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Ottawa Times (1865), 28 May 1866, p. 4

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Stone Dwelling and Outâ€"Offices, For Sale by A:ml_-i ar Private Contract. â€" Eligible Building Sites 'l\.. sUBSCRIBER® WA VE -l.l favored by A. YEILDING, ESQ, with inâ€" structions to ofter for sale his property of Glenâ€" sharrold, immediately adjoining the City, on the banks of the Rideau River, and on the route from the Rideau Bridge to the mo;:nl‘. reai~ dence, in lots to suit purchasers. property consists ot several actes of Garden Land, divided into lots ; aph-d'M-ny be seen at the Aucâ€" tion Rooms of the subscribers, and a large and comunodious _iTOll gw%;:g HOUSE, (: MM C W'l extensive .n: o:".:;uou :t-wld'np-“'l'h be ins Buildings and grounds may be inspected at any time previous to the day of the property “m.wud_Auu-ln-.-" Pees ,u.'-“.mulloflfl of sale. ..ubm‘.fl!o'elodl. * MACDONALD & STEVEN, posTPoO~xX ED UNTIL SATURDA Y, 16th JUNE. LA Mx. Yisuoixq also offers for sale in parts to suit purchasers, and on most liberal terms, about 1,000 acres of land, in the Township of North Gore, in the County of Carleton, consisting of Lots 41, 42 uu.hmum-uuoumn. in the 4th Concession of the said Gore. Also Lots uuuaâ€"uu«am:mmm 23, South side of York Street, with a Tannery in working order, dwelling, &o., in the City of Ottawa. Ottawa, April 3, 1866. 90â€"td CrrY PROPERTY ! LOTS AND HOUSES. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN W‘m- TW Oâ€"ANXD=A«HALF MILE® of the City Lisaits, with A DWELLING HOU 4B erected thereon. One half of the land is cleared and welil feaced. These png-nln are worthy the attention of intending purchasers, and will be soid Cl AP. INDIsPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEN Ottawa, Peb. 22, 18u6 T-A’P s1ii0luis PROPERTY known as WOOD.LOOFF3, owned by the late Captain Baker, beautifully situated on Kichmond Road, within ave miles frum Ottawa, containing 300 acres or thereabouts, being composed of the broken I’au“nutlhlu Congession Ottawa, Front on .I:'M Noâ€"62, in Christ Church, Ottawa. For terms and particulars, apply to the Rev. Cnasess Fosaest, Morrickville, or to LEWLS & PLNMEY, . FARMS FOR SALE! February 1009 lwm OoF LAXD Is TuE ‘Township of Gloncester, County of Carleâ€" ton, being the East half of Lot No. 21, in the hdn.esll‘ This is a good Farm and Together with a large, now PROPERTY FOR SALE. 100 :s . GaRBRDEWK LOTS. Lm Nos. 3 A NE 3 side of Wilbrod Street. will be soid cheap. % «â€"â€"AL8Oâ€" TWO ANXD A«HALFSTORY HOUSE, Awnuau. north side of Catheart Street. The building is nearly new, and finâ€" Â¥or further partis@lart ABRLâ€"(20, neq., Banaisr®®, _ _ Telegraph Building, Ortawa Cily Ottawa, December 18, 1865 NUMBER OF LOTs sTTUATED 1N A WiÂ¥orent parts of the city, well adupted cither terms # % * ieet Io ~~ * "H. J. PRALRL & 00. Orto H. MeLEAN, tit sdbed : Ay Ast respecting Emigrants and Quara® time, it hfiu.;«?-fihp enadtod, that «The @uvernor in Comusil may from time to time make such Regulations as he tainks proper for enforeing : compliance with all the nv‘;alrmm of this Au.‘ and for easuring the due performance of Quarantine by and in respest of Vossels, hnqrn.nduoo-h ‘ soming into tae Port of Quebes, to which he thinks it right for the preservation of the Public Hoalth, that such lophm should apply, and for the taorough cleansing and disinfesting of sach Vessels, Mmrmrn.nuupmmufun possible, the alon or dissemination of disâ€" ease lnto or in this m-s‘.fn-u-oh time revoke, alter or amend such Regulations or any of them, and muke others in their stead;" and = sugh Regulations shall have the to:o oLlu durâ€" T T Mess osa e s a0 in faran jed 2 22 ds ce mveey dnpernatient net es on 9 3:““”’ bur-.lylinuuu\nhu during a certain time or at certain‘ times or s»1sous, in which case they shall have the force of law daring the time and at the times and seasons duqunvhu nave been limited to be in foree;" and "by sach ‘pphn-m Governor in Cansil -x.nrln the Master of every Vessel coming up the River St. Lawrense from below the s-.msium at Grosse Lsle, (except 0:3 such essols as are thorain dulruul and reforred to as exsoptel)â€"to bring is ousel to anchor at the E:num said Q i«rantine Station designated in losnluio'\t. aad nrt such Vossel in 'flfl to the O@ser at the said Station, designated for 'u‘p.o\-muh Kegilations, with all the partiou» we relative to the sage, and to the Goy-?. Passenters and Carzo thersof required by Government kHouse, Ortawa, Oth April, 1366. is Excellency the ..!-‘.â€".-"l Am No. 1. 'o A0REs O# THE PROPERTY known as the O3SIAN HALL FARM, Mhlb‘lwfli'otw.()m-- zucmâ€"ummmulduna in the secound concession, Rideau Front iu.-nud «oncession, MISHL C200 | 000 thak huc‘dvubuh(ulhlonlu\l’“ all that da P nnoxt F td least 30 acres, and the remainder is with a ine Hardwood Bush PT‘OPR, SALE. within five mile the City, and is beautifully ‘-.:..A'z‘nbun of "'..."?"".f.'."u" «n to city oi ac'm mlud‘unllut'""" «quality, and yields excellent crops. No. #. ’oumuov LAND, KITUATED in the Township of Gloucsster, County Ts N0o8. 2 AND 3 oN THE NORTH e PR E.. Yias ues Aruatad of Carimton, baing Lob No. 12. in the tth oon" No. mn about 20 acres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is covered with wood. No. 3. m ACRES OF LAND, SITUVATED in the Township of Osgoode, County of Carloton, Rideau Front, being Lot No. 20, in :.:M T‘:nh .u-uha acres '.,- remainder coverâ€" --e---""‘-'-'-?mm, This is a good Furm, and will be sold at a reasonable OR Township of Coanty of Carleâ€" tou. nlolu-\:m'hhho-u- of the Glousester Church, and within Eleven wmiles of Ottaws City. There is about 40 seres of this Farm cleared and under cultiâ€" vation. s h. e * > = . _ $100 per annum. | It is situated in the imme~ diote vicinity of the Railway Terminus, and is a very desirable place for a private resi~ Dweliling on the Lotâ€"24x24, w â€"ALSOâ€" @45 ACRES OF LAXD THE ABOVE SALE IS 10, 1866. HEREA*, h{ the Forticth Chapter ut tae Consolidated Statutes of Canada, inâ€" T A LV ABLE n euthent‘y odiege, (Gangy Ming ‘m s No. 4. ACRES OPFf LAND I% THE â€"â€"WiLTH â€" ‘There is also a good Frame Councile Barristors, Ottawa Auctioneers. Land Agent D0 d cmd U mebpredents se trngâ€"sain, n "T P" .00E Front. | the limits of the ounnlo AM-A‘-nI t of at | ty do mm--thm‘wmm overed .:dmufiln:uulnwmflm‘t'fl“‘ wone is shall pormit passengers, or r persons itifuily | landed on the said Istand, to o reâ€"embarked or River, wlmdubuduymudh'v-d ther by when the vessel is in a fit state to receive them, and uperior tnnhoyhubouu..hdb"ll-ndhd'- a ht state for reâ€"embarkation or luv::ll-nu Island : and that all such passengers and persons, REPwett ET n TT n Lc uin acafatis P port or ports, place or places, mtuated without the Â¥rovince, by 'Pln’ of that part of the River 8t« Lawâ€" rence which is below Grossaâ€"Isle, -hl.l.-z.u the Quarantine Station of Grosseâ€"lsle, to be there inâ€" spected, and, if necessaty, detained in Quarantine until such ships or vessels have been dicharged therefrom b{.