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Ottawa Times (1865), 27 Jul 1866, p. 3

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~wa on the \ustrizns om lay in row* ; horees, wor pjng able to dra geiche to headq0a(t Tet me AD wl tor Bran® horses al" tooked ® ULEGLAPNIC LaTEST AMERICAN DESPATCHES h# could nest has been disco at No. 113 Bery si of cholem in one T\ A soldier at Tybee Island, was shot to.Cay, while trying to desort. _ _ » k Pumaptrrucs, 26th. â€"The wig wam for the acâ€" 4 commeodation of the great National Convention iwalready in process of construction, on Broad and Wallace streets. It is to be a monster in sise, covering the whole block, and having three _Â¥ Brooklyn, eieven ®* new cases ou Govern« t‘s of burial F-ib, since and the namber of fata bich '»'-.“ lavo ing the ” rumber of L E: ult Â¥Four Femiaus, name! * Teronto, yesterday. . It is ai more will soon be reK The Canadian militia ye: revertes 109 Bs o ns h Â¥ebce ud 9t :.churches 4 ; schoolâ€"houses 12. Value .of property destroyed, $139,081. ‘The state of affairs in Memphis is very much what it was vefore the breaking out of the rebellion. There is little loyalty to the Government nnda' The committee deliberately state that in jpdgment there will be no safcty to loyal men, w or black: should the troops be and no military protection afforded. . Â¥ew Yore, 24 â€"The steamer BeHone from London and Havre has arrived. News antic}â€" Ngw Yor®, °o London and Hay 'Tu- oe Gaacz, Md., 26â€"A terrible tornaâ€" do visited this vicinity about seven oclock yesâ€" wrday evening, uprooting trees, prostrating houses, and doing much other damage. The los« cannot fall short of ©20,000, and is perâ€" vh‘ gteater. â€" Yorux, 36. â€"The steamer Lowsana from l.w has arrived. â€" News anticipated. 4 six cases of cholera reported this mornâ€" hss thuding 2s «dnie c Fax s Saraxzax, Ca., 25th. â€"Thirteen deaths from chelers occurred among the soldiers on Tybee Telind, and 28 mew~ cases are reported 4 saldier at Tybee Island. was shot toâ€"day, weent!y »made, | â€"_â€" @TATEMEYXT OF LUMBER mwmmmndmm-- at Ottaws, for the week ending July 24, 1866 : White Pine,... .......34,901 Elm ced l asad ty w 7 @74 P #1.3%¢ tor choice do ; $5.50 @ 7.40 for supertine Wastern; $6.70 @ $8.30 for common to ..J'm Westers, and $4.00 @ 9.40¢ for common wm nhnu-. extra R. H. 0. Canadian ut $4.25 @ 9.65¢ for common, and $9.75 # “hrfirm extrm. WHEATâ€"Receipts 10,270 bushels. Market firmâ€" it, with rather more doingâ€"in part. Speculative wies at $2 25¢ for old Amber Michigan ; $2 T5¢ for W# Amber Maryland ; $]1 50e for rejected Milwanâ€" fi:l 13¢ for good Chicago Spring ; and $1 93 # §# for new No. 1 Milwaukic. | «_ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS | )q er, ratrick‘s Brunn Mertimer‘s Remedy for Cholera and Diarr= We cut:ly. that Mr. G. Mortimer‘s (x-u?' speedily removed several attacks mu and «ymptoms of Cholers, with which we were lately seized." . S hi Ts in i 1 mndn as 400 Dull and 36 for middling. PLOURâ€"â€"Receipts 13,597 barrels at $5.50 @ 7 mertine State : $6.70 # 7 95 for extra State ; $8 thre« of which were fatal boass Apcsss cimcnnss Aot d samndo t ic ts . 19 vessel has given good satisfaction to the thousands ‘Jâ€"- who travelled to Quebec to view her, and repaid them for their outlay ; and it is just so with the " Caniadian Pain Destroyer ;" there never, w&u gave such satisfuetion ; it relieves u instantancou«ly, and is the finest thing 8 warld for rheumatisi, neuralgia, god pain® ‘w. %e. 2.cents will buy a bottle of *. hy alt Medicine Dealors. ~ 1842 Mitchell‘s O:ndruff Embrocation ru'lu.luowu To THOSE WHO have carefully studied the peculiar diseases of the hair that DANDERUFFE collects on the skin by is imespacity of throwing off thoue grosser rnielu @# perspirable matter deposited upon it. The conâ€" «equense is the skin becomes contracted, scales and jasls of ; and the heat which is on its surface, weakens that nutriment which feeds the HAIR, it seen falls off, and B ALDNESS is imminent. This preparation at once renders the slkin soft wad Aevible,.and thus prevents that perspirable matter {rom collteting on its rurface, it not only renovater the al Nase, bet imparte to it , BEA UTIEPUT GLOSS. should be on every Lady‘s and. Gentleman‘s both as a DREESSING and REXOV ATOR. of w sich were fatal Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &¢. | CcoMMERCIAL *he CGreat Dandraf Preventative. ; | > !