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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Jun 1866, p. 2

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‘- ’d m7. aRiaa k5Tiiirtiiiiir- 9375.13 Elihu; and n has: I“. WM 1',ettetat-.e am all that I“ can. u no U. . 'r-iid- l "ia'" unawugnmn-ny. ', I . _l'tiiiiiti.liiitlii. DummA-vnoomnl‘ “Jill- lav-Mn” ............ , a"-"""""?""" lille.; If). oh -e in". W ii iii, an lad-yum; “HM-57L...” “and or-tgo.----- - Mlummbud Human-am a.“ tm-th-re-De “as -er-tmsgli'e-atsratt-r, ”vino. Ea-era-tB-ss-gl" a...“ [an M n.%-ditV ”WWW-UH,“ ”it!" vi. Mud. do. u I um " , . ' 1tget.'a=.'li' 1...}? r...“ 'ttiii)', EiiiEGUi "_""' m" Mathis)... _ -i-itLa--r-rivd..- 0. new will the “not on A--.qtg-qqd - _ Inn " mm; " ,ettir"r'EiiiiiCii'sEt2'r', m: - it -- MOO-n, and MI;- aiihiy W... .- (tttill)tttmtlljtits " SeiPti'dkicif 1lttt cm. ', tip" mm-a-hte., an... AWWEd-huonniq in. -.oe_hrld-tiemviotoeieo in thdtByomt-ietokaeioms Inthe conn- Iyd'ww Unhin- in. te. “ ha. hit. my the Coatbder law-amulupmjui do. bitumen“. that of the than! at“ It. An.“- yolk-1th. “a - d - This in putty -dseiB-o6thedrift of - which - the pd P-i-int gunk-dun a. lbw-bah, toudoliremd NW“, inuOusuu, xeii1 Mymvhhwun “uh-abdu- in...” hit “mmwmm Emmy-“numeral: tr-ei-su-ir-tredial amen-nary. haw-whom- th.h-gmtinlth-ila"uehn-bkd ArMi"iodhritqriirttrietxtttth. -'i-fthiirrtoitrNetrraatdtu "-i-totmoia""tr-rtaitm. laud-must. cud JttgttrthT.Tpn"et=tMlfu's' ti-ttOtt-tite-iii,-, 'sabhbegerrei+.dtetb.hrHtM-hgti- WA'A IO Inasmuch! “my: Th huh: and. “amnion. . had wordy-child» nighbodn. mummdnhuuqm hug-ah. Ahoy-mam “out.” m at] a my a- -itmttttirart+iththitilienofthe “WW. Att-qeii1tm,rrur, was a“ wido- nhnld in “bhvlnoudcth-douhuo Thoma-1,8 iat-aer1qiWeioar, in qlgWeettt-hl. the "thtteitiq. ”Minn :='g.Tri'i'ttr,,tiTdi"2tt at "ii,auqk.aodtmi'oe_aq.irsa' who-Nr-at-e-t “MIN mums-m. , f ubb-dodthm’fndod men on th-tofthe-a-td-i-hi-ati-l -dttteera-trr-fmetui- yum-imam“ -.uai.eetkrreerts.aetmtai Mm on the lat A“ and the ”Mandated“! m, ,'itul_htruaNihdttx. “WMdemo-u ,riti-t1ru-bimtofott-Ndttet. Th-o-th-ether-tqt-tio" osftu0etmxreth"trr'hteutto-str" bMHIIun-uyh uranium h-auuud that the complain ofthe -- Int-Id with during the plus-'03. [ A to. vii) hm ups-d, it in -usoeot-ti-rt'iimttto a“ h the “in. MC-a. “but magma-11mm AIM-chum Khomeini“ th.Aa-unGtr-tti.ut e-tttt "no “manhunt, -,arboithtmt6rrt-mttse 'e0't'0_ tina of an)“ I." -iaed buds of d-Bt-ttnet-ko-stil-v-o-r. -ddmortr-tis. Tu-ion- mummjuummm- but “and not. My, Mvobon‘ Winn-noodl- 'tPNtt" - the pup-Ind MM Mylo», no It... ”sly-mod, aim".- mow-Mm My. The but. of 00min- we. In: --t.th0se.erfotsatemtmMetivi, tua--gtuiit cum-undre- -H-¢ you: “Luv-m I'll-b m, aut-uit-oe-twr' mains-dung, its“ you. Why mmmhww awnin- - B-Mba-tattire-tro-at w tall-lbw, “in: we“ unthhAm-pn miairi-thtmsrhiuturo,rt'th 3-in-3...»- -'ioooAgtqd _ In" - -rqtiqehimttugtoth- win, with. Mike in. non.» themi-dqrhramt'-riehmttee."nit-ot qiaion it the - b “M“ "éiuti-uottmrmni-tatie can mm will, "believe, but uncut-Q.. ............ tutu. a. m " ... s..........-.. -_t-at............ 1.tbFm. be. h Ilka-Q... “mums... Whom-mummy“ I" FILL-ll’ ll " €70. r. in. I." -t--.TQamra. NEW ADVERTISEIEXTS. “Maui of ter.raktktr--, OTTA‘A. JUNI 8, t860. I‘ll-l “DINO-PAID. Wetsuit-mug " ”my I A. Alla-'0 and“ “In! Pf ’19-!” Ar n. Oran m -T'hq - Ct on ugh-l. “In; I”; a tip; u». I. 1". I. I." a " up I I'D-.- They have be my yen" chew“ the Hen thetira goo-16m “dune-tinny,” ouniooidmrtiu.rireFutuirts. This "(waning cell-emotion he. one-ed the- to wonder that-e MM not no the incelcnlnble dew which the as would - to ne from n cheep cl .1wa iefrompoliticel nllintionto Greet Britain, to the apt-Mire” - good of ”Mummy with them-the - he end enlightened Batitta wnrmed and vivi- M by the Inn. They a, not Item to believe no, when we tell than we peter the kind of government tutder which we live. It hello- their neg-city to diecover howtlniecen be; they cannot understand it, end they get angry with n- " on tuning ohm-enn- nd unpality. They can reelly to hire believed that they were enriching B. by the syucm of commie! inth which " ieted the eleven ”on, nnd Galina " unwil- ling " the end, to am”! it an n bribe for tonne. into the Union, they thought, et lent the Potted-g prion-e very lap pee tioe-did, that they could some no by our cellin; the wt. " their reel enti- Inente - known, they expected we would “in a. light of Unit mm in! musing otthu bad-goon. b -,--eh. ox- .ct - we; :1.“le trut-her hum "Io-l, outbid-III, or a the Mimigmohqu wow-adi- uumdcnu part.) no, no "do and. My well by out-slut; that w. have In. timber, when, and wool winch they Inna havondcuwotdo without. and " which Wynn-tn, Iain my. They no we on -ittgto ”and on out. "Wu mittttereroaatrie-dtus of." incur, -trilursoattait-u"asume common. with plan what they now no the skid Wm; who", in “a, they but. "tod.. mild). nostril-o BritUh 1hsltColoaie.. TMuo-omiuponpodl "duti-ttiuwulmi-eitiethrp- ttuatut-ruuer.litubttrdert_. They too-Many on help u in»... mum dun-link)“: on ”it,“ tutiturtotoartt-i-to-sttttem. Ttie-roto-r-i-tttest. hwnmnnkoohnrinn, Indicate! theiroatut.tottt-,tutq-tttiietrt buy loll- up-luppaibud‘hiru port-No palm; that In an a” their HMS-ovum pivilqowonhlo tu-ll-mu-tso-rr-til) ttter-e-st-thi-hiatt-had mummwughtwhioh,muoin¢, moyppui-Wohain. Then ttterhiimttteirh-iettuhm_rot Brituhutih-tmtuoo"i-tt. Mm 'ii-i-toe-hte-ie-ttrl-her "emdwuredtormattt"i-kan'tsq mummmywum “a... WWI-thyme. Mymmumw'qu it mu, . harbour at My. to the “luau-Id South-I'll. Thy can“ not but than out, and m on“ M up D u pitch a! - by bulimia-talcum In no diamond, ”dinosaur-pi. ad " "irrudtuottottoetth-oOt - Iain Inn-l, humbly oqrrtentiaq M to -tgasmrtrmr-dlittttroV Mini“, abound Noah" hm Thatthndos-l ninpumdthdrviuqu, nah,“ thue-thour-te-tttrt- mrt-ré-thiagtumu't-mirtei'irh. WoWydddlan In the w shiamdlmnmd vu- W? “they int-Id ttttra-r-it-tHirst-tttha" mumutNI‘wI-Mnduu uv.h-uthoi-au-1-i.,et'th. re-tov-thee-ttdh-b-o Shut-dank]. “What-dull "BMW-Mauritian” ‘di-llotdheovnlbmy,yu In, -d--itsa.haseheei,amthitr. 