r-&; w : the velLents &EX ts lh-? Als fromm «tem of 4 rewed. im €e0ns nted by ) bckn amgf e ewing Lio the 1s a10 eal Di# ~ER 1.) by T oews > _ourk® nty of or w hick ength of t failing ef when a single delight. »%, Relk. t careful fnd the e of car for tweo ar io T itihe we with ~â€"Forte, vile. BR Has n Pai® Thromt o hi W ichin > effect lema®s, Fiahos & inthe ns. lty on YORK to Gremd ul . ine B As ER! ng a* aviog wil ghest gve the iast and L%.. Chaneery, Conveyancer Office: Elgin Street, opposi Aurxaxp®® Ross, Ottaws. July 28. nAnm-rtn and | Attormey=at«Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Cocveyancer, &e. Office :. Cpposite Post Ofics, Elgin Street, in the Leaght tatels, cccapied as the Castom House. Apuanmire n Yexecir A. _ P STâ€"« sovernmée uit in and for tbe d «December 23, 1 hame, C.K. | & ZM8" Atewds to all Law Courts in the Distri t 4 * * S umuary 7. 1866. | oo .]~_% ind Elgin stree dORtaws, Dec. ebruam BAâ€I.TIK. Solicitor, Attorney, and Notary Public, Clerk of the Pesce and Codnty Crown Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Rassell. . Ottews, February 7 , * ebrua QrFick : Januagy 2 Convey a Qeme® ridays of every . week 19.dboe S uxt w. Ottawa. Feb: 7. 135¢ Jthaw a K. B. U Atawa,. F4 Ory Offtawa, March Quwnes Weterer e Mor Winiiast 1 itawa, Fob OveH P-tnru N , Sur ge attending Phywici*n tal. Office and residenc« Mo«grove Streets, nearly 0 fin‘s. . Eptrance on Morzr Ottawa, May 5. ®park sew, but ce«s. . Re treated, if TTORNXE Y=â€"AT=â€"LAW, . Soilcitor=in= Chancery. Convevances. &c. * Oficeover Mr. JOSEPH J. MURRMY,. TTORNEYâ€"AT=â€"L A W, . Solicitor«in= Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Office:â€"North of York street. two door« from Sussex. D‘l"l.‘l’- Qijce ; Sparks Streets tral Ottawa. Ottawa, January 27, 1866. ROsSS «& PARsSONS, TEORNEY®â€" A Tâ€"L A W, Solicitors=in= TTORNEYâ€"1Tâ€"LAW, Solicitor in MAYCOCK & HAYCOCK, > _ TTORNE Y s«A T=i. A W , Solicitors=in= Chancery. Convevancers, Notaries Public, &c. THF POST OF®iUPRâ€"OTPARWA, W. MARSHALL MATHESON, DVOCATE. Ottawa, Janua DVOCATES, Bacristers, and Attor= ARRISTER, &c., Oitawa. Office?! Telegtaph Buildings, Metoalic Street. _>_ y * ARRISTER, Etc., for Lower Canada. J.Â¥F, BOULTON, ARRISTERâ€"~AT«L.A W, Solicitor=in= Chancery, &e. ARRISTER, Arctorney, Solicitor, &c. Orric@: Horn#‘"s Bail.sings, corner of Sparks LEE® % GEMMELI ARRISTER®S, Attormeysy : Convevancer=. & . ; ARRISTEIS® and Atiorme Solicitorsâ€"inâ€" Chaneery, Conveya ARRISTERS and A trorneyseat«Law, Salicitor® in Chantéery. Notaries Public, and Ces: Mull a Wricht will C900 ap w in EDW ARD T. DARTXELI MESSHBS. DUCK volx IC-'Q;;. opposite Matthews* tel. * Oftawa, February 7, 1866 43â€"utt Htawa, April 14 ENTIWT. Office! Susser Street, over Owricks COLMA ATE of 60 Y s 36 HWYRICH AN, Surgeon Ottawa, C. W. Day offic JOHN i Miaxrck B0 K904. _ _: _ __.| |.____ TtY | UcUstus Ketsshk 10 J. P. MACPHE M DiR OLIVEKR MARTIN, ELLINGTON Sireet, First Door Kas of Bank Street. < » & ax, February 7, 166. 43â€"utf W CLEGG & XELLI RATES {n the Coort M Aumond"s Buildings L. Dii. ( DpI. \ DJ 1) 1A N, Surgcon anid Acconchesty Munton‘s Bâ€"gk, Spark« Strget. M. MeLEOD Court Hou LEAAA MEDD1CAL. anada, if id by Stam s. To Bl‘sr':ï¬h-bib. 10 o’: ‘olumbia, Germany and.Foreign DIH Di.OCOREILL Y ae bec« n..ul--n-rnrflfll'l f Dee. 18, ‘65.. 1â€"y | T:‘ xCOo. 192. | Oflice? No. 17, I. & A. Allan‘s C md, ctose at ’a 6 uis. ; Â¥ie New () CTCHETTIH P. BAKER, Postmastor A. MARKTIX, woOLr WIGHT dovhg n mauk * in and Acconcheur, Notaries Public, &¢ the Russell House. ng, Mctcalfe Street, M.1>., M Tnos. F. Nes HENItY & BUCKE, WwOOoDn, P ME ATL® WD. cuosrp t, Ottawa « 17, St. Poeter tto will always be suy basiness the pablic generally rezularly the cirâ€" u«e of the knife, by a abmo«t wm and ‘fl'o"!f‘_" : in ‘Manton‘s Block, Nicht Office at his N DEM Office a the Post rant Buck 184â€"6m M. D () y-int-ldflc neers, . Notarâ€" H Solicitors, B.A.B.C.L. | utecd ‘anadian in every rk, every ots; via ment K H.B I lor#lu T 6...-“,.-&:;“" ., h B W * C4 43â€"atf | Proof D Riddell +s« | MESSIS, THISTLE & BALDWIN, PRO\'IS(‘I,\L Land Surveyors, Canada R | East and West, Real Eâ€"tate Agents, &c. Parâ€" 43â€"utf utf if 43â€"utf 21â€"y 1 18â€" Cen# iâ€"¢m iâ€"utf ut 100â€"y ully ery 3t ‘The sate of Real Fstate at Auction or Private promptly attended to. . Consignments receive sitive sale. Parties wishing to . purchase E-uu will receive ‘all information . FREE CHARGE by calling At the office. Ottawa, Doo.13, 1860. tf BOOK-BISDER and â€" Manutacturing Stationer, and Machine Ruler. Over Taylor & Wilkinson‘s Flour Store, corner of York and Susâ€" sex Streets. Bitrance o Ortawa, Dee. 18, 1863 City Regist order for an in the best style of the art. * RPLING fione to any pattorn. § Particular attontion ruul to Map Mounting Ottawa, Decomber 19, 1865. a T UHOS. NELSON, ; Boo‘l' MAKER, Wellington Street, op= posite Dr. Van Cortlands‘s, Octawa. (Having had many years‘ experience in some of the best estaâ€" bli.