-uhuuln or passport, as shall be directed to be granted by the Governor in Council, until then persons, goods or merchandize, which shall be on board such ships or vessels, shall, not muhbmgltu-m,ufiu h:-h‘d of any other ship or vessel in except on (Grosseâ€"Isle aforesaid, when duly required by oo.ruu authority« a z'â€"‘w Inapection. That all Ships, Vessels and Steamships after hayâ€" ing had their discharge from the Quarantine of Grosseâ€"Isle, shall be subject to inspection, and furâ€" Ma r w to hercinafter proyideds ‘Atk atpe and rieem n tee rnd s of the class bon‘ubu’o.n -.nd- as liable to -uhm rantine at Grosseâ€"Iste, shall anchor within the space included between Grosseâ€"Isle and a linedrawn parâ€" wliel to it, through the Rod Buoy, to be pinced as Reretofore, under the direction of the Suporinten" dent of Pilots, and bounded on the east west byan-h'tbunlh- Western Extreâ€" mities of Cliif Island and G ie, there to. ue ubmitted, should it be thought |nccessary by theo Mhdflo‘:;: the Station, t) sanitary, disinâ€" iecting measures to prevent the introduction and of ie, n.‘:hn or infoctious~ diseasos m.z“'.mm in acâ€" sordance with the dispositions of the law, u.l.rl- suunt to orders given from time to time ; mo ship or vessel shail quit its W-Wfll‘! at Quarantine -M_m‘m of proper Officer f the Station to that offe the TMIaWa : io COs mM PCO OELA id T muuwmmmmm puriied, and there does not exist amongst those who are about to proceed, or leave the said Island, any case or Qrd Asiatic Cholora, Fever, muicth Do SinaWh ar Measies, or other infoctions any case of ol AstmEN C MIMOTIN ECCC Mlmmmumrm and dangerous discase. He (or such of his medical assistants as may be so ordered by him) shall also go off to and board vessels bound to make their gnmhoum-.- Isle as aforesaid, and put the following questions to the Masters or persons in charge, vis: 1. What is your name, and that of your vesâ€" sel? _ & At what in her voy age -‘-'WIâ€".' places, Any, and which . Was sue! Ace or or ® ® of them ml'-ng_a--pd-smn-v p.flnfldbntudhuu? se &Inm’-m-w"hlh vessel sailed? Cabin passengers ! ww? T. Ha person or persons the voyage . Have an or during ww’.-'lhnmw‘l‘“'m mou,â€"‘“""'" llllqp.fldr-t‘“""‘?“ ‘hvhl.l:-nyq-.ulb-'mw _ % ,--.qd‘oolb’tall!' mm:lâ€"m.p- -u-i;: vessel, on did any of the company of any ship or n.-lo-ohh-iyfllahlhwflh.‘ from what port did she sail t 10. Did you or any of your ship‘s company or Canada? _ 11. Mave you any person on NO tie, idiotis, deaf and .‘ dumb, biind at accompanied by relations Ceeuh & "‘If the answors be satisfactory, he shall give a M'NJMD“OLCWM W;u‘uolnn.h-nyllnpn«dbh bubuc'lhqubu. gu.-m::--m tory, or the Medical Superintendent has any reason w.’upfl&ado-tlopnclm“‘r:’.ruâ€" i-.h.cs.omu he shall i intely order M““F“M‘Vhflm € l:hn-wh.ouy-nl\.ndhh? 3. What is your cargo, and whence taken on Eqi ond â€" L 00 Amccile hoi cvan vessels. â€" He shall direct the number of passengers to be landed, ishing those who require to be troated for or infoctious discases, from those who mrq-iunoltmhofl..lbo shall have generally authority to isolate from each other these diferent or other classes of persons by dividing the Island in different quarters .a-'dh., to cirsumstances. . Me shall havre medical charge mrnol(fll'hob-fidh-bui.udvbouy be nbwl-'mzdh'&nrloddub {ectious disease ; shall order 'uu-rnd Iuru-o-bouduymhulpuv-ol- shall abor under n’ infoctious discase, hor undar i P LC ebpatbther : to hk Lik/ TeA l{r::ll ve medical treatment on board in all cases of sli discases which are not by these rogu= lations specially required to be treated on shore, and when it shall be deemed advisable not to land the passengers on the said [sland. He shall whenâ€" over a vessel is cleaned, ventilated and purified, dlnunc‘:.vnundw ubn:“\:o;.hl:‘: any the passengers, or w w oru'y“:-d'hkh-lbouflw“n- main on the said Island, to proceed up the river by some other mode of conveyance, AJ he shall, so soon as mmnmn-uhrhdnhnd M'flfi--budwnupun-lluv\’ the said Island, give a passport of Clean Bill Health to the Master or mo.hvh‘mhn.d in charge, to procsed to bee. He shall make returns to the Minister of Agriculture of the veasol boarded by him as soon .as possible after such ""Tige Modical Guperintendent shall at The Sa have the Hospitals. He shall receive into the m.ll set apart for the treatment of ‘-fl-fldn‘ in« fections diseases, all persons laboring under or threatened with any such disease. He <shall have mgmnf-'aw“ldmqu- thing relating to the sick. He shall risit and inâ€" mua,m-u.nuumum- any vessel, and Muh“tflhl-z dient, Upon the recovery of persons treated qmuaa*mwm mhnnallhu, of the Station by him for the reaption of henithy persons and SUCE Emt NC TCP siey? wG% him for the reaption of hevithy persons aad ‘l.b’ovdmom as the healthy part of the said | Island. lomTh-Iholu.Ill-“‘.‘ ing and purifying -flr-::*"“"" prcking ‘and ventilating of their baggage, And bhon they are in a At state to proceed, he shall, if P aepemepdlnn t wm ho need be, cnase baggag®e ‘hn:(.-' ...z- m:- 6th.â€"Tradars, Suttlers, G be landed with their luggage according Nomflhflq&o“‘mh ders, uc.onm-m-dh buying or selling, shall be allowed to reside upon the Island, except under the lisense and strict conâ€" trol of the Medical Superintendent, who will hrve land at any place within 4. â€"â€"Estubiishment .MM your vessel touch fally into efect, and icer or persons shall Suttlers, Grocers and others baggage or any part of it to on board who is lunaâ€" is "J4 Pomvines com~ of at Grosseâ€"Isle or infirm, and able to support ::l nnl. oi the fmull.h.“ or any , reporting ‘uct of sue Mxnd"nu-- therefor, for the informa= mhm‘”fi:‘“ in w eagaged in selling or tratic on mhl:{fl:{l be regulated as to prices by lists to be furnished by ihlndlul!urnuum from time to time, A#â€" sisted by the Chief Emigrant Agont at Quebec« He shall strictly enquire into and decide upon all comâ€" plaints of misconduct or breach of the regulations by persons so trading ; he shall see that no officer or persons om yed by the tovernment, or in any public on the said Island, has directly or indirectly any interest or concern in any supply of mnmmhhnpphod or furnished, bought or sold upon the said Island, or directly or \“MLM'Hfl or takes n'y“]:lvuo gratuity or reward .:z service rende: any Masters or Crows of V essels, Passengers or a:.h:rpo:-' mw mEmET NC EHTUIEn CS t or Crews of Vessels, Passengers or other perâ€" sons uponthesaid Island. _ And it shall be the duty of all persons to whose knowledge any breach of this Regulation shall come, to mm #same forthwith to the Meaical Superinte who shall enquire into the facts alleged, and may suspend from his ofâ€" fice any person so charged until the pleasure of the Governor General,, shall be known respecting the person so charged. § 1 .â€"â€" Pilots. * Pilots having been furnished with copies of these regulations, and also of the laws reguiating Emiâ€" gration, shall exhibit the same to the Master or perâ€" won in charge of every vi they may board. Every Pilot having charge of vessel, shall bring her io anchor within the limits of the anchorage m‘u Grosseâ€"Isie hereinbefore dolno‘t.