0!,“in theiroqm'.t-itoer. This "iatttet-thorte-hetheir Nani-u, “but, nail-lacquer 'ribuaaie-qtriuutio-ther_ ”Manama-hundu.» Mthunm Welt, ,r-tut-ehidtrrtteeqiomi otd--tteditri-ioao6tmresmtraq tmt-tht-thot-eo-th-r whaling. Thai: Oman-nut hum "t-tedtodoitotatreatd-u"fttl kit;buvony-wollnylhl,whm tte-r-ite-riots-r' ortrsei-atdMth"mti-toer. Ann-dd ,eaouio"r,eu'aitt-horumaorfah. u-aa-ter-o-i-Ba" our-1m, M tirmtt-dthem and "In," . Mn Milka-what Tt'",'.:t2WtT','frldt12, dtsv,ruour-tttrtt. “I.“ “'0an Am Own-alt t--t,truooaritu.doaitmtt N3ooaramdatromttUt in Mun than. “me." right lot-I'd. ll talcum-Id ”new" liovdm-uyhuonmmdeudnd -deterdmaiut-tHtrro-tr" Thom-thug": " My”! dummmdmmy no and " inn-nu “I“ in this country luWhuquhln-uh-h have,“ Could] not a. to M “I, mica-um“. damp-gn'dlo- bah-30,1000. M: TheB-ssDi “yum-Id -rcttertn1nq,mvStt-t CM. munwummhdm wmmumuawu t1tg'eg:1Tgttt',th'"d:h',t “We! foundation “Mo-MM]. Thu-unh- nl My ll! my append by "eer-b.eoeth--it,e_ 1lu.el.eA--TutNmmoetwo doll-uni mmwmb Mail-vii. d who-bot “AMI-ion «up, It. . - “in“ in,” to. 5-. ,r'rtttltrrer,eeie6qtee.. [and by Ir. QIhhl, new by It. Danni-My I Ton-II ;tht no “I. a“ MI. o'd'l'=lliAhW,A'l2ffll'W'hht1 WWthanp-y,wlomnu trtr,t2'tttTtltsrd1'rt,',Td I M,w|ohmMa-d r. tlttthatt,'e'ar,ttWd',",We ”In-wilybthunhdm-Iu to - In who .1 onlyh tho I: hump-human“: 'iinl'N"raGiic'ririiTiiii"ii"GiWi"; tr-ut-sei-doeth-tmt-too' Ins-Hal“! _ - hum-lg. COUNTY COU 'tcur-NBP-, BasaorCtrvrtoe-.-imu_ “he“, Why R. New. Auction- Hr "vaetie.d " Tue-by ttth but, MI but W. Die node. of the“ who- mu-lo will uh plum!!!” be dun. has. or Dun. Ami-non Cm -..N. Drill A-tcut" Col-Ian not a (bonito. Motel "and” um, when bmA-tre-thtetureeetrtioaot In." ot numbers. The Con-Mn - cpl: My, be a. purpose at funk-tin. an madam Dun T-arts.-.; Mud Cm. otToromto, In" eqtUmd Ibo man at pun-Mule In. “that", "which" III,II Tannin. The Win-nava- hgpm,nd tin KW city In. I ”Ilhmh,!~m. h i-rieraeet,-tq'tlest'-ttee Ila-col lb - ennteeeou, bat hr not. gnu-Mulls". Thine-l new...» In hmhldlollrJ. twa‘m he brte.qtt.u,itartr,imttt"reetstineli'" (but ,reqrShortrnoreunthre n thu- hood-luau. (\an A-um-a We: I. has n- ecked by Mr. Andrew Lcunln‘, ot Count“, to. Mr. Iva-n. My of Bull. m in law Yong-nun. imam-“Wand he huh. inm‘nnehd Kn Ya! I noon-g of (tun-lb- Ill held, when My mnemMrr-indm toseetheireoqtgt. try dishes-md, will...“ to cone he. a th-.-" so. cl Mr. Ala. llrhvood, ot NONI-Mum“, lettH. he. can" at W and huh M Chap-Al‘- Bloch,“ Wain-by m, b can. Into undue-normal; “moo-chan- un on awh- amt. Hon with h!- I and] willow huh“ In”, which tim. Ion-coo! hint-l um II. b chm yen-old, had on u while an hut, Weill-[bl booted blah mun" coal. Any lulu-o- ne. reg-Min. hln, will ha lost “In", mind by In -ntr, who In I- drop - un- eluted, on account at " IMO “an“. h-as.-Jea. Teta, In, II}, from ”in, Ink“ in to" ”and”. gamma: con-W5 mun W i?iiiiili. The mm an. upon people ”No ”mural- In an»; was” "toemtethue.eeot_. ',tl",eQla1'S'1','l York Immu- .nd will ummmwumu birth. a- IA-n'n 'tt-.-er- 0. our me. mind II in. noticing, "shaky, mud-mm mama. a truosri-t m.- Mollie“ 11110.7”, that“, by 0-wa coup-y. It. To“ etc and“. “CM Ttmat" to pu- mammwmmm ”plan. Nu-mwmbmuuunad-l-No wquW,-mm; lb llacqumt,u-Lndy Ann-I It. MTM. the Earl at New Mum-(0&1) - null-.00! ,rtttbeg-emubmteth-titerttr but In "meti-ttt h “In col- ... '0 - vi. It. TM alt You!” a ttme f',1',ht “.mdzm "aide.t.dthis m-Mwhuhmmd‘ adisi-iDoaameintio. into-pn- new Rh.B.v.tD.Phtttt-emlud bmcu, mewwmmw In which he not“ no and. Thirty-ho -t"---t1od-,-tthe$ttttttrri" elem the“. MI Inn!) Dun-In. WI Mu, In!" B. We, than. by, Clark. an! L-k.. no - cur-n “It. but, - Ind-I I Win mm Ila-Ind Roll and “handle-damn“. than “mum-nun“. with 'tttWaters'."::'.'.',',',.".",","','.', villa-tum ”no. no ulnaA s t,ephttt.2tdiPgradt1t hun- umlunbch 'd?gte'ft'elwt'.' Lt'.t ttq-whims - nut-outdntln- tttttttti-gtg".:, WoWw Monti-WNW ’00!deng l. P. P. u Tttmc-i-he Could] Hank": Moo Yen-kl, Ink. Chi. Yum-y”, AMI“ W W, “In, (lulu-h) was. (mum). PM, m. In“, hut. lotion. Fury, W, D. M. Am Ind, Ath"n Ill.- -, lull, Iona-Id. Wu " u-bly: In: Chub-In. Iy-d. Bt.. (a, A}... my», mm, In... Helios, Do. m-t, P. Duh-,1. I. In, by», Small, lot-l, Diem new... 3mm, Pol- 1eee um. I..." "l"tN',tr,2't Commie, lurk,- Pow-n. J. D. helm... Do Int-chunk, a-te, In“, Gibbs, n. M In“. Wank, Fold", Alon-o mt, W, run-u, C. Wilson, mum", I, m - Coup. . hum co-B. Ger-In, cum! in]: -tmuau-rir,-nn-dti' “tugging“. Homdoochupd with-rut-d-r-ttitat.., JohnDouMIo,Wby '.l¢uoltvhh ulna-ow. John Quin. pd- nuln the Veil-hot Coup-y (to. Bein Canon. who’d-d ttte Coup-Dy In Me!” IHIIQVMI-mvucw wallow.“ “WWW In an...» MIIMWMWM ,.rtne-ttsithateadothruitotthe hob-CM“. The hill no "on 'bMthhuMuhu-Mhe In to -- at Wu Wei], AIM -rhtmimtrdrAth_mtnt.tdr) tia-rite-r,'-)-. tninety-ere-ttmart-r-eh" ”Hannah-lot nil-cu mum. ”We”, Jill-ho, chlo- unnnpmummvm MkaMnhaho-mto “Min-“MM“- ,rttt-o-ete.nrhoaedqtt-h Nil-p it M W. m but h. “yummndwwu -tranAgmd. umou- thisetty. 