-hma in the metropolitancities ofâ€"Canada, he feclyb' dent that all onders entrusted to his care will:be executed in the best style, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Porter. ‘Pork, Orric®: No. House, Ottawa 38 years ago, he can confidently ref established character, uns gquarantee fretory pertormance of 211 work entru Ottawa, April 2, 1866. been known in this pia XAVIER Roeooting@(t BUSINESS CARDS. sIDXEY B. FRIPP, \l"‘lll‘l‘l:("l. Ow#ic® : ‘ Wellington Street epposite St. Andrew‘s Church. Ottawas, Febrnary 7, 1866. 43â€"ut! * _ K. SPARKS, PROVLICIAI. LAND _ sURVEYOR, Draughtsinan, &c., (comumissioned for U pper and Lower Canada.) Ofice and residence, Gipuâ€" gester, near Ottawa. Surveys of every doscription executed with accuracy, Communications atl-lj asâ€" ed Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), will receive prowpt attention, _ > | Ottawa, Fobruary 21, 1866. 55â€"y P L. SURVEYOR and Draughtsman, © Mining, Land, and General Parliamentary Agent. _ Reterences unexceptionable. . OEFICE: W ellington Strect, next to British Hotel, and nearâ€" ly opposite the banks, Otawa. ie P. S.â€"Special attentian given with despatch to Public Land business, adjasting disputed claims, and securing Patents. P*% Ottawa, May 22. 132â€"y 4 doors from Snmr: Bridge, + : yo~ Camp‘s ry Hair Brushing Apparatus the only one on the Continent in wse. Trtawa., Dec. 18, 1865. Tds \:> d PAILIA!ES’I‘ Mair Dressing Saleon, Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governorâ€"General, Augus* Block, Rideau Street, 4 doors from Sappers Bridge. * ar attention devoted to the sale=und protection the Lands of ‘Absentces. Applications to the u Lands Department for Mining Lands, &e., Le w! “â€M.l "LL 1 w5# 1 B Orttawa Dee. 28 I AND Agent and Broker, Notary Pab= 4 lic, has removed his office to Nicholasâ€"Streot, a,few doors to the South of Dan Goode‘s Hotel, and is rnd to transact any busine«s connected -uitr’ e Crown Lards. De}»artmonl. in prosecuting Land Claims, taking out, Patents, and to condnect any ageney for parties having busine«s with any f the Government offices. Ottawa, Feb. 7, 1466. 43â€"utf _CIHAS. E. BKUSH, General Commission Agent, Ottawa, Jan. 4, 186 % wGEO, H. PENNY, NIVIL ENGINEER, Union Buildings, _/ cotner of Sussex and York Streets. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. ; 1â€"* Otrawa, March Agent for Wm. Dow & C Ales; Ryo Whiskey ; and HWigt for the Canadian Inland Navig Western and Vermont Central 3 Aumond‘s Baildings. A K. H.‘McGREKYV\Â¥, NONTRACTOR ‘and â€" Builder. /North side York street, second door f 1 SnE E EnE ul}‘ucu.\sr TAILOR, â€" 3%, Sparks Street. + Ottawa, May 5. 118y YOMMISSION Merchant and General )mumu' of Christ Church, Teacher of the Organ, Pianoâ€"Forte, &c. Otawa, Fob. 7, 1866. 41â€"utf MTH Streets, ha« removed to the A :ai'ï¬uhqvg’ Mote!) en will be happy to see his old f MACDONALD & BRO., UCTIONEERS, and General Commis= stom Exchange and Real Estato Agents, No. UCCTION Rooms, No« 19, srrl- Streets Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite lope‘s Stationâ€" EC A MILTON®S R. . R. R R. H., in returning thanks for the | ® liberal patronage bestowed wpon him in the / Saloon, would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has leased the above premises, which he has put into & l.hnnï¬h state of ngmir, repainted, smro;ooormd.ud arnished with alt the <latest appliances of comfort. No exortions or expen«e will be «pared by the Proprietor in renderâ€" ing hi« bouse second to none in Ottawa, and parties favoring him with their support may rely on the strictest aitentien to their wishes. Goodstakling in rear of the premizes. Wines and Liquors of the choicest description always kept. * Ottawa, Feb: 19, 1866. * 53â€"y ! O0O0Kâ€"BINDER and Paper=Ruler, cor= net of. rks and Motcalfe Streets, over the istfat‘s Oflice. Account books mad» t« rfor ant branch of business, paged and bound THE «" QUEEN" RESTAURANT, M KAV ANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of e Metcalfe and Wellington Streets, opposite the main entrance to the Government buildings. The « QU EEN comprises all the requisites for A firstâ€"class Restaurant. The House has been refitted and refurnished t.hn‘-"hmt. The. BAR contains the choicest Brands in W ines and Liquors, and every delicacy of the season wil! be found on the table. The ropflem best efforts will be directed to the comâ€" ort of his guests and patrons. C MEU CCAE LC Aufte he asmnage : MOTELS ARXD SsiADL0voNrs. HOLTSs HOTEL, J AS. JOHNXSTON‘S ; â€slos HOUSE, North Gower,., Good Stabling and an attentive Hostler. Janaary 11, 1866. 20â€"y YORK STRI Yl.!li. C E., Livery and General Stuge Ofice. . Alfred Moses Holt, Jr., Prop‘tr. & + u-ll-llA!lL'l"'“. LATE OFH A M= ILTON‘3 Saloon, corncr of Spark« and Elgin «. hae removed to the Am@rician â€"Hotel, (for PARLILAMENTARY AGENCY. I. BOUCHETTE, JOMN L BARBER, T EMOV AL B ROEKE E. IA. MORTIMER, MR. H. R. FRIPP, (PORMERLY MATTHEW II. MeLEAN‘S Flour, &e 5. Sparks cite, C. W HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR, re or Mawnrtox‘s 8S41008. ; B. MULLIN, 20. 