‘nny also keep the national flag of such 1 fyâ€" \n‘ulhoputdlwwlhmalom. nh case of sickness on board, the said flag be kept at halfâ€"mast. Olurivh’uu‘rhe. ES EC 103E 2C WOF â€"P Heathh if the vessel has received a clean Bill of Health from the Medical Superintendent at Grosseâ€"Isle, has not been detained there on account of sickness or suspicion thereof, and and has not any sickness on bourd at the time, she may bring to at ahy place within the following limits in the Port of Quebec, viz., the whole space of the River St. Lawrence, from the mouth of the River St. Charles to a line drawn across the said River St. Lawrence, from the Flagâ€"staf on the Citadel, or Cape Diamond, at right angles to the course of the said River, but must not communicate with the shore or with any other vessel or boat until boarded by the Inspecting» Physician; but if the vessel has been detained at Grosseâ€"Lsle, or has actuaily any sickness on board, the Pilot or Master of such ship or vessel shall anâ€" chor the said ship or vessel at the mouth of the River Saint Charles, to await inspection. %.«â€"â€" Vessets proceeding to Quebec. ‘ In all cases whore vossels having passengers 0n board, on account of sickness amongst such passenâ€" geor shall be detained in Quaratine tae Master or K::- son in charge may, on -?nufi-unbo M superintendent at Grosseâ€"lsle, be, allowed to land the said with their luggage ; and the vessel ho: properly cleansed, purined and disinâ€" locted under u-u,.nmm-uumu--o of the Medical Superintendent, may proceed up the river without the said passengers, upon the master or person in charge paying to such person as shall be -"-hhd.: l:::no the same, one shilling and three peuce e passonger, to bear the expense 3 hn UATMME par "hiens tor saoh of the anlo paosen: one i eac # gore, to m.o expence of their mainiance at Grosseâ€"Isle, for the time during which such vessels, inthe judgwent of the Medical superintendent, would have bad to be detained in Quarantine waiting for pmum.'np-odhh-uu'nun‘ dn&&lqum‘.w which such ' inthe judgwent of superintendent, w b‘:.nhdnhmhflh q-:.nuh:'-vgn. l.r passengers not affected with an pestil« ofldumdinmntmu.,mm such vessely shall be detained in Quarantine until the :â€"-pv-uucl-l the aforesaid diseases, shall MMM&‘.&‘HM tk 9.â€"â€"Inspecting Ehysician at Vn‘::. it Inspectingâ€" at Quebec s to .uv-amm-umâ€"-fam river &Mu‘r&hflw'\qqu‘hflw the Masters or persons in charge, vis : Cld 1. When did you leave Grosseâ€"Isle ? %. Exhibit to me your passâ€"port from Grosseâ€"I«le? 3« How many person have you on board ? ‘ Cabin passengers ? _ as _T T # ww :a.wmuo-un-um tokers. sigh ve person or rsons been taken Mw.sl_-l*f" L 6. Have any died? State number, names and disâ€" 7« Mave any person or persons come on board of loft your vessels since you left Grosseâ€"Isle? 8. Have you any person on board who is lunatic, idiotie, doad .:u-b. uu:. or hh-.n:::,n-'l accom y relations able to support t A-r-:.‘mov.h shall require all Masters; or persons in charge of vessels to exhibit to him the license or passâ€"port which they shail have received from the Medical Superindent from ten Mn apnnns io bersons in chatge statipn ; and such Masters or persons in charge Sn roctinrith echibit the same for examination, to t penalties to be incurred VC t & ns m»umfiuaâ€"upflnw communication with his vessel until released from r,-b,hmdlfiomno Minister of for the information of the Governor General ; and if it shall appear to the said Inspecting Physician at any time that such v.‘l“h”"‘*w Station at Omhbvlh-un-m. and should therefore be sent down to Grosseâ€" or that such vessel hay â€" lgMMh-MHo.MHM"' thereto, thore to land the passengers, he shall order the Master or person in charge to proceed or return ,m-umm ommh order. And the Officers at Grosseâ€" shall observe, in resâ€" mudn-oh.m--"d“ and regulations‘hv“m at Grosseâ€"Isle on aes. en sn mteoan ts t Hotiriegt of the duty ";'.'.o':lu.-, this :-hflâ€" ol immbdintily enforee the same by all lawfu! Quebec meet -.flnnh(-n A of the duty required of him by this will immediately enforee the same means at his dispooal. .. 4 10. Any Steamboat or other vesse! LuRL alM2 307 towed or otherwise communicated with a vessel, not t ne en aniants ce i tene on s ho rosseâ€"lale , o I-ulmumw m. Fou-huchll be allawed to proceed to Grosseâ€"Isle for the purpose of taking on board pasâ€" sengers direct from that island, prectowly %“ Collector of Customs of the Port . of a written Permit to that effect; subject nevertheless to the regulations hereinbefore * 19. All vessels trading. between amy ports or " 12. All vessels trading. between any port® Of rm the Province or within the Guif St. wrence, and not having tonched at or places without the Province, nor with any other vessel which shall have from any mort without the Province, shall ‘be exempt from spects the necessity of going to or stopping at dn e ind n en irenton * ar, or. to Trans nvfibfirm’-l‘r-‘w‘“‘-‘ p-hlz. Oficer, and in a healthy state, unloss or death â€"yhnuandhrh‘ the \I Nocc-d.-\lh-duouuduth Mdr:-md-fldll‘:o"fl‘h to .rt Vost shall have fl.‘.' fully complied with. 14. Any person who shall contravene, «ither by omission or commission, any of the foregoing Reguâ€" intions, shall, for every such offencé, incur and pay :on-u.:hdhtb“ h-m' th“.'l‘: manner e #a Act, and every person who, upon .-vie\"-nluy such offence, shall fail bwmdlu which he shall have been to pay, shall hi-'th.dflllmm- be paid. All provious orders making ations relating -wmm,.‘-_v_gq“'“ a foregoing rales and regulations, so far as reâ€" ,Am._._u. e ....ln ta ur stopping at GovYERNMENT HOUSE â€"OTTAWA, Has Exoscexcr Tms Hl‘ EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay before the Council :.B‘:rofl from the Commissjoner of Customs, 15th Decemâ€" ber, 1865, and approved by the Hon. the Minisâ€" ter of Finance, stating that under authority of chapter 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., Sec. 24, an Orderin Council was passed on 28th April, 1853, directing « that Goods dona fde exported to this Province from any country, butr-ing in transitu through another country and under Bouds shall be, until it shall be otherwise orâ€" u0 00c sc ccathe tre morit antbe ~rabdint Tob ul s apdinyt dered, valued for duty as if such (Goods were imported direct from such first mentioned country into this Province," and atbmitting that it would be desirable to extend said Or der in free as well as dutiabl l'fiul'nn His Excellency in Council ;l:ud‘ to order, and it is hervby ordered, that Goods passing thn!uh & louun t:_onn(.q consigned Udirectly to 'lirm- in Canada, m»-;-to- --';oofl-c- ' Signed, Avinisiagl ol tatd un 3 100â€"4f ':.‘;7.'-“'.‘"'“ that shall have â€" T urt uihniet simnng wet ~epprny PV January 1, 1866 Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. Prests* eurcaxcy tms Apwiyteraa rom or rusiGorâ€" suxwext ix Coosen. WMN. H. LEE THE OTTAWA IMES, MAY Wx. H. LEE, board or either by FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS, Ortawa, 1Â¥9th March, 1866. 