'bqr3erhathinne-iiper-ioaotth. btitinq_urtrr0no0uiumrurtt unto-Ilphm hem-units.» IpWM,A-dul My”: cud-db mun-mud... About Mum-manpyudlh CM“.- Finn-duct“ HdeHMOI-MJI ”unbound." with b.ahiemtutthi-er'tttoetefth. LOCAL N E‘VS. ee " W., ”J... m .0 My [bu '-- Q tht Quad! 'hater, Maid-hm.- Inch-tn naphtha-ulna“ Johaodnnmld 'h-_-eyed-q-trot-ru 'g1t'tltftht.t2tit'faT2,'tt “I‘ll“ III-M. [tuned -r_dtuare-ifuthomttth. dpi-Ab-ree-tq Could]? Mutual cal-Lo ”um-M 5-“. Why yd- when at...“ 1'l'l'vdTf,d's'fl'lth'lgl 'retueq-t Whining-mm “hummus... ly-an h” ho - In W and! --,t.etoaM6a. uncut-toll“. "oft-ti-re MI, am “an.“ =='utrJt8lSa1t'fd'dlttJ. THE OTTAWA TIMES, JUNE 8, 1866. Wuurovl, N. Y., Ttb-rm, on my]. ttd Yul-u. on their ny Non-mm put of the nun u this place, by decr- h con-nu! at thin poet, an!“ under olden mm, Omen! I“. A My wen ulna put on the mom- lu pull " Antwerp. No more will be Allowed to So Nolan. __ _ _ - "€87.13, t.-There baa been um ream deqoetittattsdt, __ --. ‘. In]... Put " m 0-:- u Wat-now- n-d Antwan-p. It In 0.:le "pond from Idem) that an mum on.” In ttaaUd. The pdlclpnl durum an“, and tho men am leaving " hone. . leot Der-oi of New York, and “out. J. B. Robot“, ml " recruits [or the Icahn any hem My, nil ot who- an very only 'ia.iie,nattmaerretotto_thfttrm""tNm a mumthn in furnished them. They prided the gtgeeta with new ad Am Ila lying, but their receding: In edtunlr mm to . clout, by thy Ila- SPECIAL TELEGRIAMS T0 " TIMES." iai -iGT%aiG --- 136 and (he - and" the PM»! Mackinaw. Ttte [also an my“ but tit. Allan, mummwm " stuck on who pom on the Mada. The pistols-alth- mm been del dd upon, or if in», it In: not been promul- plcd through“ the (one. no" no two corp d 010 point-one of It”! I”, the map». . . . , 2",','gtu','g, t, 5 pm. tt In age. in.“ band In: been - and In Now York, And that 00-. “my has been [€ch on " on: ”M- . - Lphgt,kg no attemirt to hide their than, t publicly MM they are ulna! to at. M (roll the Brltinh, “gamma-(Iceman unpala- -teldir.o't.. . I" .. It. i. [clown-coma“ nony gm ot- tered the Gonna-nun lulu . (up: ttf " no», " "tive service, (outpost duty,; furnish a.- wall chant, hon:- und All equlpllwuu, he!“ a. B's-cumin.“ two nvolveh Manitoulin" ulna (Multan. “Pulls-cut. . -7i'iri"iri';i"ia4 Chuck, who. sum: will hound " Balm “no, oanndny 'ef. My”... -te. _ _ . 771M 7 Ho's-unu'nnuu of "spectst In“ In Tm ad vicinity. Th " It Mu milky also! by W. . MIDNIGHT DBSPATCHBS. ”Klan-um ”Hui ”MA-mannin- 'rt-rms-ir-et?"" Bonk. It tun-gly_lllodlu_.}ov_hogn. _ - . - in“, in tho Q's-h Own, III to...“ will: upland” Spence: Illa but], y n In. Molds. Tho pliant mph“: vu M u when], and leave. 'Io-ni‘ht to mug-(luau. f, - . M Dom“.- " luv“. Cu“.- In Mine-OHM fugue“ tun-pong- duthoOI-ll Tun-twin, in Mad night “as have“ Totem “I“. an alluded hahu we" at“ - " Poet new, and embed by the layer, Two in. dint-nod to: want of "W the ' but m 1-3404. They in to. huh-0pm!“ "rrruitinq in going on by}.- yrues My): yank” soldier. 'bydmlnhmnunbuqmw 'p,WA"dettt Anal-nyudndu PM i-terr. Ire hedetd ed My Tuo Pr-ttor. It“. Can-Id Out. “hi-MI“! urlvo in. WE " was!» ()pr an!!!“ In. on " loan will It Allowdtogolom “av!“ will b; [and We”. [up Inn-dumpmmm 91°2an$__.._ _. _ "Gr-a lint n33: [en mum *teT-totttietiet. rarill was. AaAdrntrt_Nt-ttmettr.eedtte" had-'9'» _ ___ - _ Tuvalu-Inn In" an! the WM B-ritohetgt-,th.ramatttttnbrttttt' thrusting-Ida. undoubt- chance to “gargantuan um. The My“ on My a an of Print-Amalia, hamlet-aw.- that ol Wint- ttauth ot the Queen's 0n. n. 'iuUi'iGiiu7iilp.uraG Orange Lake Th loin] Influe- ol manual-nu uni-lbw“. Talon”. hue? 9.10pm. M “Nada-cm in Kit" Edmund you,“ 'agt,Tgp,',2r,ta'."'i"'i'e ham-ll - will: that. tab 'Wn'canunu io be enetGd In the it?” Why, and mm to [on Ton-to, Jun t, " p. I. Tho “I My h . little more exciting. The guy-l anew «lynch tttk morning ' It“. “I,“ It. betcha the Ulla! I'll'ti “thermo- ha adored the "matotrtobeetn,t$-ter, Mann-tent. loading Inkl- m mind with Bret, atthsqgtt e_oridet, qua. too lab _ Smith; In quid on (he rem": {rotation Melanin-M. is the elect that 6,000 Inh- ummmmmmuy VII-oc- 'yeltlehelf, like], co-oper- II. with!“ III-thumb]: din-Maids. ' ". an. and has ie strongly n;- Intel. -.hitteifthat_rriv-thueim" iatt_ftxtmpttirPetrPtty-tvoityttr". . "The vottmtekturiet w. ly Inca-ltd MIN not unmanned Ttve-tof-aut-r,:) - vmmmrmm "Aittgiad-pedttkr.. lot. at our mad-d new." mind m" _ (f _ .llonnu. the my turaeedintHreretBgu-Wt. Ad-hte-o-tu-tMurphy dong-other quegbrhow. h _ TORONTO SPECIAL DER! NH. (It now an.) ttt ,tladfdt.5, itt,1.jr',i4r' Srdt',gggi'. . .0. - Ind; iirriiiriiraUiiat';" 0. Jinan, Tim;l.00ncnh Janka; o. o. a... iiii,5aa7GiiiiDcir.iiiGGi."iiair, a"? mumps“ , M. Lt', nIb' . . II. ; J... liiESiiiii. “not. it. mm J. B. ant-,0.- In ' (Sh-bu! ad tdad; g 'tttt 22r.Utllt'; " Weill, J.'n.'lo-Ia:'. E. thumb, o. bias,' Joseph 14mg... In “my, P.D. Dar, ch. Damian, Ema, With-- JLutNu'l'Sfi3t2rgtt 'litlriir'ii,t,'i. I... "Cir.'GGriaE Iml- ohn 2'N'tut.etp, L. Dev. tt ,i,iiiii..aii; J. .mwu 3. gram", Touch; J'. iii/CC, “.3 Efiiliiiiiiii tt . km; D. I: . 'h',tt.'tthWef, luv-guillo' tht am». an aqua Duh-o; ha. In. ttthit/c' m in!“ mm; A. I. Irwin-an; oyi:flttS1trat'" “but, [Jul-oh; l th length; itNS, kiln-moo; I??te-,', Por; In. Me, Tom-to. . Luau Moe-R. ”Jonson; Goo. 00.9371. 3 Gianni"; W. ii. It"! 