1866 1805 E. MIL} CHRINTIE w. K. THISTLE, P. L. &. F. A. BALDW IN, P. L. 8 f Snarks and Metcalfe Stroets CHARLEBOIS ‘ontractor (+ , W,IKEIK, No« 3, Victoria Cres= Ottamva. ® for Read‘s Highwines and ' Dawes‘ Lachine Ales and | Street, near the Rnssell AND x" RESTAURANT, HURKD, r. QCrraAwWA Raifroad purchase Re m . FREE ( Tt HOTEL Ofdlice : om Sussex rated Pale M«o, agent 1 171tf t. where he ind Grr . Offic Sale y 1â€"tf tf E*4 41 Sussex Street, y | Is the Place to Buy Your Medicines ! 4â€"y M t‘* a gAaAVINGS DEPARTMENT The New Drug Store, SPECIAL NOTICE. T“E sUBSCRIBER TAKES® THI® . opportunity of thanking bis many friends and customers for the patronage extended to him since he commenced business. . He begs to inform them that he TIAS REMOV ED w SIG N of the GOLD MORTAR TOILET ARTICLES, &£C English & French Chemicails, Tlm SUBSCRIBER has opened an ces« * tablishment at the above address, for the sale of PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS, from firstâ€" class Houses, carefully selected by himself, and trusts that his competency as a CHEMIST and DRUGGIST will give general satisfaction, being ï¬umnl.unl by a Diploma from APOTHECARIES® ALL, DUBLIN. _ It will be his endeavor to sup ply £ t Choice Perfamery, and the best description of every article connected with the business; whilst the Dispensing Departâ€" ment under his own constant superintendence will, he trusts, secure the confidence of the profession and ethers who may honor|him with their patronage. â€" . BROWN,. o |.__ Licentiate Apothecary. Ottawa. June 11. I 148â€"3m Ottawa., June P A LARGE STOCK OF FRESH GARâ€" DEN and FIELD SEEDS, just arrived and on Sale. All Seeds wartanted Fresh. _ _ ol ' FLORILDA W. Just being opened up DRUG WAREHOUSE, P. 8.â€"Advice to the poor gratis Ottawa, April 11. . _ esn MORTIMER‘S Apothecaries HMall! ttawa, July 10, 1866 The New RIDEQU J STREET 1866,. SEEDS. SEEDS. 1866. Ottawa ~Drug Warehouse. A fresh Lot of Good, Cheap PEREFUMES just received. N: B.â€"Prescriptions carefully and promptly preâ€" pared. ag J. GAB\PEY."M. 8 Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866 4Tâ€"utf n ha GE.\‘ERAI. Agent for Great Western Railway of Canada. y Office 30 Great St. James Street, Montreal. Montreal, May 23. | > 133â€"Gm Colnlsslox Merchants, Importers, and Wholesale Dezlers in Wines, Groceries, ind Cigars, 18 Lemoine Street, Montreal. Montreal, May 23. 133â€"6m With cir Glass, &o , No. 4i old store, Montreal. Montreal, May 2 P General Commission Agent LYÂ¥D FREE FROM ADULTERATION! Ottawa, June 27 ANp: EXCHANGE BROKER, B~ Agent forthe European Life and Guarantee Society. $ . jiÂ¥~ Agent for the estate of Morton‘s Distillery, Kingston, for the salo of Highwines and Whiskey. Orvicr. :. In Aumond‘s Building, Rideau Street. Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. THOROUGH BASS. _ _ Orders ieft at U tended to. Ottawa, July 26 Four Dollars and Upwards. U EBEC BANK Ottawa, Fob. 12, 1866 a'-;l'\fx’{r’.;}';l'ini;i& i‘.\'h:.‘I‘r MEDICLNE and. ‘ ICBE CREAM Saba FOUNTAIN, Pnonlf(‘fl and (Lesther Commission ~Merehant, Montreal. LB"~ Best Con Live® Om always on hand. Montreal, May 26. 130â€"y M Hngine tor Sale. THE CALORIC ENGINE, formerly used in the Union Printing Establishment. It is an 18â€"inch Cylinder, and will be sold cheap. APPLY TO ; _ MH. J. FRIEL, Or K. E. O‘CONNOR. RHLSGS Msuck 47. 4806 4â€"tf Ottawa, March 27. 1866 {UCCESSORS to Corse & May, l-pofl'- 9 ers and Dealors in Paints, Oils,. Varnishes, ass, &c , No. 474, St. Puul Street, oppdsite their Genuine Medicines, Pare Chemicals} PR A YER BOOK®, English and Fzench ot every kind. We call the attention of thd Ladies 'é'oal'l to our assortment. § pUVERNAY BRO8. HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF DYES in this city on sale at the Th 11 0h B stt Preslbu t h uns 1# beep opened at this Branch, and interest wil be allowed on Deposits of TISIPT®S O / FRIDAYS BDOMXESTICâ€"DYCES. MONTREAL CARD®S. mises the premises situated next door EAST JOHN DOUGALL & C( JUST RECEIVED! (Lnte of the Bask of Uppe 30 RIDEAU STREET J. C. FRANCK & Co., call and examine the Rtock 1 best ever i]l}‘wgul. r Orric« Hours:â€"From 10 a.m. to 3 p,m H. V. NOEL, DRUGGIST®S. 'l‘llANll"Ula FOR PAST FA«â€" _ vors, I beg respectfully to an nounce that I have now.received my stock for the Summer Trade. It comâ€" prises all the best and purest 67, Sparks Street. BALDWIN & C PROPEELY COMPOUNDED II. E. SWALES, JOHN MERCER lifferent .{vfuw. manufactured on i+« a healthy and cooling beverage. OEA WwA at Union House will be punctually at oTTaAwA TUESDAYS AND H. MAY & Co H. HERRICK, JOSEPH CARVEY, M.D &e., EREUMER V Drug Store. 1YLMER, C. E O mmada,) OTrrAmw .A 162y It is the O., Manager 187 96â€"y 97â€"y 48â€"ut CHANGE of TIME. Ottawa and Prescott Railway: From Ottawa, From Prolcuq. DEPARTCRE, e ARRIVAL. From Ottawa, 7:00 a.m. At Prescott, 9:30 q.m. # ## 11:-!'.': pm. # ®# 5.00 pm. w « |6,.30 pm. 9 # 9:05 pm. From Pmcut*,r.-uu awlin. At Ottawa, 10:05 a.m. «e « $2:20 p.m. 6 #* 5:00 p.m. # ® 1 6:00 pam. ., «* «o . 9:00 p.mâ€" The time of these Trains has been sos&rranged a8 to ensure conbection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, east and west. Parties leaving Torâ€"= onto in the morning can arrive in Ottawa same evening. | : N. &.