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Ottawa Times (1865), 26 Jun 1866, p. 2

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mm.“ has... ttt s. 'aa-Fr. ' W‘s ".-.-pa. 1m. '4," cut-i. .9.-M In; _ Bahtea-.i--arrr, duh can. . ou.. (but: kw. Thorium. M. A. ru- Copu -o.i. ma. . “and: mm --u, P. In“. . mun-da- In: Minna», '31. if“! Ibo Souk-yo! Punt-cu. can,* nun as... by,“ cu MB-olds.. . 1524! . on I. teen-Ion §wIII {he names or on .uvmbé-e-ubelmn‘ed Anvmw no" .-3hr-s. tr.ur. raroirtt ' tu.." "" In. San “It.“ to. 8-0: M _ Goa-rd AME-‘6. Ar-ro-h - aodto - Ad-ar-, for the Ornv. Tmrs: EXCURSION! QCEEN \jIgyo'Rm il1tithtamtaits ' y not be as... to the gem! public it Ii 1 not bet-nu to In: them in. fur yank. U Wit siema is "ca-entirely mix with its wit form of Government. Gr . palatal loaders have continua! to intro. d nin‘nontion, which, we have no dmybt, i u 1.»... mm staging, a the ilmt Lek. . ant. Theptan,as mowinh tun-hall bthra' two was, via. t The T sad I papal" manure Home t . oth-d,,' I Linn-Alt Govemor.aard a $iiiii Wkly. The Government will “HQ-panda! -.steaia3rinute-" have Mt comm tin ,cng ,ttuntyer-oelto A.sll he'mpondbloir this policy, as in, to the people’s dekgnttd mum": and stand or tall, wording " they in wand; at W‘ by the pajama. We tint this (dues - Mouths-hm i'ii'i'iiiij"i, thenin the Conant“. Guild that the Minis tty Mitt- indcpndcnt of the maioritiet baht-ll “albums-5mm Ameri. can 9.508, but that this props-l can our _ 'We and. - that eye. with the paedia- of the mentality More, ttte A. M M to out until! “a na- t."'i't -ABme.. Bore the whom . uranium by the Upper Hunt, iosuur_uh,aaeiodoo. "da.iit, q. were” yr. mm Mamas, witM :1 Mn; app-melting to emails”. ttse' n I: consummation ot the great "tine of C sdemtioqdrvuedatttteFustcue ', with, possibly,eom mun MM tio .2 undo-ed thit-teva-tisle, «In» entertain 'IIO misgivirt'gs ‘o- the abject. u tin they at [an . inn-dimly to place before the t up, the nnohliou- mudg- ' the Music. " the local govern- ts of!" T mum We. The ing hug of" that. constitution» are , secret uptight] metrtseie,1ut u-tney - 1.50 with have omit than is " -liri-d,utobee-uieeo- ' -mdoe,aeeertirrredtrttotverreleaHs, Ii We. irJiiiiiiatustuui-iilt Governor will be. e veto all my, lode Cl wheel-else ie'by' Will; hie II - lo the ““3 which he , can“ "you! hf an. me it no" I In. to a In if he must neeettiari'.y II will» collinol with hi ministers, ee- ' may». mom nominate to disallow I nyi-nndpbllc'poligy;nd not "r, t uogti-ithbistninuters, but with the ' new tr when they were semi": aural-[Mush m: The only I “mirth raid then be,lodo u q a7iii"iGiiiiiiuiJiiriiiLEi%cl4, "ieh-dinihirnihhers,vehrot'rttrteieoete' l Min!“ Io there'le. Bowl mrt-dbrthe-te,ttten they - l nipui-nhpheehdnmmu, ' ,rhiiiNhetmtyttse-intetttttpotoom" , riuqth.uo-ortorseail hisdeeisi- ', -ia.ttovir'dieyi.sed {on Governor to , “Hill. Thirstttb-6ru pairing 1 Ibeeouqeemu to their var-t issuefmd l "mum the when” otmhe I euahineihtatsittet ha been considered, end 1 “Hubbub-M all wouldq} I pail: buy. But the Governor‘- clack -urdly beaiadto-eitt-tuttutase/ hrAtkeoootendUt neth reams bad Win, the the “than Coun- eil do.“ and end Hume many a the sin. - muck. The-aunt to this we We BM the Ascmbly, htum'rigtheeeiotrftht" tf Revision, miles M! leek up. a “were; in’fnct, vlhme "tmit the can, both cl annealing - instant, “(the Raine " Mmbly) s_strifttr-ttrmderuhe, Ind .1005 of new“ the. thick we“ herot' tiom 'Mlsnd would wobbly .53." C.",,"',':,"." ' duel! by that that, but full the expo _ nib-therapy would he ”rejected. It the having bnoeteehamheripeures-ilegie moons-mg we, ml. willemlnly‘ be ti'iiteii?iii'iii,'ii?i,-'iiiii: In: yet . bold experiment, end i 1135 “demand by them! Pasrlityoent, I obtains the force on“ by hnrnul enactment, no working, by aniline, will be wring wiih.intereet, it mnarieh my, moily'in Upper Can-d- Win ' colonies. uld it be yucca:- hl, it my be imputed to the Qunultution _ d all. tswat . t ind a .very bye-numb“! _ been-clad. Launch-h, 1q $0106}th to its mini" MW the old plan and new “only to q: form ot gunnin- tioattUt in comm; with other mush Plowman until its unioli " Up"; Canada, and and!!! the uniun until 18g6-with a Ema" women”. It Gilli Itogttir"" ta have a W, IW’M'! bound! and . Br I "idd, bly. tttalt"':',":",':':?,":'? 'l'aSl'aJtdtlil,'e/, nod the wa Iain Costa] will be" Hated by the men. The atteeeae mu (:1:- in the rm that the new” ofthe Wu Cunncd' will be tshes " Me trom the ir+rhimi dividoqa um mug-d, and glut the when so JiiLiiiniiitie4r,a. raid: in the divide-"hey Wu “many than unifying M " t';'e7.t'l, Tu when»: “M. cm w. gtr’SNScity 'or puma: “in, than M! we“ the i “HUI-MI china! new. or the col-Id If! oath-M with the saw 2?1".i)r,iftysrs Tur. mu» i. JUNE as. [his STEAMER _ VA A ----"--- ' We give insertion to the folrasirss io"""' aim-n trum .. Au Irishman but not it Fru- ian‘hat Wuhington. because the writer it videmiy a than or' intelligence and apparent- Jr capable" Grtuing a correct opinion nu panning rvertttt. We would tim hope lo "ta'rer I'otthe honor at the United States, tle the houot at humanity and' the interest" " u-ur common eirilixarion, that list re mu} " ovuari.Aim, Ind disiuttrvwted, putrintidm, "tt'teient to wad at? the damning blow u hint the write) thinks is indium by "mun-i. pled patina: against the lutjntm-su ot ' country and again-t the motaht.v. bf gnu] nwkingnfllw gull old llritlith Poulti- Lan mnlol. mnl how mem- they In tn in- m‘VtuloIS. Ther' will at least haw the " mntage of “may, if they use not that of my” Ivrugresi, any! further. sl: “ill be able ltu when? the oration of the Iu-u' play in 'l‘pper Canada. wh'grr, it it givea perfect satis- tiictioris It may Int 3 hunky te adied them likewise. We thidtt they lune Juno “ell to bide their time tun-l let the'wrnt venture Mane “you the etrinteitt". We may .mnilnl} ie utistkkenm 3‘an l the [unicnlatri natal Alpvé, tilu rather JIilllK that these wjtty the " i j,i,tFiiiei, an I'm-ch Bavoluuon, indeed, M got he to their country, but only under Tet the trows of n ermtrlttrttion in which E - l, landfm sum, Pruui- Md the a? I y nun mu to}. "HIM with that! uh [le mail features of the two proievw Aluminium Luau-alum,» We glt‘vnu hkwlo pre-NV the any ot"the Judiciary (‘nmuince (a who": ' the "vtiott Gr (In: Ct',,') ‘of M neutrality, laws is hound; gin-us w. Me not "Nrrepartd lo we the high est bid Jhat has ever yet Legit made " the Irish vote. The Republic.” trho a tey years aguwcre dwKnow Nothing; may seek thtallnutee at like aspen-e cf,all honor, Ind consistency a tht vkry party who-lube] Inc-11y despise. Th9 piety whose leader! wil) new: be 'ttutied unnlrthey shall rule America's: tliey not rule tut' 4tltsrrtie cities. Verily who.“ the gods wotild destroy “ruin-I make mad. Our hope is in theme oetroiur4erstartd the genius of Feni nism, that it '10 aleeted ultimate}; quilt.” m h guns! the true Amelia!