'ATN can ti'iii 'h If). nun-ad m ; . curb, WWI”; John! Meuae9_etmnr,Y.B. loll“. (”Wuhan-1&3 . Jol- noI-n. P. L. I. haunt. M. 13.x: man- John I... rue-M J. A. In" t m 'ttrd,,', mm (,'.Tf1/ll"Jd'l'ift"t to“?! 'pl'.', CBIWNMmNn-odlot Horn 11mm Fina-W Ema-E- Q'MJ'W Tue 'm. at It. AIM-.- on mu...) Two, June; t, 9 p. I: ink-n- deter. PROCLAMATION. l’rosidont J bhnson hit Iltmm the Fenians! Warrants ttt the Irrttt Of the Mia ittittt tm been Itnti, All Arms, Amunltlon, ao., to be Salted. Their Death Knell has Tolled Wasnrsarox, June tth, 1866. Wheress, ithas become, known to me that certain evil disposed diet-sons have, within the territory and jnrlsdic on of the United Pla begun and set on foot and have provided prepnred, end are stili engaged in providing and preparing menu tor s Military expedition and atirpeuoinrhich expedition end enter. prise is to be carried on from the territory and jurisdiction of the United Stator, against colo- nies, districts and people of British North Anteri within the domain of Greet Britain and i?iii'i' with which snid dintricts, end people, and ingdom, the United States nre at price. And wherens, the proceedings for ssid wnstitnte qhigh misdemeanor, forbidden by the lawsol the United Sinus,” well " by the laws of notions. Now, therefore, for the pupose of preventing the carrying on of the unlawful expedition and enterprise store- said, from the territory and jurisdiction of the United States; and to msintain ouhlic pence,as well Is the notipnal honor,and enforce obedience l and respect tothe laws of the United Mater. I, I Andrew Johnson, T'maident of the United States, do sdrnonish end warn all good citiseus sof the United tttatea, agninst taking port in or in sny wny aiding, cotmteetarteittg or abetting ( said unlawful proceedings, end I doexhort sll Judges, Magistrates, mun- snd oiBceN in the service of the United _8tstes, to employ sll their lswtul authority end power, to prevent 'nnd detest the “orchid unlawful proceedings therein, end pursuant to the act of Congress in such ease undo end provided. I. do further- more nethorise and empower, Is‘-0en. Geo.0. lento, Commandsnt of the 'glial',' end nsvni tomes at the United Sinks, and the militia thereof, to arrestand prevent the setting on foot, and varying on the expedition end enter- prise atoresnld. in testimony whereof! have hereuntoset Inyhand and ennsed the seal of no United Bates to he "ued. Done st the City oi 2ttr,t this 6th of June, in the you of our Lo “amend independenceofthe United tttMes, the Duh. V (Signed) Algnw Jonson. , (8mm) " E. Snub, WNW! of Mate. Avocan,05., "ttt.--in nomdo today a who! [mun I“ blown down 3nd seven chit. dren killed and all: wound“. Nun You, '1,'eir/tglf, from Mamburgh an, novella-hot enha- itt that - continued _ yak tit Per, At - long: 1500 lat-ed Mufh them tori“! the Cunt]. bode:- nd “was I nibble Intonation that In!” 19,090 Pauly:- oopoentnhdrthqe; A The U. B. with; when lent to DoKAlp Juncdon to “Fem-nu were direct-d to led with lull cum but am tg won [one 40 mumbunnionuugm when they Iedod. -- __ _ _ _ _ _ -.-rureum shot Goo). hen,le beLngeue. _ - --- _ The nor-In paper- ban the following hom w-tttttF.--" consequence of the Iain a-tqt-ttttet upon (hands, It in boeattruBtt-rytrreieeethreetienrmm- my distnet. In the demon: of the Bet. _ Aqrgtmtgtttt-tyeetti-tAte the undo! Mt Robin, ml ttgl', In the Macho! If: Inn-y, hm but: could not be h . Nor You, t.-Them In: I continued cum-mt last night “on; the Funk". Am" (Jenni Speed'- order to not. I“ gags! _l'en_hu, acted unhvonbly on the mm ha {and a chi-caddie older to the Penman, denouncing the counts of England during our has at, And who!" Imp-0y with and automaton:- mm. a. leeks-tuna that no“ (no and tort Anedcun use with their Irhh brethern who fought for the My: of the Repub- lic. Bo Nd. Mn tt't1'rt'r,tt to he of good tTatr..f.2, .11 wit ret be well, cloning-I In] :---No Mr [allow-coun- trymen how may of many full our mule ,rftttetttmph" mm as 'O"tthtd liqu [Ii-hm And their descend-nu remain true to the pala- gnd com-go tbe which out me In. lac-Adm qonnplcbu. - _ _ _ A Fuh- truetinar 'nnonnoed In the City my Put ieeterthtefid 'tyt up ply” My null wu'cloud, nod We Full-u wen-0mm (ll-comet! by the “on of the Government. 1tumpoetedth" (t00meertitanrerrrmued rll,tdrioh1,tru'l1'a'T.'.1 " - It is inclined “My: number: In" loc- 'glt 3mm simian-lay,.undthtm V" 'tttow. line. the lat report from quinine, can now /dt." and Mn. deaths on chalet: In" occu . NmYou,‘ tth.-A denp;lch from Franklyn, Yt., II t, up: The can”, about2,000 an 1't'eg'l'l2,tL2ettt.t'd'glt ?iiiti'ii'sl' out a placate: unplug “the other of thet lines, which, and kn a. - oo-o up. my an 'htg'tuet"d'g and W {watchman allot w h they will move. An attack will undoubtedly be made " daybreak. -- .. A Now Yeti despueh from BLAM- ye.- Mby-ylnyuthuOanmuy holdu- ed a dance. Gena-l Inho- cal-ud- the non-oat. United titage. ncuhn no muted II M“! wish tht "IN-a. -_-- _ 1tirort.ttast'tAn-att-sseotr Icahn than. The (and lament uppcul tohavo commenced lam Lyn nonhu- of Icahn-dummy ply mon- vcro mutually having yaw- dpr lacuna 8t. Alba, Enat w and Arrest of General §weenoyl IOIMJIIO 7,5... The Ast3owtrtgd-ettt)ttremrrrseetw 04M “Alla-quid “New”! mum. anon) S'.",':".,,',":,':!", but night by the UM m museum: in Mien to Incl that the new from who.“ I. expend may.