â€"These Troins run on Montreal Time, Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to all ‘stations on Grand Trunk Railway. _ Retyrns tickets to Prescott, ;{oin’rtvme and Ottaâ€" wa at reclucof tates can be had at the principal staâ€" tions on th ‘ linc. > Mort Aidas s Uhita wa, J une 4 Grand Trunk Railway Company SUMMER â€"ARRANGEMENTS. Trains for Lachine at 7 A,M,, 9.00 A.M., 12.00 Nood, 2,00 P.M., 5.00 D; M., and 6,30 P.M. The 3.00 1. M., Train runs through to Plattaburgh. u?)‘,.\'u soUTiL ANB EAST. Express by Kailway throughout for New York, Boston, and all Intermediate ; Points, cut\nccling at St. Johng with Vermont Central Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad,‘also with the Lake \ Champlain Steambonts for Lake (}ourg}.b'rmmg'x..\'ow York, ko« &e. 5.30 A.M. Accommodation Train for Island Pond and Interimediate Stations, at............ 6.45 A.M. Express for Boston and Intermediate Points, connecting at, St. Johns with the Vermont Central Railroad, at.... 8.30 A.M. Mail for Portland, stopping over night at Te PORQ,. . 000. .1 corvie i rccinctsncciges 00 PB Express by railway throughout for New York, Boston, and all Intermediate . ‘, Points, egnnecting ap St. Juhns with Vermant Contral Railroad, at Burâ€" lington ‘with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also at Ronse‘s Point with Lake Champlain Steamers * _ for Lake George, Saratoga, New YOTKy MCly: Mbins ce evonmmenintommentiremene ies 3.30 P.M. Night Express for Three Rivers, Qyebec, Riviere t‘u Loup and Portland, at...10.10 P.M. yeo .s‘laeplng(.‘m on all Night Trains, Baggage checked through. o n ies k & wi“|:f‘l-ur't-fx'::;jï¬;i‘;»nnption. and time of arrival and departure of all trains. at Termini and Way Staâ€" tions, see the| Grand Tnln'k Railway Book n{Tino Tables. $ ooo is aaesy w RICHELIEU COMPANTY. Royal Mail Line of Steamers between Montreal and Quebec. TR ow en o inp uts vav The Steamer QUEBEC, Capt. J. B. Laszrts®, will leave the Riz?clieu Pier, opposite the Jaequesâ€"Carâ€" tier Square, for Quebee, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, ht 7 p.m., precisely, calling, oing and returning, at Sorel, TEm Rivers, and Shtiiesn. Passengers‘wishing to take their passage on board the Qcean Steamers, at Québec,can depend on being in time in tiking their Eflu&o by this boat, as there will bo/a "{'endar» to take them to the steamers withput extra charge. R The steamer MONTREAT, Capt. Rosert NELSON®, will leave every Tueflday.’l‘hun&‘ny, and Saturday, at 7 o‘clock, pim., precisely, for Quebec, calling, going, And'ri:ulninz. at the Ports of Sorel, Three Wivers, and Batiscan, [+ . . FARES| 1 Cabin (meals and open Berth# in (Gentlemen‘s cab â€" in mcluqled)..............‘....................sz.ï¬g May FROM THE FIRST OF MAY, AND UN= til otheryrise ordered, the Steamers will leave for Quebecâ€"ag follows : C Ai d enb Nerpinies en in ce navery 1866 This Company will not be accountable for specie or valuables, ‘unless Bills of Lading, having the value expressed, are signed mml‘t ; To us m Dss We Rishalian Company‘s Office, 203. Commissi vow y ar Office Richelioeu Cortpany, . May 12, 1866.. 1866 ! County of Carleton, cails the attgntion of the Inâ€" habitants of the City of Ottawa, and urroundinf countty. . He will l'u{l'xll orders for|all gorts of Fruit Trees, Oramental and Lawn Trees, Flowing Shrubs with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Belldingâ€"out Plant. ) for Borders; also. Herbecious Plants Esculent Roots. _ He hasalso on hand a large stdek of Greenâ€" house Plants, a tl:untity of Garden, FielM, and Flowâ€" er SeedtCof the bost description.‘ |Parties wanting groundsâ€"laid out in the newest style 0 landâ€"keepâ€" ing, together with Grafting, Baddi f, al Plntin{. will be “omplly attended to. . Hehlso will have all worts of Plants in season for salo, jat the late resi dence of Clement Bradley, E«q. _} us UNIOX FORW ARDING E3 ALL PORTS ON THE OTTAWA River, up as far as Des Joachim Rapids, 150 miles above bltnwn(‘ity. 1 o. * cOCRWA T nb s mdnsb l in is on ts Railway Companyv. UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE ! CHANGE OF TIME! commdha s ea A ta mt P tn P On and after 18th June, 1866. one of the followâ€" ing firstâ€"class passenger steamers leaves Aylmer every morning, (Sundays excepted), at 8 o‘clock, precisely .__ Ann Sissons Capt,. Bockus» Oregons | $ «* | Findiay, Calumets 6 | Blondin. Pontises i | Duggan. Affording one of the inost delightful trips that can be taken during the hot weather, Passengers by the Brockville nni sttawn Railâ€" way connect directly with steamers up and down the river, and yice versa daily. _ | 9 For ï¬lrtacr particulars l(’lly to | NJ * (G. R. NASH, Maxao®®, _ TIIE UNDERSIGNED lltVlNPl'll- CHASED 12 aeres of land, on which he intends starting a | 4 Gardon & Nursery In Gloucester, Gréenï¬Field, County of Carleton, sails the attention of tho.yl: For further information apply %o the Richelieu co2 [ ~â€" MATHREW .T. De Ottawa, March 24, 1866 (** N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 14th, . 