~ ©.~._‘_ %, KK MEFCRELL ‘ Hoir lm.,‘wolllil‘hl;‘-. 0 ite Montreal Bank, Upper Town. ouare, July 2418500. 181y m:‘?TAWA TUESDAY® AND Orders left at Union House will be punctuaily atâ€" Ottawa, July 26 which Per Montré®#M Line.) sPECIAL NOTICE®. New York Markets» repared by U rooun. e even cases are npofivh. No ernor‘s Island. | The number since Sunday last, was 420, of fatal cases of cholera 20, re iavotable report than durâ€" aber of days last week. named Dillon, Ellis, Carney, . discharged from custody at w. . It is probable that seveâ€" at THOROUGH BASS is 1@ miles away. . There he road, we hear. Just â€" the chance of our own Ty repeated marchings, » Brunn, Professor Dumâ€" nnese surgéon ; came A* wanted a carriage to go ad none, but he offered to ion go dow n in a train full urgcons just about to sturt l md him the carriage and > haresin wasstruck. It JOHX MERCER n go dow n in a train 10l | rgcons just about to sturt | end him the carriage and I hargain was struck It l i man‘s country Here we are cighteen | or less, of good Ne have been travelling ! with good ston 3 balf miles art hour, chard, Barn, 8 xct into Beunn till nine | 80 to 100 feet : on â€" The place is chok» | ;‘.';::“ half a * choe I is mag ncines : all is confusion | Buildings at 0 » my letter and trugt to | and Lower Ca : can )t done bat re. ’l.neo. This 1 s anit fqowns | poses. ‘ | _ The Second | Plo lll-i‘. =luw 117 Birch,. . ‘New York, Jaly 26. Money on eall at 4 and 5 per ontrolled. â€" A cholera i in State street, and 38 were four cases t" in Brooklym, | fficially auâ€" min full | to sturt | “ MeLEANOFFERS roRr q{rlnd' .sdqgnmauilumlnu_mc» CC ie| above desirable property. . The | first Lot, woll adapted for m Gentloâ€" | man‘s country residence, consists of 40 actes, more ighteen | or less, of good pasture and table land, well fenced, velling ! | with good stone Cottage, 50260, a large prolific Orâ€" t hour, | chard, Barn| Stable, &c. The House stands from ill nine } 80 to 100 feet above the level of the Oitawa river, is chok | distant half a mile. The view from the House and ntusion| land is magnificent, including the Parliament + “ Buildings at Ottawa,‘ an extonsive view of the rive l"‘“ to | and Lower Canada, with the mountains in the JII wat rcâ€" | tance. This Lot is well adapted for building putâ€" $ AYLMER, C. E. _ | the cccasion 1878 65â€"6m Pos WAI‘I'ID--A Situation in a General Store by :dpvm of 20 years‘ experience. Speaks French a English ; also thoroughly unâ€" derstands Bookâ€"keeping. References it lmind. Please address to A. B.. at the Post Office, Ottawa. Ottawa, July 27. L 188tf {m Furniture, Beds and | Bedding, ) S‘(luu. Loox13G G;usia. we. | ' Amongst the above articles {s a very handsome | Dressing Glass. s i oi s 0st P en 2 uon daviner WL # The Second Lot consists of 90 acres of good arap ble land, abatting on the Ottawa. . There is a Cofâ€" and Barn, &c. ; there is brick carth on t of the river. This Lot would be divided i two , for two purchasers, if required. For further particulars apply to Mr. MceLeal Ottawa. 4 188b AUCTION SALE L Household Furniture, &¢, &c. UP at the hour of 11 « the residence of the late of the Russell Hotel, on Elgin Streets, all the hot censed. consisting of 11 24 i For the erection and completion of| a tory or Green House. l _ For the ereetion and completion of a<C: 0N F AS NTOVEN aad PLP ES, PESc ALASSWARE, CHLNA, + : CROUCKER Y, and T ul5 i * KITCHEN PURNITURE _ Terms of Sale Cash, uh! (idogds the day. f 5cb e ’afl.ut QIA“D TENDER®S, ADDRESSED To *Â¥ the undersigned will be received at this office, until Saturday, the 5th day of August next, at noon, for the construction and completion of the following works, required to be done at! 4. Rideau Of the several new works Must be given for each work, and on the thereof must be eadorsed the nature of th PARTIES TEXDERING ~ Must give their names and address in full, and| also the signature of two nlrsnlo persons willing to 1 T Un Kibghnaeb of thacwbrks the signature of two nt:s'\blo persons, MUTB " become sureties for the fullilment of the »vF)rk& Department of Public Works, ¢ ® Ottewa, July 27. 