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Ottawa Times (1865), 26 Jul 1866, p. 2

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”I " I", sh... tori-Ii, cl hwy. my co---'. if“ ' A. l up u an. Mn lat-b. a to. hula a my» tom. y mu... a..-oias , on can, my: an mum e-oe-Stott-eat' Aavm Aim! -a.-. CA, 54.} ah I... Now Turk. .4 and-nub. (t)ttayitSailt Eimts, Tl'd DAILY m vmu'mn NOW ado-"m “an? autumn a! my pupa FIE-H mane..." Vulgar-53M“. mu, m”. a..." mwmvmw: “humanitd‘hhmvoddov- Innings-aim.“ Wad Aloudin‘lhommtuw-nud- MI. nvmmwhmwy all. mm: Ba.i-C+eetem8t.6t' All . --r-tiu-tr---- u a mum-mm” Y-Iy mu quit": “I will .inb'm-m an: mm, my tti Mhtltt, Ottawa ai'nklg Rims. “mutual-”Winn!“ o.-i.-rsrtu.tirttetu'""tr, Minionlb.h lea-m W “Mu-bidinndmrymingu Bi-it-sis-tsta-ot!" ”gammy-mun». nap-smug"... kahuna». Mun-pnmuumun. tonic-53mm Mbuim.w mw-rm.c.y.;.no+h.nnm Mal 1,siesbr-.t+"esu mmamumguummdm‘n or-erm-rant."'" mud It:,"',':':":.":'.",',":.":'.;'::",:.;", JOB PRINTING, ttttlhtt an a t 1m Punt, EEG -iriiifijrit 1 'ir-ith-am- dun. 'r-re-dat"" - "sis-su,.---'. tidal“. Alma-mm I‘M ”was. (Mi-lino, ”Ii-g. My a-ret" QUEEN vlin,PNA " - It. Bank- 4 PM any tttrra'egh"il"""""" 5.1-1.“ "B-ot.n. It" Saul polio-loath- . not m “alumna-0y ymmoon. One by the member to: a, mth the - of min; . petition. presented in but, 1855. paying " investipdao "-tht.'eaedxtettrf"tg.U hingldlo 3“.“de . o'clad. ‘ ln III "at" the Hun. . gramme, - the eo-3mttieret d m C..- ‘W Act. A It! thri- i-q but no Sum»: I. we. um ’nulu to the my, u mad. the sum and... Au gm pm duo o'clock, att the can um M, the Commit- In" and up!“ the u Mutt!” rod! M explanation, " to G enment bap- t)jtiiiiiiitiats 1rrrtrmd o" Alt" in. - and town fro '0 I!" mind the t,ttowi letter, with l tn will l" 0'" ' u of m w’ -aboet two but: new when "m" ?'t""T'f. . ed to the uv. been mind ground n Richmond. Pt-ter/ka-at 9 you: a, m yester- The mp u “a “a. (In “an by" Tmms. Mh n does Ttet - Ut .-An JI'.",', 'nent Minimum tto-H. hn been written for pa its _ , four ban-lion- of t elve hundred men (och, tie-r-ing “'31. - will 'ttow i lashing the reRime numguu Ann-nun . A 1ntad . inc-dc. _ l _ 'hyN"'atu'"" her. 'I Totxmt,rheg2t,.ttet' - -pr--. "ftoNa.r& Co.' ”who“! in Nov "t on” u me “an,” "P"B" I I" , - One on!" Wming‘ elephant: who W "Pi- _ , I ed to - a Co.' menaerrie,dUd in New “I. trim your 06w c mm on .the York oqh "by. . NW N 315,000- Wind . this momma, _m u M . " Albany, N. Y, M70 “HIM“M” ts,thatBcort- head-d»: . ehamrt.iuatoiteeet. III-Ht mh- of thq t ot iettep 00 , mm the cum. o or the many, who and In. ”a . "an” t.tionttw mob. ! “Mb-amt.“ 2f,'t,",;g/i Asrl a I inudi thet h m .55.) to t . 1.. --'. . 00.) m m III over r h't,"g a: - V l? , e I" I " Pte": the "E”. U. scum, having - _ - _ _ A ,‘ _ A- --" IRA - -_- 0L- “‘1‘- - Swuumuum- Mingus? Mthqbnlonlldcdnd prep-nib, the fraudulent stamp? of . I boy's-n- 'hotrgh.oftwtdhaubeert'reCe ’ol’lh." 'hrybeFtrvred? _ _ wanna-Emu». pe etyttttel bop-nuns deuireeto be on wen-d to for. M an: mm m an. an . and with I the vm laden! walnut sinuous] rue u in quite clnr that my. 3 ought "oi I ”helium-ind no it pupil. It nay be de;, I“. that the Poland" an N In. ch Jittrastiqrsary you of iiiiiii) M locket: depth “ion, ' and. ietttm a’uhp hing I "and o the new“... m ”“1, liable, with their conning, “in; and ucincli e to the opinion. M It. Han-lulu! thumb mud would. in ai-AA, W I. "I W of the article‘ mail-l, ad My bun-nu he objec't of the l ,uiglu in“ be Inn-M orpeel ”I the bop-uncut. Bu manning than 1 'iiiii'iiiiiiiii, u on rto In exereis. 1 aaac.s a she,.,, he in of the ”not“ cum: will Tron», pm ' nad ttl we have Mdun may be metimee gegir. _ We [but our corrupt}! n " In-' con puma, qml shim " in .154] n: a. emtit ennui-.3 ”into how questions, W; a... in“: I am Depart Ae.eal 'tehrtinistmtioo, lo QUINN involve Walla-y ' . impugn”. In Ibo-damn of tbe-e queuin- ive ought gem. ally tobe (“hails our i gmerir, by the Opium:- “than who)”. ' "in; o! the " "ear: y. which they "tate and} own women-u is sapity to oi such I tum! taxing it " lenient pendty M and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (Numb-dynamo.) ornuA. mu 26.113“. 'sTuau--Joai't' m S. I. Pan-yd! t (k, and lo, M M - m w, - [or tho (hut; Tun be Incl-ted than: JA- - ya” the (not even with an bl may)» (for his eon- im an) In the [ how quaint", J impugn". In Gre ought gener- gmerir, by the . working " the It Mr own 0 it” "a 2e supertuioo, and in thU pNtoeur - hue every ram“ with thumb. Attet ot the trroi-itioet)ta. been well oottsideti, both in the intend ofthe public In! M We qehettue. . Them ismuc'h [one in the Ty), made by the Aim-09ml West, on nos-In}; that the "in" Legislu'i‘m of the country wu of more iauportanee'thttn we public. The general sated the public In in Aewot the impair" improvemrnh it has ttndergvne Within the pait few jut-5 is Iluw Mich t.utt nopeeeiag necessity an.“ tor' in being tampered with. if we except the Iiiuicipnl and Assessnirnt Acts which "mlouuru'ly are susceptible 1'omeodtoeut, and measure- are new lefore III. Home lining that end in view. There IR other question: requiring . the ful- lest mention at the hall! at glib, Gee the 1smriahttion of Jrttieh ettttgtot be "mu pone]. u tho: have I diree0earing upon the eoretitutiorml chaps which will scum It', place-Jud there is [mi-kin a lag: gnu-uni of prime Legislubn uiesuy demanded, the “clay“: which will not only be deeply injur- ion- to tho interests of tho parties immedi. uily "emteerned, but may tend to maul oeriosh the W4 oftluowntry in the do. "lop-mitt ems mutual resources. Member: m impatient to be relieved " t tum- of tlie duties " legislation. They Jul-1 sm- to draw the pesto" to n chm at U earl). a tiny ad “wilds. and since the public mum tions tu‘tthiclt we hase'reterre,t, Inns! ”of ne- cesrity be dealt with. a disvouition ia unmi- l'edthl to summarily ulna-ml all action upon prtsahte bills. sow sine of there, such we tlut upon the intrxdudtioex at which the Aft tornerGeneral and! the remark llludenl to, In “Icahn-i in their; pmhwle conseqtu-noes to count tht' most “llama.“ Imaetitg upon unto-try "Uhr. ilk-my b deemed I matter of slight im ante hi honorable gentle-wt: who look ly to the political, ot My. healing ut' th questions before the" Hans. whettier Bn.'.' tthe recent appl'tnnces ot mountain» . to the peaetieal upen- lions otprvdtactive in nary are, or tbre angin- lmlucal autumn-ed 'mongsl us', but than. Illa study out ma rial prNret", with. which the tiaest ptli . systems. or the an)“ perfect It" will (lot?! as but little consola- tion, um gladly leot “we: be.“ may... io every meant! 