8. CHRISTIE my31â€"139â€"d No. 5 Spa D‘AWI" LACHINE PALE A PORTER, in wood and bottle} deli part ‘of the city, by 8. CHRISTIE, MA Sole Agont, No. $ Sparks Streot. N. B.â€"Parties will please leave orders beâ€" fore 4 o‘clock, p.m. : imy3139â€"4 Aylmer, C. E. May 12 Trains will leave Bonaventure Station as fol i my31â€"130â€"4 ____â€"_ .No. § Spi y h k in AAn E MEAL AND CORNâ€"MEAL 26 ESS AND PRIME MESS ; Forsale by /. _.__. _A LOOK HE OF CANADA. ( L AILROAD®S, Within two miles of the city STEA MEIS. »ro c. w. THURSDAY; AUGUST 2. For sale by )3.Commissioners Street J. B. LAMERE, _ C. J. BRYDGES, T. 8. DETLOR, 8. CHRISTIE, No. 5 8p AND N ABH, thna ER, Aylmer, C. E Managing Director CHTT T NiGey :+ General Manager SUPRRINTENDENT. y > A.M., 12.00 8.00 A. M 8.15 P.M 9.10 |‘," steeet... s. .OAT= CINZ Y ks Stroot. LES AND ered in any DRK. * Ee 1866 1866. 124â€"tf * Capital" Stove Depot, w o d ie e e P w xi and CHOTCE VARIETY of the following Goods, which for beauty Superior Workinanship, CANNOT BE SURPASSED 1 â€" PLUNGE BATHS, TWV sPONGE BATH#®, ' sITZ BATLIS, rwooOoT BATHS, €TYTT DT EN * BATHS, WE ARE MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. T #parkling. . For Saloons, Public Buildings, Household or Do useful and ornamental. â€" Railway Companies, and others wh and people under their care in viow, are solicited to CALL 2 chase or not Toilet and Bedâ€"Room Setts of Japanned Tinware. Cooking Stoves J We give special attention to all kinds of JOBBING, I Wokï¬ ; and every description of Tin, Sheet Iron and C IRON BEDSTEADS. IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES CHEATP ! BIHRDâ€"CAGKES CHEAP LAMLPS ! CHINMNNEYS ! ! WICKS ! ! ! ® 1 GOAL OIL! CoOATL OILL COALY:OFIL dn es esA trou s m d Milk Pans, Milk Strainers, Pails and Straimors, I\Iu}-le Sugar Kettles, Agricuitural Furnaces, Farmers‘ Stoves, Cistern Pumps, and all kinds of Dairy Utenails made to order. * _ | un ~â€"Lowage > s\ .._..... .. ® 1N ORDER Ottawa, March 1, 1866. MORTON MOUSE} CORNER of Water and Division Streets, Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 8. Slosson, Proprietor. Omnibuses to and from the House free of charge. Decemper 20, 1865. ! 3y I ATELY KEPT BY J. F« DORNEY, Mull Landing, Armive® J. Lexox, Proprietor. __â€"fl_"li'-ï¬"iï¬ia".li;whii Alll;a. Parlor Skates Picâ€"Nic Ring, Choicost Wines and Liquors. Mull, May, 1866. 179â€"tf a in (}5"" > !x@ / N a .,, + ‘9\9 ‘v:'.n R A\ tm "\:\'w‘ ‘/'/ / n Mo... sys o l c ) 4 L v ~ P ’ y % } a THE RUSSELL HOUSE, L,\'u: CAMPBELL‘S HOTEL, Ottawa, C. W. The undersigned, proprictor of the aboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to acquaint liis nuâ€" merous friends and the travelling pubfic, that he has n;sdnud and newlyâ€"furnished throughout this comâ€" modious establishment, in the management of which by strict attention to business and guests, he hopes to deserve encouragement and support. datal MJAKB‘ E.SOUIN. k s or man re connectec wit ; ylhnn{l s llykl{ ;'e::l"" Atreet, Quebec. l ATE McADAM‘S, Commercial Hotel, Packenham. » ckenham. . Nide neciaesbual, uaaueh sBE D C smcs 7 The above Hotel, one of the oldest and best known in Packenham, has been loased by the undersigned and thomfl;l! overhauled and refitted for the. spoâ€" cial accommodation of guests. . THE TABLE A& D BAR will at alltimes be furnished with the vory best the market affords. _ hi '"Edbb"é'flï¬iï¬ib"m a carefel 4 in attendance. en TORONTO HOUSE. \ Mlllo TROTTER, PROPRIETRESS, | No. 71, Sparks Street, Dosbarats‘ Building, | n)poulh the Parliament Buildings. The Toronto : ouse comprises everything necessary in a firstâ€" | class Restaurant. The house has been thoroughly | and elegantly fitted up throughout. | The BAR con â€" | taing the choicest brands in Wines and Liquors, and | every delicacy of the season will be secured for the Table. No ?lu or trouble will be spared the ac ; commodate the guests and patrons. Lo o 1 C . TLEsiia .n r d MOTELS AND SALGOONXS. Extraordinary Merit BOARDERS. j __Omws. April 5, 1866. #2â€" THE ALBION HOTEL, NICHOLAI Street, Court=«House A venue; Ottawn, John Graham, Proprietor. This House is eonvenienufy situated, and still mainâ€" tains its character as a FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. Considerable additions have recently been made to the premises, and it has been entirely repainted and renovated. No pains will be spared to accommodate and please. _ 3 1 Y Leid dn oi cake ons and please. |__ s oxfz'n TBUSES to and from the cars and boats free of GMIP.? There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY STABLE attached to the Hotel. Ottawa, Deo. 18, 1866. 1â€"y PIIVAI'I HOTEL, Sparks Street, Ot= tawa, C. W. A few gentlomen can obtain supâ€" erior apartments. Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1865. 