8im,â€"I have it in commiand to call your apecial attention to the annexed copy of a Despatch from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Governor General of this Province, conveying Her Majesty‘s Orders that noâ€" Chilian or Spamich armed V easels be allowed to bring their Prizesinto British W aters The Collector of Customs, At Sea Ports in Canada The Earl of Clareadon to AMr. Cardieell. Forkiox Orric«, 2nd February, 1866 Sir,â€"Her Majesty‘s Government being desirous of observing the strictest neutrality in “'a:“"’“ between Spain and the Republic of Chili, titey proâ€" masa. with the view of more effectually carrying '-o.'uh'llo view of more efectually call)"76 into effect this l:n-\miylo. to interdict the Armed Ships, and also the Privateers of both parties, f om nr?yimm-w by them into the Ports, Marâ€" bours, or Waters of the United Kingâ€" dow, or any of Her Majesty‘s Colonies or Possesâ€" 1 have accordingly that the ve to waint at t Queen has been pleased mimt J'.': orders in conformity with the principles aboved stated, should forthwith be addressed to all r‘mpu authorities in the United Kingdom, and,to Hor Majesty‘s Naval wafiuMhélunn beyond the United Kingdom, for their guidance in the eirowmâ€" ‘stances, I have, &¢.. MBb At XRBENNDAN ‘The Right Honorable u'w Cyd\n_ll. M. P-t [Corvâ€") 2. If mmd War or Frivateer of eilher lnlll'r after the time when this Order shall be first notitied and put in foree in the United Kingdons and in the Channel Islands, and in the several Colonies and Â¥oreign Possessions and D¢â€" mâ€"h‘lbt y respectively, enter any Roadstoad, or W belonging to Hor Majesty sither in the United Kingdom or in the Chanuel I+â€" lands, or in any ofHer Majesty‘s Colonies or {w:lg 122020240 & oc P en vap. Wt PW Possessions or Dq-dn-r‘ Nessel shall be required to depart and put to sea within Twentyâ€" four hours after her entrance into such Port, Road. stead, or W aters, except in case of stre«s of weathor, or of her reqairing J'wblnu things necessary for the subsistence of her Crew, or repairs, in cither of which cases the Authorities of the Port or of the nearest Port (as the case wh{; shall require her to but to sea as soon as possible after the exâ€" pirktion of such period of Twentyâ€"fout hours, withâ€" »d,fllfl\flbfllflt‘.hflpflb.h}“‘"fin ::‘h necessary for her immediate use ; and no -n:mw â€",l:"t:- of [ -u.‘n' aters re 1 umhmfimm;"m. for a longer period than Twontyâ€"four bours after her necessary repairs shall have been completed : 12â€"f EPVYROAY Een NO Carlc 1 there shall be any Vâ€".lsgvbchor Ships of W ar, Privateers, or Merchant Ships of the said Belliâ€"â€" 9"" parties in the -ol)\‘. Roadstea«d, or aters within the Territerisl jurisdiction of Her Majesty, there shall be an interval of not less than Twenty â€"four hours between the departure therefrom , of any such Vessol (whother a Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" :.-.mmp) dthunB:‘IIpn:i.u‘: -n-?:u b,.llnn!h-n( any S W ar or Privateer of the ahrmfl-. nn?tho hoohnbyllnfldlul&hr‘mndmilllr of W ar and Privateers respect nl{..'lbnlldvnyu n case of necessity be extended, so u-;{:on- quisite for giving effect to this proviso, but not urther or otherwist â€"___ I have the honor to be, Sir, se . EDW SRD CARDW ELL. The mm the Government of Canada. a SIR,â€" "‘.KL Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration, hv:n‘ Mim !iho this W an occas r, to g ad the * CANADA III!O_IA-TBEGA! TTK," which will be devoted exclustvely to the encourageâ€" ment of lwnlh-.u‘ulh diffusion of accurâ€" ate "und ul information concerning Canada abroad, I h&::.fl to bring under your notice the advantages sheet will offer as an advertising mediam to land owners, and others having properâ€" E&"c‘.‘.‘.‘.‘u".‘.;;....';'_}‘;'m‘ {eeaowe s Fedpmiece d eagerly sou + much valued by eve mfi’d”, means will thus h"nlod'o" of acing the intending purchaser or lessee in Great gfinh in direct communication with the propertyâ€" holder here. c pOWXING STREET, February 26th, 1866. Her Majosty being fully determined to ob ke., &o., &¢ The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immmigration has also authorised the omh‘ of an Information Ofice in Liverpool, andeér the manageâ€" mont of Mr. Wi. Dixon, a gentlioman woll acquaintâ€" od with this and the -dfirwmu.'h will be l{dlly *"t‘ with the d of this pcrr throughout the '“RTA‘.IN! in bringing the same prominently under t uot;leo:llllo onlm Ottawa, April 3, 1865 GovERNMEXT IMMIGRATION OFFICE Quznec, 25th January, 1866. February 10. 200 g':.'si OF MESS AND PRIME P O REK, Packed and inspected by R. Kiyiy, Eseq, Arso, a EK 8T0CK oFr Grocerlq:.& Liquors. Wey* Country Merchants would do well to examine before purchasing «lsewhere. _ Commissioner Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1866 I FTOR SALE. e principles aboved stated, should essed to all r‘mpa authorities in om, and,to Hor Majesty‘s Naval ies in all quarters beyond the for their guidance in the eirowmâ€" I have, &¢.. d 1 CLARENXDOXN. I am, sir, Your obedient servant, R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, 7‘\"-: or Privateer of either after the time when this Order of Customs and Excise D. WHELAN, Rideau street OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. sSAILING WEEKLY. w Ensm ACADIAN,. ... .. (Building) . . , . . , 2650 Tons AUSTRIAN,. .. . (Building.) .y .222 k.k. 0 6e ++ PERUVIAN,, .Capt. Barraxtixg. .. 2600 Tons MORAVIAN, .. ...Capt. Arrosx.. ... 2650 Tons HIBERNIAN, ...Capt. Dorrox.. .. 2434 Tons NOVAâ€"8COTIAN,..Capt. Wyu.. . 2300 Tons BELGIAN,....... Capt. Browx. .. . "2400 Tons NORTHâ€"A MERICAN,. Capt. Kenz. 1784 ‘Tons DAMASCUS,...,.Capt. Watt..., 1800 Tons Rates of Through Paskage from OFIAM A °D LIVERPOOL or LONXDONDERRY : & CABIN,........................$06.75 to $84.75 ; fim«din‘ to -ceom-odption.b BTEBRAG Ey /o se eeeereenennennenianen n 1.25 Bs@~RETURN TICKETS GRAXTED AT ~ REDUCED RATES. 8T. DAVID, 1650 tons, .. . ... . Capt..Aird, | 8T. GEORGE, 1468 tons,â€" . ,. .. Capt. Smith . 8T. ANDREW, 1432 tons, . .. .. Capt. Scott, 8T. PATRICK, 1207, tons, . .. .. Capt. Trocks: ‘The Steamers of this Line will sail at regular inâ€" tervals between the Clyde and Quebec. ‘ I'gcnlu not ;«n:& until pido:nll for. ‘ ‘or passagé, or other particulars, a to P HEL’BX(.JK & CO\\',HA{S. 3 Ottawa, May 14 «88 GLASGoOoW LINE British and North American ROVAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS ! LIVERPOOL & NEW YORK LIVERPOOL AND BOSTON, Via CORK HARBOR. . The Boston Ships only calling at HALIFAX to land and receive Passengers and _ / Her Majesty‘s Malls. : f OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Chief Cabin Passage 8000“‘ 44 4 § > Chief Cabin Passage, Mfla « w s Chief Cabin Passage,....... ...... ... ; 20 00 Recond «* [ oversianr gremeznesâ€"Ad O8 Payable in Gold or‘its equivalent in United States currefey. â€" _ 0 | _ : h The Hhrir carry experienced Surgeons. Ko Berth will be scoured until paid for. ~ No freight will be received after 3 o‘clock â€"P.M., on the day pt'fug_ldlilg. I 20â€"tf° : Ottawa April26 W@y~â€"Parcels for different consignees col= lected and made up in single packages ad. dressed to one. party for delivery, for the purâ€" pose of @vading freight, will upon the examinâ€" suonhby the customs be charged with proper freight. * s PÂ¥ hy vxxxs s COB4,â€". > :+ .. BCOHA, . » » ++ . PERSLA) . . . . ++ CHISA,. . .. .. + AUsTRALASIA®, ABIA,, .. .