'iii)?:', tea-unable pump-ac! ot ”siding u, the Je lophuent of an: latent wealth " the countrl 'r-even to the delay ot than qua-Soil, I . in the eye at the men which.» ought to ive the first considera- tion. ' ', Them ac anal 'vntc hills bird the Home, providing Gr the issuéof pate-u "". certain discoveries T inventions. the right to at which has humuiml, and thick it in;me V moo-Ll main to be of Medal than to the Matty. o. the other band, if t w, inventions turn' out upon trial to la ml C a, it irreletsr that no one will Miler except be who has undertaken the risk. Oneoft is‘Worlnewnld hitherto unknown 'ptioo and," an)!“ " by ttremember Buses, and surely it w. Rankin' ‘enn fully introduce into out when a mic ot‘fuel. " n me which will ankle him to pete with coal nnd wood. be till have ferret! upon the country' . beoedt dun-hie. it t not. who 'ewived, merely though In fur the aiming patent In" at the xiety d metal-m to get but: by n any :00 r. The nine remarks w, with equal to to the other megaures, - oi buck mplm omerprius of very“ imports to the pmiucuv. in- - the . The bill introduced by an A West on Tuesday, aim at the intros! dun invention which I.“ MI in (Yangon, on n sale My a ire mine-Dire sacientitie Md pended men I th the utmost eonMemse in its am. " we. to the extraction ot “from thou. by the my ofthe new has. undo the poem on: upside of being worked wit prom. Should (bk in. vention prove B ul in its Wham»: but, it will hue itpttttyyei in develo'ping the mineral wealth Can-d: which eanttot now healimnud. q ,Then at other. ivnee, menarc- which. l though 1mm! ntbcirnoope,m Bolus deserving oi attenti u dieting pump! or, Indium In] think it would Ae " “pm thing at!» In! Parliament or Cumin to no he: t eoasidemtirm. . --0ay Coon; t w;ll-known banker, n- um‘u hood-e $ 1065, o"toS,irotr. an tax will but} 000. --A sloop may Hailed in the lowerhy at 'tobtte,on an " .59. U. Scatter. having on‘lmni 150 than the Men were about to any to Cu M all lab “any; --The In“ Thar "' paper in the 'paper sock, which is with a with" of mullin, And will In! a I. ll ordinary nock will keep clan, while . on lap Ink! cheaper than she and cool of . I lg. l -" mPoet Uei and in none amu- dc- p-n-enl circle: at “Mum, to the “act that Oneal 1.01 is been invited [some to succeed Mr. Stan in tho Wu Deput- mm. --An Indium em. moot-the up than of Dr. Thom-43. Lyon and lit. Mollie, Umtr. In the light of uncut-l We". .. my unwo- thu by an! by". Hale child viii Ind than.“ ‘ --A and“ dawn from tht. Jody!) to the st. Loun- am an, panic. from the phiul upon the lndiu- and! in 'raned _ _ . 77w“ -. w-.." all madam-n -y a anon " "ttl". com in rip. n-uly our] tribe tn the plains will “Art on the wu- petit. Tue ttre we“ tuned "d DVD plenly’of “autumn. _ _ -Evcry step requisite, up the Peuol' Report", for the building ortho Punch-I3 Wyoming Ran-lyin- been may: mm mm. W’ the rum n1 bu nut-Mm Gaia' of the “may council- aiming-1AM new bu been mnhyedud W, the stock all what-dud. coda-iron medr to be bid do.- a noon on to cape-Inca" in col- plete. ', -Ths receipts tthi.' citizens' committle of Radon, uni-unl- 32,217, 3500 from the Pup-r troll-r lanthanum“ Protective Asairc1. uion, and Sun - from the Am Plow Uo., Wm. I Lonjvy A Co., Merritt I Co., and Billions When Co. Teal, 874,773.“. Beedpu " m: In on can about 850,000. _ ”W‘IVwI-Vl- "[1“ or . V -A Freak “I. m "was; 2,Qlu", l, of this momirtg. - I" we FD”: ":er on Maw-lay a u Gl . (the m In ad "no” be and; tthe in [ In the eve-Ila. am. “when bond of the ulrnlu chn to het btgers' omU. " t uhould , P.C. o, which In: bacon. an |ndllpenuble pn-ful' n numb“ tum." 8b. will be “o H t Won tttrettMditttttad I WWII- of album f when. " I should prefer tho but}! I My raped-bl: people with non intennle houwwivu.‘ she will so to posterity. “I “on. dating the Tet Ind." left npw. by! much nun: Ill. to.“ goto what! I may well - with t e onuminment. NE tttg 1 TENS. _ No. 3 1tsrtats.-We Iran: l-y upccill llvupntch from Cornwall, that No. 3 ma». will returns from {mutirr service by ttii. Mh-rnoon train Klan" tsr-tsu.--)-" thtwem and Iver! music, both In- intvrestittg, and have thrircuarnttt, but I“ in ma beautiful or charming than n -t,cotwr'rarrn furnished Immu- ? Thou whodvnin- to rn-plrnluh their stock almulul nut fail to be [in-um " the unh- tt't the. rx'suII-uu- ot the lat" Mrs. Bun-s. “My Sim-t. 'Irs manning, where Mr. ttowe th" Auds tiottcvr, trill talk to one and all jot like n fathvr. ' Ihtasrxru-lvt' lvuln that Mr. Later ha: berit prrvuil’d upon to give' our rilim-nl I 1, tal. all his dramatic mum". at Her Mung-m l Tttvatfc. nu mummy evening, 2am. “FL Al. l thouph " haw nu‘nr witneruwd any of .ttr. ': Lest r's hidriuuic “for”; We hear but one l opi inn vxpremwd, from wnich wh- nnlivipntc 1tti2C', Ira! of no ordinary LIL-Incl”: Not [ having been npirritwd nl'the bt Hill of Fur" chosen for the occaadon, we are rumble to re- " to thicm. lutt tio doubt he selections will he judicimtUy made, and " " will he posi- tiwl) thc only night of .Wr. Lester's lppcnr- lune, he may rely onn hearty greeting, trom a tiscritnituttinr'nmt hlhinhlhlo- MIdivncv. Poctce 1'ortrr--.hdarr Harrison, charged with bring drunk and no disorderly Mill noisy, as hr keep the inmate-t of “In jail unlu- nll night. She pmmlm-d to reform, and made null-Inn de- claratiuns, that ia his otticiat caPwlty, "in Wurghip’n llrnhlll' nhould ill-Var In". eye! on her again. She in Ilhlwecl to depart in pure», _ invoking the choieert lnlmingljn henwn'n gill. L on the head of her worthipml 'librratur. And now Mary nut rvember her parolvd'honttettr or-we Ilnll m. Louie uyroix,drunk, plan guilty. Fine $2 and emu. . Willinn! Bimini at Erma, vngnm-y. He in An old soldier who In wounded in lug country's defence at the " Windmill C' he lost his krtee-caps and his right hand is lunch-u. Ho if also no do“ that his mind in all-oat tntirrly t"aapprxmchabler. aiming}: thc new of having. “in dlulect in that of Gloucesunhirc, Rial-ml. His Woo ship (mien-Al him to be referral to Mr. Mitio Sccn-tqty to the tit. George's society. Adolphe Dupon'tc, diluted by Alexis Chrerier, with whom defwmhnt hauled, with having homage hulligount hauling his landlord nEluu-tl a "trest'.', beticehm he had airtmiy drank quite enough? Fine SJ and costs. 'Jcm Peltier, 'wliintt.liqttor V'lllwlll license. Defendant stated the oircutis Ihnccs of his appiibatiost for his tiorttse, and thought he VI: to' get it. Puntpomd till to. narrow For cnqnlrloul to “M. ' Excrllm u Hom- " mum. 'd-s.