4 BEAUMONT FARM for one ns from 1st October, 1866, to 50th =€ ber, 1867, vie. : f GENERAL SERVICE. FRESH MEAT, at per 100 lbs. BREAD, at per . do. FIREWOOD, at per cond. FORAGE, at per ration. ‘ COAL OIL, b:.rr Gallon. "m‘mfi;rc Oil Lamps, ::) p"l::.‘ or , at per 100 gallons; TaNB ERANSPORTâ€"Cartage~ : . _| Separate Tenders will be required for each above services. . id o ds § OR, A HUNDRED YÂ¥EAR®S AGO. The magnificent Band of the Battalion will, by l!lo kind permission of Major Newdigate and the 1 | officers, be in attendance, tlml play in the course x TUCESDAY NEXT 7‘!\.. conditions d?nml&uzmgw lar attention is invi 1o t 54 Bach article required, or the nature y on P arame is service to bé ,«r«-}a.r«uo«mw. other necessary information, can be obtained Commissariat Office, Ottawa. | The Department will not 'i- be noticed, and the signatures must fide Mcdlhri-ipah and suretie=. Commissariat, Kingston, C. W ., / .‘mâ€"h-ia;l‘hm for three, will, in|future, be issued to the es for 81. « _ Double company, amateut and professional, posiâ€" tively for one more 'plzht only. By the kind permission of Major Newdigate, commanding detachment ith Battalion Pringe Conâ€" sort‘s Own Rifle Brigade, the amateurs of the corps will make their third, and last, appearance in Otâ€" tawa, assisted by the pmfn-ionarnnlim and Genâ€" tlemen of the company . E+ t officers, De 1N MRERIRIET EU ‘ of the evening several popular Her Majesty‘s Theatre. Lessee and Manager. . . John Lo GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE GREEN BI MOXDAY, THE When will be |â€" great and OHALRS GREEN | BUSHES ;&h& th th ol y exeveraie froee e teqardinciiondl abyrerd namissariat Officer in charge Kingston Dis Ottawa, July 26. _ 187â€"t.f m.w.f.m.w EALED 138y GRAXD CONCERT ! ARMY CONXTRAOCTS French Canadian Orphan Asylum, r;m; past 8 o‘clock allery, 25 cents. Ottawa, July 26. ‘The artists and amatours of the city dered their services. f With the lildrmluion of Major â€" the band of the P.C.O. Rifle Brigade w vn’ A Song by Miss Adela St. Clair. A Danee by Miss Bortha Lovaine Song and chorus by the Band. Lady and Gentleman, wm.t,......._.....: VfA. Refreshment Table, on reasonabl be held in the French Inatitute. PLANS AND SPECIFLICATION® Song and chorus by the Band. To concluge with the laughable Farce of f sLASHER AND CRASHER. 23rd July, 1866 Friday ev‘g.,, July #27?th, A EEPARATE TENDER Characters by the double (:m-pu'a)-.| M at 7:30 ; commence recisely at & + m w‘elock. â€"Admission: Souu.&b éenta ; Monday evening, the 30th I T A BL ES x the Patronage of His leney the Governor=Gener adapting and fitting the présont ‘d;..fe...te *Ir PT. TENDERS INX DUPLICATE ' © PW IUWâ€" w works and alterations ma this office, on and after . | TICKETS OF ADMISSION AMUSEMENTS NEXTP, THE 314t INS%Â¥., 1 o‘clock in the forencon, |at ate MBR. JULY AX, in the rear on the corner of Queen Tul hoasehold effects of the deâ€" resented for the last time Buckstone‘s ever porhr drama, in 3 acts, entitled the d ARP ETS A. M. FESTINY the Beneft of the Ottawa, viz. : 30th 1INSTANT Â¥. ROW E etion of a Conch House ARZCCCP OW im histriet, motil 12 o‘clock, he 15th AUGUST next, and services, at Ottawa er, 1866, to 50th S*n-- be bound to ascept the URTALNS, PICOPURES 1\ removed turing BRAUN AUCTIONE®R. vert ures hn Tmflld‘ Secretary isstd (‘mlsehn s Teader 18 which quanâ€" of the all JAALL, have tenâ€" of the ewdigate, 11 play on at the forms SHES ict Important Sate of Timber Limits Sa w T!ll TRUSTEES OF THE ESTATE of the late JOHN EGAN, to close the Trust of this extensive establishment, will offar by On Wednesday and Thursday. The 19th and 20th September, the following TIMBER LIMITS, covering an arom of some 700 square miles, in Bloocks, as below : Bessets, Grant‘s Creek and Petawawa, Licenses Nos. 79, 73, 74, 75, 76 and #7 of 1865 and ‘66, with a total area of about 225 square miles. ‘This Block of Limits, intersected by two large streams, which have been improved at immense expense, and having & frontage of some sixteen y oi s e n NCP CCC Cran oi 12 15 conts 50 gents PUBLIC AUCTION, id uic B BL 3+ ARudha eguee _»ietip -lflou&o-flnmis.h for either :A:-LOO or r&nnmm? ‘Opo; buildings of every description, together wit a Small Farm and fou:’lo five hundred acres of land, is included in this lot. __ m ts (ate .. 