+. ++ Arnica,.... .. CANADAy .+ «++ ECROPAp. .++. countable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewellery, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are sigued therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed, Norg..â€"All Letters and Newspapers MUST PA8S8 through the Post Office. Merchandise and BSpecie &cxcupt for personal expenses) shipped under the name of Lctcgas®, will be charged s frcight, and liable to Custom House regulaâ€" tions. â€" Specie taken as freight For ln-mt or passage, ug%ly ta . E. C. & 1."G. BATES, 1”: THE FARES WILL BE From New York to Liverpool : Insolyvent Act of 1864. BSALF OF LANDS. Ix re, THOMAS STORY,. ax Ixsoryext. MONTREAL Appointed by the Admiralty to sail between The owners of those ships will not be acâ€" sUMMER sERVICE. mencing at a point on the Westerly side of the Conâ€" eooln‘:iu‘d.n'n- Consessions C udoh in said ‘l‘wâ€"lir. distant eight bgnd and fiftyâ€"two and one half links, in a Southerly direction from the Northeast angle of Lot lettered G, aforesaid, thence Romh::lx along the said Concession Road, two hunâ€" dred seven and one half links, more or less, to the land owned by George Patterson, Esq., thence Wosterly, parallel with the division line between said Lot G and Lot F, in the said Concession, and along the Northern boundary of the said George Patterson‘s land, nine hundred and fortyâ€"nine i nks, more or less, to the Queen‘s hi[bvl&.mnnln‘ along the East side of the Rideau Canal,thence Northerly along said hlr'hwny two handred and eight links, thence Easte L;Q:“.M with the safd divisionline, between ':‘dp‘ 2‘ m t.h:lnad -AEE shx links, to the place , ® ast bed portion of Land containing, by two acres morg or les#. _ yPar:l Via CORK HARBOR, and between December 19, 1865 _ Deted at the City of Ottawa this Phird day of e w i May, A. D., 1866. | * FRANCIS CLEMOW, 117â€"3m Orricianr Assoxrx. From Boston to Liverpool : Ottawa, Fob. 12%, 1866. Patent Fire Extinguisher From Boston to Halifaz : R. CHWAS. PEREKY, THE TRAVEL«â€" MIJNG AGENT for the sale of the above new Fire Extinguisher, (L‘Extinetenr), is now stopping at the Russell House, where a specimen of the apâ€" paratus can be examined. Â¥â€" CHAS. PERRY, Acrxt, RBooked to Liverpool & Londonaery Mantleâ€"Pieces ! ully solicited, and promptly execuled. 4 iu-ble Works, Bgarh 8t., CENTRE TOWX, OTTA W A. K. Jd. & A. K. Miltm. â€" %: Agents, No. 103B8tate Sticet Borton 28, 1s66. Aogxts at OTrawa from OTTAWA to .. .. E. R. Moodic. 5x si««+«0. Stone. C. H. E. Judkins. .+. 416. G, Lott, ..B, M. Hockley. // &1 ‘V" TB dngle .. .J. P. Anderson ... Thomas® Small ACRo= C OELeRCh 2600 Tons 2650 Tons 2434 Tons 2300 Tons 125â€"y rmees colâ€" $132 50 80 00 Russell Honse 112 rl\nl: sUBSCRIBER HAVING BY A new and .reul arrangement been appointed by MESSRS.J CqUES & mHAXY, of Toronio, their sole and only agent in Montreal, fdr tad Sale by Auction, of their splendid FURKNITURE, takes the earliest opportunily of anbouncing to the citizens of Montreal, and the public generally, that he will from time to time during the ensuing Spring, offer at his spacious and weli established premises, ptemuie Je w * en i S PV99.; No. the various extensive consignments direct from Uns celebrated establishment, embracing all the new styles of their elegant and elaboratery carved and polished °_ BLACK WALNUT FURNITURE! PE MEHCICTS: Sinn necessary to inget in e;r.;“v;r'i;ty and description the demands of modern taste and _ In addition to the saie at his own of HOUSEHOLD FU RNITY KE an Lo velente eesidence of parties dt the the private residence of pMTUe® deentnp ACCCT keeping, or removing from the city, will claim speâ€" cial attention; and ail QUTâ€"DOOK SALES of tais description are respectfully solicited. Increased faâ€" cilities have been secured, with a view to the efliâ€" cient carrying out this department ot the business, in order to ensure the greatest economy and desâ€" patch in dingo-in; of property, so that parties sellâ€" Poe n on Lave Their ‘account sales and proceeds Es Cld c o on nhonth *hin ing out can have their mccount sales and pMUC"""" imimediately atter each sale. Special attention will be given to the sale of REAL ESTATE and CITY P‘RUPBR'.[‘)", and as this department of the Auction business I® DEZDUUUB more iimportant with the increase and extension of the city, the undersigned offers the most LisERAL Trrus to parties wishing to bring their property into the market for public competition. A great hardship has been felt by both buyers and sellers, the former being taxed illegally with ‘one per cent on the amount of urchaee, and the latter by the exorbitant charge for commission and adverâ€" tising. . Now, the undersigned proposes to do away with this grievance as fur as his own business is â€" concerned, by undertaking the sale of Real Properâ€" tv. on conditions which it is ~hoped will meet the 00 00 ty, on conditions which it is hoped will meet the views of all parties, namely : llLâ€"TMrc will be no charge of one per cent ;to the purchase. 4 2nd.â€"W hen bona jide sales are effected not exceedâ€" ing £5,000, the commission will be £5; and on amounts from £5,000 ‘upwards, only £10, J exclusive of the cost of advertising ; upon â€" _ which the regular trade discount of 25 per cent will be ullqved. + x 3rd.â€"When property 4# bought in, reserned, or withâ€" drawn, no charye will be made, except the actual fi!‘bunemenu for advertising. ‘The undersigned avails himself of this opportuniâ€" :{ of returning his sincere thanks to the public for e very liberal patronage bestowed on him during the past four years, and trusts by prompt attention to buxiness, and strict adherence to the foregoing pr;rouln to meet a continuance of the same. . B.â€"All orders left at the office will meet with prompt attention. I. DEVANY», AvcrioxEer axp Commssion MERCNANT, j And Arnt for the sale of Real Estate. . Montreal, March 3, 1866. 65â€"y 110â€"tf PROVINCE OF CANADA By His Excellency the Right Honorable CHarLrs StaxLey Viscovst Moxck, Baron Monek of Ballytramon, in the Connty Wexford, Governorâ€" General of British North America, and Captainâ€" General and Governorâ€"inâ€"Chief in and over the Provinces of Canada, Nova Seotia, New Brunsâ€" wick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and Viceâ€" Admiral of the same, &c., &c. To all to whom these presents shall comeâ€"GrEETâ€" ING : s * A PROCLAMATION. wblie, disappear quic} o, di ar Gro. Er. Carm®®, “ru:ng‘\s,ln and by | fol o;’m"‘l:m”z.' U Atty.