa. February 7, 1866 KR J. E. BOULTON, Bgnufllt-'AMA'bl MU- .e'.. sosesas O lmiks vancc, $6,00, EVERY MORNING, Ts Whs Di iolers Crntontinery, opprate Orrice: Over Scott‘s Confectionery, the Russell House, Ottawa, C. W . â€" February 1&_________.___‘.’! T1 20000 ansccaie gats ds y ind 7 Bnumfnns and AtrorneyseateLaw, solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Publiq and c“:::’;' Lang‘s Building, opposite the Post Office w : ‘s Contral Ottawa. W iutam Duck. Junis P. Buck®. ttawa, Feb. 7, 1866. _______.__‘t!‘ CLEGG & NELLI, BAIIIITIII and Attorneyseat«Law, solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyuncers, Notarâ€" les Public, &o., &c. Ovrice: Telegraph Building, Metcalo Street, Htaw a. x Wu Crrea. _ Tmos. P. Nmuws. _ PROFESSIONXAL CARDS. \n_flui'nh amel _Atm’f-’-l-w’ COLMANX & WRIGHT, Anvocrr-s. Barristers, and Attor= neysâ€"atâ€" Law . â€" Oprices:: Hall and Ayimer, C. E. m‘.‘. wza“n-mundunnn-'m and ® ever week. fls Coumus. _ _ W. Moxar Waresr BABCL Ottawa, Fob. 7, 18668. ________.’._d._ soticitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, W« ARSIFALL MATHESON, â€"_ Wa. Cuxos. Atawz, Fob. 7, 1866. F04 P ud ol cichcfih cA sw cz oc )#3 Saih TT“IIYD-AMA'. Solicitors=in=« &e., &¢. : House Avenue East. _ _ _ HA YCUUK & HAYCOCK, ‘ AT‘IO.I.Y'â€"ATâ€"LA'.W Chancery, Convey ancers, Notaries Public, &o. Owricn : Post mmwmm. E. B. Havycoc«. K. H. Maycock. February 7, 1866. 43â€"utf PUXXIXG & THOMPSON, GPECILAL NOTICE. M. McLEOD, ARRISTER, Eto., for mm »co:n-:MMNUd Â¥"~ Aitenils to all Law Courts in the District of ‘~~~~ ~ Nok IK. i. EAIrt, OuOAIu'l' of Christ Church, Teacher of the Organ, Pianoâ€"Forte, &c. "Stex=â€"BkL ~caemaitiagek. ... * R. SPARKS, Puovmau. LAND _ sURVEYOR, Draughtsman, &¢., ‘a-h-le.d for La ::nr near Ottewa. g Burve: 7 ea thne tiy. (ostâ€"paid)» PIOVIICIAI.‘IM Surveyors, Canada . East and West, Real Estate Agents, &c. Parâ€" ticular attention devoted to the sale and protection of" the Lands of Absentoos. Applications to the MMW“’E‘C“*’“" They ave now on hand and for sale some well .wchy.uvmow:m““‘" NCc 1.. LA an Ammense of Farming MESSRS. THISTLE & BALDWIN, Convey ancers. MESSRS. DUCK & BUCKE, Ceeny EL C ME as m w Aevice + W:m_g._w“b” Ortawsa Dec. 28, 1865 AUTGUSTUS KEEFER, SIDNXEY B. FRIPP, kncm-c«r. Orrice: Wellington Street, opposite St. Andrew‘s Church. Ottawa, February 7.‘_1______;"_9_' §, .0 : No. 5, Russell House Block, UNLAN S MMMMM&! mm cured. ‘I'Mé::.'dhiam]mlm All yillle with -.9"'.".-'!.'.{121‘.."-“_;_1 business with SA7 RUC UAAAE §3 Wh.s Wâ€".h’-‘-m“" w cmuwrmmuicm Â¥. Jones. Esq., M.P.P., K. Bell, Esq., M.P.P., W. en uoo *WP.P., J. S. Ross, Esq., M.P.P., and Ottawa, February 21, 1866 Orricz: Corner of PRINXTINXG. . €oope® EN D C Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1 GEPII J, MURPHY, PUBLISHED Sundays Excepted.) A. BRZ Offlice! No. 17, St. Poter . Mr. Bouchette will always .: promptly to any business yz, ':l"lh. public generally . B. attends regularly the cirâ€" w. K. THISTLE, P. L. 8. 3 2 ALDWIN, P. L. 8. H. KELLY, rADLEY, "C. w. m’or’- will receive prompt A t« Orâ€" nh.c.'.. Inventions proâ€" #7â€"f 43â€"ut Hâ€"y 43â€"utf C PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. G,. HUKD, â€" LuD Agent and Broker, Notary Pub« dic, has removed his office to Nicholas Street, I mm aaniarnanins en -J" n?::nl Lands Dopzt-ou. in prosecuting T ioi aniles havane bustess with any any agency for parties hay iness with an of the Government offices. y« d Ottawa, Fob. 7, 1868. 43â€"utf P'llfl‘l. Surgeon and Mru. Otawa, C. W. D;y office in Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Strect, Center Town; Night Office at his Residence, Maria Street, Conter Town. Caxcres Cur®», without the use of the knifo, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painjess proâ€" cess,. References given to parties -uwmmy treated, if required. . The cure guaranteed. Lu'- of Quebec. . Residences=Russell House. * _ _ Ottaw», Dee. 18,1845. ____________ 17 DR. W. J..MHENXRY, Street. Will be found at night at Dr. Sparks Street, Ottawa. the office at niii:.' Lk W i . Geor wre John Smith, lo'-.nvi&; Rov. Clarke ; Duncan Campbell, M.D., onto; John Hall, M.D., J. Adams, Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 Ottawa, April 14 9â€"7 LINGTON $treet, First Door East of Bank Street. wa, February 7, 1866. .. _ __ 43â€"utf Conll:::.;l' .-“-';..