14 0 c B3 00. dn i scb The above limits are all lllpg;i&d with material for next winter‘s operations, as Horses, Oxen, Pork, Flour, Hay, Oats, &e., (Inventories of which will be furcished) ; these, the parchaser of the limits is reâ€" quired to take at a fair valuation, oove H SE esCn HNTE OORS ET 0s CIIF nul sumie.s * Pontiae Mill property and Saw Mills, (if not preâ€" viously seld) are situated on the Chatts Falls at the head of ‘the Chaudiere Lake. There are some fifty saws in all, with cutting capacity of 800 logs in 24 hours. The property comprises & block of some four to five hundred acres JI.I‘. together with a number a‘ anlendidiy vlaced mill sites, with an unlimited The property eot:};rluc & block 0 five hundred acres of land, together o: splendidly placed mill sites, wit supply of water. _ _._ _ Rear 4 of Lot 27, in the 8th range,...........100 acres Las 10, 16, & N W j of 17 in theoth range500 acres Lot 19, in the 4th range,. Lot 10, R. A'fi::'ni'f' 163 acres‘ 10, Rai , C pessersiuess acres Lot 7, 2nd ‘R‘:np,.”o acres West } 10, I8t TANgé,............................100 ngres Lots 6 and 7,â€"3d range, Musk Rat Lake...409 ncres Lot 5, 4th range, Musk Rat Lake............ 200 acres ONSLOW. * West } Lot 15, in the 4th range............... 30 acros South 4 Lot 4, in the 7th nngoloo wores North } of Lots 23, 25, 26 & 27, in range 9..400 moeres North } of Lot 12, S j of 13, & 8 i olzl.‘M T _ ‘TODtR PADGO..ccseecceneeenceectencccnsaceeser d MOTOR 8 } of Lots 10, 11, 18, and whole of 19,......400 weres 1 Lot 13, 8 fâ€"of 12, & N 4 of 14, range 11..300 nores NEP EAN. ; 1| Rear } of Lot 27, in the 4th concession......100 weres WAKEFIELD. | South }s of Lots 13 and 14, 10th range...... 200 acres C ~ HULL. | South j of Lot 28, in the‘Sth range...........100 geres 4 EARDLEY. P SIp / Lot 14, in the 6th Lots 12, (165 -ema. !3. (1 W i ot11, 12th range Lots 12, (165 meres), 13, (133 acres), and Lot 3, in the Sth ©ORCOSSIOM.....ccecsesi««> ALLUMETTE ISLAND Part of Lot 5, 2nd range N W 4 of Lot 17, " W i of LOE 17, Veeemetrcerreene snn eend CCC N W j of Lot 13, (100 meres), N W | of 18, |â€" .__ (100 acres),and N W { of 19,(84 aeres) . / in the 7th concession........,.. ........... 284 nocres N n;awl.m&tdr,xxgm s W } of 15, in the concession............ 400 acres Rear } of Lot 1, front 4 of 3, rear } of 5, and Lot 16, in the Wth concession........500 mcres Rear } of Lot 1, front 4 of Lot 3, and rear 4 of Lot 4, in the 10th concession........300 acres . Lot 1, and 8 E 4 of Lot 8, in the 1)th con..300 acres . Lot 3, and front 4 of Lot 6, in 12th con......800 ncres * CLARENDON. W 4 of Lot 4, and N W } of Lot 6, 9th con..250 acres Lot 1, front $ of Lot 3, rear 4 of Lot 11, front 4 of Lots 12 and 13, 10th n?S“um 3 W 4 of Lot 1, rear 4 ot 8, W j of Lot ‘ 11, and Lots 22 24, in the l1th Rear 4 of Lot 4, W j of Lots 12 and 13, rear } . of Lots 14,and 15, front 4 of Lots 16 and 18 in the 19th range....................... 1000 acres Lots 12, 14, 17, and rear is of Lots 20 and Terms for city property and lands:â€"One fourth down, balance in three equal annual instalments, with interest at 7 per cent. Some of the above Lands are timbered, others are improved, and iall are valuable, from their suâ€" rnrior ition, and facilities of access, to both ..wl.. and Ottawa market. m Pn e im ies sc ccttls hrskcsuht t Milis, City and Farming Property» Boats, A1 Blankets Sale. C Plans of the above properties can be seen and further information obtained. In‘ Montreal, from HENRY McKAY, Exchange Court. In Aylmer, from HENRY cnnmlm.f."u the Office .of the Trustees. In Quebec, from JOHN FORAN, Esqr., and in Ottawa, from 0 Sfurae the Uniiiiie Bank, Sparks wriC o r _ [gar onniceâ€"Opposte ; Spni Stpeot WVV for a Hotel. Must bring good recommenâ€" dations as to character, &6. Apply at Hamilton‘s Hotel, York street. 