â€"Gen. the thirtyâ€"eighth chapâ€" | quickest, and the bes ter of Consolidated Statutes of Canada, intituled : :Kmuld be at once res « An Act m{iecun‘ the preservation of the Public | pyspepsing ‘or 1 Health," ,it is amongst other things enacted, that plaints, Com: whenever\ this Province o;e:&y part ‘tlhere:f. or a rl‘“ thercin, appears to reatened with any istol‘s Sarsapar ormida ble endemic or contagious disâ€" edBltills are for ,rm ense, the Governor may, by Proclamation, to be by | Sold in Ottawa by him from time to time issued, by and with the adâ€" | p, MacCarthy, J. J vico and consent of the Executive Council of this | Ggeorge Mortimer, Province, declare the‘zaid Act to be in force in this Fefi'm“y 13, 1866 Province, or in any part thereof, or place therein, | ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"~~ mentioned in such Proclamation, and it shall thereâ€" upon be in force accotdingly ; and the Governor F F £ mny:‘n ‘ilh manner ll‘m tune ll‘o l:.ime. as to ;,ll or any of the parts or places to w ich any such Procâ€" lamation og:tnds, t‘;voke or renew any such Procâ€" Among the n:;.’“ i" lamation ;.‘Ind. H:il':jqct ‘g lucll:‘ rlovoiuion and reâ€" seo newal as aforesaid, every such Proclamation shall T. [ have effect for six months or for &y shorter period j ... CA NA DTA N j in such Proclamation .pr..d‘ Axp Wurreas, | Side, Back and â€" although there oxisteâ€"n6 reas@n for serious alarm, Throat, Sprain the Province imom to be so far threntemned Stomach, Che with Asiatic Cholera, a discase withinthe mean» | t Bowel Com ing of the said Act, as to rencer it ugodi- ] 1 ont that all necessary precautions should be | 6 taken for the protection of the Public Health, y 1 > A and it is therefore expedient to declare the | FJNHE CANADI said Act to be in force inthe said Provinee. Now _E now been be Know Yo, that b{ virtue of the power in Mo vested | time, and wherey f m‘“A‘X , the said &?‘am«n' of this Proâ€" wu‘,‘ in a singld v b{.nml with the advice of the Executive COUD: | 7,150f who (.” ; cil of the said Province, do heroby declare the said | T®1!5! WN°D UMC | Act herein before mentioned to {ein fagee in this known a single | Province, from and after the date of these pre. | th* directions are ; -i:n'u. nrd thudt:e nmeuldo “:d ‘l;ull eontinue | contrary, all 1e d o force for and during the period of "Six Calenâ€" | and speak in he der Months from the date pl:ereof, unless this |â€"and magical] effec y Proclamation be soon revoked and recalled under We spesak‘ fror | | the fouk of the said Act : Of all which, Her | nu mine cestod i Majesty‘s loving subjects, and all others whom these | DAYIOE (1CNCC t l presents do or may in anywise concern are hereby those who are anf | | required to take notice and govern themselves accor* plaints for which hok bere > wond nan its bei Jaubed «es d i 267, Notre Dame Street| Ainely, ;'afi;l;of Our Lord, one thousand eight hnodred and sixtyâ€"six, and in the Twentyâ€"Ninth year of Wer Majesty‘s Reign. 4 . MONCK. B’_.cgn?.‘_‘ng/\vn bew mollduce 194 +0 PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL. , W““IAI,.Y AN ACT PASSED IN the twentyâ€"minth year of Her !-S:sty‘n ‘I::?u, intituled "An Act to‘rroviae against the inâ€" juction and sprea.ting of disorders affecting cerâ€" tain animals," authority is given to the Governor in Councif to take such measures. as may appear to be necessary in order to Inunt the introduction of conâ€" tagious or infectious disorders affecting sl\ee‘:. catâ€" tle, horses, and other animals, and check such disâ€" orders from sproading, if introduced ; . _ _ _ . _ And wherens a conta gious disease or eg:ldemie afâ€" fecting cattle prevails in many parts of Europe,and is increasing and extending its ravages, and whereâ€" as it is expedient, in order to mvun the introducâ€" tion of the same into this Province, that the importa â€" tion by sea of certain animals and articles should be prohibitedâ€" ® a fifluol-:hy in Council, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture, ‘and under the authority given and conferred by the said Act, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby or» dered, that on, from and after the FIRST day of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of cattlé, sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat, skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other parts of such animals, hay, straw, and fodder, be, and the same is hereby prohibited ; save and except such cargo or cargoes, or part of esr%o. as His Excellency in Council may hereafter #ee fit to exempt from such prohibition. W. H. LEE, 1 Clerk Executive Council. | W M. McDOUGALL, Secretary Febfuary 28, 1866 PA"I'['I IN CANADA WEST intend= ing to make nr{)licuion to the Legislature for Private or Local Bills, either for granting exclusive w, or conferring c(-;ponu powers for comâ€" or other ’pnryouc of profit, for regulating surveys or boundaries, or for doing anything tendâ€" ing to affect the r.lghu or tgro,-eny of other partios, are b.nb{ notified that they are. required by the $3rd and following Rules of the Legislative ("oun- cil and Legislative Assembly rer[»ectively. (which Sn REm UROCV Cl as P are published in full in the Canada Gazette), to give '[‘Wg‘ MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the nmiieuiun %-leu- ly and distinetly specifying its re and object), | in the Canada 5«-‘“. and also in anewspaper pubâ€" | lished in the C«lnt{ or Union of Counties affected, | umlhgfleo’hl of the first and last of such notices, ‘ to the Private Bill Office of each House. 7 | All Petitions for Private Bills must befpresent within the first three weeks of the Seasion, â€" k. TODD, . Chiet Clerk Private Bill Office, J. E. DOUCET, L. Assembly Clerk of Private Bills, @Government Hoase, in the CITY of OTTAW A in the said Province, this TENTH day of April idit: »Ke! ... Ottawa, Feb. 23, 1866. Couxty or Caruerox, PV.IJC NOTICE 18 To wit: ( hereby given, that the Courts of Genperal Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and County Court, in and for the eaid County of Carleton, will be holden at the Court House, in the CI!I of Ottawa, on TUESDAY, the TW ELFTH day of JUNE, 1866, at the hour of Ten of the clock, a.m., of which all Coroners, Bailiffs, Constables, and all others concerned are required to take notice, and govern themselves Sheriff‘s Office, Ottawa, May 10, 1866. 1vex ander my Hand and Seal at Arme, at the MoxtrEAL, 20th day of February rivate Bills. NOTICE. ste and convenience. it his own Stores, the sale TV RE and EFFECTS at parties declining : Mouseâ€" eubent Aapac‘t w eCP 2 sA necessary ‘ 8. BESNON FRASER, Bucruwr fiâ€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"* eemeannnnmmnnaamenmnammememmemenmmcmeie en _ | mmz c3 j . & 2 z se | 2 D A ( j ; s c ed r "”V & °A" e Fosel ' D \1, EY‘S | _ a C ‘¢i Arabian ‘H;al&;l‘\ 8 : 7 | uS ' i+ $ : the 8 Sif .. K e e F & ‘J"y‘ * A'\l.) (U‘\'hrll .e m p §< Ni S e raP h 8 PoSITIV EL ed s of i| 3 NV 4 > ,,/,.Ifl,'fl”’ l_ osPrIYELY stUP los To 16 " will es \:â€" es sotty.. 