-‘ ':l“h Go-on; Agont. nt for Read‘s Highwines an Proof Whiskey ; :fi. Dawes® Luhfno Ales and Porter. Pork, ilg-r, on okinlw _ .cs o Ottawa, Robruary 7, 1866 E0R00Ts r-’n,;w-uâ€"-.-â€"-â€"â€" Orrice: No. 5, Sparks Street, House, Ottawa city , C. W. ”_:.: MACDONALD & BRO., AUC‘I’IO!I“.. and General Commis= sion Exchange and Real Estate Agents, No. 40, Susiex Street. Ottawa, December 18, 1865. 1â€"y DR. OLIVER MARTIN, Dl"u‘l‘. Office 1 Sparks Street, Con=« tral Ottawa. Ottawa, January 27, 1366. Mâ€"uth DII'I';‘I‘- Ofice} York Street, Lower Town, third House from Union Block. Ottawa, January:27, 1866. * _ _ ~Â¥uif m'oié,r,\'rulc _Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. f Orric«: In Home‘s Block. Can be found over JOHN H. BARBER, Bm-.llnll and â€" Manufacturing Stationer, and Machine Ruler. Over Taylor & Wilkinson‘s Flour Store, corner of York and Susâ€" sex Streets. Entrance on Sussex Street. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. 1â€"tf IVIL ENGINEER, Union Buildings, Ottawa, February 7,1866 BOO‘.m.-d’l’ol-l-knnr- ner of Sparks and Metcalfe Streets, over the %w Office. Account books mads» to for any branch of business, paged and bound hfiobd‘x::lm art RULING hnynn-n. W“fi-r‘ to Map Mounting. Ottawa, December 19, 1865. _ 2y Ottawa, March 21, 1866 corner of Sussex and York Streets Ottawa, March 20, 1866 blishments in 9â€"y '1::3 Street, opposite Matthews‘ Ho= kaws Wahruary 7 1866. 43â€"utf GEO. LOGAXN, M.D., L.C.H.B., PlOP‘II'I'OI of the Parliament Hair= Dressing Saloon, Rideau Street, begs most resâ€" postfully to invite the gentlemen of Ottawa and viâ€" flbvfihfl. new establishment, No. 9,, Angus‘ which has been iitted up in a most recherche qb.‘v-y.-uunhh\xv-u. E. Miles has the PATENT ROTARY HAIR BRUSH, (the only one on this continent,) in use. lyl*ufiuumuoclnhuyd&h-ppuum vide of the Press. A choice lot of Musical Instraments always h&uh‘dkuh. a, Dec. 18, 1865. Lt D. C. LEGGO, HYSICIAN, Surgeon and . Orric® : No. 5, Russell House . on n 0 S XAVIER CHARLEBOIS, Roofi%Contractor, &e CHURCH ST., OTTAWA, ll PREPAREKD TO covEEK Roors, with Tin, Sheet Lron, Slate, or Shingles, on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Having been known in this place since its first settlement, 38 years ago, he can confidently refer to his long established character, as a guarantee fu: t.lnh:uh- L OW 7 30 c3.00ad in him. R. H. MoGREEVY, ONTRACTOR and Builder. Office 1 ‘North side YI®k street, second door from Sussex CCOUNTANTS, No. 3, Victoria Cres= . cent, Upper Town, Ottawa. o a CO““ of Waterand Division Streets» ‘m-rgh. N.Y., 8. Slosson, Proprictor. to and from the House free of charge. December 20, 1865. > 3â€"y â€"â€"@HKE RUSSELL HoOUSE, Ltf: CAT:PIII.L'I HOTEL, ou:'-‘:: aboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to .a;-int his nuâ€" merous friends u‘bflnnllhap , that he has :-r.lfl'l and newlyâ€"furnished roughout this comâ€" ious establishment, in the management of which by strict attention to business and guests, he hopes to deserve encouragement and -“m. ‘ JAMES E. GOUIN, _ _ _ || Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866. ________ _ * THE « QUBEEN" RESTAURANT, M e M Sadeb e Sefr ind wiegh realuiggrenil o e Metcalfe and Weollington Streets, opposite mmwummabflldhfl ‘The " QUEEN" comprises all the requisites for & firstâ€"class Restaurant. _ The House has en refitted and refurnished thgoughout â€" The BAR containy the choicest Brands in and Liquors, and every tmydumvm“fi“‘““‘“u“ e Pronrictor‘s best efforts will be directed to the comâ€" Ottawn, April 2, otozes Bee. 18, 1803 will be happy to so w Nodes, (Ag‘s of his guests and patrons. ':':ro’m@g'-"«““""‘"“ R. R. HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR, Late op Hammrox‘s 811008. &:0 H., in returning tn-uu:rhtz '-.lzr.-“lh fi_: and the public rork h’\:rt into a m&' repair; repainted, decorated, and with all the l-.:mncl-"-:’o:hn- !lo-:th- or ~‘u.~b|-h0h' partios favoring him with their support may rely on the thoir 4 BR roo A whra s m" wtention to their wishes. Goodstabling in Taxar of the ,.-.:n:.."'wâ€"-u Liquors of the choicest description always kept. 537 DR. C. A. MARTIN, BUSINESS CARDS DR. 0. C. wWOob, HOTELS AND SALOONS MoRTON HOUSE, _ GEO. H. PERRY, 1A P °_8 Auc eA unorri ;;m' MATTUEW 8 HOTKEL, Â¥Oo STRERT, OTL Ottawa, Fob. 19, DBR. O‘REILLY, ww Nt w it s R. R.R. HA MIL TON, LA TE OFH A M« ILTON‘8 Saloon, corner of Sparks and llth‘ ts, has removed to the American Hotel, (for ; Mathews‘ Hotel) on York , where he C REMOVAL. DIi. WOLFF, A. MORTIMER, THOS. NELSON, 8. CHRISTIE, Orono ; 1 v wrence, Orono ; 1 v. George Lawrence, Oroi & T. W. KEIR, E. MILES, tToNn‘s HoTEL, to see his old friends and for men o dik a $ s 6. 