--. Major-Genera Shaun, on “My, mu en- terhinml by the 'ueiur Ind Volunteer Otti. ccn of qutrul, by u; ucurlinn to Lake tit. Minimum! u dinner," which "the Queen," "the President of the U. tC," "the Governor Gunm‘al,‘ And other touts In ru given, and up proprihtety mponded to. The In” wt: were " Our than, .%st'orAlenerxtt Sherman, U. s. Ai' and " Euginnd and tho United Stan-u of . ir, America-Mother and Dosghter--Unitt% in l m the bonds ot . common origin, hngunge and I V‘ Constitutional Govunment. May their only , , rivalry be that which will condnce to the wcl- F Ju - at lations." General She-mun, in u- I a kmvwletlglng the tout, " Our mini; referred 1 W to the plea-re he had experienced in ttin tour 1 I', through ces. At every point he ind been I mind with the [must good will nnd l ' lricndlincu,nnd he would Inh- the eartir.stl . and. every opportunity of expressing to his l - éounlryluon the friendly feelings existing in ', " CM in". their American cousin. , He '; i upwind his admiration of the efficiency and I " lplonMdisdpllno a! the "ttdiem and Volun- I " 'tnu with-h he had mu, And complimenwd i ',', General Lind-y on his luring the 'mrnmmd i " I of such troops. tre .130 plated a hlgh culp- E " 'giun on an M may. better drilled l " l body of - than which he had never Been.- " Return; to the Ute Fenian iniion,the Gen- . " ”er-l (-ongntuhted Cumin on poncuing the ', " resource. mommy to their' npulnion, but T 'l stated that my father attempt by tho-Fenlan- l, " wouhlbc promptly tupprewl by the Amen-i? " .cnn Soul-uncut. _ l', LUCA}; 1N love',. fu. exhibition may-nod here youtenhy " one o'cloek, pan., in the Skating Rink. mu than: “has” “tempted in 'Ochwd The “W. mayday was rather din, but thour vtgttom who were there were gmlly very 1ntenisrcnt on he subject of Bowers, and the Ipevimenx wen- mny of then exceeding): good. ' _ “8mm“. “magaxhibib 1 a by Mr. we: mun. Mr. Currie, Mr. 1 R. Sunici, ochw Edinburgh, and Mr. buyer. I A Terr iino Egyplion Iilly by Dryer. JApan- _ cu- corn by W. White, Esq., themseds of which mo brought“. by Ooh-adore Perry. Very Me Ole-axle: by'Xr. Henderson, New Edin- burgh. Puebla, Currie, Drrrer,very good. A good eoiloc6ta ot balmy homo punt. by Mr. M. A very may Bower guin- m mini-cure by Mr. Kerr. A considerable null- bee of bouquet! - on tho ulna very (“My done upfwd the Bowers well select- ed, but path“): tho pm: ,mq3he smile-t by h. and P.J. French, Ner Edinburgh. The tuttouquet,br In: XCKiilnoI,'ll Very good, a van Aldo in; wrath id Bowor.uieu- Ftoral mu try French. .chkl,(tcn weeks) by Mr. Duh, com-KM none of-the belt spe- cinn- ‘u In" den in thuretrion. Holly". boob, good, by Cttrrie. Panic-L by Mr. Sur- tees, any good indeed for tin-w pom. Collec- tion- of Verbena, Hurt-u, Muwcllnnd Currie. Pink», pamble, French. A itnc African Butt. Bower, N. mnvlllo. An clam!" of large dimenllonl an! very flrte, Fond. Tumirtetdthe vegetable gum-n, we obqvrved tho m at “or, Dry“, Currie and Hickey, tt-ttitV of km and. sabtirtrr, which m"ttait"d wry pun-bk specimen, and W oldie nulilowen were very good. The only melon was by “ville. Tomatoes, Well- formed and ripe, sad of good quality, but noi; lame, Bohr my! Curtis. Euphoria undem- mm, mung} In. non-u 'totwrigon.- rm lug”. muons-u, Mm. Burrow-4nd It. Dry". Bug" pen, not become to com- monu they would be, very tine, Mm. Bur- mm. Thurc wan variety of good peaa,hetusn, pontoon, been and union, by null] exhibi- ton The specimen! of'rhnbnrb were nosed- ingly tine, and of the but quality, By De Kinny, Wanna And Bahama, specimens of Glow! And UNIV. tobacco, line. Mr. Jtolur HORTICULTURAL sows _ rrs scum: sue W. - Walton'. Ihow of Sewing Machines, formed 111. up We {new In the exhibitioh, and when “and tit that could be) of suing on then " It": of eaettt,"-the Iowan, one could Maud led how modem min-manic. _ The tuerenry not having male to make up the odd-l prise lUt till My, it could not be (inn couple» by min of the piper: of this homing. Tm.) OTTAWA TIMES. JULY 26, 1866; PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT. wedm-uday, My; Mth, men. 1180 Spenhfr (M the t-hlir “Min-w o'clock. After the trknition of 'iiGiilGrdiiiiii,' Mr. RANKIN ' ,vhvn,tutl,i how it in in. tended to ewend,thv9tioo,oito viiith oyttpouml Inn-rel. for upwiitds of trn Marni) svt apart to bo "pproprituvd by Pnrlitunvnt flu mum Inca] purpouw or winning»; in Uppcr 1hutnun, u'mlcr authority of unit Yin, cup. 3, ‘mn IT, ICM, " An Act " the nboliliun of I‘rlulnl lights and clinic-I in Lower; Ctruadti'--a similar muuum having been (alum from the public (-xrlwqucr, and erpendvd " Lowrr (fumuiu purlmnwa under the above. ‘cih-il Act. ' Mon.]. A. M8C'iroNAL0 " WM in the pom-gr of I'urlimm-m the Imuum not if it saw tit, would be accoutttrd mum mm to Uppksr Canath in the gn-nrrul 1 nu‘mnm. ', 1 Mr. RANKINJAIM his vhicf ulujwtt m "tol grt an ttcknowle [gum-m of the tit-ht. l . Mr. JONES (gonh Leah) movcd an mama tor a tLtytcmettt 'jf, tho expense: to thv muntry _ ul'tlw Civil Scnil‘o Haunt oi Ernmitwrs, since H57. Mr.Join~u hmtendud thnt the rxpum-n of the Civil 1txyt,':1" hnd inrrrlui-d enormous- ly during past y,rttrr', and mm oh thc cvu of ('unfa-domtion it was propu-r that. mum step:- slmnhl be taken o scum- retrencttmettt. Dun ing the present' our tlte vxlwuit'l id tlw From: Lamb Dulmrtmpnt had Art-whit! the whole amount of lands mm by $125,001 and if that was ttot A case whivh Mmuld he n_-ult with it VIM a may ”ruin- wing to him . When we “me to colonization roads we fun ril that upon tour ot-‘tlu- leading math, upon Itll" $67,000 hut Ian-n upended. nnt‘unu: 'ttnh' urttlrr hnd located. "i'he mémlwr torCornwttll Gd t-tl'u-trd A vermin degrctiof retrcnchmvnt when In: was in "than um! he; r,cgrctted that it hot not luwn folluwc4i up. tiinG. 1841 the (1mm: Lillldl Departmn-nt run-um! haul inrrvmwd six tium over. ' _ l I Hon. Mr. CAMERON moved thut an hum- .' ble whirl-pan be [virgin-mm to His Exrvlirm‘)‘ the l 1lovvrnor-Crvnertt,,cimee.virtw tlu. mnxrzuula- i than of this “mm-tn His J'.xtrelleuey on his ‘ clrvniion to the Pei-rage of Gin-lit Britain. ! Mr. CAMERON, in moving the whim“, paid [ - high tribute to the tuiminiwtmtivetalrmt I of Hits Excellency, and referred to tlu. kind, I and triendly nmm- whit h had recently been /iii..i..rii, of British North America in the Im- I lit-rial Puliamvnt by the lettdcrsof both the i, “not political _ parties. Th" motion' in mricd. Mr. PARKER moved toe hawking: to Hu Fjccllency "ture-tttmitral, for a return drawing the unpaid amount on ucmnm of MI “In of Crown Land; in "trls of thtiwnt0tipts' of the awn-rt! 'Counties of Wcthngton, (in-y. and Bruce, and 1h" prim-Mr value of the nu- mlcl Crow; Land: in tht. raid Townships.