4 PA * Ti e â€" _“” other p l ouer in T ax ffor _ se > es t M PA h Hedves; Cough lf‘ parations / f he ol « P ‘:fi." l' L ~> disc :|~\,~n \\{:Il ';' Ivji“i‘m“l B ““r ‘l'.' l "a Wat/ s3 a y 8 v ch affe« f o s moall et| [ y y Whe F S is |or t Condition Medicas o mm Horic tm tris | B RTISC! + ied kind ; is casy t« , surpassing ever 406 i A $ ied K every * m ifsTows. _ paabacen‘s Nh : l|SARSAPAR1L1, *.; ons / It cle es e ; / ean* ¢ ol IN QUART BOTTLES ! ;“0\ ing .1~r|v:-:]1"‘1"' athing appara hile } : y * c s t ie a@irâ€"cell C the m saie | Ihe GreatI uIlfierof th Bl 'lngin i C . that secretion w flo (‘.“ :T 5e 3 ut | Is plrlieuhrly recom 6 OOd and I _“"n.n.'m\ix g a d fiogite in 3 ho useâ€" | '[ll s@p Ne mended for use durin y its action on t a Gecmndy n inating we: | THES RING AND SUMMER the mhscous nhow it abe ied je M ooee tais THEN THE BLOO NS dimensions, thi ulinine on ‘ itw maty ; d faâ€" | “ circulati B D 18 TH the blood, a l omm ht Circuiate ; | tion cl 1CK, T sod, and res M o lation en | body ljendered unhei;f«g‘veg' and the humor: ‘,f“ufi to t_hru- n:mn;ll "“, (oy ”: “li“ ied ve l' 19 I Reortriges o4 (be wl y by the heavy a d petite is i size ; by ended of desâ€" | poW®" e winter months. T {Gere: glmny ; is improved | derenese whap Jx- Pmul‘ul detergent, cleanses e\' ,h"' safe, ough digestive orga '...;.H derang rivigeo 4. i‘ed | gy stoi, and nhoulJ be :?edl;'fi;.,l, of the and giving ;, lxl'\ pornachod. mt ‘;'x":rm. C ‘t s A fs A I)i % # aily | pcm‘l!ICv. he coat & stock .1x“]<' x the skin le of | B ecet JDDrinl D. W. HUR is d as | l“y.all who are sick, or who wish t is “'{l" : qming + ® ming | l.':::s.f It is the only genuine and 0 e prevent sick ‘ sOLE h aiden Lane \i \x“ 'li: te & on of | or the permanent cure of lhe'r‘;flnul prepara a provhieron rou mur Ahoke! 6 ERAL | § and contirmed cases u(l"sl dangerou . | NORTH ““l’fl.‘.r (Ayi5 * hy crofula, Old Sorcts Boil â€" \A LYMAX s d es ':."*'lt.o l'lrc::o'rmn"' ae : mels ( “V 04 _f Kevofulou i 6re s m y « and Scabious erupâ€" Mxl::‘l"',\- Geo .\I:‘rlll:l.n‘ n cnink es x. H. F. McCard reol Dooie t arthy, and J & 8, W. x hinmer i. 124â€"f $ hR 1j lV L o sARSAPARILLA _ IN QUaART BOTTLES ! The Great Purifier of the Plood M T400 .# mss Aurint r xC \f $ THESPKRINL ANXVOSL NMW LA “YHEN THE BLOOD 18 THICK, THE circulation eh:i‘ed. and the bumors of the body rendered unhealthy by the heavy and greasy secretions of the winter months. This safe, 5lough puwerful detergent, cleanses every portion of the avstem, and should be used daily body rendered TN secretions of the wi powerful detergent A eystem, An By all who are sick, or who wish ness. â€" It is the only genuine and tion for the permament cure of the and contirmed case Scrofulas Old Sorei scesse And every kind of Sero tions. _ It is als SALT RHE UM, J SCALD HEAD It is GENUINE en E®e t 0. And is the only true and reliable cure even in its worst form®. It is the very best medi¢ine for th diseaser arising from & vitiated or it the blood, and particularly so when nection with l e t 21wâ€"td _BRI s TOL‘S (M egetable) b'ugul'fCu{m-(l §7â€"4.8.0 sented Is 66â€"tf Liver, Stomémch and Bowels, Put n‘- in Glass any climate. .. any CMIRTUTY ’;heu Pills are prepared expressly to operate in harmony with that greatest of all blood puriters, BRIETOLS SAREAPARILLA, in cases arising from depraved humor2, or impure blood. _ The most from depMt®" """" 02 /o+ Aexvair. Under the inâ€" TUTUTTY CCA moden BRIETOL‘S SAREAPARILLA, in cases nllll 3 Biduas sn vex e ie Wt T0 from depraved humor2, or impure blood. The most | excelled in depth, p helpless sufferers need not derrlir. Under the inâ€" | sweetness . fuchce of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies | _ wA HENRY FR that have heretofore been considered uttelly incurâ€" | ghe X . Y h s RJ able, dhqru quickly and 'permnnently. Ieme L l‘ *¢ Pribunesiys following diseases, these Pill« are the zafest, the | newly inventod Kiz (\!:cheat. and the best remedy ever pnpnred. and all the praise given to should be at once resorted to : Gottschalk, â€" Stracko» l)y-pelt:h. or Indigestion, Liver Come | As regards structure plaintsy Constipations Headaches | philosophical ; i i ud Pricss philosophical; in pt Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Contâ€" (Mnaity of tone ; in ed Pills are for sald by all Druggists everywhere, crowing excelence w Eold in Ottawa by‘ John Roberts, Dr. Garvey, H. to © sing" on the instri F. MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W. M. Massey, and \ deserye the highest 1 der:rgo Mortimer, | my opinion, is destin« ~Febmusry19, 88806." ..__.._....._â€"..__ocu« 48â€"utt | in !lll:l' manufacture « world. P I L LW Among the most important of modern Medical discoveries stands the P WR e particularly recommended for ko t oiz on e epneage <A d guaranteed to Pm Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore | Throat, Sprains, Bruiscs, Cram ps in@he | Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentry, ; t _ Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, _ ~ | Frost Bites | de., de.. &e., &c. | rr!ll-‘. CAXADIAX PAIX DESTROYER has now been before the Public for a length of time, and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a singl¢ instance to give permament relief when timely used, and we have never ‘ known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are properly followed, but on the “ contrary, all 1s delighted with its operations, and speak in he highest terms of its virtues and magical effects. T 1 us $ mt i MB w We speak‘ from experfence in This MLIZY} | having tested" it thoroughly and uu-rvforel those who are suffering from any of the comâ€" “ plaints for which it is recommended may deâ€" | pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. | The astonishing efficacy of the Canadain | Pain Destroyer, in curing the Discases for | which it is recommended, and its wonderful ( success in subduing the torturing pains of \Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec» l tions, entitle it to a high rank in the list of | Remedies tor these complaints. . Orders are ; coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each testiâ€" fving as to the universal satisfaction it gives. J L. 20 . ammvereiane 772 7 en Nee se m aont io P The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keep it. â€" Physicians order and use it; and no family will be without it after once trying it. f Price twentyâ€"five cents per Bottle. NORTHROP & LYMANX # Newcastle, C. {V., (General Agen‘sfor Canada. Sold by Geo. Morti.zer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, H, F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in Ottawa. CaNADIAX PAIN DES TROYER RELIEFAkK TEX MINUTES PULMONIG WAFERS! 1 blished in 1837, and first article. of The Kind ever introduced under the name of © Pulâ€" monic Waters," in this or any other country ;all other Pulmrnlc Wafers are counterfcit«, The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN The ErTl'. cure Ar Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865 ::l::l; m“:o:n;;dei for use during PRINXG AND SU MMER in Atawa. _ , Uttawa Dec. 18 1865 ~HE ORIGINXAL MEDICINXE «ESTAâ€" Notice of Application. No-ncr. 