“ a against Culnulimns , l tim,-t an in a position to inform you of a [ circumstance which will 'ritally inn-rest the i future of Canada. Youve alruuly aware that the motion tor the, repeal ‘of the neutrality laws has been refund to the Judiciary tam. mittee of Congress. They 'hr, not yet maue their. report upon the subject but when they do, the who,“ of it will be that the United Stat-rs, being; a consolidated power, without colonies. have nothing to gain by the enforce- ment of this branch of international law. that President Johnson wenttoo tar in rigidly en- (orcing it against the Feniama, angl that its total'abolitiorr would Moon; to the interest of the United States an a nation and a power. Yon may ask .why this course will headopted. The answer is simple. It cannot be denied that at tho F proacnt moment a largo portion of the peoplaaad politicians of the American Republic are not disposed to close tricadahip withjlghnd, or, indeed, any monarchy. This sectiongol e population embrace: all the ahaIact 12t,,"ldl"it and above all, the European refugees. Then them u another clan, which u the grcat man of the high people in the l'nitrd States, who am well known to be irreconcilable in their hostility to Britiah dominion. The Votes otthem twoclassea are important, and the (ac- tion, of the Government which can rally them within son to he predominant at the polls. Tho President has put hintaelf in hostility to both then parties by the snpprcasion of the Fenian int-dog and the discouragement of the 17mins, and Congress now desires to tithe " vance olthiaclrcnnsnnco towin them overto tho Isplhlican ranhsfor the pnrpoao otdestroy- inched-inmhction,andrnakingam at the next election in their own favor. Hence it is new that Courts will adoptthe Report lii'iii,ii,ii?iiiSiiii,i,'liiiii atleastaofarasto you a rote olmnsm oa the nutrient!“ his _'.tr",it."'dt - to the Fenian isn- .sion. Bow yon harem tactsand thoreasona for the. in a lathe“. Let he next Inquire what will ho thceIcct of this action ot the control“ branch ottho American Gonna- rneut on the rclatiou "training between America!“ Inland. The elect will be to produc- irritation in the Int place, of which notch-Isle than in too much already. and the out will he to moor-‘0' the 'lllilnl to to on with their work of disorder and corn- plication. War between England and the United Stat-s I up"! as a Very remote cou- tincclcy, which "cry good man and Well-‘ wish-r of Cant will desire, by every - tonnder lupin-tum. Leaving this, contin. any ther ontottho 'nleautiein,tUn, is lit. tle to ha [and br Canada. except future raids of ”harm; brltisapinat Cam-Ilia alone, in all probability, the Md the I“ WW will not; ho directed. In the last movement the ' Ionian wen divided and comparatively powerle- truth: and other reasons. There beam lo tear that the leaders are, mini. mt "ti-tui- another up; ion which will he much more formidable than the Miner. aadthat it nay he carried out within-limo. thopsrtof theArno crican Cover-pot, and {armors detaining tion than the one whichhas just coneto a termination. _ The American pimple take corn- paratively-littlo intereat in these matters, but as they eMear conmn Camda it is as well to be aware of the facts as they stand, and like then - to meet any crisis that any arise. I Yours, he. F .I . A: lgt-arBer xor A l-‘ssus. BRITISH AND, AMERICAN REL! . TIUNS. W‘s-norm. D. 0.. Jun:- 'git, use Toll: Edam 91h 0m" 75.": j . ' Dr. Caves, who was detailed " medical u. was» at left. Unis, in Ion-mu Home, kept . new“: of hi: count-don- with the printer on all manner 'dg,tte.tcr1i: tics, mansion history and Id th'hkh he hu 3m punt-mt in . book. Mere ia what Davin aid to bi. than Fenhninm : . “The present Fain uvement for new: um: farce to who Illgvll weep‘ The Tut IIW m in 1848, when the popnluion of new»: In more than I million tenter-the ”mint originating at home. nods" Europa m in onvuluiu and vole-mic touditimi. History " no example dun oppmmd an“ that Ind pted exile, returning with nun-cm to " their Intive but The mum-mic will y r-ieea. It 139 a were ruch- peu: chum of Musing dewoguu lulu cu-Atlantic “peck; not could he use that In hell-d them In. uwlmionmr awn A " 0:qu .pn manhunt: the obJtct V/Jar. Emmanuel of the an un- nbnohu,“ lust w an home, lupin“ any In: mutation an the amen of Ponce Md America. To land men or tuna in any tandem. qttantity in Ireland, would reiguire Botttrt' lie-punts lie. fights by inn-y with any, 3nd ' transport Henge-ting. for reach and their cguipuent, not It" “at wme hundndu of millions. The men engaged in thin matter l muslin tithe: [null “weaves. 'He" had no , Ipechl came to love $93M not til-like her; ( but we): impracticable and pigmy thin-Mening- " Mr lupin would be bulbous, if not too lad. Against the rock: of ber ptsaat,storur- ‘cloodlol' I (Whit the has“ - WW with new oil-un- nd mist- ( of spay, but. the next mlnfhc Inn than may" “a, the " vault). tad only in u Atom .9... with wrivh'i,rcould when: be ': found of any put commotion.“ --rreah diconrien of rich mime-u Vermil- lion up an up.“ Thur!» I am: nub with" from all m\ Sorthveu. .-4ttsr.,n Fare, “build: MI, ia " CHI-"he, ill!" M‘W'JDM Ill!) Illa rec-elm kind mention from the 'oral - It Mn. 3 4th Baotou Jam-l and» In, crop, u: inhalant In!" for Sen England; promises to be ttood., and the yield offruil will be nil- Iionl of dolls" in aim at but yea, V JEFE. DA VS ON FENIANI§.V. rirx m: 8AIN'T Jius-zurrrsrx. interday morning at an early hour evi. I 'et" of a Fete day wrre visible in every part I one" city where our French h-Iiow-citiaena l rephle. , All age- of both acxea were decked out . in their gala drone. There might be seen men I with the badges of their order, there a iirettttut I with his hrightacarict ahlrt anddark trowaera, 1 " manly form girdled with a patent leather 1 la-it'with his rank and brigade painted thereon,- l llicn- ladies with tit-tllu'llt dark eyeil, a Brun. ttctte in white or u i-ionde in a taatefnl drrssof dariu-r hue, other! in particqloml costume, children who had s.,Piookine' for. ward to tin-day a. that. on which for the tint time they c re to dun the robe-p in which they _ looked so pn tty, t hattrring in can-lean gait-t] "sviansvtt"vo'srt' I.1l belle I'mnre nearly, per- i Imps in it was 'spoken in the daya of the I " Grand “maniac." BAN! otie, old and ', young an .. sprightly, dcboumtire, and brisk" that the aha-h- of their patron Saint moat have i looked on with ph'naure at the deluge of I yi-ni-nhiy morning. And an inn; mie- l nion win pmnrwry tit aomethinx ia. hnitcly greater, kt in accept T them, observtutces, appropriatit-e of tit. John, at smiles of main of that brighter day qrttett--, 7 " Man to man the world all o'er, Shall brotherd be and all that." An ulnairahle tte, wh- prcached on the occasion try Pierre uiteche, in which the language ot gesture wan ao judicioualy brought no the aid of a pure French dueoume, that " was not diihcttlt to transport ouraeivea in imag- ination. to thoae day; of pulpit eloquence,when Bauuet charmed christendom with hie aer- ntona. , After man and the lemon, the pro- eeuinn totmed-Eatrhurtt, French and Cana- dian tings; children of the christian Schoola and their flags: ear with a printing preu, working " bills, he. ; band of nude; Faver- eau'a Hook and Ladder Company; Rideau Fire Company, and the Queen Fire Company; a large ear trimmed a the others, with maple. bongh%contaitsittg artia'ana working " their, neural trailer. society of St. Joseph; carol Agricultute 2 hand of music, Sutherland! ; banner; allegorical penning“; ludian Chief, represented by a little boy; also, St. Jean Baptiste and Jacquet Cartier ; St. Jean Baptiate sowietr,..rtnp1o.vce' of the