3y ~ _ INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, PBI'CO“, C. W., L. H. Daniels$ Pro«= prictor. Second to no House in Contral Caâ€" nada. March 6, 1866. MRS. GRANTS SALOON, GEORGEBTREET, Choice Wines & Liquors,Prime Cigars FTPILTERILING COPPEE POTPS! WILL BE DBALTTLIVBERJLI/ YÂ¥ WITH FOR SHANTY SUPPIIES ! E ARE NOW MANUFACTURING IN THE CHARITABLE INSTITUTION® STOVE DEPOT. A Liberal Dise Go to the " CAPITAL !" it Remember the place, P. O‘Meara Ker f Jy6.170t rwooOoT CHILDRENS #sIIOW EIi THE WRIGHT HOUSE S y on e Mrs. Trotter is now prepared to take DAY JOHN MALTMAN TO MAKE ROOM FOR IT WE PURPOSE/SELLING OUR PRESENT STOCK 0 sTrOVES AT REDUCED RATES f 6 j "THE APITAL" STOVE DEPOT. : ‘35, SUSSEX STREET II. MEADOWS & Co For ‘Making a Goc DUIGNAN‘S K ATHTY COOTLIENE Groceries, Liquors, AND PROVISION®, Wholesale and Retail. sPARROW‘S BUILOING, Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets, Our Spzing Stock ! February 21, 1866 FPARMERS, 7.7A.'I‘TEIT'I‘ION I :l"llE BEST AND MOST RELLABLE IN Tll* CIry! tove Depot, 35, Sussex gSt., Ottawa, H. MEADOWS & CO.. * . SPARROW, Jr.; PIFFERENT PATTERN®. TITUTIONS will find it to their advantage to deal at the © CAPITAL A Liberal Discount is always allowed on all articles purchased. JOHN MALTMAN IMPORTER AND DEALER IN stler always B BE R ME N ! ted to CA 46â€"6m old Cooking btoves ! Must belong to that which pleases every such is the case with AT THE RED B00T ! Unrivalled Mixture Roasted and ground daily, on the premises, . steam ’power. Consequently abcays to be ‘had in the highest state perfection. f JAS. BUCHANAN, Sussex and Wellington 8t 186G. MOCIHA, JAVA, ANDJAMAICA ~COFPPEES, BATIHS, In the matter of the Estate of the late George Leâ€" . vally alias Perry. NOTICI 1sS HEREBY GIVEN that all lnmna having claims against the Estate of the late GEORGE LEVALLY alias PERRY in his lifeâ€"time, of Pembroke, are requested to send them to the undersigned for adjustment, within one month from the date hereof, as the assests at that time will be distributed to those ent tled to receive the same. Dated Pembroke, 9th July, 1866. S C..O°KELLY, NEA‘F AN D COUL Gentlemen‘s Prunella Congtess, Ladies‘ Balmorals and Congress ! Whenever you want GOOD BOOTS OR SHOES of any kind, go to the â€" | ttawa, May 10 RED BOOQOQT ! at t PABTIES DESIROUS OF ESTBLISHING a Covxtry Nxwsrarez, can purchase fl flice quite complete with Toaterial for eve Department, VERY CHEAP, tor Cash, or on approved credit. G NE | Cigh Sn Fu ts Do 4 ie wl c HInO ts Toh c ©1 PUBLIC . NO«ICH. Importantto Printers. ut o es uis Ob cce se t Apply for information post paid) to _ "W.B. HEALEY, Or to EGAR YIELDING. Ottawa Feb:6, 1866. . 42â€"6 PHO'I‘OGRAPHI BY NOTMAN, FOR Sale at the Ottawa. Stationery Warehouse York street, Ottawa. Ottaws, December 20, 1865._ »f They will keep the water deliciously cool and Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, being both sho have the health and comifort of tHemselves 174â€"4 ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT Copper Ware on‘hand, and made to order. Ottawa, July relaining all the ABOVE PREMISES A DUR A BLE h for benuty of design, style of finish, and And you.can hardly fail to be suited. | z.. The Sewing or Pegging of all work bo-‘bi c RED BOOT, repaired (ree of charge / | o WM. A. LAMB. 1 tawa . July 147â€"3m | 1E BEST WHITE CANVAS sHOES in the city are soldat * TWO SIZES. â€" THREE SIZES * TWO SIZES8. yi%5 THREE SIZES. IS, THREE SIZES hV & _ ONX 8IZE. In Kid, Prunella, Seal, &c., at | THE RED BOOT. A splendid assortment of BUCHANANS AND COOL AND CHEAP, â€"OPâ€"â€" 55â€"y THE RED BOOT. Aroma 122â€"f Executor. 62â€"y OF 42â€"6m |OTFTAwWA TO MONTREAI bo ~OTTAaAwWA AND RDEAU, 1866, of THE " PRINCHE OF WALES q'l‘h.\fltll i QUEEN â€" VICTORIA * No lTren Ottawa every morning, (Sundays exâ€" cepted), at 6:30 a.m., for Grenville, (Breakiast on b«mr&lheneo by Railway to Carilion, connecting with Steaimer « Prince of W ales," (Dinmer on board) arriving at real at 4:30 p.m, Th:‘vumfu nd economy of this Line: is unsurâ€" passed, while the route pazses through one of the The comfortlnd economy of this Line is unsit~ passed, while the route pagses through one of the most {picturesque districts in Canada, and is the most fashionalfe for Tourists. f Patties desirons of a pleasant trip can obtain mu Wickets from Oitawa to Grenville or Carrilâ€" lon, valid for.one day, at half fare. > % angers for the celebrated Caledonian Springs will be landed"at L‘Orignal. . _ > Pareel exprers daily from Ottawa to Montreal ‘and intermediate landings, _ '"I-:I;'l‘o";lvulâ€"l_{o-wr;: Tickets to Montreal can be obâ€" tained at the office on the wharf, or on board the steamer. Wemieh sn hemeauindsdew Montreal, June 20 OTTAWA CITY & KINGSTON Rideau Passage & Freight Ling, ’l‘l'll ABOVEâ€"NAMED â€" STEAMERS will run as follows between Ottawaâ€"and k ingâ€" lwnJ::alling at all intermediate Ports, and connectâ€" ing at Smith‘s Xalls with the Brockville and Ottawa Railroad. ME igaut w «CITY OF OTTaAWA® ves Ottawa City every Monday and Thursday at 7 a. m., arriving at Kingston at 11 a. in., the following day. L2 raunl hiqu': Kingston every Tuesday and Friday at 3 p. m., arriving at Otawa next evening, at 7 p. m. f . "B#Yâ€"TOWN" ves Ottawa City every Wednesday and Satâ€" urday, at 7 a. m., arriving at Kingston at nooun the tollowing day. ; f