186â€"4f. W “7A NTED.«â€"â€"A FARMER CcOMPE» tent to take ch::no(n amaill farm and stock, He will be required to make himself genetâ€" ally useful. Apply to JoHN ASHWORTH, / PWP TT NOC les wrogiss %4 l OTHERS.â€"Walter H. Lindsay, head clerk at Cunningham & Lindsay‘s, havi terminated his nfinpnfl with that firm, is dc:g‘u of obtaining a similar situation with a dry goods or other merâ€" cantile house. The Stock fice Further terms Ottawa, April 2, 1866 The Sale WAI'!“D.--A SITUATION in a GROâ€" CERY or GENERAL STORE, by a yo1 man who is experienced in the business. Apply this office. _ ~ + Ottawa, April 14. . 100 tf M UY ME GOLE Oy rudee: T smonts Furnishings of large Lumbering Ottawa, July 23 ad uid ents â€" AUCTION 8ALEBS. Ottawa, April 23 ToWNSHIPâ€" OF LITCHFIELD 186a EI’, or Weekly Boardé Ottawa, June {'n 1806. Stock consists of very superior Draught . un immense quantity of Chains, Ropes, ‘Anchors, and a couple of hundred pairs of In the City of Ottawa, ANTEDâ€"A !ll_l'l"-(?l;All COOK FARMING LANXD®. ANTED, ««= A Apply at this office. ANTED.«â€"â€" JMMEDILATELY, a Firstâ€" Class COOK. Apply at the Tmmzs (3?:0' PV 4 PRY GOODS MERCHANTS AND Penene) ENU OcE a CcE 2l ;I:L.W I!OOIE: . or Wm:.'?fi! fe LET.â€"â€"Two new cotta ~14 l uMylflL"m”“’:" B rotiine, * ;As.?.'ionmsox. + The Tez Pot, Ottawa. CUMBERLAND will commence at one each days ns will be made known previous to d BRISTOL waANTS. _ Belmont, Ay!mer Road, Before 9 a.m., and after 4 p.m By a young man just IS AT DUIGNAN‘S HO« Etreet, may be OW by CHAMBERMAID. YOUNG LADIE® for either .200 acres 300 neres THE 100 mcres 87 mores 51 neres $0 heres 107â€"tf THE FIRST ANNUAL SALE N WEDNESDAY, sth AUGUST, 1890« + wihewwil~l | Cat es will be prepared, and further partiou» l-n-mmn&- ; | # Sale ct TWO c‘alook.~ ____|___ & VARIETY HALL ! Montreal, July 26. 1655â€"f "‘“ UNDERSIGNED HAVING _ Pur= chased the FURNITURE of Two Private Dwellings, now offers the same for sale, and will BUFFALO ROBES. Mmmmmnghs TE SE CC C Toz [ Give Decided Bargains ! Until the whole is dl,uod of.â€" â€" The Stock consists of the following, vie :â€" Brussells and Union Carpets.| Hall and Stair (‘"l;:“' | ; ‘Tables and Sotas ; Parlor Chairs, Tron and Marble Parlor Stands ; Centre ‘Pables. Beautiful Easy Chair, Velvet Covered. Several laÂ¥ge Mirrors in Gilt: Mahogany. 12 beautiful Engravings, well framed. Hair Mattrasses ; Bedsteads ; W ashstands.‘ Toilet Tables ; Pembroke Tables, I Sideboards, Bureaus, W indow Cornices & Shades, Door and Table Mats ; Cooking Stove and Kitâ€" chen Furniture. Also, /9 | * 1 firstâ€"class Rofrigerator ; and 1 Platform Scales. BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED. Also, a firstâ€"clas$ assortment of f CROCKERY AND dLAIIWARE PAT At the Variety Hal‘, No. 54, Sussex Street. JOSEPH BOYDEN, _ _ TEAS. WINES,: L1Q0U0RS, hy CA 4:\ Ihil TEAS. wl _** _ Un Thurs MESSRS. RIMMER, GUNN & CO,, A T TEAS, WINES, TOBACCOS, SUGARS, And FRESH GROCERIES. PM~Particulgrs hereafter. Sale at Ten o‘clock. | i JOHX LEEMING & CO., [ 185â€"6d Auctioncers. A CENERAL ASSORTMENT N OOTICE. A NEW FIRM _J_UST'OPEN}:D. 0. WARDELL & Co. HAVl_l JU8ST OPIHE'D THEIR ESâ€" e arron wieve tmay miy se by yoiot PW PU BLIC £LVÂ¥CTIO N , Every evening at 7 otclock. Their stock consists of Broadcloths; | beotch and Canadian Tweeds; 300 hf chests young Hy son 350 do T wankay GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &e. No. 54, Sussex Street. [ YJn AIN S . PALM LEAF FANS T Black, White, and SBcarlet Fans. 1 L Q U O R S . SHEFFIELD HOUSE, AV C LIKE THE PHCENIX OF OLD E. K. MacGILLIVRAY &£ 00. THE QOMPANY‘$S WaAREHOUSE, 17, Comntox. Strrkt, Rideau and Mosgrove Streets, nearly Messrs. Workman & Griffin‘s, where they Messrs. Workman & Griffin‘s, where thog winl