5. ~4 c se Tron, Slate, or Shingles, on the 1 at reasonable rates. Having bfiuo-hunllnlnuh-ofl. can confidently refer to his long ter, as a guarantee for the satisâ€" se of all work entrusted to him. 1GAA 89â€"3m , and Accoucheur» House Block, Sparks ht at Dr. J. Leggo‘s, some of the bost estaâ€" cities of Canada, he entrusted to his care ,!,,..dp.nmulh TDt ce, Orono ; Rev Gm!o Idd-hu tll.b,s.l:.. Tor D., Toronto. rare conncetea with the Russell 100â€"y 43â€"utf T0ky 1%y A W A. The New Drug Store APOTHECARIES & CHEMISTS. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RECEIVED A vVARIED ASSORTMENT OFf rpreâ€"re~ :. _ _. s ' y»" Crystalline &‘mgound "©a FOR THE HAIR _ 5 220 6 ! Pl‘lll'. PRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Sponges, Shoulder Braces, &e., &¢. CHAS. AUSTIN. Is the Place to Buy Your Medicines ! city. I wufimfl; Call and see it and Jnds for Wvu CANADILAN COUGH EMULTION, a sure cure for Coughs and coldsâ€"Tostimonials from prominâ€" ent citizons will be shown on application, g “.1_-,"'- for all the Popular Patent Medicines of the ay. To Farmeors and Cardeners ! Apothecaries Hall! e . Nee EPm Nt e Bs SE Ne wea Just Recreryenâ€"A consignment of the Canadian Superâ€"Phosphate in Boxes and Barrels. wEO. MORTIMER, Chemist and Apothecary, 41 Sumsex Street. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. 1â€"y LOoWER SEEDS ! MEDICAL Tl!l SUBSCRIBER takes this method of returning his most sincere thanks to the citizens of Ottawa forthe liberal share of patronage bestowed upon him during the '.‘L.":' you:.‘ J V LCXA 170 OJE SLusinass as Van Buskirk*s Sozodont, recd Mrs. Alien‘s Hair Restorery... rEVHE SUBSCRIBER takes | Desuowed pene Ciue OC® CCAE C Dcbades ‘To accommodate his increasing business, he has enlarged his premises and. ‘n-z added to his faâ€" cilities for carrying on a firstâ€"class fa-l:z and disâ€" K-h‘ business, and trusts, by strict to e iu::;u:- of his customers, to merit a continuâ€" ance eir patronage. $ ‘ W . Mm. MASSEY, | Ottawa, April 10, 1806 1â€"y 53â€"y Clothing. Dr."AUO. Te ces moocv0d Patoat Med" n Poconaly tay .‘;.‘.*.}"""‘m"‘"'“‘" ‘umery, f orgees w. N. MASSEY, Modical Hall, 28 Sparks Street. s*..nd‘.‘l agent in Ottawa for uT’ mhr and reliable of Messrs. Kenâ€" , Campbell & Co., (Medical Hall) Montreal, "sthile Ens Campbell‘s Wine. Campbell‘s Cocoine, for the hair: * Campbell‘s Cherry Balsam, for Colds, Coughs,&e. Campbell‘s Worm Pastilles, the best Wormn Desâ€" uvpr ever offered to the &Hh. ‘ampbell‘s Gran. EF. l-mh- Campbell‘s Gran. E. Seltzor \ W. M. MASSEY, \ Medical Hall, 28 Sparks Street. rPaOPERLY COMROUNDED 1ND FREE FKOM AII)ULTL'RATIONI Ottawa, April 10, 1866 Camphor ! Camphor !! Pure English GUM CAMPHOR, the only certain reventive for Moths, &e., in Furs uj W intor lothing. Cfi css " se e DRUG WAREKHOUSEF, =____ RIDEAU STREET. 1s66. SEEDS. SEEDS. 1866. LARGE STOUPM U .0 A DEN and FIELD SEEDS, ju Sale. All Seeds warranted Frosh _A large importation of English : FUMES will arrive next weo®, FLORIDA WATER. s0ZODONT RP UVE C mpxime * _ WATR BRUSHES.â€" _ _; COMBS. NAIL BRUSHES. CLOTHES BRUSHES, Just being qn::i insecfk® P. 8.â€"Advice ':;voaxrvn.g:n ME M . B.â€"â€" to Oltawa, April 11. ’o..' 97â€"y DOMESTIO DYES. Tlll LARGEST AssoRTMENT OF DYES in this city on sale at the Ottawa Drug_ Warehouse. A fresh Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just m!:“;.‘. Prescriptions carefull and promj l B::t * 3. aar\ EnWB 4 wa, Fob. 12, 1866 47â€"utf FIELD AND CARDEN Mnl. TROTTER, PROPRIR®A M UTD No. 71, Sparks Streot, Desbarats‘ Bailding, «l»rpulu the Parliament Buildings. The Toronto ouse comprises everything necessary in a firstâ€" and t':::."*....a“'.....‘,...g““' hakk. The BaRcon, clega con ulu&oebo!uubn‘n’dlh ines and Liquors, and -vvg delicacy of the season will be secured for the Table. Noramw'm be spared the ao commodate the guests and patrons. ito tho gUOAC 277 TD _4 is taks DAY Slan ie * ARDERS. Ottawa, April 5, |-_ BEAVER HALL, J J. QAIfiOW' Proprictor» @ Cut, Nepean. This House is isituated within twe walk of the City, and is fitted up in a fir The Bar is supplied with all the cho liquors. %'ll't,.'