dil’erent depart- ments; uremia-re of the Canadian lecithin-i ture; committee of manaizemcnt; Pregident and Tive-pro/tdents'. car representing our l‘oreat Conttnerce- the chief symbol being a, cabin, such aaia need by it: toiierain the. lack woods. The mode of iling was aim shown by a real tiro‘and provisicnx presided our by a boy-cook whose handy work in chef de rumne caused many a laugh, and excited in no email degree even the vinihle miracles of the _ Governor General himself. After purine. through tht. aet'eral principal liter”, they pro- ceeded to the Parliament Wilding; where they 1 presented an addrenl to the Governor General ; and received agracioue reply. They aleo pro- . cecded to the residence of the Mayor, and . I noted an address, afterward: they were . the“ by. his Lordship, the Bishop of Otla , t andlothern. Many of the Members' paid a t risi to the Pic Sic of the Lower Town H h . and Ladder'Company and in the evenlnaa ' concert waa held in L'lnatitute Canadien. , _ The Concert Iaat TIN'". . . t The Hall of the Canadian Institute, at an f early hour laat evening, wan well tuiid with ) the ma ot our Fmttco.Canndian r'tht't Amongst thoae preaent we noticed e Hon. ; 6.2. Cartier, Hon. A. A. Dorian, Hon. Dummi- . she), A, Qufreang, 1"IP.cJ. BrE0httioe, y. RR, J. Rom, M. P. P., Human-l, M. K. P., uaodet. M, P. P., 'Nacherctutt M. P. P., Bau- bien, M. P, P., Arthurian“. M. P. P. The evening'" entertairsmeiit was commend by u gnnd overture tall,',', Und of the P.C.O. Ttifu Brigade. str. M .c Tuner-y read an Ad- sirens, on berm" of the Society, to Hi: Loed, ship the Bishop, the Reed. Esther Unis". The Hunt Prcuto, returned think: in . Very title-end happrs h, in which he referred, with feeling! of ide, to the rapid “ride! fa (science, at and to new, made by the men- brn of this institution. He was 1nrtiettlarfr eloquent when referring to the manner in nhich the day had been celebrated, nnd noted the happy feeling pervaded I" dunes of “My lowudn t e Freud-h Gunman papal». kiwi; he ":06eg enjoined upon them to P"' everypouiblc nation to cementum bonds or. good feeling,to life in love Ind peace with all, obeying the I“: honoring the institution. w: by every mail mppocting mu integrity the great principl I of the Brim EtttpiU-uf Bil Lordship in. yrnrm1r applauded though-i on: his dilame.) The' Concert no I perfect om.tion, and it would, were we Able to do, no. be ahnomt an injustice to putiqulnrise n r of the Indie-pr gentlemen who no ably unrated in carrying out tho pregnant The ‘nunec of Mrs. 0mm, O'Connor, linen Annwnd, Mr. Cathy, Mr. Val-dc, and Drtor, an tntiBcient to mention, in order that our modern my comprehend the style in which the vocal and irutru.mental pm of the Entertainment nu rendered. , During the intermission, “is Rep. 0.11. Cartier tut ud-Imued the crumbly in tii'; usual Able ind eloquent manner. At the clone, the Radon! Anthem W“ undead in in effective. style, and vocifurounly npplnuded by the ludicnce. Wd cannula. the St. Jean Baptitrtd {society oaths happy termination of their darn lentivjdn. \Cm homu-‘Pmiu duholu don-mu. . 1:112. lot for I "ridutee, in tho In! 0nd.'ill - to "member tho tate it A. Mo’s. a ma»:- sum. cod-yr . . wanw'oz Lrw--u pulsing Mr. Mammoth. on Smut Sue“. ”and”, to um - ox- Inn-m! iitthc 1:0»,an he kindly on II A dunno! hi. “an. which would menu- I wslivrith only . TI'* mm " W. maid Bit thirsty Joul- u an ad drink at tho fountain of lift. snaoril, Bsu,.--The bad a than“ P. c. 0. RiN Brig“. will It: on Major‘l mu ”any. from 4 till 6 pam, (we or pmiulngi '. ', _ Muretc........Wom thotle" of PM..._...-Gwnod 0r.rtur........... ....,..a>e......-......LeBe'' Truiiu...............hdfr" Sylmiouu...............I. Srt2,terrrcr.:riWl batcomfiddnrgmrhhnfpw _ Roman! Inch. _ ' . , Potaem fi:,",','::,-?,',";:,.? Din. dope-ids; nir- buh, " plan, no P, Ars., at 13mg. m Ito end not Jain; - u “3th dob-dun, it wu dismiss“ without costs. John (Inland John Brooks, chug-d; " containing u. mull! a Thain-I Kin-hold; The ”null wu App-nun, unprovolod. and olnn mnuud tab-Wu. Finn. Grunt. 620 Ind can. or one month In ; Bloch. " uni Nu, or two week: in jail. t" _ Tu: ' Fin-or co--?" Watt} Campus}. Cup. Altan Fruit. and " RIO. Co, cm. own, on their mm hun‘ my not, won mind in a very ouhum‘mr, tho populutdtlll Haul district barring out. and [in in; the. am - vqloolu they a; justly de and. We tiirrd to ho thin to [in I full upon of tho procudingl. ure" Wail] oditimt olriday. Vmum Hm [human hwox.-A new, and very neat Bair dunk. Shh“. In in. own“ immedinoly opponipo the Run." [out hilYill prov-J gnu equiv-ah». to punk- raiding in Upper In". Mr. Faun {will III that the opt:- in: of this mblinh-onl, In pond " sue- ecu. nut him-d: Mum pron-hp, nd mucus-gum mum mum in. Frau, tho ”petulant: his "tab1iehtnettt, is. '[roufuntilo with the Quake p.oriec-.atd u "r, “mum to tho ”quinunnu of HIP-(rout “Rune TO Bors-DuMatg thin unduly v-m "uh". boy: at too pm to uh tor an rie" or and, M It" I aim, in mum in with; wrong, [raiding it be him " mbh hmsrs,-in a. min. at "ediaqr-atrmts “In; precaution am a. bunch mm min. (in. at tannin. The" in no. not of which that who can: "in. M to wry an!“ to "Io-E, 'u II III] on" the but: an at, My. a for null " on. I'm. will (mun or In.“ feet d! wad. Asyomq Wd I'll In to but. on My. and, luau, Indium-u Minion the qe, “and In we brought It. at --u Ind aim cl tbt baett.-aad I": suddenly “at. Boy-will d-ilttt Ninth h-lld. or fatal will. mum mm, ”to.” LUCAfL N EWS' THE 1 O") Ar tmn ion“, oGuttvwd, mellow" Town Hook And Mach-r rump-p, hold their mound maul ple- ttie ycrlordqyil the Ikllovuo Opulent“ The com. pinyilurm-nl out In. and fonnml I [an ot tho h't. Jun) Ruling: Society's pr-xeoinirm. MM "m in armihuhm ', prtiuwdod to', the plouuro Inn». The day mu Ind-turbu- and (iii::?,) but, 4tut low in prutusiott, 1nd (how who “all“! l fouuul rollofln Ilho refreshing bran. Ind In tht' cool tttttdy retreat: on the beautiful ground. " Bode. o. nrr'wing we found uullected u Inge ttstty, up.“ in " tripping it on'lho light' fnnunic an"; Lturceioring lhemulvgl un tho "rings; other? " the nthlotiu worn. Tnhing n bird‘u-oyc riow‘hfthe wholq wane. It pun-061ml n bountiful plante- Al'thd dny "Ind and been“ someth eooIHJho upon.- were lnlmluced, and we" all uncut-fully carried out, (‘Iplnln Roy, Lieutengul ru,mbm, nullha other ottieer' of the Conn-nay l wore indofuipblo in their titanium. to their [new and friends. .Tho pig hie hu,provod I luocou. And do In" no doubtiwill be nuanontin to the obnpgnynfor I) nothing more dun they deserve,, " rewind fort may trniuuu.ctytd "if "eritif in; mom my porfonn for ttia beneht uf the either“ srettor.atii. The dining Ill kept up till a his hour in an awning. when the puny broke up, I nll mining highly dough“ with their dny's plou- "N, PHUVHHJIM Mrlllgillf, , The EPBAKI‘IH took the ctutir at 3 o'clock. 'tttlt,?"'""" we" brought up and .luid on th t le. _ ' Mr) WOOD, introduced n llill vtstitled nu Act I' repeal m-ctinn om humimdmul Ayn-My- two t chum-r ninetccrt of the‘Cunsulhluml Bungle for Upper tatanda. -- ....seam..r" ,v- .. t"....Wy :..n...