“ In bud him. The Auction Owen-em not when any o-ttttte-Hoot-d-rag, “with. W new accent. Itig -dtu"o_dalttuothor Ind-u in the batch of 'terstmiitr, will be u- m halal. trretttrWar.bmtm dupe. than”: A new kind of mucus-ownin- is boll. unheard mummy»... ”Wynn. Tho coin but" than "s3,igtdiintuofgrttd,itorodteorseh"t -itobemrethbett1N. “can.” in! handy: oepehAl ,'lllrfllagl'tu",r'r2"d 'l2'eg.'1tae'fil,'p,gttUr'g'f taming dunMDpa cent FltUiTiiirUiii innovation- ditionottheeottoodi_. AWJnvP-A can ha been“ afirtilttrrotrt-thbt_troro, T . ttt1tt2erNtl1N,tftr, I "tali-tt Hug-duall- 'ath"-1,-tirtAitrtiaga In": ". hind In 'In cud the - when“ Who Inna. an s an was,” when“. was a”. "iViaikTniiciG A magma, C. W., ftpuctt M my! BY TELEGRAPH A PROCLAMATIOS (Pct Mgqtreat U...) IIRIKIXKID To AIDIII JOI‘IIOI. (By the Win.) [hen the Toronto Globe ofthe out.) Yelterdny afternoon, the bodice of the of the breve men who recently fell in defence of their country, were depouiu-d in their [at resting-pince, with imposing civic nnd militq’y honors. Daittsg the forenoon the bodies of Corporal Defries end Private “Maroon, View _ carried in procession from their late residences to the drill-ehed. The itigttt of step: nt the out of the shed end the well behind were duped in blue-had e platform wee construct- ed in front for the reception of the coding. The-a were expo-ed for revere] hours to Allow the citleene to View the remain of the pliant men. The main of Ensign McEnrchren occu- pied the middle Ind front position, covered with the Union Jack ; that of Corponl Dairies m pieced on the right, end tint of Printc Antietam on the left, each draped with the bennere of the respective Orange Lodge- to which they had belonged. The outline of Private Anderson end Tempest were placed behind And above, covered with tinge. THE DEAD OF THE QUEEN'S OWN. At 3:30 the antique which was to carry the corpse-to their place or burial Arrived, And they were placed upon it by the escort of the Queen'l Own who had accompanied their fallen comrades to the city. The procession started {tom the Drill Shed " 3:50,iu the fbllowittg_ottttr _ - Funornl Committee. Third Battalion of the Mh Military District. Printer and non-commissioned Olliccru of the Army. ofticem of Volunteers, according to nah. Ofticem of the Armypccordlng to rank. Mnjor-Gencrnl Sepia, And Matt. Mayor Ind Corporation. Citinene on foot. Curl-gel. The proceedon moved up Simcoc utn-et to Humbug King Anetta Perliement street, end up Parliament street to St. Jnmcu' Ceme- tery, the bend at the Mth Regiment playing the Deed Much, And the bells ot the city toll- Ing. An lmmeue commune of people thronged the streets, and every window along the line of march w crowded by moumful Coutttettatteor. The uhope were all closed, end n majority of the citiseng wore bulge: of mourning. The proccuion wu about half. mile in length. _ . On striving " the cemetery, (he coftins were token from the csufslquc and placed 'lt,",', the steps leading to the church, sad the L oydtown riiies compsnv mgcd themselves on each side he s tiring party. The burial service of the Church of England we: read by the Rev. Kr. Grunt, Rector of St Jsmes" amen]; Rev. Buddy, was: of the eased-4 wry chepel~ end Rev. Mr. “liens, gsrrison cheplein. Vii; musical service was conducted by Mr. Cater end the choir of St. James' Medal, med 00an of the introductory sentence, " I era the resurrection sad the lik," chanted while the corpse were being removed from the mhfslque, the anthem " I heard s voice from Haven," end the hymn " Scorer my__God to _Thee." _.. The Janice our nix volliel were timdover tht rennin- of the and, and they were remov- ed to an vault of the chapel. The immune concouue than Ilowly moved Any and dis. period over thd city. Never, perhnpu, Inn we! ha info-in; funeral procession been we; In thU c V. FENIANISX IN THE HETROI’OLIS. Ion In (or ' Pronto-A - oe ”I”. In I.“ Cntr-Lo- unplu- "" to lav. Inltlgalod the I‘vmtu A Round Tho-cud Ile- loo- " be In the -.-Cogoroa Ion ww- tp Fight hr ‘po I'd-h- Cam, Ae. ". [1h- ths Nov York Truss-sq _ The onion excitement in this citrus in no wise shad. During the whole of yester- a], lnou of excited Hibernian con- . amt];- gathering Pisces, f,tgt sing the chances of success their con Ml would hue in the mid on (hands. The O'Mnhoney, Roberts and Stephens Hetion. were» tell represented," of whom hut di- verse opinions recording the recent inruion, And it was somewhst d flicnlt to glenn ony- thing de4kttito ohont the our. The msjority were thoroughly in - of matching " once to the border All balding the British lion in (“mothisdonm Now that the w cry was once ruse-ism pans-ion actually taken of British soil, undrcds of thoussnds of Irish- man would rise In their night,“ st once rush to the scene of eoMict. Others, less contident, or less bold, arrested this stack of the Sweeney party; min; that it was bully unauthorised sud without the suction or consent of the Chief Org-nint- of the Irish Republic, Jules Stephens, without whom orders nothing for the disenth'nlmont of " land should be done. no - lie-dunner. on Broadway was crowded throughout the day with numerous Irishman, anxious to hear ate," respecting the Fenian campaign in Cana- ds, but nothing, much to their regret, wan made known was the mo.vementa of the invade" hey that posted on the bulletin board- ot the newspaper offices. During the afternoon a was. or - le- aned upon Head-Centre Roberta end circled their tr,',t,ei, with I detachment to back theat/to new onK Cam: in order to light for Iriah liberty in the Fenian away. They and that In fighting the Celtic independence they would humbled to "one