!l- 16, 1866. JAS. JOHNSTONS ‘Tllou HOUSE, North Gower, mblin‘udu attentive Hostler. January 11, 1866. nada. March 6, 1866 JUST RECEIVED ! LARGE 30 RIDEAU STREET. and December 21, 1865 MORTIMER‘S 1IOTELS AND $sALOONS. Packenham, Dec. 30, 1865. 28, Sparks Stroot. Family and Dispensing Chemist, Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866. FALL 1MPORTATIONS OF Pure English and French Dns and Chemicals; English and F Porfumery, Toilet and Fu:y‘qwd:- ta YLMER, C. E., Livery and GOn@‘" Stage o!_«‘.uélfrd Moses Holt, Jr., Pn":: 41 Sussex Street, T 1 4 44 l aciodiicg dnA L I l'-.coflg(:o'o'la H. Daniels, Pro«# nrintor, Second to no House in Central Caâ€" INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, . OTPrAWwWA THE ALBION HOTEL, TORONTO HOUSE TSE ARmaRt 3 L oms . 8 s, &¢., ualled in the m attention :}th public to sTOCK OF FRESH GAR«â€" HOLT‘s HOTEL, is ‘sitnated within twonty minu y,...luuud-ph.mâ€".fl wnlied with all the choice br DUIGNAN‘S 28 SPARKS STREET. PROPRIETRES®, t Desbarats‘ Bailding, Livery and General ish and French PER éo-fl-l]o-n A veines prepared to take DAY just arrived and on OTTAWA,, C. W., TUESDAY, MAY 8, 18s66. MHead Deep 96â€"3m CHANGE of TIME. Ottawa and Prescott Railway, oN AND AFTER Monday, 20th November, 1865, TRAIP?B' WILL RUN A8 FOLLOWS : MAIL TRAIN will leave Ottawa at 8 A. M., MIXED TRAIN at 1.30, P. M. _ _ _ ___ â€" _ RETURNING FROM PRESCOTT. MAIL TRAIN will leave Prescott at 2.05 P.M., MIXED TRAIN at 7.30 A.M. __ _ 24â€"0m Grand Trunk Railway Company WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, FTNRAINS WILL LEAYE BONAVENXTURE CENTRAL AND WESTERN DISTRICTS EASTERN DISTRICT Accommodation Train for lllllld] Pond and Intermediate Stations, J Mail for ditto and Portland, stop» ° ping over night at luhnni Pond, Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebéc, Riviere du Loup, Portâ€" land, and Boston, with sleeping cars attached, @t . .. ... .. e+ ++ ++ Express Trains to 8t. John‘s, conâ€" necting with Trains of Vermont Central Rail way for Boston, New York, and all places in the Eastâ€" WOR SHUICK; ty : : cxiktl raviers Ditto ditto _ ‘and Rouse‘sPoint Accommodation Train for 8t. 66â€"6m Een C P n ied " Ditto ditto _ ‘and Rouse‘sPoint 3.15 P.M. Accommodation Train for 8St. 5.00 P.M John‘s and intermediate places } AVN ESAE Trains leave for Lachine at ... ... _ 8.00 AM. 9.30 A.M. *3.00 P.M. 4.30 P.M. *The 3.00 P.M. Train runs through to Plattsâ€" Ottawa. CITY PROPERTY ! LOTS AND HOUSES, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN Wl“ll TWOâ€"AND=A«HALE MILES of the City Limits, with A DWELLING HOUSE erected thereon. One half of the land is cleared abd well fenced. These pr?rfiu are worthy the attention of intending purchasers, and will be sold CHEAP. llbgmllmm WILL BE GIVEN. t ars y to * 'K..'&.EGG..ISQ.. â€" Banaister, \ _____ Telegraph Building, Ottawa CHL t 4y Ottawa, Feb. 22, 1866 LOTI 12 AND 13, SOUTH CATHCART Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Stroet ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Streetâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. Also, Vw LOT® 10, 11, 12 and ll,b? smonh half of the front part of Lot -uli:‘am, T:rhlp.:f Glouu‘;r,;l laid down re George F. Austinâ€" MMC&:{:»&P}.;!{“M $AF~ Money o Lend on Rea » Apply to * y ow vre i DTAHEPV Dec. 18, 1865 February 10, 1866. 2 SAW MILLS, 1 FLOUR MOLL, EX« ‘TENSIVE Timber Limits ; Wood P1 and other Machines ; 1,000 acres good Land, Stores; Wharves ; &c., &o. B L2 w ow an & wP n 0400 1. 8. 04000 Th cint the AbpLÂ¥ To Ottawa, March 20, 1866. FARMS FOR SALE! Station as follows RAILROAD NOTICES. 100 PROPERTY FOR SALE. 100 100 Ottawa, Docember 18, 1865 whe NeR PR s TIA" ELIGIBLE Plof.ll" known as WOODROOFFS, owned b the late Captain Baker, Wymndu‘hl-fl‘ Mvflhh-flunâ€"m‘nmfl m-mmmamm l;h“qtihln Concession Ottawa, Front 08 rm‘r".hmmm For terms and particulars, apply to the Rev. Dec. 18, 1865 Â¥ebruary 10, 1866. OF CANADA. TOER SALE. 4A side of i‘ll:dm Ti ‘eandy HHL} mdn Joseph‘s Colloge, u-nll.lhdfinh-.mlllm dwellings. â€"AL8Oâ€" L NUMBER OF LOTS SITUATED 1N different parts of the city, well adapted cither l':r"mvnh mwu:-:ua:‘-m For fo particulars an< r"-l.m'd.'