-- L‘u‘lit-d. 7 . . F . Hon. J. S. MACDONALD hunt": had Ill 1 bill will be intr nerd to-morrow ., V e l experience ono “my pcminal intcrrottrtie I "on. J. A. MA 'lN'LVALD hoped 1m. I ‘with HU EsAellencr, could heartily "MW" Hun. Mr. HOL 'ON-Both? {Laughton} 'ievery word tttat had been said in’himvm-I Hon..l. A. MA DONALD m not [mind ‘i mr:ndntiott by_thv member“ who had spokom. i to my. (Laugh! r.) C The T.t%'tl' .er.Itt c I The Home adj¢urned " twcntr-tive minutes l ' lion, J. ll CAMERON moved for the Apr pant" o'clock. I V ' isohttmentoC-mittee tum-rift "w ndllmnl I _ l -Carried. _ _ 5 m The Committee reported th" followlng "--l; THE FENIAN PRISONER.“ JY THE ', " May ll Phil." Your 2'zeelleaey,-- ', . ’ l " We, Her Mnjeuty‘l dutiful And, loyal ob. T TORONTO GAO," r " . wu, the Commons pt Canada. in Provincial h llll t 1 " C/lil,')",,) assembled, beg Iran- to 'spptotwlt I If!" Alto-at; '" IQ',', - q . l " Your Emu-Remy with the cxpu-ruinn of our _ ' T . " most gituwrp congratulations“ n the etvva. , . _ l, " tion of Your Excellency to If; varugn of‘ (krona the Tomato Daily Talon-ply.) 3r " tlii-IJin'iti-d ,Kingdom of Great, Britain and Of Int" wuliuvcheud liutlittle of the doings " Ire m . . . l l of the mgtuttttitin who no unfcl en- l " In thin 'Prim.?.' act ottrur _belox11iyut.en, licenced within the 'Jdl.'in'c't'l of the old 'dt , " Wt? rr'"et!1e., 'm' tbe T"."y's't satitet.iott The building is looked on an one of the Itrong- i " trod gntitudc. u" “Ma" tt ttppt-intron est in the cite and indeed isknowu tubemuch q “rand acknowledgment. of the tservice of Your safer than thu'newgaol buildiuu The Féninn f " Excellency! in' your faithful administration I prisoner! "ve,howerer, in G2iiui to the mu . l " ol-the Governmont. of this I'.rovi.ncv, and ya 1 nl number of turnkcyn, been ntrongly Rwuded ' " hope_nnd prof, out by and blessing alumna " . detarhtnrnodthe Itth Regt.,md nothing " providence, You, Excellency may mp)" for ' hi heft. undone by the governor in 'eeing that l " long yetr5..the honor Tyeh has bcuus soweit bis charge in secure nnd safe: Those of the " ttttd worthlly conferred. t polic'c who have visited the iail since the in- . On motion the Addrestrwtut adopted, “d coronation of the Fenian prlwnnn, wilt know l t,eTlle tte, ttwore, and p.r.c.sen.ted to TMs I that the sleeping apartment. of the tailor: I Excellency!” ugh ttttte 9' Hin_ Exeellency F um inthe upper story of one of the wings. sheypdpitrttit_.r, la pleasure m re1"Y.e thtety I At the north“. side of the building I lug. _ Mr. POPE min-ml an man- s to HU F.xccl- lency the GovvrrtorXlettvral an a copy of all temtvrs,' oitttnictts and upcvchalic-nmnml all Olin-r papertr ind Jocumvnt/ ramming tlu. contracting or building the 1slierbrooke. Jnit,--- Almu, repent)!" the Iuspcctor ot th" work (if tuctu is tttty) an to the trtvrwnt stntv of llw work.-t 'arrivti. _ Hon. A. A. DURIUN scrolnlu‘ the motion and exprcm-dfhis hearty courmirewy with the sentinn-ntu no eloquently u-xpremi-d by the member for Poet. Hou. Mr. BRC'WN.-Though t"Wt' that only one opinion [availed in thid Hyman-g rding thr subject bnjnght bvfore the Human, _',i,ei?',i'i't be permitted to add his own tgstinmny. one who had had some npn-rienrv in the Gown.- men' of the pountry, to tho high qualities whic I dutittgttished Bis EXTNMW' and n-n- den-d him no tvorthrthe dist m-tinn which hut just i‘wvu conerred upon him. _-- Mr. XAGILL motd tor In Address to His Excellency the WtrernorAreneml for copies of I." correspondence, Orders in Council, and mil-tiara pnmlly in [chroma the levy- ing uml collecting of toll: on the Burlington Bay Cunl; ulna a statement of the aggregate receipt! and expenditure on the cane for the put ten yet". Re oomplhimnd of the ittjite tioe to the tnde of Hlblltnn,‘ which the maintenance of the toth, dll the Burlington Bay canal inflicted, unl hoped tlmt jun-tic: would be done to that city. The motion was catrrfed. _ Mr. P0ULI0T moved atiaddretus tor a state- ment ofthe Amount to whidh each town-hip in Lower Cumin in entitled, uudu; the provisions of the t'seignoritrl M.-(‘lrri¢ll alter a long ttiscmmion. l . Mr. WRIGHT moved fhr the reading of Journdl of 17th of Much. less, page 233, in no in?” tables to the P titioli of P. Aer l Ind when,“ the District TI Otto"; pray-inn l for an ine-tigatlott into the conduct and actg 1 of the Rom Aime Monhlne, Judge of the superior Court in and forth: Mid Dittiot. It was . painful duty, he slid, to imperial the hon-my of the moat hu ble otticitu, but when that cinch! "a one " the Superior Judges of the loud, the duty was ltill more painful. The charges which [mi been pre- fereed -ltttt the Hon. Judge Lfontaine Wen: of Mich unwound haunt character, that they ought to be invent-ted without delay. If true, he ought It owe to his dinniwi from his high powJtion, and con-red with the dia- - which belongs to lunch crimn-u; if fulm-, no time uhouid be lost in proving them to be rm. The petition referred to in hid motion, WM signed by Men of the hitrh.cttt repcctaltility, ‘who could no than prove the chm-[cu it mm- hincd,_unu he desirui that ‘the miter should not longer rumuin undilpoaed of. Bohr: Mr. Ufogttaine'tr devotion to the Bench, he had been Crown Unda Amend and it tutprttrvd thot law-old the public property Ami kvpt the money. The department had apparently nun- Uitttd him,, for be had born rulrwd to the Bench without being deprived of the other. He appealed: to the Home to sustain him in hiring them: charges Ittrtmtlgtttcti, mi it WM not right that thu live: and property of .60,000 people should he " the navy of Inch The motiop mt, gummy mad the. journal: 'tttteel"?).,', Mr. 82031.3 nah-d what would be the " fact of that , , . . Hun. Mr. pom-ox mid it mu m amm- dlm ' can, And ought not to be in the hundu M a private inembvr. m Mum! td lu-ur the vivo of the Govegmt with regard' ty' it. Mr. WRIGHT then moved that tlu. petition be laid on ttte Oath of ttte Home. Mr. WRIGHT and, he intended mat to muvc that I" the paper: connected with the use be Prie'ed-_. ;. _.. Hon. MrccAimEit all the Ginwrnment Ind not yet but than to “he the mink: con- sidention. ‘1: was only now try the n-vivnl of the petition, muted In Match, 1865, that the mum no Lough! to their notice, as they might be ikiGUGi to but laymen its con- tent- duets dot muted. m did not hesi- tate to any, ithat ttn, wounding of the hon. member, except“ mocha {ending of the jour- nan, was quite irregular, and ought not to be tamed out. The charges knight against Judge ufmtninu were not to swim» " In: pretended, "an according to his own sum-- menu, for nothing vqry positive Wu mmlu out. Judge