con= -unu< keep on hand ia superior stock of ADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &c., which they will sell at the very lowest prices 17186 New Goods. New Goods. New Goods. The Hudson Bay Company‘s 186y PEG TOP DEPOT! On Elgin St., opposite the Post Office, JUII‘ KECEIVED, AN ADDITIONAL supply of Broadcloths, Doesking, Cassimeres, Venetians, Bedford Cords, Cricketing Flannels, &¢« m:: . | AND __â€"JE' Ceneral Fresh Grocerics. Thursday, the 26th July, AL8O, A BPLEXDID ASSORTMENT OF English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, All of which will be made up ehoqhn-'! in good C B se d Dapsame on WATCHMAKERS & JEW ELLERS. Ottawa, July 17. | â€"lâ€"y Ottawa, May 2, 1866. BOAI.DI!G.â€"-I HS, RB KEA uuu;.k-- PC Cottage" Book and Fancy Store, York Street, 3 doors from Sussex Street, begs to aunounce that she is prepated to accommodate six or oightl::.fl' We Raise from our Ashes !! REMOV AL. THI UNDERSIGNE!) RE« spectfully tender their thanks to their numerous friends and customers for the liberal patronage bestowed ugon them, and at the same ume intiâ€" ate that the‘{ ave, since the recent fire on Rideau reet, opened the store in the bulldinfi. corner of eC CY Maesrawe ‘Strects. nearly apposite oTRAWA TIMES, JULy 185â€"td 25 qr. casks Gin. 300 Green cases Gin. 300 Red _ do do. 800 Brandy do. 500 Claret do. : a T5 Champagne Green Seal. AXD a GENERAL STOCK OP Arso 100 puns. Highwines» 25 hhds. Gin« | Ottawa, July 12, 1866 Terms Cask on doliv’ory.“ 1584 0. WARI yle. _ ZAB" I respentfully request the patron» '&c members of tne bldl“.s“- ; a. M. HOLBROOK Late ot the Peg Top Depot, Quebes, FOR SALE 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA Doeskins, do OARDING.==«MRS. mNow:.k“m Pubtama! Rook and Fancy Store, Y M "PIONK SALES. All having uo.lrl the late duties. JOSEPH PHELAN, 835 and 537 Paul Street, Montreal o _â€" Gunrpowder _ d o Imperial d AND A OENERAL ASSORTMENT usic! MUSIC !!FRENCH AND English Songs, Bacred Music, Polkas, Valses, WILL TAKKE PLACK ATâ€" THE STORES OF WILL BE SOLD, & T Ci<+A RS, JOHN LEEMING & CO., Table Linens a % . Readymade Clothings Batchel‘s Cutlery; General Commission Agent. 8th AUVGUST, 1866, AT 8. & H. BORBRIDGE, 175â€"3m W ARDELL & CO Auctioneers pUVERNAY BRO Tea: 187td Or TW 22 that sn sppiication will be made to the an m e nmmelss &** | provincial Parliament, st its next segsion, for 80 oo “‘..h.o-m‘:f‘ o‘.l;.d‘g;sm o::' flet e 0 wa with water sn ustvite %‘m January n-?' 36â€"tf p&:l'l in good (niligteetianircyrmtapagiainccoutretinemmmenemenimananperfame en pxoomes* No'ncl.-drruu-nol WwILL BE L;OOK ‘made to the Provincial Parliament at its next pot, Quebes. seggio8, for an Act to declare fio:&toflho late 115â€"7 Desbarate, of the of al, bl?flu. L T ces t and N.flz as real in &por , and to define the rvm ?:: the Execâ€" ‘OLDS, "THB | utors , so as more 6/ ucul!y carry out the mun ied EKS Wasbubar: t RoyalCanadianPBank OTTAWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St. M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, June 21 Toebaccos, Cigars, Mcerschaum Briar, Gatta Percha Pipes,&¢. T O BAC C O S ! From 20 cts up to $1.50 ots per pound. CIGARS,.......................... from 2 ots up to 10 ots, JSS Orders will be taken for a new musical grr stand, delivered in 4 weeks from the day the rie given. JOHN G. ZIMMERMAN, Corner of Sparks and Metcalfo Streets. Ottawa, June 26; 160# Prime Imported Stock J. ROOS 26i+ SPARES Has just received by express . o. supply of Pure Virginia Tobacco 4 1 "L8 "Whime" Cieass. ALSO, CHOICE MEERSCHAUM, BJ CLAY PIPES. ; | : B Call and examine the ‘stock. equalled in this city. } _ ‘Ottawa, April 26. 1843. P“lo!. INDEBTED TO THE LATE R. R. Hanilton, are requested to make imâ€" mediate payment, otherwise proceedings will be taken against thom. h J. R HAMTEToN. _ Vc::-;gfln.-h“nc?m :rlcxrl%urdlon % un i repared; disputâ€" ed accounts of Anlfloou'wotkmn‘t:zuud and uh;P:d. AUGUSTUS LAVER, Late Stent d Laver, Architects, fc., w __ Departmental Buildings. aennneen en C Nortcn.