.hoo.. No. 1. t ’0 ACRES OF THE PROPERTY known as the OSSIAN HALL FARM, situated in the Township of Gloucester, Counâ€" ty of Carleton, being the East half of Lot No. o OPm M o O d c l in the second concession, Rideau Front. There is an extensiveclearing on the lot of at least 50 acres, and the remainder is covered with a fine Hardwood Bush. The Farm is within five miles the Clg. and is beautifully situated on the banks of the m?llfllh:r. ENOERzs TB ME CC SCs , thus having an .muhotho city cither b land or water. land is of a npork: quality, and yields excellent crops. No. 2. )0 ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED ‘ in the Township of Gloucester, County‘ of Carieton, being Lot No. 12, in the 7th conâ€" cession. . There is about 20 acresof this Farm cleared, the remainder is covered with wood. No. 3. D“ ACRES OF Lfi'l). sITUATED in the Township of ‘Osgoode, County of Carleton, Rideau Frorit, being w‘x:o. 20, in the 4th concession. There is al 25 meres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a good Hardwood lEuL This hun For Sale at a Bargain, OTs NO8. 2 AND 3 ON good Farm, No. 5. )0 ACRES OF LAND IN TB-‘ ‘Township of Gloucester, County of Carle» © u-.m.nummumruu.uu 2nd concession. This is a good Farm and will be sold cheap. +â€"AL8Oâ€" TWO AND A«HALF STORY HOUSE, situsted on Lot No. 6, north side of Cathcart Street. ‘The building is nearly new, and finâ€" T rimag 20 the bet®â€"2r08, which rs at Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, rents at $100 per annum. It is situated in the immeâ€" Mvfidflhydlhldl'nyl‘ml-l..fl h.nq“nbloplm(or.pdvfllud- â€"ALSOâ€" 25 ACRES OF LAND No. 4. m ACRES OF LAND IN THE ‘Township of Osgoode, County of Carleâ€" ton. . This Farm is situated within Two miles of the Gloucester Church, anc within Eleven miles of Ottawa City. There is about 40 acres of this Farm cleared and under cultiâ€" vation. ArriÂ¥ To TOER SALE. VY ALUABLE CoNSITING OF T. 8. DETLOR, Supertntendent C. J. BRYDGES, Maxacixa Durgcros. LEWIS & PINHEY, and will be sold at a reasonable },wn-‘â€""'" le, or to LEWIS & l!m.o.‘l':; Barristers, &o., Ottawa. H. J. FRIEL & 00., Or to H. MCLEAN, N THE SORTH These lots are situated 8.00 A. M 8.15 P. M 9.40 A. M 9.00 A. M 2.00 P.M. 10.10 PÂ¥ 8.30 A.M 1â€"y a6â€"u 18â€"3m * Capital" Stove Depot,35, Sussex EC 3 II. MEADOWS & CO. Supegior Workmanship, CANNOT BE SURPASSED / PLVUNGE BATHS, TW O sPONGE BATHS, f SITZ BATH®S, FOoOT BATHS, ©VHITTLDREN‘S BATHS, WE ARE MAKING A NEW AXND TIMPROVED KTIND. They will koor the water deliciously cool and 'lpmm For Saloons, Public Buildings, Household or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, geing both useful ornamental. lhflvu{ Companies, and othors who have the health and comfort of themselves :h'd people under their care in view, are solicited to CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, whether they purâ€" ase or not. s I ©_ LLL_______ o ooccmmmms â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ Toilet ' i coking Stoves | COOklIlg__S_§9Y“?§a} nu'gle.‘('l)v UR Cllg;'l IRON BEDSTEADS. IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES OHEAP! BIRD CAGES CHEAP ! COAL ya ’wutn ‘:rahl attention to all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT WORK ; every description of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware on band, and made to order. Milk Pans, Milk Strainers, Pails and S Btoves, Cistern Pumps, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR I‘T WE PURPOSE SELLING OUR PRESENE BAOUA / § BTOVES AT REDUCED RATES. eery" * *THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT, < 35, SUSSEX STREE1 H. MEADOWS & Co Oltawa, March 1, 1866. ‘ oTTAWA FLOUR AND OATMEAL MILLS. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INTIMATE THAT THE RBOVE MILLSARE NOW IN FULL OPERATION, WHERE HE Is PREPARED TO ’ P a ce we Receive and Attend to Custom Grinding, TITILTERING COPEFPEE ORDERS FOR FLOUR AND OATMEAL &C. He hopes, by strict attention, to merit a share of the Patronage Destowed Of MAE MA i MACKAY & CO., and s WILL KEEP CoNsTaNTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE Bost Quality Extra Superfine Flour, 7 Best Quality No. I Superflno _I:Iour, esc uic dsc C HHA s 1 AMAatr E ARE NOW MANUFACTURING IN THE ABOVE PREMISI® A and CHOICE VARIETY of the following Goods, which for beauty of design, style _ * â€" __â€" Best Quality No. 1 Supertine riour, Oats. Bran, Canaille, Sp_gds, & Meal Dust Go to the " CAPITAL! Ottawa, January 27, 1866 WILL BE DEALT LIBERALLY WiITH Court of hevisl No‘l'lcl is EREBY GIVN m Court forkthe Revision of the Roll, for the Vilk will