the foul entrep- rerpetnted on their colored brethren recently I: the Inland ot Janice. If they were ec- eepted tho-d. would follow their lend, and their aid would unduly help the Fenian Band of the 47th Regiment Firing My. odietatitig gletgymen. Remains of Ruin (damn-n. Corporal Defricl. Pri ate Andcmn. Private Alderwn. Printe Tempest. Mailman Burl-Centre Roberta In completely over- come by their unanimous Oder, And could - think them "itieiently tor the kindly We: of their services, but, the! A than M. Ped "MW voice.. ttt telt.they ttet. “down. and um their nimble aid GaitGGaiiiiisieG secure the "(new “an of Ireland but in the men than he thought gm Guia nun were too you!” mug-hm British Gynnny. After . than interchange of compliment an 'uptrtation ,rithde,imsdtrett-i by the Pain- in Another loam oGmeiteatettt.tthoRobere Headquarter. was the m»; tut 'aeattnl Manny. who had u lengthy int"Htw with Tho - Con-II ttadtteertenludtoWFtoairroeturtoex- plainti- okdeerartd charter of claima- vior. And tut the emulation with the British Com! m and" to the leisure of l umber of “by It. Nanny, who acted, In the W, untimely on “no": "uponaibiiitr. n :- .u.atuithritH-haiMttrrr,%aodoirq, In. “could“. Isaac! tin-law. Bo thin u it my, than u no doubt that Mr. Hum), in! W to Waaltirtgton,tmt for what purpose, It I. tape-{bio to mu.- or conjecture. With it did not amour-(e the Fenian in the but. It 1.: just an 2tgtt,th Ova. O'Neil had ”10:15an pinad he mom of the have“ of an have to do so. m haLespeet. od when In made “no movement on Cunt, And named the and", thnt ho'would be mad with)“ ybohoonmnd w. ob. pert wee dam? to draw the - upon him, end that en!) e the min body ofthe Fenian to elect-n any Iodgeuent eleewhere. In this thar not! he u. been eminently amoral, “mm, l,',",,','.',':'.":,", " iriin the tht r, to - _ of the Bria-h ueo-ituged remarkable, lad Wu Ifttis +tttt an} M., no they unor- "tatttntttteCtmeNm never did them my bum,nndMnmber of the [uh-blunt- thr-tthet-n Beet, Bod blood. To keep pone-Ion ofthat_terrftor, it not their Intention, but it in tholutely noon-I1 to Mvcnhnuoppcndongnndunt hue could noun chained latheUnlted Bun, ache ooremmentepudgedto prevent nil Tio. t,tht'tt/"gt,f.i'e't'i Atleut pledted 't"tqttyu:Tltteri, human cogni- nnconlnhl'nhodyolnr-odm calming Mann the burden of Morin». ltd-(many prim on a} put of the on“. Beyond this the United m ,riumttinti,nrttttt.r%m! ofthe few hundred-ca by the who“ lief.- '- Imposing Fun-on! Frown-Ion. WWF9MF*W5" TI. lov- Mvod You“, simply done to reprints end throw the British hon of " 'ld',',? These of course, are Iiinply the gtatemeettq of those most interested in the Penal-n an”, end must be taken for what they In worth. That the United State- in neriounly in earnest with regard td suppreaiuyr this Feninn movement teem to be entirely ignored, and that the presence ochn. Grant, MOrrAle_tt. Meade, and Gen. Barry along the borders goes for naught. - The Fenian, when questioned closely 1ef this movement, declare it is all right, And part ofndecp-uid 'scheme coinchieve their inde-‘ pendcnce, And ambush nu Irish Republic. That in I few days, n wed or ten dnys " the utmost, there will be A “I.“ Than-d Is.- in the field, snd that the whole power of (hut Britain will not be Ole to srrcst their victorious march towards theiprincipnlsen- ports of Chanda. On their route nuns nnd Ammunition an be obtained in plcnty,nnd that vessels for the tmtuportatiots of troops to the Green Isle an be had in nhundnncc, no that the independence of Ireland will be us- ublishcd before the summer is over. The only dnwhnck to this is the fact that the Uni- ted States gunboaU may cut " supplies from .the United autos ; but the most unguine my this is of little commence, u supplies an be produced a la Sher , on thetstarvh. A Head Centre of n circle of Brooklyn, upon helps naked what his men thought of this Sweeney mid upon Condo, watered " That upon his word he did pot kpow, u there were no men of his circle Ieft,ill of them hnving left to take part in the expedition.” If this is Bo, which it doubtful, l it i evident that the plan for the attack Ind [ inmion of Cand- is much deeper laid than is apparent upon the surface. 'I‘Io Genet-l Opt-kl. . Among the may cotstiicting statements Ind rumors that were tiyiug around yesterday re- gelding the movement, the principal one wu to the effect: Sweeney, Roberta And Stephens thoroughly understand one another, and their dimmlons were simply to throw dust into the eyes of the British authorities. They were " pulling together, and booing the dye Pt Before leaving Prince, Stephens, the Chief Jh- ganiser, hid In interview with the Emperor Napoleon, during which, the utter promised Sixphenl his countennncennd lupport, pmrido ing that Stephens, u soon a pructicohle,’ would mks “other. upon M with u I may Fenian a he could summon to his corn- To this end. England would have to and troops to protect Canada, and thus leave her comparatively defénscleaa. anolcon would then ferment the European quarrel, which, when at boiling point he would quell, and dic. tate what term: he pleased, leaving England, whose aoldierl no in Caulk, utterly powerleea to any a word. Thin in a very pretty theory, and believed most dcvoutly by many Feniana. renuna lnavln‘ M the law-lo It in stated on good authority thatat an early hour yesterday morning over 300, under com- mand of Capt. O'lallory, left by the Hudson River Railroad for Canada. . By order of hulor Courtenay, the