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that ap. g:uiu will be made to Parliament at its next ion, for an Actto authorize the sale for the bentfit of the devisce, of that Block of Land in the City of Ottawa,lying bet ween Wilbrod and Theodore Streets, and east of the extenszion of Charlotte Street, to the River Rideau, devised by the late Theodore Besserer to Andrew Donald Besserer, a Minor. MARGARET BESSERER, Executrix and Guardian.. Ottawa, April 5, 1866. sw mCOs It is also a sure remedy for i UM, _ RING woORM, TETTER, D HEAD AND sCURVEY. sed to be the Purest and most Powerâ€" ful preplrnliun of HoNDUR AS® SARSAPARILL A Ee AIETU U uon Rennbniti. Dict Drink, Aefuncs s Newcastu®. by George Mortimer, John Roberts, W. sey, H. F. McCarthy. and J. Skinner, Phials, and W arranted s L O L‘S Er; llfi)x;cuei of the xperience in this matter, ‘f:,.- the cure of all d or impure state of when used in conâ€" for Ryphilis to keep in prevent th using it. It cleanss moving . fr lymph, or clogs them, caus and by its action the mucous men dimensions, thu the blood, and r to their natural petite is impror «digestive organs and giving to t! | pearance. p. W. HURD 1.6f. P ‘ Every W‘f‘f! T. PrICE TWEXT Sold by Geo. Mortim Massey, H. F. McCart) Ottawa., PIANO FORTES 1â€"6â€"f&w t! constructed on a truly Seicp ple. â€" They have greater strength, a main longer in Toext than any o The construction is simple &ud uat extrancous lumber in the body of ment is despensed with ; the sount merely two arched plauks of thin the front and hback of a violin ; th attached to a strong Iron frame, whis ‘ted and entirely independent of the .dispensing with the old harp form l by substituting straight bridges, ; the same time the Over Strung Be | Mr. Diiccs is the Inventor. B provements we gain much mor | power, at the same "time proser | purity and richnoss of tone, 16â€"w2m â€" They have received 1 from the P1ss, and al in the country, among Harry Nanderson., Max «Maretsck, Theodore Eishecld, Merman Wolienhoupt, Francis H, Broun, Wim, Henury Fry. _ Ottawa, Dec. 18th 186 pianist, SA ®;â€" Fortes, and 1 construction, . Its increase of vibrate very simple and q# tone is rand .and r for sustaining the volume of tone of excelled in deptl sweetnoss. DRJIGGS NXEW PATEXT MR. SEGESMUND | gCHOOL ORGAXN3 ant XELODEN Before purchasing catalogue, with price Ottawa, Dec. 18, 186 ‘Autematic Orgam. The #52 re #552 PACK! \ THIRTY NINE umfir(ts& with PATEN BASSO 1EXUTO or SUB BABS. JA A, taining full descrption 0° * testimonials of the most emincut 10 as to the superior excellence of O4f mentsâ€"will be sent free to an" addres The Automatie Orga®. In presenting the buldly announce the musical instruments 0 past half century, the have â€" manufactured double belliows, and t opcerate, but the wan narerk» merows, (wh used in our instrumen for them to produc« musical tone for whi celebrated. CETEDIITUT. Anothcer objection to this methob@""" _ was, that both feet being occupied® tunity was offered for the manage®t well. _ Within the past two F‘ h constructed on this Europea® y blowers," have been m‘“". country, and to countcract this 3PMO _ of a swell) a lever has beekh P’w* centre of the instrument, to80 Axp oregrateo py rue xxes.. The is and contortion necessary to effect are disagrecable enough to ll‘"â€"b' \l lady the use of «uch an appendag¢ impossible. _ __ __, _ ; upsthied9 |\ _ OCaution 19 1 4 %" poese t | _ Al ofoul'lnmâ€"'l-"". 4 C \ board, in full, «GEO, A. PRINCE | When a dealer represents any other lfl \as "the same ak ours," it is d-'.‘ .zgmp:k«xiuimiwi.qfl\“ | can make large proBte |, > l r.s;ui\.mldi.:wwmw men and Schools ddross. 3 ‘a aBo. aA. PPXCE i â€" Our arrowxaric device entitely, the simple act or jess force giÂ¥Ing decrease in the volum decrease in the volume ©" 0000 00 The Mclodeon and gehoo! E N * _" A.» emperiof 35.000 NOW in USE of our Mclodcons has not **/" for two years past the enon® made it unp(-uhl:’: us to â€" feel warranted in assuring « their orders vi"m"d’ + anntinuance of patrons a continuance PEVWW WRmRNETY SOCCCOCCR Finisbed in Elopant Rosewood, Walutt * or Oak cases. T -_!_-'-*-â€"â€"_‘ Tus Orrawa Tnln.-hhtl‘-‘ r every ‘morning, (Sunday® fl‘ Grore: CorTo® Proprictot j Pavis, Editor, at the Times 6wa® Works, No. 60, Spark® Street, in * Ottawa, County of Careton 0. ¢â€" DARLEY‘s GEO A. PRINCE & 00‘ THI Ottawa, Dec x ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE me the Over Strung Bass, of which is the Inventor.. Ey these ip. ; we gain much more vibratery the same "time preserving all it richness of tone, ¢ re xeceived the highest testimonias 1~ss, and all the principal artigt itry, among which are : nteen yoars Y M. rl ur« respectfully to them by Mess kosch, Mason 1 ure, they are purity, volume n vocal versim which enables trument. You t mank, .Your i incd to work tm SOLK bl t PA TEX T L. M. Gottechelk, K. Thalberg, U ‘m, «Mewomy * «4. Kariliy «X, Strachouch, Chas, Pradel, THALBERG. the a thy vrocal versimilitude, that wich enables '|b§ ment. _ Your ink., . Your iny d to work nnhul# {. Pianos throughout th g 1865 L. M. GOTTSCHAL desoription 0) excullence of : free 10 wn" J AGENTS HALL philosophical. â€" Th it bas groat capadit for «inging, and it r 1 have never bear ty, and sympatheti _reed instru® two peda4s for f nt of the reve act of NlowiBF " ; the dexired i® D‘"’“k.‘f.'u INETRUNME®T: Armaant "WH ; o â€" groatest / A per e I"Nn('h and fi ranted ty yB T nd for a thin wood, like ; the strings an which is sepan. tln-m.c,w Knmif[.ui*i ‘8, phm*- x Bass, of which . By these im. more . vibritory eserving all in t io oag mt 3 * obviat utific Princi. tund, all the i the instry. nd boardsare Lt ris, W, M, hinter, in : the only * oik ut -!pcllo', II ‘ m‘ ney v;&"é ited + Spnageg [ wekemt e ter the United XEW YOR House, | 1â€"Clkw p 4 obrom . parxce, 56 Bufalo® now Pig s avetom cAuf s with 9# d, bwin for the ie« * vered @ 9 Oness, * i ant" great style, ® pict. howlth .‘ w"o. 60' A. L Dowxi®6â€" ouars, Jan 16, 1866.___. yiyoock & IL 'm.r..rl'-l.u AM' fioexaghniiily * * oJ Ofice Bailding a We "omaiy tihed every FRWAY | w Subs ibore for w1 1 "â€"» not paid iD & _ _M. McLEOo ' Qâ€":M-H‘::'-exs ® ®***~¢not paid i > if not paid in mo "«k\_v will cof C otes F« Pn bea most valuable DC ,‘.-._-“__‘;,‘EM LBMi@A ’/‘--" "C w J. sCOT _ Ornor : Aumond‘s Buildings Otawa; Jun. 12, 1866. e PNTECCC A oRrNEYâ€"A Tâ€"LA VÂ¥ Chaneéry, ConveyaN0E!+ i of Â¥ ork Streot, two 190885 |||"J!‘j‘!”' 1866. x. B. 1r000% Pebreary 7, 1806. **"* "., Shoe Store, (umor‘s Bho# SMZZ A.ui'u'l. Office s B ~“... Mr. Boue separed to attend promptly ¢« Soverament employes, and t ‘~“ Ar. B.attenc wit in and for the district of Qs December 28, 1865; _ # fow COLMAX & W Am'.‘. Barrist« !‘:.‘.‘..'1_4 4 itulav d :Tn-buau-c«w Pebruary 7, 1866. Ornone : Hal Mall and Aylmer, C Â¥r. Wright will attond at Mul 'â€"*â€"-â€"-- Bumdl A : in Chancery, nbe: Lang‘s Building, o orTAW A W. MARSHALL M ARRISTER«A TeL A vance; vVyOL. + THE 4500 » SpasomipTi0® J.F. BOUL p. 4‘0ON pdition F. BOUCH SWERTT (gunday» Ex South of Dan WEEKLY & GEM 6. HU and At T. DA BRAD » J , 1866 2. LEX r Ar woy House Attor Block 60. 8 f the ‘ ‘M« ads Met PP unt J

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