Monday, the Téfi#htyâ€"First da Ma the Town Half fp said Village, afibe o‘clock, p.m., all persons quired to attend Notice of eqifipiair must be given to O J putr before instant. Llzsara o WrT eR i TL TN d des NO'l'lcl 18 Iw.l" eTVES, THAT m Court fo P ion of the Assessment Rol1, for the Vill will be holden on Monday, the Téé#htyâ€"First da. May instant, at the Town H said Village, afihe hour of One o‘elock, p.M., all persons K1 eved are reâ€" qulr‘.w , otice of oqiftplaint to be tried must given to 8 ¢] ff before the Sixteenth instant. THOMAS MILLER, _ Village of Richmond, .nny 2, 1866. a srr T; i 1 New YOM@??ERS East l‘ol’. and e Rock Oysic RECEIYVE D cep e £at‘s * | AT TWB ©OuEEN RESTAVRANT, (Opposite main entrance to Government CHARITABLE INSTIT STOVE DEPOT. A Lil The Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Oats, or Corn. s&Â¥" OFFIOE AT THE MILL & T LCO 0 lus" tess a HWHIE & NEF Oysters, o+ & 5*= Oysters FOoOT 1iA LILi}, HILDRENS BATHS, SHOW EIt BATHS, Qitawa, Fob. 12, 1866. For C. SPARROW, Jr., OIL!I COAL OIL! COAL OIL W ATEER COOLEHKRS ! Groceries, Lignors, AND PROVISIONS, Wholesale and Retail. SPARROW‘S BUILOING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets, February 21, 1866. \ Making a Good,Cup of Coffee, retaining PTARMERS, &8 .A'I‘TENTION LAMPS ! â€" CHIMNEYS ! ! â€" mnidingripepeneg‘t THE BEST AND MOST RELILABLE IN THE CITY! Bed-Rbo; Siet’tésr of Japanned Tinware. of Revision. DPIFFERENT PATTERN®. IMPORTER ANXD DEALER IN w.l will find it to their advantage to deal at the « CAPITAL" «Discount is always allowed on all articles purchased. sn ns linhincct: A Whrsicnnat hecnive rton t es t nc en and Strainers, lhfih Sugar Kettles, Agricuitural Furnaces, Farmers‘ umps, and all kinds of Dairy Utensils made to order. U M BE BR ME DN Spring Stock | THAT | nt HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INTI= d den on T pantc that he bas this day admitted MR. 8. 8. ‘ aae® bt | M. HUNTER into partnorship. | The business will, care 1e m&‘a&‘#‘: '1“00“..:':-'* fcny soricte »| «4 res b:“uil:di for the new firm a continuance afm.o ixteenth | liberally extended to himself. m indebted to the nfl;&l“ are reâ€" R, % to make immediate pa to James lerk: “o-po‘: Mco" “tb:uu-cu 1:::. for idation. » u wat 1 :d * iiRe HOPE. _ 20# â€" 4 8t.,| &gs::s:mm:::'ru""“ s \ Commanding Officer, for sale at the rnz 48â€"uif | Ottawa, March 29, 1866, Ottawa, May 2. ABOVE PREMISES A DURABLE PRAYER BOOKS, W Important to Printers. C P J PABTII'.S DIQIBOUS OoF mmflno a Covntry Nxzwsrarem, can purc an flice quite coné»lefi with material for évery Department, VERY CHEAP, for Cash, or! on lppl:;‘d :;edlt. t'pdd 14 A information, Y & o HEilEr, TWO S1ZE8. THREEâ€" SIZES TWO SIZES. f THREE SIZES. AS, THREE SIZES ACTT&. ONE SIZE. _ Apply for information, (post paid Y ‘¢"B. m Or to EGAR YIELDING. _ _ Ottawa Feb. 6, 1866. THREE UR FOUR GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated with % or unfurnished, at the " Quesx" . Also a number of DAY BOARDERS at reasonâ€" able charges Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1866 THOMAS MACKAY. Â¥ scA ds sn ty + h DUVERNAY, BROTHERS Ottowa, Ne 1@@K ae? ® FOR SHANTY SUPPLIES ! ssex St., Ottawa, WICKS ! ! ! Coâ€"Partnership. (EXGLISRE AXD PREXCH,) EBV ER&Y KIND. E CALL THE ATTENXTION OF THE Ladies of Ottawa‘ to our assortment. Military Forms. all the Aroma. @imtfi Boarding. 55â€"y FPOTS ! PRESENT STOCK OF "’ of finish, and, M. KAVANAGH. ‘ Chapped "‘u...:"" Frosted Feet and Chilbiains. 38â€"4f sale by all Druggists throughout the Prov 62â€"y A new .:5"'"?":..5.:" nent been appointed new and special arr n n appointe by KISSBS.JKECQUEH & HAY, of Toronto, thetr sole and onl‘{ agent in Montreal, for the Bale by Auction, of their splendid FURNITURE, takes the earliest opportunity of announcing to the citizens of Montreal, and the public generally, that he will from time to time d“mif the ensuing Spring, offer at his spacious and we! established premises, No. 267, Notre Dame Street L ado c hi 4. h B LA h t cath uie ie the various extensive consignments direct from this cejebrated establishment, embruinf all the new “,l-lgo§ their elegant and elaborately carved and ishe Pfll Bla'A_CK WALNUT FURNITURE! in every variety and de-cripthg necessary to meet 1 8 Ne uns _ L ianfanam 34â€"utf 115â€"4 the demands of modern taste â€"i;afil;nw the sale at his own Storos, the & of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS TE DL AnMAunanx of narfes dedlining Hou the private keeirin‘. or cial attentic RESP 7B T7 CCC 00 Th artat nanl c'ulrmntion; and.all OUTâ€"DOOR SALES description are respectfully solicited. Incre cilities have been secured, with a view to cient carrying out this department of the b '\norl\lhr t:heunn od‘_u greatest oo&nomy a atch in ing roperty, #o that part \’;:‘ out mr:ve thoirpscl:nnt sales and J immediately after each sale. C rs * 4 o momninerrnnnrere : Bpecial attention will be {’iven to the REAL ESTATE and CITY® PROPERTY this department of the Auction Dusiness it MPD/"" / more iimportant with the increase â€"and extension of the city, the undersigned offers the most LisERAL Trrws to parties wishing to bring their property into the market for p:blie competition. A great hardship has been felt by both buyers and sellers, the former being taxed illegally with one per cent on the amount of purchaee, and the latter by mt!: axorbu::zchmnrgo for e:nnfiuhn u‘d adverâ€" tising. _ Now, the undersi roposes to do away with t&d‘flevmo as flfn:o Kil own business is concerned, by undertaking the sale of Real Properâ€" ty, on conditions which it is hoped will meet the ETT Eo Emt t e E to buP:i“mu, and strict adherence to the foregoing proposals to meet a continuance of the same. N. B.â€"All orders left at the office will meet with prompt attention. L. DEVANY, AvorioxeE® axp Commssio® Mrrcnaxt, And Agent for the sale of Real Estate. Montreal, March 3, 1866. ~ 65â€"y NHE SUBSCRIBER IIA\I:IJ\'G gpus UNDERSIGNED‘S OFFICE HAS heen removed to the Leanâ€"too of the inâ€" 4 teen removed to the Leanâ€"too tended Library, in rear of the | Buildings » es Ext * THOMAS MeGREEV Y Ottawa, January 23 1866. 21 PLANB, Specifications, and Estimates®of Buildings prepared ; dhguud accounts of Artificers‘ work measured and valued, AUGUSTUS LAVER, Late Stent & Laver, Architects, &c., f _ Departmental Buildings. Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, January 26, 1866. _‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apâ€" plication will be made to the Provincial Parliament at its next Session foran Act to incorporate the Ottawa, Water Works Company, for the supply of the City of Ottawa with water, Nttawn Tan 30th. 1866. 36â€"tf said Act Sm 4 â€" _ JAMES S. BANGS Ottawa, Tenth day of March, 1866. 16 Jva. Ca~, + QRk STREETL s oPpPosITE THE MARKET : oTT AW A, Blfll TO INTIMATE TO THE IN» habitants of Ottawa and sutrounding country that he has opened a SEED STORE in n&e above premises, where he has on hand every variety of en ELC e idb aastntsenbrmalihiasabediie bxtet ditetatl Aerttatinent J Ah warranted Fresh and Genuine. f DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, â€" eonâ€" ning full cultural directions, â€"will be ready in a few days, and -ay be had Jrltb w«u{- He has also a GREENHOUSE , in which villhfolfllsgn‘tvuuydfld-hmuplm. BOUQUETS SUPPLIED. _ _ Ottawa, Jan. 30th, 1866 Tlll UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR» CHASED 12 aores of land, on which he intends starting a Garden & Nursery County of Carleton, calls the attention of the Inâ€" habitants of the Cit{ of Ottawa, and h: country. â€" He will fulill orders for all Fru Trees, Oramental and Lawn Trees, Flows rubs, with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"out for Borders; also Herbecious Plants nLd_’ e Insolvent Act of 1864. THI cov F REVIEIO®N FOR THE above ity will Mb held at the Townâ€" ship Hall of G1 r, on URDAY the 26th day of May next, at TEN o‘clock in m 'm Lo Levs reaAs :.-;:;a;n;efi&_fliniel declining House or removing from the city, will. clnix:l‘ spe TCB CCX n nals a it e Wi cANADIAN PAIN KILLER ! An Internal and External Remedy for Ourâ€" Keep it in your Familyâ€"Sickness comes when you do not expect it. 'mflbmsm"w"w ughout the Province. Directions for use accompany each bottle. A liberal discount made to Druggists and '&\.M‘. Manxfactured by G. WOOD, _ Gloucester, April 13th, 1886. ~ ll, o. _ .. Otre, 6. W. N. Iâ€"Anm'fllndnrpml addressed to G. WOOD, OTTAW A. w Ottewa, March 28, 1866. _: NOoTICES.