P O 7 De se io CS cauc 4 u9 1866, ‘"CIry or orraAw aA t (CaT. J. Rvax,) "B YÂ¥ râ€" T O W N," mi:c;-v?l -k-lizgsmn every Monday at 12, noon, and Thuzduy, at 3 p. m., and arriving at Ottawa on the following evening at 8 p. m. _ $ _ Co ;e;;ii;E with the Royal Mail .Line of Steamâ€" ers_ at Kin going upwards, every Thursda Friday, mJ Sunday s\'an‘mgs. 8 ‘y s o t CE Con e ts These,stcamers connect at Kingston with the Th h Line Steamers Fuing' East and West; Stemmer ©" Bay of Quinte" for Picton, Bellevilie; sndll'mwon; and with the Amerjesin steamers for Oswego, Rochester, and Lewiston. a wego, 11ochester, NIO OW IWAI 00 l0 oo 1866 ; LAKE CHAMPLAIN ROUTE Eleven Steamers and Fifty Barges, AFF‘ORDINO A DAILY PEPARTURE for transport of Freight from Montreal to Ottaâ€" wa, and all points on the Rideau Canal, and vice versu. The two new UPK" Cabin Steamers, Ayâ€" Town and Ottwea ‘City, will form a Passenger M%ni‘ht Line between _ 2 OTTAWA AND KINGSTON, Touching at all the Ports on the Line,leaving Otta wa )ndhï¬inm four times in d;:l:oek. 4 n: w-'li!;‘w:;;-&i"ï¬ n of the Jeles, with Barges, will also be pheog-:: e Sudeat Cane!, tor Ting exclusive carriage of Freight to and from Ottawa and Kingstop and all way ports. _ _ __. Tho powerful tug steamer England. will be kept between OTTAW A and GRENVILLE for the towâ€" ago ofS«huro Timber Rafts, Saw IJF, &e. In addition to the above, a LINE OF TUGâ€" BOQ'I‘S, in connection with BCPT forming a IGHT LINE between Ottawa, Montreal, Queâ€" bee, and all ports on Lake Champlain, for thetranâ€" sport of Sawn Lumber, and other l;;?erty. For particulars, apply to GEO. 1 “_I_J;BACH. Caâ€" MA old CEA P1 ciws cur a 0 _1 es nal Basin, Montreal ; JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St, L&wrence ‘Wharf, Kinï¬don' anl JAS. RATH, Smith‘s Falls; W. D. W ADDELL, Agent, Gowan‘s Buildings, Peter Street, Quebec ; Or to the Proprietor, Ottawa, April 11 E OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION cOMPANY‘s MAIL STEAMER®. SUMMER ARRANXGEMENTS AMERICAN EXPRESS LINE. 1866 0! AND AFTER MAY 14, AND UNTIL further notice, the rio Steamboat Comâ€" pany will run their large nd commodious sideâ€" wheel steamers, | § BAY BTATBy.essssesssees00+8 8NTABIO..................... apt. J. B. Exres. ATARACT,...................Capt. J. IL LEova®RD. Forming & daily line between Prescott and Toronâ€" to, and all intermediate ports, leaving Ogdensâ€" burgh Railway Wharf on arrival of the train | from the east at J p.m., and Ottawa & Presoott ailw Toyching at Morristown, Brockvilie, Alexanâ€" ria Bay, Clayton, Kin Sackett‘s Harbor, 0~§‘o, Charlotte, â€" a Toronto ; comnectinig at\ wmbou-r Bay of Quinte; at Oswego with the Oswego & Eyracuse Railroad for Byracuse, Utica, Albany, New York, and Bingâ€" h-menflm-d, for all usrh; at Charlotte for R estér, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and the West ; at Toronto with Grand Tru and Great Western luilvty. Also at Ogdensburgh with the steaimner LORD ELGIN,............. â€" DeWirT, , HMPRESS,....s0enneen0eee .Csï¬rC. B. DeWirt~ For Montreal ; and the Ogfliensburgh Railroad to all points |East. * M "ickets sold to Montreal all points West for American money. I 1 This line of steamers affords great advantages | over all other lines, to the sure traveller or farâ€" | mer movln‘{' with furniture,| hotses, wagons, &c., to | the Great West, for speed, domfort, and safety. The | boats of the Line need no They are ofâ€" | ficered by men of expdri b'ul.l;r their | Morl uhu:-“:‘m and oflin of their passenâ€" | qn- or freight or pass to | J Â¥" J. .flll.\’. Aorxt, E JBS~ Travelier, be not by loudr cles in mm rmnu your | from -n,nq:’ to have First Lines of Steamers, when they are nothing but Frei ers; but a«k for and be sure you find Express Line | P. V. LANKTON Eastern Agent. H. N. THROOP, Gen‘l Sap‘t, N. Y. agse‘ | _ M4 ply to DICKINSON‘S mm baparsepeemmpppuinnt mm nsonmemanpennemnnnd uen | 2 000(01 " e hre es â€" 7 MRS, CLIFFORD has always on hand for Baâ€" Monev o Lend ‘ zars, &o., a varicty of Wax l'\oy'on. Baskete for T MODERATE RATES ON FIRST» l Cards=, &e. She will teach the new and clï¬ ars L CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Apâ€") of UBl&AX WORK, manufactured on her y to ‘ and W AX WORKS, to ladics who may feel dispos> J. PENNINGTONK MACPHERSON,â€" ed to favor her with a visit. BammistE®, &c. Rusinrxcs :â€"Dalhousie Street, Lower Town, next . _ Montreal Buildings, Ottawa. | door to that of Mr. Gauthier, Cabinet Maker. SL+4 Ottawn, 23rd March, 1866, B14L (| Ottawa, April 4, 1866. _ DICKINSON‘® Ii, W. Snerner», Commander, The how fast sailing Steamer sSTERAMBOAT CoOMPANY. STEA MERS. THE UPPER CABIN STEAMERS OnNPARIOG (Cary. Tuos. Farueu.) THE STOCK CONSIéTS OFP BETWEEN M. K. DICKINSON, Canal Basin, Ottawa AND R. W. SHEPHERD 160 Brockville, Alexanâ€" Backett‘s Harbor, Toronto; connectitig Bay of Quinte; at yracuse Railroad for New York, and Bingâ€" ; at Charlotte .Bulrlo and the West ; u:? Great Western irgh) with the steaimer â€" DeWirT, + .Capt. C. B. DeW irt.~ yWharf at 1:10 p.m will find 186( 1866 iâ€"PRICEâ€"3 CENTS 186 t 97 â€"8 ‘ 'l‘ 118 â€" FAN ort for he p».