‘l.......l " u... w .v. _"._ _-e"" M “'RIGHT (BAH York) iulrmlurul a Bill mend‘29 Vic. dinner 39 ‘rmium! an Act P improve , lax on dogs, and to [nu-ovul- tut bettir protection of shew in ~l'ppcr " B. .' "M“ introduced a mu m to. Tive ad cotitinue the pageant the l'uturlmm and hvmung)W!ypty .coPprny, - V“"""'u -- . .. ., I an. Mr. MCGEE introduced a BB! to dine chapter 2o of the Consolidated titatttt'e ofC untitled in Act rvtwccting emigrant: and unrantitte. M ntoRR,Pd introduced a Bill to make vuli the will ofthe lite George Deurarats. T Kmowins' mm were Ira-lat tuioud limo d referred, to Committees: T “city of Rhiannon Debentures Art at 18ti_iry-Mr. Magi". I . . ... _ A u “-44. .,r ur' Mmri., .I.. ""'_"C" WV... . _ . . . Tq gum-x to thc, parish of St. Mano de Mirtt or rennin my: oh tit. Argvle,-Mr. ul n. . . 'iii: authorise the inning of lawn Intent to Arthur Rankin, tora new and hithertp un- kstoirt, description of tdc-Mr. Rankin. """"5"Ct"CCyf'"TT __ “v, __ - Mt. “CUBE mid them were five. or six npgli- mtiohn for special {that rights now before the Home. This were for the most part appli- uti a of British subjecu for inventions 'in the “faked States, which had been or would be mimed to them. This, to his mind, Mrtéluik no; mind: the mum of I patent right In of . opopoly. He did not. desire, however, to innit!“ bill thrown out " in uconcyi'n-uliug. Beaitaa wiiling that All ponies. in charge. of and” billl should take Khan before the Prioito Bill: Committee, that it might be un- dep' on what ground:- they based their App! ation to Lrgllhture. At the we time h. " rved to hitnpelf u tnemberof the Gover- meet chnntedpeith responsibility in then mn- tery, the power to oppose them " a latcr “use, if '"terfart, . . . , In. RANKIN “id IO Bpplitastion dim-rod from all the omen before the House. He had Why) a» knowledge of this dip-ovary" from: "PY iaventor-a tscitmtitic gentle- nun,i resident _ in, but not a _citiarat of the United Mater-and Whit'h at prcucut‘ in not punt“! In my other country.--': Had be In“ “in invention in his native coun- ter, Germany, he could have got n patent for it on 'dtttrlartttg an! be land obtained a know. ledga of thin invention in foreign partrt; or it he had aid to him, go with me to Mexico and there'wlmpnn to lug Information, he could hue got the plant. Thu showed the Iblnnlily of our present patent IIXI. T _ ..-_ r"'""'" W'"""'" T Hon. Mr. CARTIER laid be hadn‘t-ya mp- poucd the policy of our present patcn ' tem, and dwnyI'Oppooed the grunting of”); potent- W010 provision- of the ammo. . If we "were to adopt, in this miner, the prinéiplc oi recippocity, what would, be the consequence? Eve!" thi,t,t2ggegThi, obuigi . patent here and the amour-ct I ot, the lynch would malt curried on, not in Guam, but in the Uni sum. In vari ul rupee“, the pre- untgquu-m work_ed to $1.1- tt1ety,rt. Thin- In anon: tetegrap for ample. ln/fho Uni Sam the tt ,of that diucovmy VII {and very, heavily in favor of the inch ion: In {Mayo ntry 'lt could um it tree bf chase, as well rt, other invention, discovered not only in e 'United Staten, but in a British North A erlcm Province! and tdt) country. But r any invention intro- duced by A British I jcct from I foreign eotittr--an Fume. ennui] or Austria, u M of potent could OWed. We were on on, however, ot, entering into a. largrl pol system, nnd ould then occupy I M; et ruminant too. When that was .031“) lobed, he did u t nay he would min- tai the tune ideas. I. " the Ameriun aoketnrmatt should th I: be willing to deal with In libenllx, he w uld be ready to meet theta in the some spin' But. for the pun-m he thought it would be wrong to alter or dc. An immense mouth of tro1utr u cheaper fuel, page.“ by this am. “during this Bill, the. inn” than who hm capital and upent. it in to procure an Very ch thein in the nine Ipiri But for the yum-m he thought it would be wrong to alter or dc. pu from our existing yuan. AI regarded thi Bill, he would my but lg wu well kuOWII M in Anhbukh, Mr. Hodge! was spending An immense mount of money in order to in. tro1utr n cheaper fuel, e an“: "rbject as was page.“ by this am. He, hoped mm. in con- “daring thin Bill, the. ommime would not ignore than who hull ready imported urge capital undupentlt in his country, in order to roam: nu Very ch fuel. ELBANKIN hid t vould be far from him to think of interfe ing with the rights 'tsf any me. Be (lain to (explain, however, _ If this Bill paid it did no; giye him B titil, but merely r moved the chuck» w ch now prevented in fitting it. When he gun in . position to tpp y hr I patent, he wo N explain what I tho allure of the fuel he (Ili';,':))'.'))-.,').';.';',.; e. ' - _ Mr: iACKENZIE' Agriculture had not . po ic on the. put of th “in whileour 5y. it "on; to silo Pri ate Bills Commi the' r separate merita. thi Hind himwll this that: NI bee-use he bv' than ll " $5 I At; they T "ttttdet Ida-don. _ acclaim cumin u."- of the Iguat'ci. [1.130011de ofthe Cot iatiogt of the County 9! pxrord, and to co m atl" ot land for tub- imposed uldot . d by virtue of the said [9:14va --Hotry.r. Bfuwn; ' Ac _iicvrpoiuing h Be drum Built-y Smith. "Yi, 'ieorrorau'ttte Steel, hon and Baily-y I Tee f?.tentr, fi?,niddkr,a2yPc,tt1'ti1 Telugu! the Art " Via, up 30,to cabin the nit-rem of the Chum, of Maxim - lac: Ii more convenicnl place for the My Towm--Mr. mom-m. E. ' to the raid: dt St. Vihl do mam,'m an; Conn? of B-.-Wr, Tuchem. A. F. ', _'i'o) chrpgnge 91:191er {tinting Company - 'ro" end _ti1'tit'jtdt of “Weill-In into two "re'mt. uni- 'ttii-Mr. Dorian. (gangland Inf! 'i)'lt'lS'l',7, . T "'iJiiicorpomta, the rr.teti City, Pumas" “I“! ci-Heretik'.... c' l Towinend the Act 27-28 Vin, chap. tl, en- titled, " All Act to impolite the Bond of TM. of the City of tumiltmt."--tu. Magill.E. _ Ttvattach I part ort.ltt'rsyrrytut of Aylmer, To incogponle the Wlmloo, Meg Ind new Amt-y 2metr-Aty. we». -- To club]. ttsi Trttitmsi of the gt.%an churéh, loukulto all with Men-tun- Hon. Mr. no“. _ f T Siiat'srt.tith (sag Dying}! Townsend the not boomerang the. Library unochmon of Motttmal.artron. r. Bore. l loan-a. J' - Hon. 10.808}: moved the Lond reading of the Bill, to - I comm mutant THE yirrit_ Hassles. LealsLuxvn Assunuh i, mound and eaten foj ittforpottte thy At Home here potent rial)", which! of the S PM', Mmuuv,2uyo, 25th, 1860 ittith TIMES JUNE 26, t8ttb", Hr YESTERIH f. grettelttto Minister Ir) dotm Home distinct _ a Government. He m remind Is it was, there Bill: to got» to be considered on m Nth-ea omen bt Spring, and rejected ievedthe qucmmnt onion-d to gmntinf ~nviu than uadur tute. t . thet provide!“ ot the on Nope, Linda? and mpatiy.