maintain Ind been nu advocate in Manual, . partner with the Ron. Mr. Drum- mond, and held A: high A cumcter for honor and bounty In Any advocate in tin citr-- FIFTH SESSION; unusm'blvr: “suntan Lit n-pliml that it rum-m to In "part w tit, min-Nim- it u toi-tt ln-lunging nrrul scttlctucnt of (Hen, he"). Dating that time he laeld the "ttice of Clerk of the Pin-com Protlwnotnry u well u Crown Land Agent, and no complaint had Mommy“ "mimic him. When Judge McConl died, the who‘s mm of (nun dob-ind tut they should have . Judge who had grown up with thuir maria, and who knew in history. Petitions hul been Bent to the Government for this object, Ind one of these petitions In sign- rd by the mm Mr. Aylen, whose petition against tho Judge wu laid before the Home in Man-h hm. Want it to be expected thnt the Gun-mmcnt uhould go now into an iuverstt'gtw tmn of charm-u against Judge Lafontaine, which nfencd to his conduct before he was appointed ? Ho objected to the motion, In Iwing out of Onion tor want of the prop" Im- tice. Hou. Mr. (MITCHON will the “on: hml not got at the MN ofthe cue. Thvhon. nn-mbor for Ottawa but] mum the acclimation, and the Hun. Att'y.4Tcn. Eu! had defended him-. than Were ”My the horyers in the (”abut n hut wrru the facts? The Home did not know than, and obttaeltm ought not to ho put inthr way Jfobtaiuing them. “'th wrong wny had been whim-d in this can: tn sm-Im: an luvu-nti-' gnliun'; itww, thu duty of tity Covvrtttucnt to point another way whereby the facta might be brought 01%“ __ Z .. . . i Mr. ittvit(E said a discussion like thin, whiih must and in nothing, was very unfortu- 'ntrte, u it wltuld go lu-fom the country in I “my which wbulll rcllcct u-riouuly on the ad. "tittistration ‘ofjunticn ln th" country. ‘He very murh r grctted that the MtortteyAnrne- ml was not it . position mum to grant an in- ventigutiou or to rupul the. chug”. ' Hun. Mr. [lIIUWN mid. though the quen- tion was It Ltbm-r Ontula our, In: winhcd to call the attedtion ot the ”mine to the fact that while the “Liam: wart only gin-tented in 1365 it wia ted l-lth March 1861, and "t Mung mutations relating to Judge Litton. will») mluptln-furc his upwintmvnt to the Hench m “it, lie did think that the Attor- nuy-Uem-ml {Hut ought not to have allowed thut petition3o lie over for I yrnr without in.. vottigatinst it. _ _ Mr. “NH-Ell. rt1rrcltvd that-11y discussion halt-ken pl on the wlnject until the rum m-ne brought out. - The Sl'EAkElhlccidcdum Mr. Wright's motion w» ont of order, " he had given nu notice. . M r. WltiU TI gums notice of his motion for w-nmrrow. nd it being ,uix o'clock (In: Speaker left 1 lug-[min _ The Hound went into Committee nu the Act Impeding (It? “septum-n! of property in Up- per Cumming-RM; Walsh in the chair. ' . (Du many of the chum-u, mon- or In: (“sour ninn of n go verrntionnt cumcter took place. Several “will amendments, but no chauger of colwcqlwnct~,: were rank: to tho bill In report- rd from the Wit-rt Ormtuittetr. T The Aunt :vy-(iclrml West, "nun. J. 'h'. anduuuld, In! J. II. Cherou, and Mew-u. M. 1'. Calm-r m, Mckenzie, Street, Haultuin, Frrgnmn. c. bunny) and Gibbs took part in tlisuluing tt . provisions of the bill. The Cumn int-Hun until 12:"), and reportcd the bill. whi 'h mu 0:11ch to a third tending to-m9rrow. l , . V ii/ marital-Hymn moved the third reading of the Act "'i; amid the Lower Canada (hum: Loo. . E Thethint imam; w“ objected to by Dr. Beaubien, who h In amendment to propane. Mr. "HURON nought the unopposed third readings might proceeded with. ' Hm]. Mr.iHO 'roh'.-id the cum-alien bill will be in" m‘vd m-morrow , Hon. J. A. MA 1rr!NA_LI? ltoptrd m._ of lat" we Intro heard but little of the doings of the mgranMin gang who are “My en- aeonved within the precincts of the old ml. The building is looked on on one of the atrong- est in the city, and indeed is known to be much safer than the newgnol building. The Fenian l prisoners have,howt-Ver, in addition to the us: - nl number of turnkeyn, been atrongly (guarded by n detarttmpnodttte 17th Regt.,and nothing h: left undone by the governor in racing that his charge is Ict‘url- and safe: Those of the police, who have visited the jail since the in- carceration of the Fenian prisoners, will know I that the sleeping apartments of tho traitors are in the upper story of one of the wings.' At the northeast "le of the building a large opening has been left for a door to commu- nicate with the interior of the jail. Thits opening was securely plunked up with heavy timber, and coated inside with stove-pipe iron, which the prinonera, having nothing else to do aince they aawthe loyal display on the 12th of July, amuaed themaelvea with pulling out the tutils that "ixed the iron coating to the boards, which theybarefnlly replaced with and: ad- l ruitncna that for aewraldays past the keeper: were not aware that their precautions had been interfered with. On Friday morning, on en. wring the apartment, the turnkey noticed that ticvvmt of the nails Mixed to the plating fell out, and on examining the work he My covered than one side of the door had been loosened. On making the diseovury, the Fe. ninns were struck dumb with utoniahnwnt Yor afew mJ‘nuten, but at last one of them mus. tored up rm icictst courage to outapeak his opin- ion Ithat It wants bad Job,' a untiment which waa perfectly coincided by the conspiratoni present. On an examination of the bard- outside ot the iron coating it waa found that several of them had been aawnaoroaa, which chriy evin- eeu that the plot moat have been a deeply ma- tured one, and but for thanchy diaeovery would in all probability have proved Inocul- ful. The fact- of this attempted "tape goes far to prove that the sooner the Fenian triala are brought on the better. Any man that in. innocent need not fear an impartial trial, but the guilty in most canoe dread it. We are not aware ofthe names of the partiea who were the principal comqriastors in thia plot ; but whoever t 'ey may be their conduct h- dow monstratecl that they have been deeply impli- cated one-way or the other in the late Fenian. raids. As won an the danger was discovered l ilk-pa were,“ once taken to remedy the evil,; and beforeievuning their nppnrtmenta were left in a Mate of security, which will effectually dehar ingieus or ogre" in future, except for thou with are connected with the institution/ -.Accotinu of the crap- in Wlmminflmn,‘ and Northern Illinois are favorable. Most of, the, when” bu been harvested in excellent conv ditlon. And in nlnmd-nt in quality. ', "r-',1te,tlt ofJuly was notioed utlalitsx. N. S, ' The A {In of that place a)" the British nu Ihlpn and mnny other wan-la in put display- ed the American tug'. r-The Ohio Farmer hm sun had read so mfclt of the value of simulated llme In curinm green ham that. it: “no in unqunliliodly recon-1 minded. T Hun-r, it says, may been! when full in Moon) in the forendon, afterthe dew in oif, and if n uvn-ry heavy, turned, naked Ind put into the [km the lune day, try the lbw of from our to six quarts of lime to the load. _ ' -.. The war eorretTondent of the London? Mommy llrrah! any: _ la militniy circles the performance of the I’runlnn needle gun It” ercatett “mt aurpriw. The weapon ll so. heavy and unwieldy that there existed I steal prejudice spin“ it i but it in quite plain that its tit-whack: are more than compenuh! ed by the great rapidity of its fire.. I bl'el new A Mute letter from the Autumn can?