‘.)' med for the the Travciling )* oyTEIDE s fl!p < e wolt as G ishung, 5 P ime. { | _ Lawn B St. Ceorge‘s Hotel, CaACoUN A. 1866. SEA BATHING. 1866. fr THE TABDOLSSA¢ AOTEL, SAMUEL BROWNING, + ;:rrl:d;r:n'-lun; visitors on J;lbflu( the J5th June. H:r: Motel, which will asccommodate about One M ed guests, is picturesquely situated at a jpoint «-.%.ufl" a m-!"lilmh' somward ; while the facilities afforded for bathing, fishing, shooting, TIIH sUBSCRIBER, HAVING | leas@d the epacious Motél at this wel ® E en Prras dpok‘ w "eerue 28 â€" lns 2 2 ge ce t uts I the facilities afforded for bnhi;:.. fishing, shooting, or boating are unsurpassed. | rooms are large «ndairy, and have been fitted up with every reâ€" 'Xn ment nece«sary to comfert and convenience. rrhhgements have also been made for the perâ€" mareut residence at the Hv\rrk during the summer seagon, of an eminent Physician. . Detached from the linain building are spacious and comturtable Bill}ird Rooms and Bowling Alleys; also, Cricket an4/Quoit Grounds, and a beantifal Lawn for childâ€" ren to amuse themselves on. [Mot and Cold Bath» Jung 1 W HMhving thus the advantage jof a new, capacipus, and elegant Motel, uic-mt in a most desirable 1o° cality, of easy access, -;m"h m merable attractions, the Su feels that it is only requisite, in order to ensare the happiness comfort of his guests, to perform his rm well. |He theréfore pledges himself that nothing #hall be wanting on his part to conduce to that end, g detetmined to give his patrons the l'nll‘.b:m fit of ; determined t« lw‘r‘c‘xperiw The St. Louis is undeniably §# burgest best ifitted up hotel ebec, and of d‘u fine: and best appointed in Bri North Awer ca. | Encouraged by thi@iberal age exiende to them by the travelli bli addition of sleepiniz rooms WAS T , and the hotel Jt is situated in .a he of the eity, in the vicini from which splendid * c nifi¢ent gcenery for ich Qu throughout the woi The p etors desire to inform their ‘ a friends patrons in the Ottawa district,, i Que r any length of time, that they wti be modated at the above establishments RU SSE LL‘S H HOQUEBEC. EDUCATION IN ENGLAND. Mll- BL ACKM AN, AND HER 818 TE R , MISS BENNETT, receive for board and education a limited â€"number of young ladies, to whose moral and religious training, on Church of fiil-;;;râ€"i;iflpâ€"b:&y devete their utmost adten â€" th The domestic arrangements of the â€" mént are under the personal wt Miks. BiackmaN (a fldï¬&; whose great experiâ€" enpe inflthe n;‘l::‘ge':zu eh‘ldu“:.m“rh:‘t uliarly we a to rM E*.pmun of those entrusted to her care. The ~ byty of Torquay is too well known to medical eâ€" titioners in all parts of the world brqdn‘h. ment. | The course of instruction comprises & tbu%: Ebglish education, with French. The terms, rling, per annum, payable halfâ€"yearly in adâ€" "v&nce, include seat at &l‘. h‘.‘Drl Nu.l‘&l: r necessaries, except w on a:'mn lr)m-od at :: Government M%& Art,) i¢, i German, each anâ€" m extra. ;go vacations will be fire vmt at :lld--m. and a month at Christmas, . Pupils reâ€" Pr 1‘0 \ius rFAyoUUit® :l')lll-’.lt RE=â€" . ort for hbealth ai casureâ€"seekrs will be 9 med for the u:eomuwrlti&m of Families and Travciling Poblic on the 15th JUNFE next. ALTEIDE NPORTS have been propided for Laâ€" : &« welt as Gentlemen, nt‘ bilng. 0 > Boating, maining during the bolida i‘ £10 per annum extra. ?:\lld‘il b‘i desired, Mzs. .Acn?vfll be happy r travelling expenses bei id),to meet young dies on their arrival in l:;.’:d. )j 4 z B DP eW C Wt REFERENCES are kindly permitted to the fo lowing: The Right Reverend the Lord ' Jamaica, Braddon, Tor Torquay ; The Right Rev gend G. T. gm_ieer:‘hhrg;}g-’t‘l !*ll.‘ k 1e en P oo at S incor, near B'uxwu.lhl:y‘ln:; The ReverendJ. 11. rrie, D. D..::;pï¬n Curate of Tor Mohun, Torâ€" uay ; Mrs. A d, Torquay ; Mrs. Hllllmio of the Rev. M. N. Phillipps, for some time â€" nt of Christ Church, Grantham, C. W., and Head aster of the Niagara Gounty Grammar O:bool. having resided in the bouse with Mre. Blackma» nd Mi*s Bennett during a recent visit tu.‘uu an testity from personal experience to mater Eul care and attention bestowed on the children un er their charge. April 16. 10]â€"6m w) capable of a se 2. 1 ATTENTION. EOW E & SON BO07S, 8H0ES, LEATEER & FINDTNOS WE ARE NXOW SELLING TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS FWBo0TS, SHOES, £C., M SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! At enorm German Work, TORQUAY, DEVONSHIRE WAX FLOWERS ! , May. 20 FRAME MADE OF LEATHER, BY MRS. J. CLIFFORD, in the latest style of at n Billiards, Archery, wely reduced prn-£ we intend furnish ing with an entire now Stock of 1 C Proprietor Ottawa Motel, Montreal e as a caterer ty the ic. EAMUEL BROWNIXG, ONEILL & ABBOTT F A NEW DESIGN, AXD SEASIDE e servants only are engag ALSO, OoRTH OF fe., dail themselves, t the H-i:]. Joward e are, distinetly uh-on-m: , and probably ts and Invalid W . RUSSELL & 8ON, w 137â€"4 1. hly re | _ Bowling Al Billiard Table: Hotel, Montr seen mt Mr. Darie‘s Proprietor E®SH ka hay of