--W. . S. Cindi: wine grown, at ii "'ctock, up and .lnid between the Bttfralo 9nd riacrtur(iit Raina)" uni tho Grand Trunk T Railway Compumy of thuuuia M r, hoist. Mr. T. R. FERGUSOX oplmued the ammo taken by “an member of LIIan iit VIM both tynuutical, and unjust to move the six momllu hoist to any hm before the membcrs of akin "mm- lmd nn opitortriuity of trading mutiny: the hon.,gcntlouan (“hunted himself he had never read 11m Bill ; he was sure ttO "on. Hump would nun-r tdlow uuch injustice m be 11mm. _ [ . Mr. Joy. IJI'FRESNE moved in Amendment that thin dobato be adlourtted till chlwsdny. After some fllrtln-r discmmiirn Mr. “USU poutpunqtl his 1tor1y.ti.lWce'.t'oy ty'., lurk-ply to Mr. Wallbriduv, Iron. Air, Mu DUUUALL mid tisttre wus n diirrcuce bu- twven my (luvvrmm-m and thu'1mhlisln-r, M to the price of the colored mnpn mud-ompauy Sir William Immu'n' Geological Report, and It correripimdvnro, mm now going ou/ nu this subject. ', ' , k, reply to Mr. l'oulin, Attorney Gem-ml CARTIER amid the Government had informa- tiun of the existence of A ”null Morel. mum-ia- tion in Montreslovith mmiticrttioml in Ibcr- ville; called the club St. Jean Baptiste. Lat- terly some of tta mumlu-m became frightened Ind mug! in thvir rcsignntionn iuto thu hands. of the 'ulime ot Manhunt, und the prawn in whom- llnnm- the worthiers wcrt' twcustotued to: meet had let the polio, know? that he, would have nothing mum to 6o with it. Somp of its airmbers had. thought tit to leave their do. Iuicilvu and rctrmt to the other side, and wen; now "icutom, of coming back again: . The (im’vrnnu-nt in a few days would be in a pol tion to knmv‘thc namou h[ all the nwmlu-ru, nnrl they mmld tlu-n mm _tvllthrr this lillln- mmwintjun deserved that any warm-ding» should lu- taken against it. , . Mr. A. DITFRESN E Mid the duh rrl'errud lo, “mm Literary and Mutual lit-mm Sucirty. Hg: watts member of it, and intvnded to apply form: an of incorporation.' " had no um- rum-Hun with Fenian», its mclnlu-rr} Wttt' as loyal as the ‘Attm'm-y General himself, and would as readily mun-l1 to the frontirr to, de. tl-nd tin: mumry Against Fenian»: or any other iuviulvrs. ' Mr. DI'NKIN aaked whether there wuu any qucsiion before the House.. Hr [Must my it was A pity and uhmmyllml we should bap. had what really awn-urn] to he tsjok.e, perpetmtcd hrn- on this occasion and on such I subject. I HEW.) He was sorry it should have been ih.. ninunmd, that any member of the Houw was voimected wglh a Feninn "/,'tTtr'ifit,', and ro- gn-ucd that [he number fsallrert We, uhonld have taken the tronblc tun-pd mi'h an insin- uution. "rlear.) r I' ordvr. " , ' l Hon. Mr. CARTIER mm- mniti loud crie,' of ordvrfront Hon. Mr. Hulton and udnqrn on the omvtmitiun bvuuhgs. Kon. J, A. uACDo.NALD mu surprised to tind In; Iron. friend (Holton,) should only find this drsrv.ssiotr irregular and his hon. friend from lln-rvillu made u tapeech, Vbnveyiug seri- om; charges against it6uville. m 2','JJlht,t latter should be allowed to defend himself,- nd though!” was nut fair to deny him that priv- ilege. Ire should have an opportunity of replying tothe charge, no lo hisquestion being a'joke. (Hear, Hear.) _ V mm i, ti. momma) thought it a mi. (nus mam-r to charge a member of the Home, and tseiwrttlvouutiers also,” implictsted in Fen- innium. Vague inuinunlioni‘ were inguincd by information, had been but upon a anxiety, after which his hon. friend (Cartier) had pro- Iniued to furnish I list of in membeta; jentingly otdorsing the umpiciop “gown upon an urgin- ization in Lower CamyU. "He '(Mr. N.) deprc. cated ttttch tuipersiomi as cttlpulated to do'min. elm-f. There WM a tit, A ttdrew/s, St. Georgc's Ind st. Patricks Society in Moan-ml. . _ ia. Mr. sicuF.E u'lbscnu-d there “M an ugly” 1bort temr, u . _ -= _ . . fr; _ Mr. DUNKIN .ducltu'rncd any inténtion of prhvcatirtg Bouvillo from replying to the pet son] chIrgo mint him by 1tierville, or 05' acting 1'ttil,r, toward: either party. He (Dunkin den hd, for the credit of the Home, to tanning!» Itch-discussion, which could do no gopd wh tever. He did my the question of Mr. P ulin appeared to he I joke, Ind it WT; ntrougly impressed on his I(D‘unkin'u) min , that A (Jen. Cortierhad treated itu I ioke. He Inlw red the question iii French Ind ling- linh in I manner crating I tulpicion that the whole thing What a farce. Hear). He (Dun- kin) didjthink' " wtta I (rear pity that on St. Jean t',t,,ti'l, day, whrm large numbers of French [ Indium were.celebrnting this pai tionnl {adv-l, Inything uhould Be said in the Home to create: the imprcuton tut) there existed Imong their fcountrymcn In‘ ‘IsaociItion of the hind hinted. Ire inter- lrupted tho donate from no light moth/cl, but bgcauge he Mt this description ot debate mia ani noun, and that in carrying it on we ',t'r,,ttl6rirfl with edged tooll. It WM but today that)“ had seen in the, New York Herald, that mast be I garbled report of B, merntterN apt-cc on Friday night. The report nttributad ti1tti,ti', to the member from Brockvii‘lc, he ( unkln) was sun: that gentle: mun we 1d modem. This kind of debate would go Ib Ind create “impression that there wins among the French CInIdiInI I tainted politicll body." (Hunk) If the? Wu such-n Wy,dt‘ll with it aerioualy. He did not bdiicve it my: I tau-t, Ind did not wish my act, word, or statetheut of his to giw currency to such 'tttt idea. Jen. itig onthil subfeet In: very dIngerotu, Ind (incursions of this kind might "ada, the be, lid tutleither there' mun (Ii-loyIl body of French Canadian, or else tMttwtt were Io tackle-stilt our political iquasbbuUatotttr will. ing to throw " each other chuuuot thin hind. His interruption was intended to prevent Rou- villo from continuing the Attack upon Iber- ville. _ Mr. POL'LIN was understood to any that in January of list. your, he loomed of the exist- entreof merit. Jean Baptiste Club, and of IbetviilO taping n member of that went so- ciety,whic%tttlll existed. Ttmrit Pye. dis- loyal sot-My, and had connexion with. Fem: nnlsm, tatscyert.evrd by person' in the lune locality Members of the Club had boasted thin. they would not be molested by Sweeney" Fetuitsii while those who did not join the society/Would be exposed to robbery and more der. tiirtce the Fenian mids commenced, membem bt this micly ‘hnd fled to the Stiles, and were now union: to retuyn. He (Poulin) believed tlwrc were, tsuspicious cirxntmstatsce. connected with this moiety, and that he m juntit‘acd in asking .it.t..thr,ei,u,n, e ' 'iii/tGuida nllvd Ge dim-lumen out of "riar "iirT"ijihii6iiGiili" he understood Bowl"; to um that he had gigen itdonn» (ion to the ooveIpiment'. - - Anorney oenefatCAttTtER-No. It can: from Momma. - Ron, Mr.‘DOlllON condemned inslmutlnnu of this left If Rmwille believed the Club 're I d.i.tthiyty.1/iecrct societyfhe was bound to inform the military authorities. If not cer- tain of the bet, he would not ’Mve‘ put the queltlol In papers, ,",','tri/a the loyalty of l pordoh of the people: C' corn.) A u--.‘»_ "q,..,....' n A n “IUD .m... “mill 'itiortVrkiddea' ciit'NER rose amid loud crlel’of queotion ond six o'clock. He won under-toad to now.- In adt'ou.rntnent of the Home till three to-morrow/ in honor of St. Jud Betptitsto Day. The Speaker left. the Chair amid the din, Ind tho motion could not be seconded or pro-sod, owing to cries 'ot " nix o'cloct " from opposition benches. Afkrireceu. V _ T, Hon. Mr. BOLTON said he understood At.. tomer-oeetemlcartiesr had moved the Home and Adjourned till time tomorrow, in honor of St. Joan Wine Day, He now “wooded the motion.: [AL-House thereupon udjonrmedv _ -rire murderers camped from Illinois BM prison on Monday. $1030 reward in waiting tor Iomgp’ctivo detectiv . . L-The Queen bt Englnlid bu 5preocnted the. widow f Major do You, who Wu maiden-ed by n pan!» soldier mom; " tthes, at Chap tum, rim} residence a Hmpton Coup Pallet;H 'irhcsssr,i K moved the pix mouths, 'ilillilill NEW Yolk, 24th.,-The stetumdsip Human": 'smtthstttp.ton, 12th, arrival thin evening. The summon; 7'an And ('0? qflmblin, arrived out. Summer Perm-inn all" “rival out. News meagre. . T The Timo say: In opinion seems to have pre.vailed, that moi- last wvck's vxiwrivuce, In): suihsus nth-mp1. will be made lo oppose tiw Ten Pound Franchise. . , 1 . LO'ainre believes the rumor of an expected Imperial mango Ind immo- of n nu‘w loan, to be unluumlcd, and "r-hould the rumor be quustiom-d on the policy, he will only.repettt the 3rd 0V May declaration. In the C'luutslr'r, the bill for tho sttppriitrn urn" 're1ieioukjbodie. throughout Italy, WM nlmn'st unanimouxly adopted. . ' _ SPAIN. T Marshal O‘Donnell ciprruul his upprvlun- Iionfthnt 1866 Would not pawn Crthout mm. having to detrnd herself. . V A letter 'tttest Paris, Jun" l h, tuty6'. 