“ which up: that thla formidable weapon tuLyl donhln the enemy‘- ntrengh. V I know, more- over, that thin Int expotienco of the amid-1 gum nu been brought undezthe notice of td Small-uh commitment the Finchnrmymho up tn thin time have been strenuously opposed} to the adtrption of my breects-ioader wlntever,‘ nudl Ihould not be iVir)Li(iG.GitGaGiG') in the nrmnmentot' the French inf-ntry won: one of the connequoncen of this Bohemia Aetrr [ls-en. AM Momineh"it....-....--.. 10.6,im. In“, "_............-..-..---. 5.00.p.m. " Ight..-....-.-..---:.. 9.00.p.m anmlnI con t "P-ttJunction with m on Grind Trunk II] for ch: ha! And West, “I I 2p,"g'li wlth Fe tor S'e,e.'tT,',r,hv-ft" coon Ina-Q ttnttroadrfrorBit tidruorthe I', . N. .lrN.. Wain run ml Home"! Tin". MM 10 tgtNGtmrN.--'rtte Rte-mar cm of om leave. " T MIL. every load-y and Thur-day. The a mo: Brtortt " T 1.111.. cvrl’y Wednesday and Batu By. 0 AVA 'ro MONTREAL. -'rtte Slimmer quon I'trrto in learn. the mot of 3w: Btrvet every mum- L “may, 16th.--At noon the S. S. Ill/wr- may. "wing repaired dnmnge to her screw. left Liv pool It 2 pm, on the 16th. for Qua)“ or, I'Vetot mt ll 'I‘ELEGII I, fun Sun run din-{1' I rut. reports from the Iirmr Emu-mum. um tneo ble. Study protrrvtut [wing math! on Sun " nfh-rnoon; paid ont 291:! Inih-r. distal“ T' run 63. N markvtl whulcwr niun- tisetirotsu', do. p. tv.' Cotton Ihiu morning opt-Ind with dec' ed lmprovcmcnt. 'N thi "Inspired concerning uci.rotitstiourr; c2','lW,2.'ll ppm-n5 rum-ind liovcnnnvm war ing " publhhing {thu- mun. A ssanruinnryeetsfiict took plwo. on the 1 ah, bet men the Prussia!“ and l-‘vderuln mar Au uureubursdt, the former were unircly nuc- ue " The town In in fumes, undilu- F a Wcl'o retreating. P uinnu wen: marching on Frankfurt wbi 1: town tiw Federal troops had carnat- mi, ad the Diet was removed to Allmmu-u- bu , whvre the foreign representatives were exp 'cad to “Humble. . ' mdquaru-n of the l'russi-n army under the ing had been advanced to Broan. . I hr m reported to be In pummsion of the ’Pru inns. . _ duldini had occupied Pum- and Via-nu, tow I on the line ot the railroad to Vienna. AKIItrilns in Van-tin, except than in Ten. iee, had no nilwsy communication with “than, no unless Uiuldi‘ui be diverted. Aug. trin s cannot rimder aid inthe impending lat- tle will: the humans. a Bjner of the lath Hiya, whatew-r forces the tmtriatt government may have llll'ccult'd in Mating around Vienna, still it isdoultful whether it will ltulfln: equal to the task with the "aadinreictorious l'russinns, who accord.. ing in all culgnlntions slit-um tum-min]:- bctirre Tirtuta to-morrow or day after. lfnm'thinu is needvd to rendcr the Auntriun lumilion hope, less, st/ss the “dings of tln- irrepamUc disaster " C'ufrentmr',r" which mun! have reached Vienna. Pram-d by duputltlonn from ihe Vic-uncut municipality, inquiring into the Emperor'ts plmure in regard to the defence at Vin-nun" the Emperor It once removed the peoptes atspeehemdottrt by Havering that Vivian' would be crested " All open city, and added that he would limit his military upcmtionu to the defence of the line of the Danube, I plan which might. bring the Prussian “tack on Ftoodoir village, two or three mile-I from lhe tmm gaterr,nrhere the Austrian; hare emb- liuhed a camp and Trte de Pont. Should the ansinm, hoeyr, retsolve/ to attack “mm, they Would certainly attvmpl to crotut the river nt lever-l mints,nnd in um: of sum-mu an (men city would 'unowuidahly tall into thrir ; banal. . _ . " in mud that the iliwoungumrm into which the Alum-inn army in thrown by reput- n-d lone: in Bohemia, Tin Tim" bcliever, will deter the Emperor frotntt final vncountct no close to the capital, and trusts before the anim will be ready for the umu-t an inter- view between the two monun-lm will take place, which might has been opportttnetly held on Wit-mu”. dinner It Rooms-(1 rate. In diplomatic circle-t at tit. Petersburg, it was deduced that Bush han hi) present in- tention ofullndonlng her policy ofitetttmtitr, and that only in one of active iutervcation of foreign power: all (he German mrntiirt, would she nuke declmtlonn, and who u p an “titanic corresponding with her intcrest. 7 The Moscow" Gum; ”News entire sym- pathy to the Italian mun, and favors the an; nx-qulnn of Venice to Italy. _ _ u . ___ i"fiici' maximum itrte that all soldier» on “dough in Russia hare been tree,, and thatpniiitrtuaies start "if." day from War- iiiiprCtiiiVr%tier " such. und mum 2:te troops were marching from Malia to Btss rabitr. A u _ _ "rftiriiiiiinut, Government had prohibited tue we of new-snipers in the public tttrccts. Nor You, July t5..-"rhe" cholera In“ mm; Wm Allowed. Only four m5," Mere reported ofticially in the city yesterday, 1nd nix in Brooklyn. Thoreau novel-.1 others "nMici- my inputted, but were is no doubt that the washer in "ending the plug". of the dime. The cholera on the lllludl III no In; “on". There damn hive occurred, and I numbtr of troop; an ill of dud)“. The mortuary "pom foe the Week ending July 21st, shown that than you 1,31}: detu. _ . ' _ LATEST AMERICAN iJEyil'h'I'Clll2i, Four gentlamcn have been Appointed by the Citiwns' Executive Committee, tor the relief of the Portland .utteirms, to visit that city and distribute the fund- conectcd in thin city. The treasurer reported the unount of would. buttons received tobe $101,749. The total 11110an dogtated to thr' city in $13,058, a 'which $5,526 was conch in Roman Catholic churches and donated by Catholic pun)” hut andny.“ __ _ _ _ NI: You, M.--The trial of (junk. Sweeney and Spur, for committing I breach of the neu- trality in", will aka place Io-dny before J udge Stanley, U. & Duieict Judge in Windsor, Ver- mont. , N:\\' You, Mth.