Adjutant» General of Gen. Sveeney'u ma bu Authorised Col. Junc- Kcrrigln to rule a. V In“. - in this city. Col. Kérrigln bu dread] net to work, m! it in mud am the that regiment of the brigade bu already received in full quota. And the following med omen-I have been up pointed '. Col..lnnm Kcrrim': LieubCoi. McKenna, (formerly t3d.N. Y. Volt, and acting Blig- Gen): Major Connolly (formerly 23d N. Y. Vols.) : Adjutant Kelly, (ton of ex-Aldcrmn Kelly): John Lee, Uttartermnatem; T. a. colliding, (femininity (formerly Copbln 69th N. Y. vols.) : J. B. IcCulley, Surgeon; Copt. Barney Kecnen (formerly trad N. Y. Volt): Copt. Edward lit-Glow (formerly 69th N. Y. Vols.) : Coot. Kano-5h; Capt. “I Frocney. _ " - _ Col.Jnmce J. Inlony of the Gallon Circle, who took e batch of lighten; men to All.” on Sqtnn‘lny morning lest, returned reauedar. He reports everything mustache-y to " Fen- lnn friends. Another squad of Mr, oeinatmd 'alt',' ml. lt2 poeutiem r, Col. on pny " t r tune expenael from tie funds of the circle. The bunch of w the Emmet Circle, meeting " [non]: Bnti, l (hand BL, also-em of n belch of 30 young men. None of then men were acme! mem- ber: of the» circles, but mum "mp-miners. may of themhndnchleved notoriety in the Fire Department. but night . use“ of the 0mm Circle we. held to pet-MW [men-lot n public meeting " WM ‘Hnll od Frldny evening next. I“. can?! money ere handed in by nym . u, e JUko of O'Xeill is i',',',,',',';',"?',',"',',',', meet men engaged, in n mere Bull Run ' The lender: of the Oil-honey Circles Ire (namin- ing with the Sweeneyltee, but dont like to commit themselvee to the notion token until there le . pmhnhllity of in “new. Tu’he-dqnuieu of the m m a Tummy HAIL - There were 2,587 cinder: mini the luv commmod for "in in W, in 1065. _ A heavy fl“ of now took plum ttteottgttort the north of Ireland, on the am): am Mr. Watford, who“ ace-ion tome Chuck of Rome ha been Announced, resigned his Eton later-hip in Danube! hat. flQ C.W., In been holding an an exhibi- tionqrltttsmehtrmttdeuee-th" ttre promo- tem m keeping it open] week longer. The mitroad running from tit. Lock to Bpefrtgtie1d, Mo., m 1014 on tha 13th instant to John C. Ire-ion, for $1,300,000. A propel-l to erect 5 “Mann! Me" of the cmllor of the Exchequer by puny Iuhcripciom Among the working clan-u, In been tivombly received in mm. Twenty-eight pdloncri, moot” boys under lineage-n 01-50, were recently and“ before e Com- dim-she ofthe Seine, a Push, for coining conntufcit money. The lax-don Fromm, of Monday up P- ths Mom-y 1m, John L Hex-mic, in... u entartnmedpt A dinner, given by an Son. of St. Andrew, a thymus", that guide-In being wt to leave don And the up " midence In Batman. . Wilton, WI.,nm be onion - the present time. Among the Inducemenu for gentlemen to settle then it is mentioned thnt "they clan-h out of their - windows, swim in their: prion, build m on M mob, practice We"! their“: pain; cud keep ducks." North Oxford k likely to Ion “I uptown- mm. The 'fatt, 'u" up: Ttto mph of North apart hon politicd distinction, wilt be when! to lunch-tit. Hope P. IcKende in yet when mainly from I My of- dintmmhtg slum, and tuthopesofttumcor- Mlywcmdod by " “dict! attendants. An union-tum vom was found dunk h the Police, in St. Koch's, W, ttre Null! More Int. She m bemtghttotheesetttml station-house, when she died in tin count of the his”. Sin In. notidondlhd. An in“ m hold youth], at the Home Arthur mt, Lover Toms, whim-r My n- txrnvired, Ott (bend), u lean. Eider: Indhtubber Works, mm, a rattan, med Conner, warryingnan (“myth“) the bout_itttrorrtdt)xttrthitttrta4t-trt expo-ed sunlight, end the ml: - can he lower portion of the 1.0an. In and Conner being unable to tell, Gil we. burnt to death. The clothe. of seven! of the men who were new caught fire, but none were burnt nation-l} except (Mme. Ayuyetyeheidytrtt.telf,ortthey?y oaths bodyoflluy Ann. Golding, and It yum. The docs-Jed sanded . wedding -tr,-ittadtu-trthénot, nice “in: quartile,an uh wu “(Manly taken m, and although a and“ gentleman w rant unudtheprtynhe expand In a I." min-tel. of the 1,i,ftt,ttt'Wr, were on hand. They went ttmmth the he: of Gun-aim;- men, Bermudian, 32ml. he, Ac.. and ttttmt line made qnhe n Mill. George Alfred Tommi had " pocket picked of 815. oor. Fulton was!!! was not overlooked by the gre,'gltgtt left tttetetis-ree an, but Wyn)»: mmuunmbn ”who. In]. it in to pudendum quit. . ”but at M m m the FD- m db. M DWI-AH.“ has. Honnu Scu- uolo ' PM P-- WhentuooeielDrew Won (kw-y lunch from West Point, hvin‘ion - the put, that attended theVoh-equhof Gen. t,t'se m noon due-Nut - . W.“ walla-shitl- The Courrier dc: Hum (in, of thin city which in genernlly Well inflamed on an “I tendon: of the French And Spud-h a”... menu, MI that Admiral Nether, the a... under of the Spanish Bert in the tWide, hm received from the Government of W It. order to leave, for the Prowut, the m 1 Peru and Chili. “It in known," up ti Ceurrier, " that lion- 3 month wintet h. an in,“ the Southern hemisphere, and Spin - acted wisely in not expo-sing in 6ret u ths stoma which, during this mu, My“. Southern rout- of tr, Mine. 0n: m of the 1|an wil the in winta q... “the Phittippitse Ilka-1c, and the at. . tttttgr. Biennium. Onthent-Id summer m, the Spanish lag“. faced by the have!