'l'ut. Itn-alm-r whirl: is Minn to _i'ii',r,l,iitC',',i,'ii..i'ci,r':'i,' dill carry an autograph Irttcr frum u' Empo- ror Napoleon to M,axiruiliah. m-mrdmg to wlmt isNtirmed to me, Napalm“ drumndu that Mnximn Custom “OHM-i mall lrrs plat-ml under French admiaistmtiou, as n soiiirantrns for thy Muxiuln loan, rouvvrtvd iuto3 pn-r want It implsu ntatmf mm in Ill-fault of tl". ao't'ptartt'e within proposition by the Muixmn (inn-ru- meut, thy I’m-[wk will be inunuliuL-ly rm'ullml. / . "HINT-MW. Mud: clirtrmx lircmilnl tluou;.lout Hun- gary' . ', , ' The passport system Inn lv. Austria. . The Emperor has started f tem of the may of the North ' lt " ;xpl:ct;:3 iie.GkG will not bo collected in some parts of the Empire, um! qltttt other concessions will be undo. . . A. dusputrh from Penn, of 0th, my: the draught of tlte Address to the Emperor, upon the distress prevalent throughout Um King- dons, as brought forward in thc Lowcr Home of my Hungarian, dict. 'l'c"4hy, uuim: mm.- want of: rerponoUe It,:','.')',.',!!,",',") the House Iddrcsrwd tho Annuity." souuvigu V lid Mr tlv. means of sum-cor. . , _ A tul'egram front “drum 911., may»: The Emperor has tuidreruied an nlxtugmpli Mm to Prince Co'ljorado, praising the rvirort pf the Committee for the control of (he public (It-ht, and eaprvmitns,t satisfaction at the order which has 1ieteftertusi in the public debt dcpnrttner1t. The hissport sync"; has again- Men intro- duh-d along the Swiss frontier, _ The Vienna Alum” Post, nnnnmwr~ that the day forthe nut extPyrdiyar)' sitting "fttiy Federal dict isnot yet tin-(l. j . I T . I’Russu. _ l The Minider of the Interiof has In: dqm- ted by the King to reply to Pie, ad rum»: in (“or ofpetctl T _ _ i The Minna? says that the I King-Ll; his ro- ply, reluctantly perccives in than} dresses, An ubsence of tint prize which characterized the Breslau addresses, and r push; the amp. mute with which His Mai sty n-plivu in answer' to I“ the Maire-moi, tl t the Kink ox- pccts, in View of smiling dun an. the llllt'ull- giltiunul sierotionyt his pculnlu, , . In the sitting of the Fedora Diet, June 9th, the Pruuiun repriutativc iterated his de- ninl of the insinuatinm that was ttw inten- tion of Prussia to Inncx the u-Vhic-i by force', Ind that Austria, by her de Gration of the timt, had View all the mut l eugagunwnU concluded by Austrian ttttd- P Isa-in, wiuce be- giuning the war with Ittin a k. Prussia mu disposed guards pun-c, um “ting the (plus- tion of the Duchics, as " u that of Fulani lit-(mm, by a German PM] at, but he coll- tended that the Dict um; igu' mpetetrt to deal with those questions. AaAri umld not con- wake the 1iolstcin Stiles rxc iit.hy violating the Austrian Convention. ( ' The Austrian rrprescntati e denim Ilmt Austria had vioUtiNi [he tore nu treaties. The proposal of the Milrta y Committee of the Diet that Msycnce should be occupied by Bovnrinnpnd Tmlmdnby dado-u troops, as well u that divisions it the Walnut! Reserve uhould be scaled input torteehsor, was adopted by Bavaria. ' "A teletrtun from Munich an the pmplc unaided genius: Hugh. _ -' . _ . The Giwuumcpt In: received int,ortuuion that the Prussian: haw'e occutrir4, Bruummdt, Kortst and Itayhoe, Mid wilt imberdiatcly oc- cup;v 1Nuckstafr mud Ehnshuyc. . _ -._r- \n-.. nun. TL- e.AtA-'..r... .I.l:o:....-l Nu You, Mth-The {owning Mitionnl items of'fomign/newn shows the sit tion of the German in question " the last moment before the ailing of this New York. The Ans. kiln Ghvcmment deeming it bah not to con- teat the occupglion of Hal in try the Pnu- suns, withdrew tht, Mun! of the Austrian “my. _ . , . _ _ 0n' the nth, thi- l’ruuihns dispersed the estates of Holstein, which I been at ltzchue ind Established. new co mon government for Schléswig and Kuhn-Em It was intctuivd to commit: the common estates of the two duchleq. Ott the 12tl|~the whole op Houteirt was in the' hands of the Prussian). In the lining of the Federal diet, June 11th, Austria moved for the mobilization of the whole of the Fetter-J any, with the ex- peption of the Prus'uiun contingent. This mn- tion woe not announced bvforeGad. The Prussian :reprutentirc and Prnuian hm de- clined in A note to the minor states. that "he I‘ould regard the Commit-racy " dissolved if tho Austrian motion should prevail. _ Pniuiu ttast0o'pttblitami her plnn'ol Ile- form, the chief nature of which is the exclu- niun of Anslri- from the reconstruction ot Germany. Austria, on the other hand, now prom lMponvoctm of a national hulk- tmint, sud the nub" cat of n Directory to comm! of three members A minim-r of He-Darmstadt, had stated in the, Legitimate, that ttse'Fcdcnu diet would noon recognize the mince of Augmh-nburg an Duke of Holstein _ ' In the corps legislatif A letter Jute read front, tht Emperor Napolron, trotttainiug the follow- ing' '1Ppprtfnt deejamuqns 2 _ - _ 1 " and the eouterence' assembled, my Gov. emmcnt would hive declarcdr that Francs' repudiutrd all idea of territorial aggrln- aiiisemrrit so long as the Enron-um equil- brium remained Gdistuibe'd. France could only: think to! on one sion of her fron, tierd in the event of the {up of Europe bring ll red to the profit of I great pom-r of the honoring ptovinevtt,,erpreturirig by n formal vote theirldesiry, for Annexation. In the Al)- lance of these tiryurnstare the French y."? eminent prefer. to any territorial artptirdtio.'n agood understanding with ita neighbors, re-' sulting from its respect for their ..indeircu- dance, and 10ml honor. We should haw allowed for“: Gér..n\nii- Confederation a po- yrition more worthy of its importance, halal. better gwgihphiml boundaries, and Auitria the maitttenance of her great .position in Europe/ after tho ccuinn of Vcneti. lo- cally in exchmge for territorial continuation. The Conference failed. Will Fiance be led to drawthe Iv'vord. .T'be Fink-h Government thinks whatever be the result of the war which mil break out, no question "ecting us will he rl'mlvod without the comm of France. Fruice, thdretore, will continue to observe nuumlity coMident in her right and calm in, her wttyngth, -w-- A . A _ The inidvmbimy of dcuatc. am the mm of Gutmny and Italy, WAS then declarcd by' It vote, o't 302 Again-y M. _ Ttte/Emperors, letter created a great tenn- tion. r ', . 0.1111116“ "rived at Como on the 12th, and in, estthotiaatita1ly mind by the whori- tied, the people, ' the "my, mu the/Toi- uriteere. . _ A Berlin Maputo): any: the Austrian Ambu- udor has been mum, and the interests of Aunriln subject; in Prussin will be cutnided, to the care of the Dutch minister.. Gnu T [Sula in hi 'upmnnna the Turkish teerp' ted-cup, the Prittciellies. . . " The minim Government has (ruined the sriiariiiira; to lie held iit readiness for thteotmeee gamma troop}. _ -- - _ . Tim 1toamiin army ,will be mined to “0,000 torepel the-Turkish infusion of the I'rittcipaiitirir. l --in “an: ARON"? (in, an: tire Earn thou aaeregete Wei; t .is 1,435. One of them-ioctl B1twute-yeigu 410.. Ann“ of the (Per Momma-I Line.) FRANCE ITA L l' Al'sTmA I. I. Germ-n In. M'IIIC t the Inadquurd n intrwluoai in ' A?"