-A f2t"g report bu been made by tho comm' onto investigate the cmeltiel perpetual by In. Henry Ate has, of King Wining-County, Virginia, upon her mm The upon. show: that on the 2nd of June, I {need girl turned Mud"; Annie, aged it, I'll brought to n hospitnl in Richmond. The surgeon thud that there We" upon her body t ulcen, all the remit of burns,“ nll produced within m or that who; the - was newly two inchel in diameter. In addition to there her entim body, In Almost covered with sun, mo old, and some leaned with recent nun. Sonic the "ttuit of burns, and nouns the remit of whipping. like had been no Ahmed that she In may this to give exprcuion to An in- wlligent ideas. The invcsigntion before the J adge Advocate of Richmond, provnd that this Inductor, In. Abraham, whom half the hw- yen of tttKelty had volunteend to defend, bu. within the his? II! yam, been the mine of the dentin of tour of her negro "ervtutt1 _ . fl Nu You, ts..i'atve can. of cholera m- ported today. There were thin deaths. in Mel‘y- _ ... A. '___ -The Shanda urtived in the port of Queue on Sunday, this being her necond voyage. -ikiiGoeirn eight can were "potted, no deaths. _ --Thtt and work of the Ctsarrtuunet will be completed try next Novembogr. ._memal truth k nut "or?" mmugh -tion. -.tb, that a. we no kindneu from him- uh bu I narrow soul. .--Betweo two And three lnundred newly Bedtred Harmon: purest through Toronto, on Mutiny night, " route for 1'tah. -.Yerdi ha presented the btdt,t army. not with! march, but with I war-b0 . m-ramp-tkat Fillmore in codeine: an nd. dreu on hobs" of Anal-la, on the orcaiton of the World‘l Exhibition " Par-in. -..The mod "re. the Lord Bishop ol Mon. treal and Humpolim Ii" lave for England at the beginning a! In; month. --Oeneml Sherman, and has, while in Que. bec, we“ cnkrhined by the pliant emu-u of tho tth Fusiliers. --A ”mm of lacuna have invaded the Pro. I vin’ce of Algeth. destroying the growing prop. s of the Emu. , -The harvesting of the crop. in the Wert ".euusedthtgoeeomtrfttse unl- what in Chimp to Imp out. 'ttitem are grinding new when, And the delusion of I My hu com-' - uni-bod. I i ' _ 6:0. '-"Il"aatal' DIISCI'OI " urn-7m an “null. or full! umhave.0mvnn............... 1. Tnlnlgnvn“............ (Pu mu Lint M'IIIU t.asii .- 10.5.1... but PIC-NI!“ A r FITZRO I' 11113130172 IN FA t'Oft I)!" 01 'ft VOLUNTEERS. To the Editor qfthe one“ Tm": L F , Sn: ‘ldom have we witness-ed Ir,r:itta'l',l",',i I Fco1 't-Fatrsr mum ti n that which “imam .n a . of I; y.". l the min unity ambled " Fitzroy Hum!" 'd Ab. 2 on Tue r m The pmi-oethy new“ of , lw tut vilt r, having given notice ' days , oitm previou t of the coming pic-0k, and in uhjwl 1 1...“. that of using public ”mention to the mnli- ‘ luc- mvntu t . our gratitude to the gulls"! da-fvn-Iv-n y, . um. ofottrr nutty on their return houn- mun the. , whrur--ruu. fronticr . I. ..N'ry MW tant ll “ulillbll tt since this our ml i eurncvn happy " Thilt, are our quicl {mum-ml I tivvly to Tl". "noon V“ de ted to the sport of difrerea gun“ by the 53th of both sexes, For I which pie premier: wu made by the Commit ' Bowen-r1 moot omit to miat- _ tion th" runa- in a body of the " Cm ‘Cluhf t the Quio village, induct "gm-1 l qoMte mm- and Bsgs unfurled in In t' _ _ bmerse.. )Ttreis meld - ulAGruue u l weliro Iueted on both aides underline lat; ship of tttttttM. Darin Ind Finn, lunch to ttdmirati n of all present. The Volunteer! Io- grilu-r l all the young people! made sent-l trip! omit the Ilidmi, on critm of timber belong- ing to m "on..hl'leu Stand, with“ timber wu P" in; over " the time. [muting W I, kcpt up till I Inte hour in the evening, turn I three ht y when: were proposed a! triten for the new tend Itoyat (unily, duo our an I Gan-m um and the volunu-eru, um which all 3w] rated to writ respective hon-at, dwi- 1 dently all “tinned with having spent an ble, l lightful My. _ Com iittee of Munmmmh-Mvun. Handcr- t son. N clmlson, Rudy and “CGill'll'VF to whom ' r MKOIR' justly due on the prawn! occaaiot' who Dr. Dalton! deserves 'Pt' id Im-ntio on account at (he mimic ”mam friendly, participation evinced by an .entle- man th ughout the whole proceeding. [ I I an dear Mr, i Very rcspxthlly, 101m, J' Vnrmcnou. T o Common-um “mum that In”. Pal- illendl to his! ‘50,.“ each pan Hm , Amber-t, And Will“ Cullen, of li? ti te, and the sum of 9,000,000 "to. I to for homes for the poor. ' . I o nun whoa-nuke his In “mu-ck hi " book, any MI own , hoe " o n _ on. pay his own dew, a live with- OI 'wi c And totmcco, need uh no {not of , td Ct', rides in n coach and four. 4 Th new twin; bridge at tit. Gabriel ‘ ",lamttittg Stigma - nrtth sum (rd '.'itrort,imtsotut"qittrth-uitrtmtiat. I an r. The mum ot the Hon. It. new... 1 l given to the bridge. r The Southern - are pulling from not. to w , with .prutadirtgemd-rnta, the followi g choice mun : " The ' r inquest. name. In the wlulounlvkru- Betti I wittdt " B,"u you every one knot; And) in oeder the mule all." M. Reel [ uh. Bytu, Butler drone-u,“ Belly - i' o men and u boy ten kill“! by light- ning 0 thumb] mills, I. Pun, Ohio. -'I' e " Loan" of Connecticut are to In?” A conu- " n at New Bunion the 3m nut. TheUmpou to torn: an org-Nation In tnttl 1 bvoe4ik 1 . r,11!e, Newark (Ohio) Ann-den repel-h that during' the mum 1,000me at wool have n patella-d In in. County. Ave price " 2-3c. ' -.- Band” Int, nun only bundling of the bruomsrstotttuteditt the [naked , “(on to bunk out. The] ttgl g the locks ttre, will. when they ven- by thu, 3w. _ 1 uc.he tlt. Album (Vt.) lacuna my: has . little doing in Wm the ”at In" TAtllfr',1 And buyer- wnc caudal-1 Mm- Si/c',',, over' " center, which In the mug p ice. I The quantity sent " I. tt,000 " great decrease comma-d with what In #tip- pd tt) previous week. _ - virulent epidemic, much mumbling yello fem, ha mania W i the De ment of Sam- Cru: do la Siern, , if 'rpoetltw true, In! muted frightful n Age. atniond the - popuhtion of that d t mounhr'tn region. It In Mirmed that, vi at my e ration, In Ion Hum sixty days _ at about '000 pol-mm have died out of a I- tion ol, - 12,000, from the terrible . . Ono-4hr 3! iii.... Baaset--hr " lb! no" WIIA‘ mm, was July t, iv,' living} gi'ven notice 'n’ in" day- 1, of the coming pic-air, and its uhjwt '. [wing put/lic, n-xpryuion to 'Y: mm- W", "AVID“ “Ivan unnu- . I"- "".'" "ttttrt), t of the mating pic-11k, and its ulbjn'l '. [Mi-i. _ Hing public expression to the muti- ‘ Nrt-e ' our gratitude to the glib"! 1ie.fvwiern " . “Inky Mulry “In their rcturu hour irotu the. 'iwttrur--rull--t COMMERCIAL I 1"edC_e_ an; Flo-t ................... For Na, 1 CM”... Non Walton ............. L Nod " ............... il WWII " m............. ’uuriny’o located Ill-tou- mvnlow tettrCPaeeod, Ilia. NE WS I T EMS Pei'-"- ... Griii.a 37.1 M“. Jill.”