“ New and My. uh, will uqunrc upthenccountwfthw Government with Chili, Peru, all nun, unlcu in the meanwhile the friendly who offoreigtt powers mould bring M V nwnt" _ .. . _ M .. _ END Ob' THE WuxtsR-twaax WAR. ius, it seem, the Smith-Chills: w s, for the preocnt, a in end, Mt far u the m dons of Spin are concerned. A. " - newnl, on the return of the Sumner I”, h inlaythln‘ but prob-Mr. A [at dung. v. culled mention to the was of the 'ttttb onion- of the imporuut South Ann-inf. pom. Batu “(below mumm- mocerned, Spain will human neat. - of Gdansk. Ynlpnmintta, “NW Cull-u; and the time will man-in It. mulled republic! of Lain-America " bs Que tlatrt to Europe-n M a inpe o from. " In, mm, m [wobble that the Intro-leach and " Bond: Anericudliu will br non with ttt'e,tt If thisbe thet-,the"ttirMir u coco! fueeUn powem" my be q-ly welcomed by hain.--31 l’. M. mun, Mr. Pike In If the people of cam-u will gin him $150,000, he will upon! “I.- 000 up. a new op- hon-u. In. Mary Englinhhujuudied in Stag In.., a the Idvumed e of nm- In“ tour you", Inning been“ in but“ . Ind, In the yen 1762. Amttmttotthree_dumtV 'it been tmtttmtsd In I (mo-t" 0- annual. bill, It m 4800ch M thm, [mum Millard 1','drr',',tgtt. - H been hithd. ' Company an. l “U 1,470; while the other magnum 2,700. {none otthe plwtudthrlvingw In Women“ county, palm ”has” (hood. Ala? invhooe house Incu- H beam! up, Innocent” inqttimd of the p Otter- how ottets it would In: mecca-q . " in new wick-l - j "sfici%sitrtialsd., MM” tq-SH. MUM-um em. “a 38-h: mamas-unto” "oer,N' b. t Beit,'"'""". Writ-naauauu INDIAN CORN-A-ie" I“ "grits., tor-m-tot-his)"") oi-Sui-rt-ret"" Atgatr-9e-.irut1,yty-ti6't' 8N6dtdoPuaeu,8$.tr"h6d." lUWMU-Mhnhk mpWM.’UWl°ll; “,“W‘hh cii---dtuitut-oer toiirii.TrTeGi,TiGriiViuo.r-r-" 'gqtetT0b. tho When Win-van: d'tfarc.".tu'2., 'dt."".".'."'?-'; " 'r'lSh'.tldthurlSh%l'l. “If“ Ottawa, Jun. t, IR“. 'ui-tsu-oe-ro"..', A _ an! M u anh- - as.“ l' 'g' umbvmnmmudw . “I Got m;um¢.¢.u-.Iho " t7a'i"iFiFiiiiiriir'iiiiFTiiiiiiee ,~" “biliary-linear“!!- ll“ " " on“... 't"ty mun-aw“ " ?.rtthdiFtr. 'iguTirrreriFqlrtUtt “I.“ Kai Eiha, J2iei2ea: on. a! . "n ' mvmunnnul 01.0. " than“... m, mum" ,rtgotn-Ntteet.-debetro"r"" ‘o'T-Ihr-r-Ivh-m' Jar, mm mnuu m: null flew-n cub-math“ WOII'ELIII [Inn-Ion- “h W and! tutw.q.--ttP,'..1"a' 'Afe'r?W.Gtulr,uk'J,i7iFiitetg Br.".io-rui.iedtrer.e “5‘“ it“ I. ' Idol, "ag'." 'i?ilti ?ii?ttti??i?lEi ...: m can Isa fa i'.avat','l'. Bun u th-..- " ite.errgt"= mica-anh- Gkridetet."d,'.hrG; 1ttS1t.,'u'W,'ll'rr.;.l'7iriiiie " 1hWa'suTl."tsJGri'iiyiiiieerd 'iULTerota'iiiiciriFr"tegeet a an, 'ti'v7l'7iiiii,Ti1iriteyfu".'thh1; 'aT'dai'l"GUii7i'iiiiiiUiiititftdfd'r. TiUiriiairGiGaiCirGyef, P4'Jff,i “and kiwi-"f 'Pla'k'iiiii. I1G"i7xi"i"int'i"f GGG will - - TdTylGWshu"."'aarii""_ WrmAr--whit., Candi” and A“. l Eira=ariaee, tau-human.“ uri “gamut-dbl" To mr To-r-Nut-.., at: [IPIOIP'I'Ih Crux Islam 11: Cwm ”my... Ot m n 3|me light. Bantu]: the “about. light, To no the [Allan boys. My too old fur top, I With me- ml: in hand; 1 A bun you. British bud, i Fin in out on, That will 1m bye and bye Who danger uppun on tho W Th («not will ted . no plug. of their Ital. When the M. name all: the. to _ To 'err, M. J.. ”(XVII- Br moon: B. A. O'.NRm. lining bond at your -iasa, I, friend, on thin; tormt [11 pmpuu. What did the Mighty Pot Son South; David W‘- aw mm, toth In]. 1“ God WI and you; "I. God hop the boys fro- in, Who than with rpm: In. An Inning to. to do A mAdier9 glorious toil. 'Mid wu‘l cont-hi" broil ; In“ Halo an! I u] it “sin. Who in“: “you! an the both. n. (nun will all ' You have lewd you at c... When the high up an. y. u.._ Wm I’m-nu I... COMMERCIAL bland. _ By for-in; {In Think and Wu oak-t I blessing. the at. A cum. or bah " the good all-nun. Plan. to can this gun“... June 7 In "no. And all win out Inky: W. 'qmaTvi-qN"rq+Bg."-"'tVT, - iiirGaraiiriatler u the. in can an: iiiii.i?airgSu “9-11“!- W Ji.i.Eteefd'l', IPICIAL .0116” ‘- w, --"""" -'-" " le,'.' ttttth", TtiitGh7iiE' '_-e- I, 0. “Tight: 104 aa' iiiiiiPtfttt TAtQ"ff, “"' ' '2tlfti,lh.'llf..ii't", “My: a: In . m -3174" or E: cle {I} _ - J -r w] cum-nu" 1‘ . a " tbe "duit. I d .43.“! wiod "A It " n- h.‘ ----, - v -8 W with“ u, ”will.- T d“; ball" ot thr d", run 1..- " [In , - hue harm u - bye-d AIM . -. - "" lo ' man)?" "e. - ' - . d be u. '"7 tttti? I. to bc urn] s', " p: it. be, iiNer"'I'f.: and kiFe. a s- m eset1 P" I ”gun. boo “I A.-.An. Hold tut J1rrirsu"" . lusts--?"' ' Md m use ut y" null- “m" MM beef? bu e 'i5,ti)a'fit, (who. Pais puma-e1 A Boarreu'"'. -= -7 . " IW, mute-n. ' 'ii3'S. I -rbu' I. " I." thir hour " e,," H w Held-I‘ll 'art at“ u may w J Int grNer. Eii.'jii1tt orgies. .ulm'lll'l -rr, 'arte:.?."; “Ali Pe.", d, me any: ii',rt'l -r, or, ll the - “w" - ot tire: n in the teeth. ar, w“. “A tdlti, - A I M .e tho an! mum U PARLLAIIBN an. I ill-9M1! i L TPmr, " -- at“ a: WHAT IS NEW ADVER‘ VINO! it». E to; NP. p M“ anlrw‘ I_ bo dice-re if j un!“ Ty: t-- Mr loud: Ptty' IID“ " (mm, 'gr, oi I!" d. PP, Le.'."; anthem" "lee""- . ' . at! tet'."',.?..'.'.?,", TI- qfthe .“ 'gA'd.'l'l h " Inca. Mei. Hm I: Fig-I- 3.4 THI‘IWI 0m], but. m- E ply-worth "an“: in; iart " - Inc-- “W" - -c. bentth. I“ _ to new it " a .. '0'." in att can A AIM“. W i, m. oertius I :Wugm - Ngt,"1tt.utf. uv in... a tl - Mino- - Mt the to. Fai'2"r'iitioi: ‘. NI dam-4 r - 2te'et,,t,'t Mi b and It Won-f” my Jf, 'l7irirte Pmiiii, YE; All I 2"ffa2,l"','l 'ee - Tail-um , - ada "3... um". and .v I!” " M55]: ii ., "frriaie 2.9-»; he‘d-d than. " tr/ae 'ii.tgetl 'tiHetfr , on”, II ”no - tsi-r" at.” o. S. an nu- VIEW Ann mi ‘10:): («vi-chi tagoLEtt at!“ - IN M 1"!" in l

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