!.!" rum, J um- tulr--'nw. ti.; . We. i the. in! to con rtll'mu, from Liverpool, June 14, and I rry an 1 two hundmi win the lath, pieed herc (his p-m. Th N. ti In“! W 'ttttrr " ('10; If Burn" and lire/Mu tau-bed Li -rpooi rate me, I sieeid on lhqovcning of theitslrteentit. The (lun- mort "WU" " In, Sumnm, tutd Amrnru, arrived at . (hum. gnu "‘th ton on tlte J3tlr. 'i'he ttkuWtmd And ,on " 3:13,: at}:: in . . Pct . . . ' I. . .Iluuthrmr arrived " Queenslown st nudmghl “Hum-m he jug of the t3th . _ F . I would but! In Rumors wrn- current. at Liverpool when the LU"- t '0" In simmer rum-1| that Austria that mornihghad 1rtris Pt' 'a decurcu war against. l'runin. Sewn! private 33min: Ht lmr,1 mlrgmmn are allrgul ttlye been rkcivcd , mm“- "an" but nothing 'puhllc HS authentic. Nothing: Ind hum-d tttt publiv of moan lulu lumpired aid“: the. tdyiig'f,'.,at. intcrrttptiottof the diptotnatic mimic m- be. MM. 'l,'di"ll", t-vn-un lfrlnlhin and 'IAImlrim The A mm brr9 it"? in "I Uovcrlmn-m nn sending the I'rllxniull "sad “" ' m" t dore his pawn-mt, infurmull him that . took [Mu-d luv Mr. l chi-mp bcobuse it Wham“. the wiit an“! l Psbliriy'd ttt tl 'trt' “In Austrian mun-u trom Hulda-in a! hiring I an” be "I a". taken plw-n- under compulsion from "mush “a? I"',, iv“: The Prutmian Govcrnment in giving (‘mmi 1'iii'i,i,?i,'i'liC' Karylyzi llu- [mgsimrt which he downwind HEW. we II c ywmpuniml it with I .lcm'r, acknowlulg: l “W! Mr.,Mitl lllL' the mum-nus manna with whirh he ful. I he 'ey “MY "ilil his Uipionustic' tunetiotvc in: A ntrinnel Mr. Miles that 1 Ambassador at lh-rlin. F . . . g 01""? 'suuybl Austria is said to have co.tidmi her it ercau i 51111.11? at Berlin and Flown“: if the, [MRI-h In [piste-rs I piper. The ,' at chum: plum-s. I ' i “launch " l he minim-r» of ann- and "in a, c. in” N"-"""‘ mm! to have dvclitwd to' look to Prurs an , tusd took out h inn-am at Vic-mm. . . T t Thr .eoogtet ttt k _ _ - 2,. I i up tbe Ken-m An Austrian couticr yum-mun: from 'ivdm G, Hen. Gotlms, was Muppf'd in Pruwsi o.rri. tdry, tind his dun-'puh-lwn stolen from hi . . It is sum-d. that a body of Andria!) _ mops WM about to be concuntratmbttctr F ukfur! an, Main. Comm]: Gubh-ns um! Duk Au. gu'trtctu1rurg,iusd wocyeda thither. . ' 'rue Mum-inn army, which-Ural iis itiun un “A: Silesia" fyonticr, We're throwi up d . {om-m: in all, rvady whirl: dvbouc ' fro¥ meim. . . . . . Tho Paris corrtspoudctst of the Tum; ya it is ln-lirw-d that the four Queens or Em resume. who an- in Gvrmany, mum-using the r best ctrortiy to i.uluiri' between thrir sovereigns tlmtrpcue which their people no 'rf de- amu , r" ,, _ lluuin in; also employing all her dipt navy with the stuoridary (Feral-n bitrctus. . The writer says than an- sttll people in l 5 Who bell: w thut war may 311 be avoided Jihe questinu of ntobiliution of the Euler. army. as pmlum-nl- by "Austria. was Full pvt ing " the Frankfurt D'ut. 3 l'rumia "plum-u ital entirely) nppa -d to levml law, and tails on tls" (tenth-.1 Saks favorable to Prurmia, to vote ”minim it, and will n-gunl 1n'cry supporter of u..- umtion u hr!" Mummy. T t I . ' 1'ltolco luv! brokru out in (hr neighborhood of lirrlin. F .. _ I . Tlu. tiai,o,cr'vueral Council h .n [Am-(1.. sic. ctet. calling not the first ruerve of the. Swiss "my for tlw de.tiiuc-, ofthe Pawn-s "I the Alps on ttur'/iide tfli.sur l, can! Rummy. '; . I‘urlinuw-nt on menu. unimpor 'nt. _ _ The cxtraorriiuary triid on whi it I Mrs. “yum sought to enablinh herself " lirinceu of the Royal Famity-uvr motherh4ring been marriul to the Duke of ctmtbeklatai, tlie Jury found I verdict against animal, and the Tun" In“. tin-case u an kttpmtturxr Hammad by vanity lor madness. Ac, In the (furl!!! Legislnture, Boubes ivriar to 1iacruitrr, mud the threatctted disturb-noel in Europe are not [may in ash-kc 'the hvonble mudiminn of the French Budget. but if expen- ditury wu innervated by "he madly for France mining an urged nentnlity the Government. Would of necimtitrcotieoee the Carp. Legishtture.-Jale" Fayrcu then ttirened the debate upon Mexico. ' ' ' HI'SSIA.. b Tin-crisis in Gi-rjnuny inch-ms _isriaten-' shy. Ttsph/yr/tttist hul‘éntirely "4iatated Humciu. mixing before IIIlPt-riol' numbers.-- l‘hi- l’rubaiunn mmupivd we durhies, dimiaed lhu thrvurnutc,nt, nrrvslwl th,. “nigh-in Coen. missiuiirr, momma-ll the assembling of the Estates, and vntvnu “(our on thé J tl.. On' that day Austria ucTurmined to break " rel». tiotyt,nnd updvi'ul Count liming to rain: from Itsrlin. No who“ fieed yet, [In wsr in gcnerastiyregaroNiaseouuieatads/ . i ' LATEST. . 1 Londim juurunls mink Austria " nuw considrr herself Juurtificd in striking' blow, _ and will imtttcdiatv1y ordcr Berudick coun- menu- I ctsmpaign. Prior to the e pm.- oeedings, Austria, on the am, repliea Bis- mark: denpck‘h, Mount, 4th, containing his .nu-im-nt clinging Prank with View”; Ber ‘enmmmehts. and throwing I" reapottaiUrttr on Prussia, Ind asatarting that Lumi- has no. nothing to do but lake my to tlerend her honor, and guard her rights from being treated with t_snttsttypt'. A ." Tliu ti. H. o. Hiut Iron Co. III-paw ttttmt. ' tht (by 2th]: of, Mly the Prince of MIAMI with an army of 40,000 men Ind '31 guns, pu- gsgrd a Ru,odran fur-14 amt tuttrered n dwisivy dcfott. He lost l9 of hiro 2lmnnnn. dad 'vu cumplrtvly routed. 'i'he Itumriaai loss I" Very light. , A . . I In the British Home of Commons the con- tinetttcd urisiu wu Alto debated. Wm: skid Engllnd had ittotBcityitr marinaded the genial of “with, and "pressed " opinion that in the Gernuut quarrel synp'lthy ya with Austria, but in the Julian question it tn with luly. , It in n psrtcd the Emperor Maximilian Md demanded from France an advance of mom-y, otherwise he ttttpt lay down the crown and government of Mexico. France refuted the demand, 1nd mama lamb“ Bathe. would Maximilian leave, to tahe "eps humerus]: the wish”: 9f the pe'oplu A _ The, prmuiikn force is computed at 283,000. of whom 280,000 are " the new. - "j In the Hirusse a Common; the opposition coming-d obytructire "ctich,to “(rubri- WA. F . 7 1 The strike dawns it", dock lumen-ad use 1:0th Lchrpool, In: becoming “quail seaml- _l I _‘ -.- --- ... - The nurti c of Prince“ Mayor Whip, pm} Primur' .:k, toqk tylnct tthe 1s9. _ Pin-new and" in “Hugh-ad panties ti- vonbly. F LATEST AMERICAN DESPATCHES. New You. 25,--hbout 12,000 Feanu' ambled ovmide'of Jom‘ Womb, yesterday? mid listened”: lo g speech {can an chief; organiscr,éamet' . plum. The will; he rec-chad w“ verye uni-50c. Reieoetcla6trd l with the “mum-e In} befote the clone of 'tse l prcunt yen the nu Jam: would be untolded'l in Ireland. _ 0 . 