- glut noun. 0‘“ .............0I to o " M. ............... r u o oo r............... , u T u "q-ue-e-r-"- _ -- _ - . ‘poohon ' " 6 " Ill-l” F.....-....... 3 " ' " At Thro. Nun. on tho Med 1t.r.r.r.c: '. a " w, W- J. F. “Mi! 1 .............. o n a so win-It'd Mm " th. PY, r..,.......'..... I " I " wmnuluhcu F............... t , I 'il Mummy Inn's- loot "i.".'.'.'.'..".'..".'..?. " a I W - """ ................ ll 'd l 11-11.. ..............- ' a a el lathiqm'trV th r............... t no 1 co “law-‘0‘ i301?” looki “It " " " " " BL "' a; S-...........,...... anmLm. &e.-htatae. tGe-Hur mm... m."........... woow-Prr med..........,..., (ikl 'iToCbile-r'Fr. Hwy (ell! . ' 2m- loser. Slim tatt hurrah u is,“ i' "Terfine State ', 4 7 in tor an" M: " 5.5% to: 1-hour du; “in: a in a. Wham; [-03.70 a $5.30 for eemeglmq to a “New. “daft“ . 'il."; In: Ite, . uhi ' " brn a. enn . M.O. 0..“- 1'll"t $83.) a to» " - "' . 12.|3r;tur gun] to choice mm. _ Ionlncr'l - .'eeaot-_o. We certify thU Mr. G. .Iuru-or‘c "qurr, Remedy" len- Ipoodily rm M “ , Bowel Could-int Ind TQt"'" of _ g; ' vim-h we were [new Id ." F F . c. (hum. 8-:- in. _ _ D. “MIA", T“ h fur tale at 41, Sunni Rm. J 1" , Tun, - I”? u a m-Mrs. Win T 1a.”. , otkimtt 8%. _ ptetitoasu' one .. the ind In." . 1nd Nun.- in tho Un: ed 'itauos,_-t I forthitty yen: with I war-fading “.1-- can by millions of laminar! .d c Huh h I (able inf-u of on woe-k old to the an. ac.- F not! “ME- ot the gamut, nun-I - at. I malno- bo-els. all S." rd. - d union to bother nu] ch We if It ibed ttsMtitr'grtMrttgl'r1%'t and . DYSESTEIH' “(I D ABREQA INCH”. 1 whether it "in: from “by”: h- m. lemon. Fulldincuuu fuc - I‘m out bath. 'l1tT.g"l.'", “the I lcunustrnu .m- n lion-low. "hiBdbr.UModie't_.rat8sytqt I ' 0.0.. a Day sue-thou York, " "'ltil" l but. halal. . mrae..'.tte.t.S 1'f,S.t".".y..ttte-m PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PM! In“ "V won-rune“ oifiiraiii"." March G, INN}. thuh knihf [mm The Great ItiiirTg Panama IT " WILL K50". To MI V" have and“, “and the tmmti" din-.- 1d the hair tt'Aeeh"?i "dl,te .8 it” i. in; ity roaring of we mm]. of Tf/IGI, Inner deeiud up. it. - ”queue in the nth: bacon.- 'tmeme-d..- peel- ol'; And the in: Thh in a " Q“ we“- ant hum-lent thick t. [All it man In". of, and BALDShis in m ”Sam-din. d uln’mda'lb 31* d ee, and '9. Wu lemma-Okla]!- It than” be an only my. and m mild. both as I DRrr..cti.No MHXOVA‘M. mttire,eing 0. im Grim Stir, - input " . A BEAUTIFUL GLOSS sr,':: who Invalid new umb.‘ '0 l rep-(deb- forth-hauls]: ,a"_htaro. with the " Candi" Pill anrz'QII-U w-i-vo-sd-tia-tm, pug they! iWIy. And h_&*_ Tu». Gun Inn-nu [human-[lib ' .shitriti-, In Hm. the nick " a - "aet'ronroof..etHrette . . tft Il-a‘ Em”. - is b tho world tor mm. mum in the donut. in. " an: 'ill - a it. Sold by all Medici). ”Odom I -icr. aiiiiit7 (gum. I!“ h M ”Md"? l, 1.955%“ -,.,‘-.._ A. iiiti',iii,jitiihiiieiiii' _-- _ 3"“;21'5 Thin. iiGJii/Te7aEii jitter:','), " beliefthu he owed his [thumb - My 'tavi.' Pain Killer. “it: “In.“ mmISuh-innumnh.h t,"grgd'l'8 stout-Muir" iW’ 'iéiemd tuu_er'air'KiNr. - _ _A' _ Furry Duia‘l'nln Kine! in to.“ - an an. of cholera. nad In: In“ " "JYoZ'r'uodm' F Gl Gaiiiica. Pt Either, 't in” Inf LuairGdida_rtil.r legit-inc with In. Weihnre {and tt “I I '"tsredqrro, heath-0“”: ie ' inn-awry m, i.9, - pilpm-rvmn he“ to“ no. tfthO'airt Killer In. its. ir-iueei, tho Ibo“ edony. I” 1 UAHUI-l WWI-M“, Moo-Dr. Gym “'.Ndm,ofmh--' t"iUiiCiiiiiriroGiririiaaTirtirueef ii'uuiri'iiaU.FiGrikrtAite1e,t ntmflmlfllzuleodeW'IW-fi“ ed man-u...” " - thire' t up.“ no... iiiiVeQiqrlreterzP'i." ifeeJ"i'.iergtf?,tfy.'tht/q1'i( m” I. 5Etiyi2.HM2'Tf/'i ti“ "r the elm {Mo-n. lint - , 3“”?”“'"".‘a'*.b‘”‘1 our?” My . Ie.'t 'rtlttt fi"t'ht "d"trgt'tl,T' Ted',' rate “my on... wiring-“um...” his! “Ilium lie Pttu, III “”4 foe habit-sleuth.“ tgu'.'t; I'M"! a','ta2t'c't'L"r,'a'l": yl’ulim‘w on. “In. ”MI-lb...“ all“ ' Murahwmuvihhn all-u. I an. min-- by input. blood. [Innov- Sunny-A - uuui-mumm m I“- uTGi-irUiu-aGii Gk alri- In. In Mn and a---" I iiira"ia LTi7iCLi 77UiririGr _-- - d death “on; Tad in In t,tite'ii?, - is» w: "GieaiiiFrieAetlf, lb oy- In-l Ina-nun Jot- Mum". night he “to”? pm.hmd it of out" uo n o my M (“which no and try War tttet opugiund “with. fa'rd riirfitteeerrcee"d='T, F wwwm unu' .. {ta-Ii up“... Br ttur, aid -iiiGFisFCiiAue.f, PK!!! """"S"""N'r _.-.--""- vB..'- - TiiiNiaTG0aiiseudi-yitef,t; Fi%Giirru%GGGrGuaoye'h, “up. him-p. midi-p. all“ bl -'qirit..,reigktNl “nan-illn- ‘1.'.’ d '9'... n n - m-La-H--- kahuna-ch; ”mil... . _ I. ll. mm ‘ n...“ “at“? ta 0 . I“ ' thtarn, Jury 2. "" “my "W,". a Ian. at a. u. puke-bl. "as-i-e' L'll%Td out a. iiiiiiiiiiEiiii,itttt Bod “My - th. uvuy the manly d mun-u - INt or can “plan: iuGTiiauu- of“! “Hal-Ibo";I the f of gonna» t LTl',t1Wdrif, C.W.. - 1Tdt,f. balm-u a; giant 1 Imras tr. trat a? A tli.B.--aMr Io: . - - .- nod an " 321 “nub WHM'I. out“? - Atria. mama-tho lid unbu- IV" My mum. J. F. on“. 5...“. - ot,‘y-Ipd Ion etch 1.051. I. -rsntF 'auiri22iGdGaLro--"' tatom-aunt" Undo-l“ (Computed {Wig/m no." “MM. tur-butt Aiu/iii' ". Spin} " Fr " 1min Tol. Sn. I “dun _ OTTAWA IAIKI‘I‘I. Pup-rod by SPEPI AL NOTICII. a O s. ,7 _ - In» To}. Ina-kg... New lit. a, b "itrnrlr. Money a: all I. 9‘ ' I IAIIIIDo "Nth. July & _"......... u a lib-V'- 'ree an" n with " af - + Tilt) tr, Eu; 71h! (mlm;u; “are.“ .15 to" 0M 500 “I m- In " N mtg is“: my“? In] .thre n; lad {it n1 lil " Ida " M NEW A217” tttd -," ihFaiik.euy a 'iEEii,' - - “out“ ' If. -gnv If“. Fri, "a. .-. wr' t u. MTI '. itsEttAt n33 tge'AT. " " "cw. " " "Moan. n per wait. a! I" rat _ a)“ nu. It F” ifttt, tor Coil oil "TEL tor Tn"; my TIASFI’" M I. -' .0 'de: med tup . " In " - eet'dr glacial . (M' ind: 'e,'ll'f,r."i'i'iris. l ---'-"-ririrtsaot, Bw, BUFFA ly l “I! "In Li - 'nisum y, "‘ WM‘II -"" 26 Jami 8t. Georg ARMY Ci, th ttt.tte'rl' 103;; LaiL.." a W???” I‘m woe} --riil he “‘0... (for wh -dlo’dock. The awn-32w- a" -- -- in!“ - .5- one 09"“?th " I'll 'GG. a ll, M, ,GREEN ”My.“ bubble:- *tx,p.p.'x yeeirast nub Jiuiruiri' 'hd‘dbythe‘ 't-eturoieor" “VIE-M Eli’s-U- Sea-u Tub ani. h. " u l‘num H a»? Ja ' an“. _ July " 3 ‘23-!" GRAND - “ll'Al. - “ the . yum yer-b .g. boa-tutu! will be my! a Tyr 0 ttl,": td"i;iiT"ll"."r", {.2}? In m w 203' 'ati') than; thym- ~ul¢wul aiiiikPrd?f a: Lam-r “I'll. ”hum. nu h M! can}? 12Ot, Beet “All! his”. TagoRou 703W M UT. . 3:33"; 35. (PM! Giff A " - r. "M., ANVSE a)!“ {dot l r (it! LT H In mu. '" 2m: PP}. My JOHN

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