â€":oucn 18 “lLIY GIVe -.Mu."uu&lvfllbo-mwdu Provincial Parliament, at its nest uw’on. for an Act to incorporate the Ottaws W ater V orks Comâ€" pfi.:l&-"ly d*okyd Ottawa with water wa, January 30. | 36â€" utors thereof, so as more / intentions of the Testator. T AJ OTICK.»=The person wh picked up N this morning, in one of the A&nfiunnud'un Russel! House, a GOLD WATC land valuable CHAIN, w\u'aluu return it to the proprietor Otherwise he will be prosecuted. | uiss Wigh Soly_ 16L | 181 Commencing on Monday Ottawa, July 26th, 1866, Otteaws, May 12 BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN, CTOCK OF REMNANTS, Ottawa, 19th July, 1860 GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & C0, OTICE,â€"â€"APPLICATION WILL BE , made to the Provincial Parliament at its next T l C GEREEL s sedit of the lats OTTAWA, July 11, 196 / '@’ffl'f' a ‘:- 3(‘; is * Â¥ 77 a~ T. @ NP ) $ en s F pJR _ 4-‘-_2 ~u-“.,‘ ns / T _5 °/ Next, 16th Instant, AND CONTINUING UNTIL OUR LARGE A ‘CHOIOE ASSORTMENT oFP . ZIMMERMA N FANCY GOODS, TOBACCOS (IN ALMOST EVERY DESCRIPTION OF QOODS) M OTICE! NORTH SIDE, .@# N o. NOTICES. DEALER I% 27, 1606; 20, sparks Street. LEARED â€" OUT. this day a fresh Aoryt 157 | 124â€"la2m IAR, and ean‘t be NWM MIlL. 110â€"tf 186â€"b « PROTECTION," as adaptable to the &num conâ€" dition of Canada and the uther British North Ame.â€" | rican Provincesâ€"length not to exceed twenty letter P‘?. of ordinary manuscript, ‘TWey must reach us by 6th Al:su- The Essay to which the Prize | shall be awarded will become our property and be | published in the IxtrRCOLONIAL Jourxar or Coxâ€" | urrceâ€"a new weekly TRADE PAPEK, the first | number of which will be issued in a few days. The | names of the Judges will be made known in about | a week. e N e oaniie e ME ECCC wW. B. CORDIER & CO., Montreal, P.0. Drawer 401. N.B.â€"Each writer, instead of his name, will use a motto. When sending in his MS. he will please enclose his name in a separate Envelope bearing the motto used in the Essay. July 21. , 185â€"2 be Plio;ii?’li‘liovfi:’-“'o hereby offer a PRIZE of $50.00 for the best Essay on BE TCTTEY W. B. CORDIER & CO., Montreal, P.0., Drawer 401. N.B.â€"Each writer, instead of his name, will use w motto. When sending in his MS. he will please enclose his name in a separate Epvelope bearing the motto used in the Essay. July 21. 185â€"2 AT THE OLD PRICE. way> BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ANL wWORTHLESS IMITATIONS. March 5, 1866. *A INSURANCE ADVERTS. P AIN KILLER ! PHCENIX FIRE ASSURANCE COMP‘Y OF LONDON. Established in 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, AGENTS FOR CANADA. Tllll COKF'A" HAVINGINVESTED, in conformity with the Provinciai Act, I Hundred Thousand Dollars, For the special security of Policy=holders Is to mccept Risks on Dwellingâ€"hol8e8, nm Goods ..r Furniture, and General Merâ€" chandise at the lowest current rates. JOHN DURIE, Agent Ottawa, b No. 10, Sparks Street. Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866 LONDON AND LANCASHIRE InsuranceCompany. DIRECTORS : Chairman,â€"William Workman, Esq., President Jno. Red o. oo TK 11. LeMoine, Eq no. » io » U veorsee onl pack of | Cashier = La Banque du FIRE AND LIFE ! Montreal. y / ... â€" Poupits .: + Alexander M. Delisle, Esq. CANADA BRANCH OFFICE : 104 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. Insures all descriptions of Property against loss or damage by fire. Farm property insured. + Life businesstransacted with liberal conditions at low rates 1OW EETO®. P JouN C. .T COCHRANE, ol Higs® Oi':A'A. Aok®t, ce :â€"Elgin St., opposite Russell House. Ottawa, May 9. 121â€"3m the matter of ‘the Estate of the late George Le. vally alias Perry. â€" : No‘l‘lCl 18 HEREBY GIVEN that all persons hnvinf claims nadm the Estate of the late GEORGE LEVALLY alias PERRY in his lifeâ€"time, of Pembroke, are requested to send them to the undersigned for adjustment, within one month Lr:m the date hereof, as the assests at that time will distributed to those ent tled to receive the same. Dated Pembroke, 9th July, 1866. C. O‘KELLY, | PERRY DAaAVIS‘ PEUBLICâ€"_NOTICE. LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY. l Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" | ing invigorate, strengthen and lengthen the hair. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quiéred nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. Grey hair disapâ€" pears, ballt spots are cov= ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delightâ€" fut fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the skin, scailp, or most elegant headâ€"dress. Sold by all lh-“_ll“-_‘ . 3 Capital, £1.000,000 stg. [12 21 MR . ocb s.... 209 ie Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. Sold by George Mortimer, John Roberts W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner,in 174â€"4 Ortawa TR ADKE.!*=« We henl:,y offer VEGETABLE Dec. 'o-_" d Dollars,| O olicy=holders Z Dwellingâ€"houses, ind General Merâ€" | |*~ 8. DURIE, Q: ‘gu Ottawa, * * " ITâ€"ulf p"‘ rars=is &A s a e reviam FY 4 TLoRdNE SSTELSDIEN, _ 06 28. Sussex Street, opposite Clarence St. RE'I'('IIN! HIS SINCERE THAN general for the liberal patronage which takes this Wommity to announce that he ha store, A NEW STORE OF cLoTHs & TWEEDS, RE ABYâ€"MADE CLOMANCG, 86. Where he will execute prompt‘y, and in "he "MUM PCO ITUCAE tz on hand at HIS OLD 81 The undersigned would also give notice that he will haye always on h.m{u HIS OLD $TORE, e complete assortment of f § 9i d =¢ 1 uous Where he will ‘execute promptly, and in the latest style, alUorders that he may be favored sith HOSIERY, CLOAKS, MANTLES, LIQUORS, &o., And he bas Aetermined to sell out IERY, LIQUORS, &e., and at } BOIBQ desirons of discontinuing this branch N. B â€"The public are invited to visit t quality and cheapness of the articles which Ottawa, June 19. COTTONS. COTTON GOODS ! MAGEE & RUSSELL‘S. T CREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Sale each day from 9 a.m. till 7 pm. Ottawa, May 28, 1866 > Customers will find this a ra 1866) Spring Importations, (186g STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Manufacturers of _ Clothing, English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds MONDAY, the 28thâ€"inst , and followga days, of COTTON GOODsS, ‘Together with a TAILOR SHOP of the First Class. «Reduced: Prices i ‘ ESTABLISHED 1844. QTTAWA, APRIL T 1808 s yA FOR LADIES & GEN“&MBN- KEARNS & RYAN Orders Promptly â€" In all its Departments | Union Block, cor. of Sussex & York STREETS, LOWER TOWN. Ottawa, April 5, 1866 New Spring Goods. sSPRINC STOCK ! sECOND WEEK OF GREAT SALE OF BEG LEAVE TO INFORM m cusTh~*as ANXD THE i PEOPLE IN GEN THAT THEIR AND INVITE INSPECTION OF THE SAME AT EARLIEST CONVENIENE. 50, SPARKS STREET, YÂ¥ O‘MEARA & EP ont RE NOW PREPARED TO orFFER A one of the largest and best assorted Stock of DaÂ¥ GOOD3 ever brought to the city. Thankfal for past favore, they desire to inform their friends that their Stock is now coq&leu in every Depar ment And will be found replete with nanomn oF THE HOME AND CONTIN TAL MARâ€" KETS, imported expressly for this season. PRUD‘HOMME EV OTUTC a c and Matorial Oxawa Trade Comprising Chaudiore Twoeds, Halifar Ortét Cords; also Plain and Fancy Dn.: Oola-l'od:l"hI ‘nc:l:' “dfq“ud-; and acas & # oc ree Albrae of 0B STS" **DERCLOTHING. They would also dmum' to their ‘-,q';{;,.;;'.]_“ anvudmeiest eCR LC (');uu Trade, us ter the superintendence of experâ€" fenced Cutters. $ + Auendicss variety ofHate, CapSp @ Gloves, _ Collars, Neck»=Tiess White Shirts, plain . wa uu‘p-‘hnllluu &e., kept constantly oA hand all hi is branch of trade. _ ZZ@#" The Liquors will only be sold wholesale to visit these two stores, and judge for themselves of the excelient les which are offered fot sale. J. T. PRUD‘HOMME. THAN. Is Now COMPLETE .>s To HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLEIO IN he . ‘1s reoeni‘oéfron them up to present time, and ; just wpened out, in the same next door to his old chance for buying Cottons by the piece 4EE & RUSSELL i READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, TS. COTTONS. for sh llr-.::-" Attended to. 4 MEARA & CO i!l offer 155â€"3m

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