7 The. Tribune le i from Mexiro/tttnt the French trymspur't, hich left Van PM on the cth, had on hand ' ,000,000, which “I being sum to France us rt of the Mince- due from Maximilian to the. French Gun-rune“. No nuw cm: of cholera reg-quad. Thom O‘Bui‘llyg of )‘onkrrl, , tau-hat in n whoa! in thinity, um found dead thin porn- mg. l , - 1 Stir Quinn, thr-ha Brownsville corn-n. pondent up, that in the ham In}! my tttre. um Nut-mom, n regiment of limped: bacon ned one [use Imports! infant! he went, turned tothe “haul side. The Aunt regiments lost nll their atieers sad " men, but two killed. The Contu peril» Ion 800 ntl killed. [ V The thermometer in the "ttwie "ttoon, marked 90 degrees.,: ds -- -v- The nine of the tate, Wat“! is "am at a million and . half of dolhn. V , Raga-d was filled by the' Imperial ttoops, which {an in danger of an Mk from Gen. Encolut F _ _ The “can" Kangaroo from Liverpel 9tls has arrived. Nu“ anticipated. . i =Mt. Geo. Freak. mgattr,"oseeaNilrdrH.i, rifles, bu been gunned In ensign in the "II" rcgiyncnt. l _ I l A ', J, 4AMrJ'ike., nest, Hadron. NJ, hi. sold umwberrieno the “mum of Saw-withi- two wrcks, from " am “would. F --An old lady, hearing somebody tray that India were may irretruur, mid: " It w“ jun so in my young turs-rut misting my Af 'cm." --Thrr people of the oil region- hive lttst by the {Allure of (mint, in: 1 Co., newly all million dollu'a, And th km of the derail”. will be total. I 1 ‘--llisAnn| DieMneottrttmark P [ee--"" - Ile 'tTl,', I!" a.” 'EMfM ht motl [Thy ttlt bu Juli" h a; ':'pg'rit"pitthu'ui,St',',ucttt. I 'fa, 2d,'cdrl lee.' "f; ulfthc nation. “I 1 h" ( t'iii',i,ii,'tti"iiF,"i11' m" LATEST! Arl‘lval orthe 5. Fl. Moi-Hum FRANCE er- ! for Glynn and thinkinglh n Mr. Mm.. ind rat: hm ot their [unwrap 1 mm...“ thy in mg , be. [donned to nmttihuu: to t,"Atfe “WW _.. "eiratiua4e to the NIH keel n, I "ea I." " Bdvettitepttmtt. e9lauuue the ue'eeu u,“ lumen-d um M did ma mu;- whit .51..” 1-14.. lt: the howls. that bc had Io "a. 'ay, INQ- doolined. Now. I mull tr-ll you Mr. MIIKI to tmt cool. uni let le',",',',;',?,':, have hs, an 'i, i. ' '. tteo wintry; I must u no In P" Knuth I til at”: be TS, who 0an . Am" a. I W. providing t a money may” ml... 1","th Ithiak M hull (in! I an have u 'naetreig- .5. .39 out: ”all. "rung... Guterumeat eu- Em. 'ltd. FtyngImJJr-i'u 't ”a... I“ M att e . a: yl no "law . Pf, tt 11513.3. and um 5mm, JPggtt In: induced him m we: - my re.uii-. l rennin. sir. 1 . . . ' Lirerrwl. hull f c0rroN-.9u.s yevunhy 10.000 ttett I swim“.- to apeculnlon And upon-h ' I oeiorunndue-dirs wires. fn'?t'il,lht:'r'l'rrfsrl'i'fae' gm! . I PttithtaoA'tr---t _ i " Pit0rr1lc6-3"eeot quiet. t T I . b I, w.) I. _ ' ! . . . Londo- lnrlbu- . I 'c0h'tiots-y6l to we fur my, ", t' Sam“: no a; ', "may (bird. " to M '. 12mm MI i. s'tr--ou1 01.5.2- -' q9IAefpeed nu] than! " IM. ' I Grr80trcAtiu.t " ae " ulMIII‘. ' 1Wh-lttrt tit.6trt bun-h. 5d. II 1.720 . 7ferlrkuitersi:bi N I' 6 “ch (asia,) Tied fut-mp" Wendi; Ho.) ’50: [at am; $541110 4 " tue m R. It. o. an; In who! (all and Inner. 'ails It " I O Ion-um; ngtdtttt h a 1"oe_ureft' choice '31.. w l 'rREAT-hlt. bony. Ind “in“ EYE-Pm. Elle: N Ft to" It 1:09 " Wn“ Mn, rfdlr't for Cut-dz. I " -thalt. . 2ei-i'SNe, Logo. My u w a ”a. I...“ not sum: " .4 w fun-alibi 85 . gre for Ud "em in tttare '. And Me tar ll 1 “'m -' . I - lord-"‘- 'tm-tr (“Thu-imp...“ ' . “a. . _ Wk certify that Mr. G. 'uaetimer1, "(him Remedy" In: apt-eddy reuiovrdrererd mun d _ Could-int and ”Wilt-(Inn! at “mum, .‘ which it were Indy "my" For Elle a! 4l. Suzanne: Ptreet. tgy-im "_-Te-" ' - *~ fl" ---- PERRY OAVtr' l Llili'l ABLE PAIN hau.r. 'WlBet.asre 0N 'eretatteere%. I“ Gum Tar“ that“ ur Civs.-Bettm d tut: for week ending Jamal“. #6. is” 2tee-'s!tiect.ti. Mirth..." it Freight and ive Mock. .... ___."....,......, .30.”: \VOR'I‘IIIJLSN [MIT \TIOSI. Much 6, KW. . -" Tush... Cornwall-g week of M; 1 F T VICTORIA. 11mm 01159.:ch SALOON. 01'!an the ttts-dt a... Sip-augus- I I r. wont“. OIIEIII- Mil". I. waiving _ neon-nod“: tho can 4 (it L','.,': (In "e"' “We... and nut-J.“ f ' 'rat-ou" durum-u. sans-W it - no... u. will "GNrTFrriie,', have": gluon-cock 'ui"1t7ihiiiT.iiedf Fiii no will furor him can my pun-In than; Jun; M. IIC, Mound. June 2t, in66 '---a' a Zimmerman. ' unit! It“: leg! do; Kenn: & Kyla, t hnle " gtrdr,rt' Mina-n tea. l0 boge, telnet“; I" Hem "areitr; J titarke, I vosl r; t: W Ptuiiau V 'I cut wine; H O s'd,"lL'1 cum C W. ll bx“ (chum. I pal ll wing. 3 bdrm I Buchanan. 21 bu an. 2 MI. “Aka!” amt-p2, " bw numb; w A but}- _ I l I not; W I! Meadows, , onuldrm db- Per 0ATb-Dull It vruh, * urine lows. and um NRKhl'nuulpd; the LMUh-4Vd and, V "up. ' ' Oll' £80 an. in" a K Fdusursestu dell w. (garb-II. of tha Pt a I'M Conn. I all. thy. af I m. ' cf To our coon- IIICIIASTI “I oTteEt1s-10isrr u. my. - M gt Cunningha- t Lind-uv'mhvmg an“! I. want with nm on, n tie-inn! agaoiiq . ilu liIu-dm'l'ilh I dry good» “at!!!" can“. boon. . - - . n_m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iiiiiriirrCiiioiaruaios 1r','s"iff'l'stdlll'iStd III-I‘l‘w' an“ 'iUii"i'iliiUi'iiiirtiirieer', THURSDAY. the In an, M i. 0'“. n... 0- th eve-in; d lb" nr.' "-t-ibiaimoriub0eut,ut the 1.efe...', d oftho lochuieu‘ Iraetitutc. then Minn” P1!“ aritt be Ink. Ind "tet pee.' W do. in Fraud: pts) mum will be gnu-W" iiGG .- ii TGU-iii, #133333. “and m INDIA)“. exhibit“: will be bi“ , J. 1110mm y a .-...___ --" thq M' . :s , . . .. ve - t.E5ie,isaf'l,'js,'ft1'o2'. ihfJ.STI'i .m- dint-nu ttemttmaittttrrtttamhiPtl,! _ . . . .__c...a-.-at btel- t I Hill? op THE 1 "riuasetct.ry very I” Tsthiiiaiiiiiiispesll W will in." I & skit: ie I! Meadows, , II“; M K Didrim‘ 6 bag: ti., S. .u'er+ (In. - _ -----eo ---- [Per M. K. DieULM-u'u Linc] [IPOITI A In I; Krolfl. COMMERCIAL um! ASTEDMA‘BOOD run; (my. [Mum 'h'ilU2'iTL"a1"irQC." unm- _ ten-ml.- '""ri.p.hTA'"aC' “Daemon-e... SPECI A I. SOTICES. Ea-bt Maul-nu. NOTICE. In. Wonk Marie“. "-etet'e',?,f in 'Grl'aii.7iE'iirAi'tgt', I”. was“, Manual-Hun“ unjai S. Guisus, up D. innumi“ tu%rrg [App JUNK "“3505 Your .4 'form I‘m-'5". ', [rink-1y. . “almanac. Seem-6y ard I'm-u Hum New. “It. 30- M. " using - I Inn-w 0' " iiiraus.d " .. “in? It..- d wabtie. " tbe a." LII-dad, Ju- " ":11th was! WM... M» w. n. L. F40“ an B. fonts vex Strut mid. maul Felon RI"! tuaor i AGE tre, IBM In)“ “4- sun {HERD ‘7' - -~- uwr'c mitt-Elk ts 6010.1: tuiwiri, “HEW was: " . ”in!" Loses""' i Iv‘t' ortsw A . _ m -e " at???“ u anc geClll) " - - H). II 6:31 l-n tbTiti - "c" I" " L30 BAB., Jt,"J) tttttlt. . .. to titll ttT/h;; I‘lll‘ I‘ve-l K t”! was“ Id qeaetorr'r ' Id' “a an "an. ii??, “as. “m " - . for Tourists mrtiq' - of I “(I w “a (to. (Mun , h. maid " - dey. II his " 'P, "M” - _ a-A " when“! M" - l .. " tirtett L. Mame A suamm Inn-Um " gums an“ - Milt JIUI max. IAIN “a... - to on ELK. MWILLI - 'A‘l‘CllAK “I. to. . runs. waarim Pal (In. Tau-bu " “OS .5, Township M., wo’juu, Michel Fm g'5/i'e."'1"i “bruit“ calf-I munch-nun!“ ”link-Invite. i -i-otu-"r, (up usual Mo. , -uttt?. If ll DllIc'rlD u 7 "rttrAscFpArsFcrrAt, iariaahru- - “NJ." bye., l“.liiaiabn 'dfrg,tt “land a6dt a IS 'ttl, Sat mini-‘5 or “m": ' , 'iiierroti. Fhrtrid Pet '“u‘tlun ankle». Ities 'tatucait ”we“; Sigh-m my Jiraii,' ' “.U'h-hmg "h¢‘hI-MI humind. tttee-dl" .‘hl-h-uun: “3*?wa I . 915921152}; n AE dt M. ries g'H-u. . in mnuwi' y will 1'." itiiii3i2't'tt,'; ' I' i from IS: fda".'. b .gd -rieAa" m "“ "t the I “counsel; "EGU n , it " I “a“; “nu. . l0" q Music! i.“ rat tbis ave [of Fluxes Dam and Cool r,iit2isil gt, - - "Ji-tr-d q hum m3 Nip!" a an“: mac u! tadd TO N 'ea! h IT" nu}; HAIL Baum it HUSH " iti or

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