___ NOTICE. JAMES VON LAER, NOTILCEHE. , and CITY® PROPERTY, and as of the Auction business is booolmng Protected by Letters Patent. Within it sfparte se that partion aell. roperty, #o that ies sellâ€" ultpnc}:fim sales and proceeds 2 6 «4e ol * a l1 [§i BE O For nEVv i ini@ipality will We ou r, on S#T ext, Â¥o com 6 hA pr ed ;n:li:s&: Increased faâ€" , with a view to the efi »artment of the business be given to the sale of and convenience. is own Storcs, the sale of the Parliament In the County Court C. BILLINGS, Clerk, Gloucester. gAA. 18â€"wtd 21â€"f 33â€"utf at i. PRICEâ€"3 CENTS. T5â€"td My Mastes Tow,â€"Ould ANick‘®s deadâ€"or, manin‘ the same thing, Mr. Stepâ€" hens, Head Centre, police tormenter, Govâ€" ermint botherer, an‘ Fenian prv.*hd, has dhrawn his body out of Ireland. The most eonthrairy man betwixt May mornin‘ and Aisther Sunday has some conshins afther all. It was thought for along time That he would‘n give in to any sort of raysonâ€"that he‘d nayther stay in dnil, nor stand his thrial, nor the cunthry. â€" He‘s given it at Inl‘ an‘ gone away. There be was, play in‘ at hideâ€"an‘goâ€" seck with the Govermint an‘ the police, metamorgagin‘ himself into all sorts of shapes â€"ould men an‘ younf| men, ould women «n‘ youngâ€" an‘ the poor dear police runnin‘ after him in all directions, pechin‘ an‘ ewettin‘ till it was a pity to see them. At last Mr. Step hens hudplen_mgb of the fun, an‘ he began to {:i(y the police, an‘ his conshins set sore on im for bein‘ so conthrairy. So what does he do but disappeared in his own shape one day from Galway, kickin‘ up his heels like a twoyearâ€"ould at the Govermint, throwin‘ a kiss to Dublin Castle an‘ singin‘â€" TO MY COUSIN IN AMERRIKY. Farewell, my rebel children ; 5 l.'?.:"'“ f:.tho Fenian land, 0 or U M They‘ve :.h in our blessed band. Tll settle all their shindies, I‘ll set them to rights once "more ; And when I‘ve things in order, Hurrah for the Shamrock shore! _ * , Well, what do iou think, Tom, but the gessel my bould Mr. Stepuens was in was dhrove mt Belfast Lough by the bud weather; un‘ there the Head Centure staid tor three days, loukin‘ at this anshint and loyal town, studdyin‘ the walls of ould Curmkh:'oobt phisin‘ on Boneypart‘s nose on Cuve Hill, an‘ meditisin‘ on the butygpt the county Down, us enug . an‘ sufe if he wus in Mr. O‘Manoney‘s parler in| New York. ‘When it firted himselt he set off| to Scutlan‘, an‘ then thravelled at his aise!through the lenth of Englan‘, an‘ over to France, to settle things with John Mitchel, the rale Head Sentreâ€" thighan tu? Au‘ I suppose you‘ll soon have ‘ him with you in them purts tryin‘ can he put uny modesty and gumption into the eweet sowts that are fightin‘ fur who‘ll be head, of the Fenians, and nave charge of the aragaid. You may be sure, Tom, that there‘s myio. ’\ Oh, fareâ€"youâ€"well, policemen, I never may see you more; And farewell to your huntingâ€" I‘m bound for the Yankee shore. Through many a chase I‘ve led you In broad day and murky night ; But now the bunt is overâ€" _ _ _ _ Your game takes his final flight. Slan leat, ould aisy Richmond ; ‘And Cork Hill, sweet spot adion : Although your kennel‘s wellâ€"illed, °_ Retricvers are scarce with you l To keenâ€"eyed smart officials . _ May slumber be soft and light ; And may Head Centre Stephens Ne‘er come to their dreams at night. They‘ve chased me over mountains, Tlm‘hbo‘-udtw-,lm; Andycumhdlihdrounh( Thola:"--iydw""‘- Old Dublin ‘und her Littey, I bid for a time fi-d-by-; The waters of the Hudson Must soon roll beneath my eye. unfigr tnem they‘re livin‘ byâ€"that can may be lave them without a ruof to cover :- It‘s a mighty purty thing to be a tree an‘ onâ€" dependent elector, if you can‘t voue free with out danger of ruin. An‘ of them that can Â¥ote mccordin‘ to their hearts, I have a one, an‘ displasin‘ that one, an‘ gettin‘ into dhibl'jnd vithb.fln uybon:o::;,. .n:h.n 1e one ives it to w "t to bimthenen-.&. When a voter is shout in‘, an‘ bleedin‘ for a candydate, be‘s a‘ right fellow, But when the election‘s over what is hbe? "I can tell youâ€"the heart‘s blood of a eonfounded fool. . Maybe they‘ll reform all theâ€"e things yet. Govermint says they are sns is id in t vary toeoeoranier wage »pellin‘ ; for it‘s in a very thro: way . â€"I};et:‘l:';focit’ii-.myuwah “’h gave a twist or two to 'â€"â€" would be no harm; tor I think it‘s not the thing at alllâ€"Bedad, I b‘lieve T â€"qum-uâ€".*'u-' ; for they were always angels, an‘ you can‘t make more of them. "'fi:.";";fluqunu*-'d any way ; an‘ s the jury. Idon‘t mane the gran" juryâ€"for it‘s too gran‘ for the likes Durzax Staeet, oi e m Mrgtemn n to mend 7 â€"Ould Nick‘s

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